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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT

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news from russia and around the world this is aussie with me us above all of us thanks for joining us the greek prime minister has ditched his plans to hold a national referendum on whether to accept another the e.u. cash injection to save the country's ailing economy the move comes after george papandreou as decision to hold a public vote drew criticism from abroad and put his government on the brink of collapse. brings of the latest from athens. frie difficult to say exactly what the plans were to come out of parliament she adjusts for and the prime minister george patton j. it's been a very confusing day all round to be honest we saw a huge turn unmistakably on the plans to hold a referendum all day he didn't specifically say in his address that that was off the table certainly the noises were being made that that was the direction we were going in and also that we heard from the greek finance minister he did categorically say that the referendum was off the table now when that was announced
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a little while ago that we saw. not just two years in countries and their leaders but the financial markets as well and indeed within the greek government there was a lot of concern over those schools by the prime minister for a referendum we've seen him backtracking now a lot of people saying that he's caved to that pressure from berlin from paris from within his own government now while he was saying was that they face a dilemma in the decision was always between whether they'd reach a consensus or whether they'd have a referendum say today the message is very much that actually in the friends of the decision to announce that they be holding a referendum was always the fact that if they could reach consensus about the bailout plans with the opposition in government then a referendum wouldn't be necessary. calls a lot of cynicism again here on the ground from the people because you know you heard the prime minister making a very strong statement a couple of days ago talking about the most recent how do you write that this
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decision has now lie with the people and now of course we've seen this u. turn happening and he was saying here right from the beginning to be honest they were expecting the decision to be put in their hands they really feel like brussels is the driving force behind a lot of what they herring at the moment and we've seen this time and again with the public me coming out onto the streets again some people outside the polling the building today a lot of discontent here in the country. and that it was five pretty said dimitri to phoenix who thinks greece is heading for an inevitable default i don't think anyone really understands why the prime minister called for a referendum in the first place it could have been a political ploy to try to get the opposition to join up on him and support the bailout so he didn't have to continue to push this through with a very slight majority he's going to face a vote of confidence tomorrow he may very very well lose that in which case his deputy may become leader of the coalition or the coalition they have to dissolve the new party may have to emerge but it puts it does put the veil in jeopardy and
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no one really seems to want to take responsibility for passing measures that are widely unpopular it seems to be posed kind of in the threatening manner by a miracle that if greece does not accept the aid packages then they have to exit the euro zone which means they have to let go of the euro and no amount of debt rollover can save the greek economy and it's a huge that liquidation is a giant haircut and that's such as a case for greece it's a case for a lot of countries in europe and it's a case for a lot of banks across the board there's a huge debt problem in the west in general is so great just a whipping boy in the fact that the markets and the markets necessarily but politician is so my opaquely focused on greece and how to solve greece and. and even there i did they can solve this in general by adding more debt is absurd greece is going to have to default in the way that it looks right now it's more and more likely that it's going to be a disorderly unilateral default. the political turmoil in greece has overshadowed proceedings at the g. twenty summit in turn wild leaders have been discussing how to avoid falling into
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a fiscal abyss triggered by the greek debt the group of and that economies zero breaks nations has included that includes russia and china have offered some support but are pushing for a greater say in the running of the international monetary fund and other financial bodies and he said now brings a small. the final day of the g. twenty here in cannes one of three working sessions and will end with a press conference given by host nicolas sarkozy the greek tragedy has taken over this entire summit other issues pushed aside the latest news of course of the greek prime minister backtracking and saying the referendum won't be held it won't be decided by the people making european leaders here is specially the backbone of the euro zone france and germany very satisfied with the way things are going there leader of the opposition party made a statement today that indicated that he was supporting the twenty seventh of october plan because to so that's very exposed very important element and i can't
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do anything but to congratulate him on that because he was very courageous to take that step and also mr papandreou statements also indicated that the referendum was not. lended itself it was a tool that was going to be considered but this is the opposition would take on the twenty seventh of october plan then the referendum became less useful critics analyzing this in different ways some of them perhaps say that france and germany have basically said you either play by our rules or you get out and resources line is that this is the way to go they don't want to the euro zone a lot of different dates going on euro skeptics saying that you're just moving the problem down the road that eventually greece will have to default bureaucrats saying this is the only way to save the euro was you calling it the beating heart of europe and that we will never let it die. that is going to be what a lot of these leaders are speaking about in these final sessions as the summit
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comes to an end on this second day with that said emerging economies worried about their voice that they agreed the brics that they would try to help the eurozone they would give money but how much agreed on a final sound but they have a condition and president medvedev made it very clear that it's not a hidden agenda they want their voices to be heard they want more say in the i.m.f. and other financial institutions of course the g. twenty was created to you why did the spectrum to have not just these decisions on the global economy be made by the seven most richest can't richest countries but by the twenty biggest economies and a big question is has that been done yet. and as the world leaders are trying to find a way out of the financial instability and to g. twenty protests have been held across the french riviera. report. just as most just down the coast from the g twenty summit venue here in count to monaco monaco of course a tax free haven for germans so it's a saying that a banker who gets
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a big bonus off to a public bailout for example can simply move to monaco and not even pay a single cent in tax now world leaders promise to get rid of tax havens that previous g twenty summit demonstrators obviously angry but that still hasn't happened they still haven't taken action on that no protest has drifted more of nicolas sarkozy angela merkel and barack obama have organized an alternative summit media conference and here's what they had to say but we'll tell you something the whole if they move. for the finals of the week only this is what i want those sarkozy because you're not going to have a very good foreign owned firm we want to play here to my left before i did we support the greek referendum on the euro bailout but only if they vote yes so considering the rather very good fishel statements that coming out of the. summit some here say that this is the perhaps the more interesting of the two summits it
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follows the huge on t. bone corelli's earlier in the week which had thousands of french police ready for violence which in fact never came demonstrators have changed that they've changed the strategy of going from the gresham that we saw previous g twenty summits to approach of mocking world leaders who seem so out of touch with the problems of ordinary people today. going on down the prosecutor for the international criminal court so as investigation will be launched into war crimes allegedly committed by nato in libya alliance members will be investigated alongside former rebels and gadhafi loyalists jeremy corbyn labor m.p. and all that stuff there will coalition says humanitarian intervention is no excuse for a civilian style down. nature can't put itself on a pedestal and say that it's undertaking humanitarian bombing campaign such as they claimed in the case of libya if civilian targets were attacked if nonmilitary targets were attacked of civilians die then there was a war crimes and the i.c.c.
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must investigate the bombing campaign that took place in iraq iraq was directed from outside any i.c.c. country during the time the bombing actually took place this was this was directed from place in italy and the indeed of the u.s. or british bases across europe and so quite clearly there within the purview of the i.c.c. yes it will it will make a difference but that's the whole point of the rome statute is the whole point about international criminal court that it makes the commanders and the politicians absolutely responsible for decisions they take and for the deaths that follow it's very important to be a thorough investigation into this and there are also be an investigation into the killing of colonel gadhafi himself. british officials have reportedly agreed to assist u.s. forces in a preemptive attack on a rainy and miniature facilities it follows claims washington is moving towards
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a policy of intervention here in tehran's alleged nuclear weapons program but political analyst crazy boundry says such statements only serve to provoke. anyone reading the press reports on these contingency plans being joined by the minister of defense here in london for an attack on iran must be worrying that if iran is not developing a nuclear missile it will be developing and you could miss so faced with the idea that the americans the british and he's really he's are looking towards that unprovoked attack on iran and the world a much more dangerous place i cannot imagine a worse alliance with these three powers people in the west seem to underestimate the strength of a reunion nationalism that is a strong national a sense member and so what happened under foreign intervention into the country and how the shah was with that installed and maintained by britain and for america's people long memories of the shah the way it's presented no the west of the shah it will receive there will be
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a bloody war if there is an attack on iran iran is not iraq as of two thousand and one there will be retaliation for my mass and the world is a more dangerous place because of these reports it seems bizarre that you would have thought that anyone even thinking i could see points around would look at that and your position in this country britain for instance to the war in libya oh that was a majority get against that but of course we're talking about economically declining post in america and britain and the military assets remain they remain the one thing they can deploy and we know that britain and america would pull america are prepared to use their record. to try and buttress their economic position in the world in relation to china in relation to me so i think what we're seeing here we know this from history economic instability often leads to military adventures often leads to wars and i think we must be worried at the moment the one thing i would say is if i was an american president i would be worried about thinking about any attack on iran given the weather what position to economic policies we're seeing on the streets of oakland the streets of washington and new york and
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elsewhere with this occupy movement. and of course you can always log on to our home to find the latest details on this and other stories like find out where the soldier's mother has been driven to despair by the latest news from the u.k. calls used to be extradited to sweden she says unless his homeland of australia steps same extradition to the u.s. it's inevitable. and discover the message be near the gaze delivered from the occupy wall street protesters to the g. twenty gathering. and also the how could group with drugs the notorious group. anonymous declares war on the mexican drug cartel. the city of oakland california reading after most occupy have run to the city's poor and violence erupted between activists and police according to witnesses a riot police rained to protest the strongholds of the city and try to flush them out with stun grenades and tear gas and they were also
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a geisha as police were using rubber bullets and at least one person was reportedly taken to hospital after being shot correspondent lisa catherine of take says through what happened we're standing across from oscar grant's plaza which is the site of the occupy oakland movement work protesters have been a camping out for weeks in order to raise their voices against the law let them equality social injustice the same issues that are motivating thousands of occupy wall street movements all across the country but of course images are the things that we remember images are what tell a story and this morning in downtown oakland these are the images that are going to be seeing across all of the screens on the mainstream media the destruction the isolated apps of vandalism and violence that we were on the ground in oakland we're going to take you through some of the moments as they unfolded again we are still reporting from the. as you can hear behind me loud explosions possibly tear gas from the police officers there are at least hundreds of the not two hundred three hundred police officers in full riot gear several men as you can see advancing
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behind us right now on the occupy oakland mood. i meant now we don't know how many officers are back there we saw a massive group of them sort of a walk down that street before that was the street of the stand up where several protesters had barricaded the street from the police and several several pieces of furniture and whatnot were lit on fire but again not enough of an action to provoke this kind of a militant response by the police force here more than sixty protesters were arrested in the clashes that continued for several hours dozens reported injuries from tear gas rubber bullets and other so-called non lethal weapons that they were shooting. there is shooting them out people there remains to be seen how november second in downtown oakland will be remembered will be the charred remains of a few isolated instances of violence but the successful shutdown of the nation's ports reporting from downtown oakland far too loose a powerful. and you can check our correspondent lucy craft in its twitter feed for the latest updates from the oakland and there you can also read her description of
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some of the most dramatic events during the approach. and. tells us how the crew was blocked from leaving they pulled up to film a car plowing into protesters all ending with a public vote on whether to allow them to pass that on much much more loose account of twitter feed which will be retreating at all t. underscore call. coming up in a few minutes find out why social networking sites like twitter and facebook are in danger of becoming a surveillance tool for the british government that's ahead. because the birds to friends are preparing to appeal after he was found guilty new york agreeing to sell arms to terrorists and conspiring to kill americans the russian businessman could face life in jail he was arrested in thailand in two thousand and eight after a sting operation involving agents posing as members of colombia's bomb group the
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u.s. considers terror. it was actually extracted to go after opposition from moscow is rather to get at that if you ask me that little chicken which raised his reputation before the trial even began. even before the court hearing started all the news channels and websites practically all the mass media talked of nothing else but vick to boot his name is on the screen around the clock but apart from talking there is absolutely no evidence this is what surprised the lawyer who asked for proof but the prosecution could not give any they kept calling victor an arms baron wanted all over the world they said everyone was after him and tried to intimidate the jurors calling him a monster. so he was flown out of turn around in a military style operation that most could believe that was free of the jurisdiction of the u.s. authorities they tie code could not find enough evidence to try boot but gave in to u.s.
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political pressure on russia and face that if it's fish and it was illegal and want to bring him to care and good my published book phobic to boot says that the case against him with the five hundred stocks. the problem is that too many americans have heard so many bad things about him but the evidence against him obviously was to sell them supposedly selling these arms to the start in the course of charges only. considered a terrorist organization in america and in many other countries around the world is considered a valid a political party i think the whole case is a this smacks of a political agenda when he was taken from thailand specially since the thai authorities could find nothing to charge him with and the america we americans came in and grabbed him anyways and i think he's taken over a lot of the business that the cia and other shadow organizations were working for themselves and africa was very big business supplying arms to africa and once things start to go downhill there the american businessmen that were supplying arms
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got out of the country and but it was one of the only people brave enough to you know be in there and i think we're trying to punish him for that sort of thing. the british government has blamed social networking sites will spreading and reza during the august riots across england in attempts to prevent some of the trouble in the future one part of london is now proposing to monitor online activity at youth centers but has laura smith reports it's a risky game that made bridge the vital bond of trust between young people and social work. the reality of life in east london young teens take part in a workshop on gang violence with the government laying the blame for august riots firmly at the door of gangs one london council is talking about making youth workers spy on their members and monitor their social network activities and i think suspicious would be passed to a special anti gang unit but the m.p. for hackney where some of the worst on rest took place says it's not the technology
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to blame when you had drugs in this country in the twelve when there was no internet and there was no. text message so it is not so that's you know tom looking at the real causes of riots rather than. the messenger and there's the real possibility it will backfire the some young people begin to develop is a safe haven in the world and message monitoring could undermine the agent relationship between you and vulnerable teen making it less likely to turn to them in a crisis and more susceptible to getting overtures and ultimately crying and violence during the riots social networks like twitter and blackberry messenger were used by rioters to pinpoint the next location for destruction the government went to spar is proposing shutting down the services while two men were jailed for four years each for inciting rioting on facebook but teens say spying risks isolating the very
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people they're trying to help if that happens. stuff those things are undoubtedly social issues and solving them requires walking a fine line between coming down hard on troublemakers and preserving civil liberties for everyone but it's clear that this measure which would cost hundreds of thousands of pounds to enforce could also cost the trust and good will of the same risk used the old thirty's are so concerned about laura smith r.t. london. those are the main stories here on r.t. and up next the ambitious russian experiment simulating a manned mission to mars will come to an end late on friday and spoke to the head of the project to find out what's been learned at interviews up next.
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question what needs to murtha thank you very much for being with us to march five hundred is your idea that your courage and own it's close to its completion but what the experimenting members are about to walk out of this chamber or whatever
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how does it feel it's been seventeen months are you nervous with the question cognition of all and of course i'm anxious we're more anxious to know when they just walked in now we're looking forward to the end of the experiment and of course such extensive isolation will require the crew to spend some time in rehabilitation will be hard work for us to analyze the results. from the very start there has been much controversy over marse five hundred especially among professionals when i mean yes flush people say that you can become a formula one driver by spending a year and i have any driver see ordinary people who don't know much about the experiment are likely to ask was the purpose of spending fifty million dollars to isolate six able bodied men from the rest of the world or seventeen month. the purpose is as follows the experiment has been designed to define the limits of
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human capacities like a mission to mars is an idea that's been on people's minds for at least fifty years it will put space science on a new level in terms of technologies knowledge and extended limits of human capacities well it'll grow. the experiment is supposed to stretch the limits of human capacities does it give you any specific answers right when can humans first reach mars who will be the trainee or to step onto that service. with regular cars or as a friend of mine once said it's not even the first step we've only lifted off to take that first step before we decide on the equipment that we used in a flight to mars we first need to have an understanding of the limits of the human body his psychological and physiological capacities secondly we need to decide on the amount of resources to be taken along on the way on life support system will operate during such long missions and communications between the crew and the earth will be a different ballgame in over two flights much of the work rests on the shoulders of
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the specialists on the ground and interplanetary mission is also characterized by autonomy independence you can't turn back it's a totally different situation again and without testing and identifying the primary elements the life support system the volume of the resources needed the human capacities it's difficult to make plans even on and initial design of a future spacecraft research in human capacity should go before the design of a spacecraft though our scientists are quite active in resigning new vehicles this is an experimental facility it can serve as a model or give us the data on the real science that we needed for a real flight anyway a mission to mars will most likely consist of four crew not six or more at the mission will need to cut the amount of resources that we take on a boat that runs. problem the thing is that the crew members know that in any case of emergency scientists and interfere at any point unlike in space and solve the
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problem you know where that would be different to space conditions so does this fact evaluate the scope of the experiment. it doesn't although this is a major factor on a real trip you realize that you're away and you cannot make a u. turn even if you wanted to that you will take the road back only after you've reached that goal in contrast the crew locked up here is fully aware that they're not far away from the center of moscow it's very hard to take this fact xenophon life but what we can imitate is the isolation from the outside world. where the crew motivated by what can encourage a person to stay away from their relatives and friends for seventeen months is not really as likes to march the experiment one doesn't make them world famous and try to be the first to learn to nurse and they were gone it's just all bad when. there's a profession called a test engineer and i think i can only count myself as part of this group it's the
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people who are always one step ahead of what's actually going on in space in the case of an emergency so what they're just enthusiastic helping mankind to move forward to could grow just interviews yes incident months is a really long period of life it's really known. i'm among the fact is it. belongs in there surely had enough money for that when you feel for no one is no big money in my view is it a secret when you know it's not three million we promise to pay three million rubles. people don't get any sunlight given up on their favorite occupations but quite some time now what kind of psychological impact as it happened is there a risk that they. will encounter some kind of psychological valon later. with. i'm not sure about the cause. acquits is but i do know that a person needs social rehabilitation off to such experiments because he practically drops out of his every day life according to
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a long time but all i want to say is that such experience always leaves traces of effect a person gets used to living in a capsule is likely scenario time and again it changes everything is planned for him or other people were there the crew over the opportunity to take their own decisions or introduce changes from time to time this american thank you very much for this engine thank you. sixty. five hundred days on a voyage to the unknown. a breakthrough in space travel. returned from the red planet. mars five hundred touched down on r.t. .
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this is on c. thanks to fortune the headline. the greek prime minister says he is ready to crown plans for a referendum on any new bailout out of the proposals one uproar in europe and the other mentionable around at home. because greece dominated the first day of the g twenty in france where world leaders have been discussing how to tackle the financial crisis facing the eurozone and prevent a global economic downturn. politicians are not the only ones having their say and the g. twenty under heavy police presence of thousands of activists are demanding government listen to the people and not just big business. and in the us running battles in oakland as police and protesters go head to head massive occupy demonstrations shut down american states the largest port. plan first has reportedly helping the u.s. finalize plans for a possible preemptive strike on iran's nuclear installations us concern for.


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