tv [untitled] November 2, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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entirely true. but your original google international. every green little bit till. breaking news this hour here on the my would have truth for the world's most famous whistleblower wiki leaks founder julian assange loses his appeal against extradition to sweden over sex crime charges. official findings into a deadly russian plane crash that killed an entire hockey team this september all revealed that investigators already claiming traces of a strong sedative were found in the blood of the second part of. thousands of europeans occupying the french riviera ahead of the g twenty summit demanding that world leaders focus on people rather than corporations in the current economic situation. meanwhile e.u.
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leaders were left stunned by the greek company's decision to hold a referendum on the latest bailout deal some predicting voters will reject the rescue package sparking the eurozone. international news live from moscow city center this is r.t. with me. straight to our breaking news for you this hour wiki leaks founder julian assange chance failed extradition from the u.k. to sweden where he will face actions of sexual misconduct denies the claims and says they are just politically motivated and very shortly here on our team will cross live to our laura smith for more details on this developing breaking news story. now the interstate aviation committee has revealed that the
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second pilot of the plane that crashed in the russian city of got to level in september showed traces of a strong sort of in his system has also been said that he has been suffering from a disorder of a movement coordination here looking at live pictures right now it was also said that the crew had less flight experience operating this particular type of plane. as we get further details on this here dotsie we must remind you you're looking at live pictures here as investigators are discussing the findings although the results of the plane crash from september where many in fact the entire hockey team ice hockey team were killed and as you can see on the headlines here a strong sleeping pills that it was found in the blood of the plane's copilot more details to come here on artsy. margaret coffey live from moscow let's cross over a lot about all these are lore and for more details now i want to talk about julian . hi laura i know it's very very noisy where you are what does this news mean for
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a song now that he looks like he's going to be extradited to sweden. laura i think we're having him a difficulty here with very very noisy where you are we can see the big come over here right now we're hearing the breaking news here julian of songs of extradition to sweden his big market has been lost and what it has now mean but you know what. well we understand that i'm receiving messages from inside the court where we understand that his defense team is calling for fourteen days to appeal this decision and again this is a case that we know has been going on the whole of this year in a good proportion of last year as well and it doesn't seem that it's a very yes they are arguing for an appeal which is based on criminal principles but the judge according to people who are inside the court doesn't seem to be very keen on granting that he has already said it's that old fool points of passengers defense have been rejected by the court dismissed and they include an allegation
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that he wouldn't receive a fair trial in sweden and also that the swedish prosecution he issued the european arrest warrant that's his extradition is being requested and in fact had no authority to do you say they use those defense points of old being dismissed by the courts now what may happen now is that the what will happen now is that athens may ask will ask for permission to appeal to the supremes court which is the highest school here in the u.k. now that permission will only be granted by the high court and the supreme court itself if this case is deemed to be in the wider public interest to include points of law that would appeal not just distance itself but other people as well it's likely that the whole thing. it's a pulls all of this european arrest warrant would come under scrutiny if this case did go to the supreme court many people in the u.k. would welcome that because they say that this is
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a system that's unfair that people can be extradited inside europe without evidence having to be provided and really with very little charge now i suppose it's very likely. it's not clear yet whether that commission will be granted if this is the case which is very much continuing meanwhile of course julian assange as his life's work is under threat he has now said that wiki leaks is critically funding and may even have to close in the new year so it's not ok for julian assange but you say laura certainly not the law so we're going to hear all of this on the growing. up. without you live from moscow now over ten thousand people have marched in nice to protest against the g twenty summit that will kick off on thursday further down the coast and can the crowds angered by the current financial system and reinforced by the global occupy movement demanded governments focus on people more than
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corporations talk about reports this time world leaders will find it even harder to ignore the outcry. g twenty host from says it wants this summit on its picturesque mediterranean coast to reflect the importance of emerging nations in the world but this financial crisis deepens in both the u.s. and european union economists split self interest behind that noble claim less to involve more right economies is really to try to convince those rising economist money on the table. and sustainable currency union of europe in the first place developing countries which sort of quick to back civil unrest among their population they no see those same western countries coming down hard on public movements in the room. and she was like this crowd building standards the primary powers within the g twenty the united states germany britain france the real economic and military powers they want to show
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a world order system of states that still has that ability when in fact there is instability this summit is an attempt to put a shining face on what is really a failed system there's a scene of chaos not just from the side of protesters but also from the police because there's helicopters overhead at the moment you can hear police sirens also the police really have mounted this military style operation to shut down i'm stop any of the protesters going where they don't want them to go one former diplomat says western leaders can't continue to just block criticism this whole idea that. they can simply ignore protests against what's happening could come back to bite the leaders of the g seven energy twenty summit this protest different from summits of the poles with belgium sticks you have the latest western banks to get bail dealt with public money growing numbers here worried there's something fundamentally wrong with the current setup we have basically
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a financial system where corporations and financial institutions are able to write themselves favorable legislation when. well be a corporate lobbyist police road blocks all demonstrators getting from east to the nearby town of karen with a g. twenty takes place but it's becoming ever harder to stop world leaders hearing the voices of protest the new bush you all see in the east france now the russian president will be taking part in the french summit and we actually caught up with his are laid out a card you'd want to call feature ahead of the event and he told us that he thinks it's important leaders have a chance to come face to face here's a quick preview now of that interview coming your way in about twenty five minutes . and exult this plane before. we could face much more difficult consequences so the financial turmoil of the type and the thousand things in your phone conversations are too formal for those kinds of decisions especially given the differences. between the traditions and for
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use or. various nations that stick you know states and china phone conversations that will not help the need to stop the show there that have to play on. some kind of compromise global issues. with our team now greece will hold a referendum on the latest e.u. bailout deal calls by the country's prime minister have received unanimous support from his cabinet george patton dros announcement stunned european leaders it also came as a shock to the greek government some members calling for the pm to resign last week eurozone leaders agreed to write off fifty percent of the greek and hand athens more loans exchanged for more yet more austerity measures. a financial advisor and r m a wealth management says if the greeks vote against the bailout deal it will signal the end of the euro so. this may will finally bring it to
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a head i think the europeans have been patching things up and patching things up and it's now getting to the crunch point and the deal that was reached last thursday was was a nothing deal really because it doesn't address the fundamental issues that there is too much sovereign debt in the u. and it's unsustainable in my view the best the best option for the greeks is to default of course that there is a much bigger financial consequences for the for the rest of europe and for the rest of the world if that happens but if we're talking about what is in the best interest of the greek people then then then as probably the best outcome effectively greet the felts then you have to look at who actually owns the debt and that's principally owned. by other sovereigns by the e.u. and by by the banks and pension funds and the consequences of that is that it would
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make the financial system the banking system much less stable and the worry is of the snowball effect and how that would fit the banks and then other european sovereigns and whether that would then lead to further defaults on a number of sovereign defaults at the same time. and on our website our dot com we're asking what you think lies behind the greek prime minister's surprise decision to hold a referendum. on the bailout deal let's see how the numbers stack up your party about forty percent of very nearly forty percent of you think the greek prime minister has made a wise step to let the population say about a third believe the move is just pure populism to quell the protests the rest are fairly split between two options here whether the decision is a knife in the e.u. or looking for a pathway to an honorable retirement you know with greece already up to its neck in economic and political turmoil it seems yet another crisis is around the corner we report from somewhere and the immigration sentiment is reaching
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a boiling point adding to the existing mood of austerity anger and desperation. russian markets have retreated from their early gains though they're still keeping into positive territory that says he. does know it's not supposed to play a lot more in business in ten minutes. now at twelve minutes past the hour here in moscow the u.n. nuclear watchdog says it has discovered a secret facility in northwestern syria that matches the design for your brain and which meant plant and findings have raised suspicions that syrian government or the syrian government rather has been trying to produce nuclear weapons patrick hayes a reporter for the independent online magazine spike says the international atomic energy agency has assumed a political role it should not be playing. it's really important to stress here is that no one is actually saying that syria is on the verge of developing a nuclear bomb or nuclear missiles what they're expecting at the moment is what is
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now a cotton spinning plan to some extent that shows just how these going to be institutions which are normally independent from the united nations like the international atomic energy agency place that shows how political they actually are i also think yes this is a way of keeping more pressure on syria during a time when the uprisings of taken place i think it really brings about the worst of both worlds in many way it brings about kind of western intervention in a very insidious kind of i would say this only faction basically doing what they did in iraq which is to use the guise of the spectrum is to basically poke their nose into all areas of countries that are seen to be a bit suspicious a bit dodgy all that kind of international sphere they want to appear to be you know the kind of the new bogeyman that they can focus their attention upon how the claims are uranium enrichment plant in syria have led some experts to draw
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comparisons with the w m d allegations that resulted in the invasion of iraq. here we go again the lame pretext for invading one body iraq worth of weapons of mass destruction was transferred to us i would rather worry about letting anyone stick soon because the inspectors went into iraq for years and still am i'm told that one of the tasks was fred identifying the suspense installations in iraq ended and making sure lives issues would learn my second thought is this the near believe that syria still holds on its lands the golan has both hands a large a nuclear armory. and the weapons to deliver that is over some thousands of miles it is ironic we should ensure syria when the israeli nuclear armory has never been inspected targeting attention out of libya
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where the newly elected prime minister says protecting human rights will be the top of his government's agenda but a second is in contrast to the activists claims that enticing fighters are terrorizing displaced residents of a coastal town i once loyal to three credit abrahams from human rights watch says that current atrocities are being downplayed by the libyan government and nato countries. but in some places the violence is quite bad the town we looked at in was called told and the militias from the neighboring town of misrata are terrorizing the people of to where they accuse them of having fought for qaddafi and you know the problem here is that the militias are not under the control of the political authorities the civilian authorities and that's the big challenge for libya going forward is bringing the many militias under a unified civilian command the problem is that the money militias hundreds of
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militias sometimes from just a neighborhood have many weapons now and they say look we fought we lost comrades in this battle and now we want to have a stake or a seat at the table and bring them under control will be difficult there's definitely a trend to say we did the right thing meaning nato governments they want to say that this was a successful operation so there is a tendency to downplay the conflicts and the tensions now but at the same time in our discussions with them of some of these governments they're taking them very seriously because they know that this will cause problems in the future they want them addressed now trying to support the more open minded and democratic minded forces within the new authorities and to move libya in the right direction so there is concern and i think that the governments are nervous about this these tensions the revenge and they're trying to to take steps to to quell it.
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the wider region. will continue to examine the role of foreign intervention in the arab spring now we have all the updates and analysis on our facebook page. in the comments section there right now if you join in and have your say if you can also find us facebook dot com. right now or five minutes from the business news with iran but for now greeks are
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to vote for the bailout deal as soon as possible and as the country's economy is on the brink of collapse the austerity public is struggling with poverty and unemployment now the prostration is also being taken out on the immigrant population sarah for cause. on the streets of greece protests have become a common occurrence this gatherings not one of the usual demonstrations. ever gratian price but the ethnic tensions here in the city. and becoming more and more of a concern in the last few years illegal immigration into europe increased in particular has skyrocketed as the greek economy has plummeted the crisis has laid. unemployment poverty seeing a lot of people not being able to make ends meet face to these tough economic conditions it's not just extreme factions of society this is seen
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a rise in anti immigrant sentiment but every day greeks he faced with exceptional circumstances have become supports the finger of blame. for the problem on the streets of athens has now become a kind of limbo for illegal immigrants who are struggling to make money and to survive in second generation immigrants who've lived in the country many years and feeling the tension we've come to one of greece's neighborhoods of the danger is a high immigrant population the local park here has become a sane mind a battleground. we had to close the poor because it was overrun with immigrants and no one could cross that everybody was and no group of people could come here it was not a playground. the children are now forced the play by gains there outside the closed gates of the part of the best area with maybe dangerous a whether or not the press israel fair in this neighborhood certainly is stephanie
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could finish issues. because it's a symbol of the baby leave thinking that the place is no good because in many areas of the world the blues these things after midnight tonight make those. don't want to go to be open to. night but look like that will go to the bank something reason this is the year a crisis continues ethnic tensions have been growing into an extremely volatile and sometimes dangerous situation greece is a country now in the midst of not just a financial and economic crisis it is immigration crisis trying to find a way to rebuild say shook a he's in here it's not easy. athens. twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow let's do the world our play now here at r.t. some other international headlines for you this hour
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a new york court will continue deliberations over the future of russian businessman a victim. of international arms trafficking the jury was expected to deliver its verdict on tuesday but the decision was perspiring because it was arrested in thailand in two thousand and eight after a sting operation by the u.s. flown to america to face trial if found guilty he could face life in prison. the offices of the french a satirical magazine charlie have been destroyed by a petrol bomb the attack comes a day after the publication jokingly named the prophet mohammed as its editor in chief at this point of no reports of any injuries but charley of those website has also been hacked with a message in english and turkish attacking the magazine. supporters of the occupy oakland movement have rebuilt their camp in front of city hall and calling for a general strike demonstrators are planning to shut down one of the main u.s. shipping ports saying they'll also picket buying sand businesses in the city it
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comes a week after police in riot gear tear gassed occupy oakland protesters and activists across america say they will hold solidarity protests. are you without so you know we're going to our top story for you here. interstate aviation committee has revealed that the crew applied the brakes during takeoff causing a plane crash in russia the killed forty four people in september investigators say the crew had little experience in the aircraft model involved and that this inexperience could have caused a fatal mistake the second pilot also showed traces of a strong sedative in his system the findings also said the pilot was suffering from a condition that affected his movement and the nation forty two crashed in september killing most of the looking russian. and. our correspondent ali not
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a cop is our press officer would be no showing pictures of here in our species updating all of us via twitter feed here on our c in the latest tweet as you can see here she describes the video simulation of the plane crash featuring the voices of the dead pirates as horrifying as got me. well i'll be back with a recap of our top stories in just a few minutes but now the business with your. hello and a very warm welcome to the business update russian stocks they're giving up gains made here on wednesday called black witches are still reeling from the great decision to hold a referendum on the e.u. bailout throwing the whole plan into doubt details i'm joined by our chief tom barton who we are here for this but also what's the mood like down there. it's not looking so confident at the moment. the russian markets so the r.t.s.
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and my sticks are starting to slip back from the earlier gains that they make they made and markets across europe that are opening are also slipping back we saw big losses yesterday all of this of course to do with the drama unfolding in greece the government there decided it would have a referendum on the euro bailout plan they want to put that to the greek people to try and get more of a clear mandate for that but that has really are nerved a lot of the creditors of greece across the world the fear is that the greek people will simply say no so far austerity measures of greece a lot and this new bailout plan contains a lot more very severe government spending cuts which the people of greece do not like the potential if they did vote no could be to create nothing short of a financial catastrophe it is very likely that if they did greece would default on
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its payments greece could also leave the eurozone altogether and there is another possibility that another bailout may have to start being rolled together all three of those alternatives to greece going along with this plan of very painful alternatives indeed and they would send even bigger shock waves through international markets but e.u. ministers themselves are saying that there is to greece that there is no alternative to making these big cuts but they themselves are staring in the face. the collapse of this plan that they tried to put together which they had announced would stop the eurozone crisis altogether it looks like but it is now teaching on the brink of collapse itself. tony thank you very much for this indeed we still have time to have a look at those because it's still very volatile both main pulsars have slipped a little from where they were earlier in the day both the r.t.s. from the mice excited gaining. point four percent. that's not
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a look at some of the individual show moves on the mice it's most energy majors is still up with gazprom gaining a lot of the health percent the companies were subsidiary gas from there has resumed operations alleviate some financials and raised early gains with russia's biggest lenders their prime point six percent in the red and telecommunication major wealth telecoms gaining a third of a cent borderline to twenty nine percent for you in that quarter net profit. and in europe the markets are down traders are keeping an eye on the u.s. which is about to release its latest on the statement b.h.p. billiton is leading mining companies hire as corpus now today slight. boyle is higher the sun lights were just trading at around ninety two dollars per barrel while granted scoring at one hundred ten dollars. staying with the greek referendum called peter west an excerpt on believes the country's playing with fire
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could get badly burnt. i think also the grease obviously with. the leadership now putting this to a referendum is clay wood fire i think it's inevitable even lose their dimensions and the unpopularity that you see from the greek population can't really blame them for doing what they're doing but it is playing with fire and we might have a solution to a crisis more quickly than otherwise expected because clearly these players have been there for a long adik the inevitable default of greece right now their position is if you look at the opinion polls in greece they would vote no and that would probably mean a quicker move toward the towards a default whether that's a good solution or a bad solution is totally up to how they actually exit that's it for now they bring you another business updates in less than one hour's time for you here on our team .
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