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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the sense of disillusionment dominates the protests ahead of the g. twenty summit in cannes as world leaders gather to contain the global financial mayhem and the greek announcement of a referendum on the euro zone's rescue dealers only fuels the flames. wiki leaks julian assange kids that his appeal against sex today since has been rejected becomes out on the steps of the high court to criticise the european arrest warrant . results of the investigation into september's plane crash that killed a russian hockey team named pilot error is the cause to speak of traces of a strong sensitive from the co-pilot's blood the top stories this hour.
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international news in coming live from moscow we're with you twenty four hours a day the upcoming g. twenty summit in the french city of can is set to begin with what's become something of a tradition massive protest suppressed by police the rage behind the banners remains the same this year economic hardship and seemingly disconnected leaders and the saudis got no partial reports there's a growing sense that corporate interests are taking precedence over the public's will be. g twenty host from says it wants this picturesque mediterranean coast to reflect the importance of emerging nations in the world but this financial crisis deepens in both the u.s. and european union economists sports self interest behind that noble claim pledge to involve more right the economy is really to try to convince those right economies to put money on the table. and sustainable currency union of europe in
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the first place developing countries which still the west quick to back civil unrest among their population they will see those same western countries coming. on public movements in their own backyard and she was crying double standards in the primary powers within the g twenty united states germany britain france the real economic and military powers they want to show a world order and a system of states that still has the ability when in fact there is instability this summit is an attempt to put out i shine a face on what is really a failed system there's a scene of chaos not just from the side of protesters but also from the police because there's the helicopters overhead at the moment you can hear police sirens also the police really have mounted this military style operation to shut down and stop any of the protesters going where they don't want them to go one former diplomat says western leaders can't continue to just block criticism this whole idea that. they can simply ignore protests against what's happening come
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back and bite the leaders of the g seven energy twenty summit this protest different from summits of the post with bill james nixey of the latest western bank to get bail dealt with public money growing numbers here worried there's something fundamentally wrong with the current set up we have basically a financial system where. national institutions are able to write themselves favorable legislation when. well be a corporate lobbyist police roadblocks demonstrators getting through. with the g. twenty takes place but it's becoming a holder to hearing the voices of protest. in these fronts and to greece where it's been confirmed the prime minister's proposed referendum on the latest e.u. pain will go ahead george happened to call shocked leaders and spark chaos on world markets and even came as
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a shock to the greeks themselves with pro bono and he's calling for his immediate resignation jim is now due to fly to the g. twenty meeting can you explain his actions to german chancellor angela merkel and french president nicolas sarkozy she sponsors of reese's financial life support machine that she was the founder and editor in chief of the daily mail dot com has told me earlier that he believes the referendum is greece's last chance of retaining its sovereignty. i'm not sure what the actual personal motivation was that george papandreou had to make that move but i for one forced the move and i believe that the people of greece should be the ones who determine their future and not the euro kratz who who are trying to regain it to gain even more control and centralized power over the various nations stays within the rules and the fact is you cannot take these various nation states with various cultural backgrounds and needs and desires on and on an individual level forget about a national level and expect to wield it put them all into a basket and to accept federalized control via brussels that is in the interest of
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the people want to localize level i don't see how anybody can brand the e.u. is a success when you have a bankrupt nations and you're asking the those better off to bail out with even more debt more central banking assistance that is more money power standing behind the bailouts in order to create more centralized government government governance i don't see how that's a success at all i think it's a total failure. and with greece up to its neck in economic and political strife another crisis could be just around the corner the existing mood of desperation calls while austerity cuts pushes some greeks to make inquiries their scapegoats. still to come but first wiki leaks founder julian assange may find himself on swedish soil very soon after a disease battle against extradition from britain there he'll have to answer sexual misconduct allegations which he denies and describes as politically motivated smith was at london's high court. well he's certainly one step closer to play in
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following today's proceedings this rejection of his appeal against the extradition it's not certain that he will. he has said that he will appeal he's got fourteen days to do that but an appeal is no longer also my take he has to be granted permission by the high court to appeal to the supremes cools the highest court in the land and that will only be granted if it's deemed by the high court that base case represents a white a precedent that it up applies to the wider public image results now that he and our sons did come out on the steps of the high cool make a short statement following the announcement he said that he and his team would be considering what that next steps would be in the days ahead and he knows they want people in that which he intends to spin that one which happens at the cool heads today and directed them to his website just on to the suite to hear it from the
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horse's mouth what has happened what has happened and he also criticised the european arrest warrant that say what he had to say about that i have not been charged with any crime in any country. the sport with the european arrest warrant is so restrictive that it prevents u.k. poured from considering the power over case has to have made clear. to those in his team considering that next steps in full on really on the european arrest warrant time joined by jim carr and he's the chair of an organization called civil rights international. jim if this case does go to the secret in court it looks like that the european arrest warrant itself could come under scrutiny is that something that you would welcome yes i would welcome dr you know i do think the european arrest warrant should come under scrutiny because it is being abused for political purposes. because when. i was in sweden he did go before the court
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should not allow him to leave sweden once he was there he should have been tried if they told there was a case against him and then he was allowed to come here to england. and i believe that there was pressure of party. government perhaps by the american government or by other governments who were embarrassed as a result of the revelations that we could be exposed to the international community and i believe that that is why i. tried to get to make sure there is very great concern here in the united kingdom about extradition studio knighted states because many people believe that they would not get to fear here in india and i should sticks in current thank you very much as simple as that talking to us outside the high courts where julian assange has now left he's gone back
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presumably to the house all full and may in norfolk outside london where he has been held under strict bail conditions for the last eleven months he's considering his next step this case is not safe but it certainly tells the less likely that he will go free at the end of a civil war smith there in the court's decision to extradite julian a song to sweden comes just over a week off so we can eat announced it was suspending activities to to a financial blockade journalist raj action is the mainstream media is adding to the persecution of a sound and his organization. it is astonishing here in britain to see the way the case is being covered through organizations i used to work at the b.b.c. the guardian newspaper the guardian of course had a deal with wiki leaks the kind of character assassination around the world by mainstream media trying to attack this and it just goes to show what a state journalism is in. new york at the london stock exchange protests just
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recently i don't suppose many of those mainstream journalists really understand what's going on over there i think one argument here is that the craft of journalism is in crisis julian assange should become some sort of overall professor of journalism and they should close all the university's courses in journalism down because he really did teach a lot of people that it's about speaking truth to power and speaking of the power less and the idea of him being in court and now the idea of him being rendered for torture in a state that as we know is been carrying out rogue assassinations of its own citizens is just breathtaking. interest in what you think about u.k. courts verdict at r t v dot com and let's have the cons screen at the moment so far the majority of those who responded think that the u.s. is using the u.k. as a puppet again and with the same amount believe the verdict is the result of a conspiracy to gag internet freedom four percent say it was a legitimate step towards a fair trial and the rest think that the supreme court may over all the decision
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anyway submit your vote to be heard to from it r t v dot com. international atomic energy agency claims have discovered a secret nuclear complex in northwestern syria it says the design looks like a uranium enrichment facility although it's being used as a cotton spinning plant but patrick a's a reporter who's been closely following the story says the only purpose of these allegations is to make syria a new. yes this is a way of heaping more pressure on syria during a time when the uprisings are taken place i think it really brings about the worst of both worlds in many way it brings about kind of western intervention but in a very insidious kind of i would say dishonest fashion they're basically doing what they did in iraq which is to use the guise of weapons inspections to basically poke their nose into all areas of countries or to seem to be suspicious a bit dodgy they're poking their noses in what i would say political appear to be
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political reasons rather than for any reason for security concerns at this current time and i think it's very telling they're choosing to do this at a time when the uprising to taking place what they're trying to do you kind of effectively use other things as kind of modes of so fro at the situation to try and actually build up a narrative which they can use should they necessarily want to intervene in the future i mean certainly syria is being recast in this situation as one of the one of the countries that needs to what's you know what one of the countries the former for example and you actually sort of evil or something along those lines so i think it is being used for strategic reasons the only thing that will really where is that actually if if if the syrian people are left alone without any western intervention without any of their you know kind of their lackeys or kind of bodies like the international atomic energy agency poking their nose in and it's left to the syrian people to basically decide what they want to do and determine their own
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future. to libya now where the new prime minister says making sure human rights are respected is a top priority it comes after a string of war crime allegations claiming m.t.c. fighters are torturing people who want fought on the side of gadhafi but sure a former cia intelligence officer says it's an inevitable consequence of the west interfering in other people's affairs. the europeans and the americans wanted assured access to european oil and on top of that american leaders are not unlike the leaders that were in moscow during soviet times they believe in the inevitability of democracy everywhere just is as marxism was it once believed to be inevitable and as a result they're upset in power structures centuries old and they're going to pay for it by an increased power among islamists and by civil war in those countries we have just created enormous reinforcement in terms of the people who are released from libyan prisons and in terms of supplies of weapons for the islamists across
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north africa but the arab world still dealing with the ongoing political turmoil as he continues to delve deeper into health or an intervention affected the outcome of the arab spring and you can find the latest updates and videos on our facebook page you can also have you'll say join the intense discussion in the comments all that in just a click of a mouse away facebook dot com slash teen use. the . russian investigators have concluded the crew applied the brakes during takeoff
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causing a plane crashing down a syllable that killed forty four people in september that's not enough to give a listen to what the investigation committee had to say. they investigated has shown that those pilots were trained how to operate got forty planes for a very long time and then they had to switch to forty two's and according to the committee those two planes have a very different great because all systems which share the pilots didn't have enough time to get used to and so that could have been done by mistake another reason they're suggesting is one of the pilots was suffering from a strong neurological condition which should strongly it facts and once reflexes adams was also under the effects of strong medication perhaps he was using that medication to treat that condition that he was successfully hiding from the aviation medical community for all this time a lot of the documents were full supplied apparently and from the conversations records from the black box in the press conference that we were listening to it was
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pretty clear that. they sounded very negligent there was a lot of swearing and the interstates to aviation committee i was actually saying that it sounds like the pilots did not call he waits all the parameters for the takeoff before hand so they were not prepared for that flight. and on our website artie dot com you can find all the details of september's tragedy you can log on to read about the sole survivor of the crash you can learn how the families and fans cope with an awesome and see the drive to rebuild be wiped out from next year's season. towards online fighting for their rights for which a noble cleanup squad members try to force their way into the ukrainian parliament angry a planned cuts to their benefits that are plenty in the form of ulti dot com online one time. u.s. afraid one of the cuban five a group of intelligence officers branded terrorists but he still can't leave
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florida to meet his family really gonzales served his thirteen year sentence in a federal prison in full but u.s. authorities are forcing him to stay in america to serve a three year long probation period he was arrested together with four other officers and jailed on charges of spying and terrorism here insisted they were in the u.s. hunting a group of anti castro exiles who were planning terrorist attacks in the communist state party caught up with the man's wife through said the case was biased from the start. that. i can tell you says marriages be even meters have been dicky's and black media labeled them spies and terrorists charges and censors them from the very beginning those who had the full information picked out the details they were in line with. and they kept doing that for twelve years when you take a newspaper or turn on the t.v. or the radio which speaks for five spies and then you get a summons to testify on the case in court you can buy that you have to either be very smart or to have a lot of information ninety years not elsewhere people informed enough would get.
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the leaders of turkey and germany met on wednesday as a nation celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of a historic guest worker pact the deal brought hundreds of thousands of turks to then west germany to fill jobs as industry boon university comes during heavy debate over the concept of multiculturalism in europe which many say is failing haps exemplifying this the office of a satirical french newspaper was full of bums after it named prophet mohammed as its editor in chief editor in chief for a week or so as a person we m.p. from the danish people's party's says that it happened because extremists simply don't understand free speach. it's quite obvious that it is jodi who has been targeted by fanatics who do not accept any critique subgroup of their religion and want us to lead them to the airwaves thereby destroying the freedom of speech in europe and misread what switch from it's about it is
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a question of defensiveness the miss wanting to decide what can be serious what can be and what can be drawn. away challenging our freedom of speech and i think that's one of the most cherished freedoms that we have as well so we should not except this by any chance and i think that they are right that might be provocative and also what us prosecute also what shall you go do in what in order to say you know we have a stand here we will see will be light we will laugh at what we like i think it's also very humid here is a lot so humor in one show you get good deeds and it's a shame that these muslims cannot learn this think about all the measures that christianity has received throughout centuries my goodness in my country i mean there have been marked. by all sorts of persons during the last two three hundred years we've been laughing at those christians who was financing they wanted to keep quiet they do not want us to have pride criticize the religion that is part of our
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our system i mean we need to say to these people you know you are not to want to sorry we decide how about our free speech we'll say what we like. now lottie's sara firth reports from greece where immigration sentiment is reaching boiling point field by the country's economic ways. on the streets of greece protests have become a common occurrence this gatherings not one of the usual demonstrations. integration frights that the ethnic tensions here in the city. and of becoming more and more of a concern if the last few years illegal immigration into europe increased in particular has skyrocketed as the greek economy has plummeted crisis led. on employment to poverty seeing a lot of people not being able to make ends meet face to these tough economic conditions it's not just extreme factions a society that has seen
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a rise in and he immigrant sentiment but every day greeks he faced with exceptionally tough sation circumstances have a point the finger of blame. here but the streets of athens has now become a kind of limbo for illegal immigrants who are struggling to make money and to survive even second generation immigrants who've lived in the country many years and feeling the tension we've come to one of greece's neighborhoods that the danger is a pretty high immigrant population the local park here has become a saying mine a battleground. we have closed the poor because it was overrun with immigrants and no one could cross the border everybody was scared and no group of people could come here it was not a playground anymore. children are now forced to play by gainsaid outside the closed gates of part of this area with
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a dangerous say whether or not the threat is real fairness neighborhood certainly is it's difficult for us issues and getting stays an issue because it's a symbol of fear they believe. that the police look good because even in many areas of the world the goofus things after midnight last night meadows. your logic i would be open to the mark of it being right to blow the. load like that whether to make it onto the reason it is the yuri quite this continues i think pensions have been growing into an extremely volatile and sometimes dangerous situation greece is a country now in the midst of not just a financial and economic crisis but an immigration crisis to trying to find a way to rebuild say should pay he should here is not skeins easy surface r.t. athens could have twenty three minutes past the hour here in the russian capital
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tunnel for the latest from the world of business with kareena. own welcome to our business it's a volatile day for us and starts with fear over the debt situation in europe dominating sentiment global equities are still reeling somewhat from the greek decision so hold the referendum on the e.u. bailout for allowing the whole plan into doubt. it's been a turbulent day on international markets the russian r.t.s. and my sex between up and down to finally finish tentatively in the black the reason for all the turmoil the continuing uncertainty over the drama unfolding in greece the government's decision to have a referendum there on the euro bailout plan is they say to try and get a clear mandate from the greek people but it has sent shock waves through international markets the fear is that the greek people will say no i'm not would
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make this already very dangerous crisis a lot worse it could cause greece to g. falls on its debt it could go further i mean greece leaves the eurozone altogether or it could mean that another larger bailout has to be organized all three of these alternatives to greece simply following the austerity measures that would be demanded it will be very economically painful and will shake confidence in the markets they will also terrify nearby italy and spain both of whose economies are staring down the barrel of an economic catastrophe e.u. ministers for their part of trying to stress to greece but there is no alternative to the severe austerity measures they are demanding that they too are facing the possibility the plan that they've worked so hard to try and put together may fail before it's even off the ground. now let's take
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a look at the numbers both of russia's main bourses ended in the black the r.c.a.'s finished up over two and a half percent of the rise explain this to a quarter of a percent black let's have a look at some of the individual channels on my six most energy majors were up with gazprom gaining in a half percent of the company's all senses recast has been sealed operations and media crossing it at three point eight percent rising for the first day in three after crude rallied at russia's biggest land as their bank and they're almost two percent. and in europe stock markets gained on wednesday after steve sell off investors fear that greece's referendum on its bailout could push the country into default miners were talking as of the forty prisoner randgold resources gained over seven percent before it provides for profit. that's all except ukraine's offer to pay off import of natural gas and rubles state energy company enough to gas space between five hundred and one million dollars a month for the imports the potential move for help ease depreciation pressure on
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the ukrainian reeves up meanwhile head of the russian gas association believes all the energy should be sold in locals. the trade of russian energy resources whether it is spoiled or gas or the enrichment of uranium should be done in rubles it's in line with the president's decree to turn moscow into an international financial center and this is one of the steps so i welcome the decision to convert specific context into rules but on the whole russia should be treating all its energy one hundred percent in rubles. that's all for now but don't forget you can always time all stories on our website r.t. dot com.
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