tv [untitled] November 1, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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it's a former administration that just keeps talking this time congolese rice cups up some tensions with the release of her memoir no higher honor it was the nature of politics eat or be eaten and down the line will receive the obama administration to each other out as well. it's a familiar scene thousands protesting against capitalism and of globalization just ahead of the g. twenty summit the people are making sure government hears them loud and clear we'll have a live report from the alternative summit and news france. the protests around the g. twenty summit are motivated by the fact that it's a very undemocratic system that doesn't allow for people. that's
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a lot of this is about. and those in france are not alone the occupy wall street movement stands united with the g twenty protesters so as demonstrations break out worldwide as global on rest on the horizon. and victor boots verdict that hangs in the balance this as the you last holds his fate and their hands so was this boot made for walking or is the u.s. going to find him guilty. it's tuesday november first five pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our t.v. former secretary of state called elisa rice is dishing all the dirt of what really went on behind the scenes during the bush administration her memoir released today reveals a strained relationship with former. president dick cheney as well as former secretary
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of defense donald rumsfeld and rice is now more in title the no higher honor in now more of my years in washington and rice admits tensions ran so high that it forced her to the brink of resigning joining me now for more is ross baker editor of who what why dot com. rest thanks for joining us the other best book right here family secrets the bush dynasty ross thanks for joining us so this memoir reveals some tension among top political leaders in the white house what do you think it says about politics and what really goes on behind closed doors in washington you know in every administration you have exactly the same thing there are always disagreements and then people leave you want to make their mark they want to be in the book. and it's them because you know.
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it being this new york times reading it it's really hard to get anything of in there of good interest the primary idea is that condi rice is not as much of a hawk. rumsfeld and that she really didn't have as much influence as they did and that's hardly surprising because she was running largely as a kind of a figurehead in a sort of representative of bush's father's group who are much much more arduous. about foreign and military policy and. it's about the secretary of defense kind of degrading her and sarcastically calling her a bright and is it surprising that this kind of bickering and name calling goes on in the white house. you know what it goes on in every institution what i find so disappointing is that the american corporate owned media all. always make a big deal instead of doing the job they ought to be doing which is that asking the
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basic questions of why did the united states go into iraq in the first place those are the real stories condi rice is not saying you'll notice she's only sort of pumping up these little disputes and then she says but actually i respect these guys anyway so you know you have to ask you so what's the bottom line here is very very distant reading that the american media doesn't do any kind of deeper probing and so these things. and it rusts over with all the. you know she's revealing all these things that are at that are happening there behind closed doors i mean and some of it gets pretty nasty. is this the nature of politics to insult those you work with is that just the way it has a name of the game. i mean i think it's going to be on the personalities i don't think anybody would say that dick cheney would or or don rumsfeld are particularly nice people they're awfully once in focused on their objective so i don't think it's so surprising i think the same kind of thing is going on right now in the
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obama right you know it's some of this is personality some of it's about strategies but the reality is that the foreign policy of the united states is not necessarily dictated by any of these people it's dictated by other institutional players that are always behind the scenes particularly of course the corporate establishment wall street these giant corporations and their tremendous spending and the tremendous profit centers in military contracting this is the untold story this is the story i love it economies are rife with so she is a growing figure and you know we're seeing connally of the right spell the of the pals we saw some of our memoirs come out from the bush administration as this on do you think that we can expect the same from the obama administration in the years to come. i think so i have a sense that most sewing some kind of wood we him and the work we are their materials i know certainly people who work for the cia and other agencies are not
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allowed to write anything without it being cleared and i have to assume that even with these i love those with their national security clearances also have to hand it to somebody who goes through takes out all the good stuff so you know i think people from the obama administration will also want to cash in and remain in the public eye on the rights of the right to and then the will hand it over and all the good stuff gets taken out again russ thank you so much for your insight on all this that was russ baker investigative journalist and author of the book family of secrets the bush dynasty and the world's twenty most powerful nations are set to gather in france in a couple of days of protests are already heating up outside of the summit site today was day one of the planned four day demonstration thousands of protesters and needs are speaking out against globalization and capitalism france now trying to prevent a repeat of the mass demonstrations turned violent in nice back in two thousand riot police and it estimated fifty thousand protesters clashed in the streets and
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artsy correspondent daniel bushell is in the thick of the action and nice earlier i spoke to daniel here's what he had to say. so what's really interesting here is the protest is a good thing small if in previous g twenty summit we've seen a lot of oil and a lot of provocation we've seen a lot of battles with riot police and so on this time we're actually seeing a very big control of protectors around here at the moment as you can see it's really getting quite difficult in terms of the police reaction which is getting very heavy handed but by contrast the people themselves are getting smaller and they have a message they are very clear that they are tired of the capitalist system and they also want to see less attention being paid to the bank is less bailout for the financier and they want to see more attention for the people so we're seeing a very clear message in the face from the protesters who are officially being backed up by organizations greenpeace trade unions all those sorts of organizations
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whereas on the contrary the police are being very heavy handed they've come greater numbers than we've seen in previous occasions so we're seeing the protesters really getting their act together and the police also getting very heavy handed in their response about exactly how things turn violent on the string exactly where you are now is there a feeling that the protests can ask escalate to that point again. well i'll tell you why not because the police have done everything to stop people getting anywhere in terms of sensitive areas they've actually blocked off the whole of town which is where the g. twenty summit will take place just a few minutes down the road from here but also here in east you'll feel the solid street police reserve ready should be said to take a new route and decide to go to some more of the sensitive buildings if you like the administrative areas for example the hotel de ville which is sort of like the mayor's office the protesters as i've been explaining no really wanted to do that
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they wanted to get their message across in a peaceful way whereas the police have really come expecting boyland and in fact they're having goes on ok and then these protesters are protesting against capitalism against globalization can you talk about a little bit about more specifically what their message is what they're protesting against and what they want to bring to the attention of the world's most powerful leaders with which you are lobby arriving there in a couple of. yes i call this an extension of really was thing going on in the states with the occupy wall street move but also here in europe what i've been covering the antigua road movement and also the anti growing because of course europe just as in the u.s. is really suffering on the what's being called the black hole of debt and now the g. twenty protest as they've been saying this for years they really feel that they are being vindicated now with the global protest that your previous speaker did in talking about something that they've been really talking about for years is now crystallizing across the world but if you like this g twenty summit really brings
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it all together you have the world leaders you have the finance cheat who are really responsible will present the tape for much of the mess that's going on the moment so this really is where the protest is comparing all those ideas together from all parts of the world america also the middle east you've got people from the middle east coming here think really why are you attacking us why you attack in libya when you really need to be saving that money from what we see for health care for education back home because we're seeing on our television screens you've got problems in your own backyard why are you coming to us observing us from certain reasons when you should be dealing with the problems of how to write and daniel this is day one of the process can you tell us maybe what you expect in the coming days. yes there's a lot of programs law and also the next four days in fact the thing is the g twenty summit will start in terms of also festivals the music because there's also the protesters want to get their message across they really come across something with
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the will violent the police are prepared for this sort of canceling or trying to get off into areas where they want us to be but that's no the point we're not coming here boylan we're really coming here to get the message because as you say the i'm successful is really a message that is getting stronger here and that is what we'll be seeing over the next four days if they're trying to get the media coverage that they're trying to get across a little so just trying to bring it across to the people here locals to quote i agree with the way the police the responded because several locals eventually had to move out of the area because they need special but just to get into their own hotel down the road street say there's a bit of a dissonance between the protesters who have a peaceful very for mrs to get across the police who are very heavy handed in the original. daniel thank you so much for keeping us updated over there about what r.t. correspondent daniel but shall i and the g twenty protests come up the heels of the
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occupy wall street demonstrations that are going strong across glass and around the world the two rallies share some of the same grievances both are speaking out against a system that favors the corporate only out expense of the average person so how do the occupiers feel about things heating up outside of the g. twenty are these on a softening a caricature had for the vegas occupy wall street encampment so find out. from france to the u.s. from an alternative g. twenty summit in nice. to occupy wall street in new york a lot of the protests around the g. twenty summit are motivated by the fact that it's a very undemocratic system that doesn't allow for people's voice and that's a lot of just about to be the biggest occupy camp in america stands united with the g twenty protests and demanding. leader for just a patient making decisions that affect everyone some of the objectives of the g. twenty nations make sense things like you know stopping global warming and you know
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stopping world hunger and all that these are things that everyone would be onboard with it's just the process the way that they go about actually making these decisions is the thing that people feel excluded from and rightfully so the protesters call for total revamp of the system that they say excludes the ninety nine percent while those in power play dangerous games keep in mind they keep spending money they keep killing people and wars inequality across the globe is what keeps people out on the streets on both sides of the atlantic this is a really big crisis when they are living in such luxury and not sharing it and other people are just struggling to find somewhere to stay warm or to eat food and this is a huge discrepancy but all of our world leaders and in fact all of us should rise up and deal with this crisis g. twenty leaders are such a concentrate on ways to prevent a greek default and get europe through a crisis protesters want these to not just the quick fix bandaids on what they see
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as a broken system if they prevent these economies from failing and that would be a good thing i just hope that they would do so in a way that provides for a long term sustainable economy to benefit everyone hopefully they can look at all of these you know uprisings or occupations or movements across the world and take a cue from that and if they don't the mass movement of resistance i think still has a lot of potency. it happened in the middle east different location same goals as protesters in france are kept to see if distance from where the leaders are gathering global demonstrations against wealth inequality and current national irresponsibility are unified to out their voices through to those in power and party. and for more on this i spoke to charlie mcgrath founder of bright awake news dot com to start things off i asked him if he could draw some parallels between both movements take a lesson. you know look the whole world is protesting and whatever name they want
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to call it you know as i was on your program here last week i talked about i don't consider a difference between the occupy movement and the true spirit of the tea party movement so whatever they call it you know if they're going to protest outside the g twenty and call themselves g twenty protestors or they're going to call themselves occupy protesters the root of all these protests is the same the these insanely greedy bankers and their financial base capitalism that has led the world to the brink of a sovereign debt meltdown completely by design so all the all the juggling going on right now one of the people interviewed talked about trying to fix the european debt that make the economy sustainable this isn't an absolute joke there is no goal in mind for the people of europe the goal is to save the banks instead of your financial institutions inside of europe so you know whatever they label their protest i'm just happy to see people are waking up to the fact that they have no representation it doesn't matter if you call yourself
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a republican or democracy or dictatorship we all have the same level of representation which is if we are that with cash we have a reason representation if we're not if we're the ninety nine point nine percent we are just told to take it and rethink some of these new pictures here on our screen and as you sat in. the process as part of the money the occupy wall street movement i think shares a similar problem corporate greed do you think that these protests are receding and france now could help strengthen the occupy wall street. absolutely the g twenty the gang of twenty or whatever whatever financial group comes out next to talk about saving the world's economy every single time they do this you know it is the cure or at least the hope that ms of each has a shorter and shorter shelf life you know if this law of diminishing returns we spend trillions of dollars to bail out the financial perms and we're. just a one percent g.d.p. but we spend one hundred six hundred billion dollars in quantitative easing we have
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half a percent g.d.p. but a lot of diminishing returns the same thing applies with hope the minute they're going to get together they're going to talk about some kind of deal that's going to save greece and the rest of europe and we'll get a run up in the stock market we've got to perform days on that last one so my anticipation is the next one will be a few days but the realization is these bankers have to be held accountable for what they've let the world to do right now they need to be accountable for plunging the world into debt and tell we hold accountable these behaviors and perp walk some of them some of which are right here our own country we will never have any kind of justice or any kind of sustainable economy we have to start over again on planet earth this ball of globalist elitist bankers have to be brought to justice. and that was founder of wide awake news dot com trolling the ground and while the protests and these are just starting to heat up ahead of the g twenty summit like i was your movement is still gaining momentum not even snow over the weekend could
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bring these protesters indoors so what exactly would the occupiers say to the wall street bankers if they had a chance laurie harkness of the president out now so that questions is a cot in park and york city it's a find out. the protesters of occupy wall street are clearly bad up with wall street and with washington so what do you think it would have just stated there would be a precipice this week let's talk about that what do you have to say to them. and i think you should think about someone besides yourself for once and maybe think about your employees put yourself in their shoes i would like to say you are human beings also do you see the suffering that people are going through you know what it's like we want the health insurance that you have everybody should have that health insurance we should have the basic rights and the basic care we the people more than your brain we need you to join us. because they're just people to be an
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us versus them we your help corporate personhood what is that corporations that are . felt as though it's ok to exploit people and exploit the planet for profit and profit alone so what do you have to say this cooperation well i don't have to say anything other than i don't support how do you say we've shared to someone or something that does not know what what kind of concept this is the we practice community where we share our resources we are so greedy and so. by money and wealth and materialism and consumerism. they don't realize that yeah the corporate media but they're kind of like dead men talking because we have the internet we have chills and mass communication and we don't like them we go around them in five million different ways well you see the thing is i'm not
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trying to reach obama or goldman sachs i'm trying to reach people walking by industry here what i'm trying to tell them is you know you have power if you put yourselves in your communities or collective actions speak your mind assemble peacefully and express yourselves and we're the power and they need to listen to us so directly myself to the people passing by you still have a message for all these corporate bigwigs who are taking millions and not supporting their people listen to them my message is to make sure that the soldiers that are here that you continue to believe that this conversation is important and that these people are involved in a process of constructing a road with dreams are possible but no dreams are impossible in america for a lot of people to believe that dreams must continue that's why we're here so it seems like the bottom line is the protesters are less interested in talking to wall streeters and washington themselves and more interested in keeping the conversation and the power among the people themselves.
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the very still and the liberation today in the case of a russian businessman accused of selling buttons to terrorist groups victor boot has been charge of the greens army a terrorist group in colombia and conspiring to kill american nationals back in two thousand and eight da operatives pose as anti-american radicals nabs booed and the capital of bangkok he was then x. ray extradited to the u.s. a move russia calls illegal he has gained notoriety by the western world and the mainstream media dubbed as quote the merchant of death that offense maintains that dude is innocent and is a legitimate businessman found guilty faces a sentence of life behind bars earlier i talked to our to correspondent marina poor and i asked you gave me the latest on this case. well the latest information that we have is the fact that the jury for this high profiled three week a surrounding victor boot it had been deliberating for
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a few hours now about three hours or so jury began deliberating around one pm and as far as we know they are still behind closed doors having discussions about this case if they do not come out with a verdict within the next ten twenty minutes they may resume deliberations tomorrow morning now a jury of twelve would have to unanimously agree on a decision otherwise it would be a mistrial and the judge would have to set a new date for perceiving down victor boot a russian businessman maintains that he is not guilty of before trial arches that u.s. prosecutors are accusing him of yet distributes did not take his take the stand in his own case so at this point discussions are going on and continuing behind closed
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doors and the fate of victor boot is up to these twelve individuals that are talking about it there's been a lot of question and questions raised as to whether or not a fair trial is possible for him i mean he's done this merchant of death i mean is there any indication there i mean that what i mean if he's going to be found guilty or is there a sense of of where of what this verdict may be. well if you ask most experts they will say that victor boot has already been found guilty in the court of public opinion because as you mentioned he has been dubbed the birches of death major media has referred to him as the merchant of death consistently for years the jury was told that they would not be allowed to google him if they were to take part in this trial in deciding his fate because he has become so well known so notorious it's been it's been said that nicolas cage has also used victor boot
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as someone that he he built a tower of terror around in a in a movie that that was about weapons trading so. it had become somewhat of a household name i'm notorious name his his supporters would say that his reputation had been compromised by western media and by u.s. officials because at this point he has not been found guilty of any of the charges that the u.s. has hurled at him. that was ours you correspondent marine corps and i and we also just received word that the liberation there in new york city has come to a close for today there is no verdict but the liberation are expected to continue tomorrow. syrian authorities have reached a final agreement with the arab league at this following the arab league is the man that tank the old office streets and a dialogue be established with the government opposition president assad had
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earlier stated that he would only be pen open to talking to parties that had no links to foreign powers or he called terrorism some three thousand and counting have been killed since the violent clashes between protesters and government security forces around that nearly eight years ago are these tests are still a report from damascus. the protest government crackdowns and violence have continued to play parts of syria the capital damascus is still largely sheltered from but beneath the calm many will remind you that in syria walls most certainly have years and more but at the country's intelligence service has political clout in syria that's one of the state's secret and says the unrest began in march protestors have accused them of violent interrogations. before i was chased and arrested by security forces in a very tiny cell they beat me severely damaging my back and electrocuted refused
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the soul of receiving money for taking to the streets they said were agents of american israel after forty eight hours of detention and torture they took all my money and belongings and threw me out into the street. sitting coolly is a lawyer who deals with detention cases she says the influence of the security police extends even into the courtroom mohamed mohamed we have three authorities in the country the legal authority the legislative and the executive but it is the security police who make the real decisions the court judge with for their decisions and i feel sorry for the judge because he's not independent. here i'm going to believe this constant state of fear is thanks to decades of living under the emergency law in place since one thousand nine hundred sixty three and two thousand and eleven assad repealed a peace and usually protestors this man who's worked for the mob out for twenty seven years sustained gunshot wounds in what he says was an ambush by a group of terrorists we asked him about people's fear of the mob but not accusations that they are behind the ballance detentions and torture of all this is
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the wrong idea we are protecting our people for the terrorists shoot civilians and shoot us and then accuse security forces of doing such things accusations that we do fear also wrong if this person has political activity without any intention of harming the country and he is free to do this and no one will chase him. if he has links with terrorists and works against the country naturally justice we pose the same questions to the deputy foreign minister you know it depends on the people you talk to if you ask me a wriggler citizen of syria i tell you a different view i have never ever been asked by the second if you or anybody for something which i am those who fear. people who. illegally. or carry arms or put themselves in suspicious waves well this right here is a very open and colorful flights of syria but when it comes to talking about security services i can see where the shroud by intrigue but here the process is so
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widely felt that it's not possible to determine just what both will feel is normal and what isn't. and when twenty percent of the population is rumored to be in the intelligence service it's no wonder many prefer to keep their voices down in the light of day but within the crowd that fear is temporarily forgot oh yes i'll take to the streets again and again i will raise my voice and i will fear nothing and no one freedom of expression but we get nothing only bashar al assad and security enjoyed it that's for us we are nothing but yes. that's our cilia our team. well that does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to r.t. dot com slash usa and fact are you to page it's youtube dot com slash r.t. america you can also follow me on twitter at the wall and make sure you stay tuned for the alone a show coming up in thirty minutes for now and was far. it
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