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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2011 10:01am-10:31am EDT

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sexual misconduct allegations which he denies and describes as politically motivated laura smith was at london's high court. well he's certainly one step closer to the plane following today's proceedings this rejection of his appeal against the extradition it's not certain that he will. he has said that he will appeal he's got fourteen days to do that but an appeal is no longer all sematic he has to be granted permission by the high court to appeal to the supremes cools the highest court in the land and that will only be granted if it's deemed by the high court that this case represents a quite a precedent that it up that applies to the wider public and its results now and he is our phones did come out on the steps of the high court to make a short statement following the announcement he said that he and his team would be considering what that next steps would be in the days ahead and who's they want people and that would be intense just been that what happens at the cooler heads
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today and directed them to his website just sounds versus we to hear it from the horse's mouth what has happened what has happened and he also criticized the european arrest warrant let's hear what he had to say about that i have not been charged with any crime in any country. the spark with the european arrest warrant is so restrictive that it prevents u.k. court from considering her overcoat as judge to have made clear here today. to asos and his team considering that next steps in from all on really on the european arrest warrant time joined by jim carr and he's the chair of an organization called civil rights international. jim if this case does go to the sea pretty cool what it looks unlikely that the european arrest warrant itself could come under scrutiny is that something that you would welcome you know so i would
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welcome dr you know i do think the european arrest warrant should come under scrutiny because it is being abused for political purposes. because when you know a song was in sweden he did go before the court should not. him to leave sweden once he was there he should do it being new tried if they told there was a case against him and then he was allowed to come here to england. and i believe that there was pressure put on the swedish government perhaps by the american government or by other governments who were embarrassed as a result of the revelations that we could leak exposed to the international community and i believe that that is why you tried to get to make sure there is very great concern here in the united kingdom about extraditions to the united states because many people believe that there would not get to fear here in
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india nightsticks in current thank you very much jim carr and that talking to us outside the high courts where julian assange has now left he's gone back presumably to the house all full in smith in norfolk outside london where he has been held under strict conditions for the last eleven months he's considering his next steps this case is not safe but it certainly does look less likely that he will walk free at the end of. the recent reporting right to what i let's get some more reaction on the particular bit of a london i'm joined by limited campaign also in the u.k. independence party thank you for joining us today is it now inevitable do you think that giuliana songs will actually be sent to sweden. it's certainly looking more and more likely i mean there is always the possibility of another appeal the problem is that these european arrest warrant wretched thing gives you very few grounds to actually tackle. not supposed to look at the quality of evidence they're
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not supposed to do anything other than pass so you up and shoot you off we've seen with people like andrew in sydney you. you know that there were various appeals even up to the level of the lords but at the end of the day they keep coming back with well under the european arrest warrant we're not supposed to look at the case that it's for the. you know magistrates in the process when you when you talk about when you talk about looking at the case it is bizarre certainly do you i mean julian assange said today that the european arrest warrant is so we're stripped of that it prevents u.k. courts from considering the facts what does he mean is he right on this. absolutely it's a formal procedure rather than we're used to extradition orders where you know typically a british judge would look at the facts and decide you know is there a private case to enter and in a british court would it stand some chance of being a successful prosecution now the european arrest warrant did away with all the
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between the member states of the european union when you sim you were sent over to greece and we recently only got him back after three years almost that the case was going on the spend over twelve months in a filthy greek prison and the case when it was finally brought to court what with the magistrates and the prosecutors on striking greece the case seemed to last forever although he was only only ten days in court and it collapsed the judge threw it out because the evidence was so poor so the judge threw it out i mean that case collapse of that case collapsed but you know if i may just just bring it back to the main central line here is express the as the extradition to sweden means handing him over to the u.s. where he could face trial for publishing documents on wiki leaks even the death penalty but why why is it that it has to go through stock home first. well because
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we believe that the reason the thing is going through stockholm is that this is a fabricated case to get him out of the u.k. where in the past you know with mckinnon we've shown that we're not just prepared to deliver someone to the american authorities so we think that the european arrest warrants being used by the swedish authorities who are more friendly towards the american way of doing things just to get in there we're worried that as soon as he puts sets foot on swedish soil this whole case will disappear and he will be arrested. and american extradition not the case that is being brought them out as i understand it no formal charges have been laid the investigators say they're still investigating there's a lot of worry about the quality of the evidence and they don't actually seem to be doing anything like charging him so we're being asked to send someone off without
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any formal charges being laid to questions to investigating prosecutors without you know any knowledge of. it's exactly the same as what happened with andrew sumi you you know they they they didn't have a court date set they didn't have any evidence properly collated the evidence that we were able to see seem to suggest someone who looked completely different from you but this a european way of doing things of ship the person off buying them up in prison and then start trying to put the case to what i mean i just as you say i think it's a moment just when it does when it does come to the issue of julian assange as you mentioned and as i mentioned earlier today he faces no formal charges in any country in the world but if i may just for a moment here assad has been one of the most influential people on the planet is there any chance that he could try and take that to his advantage to use that. well we think he has done andrew see me you didn't last anything like as long as this in
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this country before he was shipped off we only think thirty songs you celebrity he's international status and the fact that people like yourselves are looking at this under a microscope the made it last this long we think if he'd been a normal member of the public like the rest of us he would have been swept off to sweden a long time ago and that's a real worry with the european arrest warrant that people get picked up and dumped in another country very quickly now is celebrity they couldn't sweep this one under the carpet you know it's been the the attention to give focus i remember what it was at the strand one of the journalists there said he hadn't seen that many news cameras since the birmingham six release that shows you the size of the of the case in terms of international attention and we think it's only that that's kept him in this country this long we think he should appeal again but i'll worry is that this
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european arrest warrant just doesn't give any grounds for for he. will be launching another appeal and certainly this is by no by now there are the band of yes i've already just heard. and i'm so sorry i'm terribly sorry with that really is all the time we have for today but another time now that is fine other people who are out of the u.k. independence party and the party campaign i thank you. thank you well i'm also interested in what you think about the u.k. court's verdict dot com let's bring up the stats right here and see how you've been voting so far half think the u.s. is using the u.k. as a puppet again forty percent believe the verdict is the result of a conspiracy to gag internet freedom six percent say it was a legitimate step towards a fair trial the rest think the supreme court may overrule the decision anyway. r.t. dot com. the upcoming g. twenty summit in the french city of can is set to begin with what's become something of a tradition massive protests suppressed by the police the rage behind the banners
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remains the same this year economic hardship and seemingly disconnected leaders and as it is daniel bushell reports there's a growing sense that corporate interests are taking precedence over the public's wellbeing. g twenty host from says it wants this summit on its picturesque mediterranean coast to reflect the importance of emerging nations in the world but this financial crisis deepens in both the u.s. and european union economists self interest behind nubile claim. more rights the economy is really to try to convince those rising economies to put money on the table. and sustainable currency union of europe in the first place developing countries which saw the worst quick to back civil among their population they will see those same western countries coming hold on public movements in the room. and you want to describe. the primary powers within the g twenty the
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united states germany britain france the real dominant economic and military powers they want to show a world order a system of states that still has the ability when in fact there is instability this summit is an attempt to put a shiny face on what is really a failed system there's a scene of chaos not just from the side of protesters but also from the police because. there's helicopters overhead at the moment you can hear police sirens. there's police really have mounted this military style operation to shut down and stop any of the protesters going where they don't want them to go one former diplomat says western leaders can't continue to just block criticism this whole idea that. they can simply ignore popular protests against what's happening could come back to bite the leaders of the g seven energy twenty summit this protest different from summits of the post was billed jims dicksee of the latest western bank to get bail dealt with public money growing numbers here worry there's
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something fundamentally wrong with the current setup we have basically a financial system where corporations and financial institutions are able to write themselves favorable legislation quid pro quo be a corporate lobbyist police roadblocks demonstrate just getting from east to the nearby town of can with the g. twenty takes place but it's becoming ever harder to stop world leaders hearing the voices of protest. in nice france. now to greece where it's been confirmed the prime minister's proposed referendum on the latest e.u. bailout will go ahead george papandreou has called shocked e.u. leaders and sparked chaos on world markets and even came as a shock to greeks themselves with pro bailout m.p.'s calling for his immediate resignation prime minister is now due to fly to cannes to explain his actions before german chancellor angela merkel and french president nicolas sarkozy the chief sponsors of greece's financial life support machines more or less where this
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puts the eurozone and i'll join joined live from brussels johan van overtveldt the editor in chief of belgium's two leading business magazines trends and not good to see you so greece lived a life of luxury for years and till this crisis and now that the bill is due athens threatens to drag the rest of the eurozone down with it i do the greeks really deserve a say in all of this. well i think what we have to read in all of this is that the situation in greece has become really desperate the economy's going down very rapidly and very deeply unemployment is rising fast the budget situation is out of control and it is clear by now i think for the greek leaders that the recipe for mold so far doesn't lead to a solution on the contrary it makes things worse and from e.u. what mr papandreou is doing with organizing this referendum preparing the exit of greece from the euro zone so you say he's actually preparing the exit for for
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greece from the eurozone up at the you know what one question would be no way in the e.u. is any government borrowed so much money what about trying to pay some of that back . well i think they just can't afford to do it at the moment their economy isn't so bad a shape that they can the only thing they know for sure is that the morrow will be worse than today in the day after will be even worse than tomorrow so by dropping out of the eurozone what. will. arrive that is that of course have to create their own currency again that currency will go down substantially views of the euro the dollar and other major currencies and that will give the greek economy again a perspective through increased exports on growth and that is what the greek economy needs that the only thing that can save them from a real disaster also from the society point of view because. you noticed also that
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in the last twenty four hours two or three generals were put aside if i may put it that way so the youngest even the military camp with respect to what is happening in greece is becoming really huge but we heard politicians and major lenders basically dancing in skirting around the issue of greece would indeed greece leave the eurozone you seem quite convinced are you are you really that convinced that greece will. leave the eurozone. well. hardly noticed thing in the in the past days was that there was an opinion poll in greece late last week and if i remember correctly the wall street journal was reporting on it in its monday paper and the result of that opinion poll was that a majority of the greeks would reject the austerity program as put forward in the october twenty sixth twenty seventh summit so to a certain extent mr papandreou is asking
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a question to which he already knows the answer the answer will probably be no which will be the end of the rescue packages and which unavoidably will mean that the only option left for greece is an exit from the eurozone if indeed greece does exit. the eurozone after all these billions in loans who are set to suffer the most will be the investors the politicians or will it be once again the people who are faced a year of devastating austerity cuts all of them all of them will suffer because we can compare iraq i think we are very very close to the situation of our argentine in the beginning of the twenty first century there will be a huge default through which bondholders will of course lose a lot of money politicians will of course loose fit face excuse me in greece and interest of the euro zone and of course of the people of greece who already have suffered quite a bit in the last two years will keep on suffering for the coming period but the
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exit from the euro zone i can't stress that enough does at least give them back a perspective on economic growth in future welfare the present situation leads just further down the dark tunnel you're an overdeveloped editor in chief of belgium's two leading business magazines trends and thank you. all with greece up to its neck with economic and political strife another crisis could be just around the corner and the existing mood of desperation caused by austerity cuts pushes some greeks to make immigrants scapegoats. russian investigators have concluded that the crew applied the brakes during takeoff causing a plane crash in your us live or that killed forty four people in september artie's the tally and over copper listen to what the investigative committee had to say. investigation has shown that those pilots were trained how to operate forty planes for a very long time and then they had to do this and according to the committee those
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planes have a very different brake pads all systems which share the pilots didn't have enough time to get used to you and so that could have been done by mistake another reason there is a jesse is one of the pilots was suffering from a strong neurological condition. that someone's reflexes and was also under the effect of strong medication perhaps he was using that medication to treat that condition that he was successfully hiding from the aviation medical community for all this time a lot of the documents that were full thought apparently and from the conversations records from the black box during the press conference that we were listening to it was pretty clear that's probably as they sounded very negligent there was a lot of swearing and the interstates to aviation committee i was actually saying that it sounds like the pilots did not calculate all the parameters for the sake of
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before hand so they were not prepared for the flight. he was on the telly. twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow now the leaders of turkey and germany met on wednesday as the nation celebrate the fiftieth anniversary often historic guest worker packed hundreds of thousands of talks to ben west germany to fill jobs industry boomed but the anniversary comes during heavy debate over the concept of multiculturalism in europe which many say is failing perhaps exemplifying this the office of a satirical french newspaper was firebombed named prophet mohammed its editor in chief for the week saw an m.p. from the danish people's party says that because extremists simply don't understand . it's crime. to. target by right. then ethics who do not accept any critique separate of their religion and want us to let their to do their ways thereby destroying the freedom of speech in
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europe and that's really what the search for a bit is about it is a question of defensiveness least i missed one thing to decide what can be said what can be written and what came to be drawn in their way they're challenging how freedom of speech and i think that's one of the most cherished freedoms that we have it's all so we should not except this by any chance and i think that all right that might be provocative also what us posting but also what surely it don't do good in war in order to say no we have to stand here we would say what we like we would laugh at what we like i think that's also very human there's a lot so humor in one show you get good deeds and it's a shame that these muslims cannot love us just think about all the lashes that christianity has received throughout the centuries my goodness in my country i mean they have been mocked and been left by all sorts of persons during the last two three hundred years we've been laughing at those christians who is fanatics they want us to keep quiet they do not want us to have
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a white christmas and religion that is part of our our system i mean we need to say to these people you know you are not the one to decide we decide about free speech we all say what we like. and now it is our sarah furthur ports from greece where anti immigration sentiment is reaching boiling point fueled by the country's economic wires. on the streets of greece protests have become a common occurrence this gatherings not one of the usual demonstrations there's an immigration fright that the ethnic tensions here in the city evident and becoming more and more of a concern in the last few years illegal immigration into europe increase in particular has skyrocketed the greek economy has plummeted the crisis lead to unemployment poverty creasing to a lot of people not being able to make ends meet face to these tough economic
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conditions it's not just extreme factions a society that has seen a rise in anti immigrant sentiment but every day greeks he faced with exceptionally tough circumstances have begun to point the finger of blame for. their problems the streets of athens has now become a kind of limbo for illegal immigrants who are struggling to make money and to survive even second generation immigrants who've lived in the country many years feeling the tension we've come to one of greece's neighborhoods of the dangers a first high immigrant population the local park here has become isn't mine a battleground. that we had to close the port because it was overrun with immigrants no one could cross the course everybody was scared and no group of people could come here it was not a playground anymore. children are now forced to play their games here outside the
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closed gates of part of the best area with naked dangers say whether or not the threat is real the fare in this neighborhood certainly is it's definitely could social issues and getting yesterday is an issue because it's a symbol of fear you may believe me thinking that the place is not good because of immigrants in many areas of the world these things after midnight after night not hours. you're not to go to be open to be daylight imploded. but close like that whether to bring it down to the reason that is the year a crisis continues ethnic tensions have been growing into an extremely volatile and sometimes dangerous situation greece is a country now in the midst of not just a financial and economic crisis but an immigration crisis to but trying to find a way to rebuild say showcase he zhen here is not going to be easy surface r.t. athens. coming up next door to you it's the business with.
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her welcome to sports it's a volatile day for russia starts with fear over the debt situation in europe dominating sentiment kabul equities are still reeling somewhat from the greek decision to hold a referendum on the e.u. bailout for the whole plan into doubt. who is that they are to start exchanging moscow has the. it has been a very turbulent day on the markets russia's r.t.s. and my six have been up and down but they've ended up tentatively in the black but it seems that there's been great uncertainty throughout the russian markets san beyond all focused on greece on the unfolding drama there the government there wants to have a referendum because it wants to put the question of the euro bailout plan to the greek people it wants
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a clear mandate for that plan but that has worried many people around the world many of greece's potential creditors because they fear that the greek people will give a no vote it's indicated that they may well do that and that would create a very serious situation indeed can exacerbate the current crisis greece may indeed default on its debt if the greek people vote no it may go further and leave the eurozone all together all a third option may be that another bigger bailout plan may have to be arranged all of these alternatives to greece following the austerity measures that would come with any bailout of very painful indeed and will severely shake the confidence of markets they will also terrified nearby italy and spain who are themselves teetering on the brink of financial catastrophe the e.u. leaders themselves they have been trying to impress upon greece that the austerity
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measures they demanded are a must do that there is no alternative to them but they themselves are staring in the face the possible failure of a bailout plan that took them so long to get together and that they said would stop the euro debt crisis altogether that plan may fail before it's even got off the ground. at the numbers here is russia where the main bridges are getting ground as the day's trading drastic was the r.t.s. is up over one point zero percent and isaacs is the one where a half percent higher. most energy majors are off with gas from gaining weight a half percent stocks in the u.s. edged higher and best are awaiting the results of a meeting of federal reserve policy makers keeping a close eye on developments in greece banking shares hit hard in tuesday's greece's inspired rebounds and pre-open activity with bank of america on the four percent and citi group that's adding two and a half percent and in europe stock markets going between gains and losses they're now recovering traders are keeping an eye on the u.s.
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spreads what's that got to against slavers policy it's as i just said b.h.p. billiton is leading mining companies high ass copper snap a two day supply. that's our business update for knowledge back in forty five minutes with more facts which.
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wealthy british science done its best. happening to the economy in.
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the wiki leaks founder julian should be tried in sweden over. results of the investigation into plane crash that killed a russian hockey team. the cost. of. the global financial. rescue deal. while the russian president will be at the g. twenty summit taking place this week in france. had a chance to speak to. russia is planning to achieve.


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