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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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hello i'm tom are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture thousands gathered in oakland california today for a day of action that is being hailed as the biggest protest on the west coast since the vietnam war well the latest from downtown oakland and leaders of the world's most powerful nations will be gathered in france tomorrow for the g. twenty summit but first a lot of the face and nurses from all around the world will be in collins cross the leaders for attacks on global financial transactions and we now know what's on the negotiating table for the gang of twelve as they quickly approach the deadline for
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coming up with a plan to reduce our nation's deficit one thing is clear you and i are not the winners in any of these proposals. you need to know this today is general strike day in oakland thousands of people took off work and took to the streets as part of the occupy oakland movement's day of action it's the first general strike in a major u.s. city since nineteen forty six several local banks were shut down as well as movie theaters clothing stores grocery stores schools and a number of other businesses according to the oakland unified school district a fifth of all the city's teachers stayed home today to participate in the strike at this moment a massive march is under way to shut down the port of oakland the nation's fifth busiest port i'm now joined on the phone by joshua holland senior writer and editor
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alter net is currently marching with occupy oakland to the port of oakland and has been keeping us up to date on this for some time joshua welcome back. i got a place for having me i'm actually on a one of the charter buses that are headed towards a port of a program where we are arriving right now it's back to being there bicyclist that are blocking the easier access to the truck theater. hectic but you ation come back for. the during the day were crawling. littered groups like the david did their own independent actions throughout the day overall very very old very well to manage their work. because they have. all that all are very different a very short amount of time therefore and i suspect giving them the. right with the the longshoreman's union can't is not participating explicitly in striking back i
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think they may be forbidden from doing so by federal law but this is an action this is a citizen's action to try and shut down the ports a lot of people heading out there what he thinks going to happen well i think that there's going to be any confrontations with police i would expect it to be counter your arguments and this is a fierce critic of previous computer court united states. there are a number of people few waves that are coming down here to try to shut it down and i think that this is going to be you know where where the action is yeah will other occupations around the country be following suit by calling for strikes in their cities any early word i mean these. i mean i know that there are color parity actions and fifty to cross the united states occupation across the united states i think that there. are american there's obviously an explanation of the occupy movement. i would expect the other thirty dollars. organizers here i
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suspect that there are going to do you know there are larger general strike steps if you live in january which would give them significantly more he turned again to give themselves only five days to organize their. every very short amount of time and i think it's one of the despite i would guess there made you know just a guesstimate that about fifty percent of downtown to oakland businesses were shuttered today with fines on the doors expecting there to be with well you know it's a judgment been a long time since one hundred forty six and there was really a successful national strike in the u.s. and that was the peak year for unionization thirty four percent of the end of the workforce kept harley was passed the next year forty seven sherman tried to veto it the congress overrode it with the work for the right to work for less provisions and that really began the destruction of the union movement which reagan put on steroids and private sector unions now only representing about eight percent of
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workers do you think national strikes are viable any more. well as you said the unions are and joins other labor law. calling for the strike the thing is that this is a broad popular movement nothing is. getting in the way of the occupy movement from coordinating a national strike so maybe there is we're seeing the beginning of it because of the infrastructure that we've lacked of three hundred forty seven for doing this remember that the saints were previously organized the labor movement politically until you mentioned nine hundred forty. six i had the head of the oakland police officers association on a radio show that he's pretty upset with america throwing his officers into that mess last tuesday how's american out on this and other cops taking the brunt of the blame in people's minds and this is one of the activating forces from today's shutdown from today's action strike action and what was your take
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a main takeaway message from today we we have just lost them in your judgment. there is a game of political hot potato going on here in oakland obviously the crackdown last tuesday not play well in this progressive community where i imagine the vast majority support the goals of the occupiers so what we see is the mayor the police department try to. pass the buck trying to deflect blame from themselves if a you know there is a longstanding political rivalry here as well you know when a lot of tension between the police the community and the bears office. backdrop against which all of this ok great joshua thanks so much for being with us today. very perhaps great talking with so would three days day of action in full swing in oakland several organizations are looking ahead to tomorrow's day of action that's when world leaders gather in france for this year's g. twenty summit where they will be joined by nurses for different continents working
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together with the ninety nine percent movement to demand a new financial transaction tax on activities that are conducted on wall street and in the analogs of wall street around the world the organization national nurses united spearheading the day of action will be holding a rally in front of the treasury building here in washington d.c. as well to press for this financial transaction tax for more what's planned for tomorrow i'm pleased to welcome michael whitely lighting excuse me national policy director for national nurses united in the california nurses association michael welcome thank you tom great see you again thank you great to have you back with us and so first of all tell me what is happening tomorrow tomorrow we're going to be in front of the treasury department as you said to demand that president obama support a financial transaction tax we're going to have nurses from all over the country we're going to have union members are going to community folks we're going to have occupiers there and we're going to be a law for you at square there we're going to be in front of the white house and
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we're going to be in front of treasury putting these guys on the hot seat they've got to decide which side they're on yellow street or main street there you go and these guys being president obama and timmy geithner. hearing are why you know you know some people look at those and they go ok the v. major proponents the largest organization in the loudest group they're calling for a financial transaction tax or what used to be called a step tax security transaction realized that it's sometimes called the speculator tax right. is nurses what's the connection between a financial transaction tax and nurses will nurses really see the human effects of the great recession they're seeing increases and stress related don't. yes there is see people who can't afford their medications you're seeing greater numbers of uninsured we have nurses working in the nurses stations at occupy sites who are seen folks who don't have access to health care or any regular basis folks coming
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up to them asking for insulin diabetics who don't have the basic medication for their chronic condition life threatening chronic condition so it is the direct impact of the recession that nurses feel there's also more pain their sisters more get taken care of their adult children they're becoming they're essentially their wage is a living wage a family wage for many people in their extended family so between their own impacts that they see financially and impacts on their patients in terms of health it's natural that as advocates they want to change you know the metaphor that immediately comes to mind is that you folks in the medical field understand that if you find a metastasis a cancer that has spread and you take out the part that spread but you don't get to the original cancer you're still screwed and the original cancer here that we're looking at call it a recession the original cancer it's wall street that's right the original cancer is wall street the speculation that ultimately destroyed the financial sector that
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we had used taxpayer money to bail out and then that money hasn't gone down to homeowners hasn't helped people get jobs hasn't stimulated the economy and you're right so no therapy here is the transfer. of all three does the source hi-fi the f.s.a. a new study done by two nonpartisan vermont government agencies looked at you know peter shumlin the new governor of vermont ran a platform of a single payer health care system for a state and it has passed the legislature he signed it in a lot and they're waiting for a waiver from the president of course they have to organize and put it together so that two different agencies of the government say what's this impact going to be financially in the state of vermont and the reports came in today and what they found was that the state at the very worst which we now in front. twenty twenty would save the very worst a little over five hundred million dollars and at the very best would save one point eight billion dollars money that would be skimmed off by united health care
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to pay one hundred million dollars a year you know salary and benefits to people like. you know the stephen j. hands that are sent you know. is the national or since united this is a little more direct to the right care industry. another part of a cancer in the body politic is now it's a national or says united working on single payer health care issues as well absolutely it's one of our top priorities we had some of the organizers who are doing the work behind governor shumlin out in california talking about what's happened in fremont we have asked a coalition of us in california have asked governor brown to request a waiver from president obama so we can implement single payer in california that which would save food it would save a fortune probably for you i mean there are lots of little tiny you can so you could solve the fiscal crisis of california if you were to put everyone in a medicare for all type in nationally we did a study that said you could create two point six million jobs if you put everyone in medicare. and we presented that to congress we couldn't get
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a policy debate on the merits of single payer in congress and it's outrageous and it's a reflection of the same dynamic that wall street kills things that hurt it health insurers kill the reforms that hurt their well in the health insurers of all streeter like this that's right they're making money for wall street making money for their stockholders and it's just it's so imagine if you have a medical loss ratio if your insurance company what you spend on medical care is a loss. that's what they call a loss providing care to you and not right so they have to trust minimize the that's that's not a business model makes more sense if you're a sick person or an insured person. it's just incredibly destructive national nurses united i know that you've been working with democrats america people in america or jim carpenter's organization one that you know disclosure i'm on the advisory board of i think it's the best because so much ok. and that's the the health care not warfare that's right also and the workers that's right will know
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that's that's that's we are not focusing on that right now because we're trying to go after wall street obviously but health care not warfare is crucial because now we have occupiers like the young kid in oakland who was heard in the police. to two time iraq time iraq that we have iraq bits in occupy d.c. looking for health care for more nurses station it's a direct impact if we've spent will spend with three trillion on the wars in iraq and afghanistan alternately imagine what that would do for our communities imagine what i would do for main street it's unconditional credit michael thanks so much take me to those and for the great work national nurses in it was to thank you truly appreciate your calls for a financial transaction tax are growing louder and louder today senator tom harkin and congressman peter de fazio announced plans to introduce a new financial transaction tax even the archbishop of canterbury the head of the church of england called for such a tax and given the proposed tax is only three one hundred six of one percent it
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will have virtually no impact on most traders except for those high frequency robots on wall street that are churning stocks over thousands of times a second millions of times a second serve publicans who oppose this new financial transaction tax are just only looking out for the human one percent they're also only looking out for the banks to robots as well. it's time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's the day's question who is responsible for the violence at the occupy oakland protests the police or the mayor choices are they the police the i was just following orders excuse doesn't work for this type of violence or be the mare that mare shouldn't have tried to stop occupy oakland from having the right to free speech or see both law going to let us know what you think the poll will be open until tomorrow morning. coming up the clock is
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ticking for the gang of twelve but does that justify their plans a sacrifice critical programs that millions of americans depend on every day you might be surprised to find out who stands to lose the most lawmakers move forward with their plans to make the cuts to medicare. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through to people who made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do you are t. question more.
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whose scrutiny americans of the gang of twelve have their way we now know a both sides and a gang of twelve have on the table to begin negotiations to reduce our nation's deficit and looking at the republican and democratic proposals risker last week in a move that shocked many progressives frankly shocked many americans six democrats and the gang of twelve offered up four hundred seventy five billion dollars in cuts to medicaid and medicare cuts that a large majority of americans disapprove of cuts to very popular programs that were
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created by democrats again this was their opening proposal mean those cuts will only get steeper once negotiations start and right on cue republicans really is their first proposal one upping democrats on cuts to medicare and medicaid calling for nearly seven billion dollars to be chopped out of these critical safety net programs so now the gang of twelve does come up with a compromise is almost certainly going to include deep cuts to critical untitled programs campaign for america's future weighed in on what came out of a gang of twelve so far it is ation wrote a press release blasting the committee members millionaires and billionaires have had their incomes rise and their tax rates decline such shared sacrifice to balance taxes on the wealthy with cuts to medicare or social security or other programs that protect people who need help or more on where this government. my gang is headed you know progress is need to do to fight back i'm joined by roger hickey co-founder of the campaign for america's future roger welcome back to the program
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thanks for having me great to have you with us cuts to medicare what are these democrats like on crack i don't get it that's the most shocking thing about this that you expect the republicans to be going after these programs they have they have a track record since the program started but these democrats are somehow thinking that they can trap the republicans into being in favor of raising taxes and we should be doing that either in a big recession right now but in return they are offering up cuts to medicare and social security it is crazy and it's not just going to hurt people down the road in future years and her people right now by changing the cost of living index for social security things like that so what's what kind of political calculus would cause i realize there's some some rogue democrats some conservatives i guess or you know whatever. but i don't think that this committee was entirely made up of no these are people appointed by the leadership of the democratic party to represent
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the party on this gang of twelve so what's the political calculus that leads them to do something the stupid it's either that they are so desperate to get tax increases that they are willing to make but obama called a grand bargain which was a bad idea to or they are cynically predicting that the republicans are going to choke on tax increases and therefore it's all going to go away this is is that what the clinicians tell triangulation it certainly is betty you know. that your your offer publicized to the american people is going to be rejected and that the american people are going to forget that you said what you said about social security medicare it is very cynical at worst what should be their strategy their strategy ought to be first of all the talk about jobs i mean here you have the president states in the in france. try to save the imploding world economy we hope he is and and everywhere in the world there are people losing their jobs this
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commission this super committee. is unconstitutional start with it should not be focusing on cutting deficits to be focusing on creating jobs a venture early when we get people working and paying into the system the deficit is going to come down by itself right now you've got people who don't have jobs and so they're pulling money out of the government from everything from food stamps to employment if they had jobs they would be putting money into that that is the best way to get the deficit down none of these gang of twelve are talking about that really and they're certainly not doing anything to get the economy moving they're going to they're going to hurt the economy and the democrats should be standing up for medicare and social security and that's the way democrats win the next election is by being strong defenders of so security medicare and advocates of jobs for everybody right this is the old harry truman if if americans are presented with a republican who behaves like a democrat versus a republican the truth will republican of course the same is true on the democratic
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side. what is the best case scenario here for the game as well i mean if they if they don't come to some sort of a deal then he's quote draco nian cuts and quote it can but isn't there also a very real probability frankly that because these cuts are loaded down the road that the next next congress will simply come along and say oh it was a very nice political theater now we're going to do something supposedly one point two trillion dollars in cuts kick in but no congress can bind future congresses like that. i think this is going to be the subject of the next election where we go in as a nation do we want full employment as a way to get the deficit reduction and and i would hope that even if it passes there there can be found ways. stop the immediate cuts and we take it to the election and unfortunately the democrats are are damaging their ability to go to
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the country and say we are strongly in support of these programs so security medicare well we've already seen it in the states i might have these numbers mixed up but i believe it's in the states there have been about five hundred thousand job cuts mostly in red states mostly government employees or contractors for government and about three hundred seventy or four hundred thousand federal jobs you know might have these factories. and the net effect of things has been that had these government jobs and not been caught last two years our unemployment rate would be below eight percent right now it's like you know this is the shoot yourself in the foot strategy except in the states it's all being done by republican governors so maybe it's you know shoot the future prospects of the president with what. it isn't isn't there some is is anybody out there rationally talking about jobs and how do we influence the gang of twelve to talk about jobs. i think the gang of twelve it's
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hopeless they're going to make some rhetorical reference to job creation programs and then they're going to say these cuts are not going to start right away but in fact. president obama is now got religion on jobs and he's out there with an inadequate but still clear jobs plan that includes some aid to the states to prevent layoffs what we need is an independent citizens movement a movement for the american dream you might call it that actually focuses on jobs and makes job creation and economic recovery an issue in the next election how can you do that successfully when you've got governors like rick scott out of florida when he was offered i think it was a thirty eight million bucks for light rail or something they are a billion dollars some i don't know where he has some enormous amount of money that would a created thousands of jobs he said no i don't want to set some point two or ten point six percent unemployment in florida one of the worst in the country he won't take federal money apparently because he wants the pain to be so bad going to two
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thousand and twelve that people will blame obama when it's the seems to be the republican governor strategy and their popularity is plummeting all these new republican governors case akin going to get his and his head handed to him with the with the election the the referendum to repeal is anti-labor proposals all of these guys including wisconsin started in wisconsin. are seeing their popular plummet and good progressive's like sherrod brown are going to get reelected because of this wave of of revulsion against the republicans and it it makes it possible that the democrats could not only reelect obama in those states but also take over the the congress if they campaigned as democrats defending social security if any medicare and calling for real job creation from the lips to god's ears that's. a few days of the great work to do it no one is likely to be
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happy with what comes out of the gang of twelve but what else should be expected from a government by again so i mean gang government doesn't work gang government just has never worked the founders of the framers didn't have gang government in mind it's not in the constitution and it's frankly unconstitutional as roger just pointed out it's really just a way to pass the buck for example the base closure commission congress knew this was this is back you know most of decade ago it seems that congress knew there with all these military bases around the country and because there were so many of them in so many congressional districts they couldn't get enough congress members to say ok let's close even the totally useless ones the ones that are just a total waste of time so they outsourced it to again the reason they had to do this was because defense contractors got really really slick they put a small facility in every congressional district in the country and by the way it's still that way so if anybody talks about cutting any of their budgets they can
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threaten any member of congress with ads saying. he was the way people off of his own district now they're trying to do the same thing with the budget they're saying oh oh we've got to cut the budget well we can't cut the budget we'll outsource of this gang right not real bright here's the problem. if we simply and this is really a simple solution you know before reagan all the way from george washington to ronald reagan if you add up all the debt that was that was accumulated by all of those presidents from george washington to jimmy carter ronald reagan ran on more debt than all of them combined. by his massive tax cuts we took the top rate on millionaires and billionaires and dropped it from seventy four percent down to twenty eight percent if we simply roll back the reagan tax cut it would solve everything but even the gangs don't have the courage for that as long as the supreme court says money is speech one literally one cranky billionaire just thrown
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a few few million bucks out can take them doesn't members of congress mean you know a couple hundred thousand dollars is big money to congressional race so what we're seeing with this game government the reason why congress is having to defer to games where there was that old commission or whether it's the gang of twelve right now is a symptom of a broken system it's a fundamentally broken system and this is why congress is popularity ratings are in the tank americans know it's broken is the only way to get out of this thing is to get money out of government got to get money out of government and one of the best ways to do that is to amend the constitution to say sorry corporations are people money is not speech for more information go to move to amend dot org. crazy alert creepy call i this and ohio woman claims her house is haunted by ghosts
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ghosts that seem to only be concerned with having sex with each other as she says she's seen on numerous occasions to goes to get it on her living room. in my. they are safe where you can see the lady i knew so how paranormal researcher alexandra holds her weighed in on the horny haunted house explaining the phenomenon by saying these could be two spirits who knew each other in life and have a connection to that was able to give some advice to the homeowner who has a four year old granddaughter who allegedly snapped a photo of the ghosts romp saying they have to speak to the ghosts conversationally say something like i could appreciate it but you have a connection with each other but we have children here the story could be good news for all fans of the x. files t.v. show that's now put off the air for nearly a decade it's only
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a matter of time now before the new spin off show starts the triple x. files are you ready to rumble when we come back i'll take on conservative commentators the other serve on brian darling in this week's lone liberal rumble. but drives the world of fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to prove it through if you've made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.


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