tv [untitled] November 3, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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well i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sleek you think you understand it and then you limp something else you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big fish.
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guys it's time for show and talents and the last time we discussed the methods used by states across the countries you arrest occupy protesters from it's of use a variety of tactics like archaic legislation or even passing new laws to get the protesters out of their hair but these arrests on radicals also losing their first amendment rights or free speech and freedom for the producer in a sense you find out which you have to say. is the first amendment give people the right to say anything they want whenever they want and wherever they want while not quite u.s. courts currently operate under what they call time place and manner regulations meaning the government can often stop you from sleeping in public places blocking sidewalks or say blocking the flow of traffic now most occupy protesters are aware of these rules and they try to cooperate but what do you do in a city keep changing these rules like in austin texas where thirty eight people were arrested because they put up a food table two days after the city made a new rule against food tables from ten at night to six in the morning no national
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tennessee took a judge to tell officials to stop and forcing new rules are being used to arrest occupy protesters so when the rules start changing one vehicles are protesting is this an infringement of the first amendment ole jayson said i don't think we are losing our rights americans don't know enough to size them so when infringements happen they still believe they are treated fairly frank said we have already lost our first amendment it is gone and i am proud to say i was arrested in chicago on october sixteenth trying to defend the first amendment mike told us it's obvious we have lost it but at least one state has judges that are giving people a chance to sit is where protesters are taking place are walking on a. very thin ice purchasers feel they are actually sizing their rights under the constitution many police forces seem to see those rights as second to enforcing law and order and that is where the major disconnect live. now as always thank you for
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your responses and here's our next question for you from the show we spoke with lucy half off about the general strike which shut down the port of oakland yesterday so we want to know what you think that effective tool by movements use if not what you are you doing to make their voices heard and say you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and you know his response just might mean down there. now just when you thought the banks couldn't be any more shameless in their quest to squeeze money out of americans looks like they found new ways to target those who are suffering the most you see most people who need help from the government including those that are unemployed or on food stamps are getting aid through prepaid debit cards and major banks have received contracts in forty one states are prepaid debit card holders can use their banks to obtain those funds but it doesn't come for free in fact many people are taking the opportunity to charge many banks excuse me or take the opportunity to charge small fees every single time people use one of those debit cards j.p. morgan chase wells fargo bank of america and u.s.
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bank are among the most well known banks that have contracts with a prepaid cards so what kind of fees were talking about well take us bank for example they allow the card holders make just four withdrawals per month without a chart after that it's dollar fifty for each visit to the a.t.m. so one u.s. bank customer robin robin bill is an unemployed man from oregon who lives off of one hundred eighty nine dollars a week now since he uses an unemployment money to pay all of his bills rob says they easily as more than four transactions a month and he's afraid to withdraw all the money from his car the one transaction because i'm very happy seven thousand dollar overdrafting feet so the huffington post reports that some of those banks even charge for those using these prepaid cards i.e. that employ just for checking their balance or. or using a debit card to pay for things online so clearly the banks about a way to make a profit off of those who've been hit the hardest in our economy now according to mark potter advisory group which monitors the consumer payment industry prepaid debit cards have become
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a very popular way for the banks to pile on the fees and twenty ten the durbin amendment a last minute add to the dodd frank bill kept how much banks to make off the consumers who use their ordinary debit cards but those same restrictions were applied to prepaid cards designed for the unemployed and those on food stamps and i'm hearing how the big banks are taking money from not only all of us all this i but even those that are suffering the most think it's really not surprising that so many people are protesting the financial firms in fact san diego has taken their disgust toward the banks a step further yesterday was that withdrawal wednesday with the imperial county labor council called on the public to remove their funds from the banks now the move comes just a few days before nov fifth which is being called bank transfer day calling on people closer accounts of for profit banks and transfers and elsewhere so perhaps this news about banks targeting the poor could encourage more people to take part of the movement stop giving their money to those that are profiting off of people's pain in this economy. now the last couple of days over in europe have been well you
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could call the world went first greek prime minister george papandreou said markets tanking other european nations into a frenzy after he announced that he would put the latest european deal to cut greece's debts up to a referendum calls for his record resignation followed and although he refuses to step down for now he did announce today that the referendum is off the greek finance ministry officials said that greece only have cash until mid december and after that without the eight billion euro his first minute greece will be unable to pay its debt or pensions or salaries so with this move his passengers save the day or as the euro zone still in a world of hurt the g twenty that's going on can right now is any sign the entire world is watching and waiting for europe to try to fix its mass joining me to discuss the us economy and comic analyst spins all over europe and sol thanks so much for joining us tonight and let's let's go back right so everybody is breathing a sigh of relief at least for this one second right now because the referendum vote is off but before it was our own people were saying that well greece may as well
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kiss and membership in the euro zone goodbye that banks are going to collapse and this would be the end of the world where you say the referendum had gone through the vote had been in know what would have happened. greece would probably have been kicked out of the eurozone or would have left somehow or other there would've been no other way for them to fix the situation. i just find the whole thing just bizarre and just fascinating but way how seemingly intelligent people people at least if you know good resume is just completely screwed the pooch i mean pup and monday set over to have a referendum and then on thursday saying no we're not going to have. as i understand it i don't see priest but i understand that it's a speech before parliament a requirement was just this rambling and wasn't fair that went absolutely nowhere and. if it's just a disaster it's just incredibly amusing i would be laughing out loud if there weren't so tragic events ultimately if you were to suffer are to be people and
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ultimately european or i think that greece is a basket case and should just ignore it and should start paying attention to italy and we should pay attention to normal in italy but also france at the end of the day what matters are the brown spreads that is the cost of the additional cost that each country is paying above the german bronze and the treasury bonds u.s. treasury bonds and french bonds are giving to peak and that is very troubling because the whole idea of saving greece i was just a power walk to protect italy and spain but now people italian debt is growing through the roof and now finally starting to pick up that's the real problem so greece is now in just a sideshow it's a circus freak it's nothing important it's italy and france that's what we have to be worried about now but so how could we possibly say that greece is nothing important is that because it's doom has already been spelled out for the gaff course the greek people are are going to suffer they have been struggling with austerity cuts but at this point they only say that they have until the end of cash
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until december if greece doesn't know the fall if this all goes under is still going to trickle down effect everyone else first before italy or portugal or france my type. but you know the markets are already with this whole charade that happened over this past week i think the markets are already discounting resulting out there and just you know writing off it greases dot they were going to run out of money on december fifteenth because they needed to roll it over i think it was four billion euros worth of debt and they certainly didn't have the money and put it back after problem grows announcement of the referendum the troika. european commission the international monetary fund and the european central bank said that they were going to hold off on ending off the last the next tranche of money that we seen it so it had there been a referendum on the port as originally intended it probably would have gone against the bailout or against austerity measures right here and there or that's right the withheld the money and on december fifteenth reese would have gone down the tubes
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now. suspending the referendum doesn't guarantee you know they're going to get the money the greeks don't have to jump through all the hoops that the troika have set up. let's assume that they do and let's assume that they get the money and genius afford it and on december fifteenth there is no she felt were known quite a bit which is what everybody circle of well in temporary italy has to roll over approximately forty billion euros worth of debt. for those who we don't know rollover that means basically to get more money to pay off previous loans now the italians don't have forty billion euros worth of money to pay off that ruler. and on top of that they have the italian banking situation which is jittery it's just a really substantial and so the chinese have to worry about their own mess as well as their local baking mess so it's still there be a lot of money so now better reese may or may not have been soft you don't really
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know but let's say the broadness and it has been so out come true already we're going to have italy to deal with and that's three billion goldens out let me out let me interrupt for a moment here so what's going on right now is you also have world leaders gathered and gone in france of beautiful lovely place at the g. twenty and everything else has kind of been put on the backburner the eurozone debt crisis is the top of the agenda you have a lot of pressure being put on from president obama and so i just want to put in the forbes list of the hundred most powerful people into this right the way are they not as obama is the first most powerful person when you have that in your putin and then you have which is now but at the moment are these three actors virtually. unable cower less to do anything unless greece gets its act together they just have to stand by and watch as the global economy goes back into another recession another tumble. well the problem is you're of course and now the
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chinese have already said that they're not going to bail out europe are not going to kick in funds to the european financial stability facility which is what the last or posi has been trying ever has been basically taking the chinese to do so the europeans are going to solve this mess on their own. beast those three gentlemen that you mention they might be the most influential people on the face of the planet but you know when you have a particular crisis when your house on fire it doesn't matter how rich and powerful you are at the end of the day it's the fireman you know holding the codes it's the most powerful in that if you can situation in the situation that we currently find ourselves at which is a weakened european banking structure and a collapsing and insolvent sarver in a sector you're going to have to go to the local governments at this point in time i have to say that. god help us all i george pop in jail is the most powerful man in the face of the planet as his actions or whatever you want to call that what
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he's doing his actions are going to churn in the fate of europe and that's a fact and so you know. jane or whomever you know they might be very very powerful overall but at this precise moment the guy who's holding the holds is pop and bro and he is clearly unstable like and so are authorities didn't take that one into account how guns i got enough information were ads either thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you for having me. and still trying to protect students from bullying lawmakers in one state just the problem of course not tonight's bull's-eye the war on happy hour a day friending on facebook leads to arson and i left plus an eighty three year old man gets arrested por kind of crosses with stuff like that.
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the police corruption is. like a protest that nobody seems to know. but never a pepper sprayed in the face of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then he lives something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything is ok and you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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all right guys it's time for tonight's thought on awards night it goes to g.o.p. lawmakers and michigan senate now they just passed a new anti bullying law and yeah you heard me right i think you have the senate michigan passed a law to protect kids from bullying but i'm still giving them a cold time war might be wondering why i was hacked lawmakers are trying to protect children but just stick with me as i explain this one so that prove my point and i call on michigan state senator gretchen ritter for some help she's democrat she voted against anti bullying measure just listen if she addresses fellow lawmakers about matts safe school law which is named after jeanne that who committed suicide shortly after an anti-gay hazing incident. you may be able to pat yourself on the back city and say that you did something but in actuality you're explicitly outlining how to get away with bullying. now according to senator wicker this new
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law gave students a blueprint on exactly how to bully and not be held responsible for this is how she explains how lawmakers crafted this new piece of legislation here exceptions have swallowed the rule and passed it could be a bullying kids is ok if a student parent teacher or school employee can come up with a moral or religious reason for doing it that's right some of the g.o.p. loaded up this anti bullying bill with exceptions that based on religious and moral views now the new reform requires every school district in the state to have a policy in place to address point complaints but the bills language that says requirements don't prohibit statements of a sincerely held religious beliefs or moral conviction of a school employee a school volunteer pupil or people's parent or guardian so basically if you're a christian the things homosexuality is a sin that it's totally ok for you to bully or gay classmate because their religion makes it ok i mean this is just so wrong but senator webb here isn't letting
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republican lawmakers up the hook share of the hook here she actually places the blame for future bullying in their hands. in fact not only does this not protect kids who are bullied it further in dangers them by legitimizing excuses for tormenting a student and the saddest and sickest irony of this whole thing is that it's called matt's safe school law. and after the way that you've got it it wouldn't have done a damn thing to save man. so i have to say is congratulations lawmakers there you have given a license to bullies to terrorize students in your state and you named a law after a kid took his own life after being goalie but this new anti billing law as i mentioned it was named matt safe school law after him at playing his father told a michigan newspaper that his government sponsored this is government sponsored sanctioned bigotry and called it shameful that religious and moral protections were
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added at the last minute personally i agree i think it's beyond shameful the republicans in michigan state think that they can drown intolerance and hatred in the cloak of religious freedom religious beliefs are not an excuse or a free pass to bully herb use another human being and the fact that elected officials would actually take the time to write these sorts of exceptions into law makes me sick and that's why republicans in the michigan state senate are tonight's thought simon's. are geysers time for happy hour and joining me this evening is our producer jenny churchill and julian sanchez research fellow at the cato institute thanks for joining me guys do you really read paying purple i think we have a nice little color going on here is neither here nor there just a statement i have to make let's revisit really quickly is a story that we did
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a couple of days ago or was it last week maybe it was get a horse dead horse girl just took a look at this this is actually a local woman who climbed inside the carcass of a dead horse without her clothes on to pose for pictures but there's more to all of this photos of the woman and her boyfriend holding what appears to be before she's hurt. so then the boyfriend the girlfriend ate the horse and it was all about wanting to be closer to the horse that was the original it's keeps now as she's come out and said. she actually got the inspiration for this from star wars like that one scene where they have from time to time you know they have to cut over the guy and put him in there i haven't seen anything that's defiled my childhood memories of star wars especially since this is the phantom menace. i do it's so ridiculous i mean if she could just drop one hundred dollars gotten a time time sleeping bag which are readily available on line i mean he lived out her dream she didn't need to cut open a horse i think of kind of a cop out because everybody obviously freaked out. if you want to go take naked
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pictures out of a course carcass and she tried to blame it on george lucas is visually is she's also just ridiculous because she's a want to be actress slash nudist who says that she wasn't looking for attention but i'm sorry want to be accurate nude photos equals i want attention so she said she was inspired by damien hirst instead of. you know instead of star wars she probably got a grant oh jesus jesus ok he's move on to the next one here you guys but i'm with you on the totally the tension thing i don't know if this with stories any better eighty three year olds maybe you could go take a look. elderly city council candidate from iowa is facing prostitution and assault charges eighty three year old ben clifford johnson from center ville was arrested following an investigation into accusations he offered to perform sex acts on someone to repay a loan johnson is also accused of grabbing and kissing the victim without consent
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he is out of jail on a two thousand dollars brought. now this is clearly sad on many levels because what drove him to not be able to prove his dad and he felt like that was the only way to do it and live it he has been victimized but when you're. going to say yes to sexual favors well first of all we have absolutely no idea what the woman looked like maybe you know in this eighty three two yeah maybe she was a peer maybe it wasn't completely unwarranted sexual advances i would have to say i think that this is the result of too much but i agree is that's just me. i mean it all you might you might get the impression that there are in fact people who are into that are just going to dog that gets labeled as prostrate protrusion usually when you know someone offers you money for consensual sex not when you please be sexually assault someone and then he paid for it yeah i know you agree. this is prostitution he was also charged with sexual assault ok so that it's just like really eighty three i. just think that at this point nobody wants sexual favors for
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me anymore i mean i don't know maybe we want to go over to. sex right now. ok i suppose for he can you think it would be end to it if he thought it was a viable option for him i mean whether or not that's something he doesn't really add a little the last one i think is that he can work anywhere he really performs the actual food by agro. does not cause heart attack to you can. do you each of. these a nursing home try to control your people who already yes i do not eighty three like honestly if if you're taking anything i think. i intend to continue having sex until i actually get it and depending on you know the state i mean maybe after so i don't want to release is ok i think are very once i get all that back something of the moment i'd rather not think about it but let's remind of our next story who
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knew that facebook you know being mean to people on facebook can actually get your house heard down at least that's where we think the story here is because husband wife woke up in her house was on fire and the police report said it all happened over a facebook dispute because according to quoting to one woman the other one is angry because she ended their friendship on facebook and it all started because she asked her to create an event on facebook for a party she did there a lot of declines as the event approached they want to look like the party might be a bust that's when they really got into a big fight over it because maybe she wasn't keeping her party well enough on facebook and that's when the house bursts in flames. this is this is like where he's like you know how every fortune cookie you can make a lariat so when you read out loud you bet on the end the same way like every journalist thinks like a story that's fundamentally has nothing to do with facebook if you add on the internet on the air it's a story about the social just between friends that went crazy if it happened over
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the phone or by you know printed mail that you know would say oh it's a mail story friended her on facebook but she could have differing to her in person it's i mean it's fundamentally a story that is not about the. spoke at all it happened on facebook as two thousand and eleven was going over the trolley on monday they added a few friends live on facebook if that lets you ask if there are fees you know officially over like that's how you judge it i don't know the bottom line is this proves once and for all that facebook is evil and it causes our sense that this is different to proof we now know that also it's really frightening that woman looks totally normal but she's the type of person who were inside my house and a let's move on to something that i think personally seems a little more obvious but i guess this is a new study to look. megan cheesecake and other delicious yes fattening food may be addictive a new study in rats suggests that high fat high calorie foods affect the brain much of the same way cocaine or heroin does and when rats consume these food in such great enough quantities it leads to compulsive eating habits that
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resemble drug addiction. that doesn't shock we at all the way i know what i open a bag of chips with a bag of something i cannot stop so i just long live long as soon you lose things because no oh no i was though so they're comparing it to cocaine so after you open up a bag of chips and eat them and they're all gone two hours later are you like holy cow you know i need to go prostitute myself to get more chips has that ever happened you know so is that the same i say no spaces allowed no you know the one you know this is the same study the other way is do you whatever i was doing studies show that the rascals really prefer sugar water cocaine which leads me to wonder like you need the rats and humans are not actually similar enough to this readily you know cross supply these these are a result this could be because like her. friends or any reader night that's provided so thanks for spending and they think that some are all you want to miss my interview with rapper and mortals like me i mean time to get into the fan if you
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watch on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of the night's or any other night you can get. lost in the lower so coming up that is the good news. those who are fascinated with history. to those who have a sweet tooth. to those who can't live without the sky. and of course to the nature la times this magnificent land offers its treasures. between earth and the sky. an arche. wealthy british style sign passed on to the times.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on r g. more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images go cold and seeing from the streets of canada after. the sheinkopf orations or the day .
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