tv [untitled] November 3, 2011 7:31pm-8:01pm EDT
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the bullets to disperse the crowd support has now reopened after being declared a state by source. plus britain is reportedly helping the us finalize plans for a possible preemptive strike on iran's military installations as pressure on tehran grows obeys enrichment capability it follows claims washington is moving towards a first strike policy had made clear on a rainy atomic bomb program remains tehran strongly denied. that nato troops are wrapping out there campaigning in libya asks col lamers the president of the alliance is parliamentary assembly whether the intervention was justified that's coming up next now into the show spotlight. mushers that so much i was about defending those i think if i'm going to get really angry i would feel the party is finally over at least it was twenty years ago the end of the communist party of the soviet union was the final step before the
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collapse of the you. will get a welcome to the spotlight. today my guest in the studio is karl. the world survey libyan leader muammar gadhafi is dead after nearly a year of violence he was captured and massacred by furious crowd now the dictator is gone and so is the nato support force the allies tell gals are packing their bags. while the world speculates if the intervention was the right thing or not many. should not support the just one side of. premature to withdraw now all of the good that his supporters are. so wouldn't it have been reasonable
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to stay and secure peace in the region for allied force. business to. the president of the nato parliamentary assembly carl. one of the key points of the current major strategies to save guard democracy in the world when libya's gadhafi started to shell the rising opposition the alliance decided to intervene in just a few months because the security a new regime in the country taking almost no casualties the libya mission is now considered a model of a successful peacekeeping nato operation but many fear the alliance may assume their. all of the world's policeman start spreading democracy wherever it leads is designed. hello slammers it's a privilege to have you in the studio thank you for coming thank you for the invitation ok well first of all let's discuss the nato russian matters since you're
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here since you're in moscow well one of the problem is in the relations between nato and russia is there is that list and she'll think yes well they loaned it steps to deploy in this town defense in europe and russia feels that you know discussing it with moscow well russia has labeled it i quote a policy of established facts that is what how russia calls this mess our deployment there isn't to provoke growing tension between the two countries what would you say the feel that i don't sing so one of the intentions of our visit here at the parliamentary assembly of nato and of our very senor body of our assembly is to exchange views and to get a better understanding of each other and so one very important point is missile defense we spoke about this with support them and terry and and we have the impression that they understand where we well what we intend based on the summit
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is especially our friends from russia where invited to get engaged in this system i think we all agree that threats missile threats are increasing and that we should do everything to cooperate in building up their system against. dangerous missile threats and so i think it was a good invitation. for the russians to get in gauged in the system and that means that we should. cooperate and the first saying what i want to make very clear is that this is a very defensive not aggressive system that is not directed against your country but you are invited to cooperate in building up a system with coordination with sharing of daters with sharing of
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threat assessment to coordinate the systems we have and to lead this to a success that the benefit of us or letters as you understand you are not the first late show official that i have asking you about the system and this is the answer i get all the time that this is a defensive thing it's not aimed against russia i know you say that you have lots of understanding with moscow on this issue right but on the other hand when everyone open the papers we see this is a very dangerous thing russia has to counter react so is it just like a sort of a propaganda thing like a war of words just for the press while you when you sit over the table you have added standing or you feel that there is a list understanding of the russians maybe there is a little bit misunderstanding there is responsive and therefore we are here i think
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that is a good culture to be in a good in an open dialogue and to exchange views to make clear what we want we face the same threats and saying it is good to cooperate as cerf raising the same threats it is to bundle the efforts to bundle our power and i think in the meeting today maybe we got a little bit more access to our colleagues to make this clear and to tell them that it is better not to wait till we can agree on everything when we have the chance to agree on anything. thing and that means not waiting for command and control some seem what it's not possible to decide no but to take care of coordination and of bringing together data is we can share and i think that is
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to be among our parliamentarians from nato countries from russia to bring a better understanding of that what this system means there i've got a quote for you from russian foreign minister sergey lavrov who is who is of course a diplomat he has always been very diplomatic and he has always been very moderate he's nothing like mr no you know he's very more you know listen to what he says he told a serb newspaper called the chair of the novice team i quote mosco will have to take military technical measures if the u.s. and nato continue to ignore its position end quote so what lover of who is the foreign minister saying that we will take military retaliation measures because u.s. nato is ignoring our position so no understanding oh we think announce raise here. we don't want an arms race we want corporations we live in the time when confrontation turns to cooperation and i give
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a good wise to your minister of foreign affairs for mr lavrov to accept the invitation to be engaged and i think our principles are very clear that is transparency predictability cooperation and as much as russia is engaged in the system i think we can dispel all misperceptions and misunderstandings we have turmoil one of the arguments i know russian diplomats have is that if this system can the damage russia as nato claims then then then what proves it if nato. isn't ready to give legally binding guarantees to moscow this system cannot damage russia this is not directed against russia that is directed against the common threats may be stretched against russia and against nato countries and
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if you will speak about. legally binding assurance i say this system is based on trust the system is based on confidence we can put it in writing huge book and get it written but a sink if you look for an international treaty that is it will last a long time but that is not what is necessary and don't know what this purpose should serve we should build up a system based on confidence on trust and as much as you are engaged in the system you know that there is no reason for mistrust you mean trust is more important than legal papers absolutely in such matters such a paper would be would be not worth the the nka that you spend it is don't carry same trust and confidence are more important than letters ok now now from the papers and from the first reports from your meetings with the russian i get that the russian side wants nato to provide noting legal guarantees that there is no
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threat from them to defense but also the exact parameters of the system that russia wants to possess its the number of interceptor missiles locations speed range and so what they say they tell is not providing them with that information is it true and if it is is it because because like there is a sort of a distrust like a traditional distrust of the military of both sides towards each other i was think we are politically were very open to deliver all datas military has not militarily politically militarily if we want to build up such a system if you speak about complementarity. e of two systems now or two world to bring them together icing the most important point now is to come to a common threat assessment to come to the data sharing and to coordinate the system so step by step we could and should develop the system and then i think we would
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solve the problem and that would dispel the misperceptions and the misunderstanding and the mistrust and if there is no confidence you cannot build up such a system and that was the spirit of response to do this in the spirit so it's not out of the question it is possible that if you feel trust you will provide russians will that information sure here ok russian deputy foreign minister said i quote he was commenting on nato is out of the list to create a joint missile defense with russia i quote some countries are the alliance say they cannot entrust their security to russia since the russian federation is not part of the collective system of defense we consider this logic old fashioned says russian deputy defense minister do you agree that the relations between the two blocs russia or russia on the one side in nato are really a bit old fashioned. async we should not think in blocks in blocks i think twenty eight hours that was. notorious lot of block nato is a is
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a political as a political military institution an organization we are all the bloc we are open for all who cooperate with us even for russia i remember and i tell the oh and you all know that we have a russia nato council and on our parliamentary level we have a nato russia parliamentary committee and this is a format of twenty nine we speak on the same level we have a very open dialogue very open discussion our principle is transparency respect about everything and i think that is a spirit in which one we must solve this problem and creates this very important system of missile defense that is to the benefit of us or says carl lambert's president out there late to the vitreous seven spotlight will be back shortly after the great south stay we are to continue this interview in
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. welcome back to spotlight i'm al green over and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is carol lam is president of the nato parliamentary assembly and mr lamb as well according to what you say according to your tone according that you're sitting here in front of me the relations between loot and russia are really better than the used to be more openness more trust so what works for the last couple of years the russian representative to know the ambassador of russia mr dmitry rogozin who is a real hawk has always been a hard and he still is a hawk so my question to you why did it take a hawk in brussels to start improving their relationship it's all about this
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adorable and very well he's a nice guy and you are saying he was a nice guy but he is i want to know so very well he has a heart good as you actually i mean i don't really love what's going on in brussels here finds a very open atmosphere and i saying he will agree to that what i say let us be. he engaged together in the system and that is work on the basis of transparency let this work based on trust and confidence and i think we are going forward to a peaceful future let's hope so let's talk about international relations the middle east some leaders of the syrian opposition they they they've asked me to after they saw what happened in libya they are asking nato to to to use the same scenario in their country do you think this may happen no i'm quite sure that will not happen that is a totally different situation in syria than in libya there is no you on mandate
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there is no and so that was very important for the libya operation of nato. no request from arab league and i think there is no planning in nato doing the same or something like this in syria a clear answer and a clear response from me says so so this is now so you're giving to the russians to we are so sure that you're positive i guess that was the same answer as with all of that a lot of very little well well well this is not very common for diplomats and i don't know diplomats other politician. russian observers russian newspaper russian experts they are see that taking sides in one side in the libyan conflict the side of libyan rebels in their war against gadhafi later has transparence the u.n. resolution which sanctioned only protection of civilians on the other hand nato says no we were we were trying to protect civilians whenever do you have examples when the nato forces actually protected civilians from the oppositions for example
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during the siege of our series. the nato operation unified protector worse your unmandated operation of nato and there was a clear intention to protect people against military attacks of god duffy and gadhafi troops to prevent people from this to prevent and to avoid civilian casualties and they're saying nato was very successful doing this i was saying there was a clear mandate and we operated in the framework of this mandate so this was a very good operation and connects to a very good success that libya is free no and that is a good message for the people there now they have the opportunity to build up new structures and i hope democratic structures rule of law democracy freedom of
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speech of religions of everything i think that is sport we into. indeed to do and therefore i fully agree to that what nato made you said you're a politician and you are not american which makes it easier for me to talk to you because americans there are sure that there is only one type of democracy american democracy europeans know there may be variations in democracy itself a question about libya. the cool lynching of gadhafi the mass graves the barbaric action that we started television mean you both we saw it are you sure that the regime that will be replacing qaddafi's regime will be a democracy are you sure you will find in for the real cause. i hope that people all people especially the young people use know the new situation and the new opportunity to build up a new structure and they are a community in the country to. be open for better perspectives of the
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life i just came back from tunisia you see young people open and very. determined to go this way to freedom to peace and to a better future with good education. economic progress i think that we are asked. to help them if we are requested it is their river lucian it is their decision how to go to the future but it is up to us and i speak now for the parliamentary assembly of data we are parliamentarians to assist them if we are requested in tunisia we were requested and they are asked for help for assistance so we wait now when the first election that took place they voted for a constituent assembly we will wait in egypt and then i will go to to
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cairo and after that's to libya and we will ask people what do you expect from us they are all full of expectations for their future i'm certain that we can assist them what do you mean when we say we will ask people you like he deal with you here you put your blah blah blah has this sunglasses you go into the street and you are people are now we have no sunglasses you have open the iris and we will speak to maybe in the a parliamentarian if they are elected to speak to young terrorism exactly people you know then probably a transition there is even one turns up people. there are people who represent it saves you a celeb politician we speak with young people with me agree students we speak with journalists respect with we have people from the community or from the science from from all aspects and i think we are stem what can we do we will not give them our model of democracy we asked what we can do or how we can help how we can assist them and if we are requested we can assist as we have parliamentarians from the
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eastern middle form of europe they made the experience of transformation from one the model of society into another and so if we are requested we will hope and we will assist as far as i know the germany was really supportive of the libyan operation including inside the bundestag of which you once were remember how would you explain that is it because it because germans. i generally sick and tired of wars i think that germany made a clear decision now to. enhance our efforts to build up new structures in the fost phase now of libya we will assist people there and they are saying we will concentrate to the phase now after the military operation has finished after the military operation is finished do you have fears not only used by the parliamentarians the politicians within they say they are theories that sort of an al qaida aryan to structures may come to power or like all like anti could
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a few warlords are going to start do with clashing with each other i cannot exclude this so we have to be very cautious but i know that people are full of expectations for free future future and freedom and i think the best of what we can do is now to go they are to be engaged to a very early stage of development and to do our very best that these countries develop in a free future the new york times pointed out that i quote shortages in the european l. ides intelligence gathering here craft aerial refueling tankers and precision guided the kits for bombs proved the united states remains the bag of any nato offensive and quelled would you agree that the libyan operation has exposed the over dependence of nato on u.s.
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military force. i think we have to think for lessons who learns what our sample lesson the ability and there's a lesson and we speak about the lessons we speak about how to enhance capabilities in the whole framework of nato what we can do more you know we are all under the pressure of the economic crisis all over the walls all the countries. fact it and so i think i fully agree to the policy of smart defense of secretary general rasmussen how to reduce cost without losing the power to fight for security and to enable us to make such important military operations so that government is offense yes that means to bundle our efforts to reduce costs to pooling and sharing and to develop.
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special capabilities for one country and the us us and by leading this together i think we have a good chance to reach our aim so common european defense is possible is a concept that you considering are you saying that it is. an intention to develop a european. capability in the defense issue as part of of nato capability. a libya also proved that i was a quote some of the observers that the leaders of some medium sized powers can be overthrown from a distance without putting boots on the ground by using weapons fired from sea and from air like a remote controlled war right there isn't it create a favorable environment for selling another war to lead a country that wants democracy. no i don't think so you know things are so so so so you so you think that that learning lessons from for what happened in libya would
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be rather a positive a positive process then then a dangerous negative process yes lessons learned means what is the experience from leaving the earth and what should we do especially under the aspect of pooling and sharing to develop their common capabilities to be able to master the challenges of the future while you were here in moscow you of course heard firsthand the russian response to the libyan operation and maybe not always very diplomatic do you think that after that in the present position the present state of mind russia would vote for a similar resolution on syria i don't think so. but a lesson learned. and to have but to bury snow is a situation that's a sort of vote for such a resolution that is not planned and therefore i think there is no situation that russia must sing of such
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a result thank you thank you very much for being with us and being so frank and just a reminder that my guest today was karl lamb the president of the nato parliamentary assembly and the third pullout from all of us here spotlighted will be back with more than a comment are the ones going on in the world until then tail r.t. and take care thank you you thank .
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hope george is not seeking a consensus with opposition politicians had a confidence vote on friday. and agrees dominated the five day of the g twenty in france where world leaders have been discussing constant time called the financial crisis facing the eurozone and prevent a global economic downturn and politicians are not the only ones having to say at the g twenty that had its least president thousands of on today's demanding government listen to the people and not just big business. in the u.s. and while running battles in oakland as they sent protesters go ahead to head that's a massive occupy demonstration shuts down americans face the largest port dozens of arrests were made and at least one protester was injured after police and educated fired rubber bullets to this point the crowd the port has now reopened after being declared safe storage. and britain is reportedly helping the u.s. finalize plans for a possible preemptive strike on iran's military installations.
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