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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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this call back when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. and. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the street the chatter that. showing up for asians are all.
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wrong one o'clock in the morning. and a friend left to the remain your car dealership through one in america or burton's made sure there are no people around the buildings that were nearby were beating. mr farmer that resulted in forty thousand dollars worth of damage to three trucks unfortunately it's taken i mean she. started far he's now i'm guilty of several different crimes he sems to twenty three years before people want to pay attention to things that i do so people like me i just say. should i stay here for the duration of my
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son's. you entire world want to. ok this point will be nonexistent twenty one which is hard to swallow. that's real good. look. what i have no problem with my. crew trying. this was the longest prison sentence for any environmental an animal rights activist in oregon the average sentence for arson if you're convicted of arson is two years so for jeff to get twenty three years for the same exact crime based on his political beliefs was outrageous and completely unheard of i think that the sentence that the judge imposed was meant to be an extreme deterrent to any other
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activists who had ever considered this form of economic sabotage as as a sign of their protest. when his appeal was finally heard the decision was declared unlawful and the sentence was ruled as unjust after nine and a half years of prison he began his life as a free man at the age of thirty one having spent all of his twenty's in a maximum security prison. prior to going to prison when i used to travel whenever possible i would hop frames and in fact just about a biled out with is where we used to hop out of eugene and we would hide in the bush is a way for a train moving just slightly slower than this. i mean my buddies would load all of
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our stuff on i carry my dog underneath my arm and we take the train down to san francisco. that used to be where all the tree sitters from fall creek used to go on vacation. we live in a world that's forgotten how to survive without in history we've forgotten how to be a part of nature and because of that we've lost a piece of ourselves we have
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a system of government and an economic system that is mathematically impossible the whole theory behind calpol ism is infinite expansion infinite growth of profits and you can't do that when you live on a planet with finite resources what happens if we don't resist is we completely lose our souls whether you're using legal or extra legal tactics to. resist corporate dominance and government oppression and put a stop to climate change poses it's justifiable resisting this is justifiable. when nine eleven happened the bush administration could not find any terrorists bin laden was out hiding they couldn't find anyone to bring into the courts of justice so that
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they could claim we've got terrorists and so in the wake of nine eleven even though all of these crimes occurred prior to nine eleven we all of a sudden heard the drums beating of this anti-terrorist montra and because the feds couldn't find any real terrorists they decided to take these young people who were accused of property sabotage and label them as terrorists might be direct action are over considered to register domestic terrorists in this country with file inches they have no idea how big it is. i can't do the things that you used to do but what i can do is share my story share my experiences and continue to advocate for the world that i want to see and continue to try to create real and meaningful change. today we're announcing the
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addition of the annual. go to the f.b.i.'s most wanted terrorist list. wanted for his alleged involvement in the bombing of two biotechnology facilities in the san francisco bay area san diego's criminal acts of violence were the mystic acts of terror planned out and possibly intended to take lives destroyed property and create economic hardship for the companies involved the f.b.i. is announcing today a reward of up to two hundred fifty thousand dollars for information leading to the location and arrest of daniel andrea's san diego animal rights and environmental extremists remain a significant threat based on the economic damage and widespread nature of this threat. these extremists have been responsible for over one thousand eight hundred criminal acts and more than one hundred ten million dollars in damages.
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when i tell people that i was thrown in jail for refusing to testify at this thing that i cringe every where wasn't even a trial they don't believe me they say no they can't do that that's unconstitutional or that's that's not allowed in this country this is a free country. people say that all the time so i was in nursing school it was late may two thousand and six and these f.b.i. agents showed up at my door and gave me these papers that said i was subpoenaed to a grand jury i was targeted because i had
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a history of environmental activism and but specifically because i you know how dissociation this with people who they thought may have been involved with crimes i knew that a grand jury was this court hearing where they're going to ask you ask me all these questions about anything they want to and there was not going to be a judge there and i wouldn't have be able to have a lawyer present and i was pretty sure they were going to ask me about these people and what i knew about them and if i knew any other people who may know them and you know things along those lines they i think they were investigating the operation backfire vest occasion the only thing i know is they put gave me showed me a picture of this one person. and said do you know this person and at that point i said i'm not cooperating. so they sent me to jail
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and i ended up keeping it there for six months without being charged with a crime at all i still support that everybody who's working on those issues but i for my own mental health i had to step back and and take a deep breath and a look at. what was going on around me and rethink what i was doing with my life.
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operation back far was an attempt by law enforcement of congress working jointly with corporations and for industry groups to not only try and stop individuals who were communities actions but to also make sure that public opinion did not support these organisations and nature of these movements as a whole were completely destroyed completely destroyed so there's no trace of any kind of resistance no threat to the us economy no threats to cooperate. who real people who are green in this country are the housewives who recycle and the children who plant trees on the weekend with their cub scout troops. and the
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fathers like me who might buy a hybrid car that's the green you have an i loose confederation of activist groups that are bent on causing damage and violence and destruction in order to get what they want and what they want is a return to nineteenth century agriculture a return to nineteenth century. homebuilding nine hundred century population numbers they want to revert society to the way it used to be it's a very shortsighted way of looking at the world our mission is to talk to the public talk to americans and to educate them about the threats from activists and government and everywhere else other threats to the food they eat and
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the choices they make new friends we have financing from many many ordinary people and also a handful of companies that like what we do and want to see us keep doing it. well we don't need them and never. the people behind this are actually some of the largest corporations in the country people like pfizer classes with on the national cattlemen's beef association the first commission all these industries and corporations with a vested interest in labeling are this is terrorists in addition to that they're all industries with a lot of financial influence on congress and they've donated heavily to these campaigns they've helped elect many of the same people that they then called upon
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to label activists as terrorists. lady and gentleman please stand and raise your right hands and each of you solemnly swear that customer you are about to give this step to additionally the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth so help me god. and echo terrorists seem to want to destroy civilization as we know it in order to save the planet close quote h.r. forty two thirty nine would expand the reach of the animal enterprise terrorism statute to specifically quote the use of force violence or threats against entities that do business with animal enterprise organizations we need this legislation to enable the police to become proactive in the way they conduct their investigations these people are organized along terrorist cells independently
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operating and using the internet and emails hunder stanley and web sites that do not operate within the united states or the united kingdom mr carter property crimes are already punishable or so-called in what enterprise terrorism this bill the risk further expanding as we think category to include protests boycotts undercover investigations whistle blowing and nonviolent civil disobedience this legislation will add to this climate of fear and distrust and it will force americans to ask themselves is it worth it standing up for my beliefs really worth the risk of being labeled a terrorist. i urge you to reject this bill make sure the limited anti-terrorism resources are used to protect national security and seamanlike not profits we thank you for your corporation attendance and without objection stop to disturb the jerk .
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the irony of all this eco terrorism legislation and rhetoric is that it's happening at a time when everyone says they're an environmentalist everyone who cares about the environment everyone is going green right now you know there is more public support for environmental issues than ever before and these corporations and these politicians understand this very well there is a report by the department of homeland security i talked about the threat of so-called eco terrorism one of the points that they raised in this report was that there is a danger with the growing awareness of the very middle of issues that mainstream people being becoming radicalized in not only taking a more radical belief system but also have to be on those balloons.
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i am married to an accountant or is currently serving a seven year sentence for arson conspiracy. he was involved in property destruction for two facilities one of them being a lumber company and one of them being a company that creates genetically modified trees. he was originally facing life in prison. it was the night of our anniversary i think and i didn't get a call from him. which was really strange because he would have definitely called and then i called the prison to find out anything happened and of course they couldn't tell me anything and then later we find out he was moved he was in the process of being moved to. marion illinois it's a southern illinois and he was being moved to a unit called the communication management unit something that actually no one had
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ever heard about and we didn't know anything about. so these units pulled what they consider people not necessarily charged with terrorism but somehow associated with terrorism which is very vague and it could basically mean anything they want it to mean. i lived in new york for nine eleven i experienced that. for me it's a kind of. really difficult to swallow that label being put on him answering i actually do know what. terrorism is and. someone who destroyed property. with absolutely zero intention of harming i think all human being. in my mind is not in fear.
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of president obama's pledge to close guantanamo on the secret overseas cia prisons calls are increasing for him to reexamine the treatment of prisoners detained as part of the so-called war on terror being held inside the united states with little public scrutiny the bush administration open to secretive prisons and indiana and illinois known as communication management units or c m use that are designed to severely restrict person or communication with family members the media and the outside world dozens of muslim men are still being held at the c.m. used as well as other person or some clothing environmental and animal rights activists the governments provided little information about the special prison units a search on the bureau of prisons website yields just one document even mentioning the program only a handful of news articles have covered what's been described as a little guantanamo by some of the person hours. and april of two thousand and ten we filed
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a lawsuit against the bureau of prisons the attorney general eric holder. director of the bureau of prisons harley and on and other high level individuals within the bureau and we are alleging that the communications management units are unconstitutional but another part of this is really defending activists as they are charged and challenging these new laws as unconstitutional you know the federal government is now attempting to prosecute protesters as terrorists and we need to call attention to this really need to argue about it in court and we also need to educate people on educate other social justice activists who maybe even next target for instance in the case of scott can you in minneapolis minnesota the government attorney in that case actually argued before the court that scott the new york has a known an archivist therefore is a domestic terrorist it was that not direct he is an anarchist therefore he is
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a terrorist and has enough evidence of its talked about literature that was found in is this whole books but i'm a cold man and the property market murders and things so it's purely about beliefs and targeting the only true. it does resonate with me you know my grandparents were julius and ethel rosenberg and course they were executed in the one nine hundred fifty s. for conspiracy to commit espionage that was the charge but really the trial was all about them allegedly having given the secret of the atomic bomb to the soviet union to the russians and while there was a huge outcry of support from many activists across the country and internationally you know huge international movement to support them and to see clemency there were many others who we would have expected to have been involved in that battle who were afraid and it's not hard to understand why they were afraid given the climate of the times but it's you know it's a history lesson that we can't afford to repeat.
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we have approximately here in the f.b.i. approximately one hundred seventy cases that are throughout all of our divisions in the f.b.i. . yes dealing specifically with eco terrorism. with . we're going to say or to the questions that were presented. it is. what it is as you say. it is a. christian it's just to save us i think that it will probably go it will
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be international and that's why it's very important that we here in the united states within the federal bureau of investigation and sure that we work very diligently with our international partners to ensure that these types of ideologies and crimes do not occur at their home. skills tourists are realistic to think of in this building just some months ago where hundred and twenty heads of state and the largest gathering outside of the u.n. building and they had they failed to deliver. a deal to stop climate change but the whole world was waiting for about a moment so we dressed up in the eyes evening blown hired
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tree cars bought some toys on the internets blue lights we made some forts number plates zero zero seven like james bond. on the eve of the summits final day two activists with the group green peace interrupted a state dinner for over one hundred world leaders at the danish royal palace dressed in formal evening where the couple one for all banners reading politicians talk leaders the action came one day after two activists briefly interrupted the summit finery chanting slogans for climate justice. the body. blows with government and the business sector why engaged in mass kill corruption maskil and by them include crimes and who act with absolute impunity and and get away with it. that.
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what we did was not something different from what we had done before but the twenty one days we go to hear the tension is actually the toughest sentence without trial that's anyone that greenpeace activist ever have both in europe so it's really a change i know that i will be charged with something possibly could give me up to or in principle could give me up to two years. element of trying to show time. public protest trying to shield the peaceful oberlander recollection this is a phenomenal motion worldwide from the u.k. where we've seen preventative arrests will be she attempts crude attempts of police infiltration with the coalition will definitely happens in the us barely
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a country that you can point to where this is not happening. so use the cell is identified by the police as a key thing good ones do much better so before major actions like nuclear waste transports she's under surveillance last time they arrested her before the transfer of a police took a risk is it legal to take preventive action on the basis of superstitions visit and we think the least went way too far and that the law doesn't co-host such arrests so. we have one with its architecture of its own to always enable police to lock up as innocent people because that's a lot easier than holding a template trial where i file fifteen thousand motions. citizens their rights demonstrates what is up with them the airplanes like on first condition that condition and that's how they do it that's how our basic rights are restricted some
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day they'll disappear if we don't they found them. it takes fifteen to twenty million years for the planet to recover from a major extinction event but the planet has time we don't so this is really about saving ourselves are we intelligent enough to save ourselves or not it's really up to the younger generations to take a stand because we're going to be left holding the bag in the end we're going to have to face the consequences of all the damage that's happened over these past centuries and. we can't wait for somebody else to do it.
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ok ok. ok. ok oh i let it. leak elite. player. issues that so much maybe you should be sitting on the market as teacher so does the rest of the arab world tunisia successfully holds the first election of the arab spring with an islamic party.
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