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tv   [untitled]    November 1, 2011 2:01pm-2:31pm EDT

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the protesters say they're capturing the spirits of all the protests around the world or they will achieve their goals without violence it's really do you know it's in the occupy wall street movement in the states as well as the and you wrote movements in europe there are people of come here to blue cross the world not just from the likes of greece and spain which are particularly suffering from the debt crisis now but also places like canada are speaking to people from the middle east who say they're all disenchanted with the way the capitalism is going that more attention is being paid by our leaders to the bankers and finance years older than to the people themselves this organizations here like leading trade unions officially the greenpeace is another body this here around fifteen thousand say protesters have come here to nice we've spoken to some of them here's what they have to say i'm here because i want to say gadgety people. because we don't trust in all these matters. i guess.
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the fact that there are few people are just a few people that money in the world are just. running everything running all the people all the governors of states of this world and decided they own the world and they control what it should be we believe the people have their word should have their words not something to say there's a scene of chaos not just from the saw the protesters but also from the police because there's the helicopters overhead at the moment you can hear police sirens. police really have mounted this military style operation to shut down and stop any of the protesters going where they don't want them to go that includes cairo and where the g. twenty summit takes place but also some of the more sensitive areas of nice which is just mere boy all over the side streets as i say there are police raid the in all moves vehicles ready to really stop anything the protesters try to do so it really is a difficult scene at the moment from both sides. protests around g.
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twenty meetings are nothing new but james midway from the new economic foundation says this year demonstrators have a good chance of making their voice heard i think there's a chance the pressure on the g. twenty will start to prove if not quite overwhelming but very very substantial mass pressure from all quarters all of the leaders meeting today no to go back to their countries when the summit is over and and see populations increasingly discontented with the way they've been running the world in the way the crisis is being handled up until now i think what you're seeing in nice is a reflection of that of course all the security precautions indicate just how little a gentle city this group really hurts the shouldn't be the case of the world's leaders have to be behind a great big steel framed series of the police out and all the rest of it if they enjoyed legitimacy of the people they claim to represent so yes there is a huge amount of pressure on them and there is also i think the potential for change. r.t. coming to you live from moscow with twenty four hours a day still to come. to. find out what awaits the euro zone's rescue efforts after
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the greek prime minister stuns european leaders by calling for a national referendum on whether greeks want to be bailed out of their debt. baseless claims the president elect evolves to close the us controlled airspace in his country saying its presence there is putting them at risk. of stories to come but first end the information war against syria stop funding and supplying weapons to the armed gangs claiming to be the opposition and lift sanctions against president assad's regime these are the demands put forward by damascus in exchange for implementing the changes suggested by the arab league international body is urged the regime to halt violence and start dialogue with the opposition parties tesa syria as more. the protest government crackdowns and violence that continue to plague parts of syria the capital damascus is still largely sheltered from but beneath the calm many will remind you that in syria
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walls most certainly have years more but at the country's intelligence service has political clout in syria that's where the state secret and says the unrest began in march protestors have accused them of violent interrogations. before i was chased and arrested by security forces in a very tiny cell they beat me severely damaging my back and me be electrocuted and use the soul of receiving money for taking to the streets they said were agents of american israel after forty eight hours of detention and torture it took all my money and belongings and threw me out into the street to. sit in cooley is a lawyer who deals with detention cases she says the influence of the security police extends even into the courtroom of mohamed mohamed we have three authorities in the country beleaguered already the legislative and executive but it is the security police who make the real decisions the court judge for their decision and i feel sorry for the judge because he is not independent. and good he believes this
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constant state of fear is thanks to decades of living under the emergency law in place since one thousand nine hundred sixty three in two thousand and eleven assad repealed it to appease and to regime protestors this man whose work for the more but after twenty seven years sustained gunshot wounds in what he says was an ambush by a group of terrorists and he asked him about people's fear of the mob but not at accusations that they are behind the violence detentions and torture. this is the wrong idea that we're protecting only for the terrorists to civilians who shoot us and then accuse security forces of doing such things accusations that we. are also wrong if this person has political activity without any intention of harming the country and he is free to do this and no one will chase him. if he has links with terrorists and works against the country naturally it will be lots of justice we pose the same questions to the deputy foreign minister you know depends on the people who talk to
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you if you ask me as a citizen of syria i have to do a different view i have never ever been asked by the security or anybody for something which i am to those who fear are either people who take part in illegal activities or carry arms or put themselves in suspicious ways all this right here is a very open and colorful slice of syria but when it comes to talking about the security services like anywhere it is shrouded by intrigue but here their presence is so widely felt that it's not quite possible to determine just what local feel is normal and what isn't. and when twenty percent of the population is rumored to be in the intelligence service it's no wonder many prefer to keep their voices down in the light of day but within a crowd that fear is temporarily forgotten oh yes i'll take to the streets again and again i'll raise my voice and i'll fear nothing and no one will one freedom of expression but we get nothing only bashar al assad is security enjoy it as for us
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we are not ways that i. r t. israel has reportedly given approval for its military to take any action necessary to stop rockets coming from gaza after dozens were fired over the last week it could reportedly include a ground operation well for more on the possible implications joined live by political analyst jeffrey laurenti jeffrey great to have you here on our team thanks very much indeed for being with us what can we expect what can we expect from the latest confrontation does it threaten to spiral into perhaps a larger conflict one of the tensions here the egyptians who say they've been given a twenty four hour grace period. to try to get all the. all stood in militant factions in gaza in line on a cease fire say that the israelis have. plans for a much wider operation if this doesn't work so we may well see an escalation
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ironically just a couple days after there was this much vaunted cease fire agreed to over gaza so what you're saying this is actually israel's response perhaps though not just to the cease fire but also to the unesco to full membership of palestine to the unesco when i say should i mean is that israeli message has been sent to the palestinians all know that i think these are two separate tracks because we're talking in gaza. and it's the palestinian authority president abbas who has bedeviled the israelis by this successful entry into the first of the u.n. specialized agency. no i can we talk about this unesco decision it clearly came at a high price with washington cutting off funding doesn't you know scope care about those financial consequences but you're talking about too and that will in our gerri as well as the. the secretariat they've been terrified about the prospect of
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a washington funding cut off supposedly mandated by one nine hundred ninety four vision of law the member states however frankly are tired of being pushed around by washington on an issue in which washington's control of a peace process twenty years later is still not resulted in peace agreements it's been promised and held on the horizon and this is seen by a large number of states although not all of the europeans or even most of them as a needed to trying to get the palestinians what in their view is their fair just recognition on the world stage if we see is there you went through you are going to ask you about the other un agencies m. and if want to apply for example to the. well health when i was ation other agencies and and their excepted and we still get more and more negative pressure from the us in some ways could that back in the us and we could perhaps see the us
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being sidelined away from the un system altogether in the future it is very clear that in fact the big risk for the obama administration is that the palestinian drive for recognition or cross the un system will have the us sitting in a corner marginalizing itself because of this congressional mandate and either president obama has to find some legal justification or excuse and he asked creative lawyers just say we are not bound by this sixteen year old legislative an act or he's going to find the us out from being able to lead in all of these u.n. agencies to which he has been the most committed american president since jimmy carter but obama is being pressured by the israeli jewish lobby then the washington and washington i mean it is easy to stop between a rock and a hard place well let's put it this way the u.s. congress is even more fervently pro israel than the rest of the world community and all u.n. bodies is pro palestinian and that creates the gradients for
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a huge train wreck inside washington and president obama is a politician we know where the votes are you know where the votes are in the united states going into what's going to be a tough presidential election he is more engaged through the defense of the israeli interest as defined by whichever is the current israeli government he would be able to show far more progress with a different governing coalition in jerusalem but he stuck with the the hope partner that he has just finally and briefly do you think there's any real chance that joining unesco will actually boost palestine's chance of its bid for statehood just briefly. well no what it does do is allow the palestinians the areas your nest though is in charge of to be able to show. themselves as the state applied for cultural heritage swords and education programs and such but no will not a fair a larger politics they have the votes in the us they don't yet have the votes in
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the security great to have your thoughts on this jeffrey thanks so much for your time political analyst jeffrey laurenti from the century foundation think tank joining us live there in new york thank you for your time. french president nicolas sarkozy has called an emergency meeting with key ministers to discuss the potential fallout from the greek crisis and also discuss the situation with german chancellor angela merkel and it comes after greece's pm stunned the european leaders by calling a national referendum on the latest bailout deal to his economy well let's turn live to marco pitch pearlie he's a financial advisor wealth management to find out what he thinks about europe's economic prospects right now thanks a lot for being with us marco now recent violent protests in athens show the likely outcome of people voting in the referendum indeed recent polls suggested a no vote would that no vote actually destroy the hopes of saving the eurozone. world probably in its current form i've been saying for some time that the euro is
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unsustainable in its in its current form and this may well finally bring it to a head i think the europeans have been patching things up and patching things up and it's now getting to to crunch point and the deal that was reached last thursday was was a nothing deal really because it doesn't address the fundamental issues that there is too much sovereign debt in the u. and it's unsustainable and you have these these countries at different speeds and really the eurozone is not aligned you talk about the crunch point exactly what comes next then what obviously the problems there with should it perhaps default and therefore leave the eurozone have we reached a real climactic stage now in this saga. of course of course i think we reached this stage some time ago but the euro the european way of dealing with things is to
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fudge things that patch things up and to try and sustain things and delay dealing with the fundamental issues. and. in my view the best the best option for the greeks is to default of course that there is much bigger financial consequences for for the rest of europe and for the rest of the world if that happens but if we're talking about what is in the best interest of the greek people then then then that's probably the best outcome so that those consequences being who takes on that greek debt that that that all the debt that obviously it's going to be wiped off but somebody's got to be accountable for i mean what are those financial consequences on the rest of the eurozone members then if greece does default. well the big fear here is the snowball effect effectively greek defaults then you have to look at who actually owns the debt and that's principally owned by other
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sovereigns by the e.u. and by by the banks and pension funds and the consequences of that is that it would make the financial system the banking system much less stable and the worry is of the snowball effect and how that would affect the. other european. banks and then other european sovereigns and whether that would then lead to further defaults on a number of sovereign defaults at the same time and how many banks would be affected as well as effectively a huge huge credit crunch so it was. clearly a market you don't want this to happen do you don't want the greek default what can you leaders do at this stage clearly there's going to be a referendum well if that referendum goes ahead and they do turn it down what but what should either leaders do can they influence the greek people. are or are their hands tied in the hopeless about this because clearly they're making noises saying this could really be a disaster and it could indeed scuppered the euro bailout plan. well at the end
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many would say that the greek default has been delayed until the that the germans the french banks can can actually deal with it can can the e.u. leaders do something more well yes what needs to happen is a restructuring of the eurozone either those countries which are not truly aligned which is the peripheral countries leave the euro or there is further. political and fiscal integration in europe those are the those are the possible solutions and there is a third possible solution which is a lot more printing of money now. europeans could print money and monetize the debt but that would then send inflation spiral that there is no there there is no easy solution to that but you have to come to terms with the fact that there is too much debt too much sovereign debt and they will not all be repaid some of it is going to have to be written off and there is going to be pain and suffering to actually go
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through that process or a market thanks very much indeed markets probably a financial advisor wealth management joining us live there in london good to hear fought on this thank you. but we always welcome your opinion so don't hesitate to log on to r.t. dot com to say what you think lies behind the greek prime minister's surprise decision to hold a referendum on the e.u.'s hard bargain rescue plan let's see how the vote looks so far well most of you think at this stage forty percent we can see there on screen thinking that the greek prime minister has made a wise step to let the population have their say twenty eight percent believe the move is just pure populism to quell protests and sixteen percent say the puppy is looking for a pathway to an honorable retirement but an equal part of you think that the decision is a knife in the use back. international atomic energy agency investigators say they've discovered a secret nuclear plant in northwestern syria it's claimed the complex has a similar design to
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a year in human richmond plant market daffy trying to build in libya however there is apparently no evidence of nuclear production at the site which is currently used as a cotton spinning plant more for more on this some joined by dr david hope and his british activist talked up and thanks very much indeed for being with us now these allegations coming during these allegations coming very difficult times for syria which is already under immense international pressure so what do you make of the timing here firmly with an expert and you know that the first thing i'd say is here we go again the main feature story the one body iraq. weapons of mass destruction my second thought is the label of syria still holds on the golan has both accounts a large nuclear armory. and the weapons to deliver the some thousands of miles also they are the rockets the rules of marines which was
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supplied by germany which were gears of barge a minute. to israel and it is said that. actually has been enlarged so the. take nuclear armed cruise missiles now all this is stuff that i do not know but i would be diffuse stations any story arising now about nuclear weapons chemical weapons germ warfare with things in syria now because isn't the cross. very evidently you draw a comparison with iraq and of course the invasion on the pretext that weapons of mass destruction were indeed there but later that was proved otherwise do you think therefore it's vital that president assad is open and transparent are now allowed inspectors in straight away to prove the fact that there are no nuclear weapons in syria well if i was president assad and i'm reminded of kools he's a medical colleague of mine is not some ologist i would be rather wary about
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letting any inspectors in because the inspectors went into iraq for years on school i'm told that one of the tasks was of identifying defense installations in iraq and that and making sure the physicians would learn. you we've mentioned iraq and i'd like to say this you speak of weapons of mass destruction what does. affect is whatever weapons were used illegally by the this vast alliance of america the u.k. and whatever that over one million people were. buried over two million people were all being named. nine hundred thousand women with five million children were orphaned and four million people were displaced those were not weapons of mass destruction chilly waters. let's talk about the
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suspicions about the past investigations or indeed to the possibilities of syria seeking a nuclear weapon which one would ask why would they want to have one in the first place. well i just indicated. just across the gilette is a country which often uses them as a language and has only counts in massive nuclear armory i didn't know about his chemical if he has chemical or germ warfare weapons i don't know that. mordechai vanunu the is a friend and that man spent twelve years in solitary confinement having tried to do a world that israel was armies had on so for nuclear weapons it is ironic we should be talking about syria when the israeli nuclear armory has never been inspected. and i'd like to really on the line of this getting back
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to syria i know that there was an alleged nuclear facility that was told. by the israelis. in two thousand and seven the story was that the installation had been fitted up by north korea which seems highly unlikely a source for such a sophisticated. facility and by that i know about i don't know about any of the nuclear weapon i do they have is for research reactor cool to do with the pedia which were supplied by the chinese when we could talk more next but sadly we're out of time thank you very much indeed for your thoughts and with thanks for joining. us joining us live there from devon in the u.k. where other news now that. the f.b.i. turned its story it released surveillance footage of anna chapman and other alleged
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russian sleeper agents uncovered in two thousand and ten the agency says the videos show a spy ring at work and peter all of reports now from moscow. perhaps spookiest overall is that this footage doesn't contain any actual spooks there was no charges of espionage leveled against the ten people who were arrested in the united states in june of last year instead they pled guilty to conspiracy to act as a rule for agents of the foreign governments now the case these videos that have been released coping ghost stories course released on halloween something which did raise a few eyebrows however the f.b.i. how they showed us that this is just purely coincidental now the footage shows members of this alleged spy ring. doing such things as shopping in macy's and using laptops in popular branches of book stores the f.b.i. saying that operation story sends a clear message to any foreign spice wanting to operate in the united states other
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critics have suggested this the release of these documents is something of the publicity stunt. the new elected president has failed to shut the u.s. air force base in his country saying it poses a threat to his own nation's security america's least forty one us facility no it's unlikely to be renewed off to twenty fourteen when the current agreement expires. explains this news came hardly as a surprise because the presence of servicemen in kurdistan is a highly charged political issue and every president had to address it in one form or another to the minister is a fairly large facility that it was opened. in two thousand and one to support military operations in afghanistan it represents the shortest and the most efficient route to deliver weapons and military personnel to kabul it was initially
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named after a new york firefighter who was killed in this ten or eleven attacks later the name was changed but it's still colloquially referred to as the gateway to have a because most of the u.s. servicemen who pass through monastic air base are on their way to combat in afghanistan now according to the current agreement billie's of the air base costs american taxpayers around two hundred million dollars and the current agreement still meet two thousand through the new president almost back to a time by of who won last sunday's elections with almost sixty percent of the vote sad that his government is going to honor the existing agreement that they have no intention. of the base beyond two thousand and fourteen he said that the presence of foreign troops in kurdistan does not serve the country's national interest and may actually compromise the country's security in fact he said that is not what to be a target for
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a tourist trikes calming from being anime's of the united states back in two thousand and six man was killed by one of the servicemen at the checkpoint to the base that. there were rumors that american pilots are dumping air fuel on the villages to. the air base so many people would like americans to go a few years ago russia seemed to me go all shades and reach an agreement with the authorities on the closure of the base and the problem and even passed a bill authorizing the a vixen of the base but than the decision was served first whether or not the decision of will be implemented this time around is yet to be seen. and you can check out our son his twitter feed for the latest updates on that story and then one of our latest tweets she says the u.s. military uniform is rushing off the shelves of markets across a kind of his capital in reaction to the likely closure of the space. and other correspondents general twitter feed.
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with a recap of our top stories for in just a few minutes from now stay with us live here in moscow.
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and discovery. becomes very. nature can give you.
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the very top stories now this focus on people not finance the message of thousands of protesters on the french riviera as it prepares to host the world's top leaders at the g. twenty summit. the f.b.i. joins the how to wean celebrations by sharing its only ghost stories releasing surveillance footage starring on a chaplin the other alleged russian spies in syria says it's ready to implement the demands of the arab league to end the crisis but only if sanctions against assad's regime are lifted. with damascus now the main capital of the arab spring when he tells r.t. who could be pushing the middle east and north africa towards the political change that's a special interview next on. today we're talking to f.o. in angola the author of several books among them gods of money wall street and the death of american century.


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