tv [untitled] November 4, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time awards night because john boehner it's been a mixed bag of first year for the speaker of the house on his watch we've come close to a government shutdown and congress almost like a nation default on its debt all because the speaker and the president couldn't come to a deal that would include new revenues which led to the creation of the super committee now leaders on capitol hill including john boehner are feeling the heat over the stalled negotiations of the super committee and the group only has a few weeks left to reach a deal to cut the deficit and if no deal is reached and several triggers will kick in and that means that social programs democrats love and defense projects that republicans love all be on the chopping block so it is weekly news conference later was asked about reports of the supercommittee was looking at tax increases to reduce the deficit and he signaled that revenues might be part of the plan which
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for republicans is a big big deal so that's one advice i've received luke russert after the tax increases boehner was seeming to put on the table would have violate grover norquist new taxes pledge the pledge that almost every republican in congress has signed. our focus here is our jobs we're doing then we care about you know the your economy moving to get people back to work welcome ask you about some random person in america if you really want to. come on john you want to grover norquist is he's just a random guy that is total b.s. now for viewers at home i know who grover norquist is he's the president of americans for tax reform on his web site there's a pledge about not raising taxes and it reads a.t.r. organizes the taxpayer protection pledge which asks all candidates for parole and state office to commit themselves in writing to oppose all tax increases and one hundred twelfth congress two hundred thirty eight house members and forty one
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senators have taken the pledge on the state level thirteen governors and one thousand two hundred and forty nine state legislators have taken the pledge so john boehner really wants us to believe that two hundred thirty eight house members of signed grover's pledge but he's still just some random guy to the speaker's notes are growing out the back on it let's know how he tries to weasel out of the question as luke russert continues to press him on the issue. of. gold was the first of those who are forgive those who are creating jobs not talking about some of these personality. but even when he sees. what he stands for yes you know i said. what. are term for and supposed to tax rates because we believe that touch right for her economy and put americans out of work. good job deflecting there mr speaker what legislation has the g.o.p.
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house passed a create jobs oh that's right you have it since they can control this year the g.o.p. a voted to defund n.p.r. p.b.s. and planned parenthood this week they voted to reaffirm in god we trust as the national motto and the same time period they voted down president obama's jobs bill along with a smaller jobs plan that would have given states funding hired. cops and firefighters as well as yesterday voting down a bill that would have funded infrastructure spending creating more jobs and so now john boehner wants to stand before the american people pretend that he doesn't know who his grover norquist guy is or what his plan is all about he's just a random guy not worth talking about that is a bold faced lie mr boehner surely knows who is your grover norquist is because arguably he's more powerful than the speaker himself amongst his republican colleagues and that's the problem that this one man has so many members of congress by the balls to the point where they will stall anything so as not to for say his pledge so republican house speaker john boehner looking and your reporters face acting like this is just some random guy now we're talking about even though he
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arguably could take a lot of the blame for our do nothing congress we're going to give him tonight's bull's-eye reward. but now this sunday thousands are expected to descend on washington d.c. to protest the approval of the keystone x.l. pipeline something that some of called game over for the climate and we spoke about the project many times before on this show a pipeline would run seven hundred miles long from canada right across the u.s. to the gulf of mexico to carry oil extracted from canvas tar sands extracting crude from tar sands it's a process that a lot of environmental medalists say produces incredibly high levels of greenhouse gases a nobel peace prize recipient top scientists celebrities lawmakers have all asked president obama tonight a permit for this pipeline and it will be his decision this is tuesday he announced that he personally would say yes or no on numerous reports of come out showing conflicts of interest between state department employees and trans canada lobbyists the e.p.a. is even criticize the state department's official environmental evaluations so
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could this sunday be kind of a turning point or will the e.p.a. the state department and the president in the industry pressure discuss this with me is bill mckibben writer activists and founder of tar sands action and three fifty dot org his latest book is earth making a life on a tough new planet well thank you so much for being here and there could. to be here so the last time that people came out to protest this keystone pipeline in front of the white house and went on for a matter of two weeks over a thousand people were arrested so tell me how that's going to differ from the actions after the yes that was the largest civil disobedience action in about thirty five years in this country sunday very peaceful it will be the first time people have attempted to wring milk or you house human beings we'll see if we can get enough protesters i think we can there seem to be processes converging on washington from all around the country this is becoming the biggest environmental flashpoint in decades and it's very exciting to see it happen. one of the things
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that they have to prove here and order for this pipeline to be afraid of is that if in our national interest can you tell me how it's in our national interest well it's not only not in our national interest it's not in our planetary interests either as twenty of the nation's top scientists pointed out in a letter to the president the state department was supposed to do an environmental review of this pipeline but instead of doing it they contracted it out to a company that's a pipeline builder trance canada chose for them and the company that they chose was a company that lists tranced canada is one of their major clients in essence trans canada got to review itself which explains perhaps why a environmental review of the seven hundred mile pipelines of the second biggest pool of carbon on earth found that it would have no environmental effect that's ludicrous and we understood a little more how ludicrous it was this week when reporters found one twenty something year old at the state department and been the only person running this
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environmental review and the person wasn't even an environmental expert they were called the diplomatic courier and after a couple of years of the only person overseeing it they were shuttled off to nigeria this is not been a huge effort at all and it's time for the president to take ownership and do the job why is it going to have been a serious effort when do you think that is it negligence or is it is it not sort of not proving that a democratic administration isn't necessarily a climate green friendly administration we're going to find out how climate friendly it is the one person we haven't heard from is president obama so far the oil companies have run this thing but the president retains the power to stand up to them and want to get this things called a presidential permit that he needs to sign off on before this pipeline can be built because it crosses international boundaries we'll find out if all of those things he said in two thousand and eight time to when the tyranny of oil. in my
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administration the rise of the oceans will begin to slow and the planet will begin to heal beautiful things will find out how real they were in fact when we go around the white house every banner that will be carrying just quotes from president obama in two thousand and eight how hard do you think this is in terms of defining what kind of a president and he he is and what kind of policies he have told me there are a lot of things that this president said while he was campaigning yes but he hasn't held a a from foreign policy you see you know talking about domestic policy including let me address two is one is i think it's going to be very important in the next year among people who came out to vote for him less time to more than vote and came out to work for him last really have been more young people and they listed climate change as one of the biggest issues facing the country they won't be able to muster their enthusiasm about this that's in the short run in the long run i think there's very little doubt that the greatest question historians fifty years from now will
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ask about this president is whether or not he dealt with the biggest problems humans face now and they've ever faced climate change so far the record is mixed at best this is a man who opened huge swaths of montana to coal mining a fellow who just a few weeks ago said b.p. could get back to work drilling in the cold for me and will go out drilling in the arctic to resume. this is his chance to show that he's back in the game to show that when people really do appeal to him if he's asked us to do when we get involved and takes it he will answer and i'm hopeful but there are so that you are something here because obviously the top thing on americans' minds right now is the economy you know they want to worry about the wars that we're fighting abroad or the threat of climate change house and i practice in the future they need to be able to put you on the table right now they need. to pay their mortgages and so there's a lot of lobbying. for the pipeline so this is something that's all. the web site
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by the building trade unions where they play upon the momentum of the occupy movement they say hollywood's elite one percent should stop flying to d.c. and speaking out against jobs for america's ninety nine it percent so what is it that tactics really are taking this particular movement and trying to i mean this is a real. i think it's really sad to see people trying to co-opt the power occupy wall street it should be pointed out that everybody who's been sort of working on these big broad progressive movements is very much against this pipeline from bernie sanders to several of the big trade unions just yesterday the union of domestic workers in this country joined in pointing out among other things that many of their members come from places that are already disappearing underwater or turning into drought stricken deserts because i'm going to try and dispel some of the myths that they post on this website and the mess that you see in commercials that are being played all across the country because they say that immediately it's
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going to create twenty thousand you arrive at sector jobs they say well this is going to reduce our reliance on foreign oil as well let's talk about trucks there's only one study of this not paid for by trans canada ok and it was conducted in fact the labor movement cornell global labor institute what it found is the pipeline would create about three thousand temporary jobs if you built the thing and it would eliminate about that many jobs by raising gas prices in the midwest it would be you know essence awash in the short term and in the long run clearly it will keep us from the latest for some years from getting to that job rich transition to wind and solar energy think about how many jobs are going through built that there's a pipeline create none that's the point of a pipeline it just lies there in the ground doesn't need a soul to work on the last couple seconds that so quickly foreign oil is going to reduce our reliance on it and what about china who's expressed interest in who can live there we'll give it to we don't do it well that. first of all this will seems
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like it's mostly going abroad it's going to be refined in texas and sent to latin america second of all to get it to try and you have to have a pipeline west to british columbia in the first nations the indigenous people who have incredible opposition are pretty convinced that they'll be able to block those pipelines for the next ten or twenty years given enough time canada might find a way to get this out but given enough time we have to hope that the world will come to its senses about global warming and recognize that this is precisely the kind of thing the point of simply can't do i don't i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and you know we'll see how this turns out is circle around the white house on a. walk thanks so much. coming up next we have our fireside friday and then happy hour a bank first draft takes on i five osprey's protesters plants are going so fast that car makers are going to have to build by here right after that.
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was the police he was. right protesting nobody seems to know. that never ever sprayed the base by talking to the argument that they're being overly dramatic . sometimes you see a story so you think you understand it and then something else some other part of it and realized everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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mr. to tonight's. your. about a story printed in the wall street journal the headline read u.s. tightens drone rules and this story said that the cia has made a series of secrets concessions and thrown campaign after military and diplomatic officials complained that a large strikes were damaging the fragile u.s. relationship with pakistan now this was of course one of those secret concessions apparently made during the summer that officials anonymously told the wall street journal about i mean let's not forget it's against the law to leak classified or secret information unless it's high ranking officials that want the information to get out but let's go back to the story that shows just how out of touch our government the cia the media and the american people are but it comes to comprehending the damage the drone strikes do you know one of the biggest problems
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of course is that the cia doesn't even publicly acknowledge its drone strikes they think that they can do it all in secrecy and no one is going to notice when people in pakistan or yemen or somalia are killed now for the most part very few people here in the u.s. you actually know this because records of strikes are kept secret by the government unless of course they have some success that they want publicized like the killing of anwar on the locky and when it comes to civilian deaths they keep the numbers real low there the cia claims that there have only been sixty civilian deaths over the years and the media well they don't bother to dig any deeper they just take the official word and they move on but if you ask locals in pakistan and they won't tell you the same story they'll tell you about their friends their neighbors their relatives that have been killed they'll tell you about what it's like living life drones are circling around their homes all day and strike in the middle of the night and a british reporter clive stafford smith recalled his experience meeting with passion tribal elders living along the pakistani afghan border they brought their young sons along to witness the meeting and when civilian deaths are brought up
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they explain how hard and how dangerous it is to try and get the real numbers. and the pakistani military seals areas off from journalists the one man who was trying to investigate on his own was captured by the taliban and then held on suspicion of spying for the united states so then one of the young boys said that he would investigate and he would go out and gather evidence to protect his family from future harm. before this boy had a chance he was killed by a cia drone strike with his twelve year old cousin and that drone strike was this week that's why all the wall street journal's reporting that during the summer it was decided that there should be new rules for drone strikes if there should be a launch more selectively where's the proof of any of those changes the u.s. has stepped up its efforts against the hook on a network just in the last one or two months alone they've watched numerous drone attacks some reports will tell you that one hundred twenty civilians have been killed in the last two days others will detail deaths of tens at a time but it's hard to know what's really happened nobody but the government has the truth and they won't give it to us so we hear that there's some internal
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dissent or disagreement between top ranking military and state department officials well it's a welcome sight at least there is some recognition that unmanned killing machines raise legal and ethical questions but for the most part our officials our president our secretary of state are all on board with using drones but using machines they kill from afar where the decision is made thousands of miles away and a button is pushed and nobody gets their hands dirty it's not right and it needs to be examined in order for us to properly examine the use of drones the civilian deaths that are caused by drones we need the media and we need the people to be zealous about it because the more that everybody stands by pretend that they don't know that it's happening all the more guilty that we all are playing a role in allowing our government to be an international killing machine with no record question.
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time for half the hour and joining me tonight is lauren lyster host of the capital account on r.t.e. and andrew blake our writer thanks for joining me guys welcome back so happy hour mrs laura lister we may see oh you think you got i've missed many happy hours with you ok so this is i mean a lot of people have done parodies that scar when it comes to i was three in the one percent being total you know about it but this was pretty good this is done by the cult comedy show take a look. everything's like. sports. but you see me it. doesn't always work but. i got to say to your. limits to what you can make it just. feels good to be here but.
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i mean i know everybody loves. to be a game and years ago. little little time with your point but your point in a good song. they did a good job i think that's what they have going for them i was a little disappointed with this but i feel like usually they get really people get really creative with like the economics at the theater when their baby had just got to the recent t.v. ones that they do ok maybe not even my real level i guess you could say the reason t.v. videos but i think i have a little herman cain in the mix i don't think herman cain was the best part. i watched the video i did actually watching this time was like five minutes ago when i left once. the video right there why do we have the banks on the condoms so you can get it i don't think a lot yeah right well i think this is them capitalizing on occupy wall street. whatever get more people over there already co-option. what do you say that we said
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i said down that sounds nothing like a lot while i plead that i am why is it all going to be the law i want to i'm doing ok or maybe i'm going to. put your head yeah ok. that's a lot of bags and then i really love this story so this guy can play the clip i think explains it pretty well and then we'll get into whatever it is and. i got it i watched it and locked up in the rockdale county jail because watch says he decided to give the bill collector i'd taste of their own medicine so i started calling them and i'll call them and call them and call them on today's dollars will you please stop calling here. i think everybody goes out of notches telemarketers are the bill collectors of people who just call you all the time and the thing is but it wasn't even him that they were calling for they kept calling for some other guy's name when he was telling them this is not me this is not me so then he picked up three different phones and started calling them fifty times
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a day and they never did and i think that's total b.s. i completely agree i cannot believe that this guy ended up in jail for this i have to give him so much credit though because he couldn't be happier you would find a reporter it's the legal fees he's going to have to pay or the best money that first then who doesn't want to do something like this only just to get the bad counselor to say is my hero how did you get their number anyway. i mean i think it shows clearly brilliant clearly i think that this man is now you know a little bit of a folk hero i think exactly i think he's going to start copycats and have kind of like this new trend of taking back the bill collectors i heard you like you know quite a few stories like this before people that just send one hundred like faxes back from some number he's the ninety nine percent right there that's where he is. percent ok.
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so this one is really. this is if you want to talk about political correctness going too far people just not letting children be children and you hardly care what happens to these two kids. some fourteen year old nicholas martinez held the friend at southwest middle school mom says he got suspended with that was the most bizarre thing i've ever heard a culture a family that's what we do. it would happen is he just passed his friend in the hall gave his friend the principal how to read behind them and then call them into the office and suspended them and they say because like these people are friends the mom was obviously defending her son and he said our focus is on learning therefore we cannot discriminate or make an opinion on what is an appropriate what's not and appropriate what you may think is appropriate another person may view as inappropriate so basically so they don't have to do any research and look into the woods and tell whether there's like some grabbing going on. no girl out go
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to school out of school this is dick you're you know it's all good i do think this is ridiculous and that was what i was going to say and thought but then i remembered that this story is in florida and when you're talking about florida every weird story like probably ninety five percent of the ones that make it on happy hour all happen in florida so i actually think they have a fair argument that they you know they can't take it upon themselves to discern what the normal hug a weird how creepy because we're stuff happens in florida. i maybe this is a good case that they know they are wrong with me did you not hug all your friends are you very high like you wouldn't go around the halls hugging their friends. don't go on your i'm sure you didn't get any hugs in high school and we're talking . like are you really are you kidding. i think what you do is look into boner stares excuse me boner status whether or not there is a boner. i just don't know where to go. anyway
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kids should be allowed to hug other kids everybody just take a little step back kids are doing a lot worse than hugging when they're fourteen years old and think that that's going to stop them from going home and having sex they are very young so if you say . ok let's move on to the last story of the evening which is a little thing of that luxury car makers are calling. my ride because people are getting so fat they're actually having to expand their cars so mercedes for example are strengthening the grand grab handles of the doors making it easier for passengers to lift themselves out of the seat poorish is installing electrically powered steering columns that lift up when the engine shuts off making it easier to get out of the vehicle and honda is widening it's not luxury maker. up to two inches and widening its buttons to allow for quotes so. badly
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actually they wrote sausage fingers this is just sad i can't believe that luxury car makers are stooping to this level i would understand more of the mass retailers but maybe it's on snobby i just don't think it's very good for their image but who drives luxury cars probably people that. people rich people i mean people with money people that like for you know you know i mean that's a totally bad stereotype but i mean we're going to get really bad this is where you get yeah it's a fry. but i will here find that there are a lot of wealthy people that are overweight just as there are a lot of people i just think it's interesting because fashion designers haven't gone this direction they've refused to kind of like adjust their size into account for a growing population i just think it's interesting that luxury car makers have decided to have to wrap it up unfortunately guys have a great weekend they go do it i mean it's every night so thanks for tuning in make sure you come back on monday activist and author david swanson is going to join us to talk about his new book on the world outlaw the war in the time don't forget to
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