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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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reports coming in that the greek prime minister will not resign and the referendum on the next hour will not take place is the parliament can agree on a coalition i'll have more details from france in just a moment. and it dulls the road from cannes and keep the g. twenty marches on alternative gatherings are being held surrounded by a massive police operation. also gets out oakland streets and littered with tear gas canisters and spent rubber bullets after a rock police crackdown on a massive occupy protest that left america's fifth largest our allies. and russia questions the fairness all business when victim groups try and wants to
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bring in post after the new york jury finds him guilty of arms trafficking. internationally using comment live from moscow with the twenty four hours a day. political uncertainty in crisis hit greece is dominating the g twenty meeting in france there are reports that the prime minister has scrapped plans for a national referendum on whether to accept another e.u. bailout it come under pressure from leaders meeting at the g twenty summit in france not to go ahead with a vote and put the euro zone risk on artie's and he said now it is in can. only search it appears now that the referendum plans have been ditched what does this mean now. that's right it also looks like the greek prime minister is not going to resign earlier there were reports that it was pretty much imminent that he would
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step down it looks like the referendum which he announced very surprisingly just ahead of this summit on the next massive bailouts from the e.u. to try to save their economy will be cancelled he had just announced it would be held on december fourth on the eve of this summit pressure coming from angela merkel and host nicolas sarkozy that he can go ahead and hold that referendum but if cuts are not made and the greek public does vote no then they would not receive well this morning he went back to athens emergency cabinet meeting was held and it became very clear that between the prime minister and the finance minister there was an agreement really the finance minister saying he doesn't think the referendum should in fact the actual how it affects the actual whether or not greece should stay in the euro zone and then this announcement that we're hearing that if they can come up with some kind of coalition parliament that satisfies everyone that the
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referendum won't be held to answer a question about what that means people going out on the streets in greece for over a year now protesting because so what it will be. instability at least in response further violence i mean in terms of the euro if you ask your across of course they'll say this is necessary that greece should stay in the euro zone euro skeptics of course will say you're just moving the problem down the road and eventually greece is going to have to go into have to default well focusing old this meeting of the leaders come up with any ideas on how to end this crisis. well the main session i's just going to hear from nicolas sarkozy and angle merkel and all of the leaders will be giving a press conference and we'll be hearing more details about any perhaps concrete plans on how to save the euro it is expected that nicolas sarkozy will be praising the greek prime minister's decision to scrap that referendum obviously there was a lot of pressure put on him on the eve of this summit critics saying they don't
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think any concrete results will actually come out of this day and a half or so summit on the euro specifically one of the questions that still is very have believed debated here and it was brought up in a meeting of the brics the emerging economies the reason the g twenty was created to kind of spread out the ballots have more countries involved that economies are perhaps not as affected by the euro but still very important in terms of the global economy and its stability there are voices being heard we heard from president medvedev he said that on the ballot russia does support any kind of money coming from the i.m.f. but that also what needs to be taken into consideration is how to remodel to reconstruct the financial system which was supposed to be done years ago and he said thanks very much indeed for that live update from away from the actual summit it's so. twenty mulches have been held across the french riviera and all of these tell you
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a bushel has more on that. just as most here it's monaco really just down the coast from the g. twenty summit in cannes because monaco is a tax free haven and protesters here are saying that a banker for example who got a million euro. public bailout can move here i'm not even pay a single cent in tax on that. world leaders that previous g twenty summit promised to shut down tax havens or tax paradises as the demonstrators the fact that no action is still being taken home that there was no it is a nicolas sarkozy dressed in angle of local and barack obama have given an alternative summit press conference we've spoken to the fake nicolas sarkozy who says yes we can fly we're a rich organization the g. twenty is a rich organization for the rich and we does the anything wrong with the world economy at the moment the fake angle of merkel says we're quite happy for greece to
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have a referendum on whether they should have the euro bailout as long as they vote yes considering the clearly very good fish will stay with the coming delta just down the road in cannes some here have said that this is perhaps a more informative of the two summits if you like it follows protesters in nicolas sarkozy most on the mediterranean sea coast holding up signs saying the g twenty is chile and we don't want to take any risks those are just really have a new strategy i mean it's avoiding the boiler's that we've seen during previous summits really marking world leaders showing up the fact that they seem so out of touch with ordinary people's problems at the moment. there later on here on r.t. financial guru max keiser and stacy her look at the current financial problems through the prism of the past and here's a preview of what's to come after seven thirty g.m.t. . john lennon and yoko ono were actually watching the kaiser report
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during their famous bed in in one thousand nine hundred sixty nine and you see you know this is a unique perspective not very many people look at that shot from that time but as you can see they were also saying all we are saying is let the banks fail and kaiser karma at the time nobody thought to look at the full three sixty of that chart exactly to look at some of the posters on the wall like make love not that now suddenly in the year twenty eleven john and yoko were clever boy and they saw john was a visionary he saw the future he knew it was coming. police have withdrawn from the streets of oakland after a series of running battles with occupy protesters run clad officers once again deployed to gas flash bangs and robert i mention in an effort to move entrenched
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demonstrators but the city's port the fifth largest in america remains shut down correspondent you see coming out of has more from the scene. we're here at the port of oakland where the occupy wall street protesters have successfully shut down the porch the crowd you see behind me is gathered here because one of the workers tried to speed through the crowd almost running over several protesters trying to get through the human mind the human barricade the presence or surrounded the car going back to them from going he's now backing out but a lot of folks here fear iest thousands of people have gathered here now again the port of oakland has effectively been shut down and several thousand people have marched from downtown oakland onto this area they shut down all of the gates effectively sending a warning shot they say to the so-called one percent of the the corporate owners of the courts trying to hurt the at the top of the to where it hurts the most in the pocket in the economic sense whether or not this these kind of tactics are going to be repeated at other occupy wall street movements remains to be seen but. according
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to witnesses police ring various protests a stronghold throughout the city including a number of abandoned buildings once in position to smoke them out using flash bangs and to guest on the demonstrators much more serious work on occasions the police would point probably news reports that at least one person taken to hospital after being shot you see caulfield has more on this. and they're shouting some spirits are here in reference to egypt where this force that is a symbol of the arab spring by the media here and that was one of the biggest inspirations for the occupy wall street movement is that in just a miniscule runs of the it was a long fight in the way that we saw the certain countries in the middle east or africa occupied force they were sold in those countries with the war on terror followed by the police officers that you can see we report here on the streets of downtown oakland is actually good news so the right you saw the signs around us i'm
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going to step back here so you can see what's actually no you think you know what is this the rubber. so. i think. this is this i mean it's fairly hefty actually you can imagine it's something like that it's me that's speed that for me when the my actually works the. more it looks like your. own you can also check twitter feed for the latest updates from the city and with the description of some of the most dramatic events during the protests. she tells the truth from leaving the car plowing into protesters all ending with a public vote on whether to allow them to pass that much much more on. twitter feed which we will be treated in the school. coming up in
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a few minutes from now find out why social networking sites like twitter and facebook are in danger of becoming a surveillance from the british government that still ahead here on. british officials are reportedly working on a plan to assist u.s. forces in a preemptive attack on iranian military facilities it follows claims washington is moving towards a policy of intervention out of fear that iran is developing a nuclear weapons program something iran has always denied well for more on how this could affect the fragile power balance in the middle east i'm now joined by political analyst chris bambery he's joining us live from london now the british media where you are is full of speculation that next week's international atomic energy agency report will be a severe blow to iran's claims its nuclear program is peaceful surely a strong case for military action. well let's see the evidence that they provide so
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far they're not bill provide any evidence but i would say this to anyone reading the press reports on these contingency plans being dropped by the group mr defense here in london for an attack on iran must be worrying that if iran is not developing and you call a missile it will not. be so faced with the idea that the americans the british and the interim really are looking towards an unprovoked attack on iran and the world a much more dangerous place i cannot imagine a worse alliance with these three powers one power america has is the only power in the world to use atomic weapons israel has secret legal nuclear program which it denied for years and we know it exists it's the only nuclear power in the middle middle east and britain of course the former colonial power provided the means to get those nuclear weapons all those years ago these are the powers which are blood in israel of course in power in palestine and in lebanon but britain and america
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britain america's involvement in iran goes way back to the one nine hundred fifty three when they combine to overthrow democratic government this is the remembered a radical government which had nationalize the oil industry was overthrown by a. cia coup which installed the shah of iran and i think people in wanted emotion of short memories but this has always been perceived threat from iran after all that's the argument behind the anti missile defense system currently being proposed for europe so surely there is some threat here and it's a credible threat. well britain and america seem to redefine what threats are for instance we had for all those years the cold war the threat was russia need to is no. building a missile shield it seems to be aimed at russia in part but also definitely against iran with setting up in tokyo and we've seen nato intervening into the region. iran trainers and russia's borders it seems to me provocatively of
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a string of nato american bases along in the caucasus and elsewhere threaten interests of these of these countries of course we've also seen it or want to see years of operations. going to stand was recently in libya i am fearful that the so-called success there would be an operation we followed by for the humanity it was like we saw in former yugoslavia over a. decade ago and nato was going aggressive role here it's portrayed as a peacekeeper liberal in the missile defense shield is an aggressive act it's aggressive towards russia it's aggressive war china is aggressive towards iran why by saying why isn't iran being transparent open and allowing investigators to and inspectors to check the facilities and also of course you mentioned israel and from israel a little earlier iran's got every reason has it not to develop a nuclear deterrent. both. develop and you could program for peaceful purposes personally i'm against all you quote weapons but i think it's a bit rich to be way iran's to be lectured by the likes of washington london and
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tel aviv on nuclear weapons when these are the people as i said the americans there were people to use those weapons these are the new poets and seems to be here is that these countries the western countries can have weapons which can destroy the world many many more times over but no one else has the right about this technology no i would rather have no nuclear weapons but i put the blame force them foremost on america britain and israel here and as i say people in the region must have long memories not just of the intervention in iraq and there was a contingency plan which donald rumsfeld would treat to go off the shelf within hours of nine eleven to present to george bush for attacking iraq but he must remember britain and israel involvement in the su is invasion of one nine hundred fifty six they must remember that britain and america put the shi'a in power they must remember britain's involvement in that region all those that decades ago were getting a lot of rhetoric from the west and of course if a strike were to take place what would that do for president obama in asia. clearly
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he would be absolutely entitled for some sort of recrimination what does that do for also his support there in iran. i think people in the west seem to underestimate the strength of a reunion nationalism there may be differences in how around however there is a strong national a sense that the remembrances of what happened under foreign intervention into the country and how this has been installed and trained by britain and for america and say a people long memories of the shah the way it's presented no in the west of the shah it will receive there will be a bloody war if there is an attack on iran and iran is not iraq as of two thousand and one there will be retaliation in his will and from our mass and the world are dangerous ways because of these reports just finally you talk about a bloody war and the consequences after afghanistan iraq and libya as well as of course talk of intervention in syria is there really any appetite among the people let alone the politicians for further military interventions like that but it seems
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bizarre that you would have thought that any would even think you were considering points around would look at that in your position in this country britain for instance the war in libya there was a majority get against that but of course we're talking about economically declining post in america and britain and the military assets remain they remain the one thing they can deploy and we nor that britain and america more poorly america are prepared to use their economic in military power to try to restore economic position in the world in relation to china in relation to me so i think what we're seeing here we know this from history economic instability often leads to military adventures often leads to wars and i think we must be worried at the moment the one thing i would say is if i was an american president i would be worried about think you are any attack on iran given the weather what position to the economic policies we're seeing on the streets of polka industry to washington in new york and elsewhere with this one occupy movement and of course for coming presidential elections in november when a year from now so interesting political gamble that would be chris we could talk
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more but thank you very much indeed for joining us chris bambery political analyst joining us there in london thanks for time. russian business and big head boot faces a life sentence after a new york jury found him guilty of agreeing to sell arms to terrorists and conspiring to kill americans he was arrested in thailand in two thousand and eight after a sting operation and was eventually extradited to the u.s. the spite strong opposition from moscow our correspondent has been following the story. just one day after deliberations began a jury of twelve handed down that verdict and the verdict is that they found a russian business that businessman pictured food guilty on all the charges that were leveraged against him by the united states those charges include conspiring to kill americans are conspiring to kill u.s. officials trafficking rockets and also he was charged with supplying arms to the revolutionary armed forces of colombia an organization the united states deems as
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terrorists now this this trial of victor boot went on for about three weeks but his presence here in the united states has garnered a lot of attention as we've been reporting the u.s. fought very hard to get victor victor boot extradited from thailand to the u.s. over a year ago but that fight was taking place since mr coote was arrested during a sting operation in thailand in march two thousand and eight. not guilty on all the charges and he still maintains his innocence his attorney albert diane did speak to the press following today's events that took place in court so this is not the end that he still has a chance that we have a chance to will again we can appeal to the judge. that the verdict was rendered against the weight of the evidence that we can also proceed to the united states court of appeals but we are disappointed at this word now that he's been found
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guilty on these charges he faces a sentence of anywhere between twenty five years to life in prison. for it to breach promises that the u.s. media launched a campaign which ruined his reputation before the trial even began. even before the court hearing started all the news channels and websites practically all the mass media talked of nothing else but victor boot his name is on the screen around the clock but apart from talking there is absolutely no evidence this is what surprise a lawyer who asked for proof across the kitchen could not give any calling victor an arms fire and wanted all over the world they said everyone was after him and try to intimidate the jurors calling him a monster. russia says it wants to bring victims back home and says that his extradition to the u.s. was illegal he was flown out of thailand in a military style operation moscow believes was outside the jurisdiction of u.s. authorities a correspondent. has more. russia strongly criticizes the u.s.
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court decision saying that it's a big question into how lawful was it that the us managed to get us going to all is to tori in the first place since it was twice that a tight court could not find enough evidence to extradite him then all was suddenly changed its mind and just a few hours after that it was on a plane headed to the u.s. back in two thousand and ten and the foreign ministry here in moscow says that this was a result of political pressure applied on thailand by washington it also claims that the negative image has been created around the world and this piece on purpose by u.s. media and all this makes the russia question of the us course objectivity at the moment the foreign ministry says that its main goal is to get to be credible back to russia. and with more on another celebrated international legal wrangle that wiki leaks founder julian assange on our website and you can logon to our dot com
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to find the latest details on that. if i was not to be driven to despair by the latest news from the u.k. companies to be extradited to sweden she says unless his homeland of australia steps in extradition to the u.s. is inevitable. plus a belated halloween surprise protesters in ukraine supporting convicted next prime minister yulia timoshenko taken on since they tried to storm the country's parliament. the british government has blamed social networking sites for spreading on restaurant august riots across england in an attempt to prevent similar trouble in future one part of london is now proposing to monitor online activity at youth centers and this is norris with reports it's a risky game that may breach the vital bond of trust between young people and social workers. the reality of life in east london young teens take part in a workshop on gang violence that the government laid. blame for august riots firmly
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at the door of gangs one london council is talking about making youth workers buy on their members and monitor their social network activities anything suspicious would be passed to a special anti gang unit but the m.p. for hackney where some of the worst on record placed says it's not the technology to play in when you had trust in this country twelve when there was no internet no . text messages so it is not some time and the real causes of riots rather than. the messenger and that's the real possibility it will backfire for some young people begins to a safe haven in and around the world and message monitoring could undermine the impeachment relationship between us and probably will teen making it less likely to turn to them in a crisis and more susceptible to getting. out slightly crime and violence during
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the riots social networks like twitter and blackberry messenger were used by rioters to pinpoint the next location in march for destruction the government went to far as proposing shutting down the services while two men were jailed for years each inciting writing on facebook but teens say spying risks isolating the very people they're trying to help if that happens then people. like you sometimes these type of things are undoubtedly social issues and solving them requires walking a fine line between coming down hard on troublemakers and preserving civil liberties for everyone but it's clear that this measure which would cost hundreds of thousands of pounds to enforce could also cost the trust and goodwill of the thing at risk youth the author of cheese is so concerned about euro smith r.t. london. the sport and
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a recap of our top stories all still have. time for the business update with kareena stay with us here live in moscow. hello welcome topis a soft late to sound president richard bate of says russia's accession to the world trade organization will help to liberalize trade and investment globally the president made the statement at the g twenty summit in cannes just hours after russia finally cleared the way to joining the trade the trade club by setting all remaining issues with georgia artie's we have hasn't. it looks like this is following the end for russia for many years that russia has been the biggest economy that's outside of the w t o and so eighteen years of these negotiations all occasions russia has been closed occasionally it has struggled with certain big partners such as the usa on other occasions being new members within with the
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troubles funny sealing the deal and also when you have questioned over these eighteen years russia's own desire to always join the w t o allocations russia has wanted to protect its own industries and has been dubious about all of the benefits of course over the last two years georgia has been the biggest obstacle and the obstacle is of course not just economic but political as well in nature and the focus is on the two de facto independent breakaway republics it's often said here an apology because georgia refuses to recognize these places as an independent it's sort of that wanted to supervise the border between these countries and russia it's sort of the axis to this border and this is something that neither russia nor these countries are prepared to give for any deal was negotiated by swiss wheat date is over the past few months but it's a deal where georgia and russia have accepted so this is really the key step to letting this happen under the practicalities of who's going to be another round of negotiations in about ten days and then if everything is ok by mid december russia
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will be a w t o member of this does happen this will be perhaps considered one of the greatest achievements of president of presidency. let's take a look at the markets oil prices and makes light sweet is trading at overnight he tossed about our brand as a one hundred and nine dollars a barrel here stocks are rising for a second straight day after the european central bank unexpectedly kind of benchmark interest rate the dow jones is up nearly a percent with twenty three out of it out of thirty kircher constituents higher kraft foods is that over three percent by thinking morgan chase is down point seven percent in europe started bass after the central. bank surprised the markets by cutting the benchmark interest rates as well the positive sentiment on the market is also due to greek prime minister signaled he will not resign the banking stocks are lower the world bank of scotland is losing over one a half percent on the footsie and here in moscow the markets climbed on the last day of the trading week as well against the odds he has ended over
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a percent in the black and in my experience point eight percent higher on friday the bush vs will be closed for a public holiday let's have a look at some of the individual shambles otherwise it gets brawn has balls back from early losses the company has resumed operations in libya together with the telly and any notice nucular also games the company has managed to acquire around one hundred twenty million shares from the market in its buyback and its about sixty percent of its charter capital air floats has lost one and a half was sense the company has reported an eleven percent decline in net profit for the third quarter according to the russian a conference on that's. so we have time for but don't forget you can always log on to website r.t. dot com slash business thanks for watching. the
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. atlanta.


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