tv [untitled] November 4, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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oh i'm so are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture it's friday which means it's time for conversations with great minds and i'm joined by the brilliant comedian author and activist dick gregory will be sharing his thoughts on where life has taken him to rush our nation is also with more and more people living in deep poverty than ever before in recent memory why don't republicans just filibuster legislation to put americans back to work i asked my panel of experts that question in tonight's big picture wrong and what does g.o.p. t.v.
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also known as fox news have to do with domestic terrorism the answer later tonight still e.j. . for tonight's conversations of great minds i'm joined by none other than dick gregory to her is a comedian social activist writer and entrepreneur whose work has redefined how many americans including me perceive political comedy and african-american comedians he got his first big break when he was hired by hugh hefner reform stand up at the chicago playboy club in one nine hundred sixty one and he hasn't stopped since he began political activism by running against richard j. daley for the mayor's office in chicago and sixty seven followed that with a writing campaign for the oval office and sixty eight as the candidate of the freedom and peace party he's devoted himself to many causes throughout his career
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as an activist including civil rights women's rights anti-war campaigns and the international anti-apartheid movement and environmental protection issues i ran a community for abused kids in new england in the late seventy's early eighty's he was on our advisory board. fundraisers for our program we travel together to uganda during the the under the war with the i mean to set up a family medical relief program there is devoted his life to using his considerable talents and gifts for helping others i know this from firsthand experience he now finds himself on comedy central's list of the one hundred greatest standups of all time and has his own star st louis walk of fame it's my pleasure to welcome dick gregory to our studios at this edition of conversations and great minds think you would listen to it is so there are some very good men and women none of that. i can actually do but. i'm curious. what why there's so much i want to start out with this like contemporary stuff you know is this keystone x.l.
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pipeline a little. her maternal permanent well i don't know what you know it's probably know without even running for president well maybe maybe not he's brilliant. he was chairman of the kansas city through the reserve no negro have ever had bets on. that meaning but we look and then he's dumbing down and. he took the american restaurant association hate it bet no new rule but he had it organization that did it when he left after eight years they was almost the same as the national rifle association as herman cain has so and so i hope he wins the nomination. here americans will have a choice one problem or another when he couldn't he couldn't play the brief because
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obama can already claim that so are the other side so america will have a choice just breed this dumb one. but he's not at all not if you see we went to vietnam two weeks ago and woke up and he was number one. and nobody is it hard to get that. you cannot be. the kansas city federal reserve and say you know what i get to be president i want the secret service to call me. because the people who that bothers that's not the ones he's looking for. and saw him in romney romney will never be president never you know the mormon thing you can kill because nobody talks about it if you look at we had the first polish pope. one point three million white folks left the catholic church that's the church. i've been going to bore my folks for. a
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quarter of the. year so it's going to be it's going to be fun it's going to be real interesting here and there will be probably one of the most interesting new years in the history of planet earth mainly because of the occupy c. nobody everybody is overlooking them including themselves well what are your thoughts on the psyche well it's how it's shaken out i was with. was my second time in new york with here i was there. and the keeper asked me said what do we need to learn from the civil rights movement. you see. white folks in america i don't care how rich or poor how short. you born with three hundred years of white privilege. the cops is not where they think and they deal with them like all sorts of mexico no no you see before king
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was assassinated we were coming to washington portal campaign member. coming here tom but that d.c. . day in new york someone asked you why did you have to use a. word occupy was always the mighty nation occupy a poor listen to the words they made away or now the problem is this. they will. happer watch out for what we saw happen in oakland there was a government people who infiltrate it was it was like this was in a different place after the game was over and that's right fifty folks right then all at once and this is what this is what we saw back in the sixty's that's what we saw look look here here this is j. edgar hoover here here here and chicago tribune let me hold the server the f.b.i. memo thing f.b.i. memo you have marble game degrees martin sticker on one of the cleaners. on the
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planet who would ever believe their hoover would get in touch with your f.b.i. and say dick gregory said kind of bad things about the mob kill them and they'll kill him for a few youngsters out there is not a word here is probably one of the most important documents still i mean some i gave you. that here is the military intelligence that moved into memphis. civil disorder operation lanterns march march twenty eighth that's before king was sixty eight and came out the twelfth now nobody on the life would believe that that's how big that our king was not keel this is this is from u.s. army intelligence us army intelligence used to movie and create and cover civil disorder operation that's before king you knew he had to go there they hadn't and when he went in their little ride book will build was government provided to us
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government to king had to go back to prove that he can run a nonviolent march and this really took him up now these little young children out here you see and take back this you can't take it back you talk about the military so everything began to look at the infield here's here's the scenario. they were infiltrating. they're dress up a little young white girls make them look like women and in good karma less and less where it's growing see what they have to do now is change the image in people's mind the reason they got a problem because folks who don't know they ninety nine percent they feel something you know different i mean usually you see the beautiful thing the president did i will forgive college it ok let them in made me want to make school because nobody
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here has a problem what about grandmother your grandmother your grand plot is to suffer like a dog never been to school and my tax money got to pay to see we're in a box where you can get out and the way you held that you said ok here's what we will do we're going to forgive this debt but also both of them can read or write will fulfill really have to eat three meals a day their children and grandchildren celebrate christmas and easter then it should have been something for the on. a training program be a locksmith a training program to you know and then you balance it out we've never balance that out and the problem with america is that i take all my brain children. people meal. you've been present yes i've known something like that yeah there's people working on some level that's what's wrong with america isn't that what we don't smell or think ok we've been speaking for so long the d.n.a.
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caters to it and that's what's going on bring us free press. are released the pictures ron ron brown executor of commerce with the plane with the bullet back you see it oh well who gave it to me the focus on false terms of who did the autopsy so right so they couldn't see i was at a press new york time was going nobody ran it the fishes story as if he died a plane crash there's differential story well this depression story and so consequently the fiction story of j.f.k. you know shot by lee harvey oswald. after the warren commission asked the simple question well how could he give this in the military and go to russia. turn his back on american come back with a russian wife and nobody. john tower brought him through the through j.f.k. if he was in. his but the downfall of this nation got the downfall of this nation
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is not corrupt politicians being corrupt things corrupt you're wrong i mean we had the same spot the germans was the rightful hitler took up and the reason we haven't produced a hitler we can't fire honest democrat. certainly not around the. oh in so is this how you can keep spinning. and it could be so but they don't know they wouldn't see america that is less than a fifth of the world's population. ninety four percent of all the world's horror drugs is consumed in america that's not counting alcohol nicotine and caffeine and so when you stop and think about what we hide we keep hiding because we keep talking about america the beautiful the powerful but my visit any time you mix up democracy and capitalism and you've got
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a problem here and so the young folks these young folks look like listening to him b.c. b.s. and all that crap they listen to it in shows where they get. just talking about what happened to date here and so i mean it or not you know there are have the folks i want to bring me the pictures. n.b.c. and so all of the stuff that's been here. all the. top folks in the media they know it but keep it so my grandmother you know the the lead. these guys it was. god kissed him and sent him down here to give americans the new they are going to wake up for a rude awakening because they don't know what yeah i mean cop is a bad joke no intelligent white boy you know what i want to be a cop i have too many opportunities i had the president of the oakland police
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officers association a radio show today and he's like you know the merest telling us one thing and then she starts another thing we don't know what the hell's going on and you know basically we were just following orders you know if you said well just following orders. or not but that's the problem in all of this i mean if i see my children to school but i would tell him go back and study what happened to doing white children to see out of washington about ten years ago. if it was a cop lost his job here was every bit two things that went to people to look at. what happened two sundays back in albany new york when they took over. was a bad word but then once i didn't think like you don't care they're not taking over they resent it but they took all. the governess which
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was a public park in albany. this w. called more day grooming him to be president to shout that he lost that he called the state police the mayor of the called the city police city police and state police got to say we're not arresting them as you see that's why we did that we are not arresting them could they not break in and then went further to say governors and mayors. police two police officers then you switch and go to the same park teacher that is the church of england how they were shut down this week for the first time since hitler was bombing london ok to appreciate pair resigned so you did not deal with just the normal folk that they've been dealing with and these young people from born to london we go big demonstration with british told i'm go and then talk to you get anything you want anything you want because the olympics are coming here make you. don't want these young folks take over
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all they have to do. is threaten. thanksgiving the call for a christmas more clout. in america is all but they couldn't handle it. by about them day that's right now one day yeah the whole day yeah there you go we'll be right back with more conversations with great minds with their gregory and just. what drives the world of fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. made who can you trust no one who has you view you with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism that's called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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paying attention to and yet you were down there in texas on the day that everybody else was looking at something else tell us about well last ruined two of the white with you know. keil. there's no word sass nation hang in that nothing messes with the reason i've done this before. but they never had cameras and you can't just now when you put it in people's face they arrested those three whites before the five who would in the world. today yeah and that's why bush president head never came out when he was running because the justice was so swift. to him they sentenced to death. because he was the witness he got a long time in jail so. this one came up for execution three years ago
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now called one of the king the third some folks to the death penalty movement in houston called. love it would you call wit me yes then we start on his son. just to clarify this is a white guy rule of murder yes i mean you know dragged in the back of a truck. and jasper jackson yes you're there to protest that the white guy he's one of the right folks there white folks who don't like. the guy. and so we get martin luther king the third and we bring in his son and we rehearse . the night you thought it was. just party talk where were you because i was in camp with you and i just joined the marines i was in boot camp and when you get the word commander came into so what happened there he gave me.
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two weeks i went to the funeral would have been good i went back. i went back. well. sort of the guy who'd just been murdered ok so the murderer is going to be executed in texas everybody is looking at instead it was. troy yet for detroit is thank you who was being executed and instead you're going to go on to the rally for troy davis before. i didn't think it was that i just absolutely did. he was going to. look at this as a black man. like a prostitute. prostitute i was. looking for sweet memory or mother dies he's not here. is candy here you see i really like this can get it would bring me this is same thing with the mentality of
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a lot of white folks would need will get the right one but you can't just bring this one so that's what i would just bring us one so now i really put all the world there's never been execution in here to the planet that had the world for us because of the electronics the i phone the whole list and people could listen and see the poll and everybody was there so i went to the rally there are flew in to huntsville texas and i. had a group with midnight and we fasted and meditated six o'clock that evening and then they executed. what i think called me and said troy davis got to stay. and intimidation cause you know no it didn't happen he's still in bed at night really so i'm not one of these there's i was a couple times i still had
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a good mom's ok i'm not one of these a sick person is bad cause sometimes people too poor to get a good lawyer sometimes the wrong person i just do not believe the state. of brutal crime if i commit then for the rest of my life that's punishment excuse or even the state should not be in revenge if me and my wife dog and smoked dope all day got drunk and followed the the right have the moral authority to tell my children they can't do it so i was there for their never before everything i've ever had a reaction. a militant black person showing up at the execution of a like i would of here is. i'm going in to testify against british petroleum and congress. why congressman watts. he
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says oh my god. what you did for their white racists who needed to die changed my life here i used to be for capital punishment after watching you sit there i had to take back the seat to run from or. our thought for davis living because you know he didn't do it but the other one and said now i'm capital punishment there's no way you can play a game with no great deal here hitler here was going to execute you i would be against american i'll send you have been upset and also wanted to kill my family and i protested him why probably protesting against me that's the most you know. but the last person standing will be the one but for a state to have moral authority it can't be had in the murder you cannot and you
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know she pointed out that you were you were also arrested september third you mentioned b.p. just a second ago blocking the entrance of a protest against b.p. in fact if you went to court yesterday there was some court today you know what's this is this is you were you were concerned about where they're handling this twenty billion dollars victims' compensation fund is that the poor people poor white women black force mexican. normally they would have dark the statement they find their solomon play you post is made in you could it cannot be used there are going to use it and so out of the tin different compounds they have and they find nine of them in people's blood and in yet until they said no i can find no long we don't want to read it it's not true it didn't happen so when you look who did they play our first to casinos why they have some buy the best back in the
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government. pay them out of everything saw or rock or blackboard the brilliant. put a group together. and you will have paid on the service so he called me and i said look let's just situation the way. there's a small black woman lawyer you have a woman lawyer you will understand children understand women so. she joined on board and then we have a good strategy team we can put down forget about women with a bit of our children and all that and so now all it wants the bill comes about nine hundred million dollars. no wait well if you own the construction called me and you build in this six hundred million dollars hotel if you finish late you could kill lives if you really get a reward out they can fly over and you can reward well he can pay up to he's the
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same one that handled the is because you know there's a camera station for he had a lot for not a lot of victims he also held it for agent orange really. so he looked like. for the. british petroleum headquarters and we had a meeting with him but we buy stock we're stuck with it and then we come back here and we're going to keep the hope if you keep giving it a run. we knew you can. you deal with the people if you're bringing something. and you got robbed this morning you feel that the community you have to put that's so that's what we do and with respect to around the country and we. take all the movement not to bring them into the let them know now they keep asking
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me what do we need to do to get more black. which you talk about don't pertain to me ok. when you start talking about police brutality on a nationwide level my grandmother. oh. boy that's what happened happened that fear there was no there when you child go out your son go out. mama you tell me to behave. as you can tell the cops. you know i mean are you telling me that. thirteen year old can come to washington d.c. new york never been there in fifteen minutes in front of the drug pushers but. this is again with this is what's going on and these young women are here with the elders that know something's wrong they don't feel that they know what to listen to your show they listen to you oh. right now you can do this in russia.
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i mean you couldn't have. seen the things are mostly about russia in russia as you can see here i feel my you could you could probably win for first of the countries of the world no no no you know that's what and that's what this is talking about and they feel that they feel the image and so i've just been happy i'm just happy i'm out here. yeah. for health ok yeah i was going to as we have two minutes left i will play last night. and frank. tillman. was murdered. the vice president was there and then i look over here and i see michael douglas. and to use . this the way he looks from the pit of death. and i didn't have enough
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time i want to know what are you doing right because you have jobs three hundred billion dollars in this person what he could make seventy years ago i got a frightful drug addict alcoholic. eighty. three and him with all this money could not what do you do when wrong you know you get praised. what if he will know a little about the human body which the universal god left him so he could have been here and was in his mind you know what can i look at this and see which help. were created love and this this is your book. it was you know. my wife worked more nine hundred thirty two so smart people instantly so
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they called and said look at one hundred thirty two years he's a seventy. nine months and my mother is belly and if there were less film out and into three months and my father was big in. a career in such a place your brother thanks so much peace to him if he'll have to name us and thank you so much thank you to watch this conversation again as well as other conversations with great minds go to our website conversations of great minds doug . get out the boxing gloves and come back my panel and i will take on this week's major headlines in the big picture rumble on. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions break through that sort of way who can you trust no one who has you deal with the global.
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