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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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world leaders may be smiling for the cameras in france but they're spending a lot of their time focusing on the crisis in the eurozone meanwhile other serious global problems are getting the cold shoulder as the g twenty summit wraps up and world leaders really save the day. luke or wait for the euro's to get through endless questions which reaches over and yet all eyes are on greece tonight after a confidence vote passed in the parliament so now the prime minister pomp and rose head is off the chopping block can we finally get back to the bigger issues like unemployment poverty and a leading global economy. would you put your foreclosure on jobs gone.
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there we're going to show. they answered uncle sam's call when he needed help but as u.s. veterans head into a different type of battle uncle sam is nowhere to be found leaving the few in the proud to join the masses of homeless and unemployed americans. if you're going to look for the person who has nothing wrong in their background you know where that is. what happens in washington doesn't necessarily stay there especially when it comes to the mainstream media's love for political sex scandals so should the politicians personal affairs affect his professional career and with more than a majority of americans saying political correctness has gone too far is it out with the old and in a new way of thinking. it's friday november fourth eight pm in washington d.c.
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i'm christine. well greek prime minister george park in israel has survived a vote of confidence by the greek parliament this and a very dramatic week which started when public grows surprise announcement to call for a referendum on greece's new debt deal with the european union yesterday he cancelled that referendum but the future of greece's economy as well as its government remains shaky and uncertain the prime minister has said he would step down after the confidence vote and take part in helping to build a transitional unity government the greek debt crisis of course much of the focus at this week's g. twenty summit in france which is just wrapped up now in addition to dealing with greece and the question of whether or not it would remain part of the euro zone g twenty leaders have also agreed to boost resources at the international monetary fund i mean more money for the i.m.f. if they need it italy will also be much more closely monitored as it is seen as the european country most likely to fail next so one of these decisions mean and how
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will decisions made at the g twenty affect the global economy earlier i spoke with karl denninger with the markets are going to get his take on exactly what came out of. they attempted to get some kind of a deal hammered out that were isolate this to greece and the reason is that greece does not have any hope of actually being able to be saved there is a default in the future for them but the concern is not greece because the exposure there is this is able to handle it's going to err but the problem is italy and if it spreads beyond greece and into italy in portugal and italy's bonds in particular have been under attack for the last couple weeks and despite all of the arm waving in feel good promises of backslapping that has gone on this has not slowed down so we get to a point here where in the next few months there is some rollover that has to happen in the italian market but most of italy's debt is
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a fairly long duration so to the fear level that's associated with this implies that there is something more involved maybe in the credit protection market for example those credit default swaps that we talk about all the time let's talk a real briefly carl about the g. twenty and felt we have this conference every year and you know it always played out to be such a big deal you cry all of the heavy hitters sitting around the table together what actually comes out of these things. very little and the reason for it is quite simple you know to for someone to get someone has to give well who wants to give the answer is nobody it's it's the the old question of you know we have currencies in the world today and everybody would like it we currency because it makes your exports easier but that means somebody else has to have a strong currency and of course nobody wants to take it on their exports or to give it to you so we we have this very go round game that gets played with the g twenty hearings and then essentially people sit around and feel good and then the issues
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communiques and in fact nothing who hardly ever changes. i guess just my final question for you is you know we were waiting on results from greece of course. is there anything at this point they can be done you say that that greece is not quite the biggest worry that portugal and italy are but is there anything that can be done in the next few days to remedy any sort of the situation. no in the next few days absolutely not this is a problem that is thirty years of that rage is not going to go away overnight the economies of the western world need to reorganize around sustainable of consumption within those economies without this government borrow and spend support and that also means without the central banks or that we see the federal reserve this is not something that's going to come willingly. the mathematics just worked out either way they are these institutions and governments are going to be forced to do the
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right thing even though it's politically very unpopular while we have an update for you on the occupy oakland protest tonight it looks like yet another veteran has been injured cavan sebag he is now in intensive care with a lacerated spleen after the protests in oakland this week he says police beat him with the tongs and this comes just one week after iraq war veteran scott olsen was taken to the hospital with a fractured skull and it turns out there are a lot of veterans protesting at these at these occupy lost her movements around the country because many of them have been impacted personally by the economic downturn to sign giving their time putting their lives in danger all in the name of serving and protecting their country many of them come home and can't find a job and they have very few options some wounded by war physically or emotionally others wounded by what they find on the home front a country with few jobs and few prospects for the future are she's honest reports.
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well. their job is to defend their country's interests but once that job gaps up their country has no interest in them any longer tens of thousands of american war veterans are simply being discarded they're coming home to a just proportionate rate of homelessness of foreclosures and infections and she doesn't stand a whopping seventy five thousand iraqi years in pensions united states were homeless or sleeping on the streets were veterans like fifty five year old joe when joe after sixteen years of military duty he's homeless on the streets of new york with health problems he can't afford to take care of and no job for fifteen year like this is not even you know it's a great you know it's you know. i don't know should be more like i had no resources you know i care what kind of purpose i was her i was working cash and. another unemployment runs out anyhow jew says all the u.s. military machine cares about is money while the people who risk their life and limb
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are disposed of once they've served their purposes of politicians it's just a bunch of deception bitch about numbers you know the strength in numbers is all good keep the numbers out record of gets his money he gets his promotion his bonus and the care for themselves. care about they care about their own right know. the u.s. is winding down its operations in iraq and afghanistan but the damage to the people who fought in those wars really we have a v.a. system that is not able to provide us with the services that we need the services that we're entitled to as a result of you know us signing a contract and putting our lives on the line for our country unemployment rates among war veterans are staggering coming home to an unemployment rate that's about thirty percent for a wrap yes and veterans are just you know triple the national average joining the military used to be considered a great career staff that led to a life of honor these days this couldn't be further from the truth joining the u.s.
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military is probably one of the stupidest retirement or career moves you can make as a human being and dettori a columnist ted rall says military service is one of the biggest hoaxes in american history and they're defending the borders they're expanding the empire and we owe them they've lost their minds may have lost limbs and they've lost their time and they took the risks and they deserve it but somehow it's just you know generation after generation america keeps growing its vets there are said to be eighteen suicide attempts a day among veterans in america hundreds each month handling the realities of the providing that home is tough when you come home to your foreclosure on the jobs gone. then they want to go to shelters and shelters pretty much housing criminals program and a lot of them can't tolerate that lifestyle the hardest truth is that many believe
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forgotten vets back home is a permanent seen on america's image this reality is set to continue indefinitely with no end in sight so despite the iraq war i'm supposedly ending of course that's yet to be seen the reality for soldiers these constant deployments to wars we don't want to fight that is not going to change after almost nine years of war in iraq the. u.s. government plans to bring american soldiers back home by the winter holidays but with joblessness homelessness and official neglect an undeniable reality for america's veterans after the cool to war thousands more with the cruelty of life after it and those who are archie new york so we wanted to speak directly to one of those veterans war veteran anti-war activist matheson rope as he and others continue to face dire straits i asked mathis to tell me a little more about his story and what his friends and fellow veterans are experiencing right now take a listen. well it certainly has been a problem for everybody there are no jobs out there hardly any to be spoken of
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and it certainly isn't catching the veterans community. i saw a statistic just the other day that suggests that but getting out of the military now you are facing unemployment rates twice as high as that of your average citizens so yes even even considering that there are programs out there to help vets get jobs due to be a through the state the problem is nobody's hiring i think that that's a problem for a whole lot of people but you're right there is this notion that in this country if you sign out and you serve and you do your duty that you're going to come back to a lot of options and certainly we are in a problematic economy right now but who do you think is to blame that for this problem that this fact that twice as many veterans are without work are having trouble finding work that your average person. why would i would blame the military
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and i would blame the wars you know first of all you know war systematically makes people unable to be employed it creates disabled veterans who've been many of them can't seek work some of them have benefits from the system some of them never go to the v.a. and never get rated. others take jobs that do damage to the body i mean i know me right now i have a serious injury to my lower right leg didn't occur in the military but i'm more or less the sable and the only work i've been able to find is on my feet for at least ten hours a day so i wait tables and really train to be a writer and to be a journalist and that does physical damage to my body and it's not just me i know so many veterans to tell the same stories and then for. example when they face issues you know on the job of like you know on i'm sorry but my you know my body
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hurts i can't lift this specific thing you want me to lift or you know i don't know . the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder have made so many veteran friends of mine more or less unemployable and it's a it's a terrible situation and it's one that doesn't really have any light on the horizon for us i think that's a really good point to bring up it's not always just the physical injuries that sometimes the emotional injuries that a lot of that has come back with and for whatever reason it's it is hard to hold down a job a lot of family is saying is there too but what about training i mean you're trained in the military to fight to serve to protect do you think the military trains enough people for other non physical jobs so that when you get out you have options. i mean it depends alternately what the military trains everybody to do
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is to engage and destroy the enemies of the united states in close combat you know we've talked about this before but there are other options for employment in the military myself i wasn't infantry or artillery i was strategic communications i went in thinking i wonder learn how to write and i want to learn how to take pictures so that when i came out of the military i could pursue a career in the media. the fact is you know that's it's just it's just not that simple even people coming out of the military with skill sets right now that don't involve blowing things up and killing people even those people with skill sets are finding that that the market's not looking right now for writers and for creative people the market's looking for fried cooks and burger flippers and table waiters well what i'm having to do and hopefully this is going to turn around in some point but you know it's is not. contributing in any positive way to the crisis that we
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had and veteran suicide right now this is not contributing to helping men and women come back and you know re insert themselves into the communities and reinsurer us from the experiences they've had it's absolutely neat great now and it's not even just veterans i feel almost sometimes twice as bad for my friends who are veterans simply because you know they don't even have and point preference you know at least when i know i go into a place and there's ten other people on the list waiting to be interviewed i have at least a little something that makes me stand out you know it's a it's a bad time in america right now and that was not the surat war veteran and answer war activists. well it didn't take long for two thousand and twelve presidential field for the g.o.p. is still wide open and as we could have predicted one of the front runner runner as it is embroiled in an alleged sex scandal with political breaking the story that
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several years ago two of herman cain's employees at the national restaurant association received settlements after accusing him of sexually harassing them and this is a story you will think just about everywhere now we want to look at it a little differently and after a couple questions first of all how big of a deal is this and has political correctness gone too far r.t. correspondent liz wahl has this report. yes. the question that. ok going to the media fascinated by cain's alleged sexual harassment scandal headline after headline is he denying the cash payout to the chair with what is this made people think of herman cain cain's accusers have yet to come forward to tell the public what exactly happened yet the media remains fixated on the issue while at the restaurant association. accused of sexual harassment. accuse. but do voters really
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care apparently not in iowa where they seemed unfazed by his alleged promiscuity back in the ninety's doesn't pass misstep make someone unfit to lead if you're going to look for the person who has nothing wrong in their background let me know whether i get all vote for him but despite the revelations cain is keeping his position on top of the story rare in. his campaign so the best from reason to ever reason with through two thousand dollars in one day a post scandal poll shows cain is still in the lead but twenty six percent of likely republican primary voters supporting him. and we're going to go with the person who makes the most has the most interests. that are important part could it be that americans are realizing they're just too politically correct a recent poll shows seventy nine percent of americans see political correctness as a serious problem in the nation so far cain has proven saying p.c.
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isn't his top concern. for anything in. the letter but. so does america need to learn how to take a joke and who knows once we find out what these allegations were what if it's just the way herman cain is that. the joke from somebody at the wrong we're all in the red hot race to be the next republican nominee and we're likely to hear a lot more dirt dished about the candidates past the question is do voters care as much as the mainstream media are they more concerned about who will best lead this country out of its current quagmire and washington lives lost r.c. so is the mainstream media just hyping up the latest political sex scandal to boost their dismal ratings or is there a real story here we want to explore this question at the end of the day doesn't politicians personal affairs actually affect the way they do their job also more
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earlier i was joined by chris chambers journalism professor at georgetown university and daniel ferrante president of grassroots p.c. i asked them if this is a case of political correctness simply going too far here's what they have to say. i think the underlying foundation is that voters are exhausted in a lack of leadership in this country and while they're focused on this functioning congress the economy in shambles just look at recent polling nine percent approval rating for congress which is pretty much family and staffers record lows for the president politico rasmussen just said hold it eighty two percent of americans feel that they are worse off than they were five years ago gallup had one saying seventy five percent are in worse economic shape than they were and looking forward to the future as well i think that's the bedrock of the problem right now and what do you think ross well you know if it's political correctness there is
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a dearth of common sense and tolerance in this country. and there's a difference over what the words common sense and tolerance mean depending on what side of the spectrum you might be on and that's the key is politics i don't think people don't care about it's personal life i think they don't care about the candidates personal candidate is targeting their target demographic so in other words if you know you have a co-pay that's marketed towards a certain target or could be. african-americans you could be very conservative republican base voters if they're ramped up and hyped up and sparked up no they don't care but it's not i don't care because it's not important it's i don't care because i think that's a really good point and if you look at history there seems to be not a final answer here there isn't to be a split decision remember back in the late eighty's and one hundred eighty seven i
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think presidential candidate who everyone thought was a shoe and gary hart photos surfaced of him on vacation with a model who was not his wife and that his political career was over but then let's fast forward bill clinton during the campaign season we have a gennifer flowers scandal we have. during his presidency the monica lewinsky scandal and guess what he seems to be the most one of the most beloved president presidents that's alive right now so are people changing up people become becoming more forgiving what do you think i think it again i'd separate the situation between mr cain and a lot of these other individuals i mean you have foley flirting wiener tweeting larry craig tapping his foot bill clinton in his situation i think right now is yes you know i think right now the big problem people are focused again on the economy and despond shown in congress the dysfunction of political process and the frustration lies with where these guys have the time to do this stuff so perhaps if
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the economy was good and things were good then we could care about what actually was going on and we are and then again we forgive as well as in bill clinton's situation which you are taking weighted so it's. there is what you said earlier about ratings i mean this keeps the this keeps this truly and it it's good for everybody if you're if you're directly going to. slice of voters especially the republican side and you are all of a sudden cast now was a was a victim and you were their champion you start raising more than a quarter of a million dollars through fifty thousand dollars you know in two days so it's good for everybody let's talk about the media coverage of this chris you're obviously a journalism professor at georgetown for the last few days this herman cain story this has been all of that anyone is talking about it's almost as if nothing else is even going on in the world but i think jon stewart kind of puts finger on
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a bass i want to play a little clip that he did last night on the talk about. where the cars are debating the motto of the united states. sacred part of our national heritage ever since our founding fathers created our. nine hundred fifty six. is that what we're doing or are we are we taking to justice for new mothers i got a couple. america you better drones now. you know it's thinking of drones there has been a lot of different acts recently there is almost a war going on in somalia right now i'm not hearing about that you know it sounds towards talking about what congress is talking about there are things going on in the world but why is the herman cain story taking up so much of the airwaves well this is simply the bogus nature of what is perceived as quite a tabloid here in town being politico going off of this story feeding the narrative from anonymous sources the other problem being. with some of campaign senior
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leadership on wednesday and this surge in the polls contributions except for a did not enable them it happened so recently they haven't been able to hire an adequate staff to be able to deal with this situation so they in turn as well fed into this narrative if they're able to redirect back on to his strengths talking about the economy talking about what we're also have a looming crisis with iran you mentioned somalia we're gonna except there are so many fundamental huge issues that the voters care about that that's where it needs to get redirected on and this is purely just spectacle media it's just a question oh you know does the media are they giving us what we want are they telling us we should want well we've talked about this numerous times i mean it is it's sort of dilemma but again it depends on what they're trying to do to keep their viewers but the fee to their sponsors happy so in other words you know.
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on fox you will see you know the. kind of defense mechanism triggered might not be for. and you know the reason we want to make those viewers happy they're targeting a movie. so they deliver them to the sponsors and it depends on on how much you can get there is however and i really want to bring this out because this is really interesting new evidence out that perhaps these cable networks that mainstream media isn't giving viewers what they want now this is not directly related to herman cain but i think it's a good time to bring this up a recent study published by the pew research center it basically shows that viewership for all cable networks has gone down now by the end of last year the three major cable channels c.n.n. and fox news channel and asked them if they lost a combined think fifteen percent so you see there fox's debt was down by eleven percent and seventeen percent and the down by five percent i mean this is
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a really interesting thing to take a look at on the one hand you have a lot of alternative media surfacing as well but perhaps this this chart shows us that maybe this isn't what people want maybe sex scandals aren't always what people want to say and i think people are reading between the lines there and you have social media bloggers media outlets of a global nature online now and a lot more people are going back to actually getting themselves educated compared to being fed what is largely the propaganda on each of those networks and so i think people are it's a good thing becoming more educated and digging a little deeper and you can't reiterate enough what you brought up of the international crisis we have the super committee who could potentially define the future of entitlement reform tax reform and so many large issues for this country who's about to hit fifteen trillion dollars a view that there should be instead will conrad murray in an anonymous source from
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fifteen years ago raise what do you think what do you think when you see those charts their viewership is going down i mean sixteen percent. there are a lot of different factors here a lot of it is that their viewership their targets are getting older and they're not being replaced with your groupie. people you know younger people are using alternative media independent media if there's anything left by the definition but even even those younger people are looking at some of these websites are looking at social media store for cation of this issue with herman cain and others and they're drawing their own conclusions now they on the other hand they are the people who probably say ok we don't care as we really don't care but it colors clearly it's going what is their credibility level what is how do i already feel about this person if this is just more of the same crap then that's how it it affects them especially younger people are going to see that most students all the time the actual sex angle of this what they're upset about is what are your
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definitions going back to political correctness of how people should deal with one another but when you separate that out from the political aspect of it there is a general kind of who cares if you like this is an important unless it rises to a certain level that was chris chambers journalism professor at georgetown university and then president of grassroots p.c. . well it was an out of this world experience and yet also a place in moscow five hundred twenty days after the mars five hundred crew entered their voluntary isolation they have come back down to earth. it was the longest space flight simulation ever conducted pushing a crew of six men to their physical and psychological when it pertains lived in tight quarters only eight hundred square feet and eating nothing except space food the purpose of this experiment was to see if it was even possible for humans to live in this type of isolation for such a long time they are of course still
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a long way of sending humans to mars seventeen months they spent in the marginal after all was only enough to get them to mars but this was at the very least one small step for mankind. and be sure to tune into r t next we are working on several stories for you that you won't be seeing on mainstream news first starters how do you get an endless supply of money for war at the easy just look to one of d.c.'s most well known conservative think takes low profile of the heritage foundation an organization that's paving the intellectual reasoning road for tanks and other vehicles of war then it's time to celebrate lock up with no rights and no questions asked that's right happy ten years ago in town i'm obey we'll take a look at some of the best years behind bars and why president obama hasn't followed through with his promise to shut it down and the lol ha on a go to honolulu with our t.v. well if not we'll bring hawaii to.


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