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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2011 6:01pm-6:31pm EDT

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report brings us more from new york well just one day after deliberations began a jury of twelve handed down that verdict and the verdict is that they found russian business businessman victor food guilty on all the charges that were leverage against him by the united states on those charges include conspiring to kill americans are conspiring to kill u.s. officials trafficking rockets and also he was charged with supplying arms to the revolutionary armed forces of colombia an organization that the united states deems as terrorists now this this trial of victor boot went on for about three weeks but his presence here in the united states has garnered a lot of attention as we've been reporting the u.s. fought very hard to get victor victor boot extradited from thailand to the u.s. over a year ago but that fight was was taking place since mr coote was arrested during
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a sting operation in thailand in march two thousand and eight. as pled not guilty on all the charges and he still maintains his innocence his attorney albert diane did speak to the press following today's events that took place in court he believes that this is not the end that he still has a chance that we have a chance to will again we can appeal to this judge. that the verdict was rendered against the weight of the evidence but that we could also proceed to the united states court of appeals but we are disappointed at this verdict now that he's been found guilty on these charges he faces a sentence of anywhere between twenty five years and life in prison george investigative journalist who's been following the case says there are boot was too shocked to react to the news. the case against rick to boot for all practical purposes is case closed. albert diane after the jury was dismissed and victor boot
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just stood there basically seen as it was as if he was in shock he he didn't react whatsoever in any way as if as if he was lifeless he didn't even turn around to face anybody and he just discovered of you know it was basically nonexistent so diane did file a motion for a new trial i believe on december second however no d.n.a. operation relentless was you know targets or pursue victims who by any means necessary and it may through millions of dollars and it was it was done on several different continents and they had d.n.a. informant highly paid d.a. informants dea agents and coconspirators so once they have him here now it is almost impossible to i think you know hill ever leave the united states. the upcoming g twenty summit in the french city of can is set for its now traditional beginning massive protest suppressed by police the rage behind the banners remains
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the same this year economic hardship and seemingly disconnected leaders but as our daniel bushell reports this year the protests may be the least of the g. twenty problems greece's referendum decision has really overtaken everything here at the summit is really forced the hand of those who thought the e.u. project and the euro project would continue smoothly really is the strongest indication yet greece could potentially quit the euro upsetting the whole eurozone project. because they have summoned george papandreou the prime minister of greece for emergency talks all the situation they want to find out why mr pope and drove to consult with them before making this decision the prime minister of france france who we feel said that it was a concern to him and the regretful that this. had been made he added that the greeks must take quickly and without ambiguity if they want to keep their
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place in the eurozone or not so strong words that almost zoid lines of the summit the officials here of the of that from the e.u. are trying to persuade greece not to go ahead with this with this referendum they're really concerned of the effect that it could have on both confidence of investors in the eurozone project and also more specifically what it will do if there is a no votes in the greeks decide to sort of split and not go ahead with this whole bailout deal e.u. leaders had promised here at the cannes summit to resolve their differences and really come up with a solution to the e.u. debt crisis but he seem increasingly likely that they won't do that with the greek spanner in the works mr pop interest position with the greek is greece is weak he's a majority his party's majority in the parliament there has been cut so well. two seats and also the ever growing roy is that we're seeing on the streets of athens seems to have had an effect on this decision it seems the sun the politicians all
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being swayed by people power more on that now in this report. g twenty host from says it wants this summit on its picturesque mediterranean coast to reflect the importance of emerging nations in the world but this financial crisis deepens in both the u.s. and european union economists sports self interest behind that noble claim pledge to involve more russian economy is really to try to convince those right economies to put money on the table. and sustainable currency union of europe in the first place developing countries which saw the west quick to back civil unrest among their population they now see those same western countries coming down hold on public movements in their own backyard and she was like to describe double standards and the primary powers within the g twenty united states germany britain france the real dominant economic and military powers they want to show a world order and
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a system of states that still has that ability when in fact there is instability this summit is an attempt to put a shining face on what is really a failed system there's a scene of chaos not just from the side of protesters but also from the police because there's a helicopters overhead at the moment you can hear police sirens so there's police really have mounted this military style operation to shut down and stop any of the protesters going where they don't want them to go one former diplomat says western leaders can't continue to just block criticism this whole idea that. they can simply ignore popular protests against what's happening could come back to bite the leaders of the g seven energy twenty summit this protest different from summits of the post was billed jims dicksee of the latest western bank to get paid. dealt with public money growing numbers here worry there's something fundamentally wrong with the current set up we have basically a financial system where corporations and financial institutions are able to write
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themselves favorable legislation quid pro quo be a corporate lobbyist police roadblocks ball demonstrators getting from me to the nearby town of karen with the g twenty takes place but it's becoming ever harder to stop world leaders hearing the voices of protest the new bush you all see in me says france. and are staying with the g. twenty summit and the greek bailout johan van overtveldt editor in chief of belgium's leading trends and business magazines says greece is pretty much doomed and will have to quit the eurozone the situation in greece has become really desperate the economy's going down very rapidly very deeply unemployment is rising faster the budget situation is out of control and it is clear by now i think for the greek leaders that the recipe followed so far doesn't lead to a solution on the contrary it makes things worse and for me what mr papandreou is
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doing with organizing this referendum is preparing the exit of greece from the euro zone the only thing they know for sure is that the model will be worse then today in the day after will be even worse than tomorrow so to a certain extent mr papandreou is asking a question to which he already knows the answer the answer will probably be no which will be the end of the rescue packages and which unavoidably will mean that the only option left for greece is an exit from the euro zone. and with greece up to its neck in economic and political strife another crisis could be just around the corner. the existing a mood of desperation caused by austerity cuts pushes some greeks to make immigrants their scapegoats. we q leaks founder julian assange may find himself on the swedish soil very soon after losing his battle against extradition from britain there he'll have to answer sexual misconduct allegations
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which he denies and describes as politically motivated ortiz laura smith was at london's high court. he set me one step place this is the plane following today's proceedings of course this appeal that he made to the high court was rejected at the end of the road tear at the high court and he now has to apply for permission to appeal to the supreme court and it's the high court that decides whether he will be granted that permission he's going to see in days to do that now permission would only be granted to go to the supreme court the highest court in the land if the case is deemed to be in the wider public interest and if there are precedents that could be set by this case which could apply to other people and this seems more unlikely off to today particularly as the judge here rejected old old points of us on his defense which included the allegation that he wouldn't receive a fair trial in sweden and also that the swedish prosecutor had no authority to
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issue based european arrest warrants now following that we think that a judge in essence came out on the steps of the high court to make a short statement he said that they would see any single chain which consider that next steps in the days ahead he also warns that spin would be applied to what had happened to today and that if people wanted to know what had actually happened they should go to his website sweeten versus the songs and he also criticize the european arrest warrant and say what he had to say i have not been charged with any crime in any country. despite this the european arrest warrant is so restrictive that it prevents you. from considering the overcoat as judges have made. here today and if this case does go to the sea priem courts it appears likely that the european rests were and as a whole the basis for the european arrest warrant under which of course european
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citizens can be extradited to other countries with very little evidence being presented and as a stance that himself. out the course themselves being able to look at that evidence will come under scrutiny. of course there all say many who still maintain that this case is entirely politically may say states and indeed that if i phones is extradited to sweden he will go to the united states and if indeed that is the case then it looks like it's what wiki leaks his life's work essentially is under serious threats they have a critical stilts funding and films himself has said that it may be forced to close in the media or to use laura smith reporting for us there and now we as always are also interested in what you think about the ukase court verdict at r.t. dot com. so far the majority of those who have responded think the u.s. is using the u.k. as a puppet again almost the same amount of people believe the verdict is the result of
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a conspiracy to gag internet freedom six percent say it was a legitimate step towards a fair trial the rest of think the supreme court may overrule the decision anyway submit your vote at r.t. dot com. on to libya now where the national transitional council has promised to secure weapons depot as well as were discovered when fighting ended last month this comes after the u.n. security general ban ki moon calls on libya's new leaders to address the issue meanwhile michael sure a former cia intelligence officer says the current arms chaos is a direct result of the west interfering in other countries affairs. the europeans and the americans wanted assured access to european oil and on top of that american leaders are not unlike the leaders that were in moscow during soviet times they believe in the inevitability of democracy everywhere just is as marxism was it once
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believed to be inevitable and as a result they're upset in power structures centuries old and they're going to pay for. by civil war in those countries we have just created in. terms of the people who are released from libyan prisons and in terms of supplies of weapons for the islamists across north africa. to delve deeper into how foreign military interventions are shaping the region. you can see the latest videos on the our web site. there you can also have your say by joining. in the comments all that and much more just one click away.
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russian investigators have concluded that incorrect breaking was the cause of the september plane crash that killed forty four people among those killed were the majority of the ice hockey team on their way to their first match of the season the probe found traces of a strong sedative in the co-pilot's blood but it is unclear who was behind the error that led to the fatal accident. reports on the findings of the investigation . the investigation has shown that those pilots were trained how to operate forty planes for a very long time and then they had to switch to forty two's and according to the committee those two planes have a very different brake pads all systems which share the pilots didn't have enough
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time to get used to and so that could have been done by mistake another reason there's a jesse as one of the pilots was suffering from a strong neurological condition. strongly in fact someone's reflexes and was also under the effect of strong medication perhaps he was using that medication to treat that condition that he was successfully hiding from the aviation medical community for all this time a lot of the documents a world full thought apparently and from the conversations records from the black box joining the press conference that we were listening to it was pretty clear that . they sounded very negligent there was a lot of swearing and the interstates to aviation committee i was actually saying that it sounds like the pilots did not come through waits all the parameters for the takeoff before before hand so they were not prepared for the flights. greece ready for a referendum on the eurozone bailout or g.
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takes a look at the repercussions of the austerity measures forced on the country by brussels or to surf earth is in athens where anti immigration sentiment is growing. on the streets of greece protests have become a common occurrence this gatherings not one of the usual demonstrations. ever gratian frightened of the ethnic tensions here in the city. and becoming more and more of a concern in the last few years illegal immigration into europe increased in particular has skyrocketed as the greek economy has plummeted the crisis has led to unemployment poverty creasing to a lot of people not being able to make ends meet face to these tough economic conditions it's not just extreme factions a society that has seen a rise in anti immigrant sentiment but every day greeks he faced with exceptionally tough social circumstances have begun to point the finger of blame. for.
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their problems on the streets of athens has now become a kind of limbo for illegal immigrants who are struggling to make money and to survive even second generation immigrants who've lived in the country many years feeling the tension we've come to one of greece's neighborhoods of the dangers a first high immigrant population the local park here has become isn't mine a battleground. that we have to close the port because it was overrun with immigrants no one could cross the border everybody was scared and no group of people could come here it was not a playground anymore. the children are now forced to play their games here outside the closed gates of the part of the best area with names danger say whether or not the threat israel the fair in this neighborhood certainly is it's definitely controversial issues and it's getting yesterday's initially because it's a symbol of fear you may believe me thinking that the place is not good because of
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immigrants in many areas of the world these things after midnight after night not hours. you're not to go to be opening in the daylight you blow through the night but the close like that whether to bring it down to the reason that is the year of crisis continues ethnic tensions have been growing heating to an extremely volatile and sometimes dangerous situation greece is a country now in the midst of not just a financial and economic crisis but it immigration crisis to trying to find a way to rebuild say showcase he's in here is not going to be easy sir artie athens occupy wall street protesters in oakland california are gathering outside city hall to begin a general strike accompanied by new protests and pickets it follows a violent police crackdown when officers stormed the demonstrators staging ground last week but as artie's. finds out it was the authorities being heavy handed that
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brought even more people onto the streets. rights are saying that since that event since not all since the injury hundreds more have it coming down here to occupy oakland i mean it has been intensely everyone that i've spoken to here is very much aware of the incident that went down we hear scott olsen stay mentioned in all of the rallying speeches with the cheering loudly we're bowing out the east heading on the on the nature of the discussion and the nearly thousand or so protesters that are gathered this morning are currently normalizing for one of their one of the things that are all marches that have the scouts don't listen and they're essentially holding city hall mark brown the city to shut down various banks to to live raise their voices and protests on the day of the general strike which is the significance of today and all of these events will call me in a massive protest scheduled up against the port of oakland this is the mail is easiest for me get into the country and they will surely feel their power and their
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ability to actually come back to commerce here in the us and i expect that this will be on top and in other occupations across the country many businesses were in fact shuttered we saw a lot of signs saying we are closed today november second all in sort of solidarity i would like to call it would be a general strike that's been scheduled for today. or to see cuff mouth reporting for us there now those are the stories we're covering for you here on out to i'll be back with the headlines in around ten minutes but before that are two talks to russian presidential aide i called the devoted to bitch about what he expects from the g twenty summit in france.
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i've got to go to college thank you very much for being with us today and so the global economy is in a pretty bad shape and especially the eurozone regardless the last e.u. summit is going to influence the g twenty summit twenty summit will focus on the state of the global economy clearly are. the way they. are supporting sustainable growth will be in the center of the discussion in the first day of the summit the. more technical nature of real more the way from the
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passions and you can ask a honestly for example last year's twenty summit was worth something about one billion dollars. people don't really think that anything comes out of this especially when it comes to plausible solutions to the real problems world is facing. for example last summer suggested that world needs more financial regulation and that countries with big budget deficits should cut those deficits and the countries with large surpluses in external trade should encourage internal consumption any there's been implemented. conduct or sign of. so it's cheaper and cheaper from time to time and money being spent in a more efficient way than before secondly. the important to understand the while during this time it's more specific decisions are being made in. the current deletion of policies conducted by national governments important result this kind
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of direct dialogue and cognition we could face much more difficult consequences so financial turmoil that happened in two thousand take but what are you guys deciding on this summits and g. twenty that you can't decide of the so when leaders look to the iso for each other final outcome is much more efficient in your phone conversations are too formal for those kinds of decisions especially given the differences. in the traditions and use of various nations but like in your opinion what would you say so far has been the biggest achievement concrete achievement of g twenty in europe i would say that. trying to play a role for the decision. making process.
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in europe the result of the twenty year pressure would be not easy but we're still like left with faced with fundamental problems in global economy the u.s. debt the eurozone crisis or the euro crisis we're still had the lack of global financial oversight what do this factor leave us with i mean are we headed for a recession or a second round of recession there is a commitment from all g twenty countries to cut budget deficits were budget deficits are high and we expect to all countries to follow suit to implement what they commit. to do in the. but to achieve the degree of fiscal consolidation needed to call the markets in the. start so the new cycle of growth occupy wall street i know that you guys are used to having protests wherever you go whether it's people who are against globalization or environmentalists the occupy wall street have promised this time t two states
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protesting can do you think maybe after all these people have a point i mean introducing one percent tax or financial transactions and currency trade that's actually enough money to finance most social and environmental that it is in the world i think that people who. go to the streets to send a signal to the governments have a point and. the point is that all things that the government should be doing should be related to the people's needs. one example in russia is the creation of international financial center a mosque or some people believe that the just that your brain creates and. it is known for brinks and the other financial institutions to florida but not if you. built our financial center in such a way then people real. go into occupy. center rather than
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a wall street should be our financial center in such a way that it will help people to get. good services cheaper services. to her for a more convenient life in general. as far as a tax and financial transaction is concerned i think current congress can decide on their own with introduce such a tax or not we believe that russia would prefer. enough taxes for all kinds of taxes and those stocks are. sufficient to finance oh all social programs properly used properly so we don't need to know the facts. in russia we believe that the stocks will short coming to teach him but then some other countries so. believe that so this kind of stuff and my beautiful why not are
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going to focus. twenty eight to the russian president thank you very much income. or.
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if. you.
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and grandad with us this is our team i'm sean thomas and let's get right to your headlines russian businessman victor boot is found guilty of attempting to sell weapons to a terrorist organization he's due to be sentenced by a court in new york in february and could face life behind bars. at the high court in london wiki leaks founder julian assange loses his appeal against extradition to sweden for alleged sex crimes mistress condemned the european arrest warrant system for preventing british judges from considering the legal merit of the charges. world leaders a gather in france for the g. twenty summit as the greek decision to hold a referendum on its bailout fuels the fires of the euro zone's financial chaos the greek prime minister has already been summoned to a meeting with his french and german counterparts to explain why he called for a vote on the bailout. and the great green threat.


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