tv [untitled] November 7, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EST
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five pm here in the russian capital this is our top story russia's foreign minister has warned that an attack on iran would be a grave mistake with unpredictable consequences so again a broad statement comes after israel said possible military action against iran's nuclear facilities is becoming more likely. has the latest russia stands firmly on that this issue has to be approached with diplomacy it has to be done step by step through talking. is acceptable russia's very action to this comes after israel has been pushing for a military intervention saying the clock is ticking and the iranian nuclear program has to be stopped right now russian foreign minister insists that it's going to have consequences for the entire region is already so unstable. issue is well known and it would be a serious mistake with very grave consequences we can see proof of that every day when we see how problems are being solved close to iran iraq afghanistan or other
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countries in the region military interference only leads to a need to be rising. meanwhile international atomic energy agency's preparing i reports which is going to prove that iran's nuclear ambitions are not peaceful evil iran has been denying this ever since the beginning and. has said that if there's going to be a military intervention then iran is prepared for it. let's get more perspective on the u.n. nuclear watchdog upcoming report on iran now we're joined from beirut by said mohammad marandi a professor at the university of tehran mr marandi now the i.a.e.a. report will reportedly raise concern that there was nuclear facilities are not for peaceful purposes of course are on has always maintained that they are now is this fair comment i mean we're still waiting for the report to come out or is this all just a pretext for war. well i doubt that any war will take place because israel
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is much smaller country than iran and iran strength lies in its missile terence and at the same time the united states is in no position to initiate a war i think it's mostly. this is in the intention is to put pressure on iran and also to put pressure on other countries independent countries like china and russia and others to agree with new sanctions by sort of betraying israel as a dog attack dog that needs to be somehow controlled and if they agree to new sanctions. something bad will be prevented from happening but the whole report itself it's based on forged documents there is absolutely nothing new in the report all the documents that are supposed to come out are from the year two thousand and four and before and. they his assessment was completely in opposition to what the new head of the a is is making. the documents were based on an electronic file
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on a laptop if you recall a few years and years ago this all goes back to them the iranian said that the file is forged yes ok yeah but just going back to what you were saying earlier you don't think that there it's really likely and that this report is based on past or obsolete documents but then again we just go back to what the israeli president had warned last week he said that a strike on iran's nuclear facilities is increasingly likely then what is that based on then could and could we really see military action from from israel and its allies based on what he said. as i said it's hot highly unlikely because the israelis would really lose in any confrontation iran strength is in its missile deterrents and israel is not prepared to pay. for any iranian counter strike the iranian men where not every right to do so why even say why i think that i think well i think if you look at the general picture there is
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a general trend to try to put iran in a corner at the top try to corner iran if you recall just a few weeks ago the americans made outrageous accusations about some murder plot of this bastard to the united states no one in the world believed it because it was so absurd this now comes right after that this report if you if you look at the western media the corporate media they're all saying that this is new information it proves that iran is trying to produce nuclear weapons were in reality all the documents go back to two thousand and four and the previous years all have been refuted in the past the united states has never provided i a with a document this shows that this is basically an attempt to create. pressure and to to move but i would be made to see of all those statements maybe i mean as much as you say that they're outrageous why are they doing it that i mean they're upping the pressure right now what does the timing have got to do with anything if any. well i think
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a lot of it has to do with the rapidly declining fortunes of the united states in the middle east and throughout the world the u.s. to economy else is on that the climb decline the united states has many troubles at home. this is reflected in in the demonstrations that are taking place in many parts of the united states this is a good way to distract attention away from its own problems the united states is losing its foothold in the middle east through the uprisings and the awakenings and in fact if an attack was really going to take place this would really move public opinion in this region which is so. which is changing so much in favor of iran and against the united states so if the united states doesn't gain anything by this and in fact i think it basically discredits the united states even further because this this on this portrayal of the situation by the corporate media by the united states is something that people can see through that now and you were talking earlier
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about iran strength in its deterrent capability but we also have to look at. security the importance put on israel's security how threatened does iran feel by all sorts of aggressive rhetoric that's coming its way i don't think that the iranians feel concerned at all. pointed out israel doesn't have the capability to carry out a major attack on the country yet israel is highly vulnerable if you have the israel and support of the u.s. for example it's not just israel here going up against iran. well again three things really one is that the documents themselves showed to the world to public opinion outside of the west especially that this whole situation is based on a dishonest foundation and that will not work to the well for the united states being. the united states if it if it carries out any attack or israel it will do
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create heavy. problems for the global economy it could bring bring about a complete meltdown even if the united states tries to impose new sanctions the iranians will definitely retaliate in the ways that it can to to hurt the united states and those countries are trying to impose pressure on iran so it's not going to benefit the united states and global public opinion especially the people in the region which are in the midst of these uprisings will turn against the united states thank you very much for your time there and for your inside your faster side mohammad marandi from the university of tehran. over always interested in your opinion and today we're asking how likely military action against iran actually is just head to our website r.t. dot com and do take part and so far the majority of you think it's a certainty because the u.s. and israel this war sixteen percent say there's no chance of conflict there's no one has the stomach for another bloodbath in the middle east it's unlikely it would only happen if there's overwhelming evidence that terror ron has nuclear weapons
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and a minority are confident it all depends on iran submitting to inspections. the wildlife and costs. of course you're watching are still ahead for you cloudy future so over libya i mean claims of revenge killings on the spread of radicalism. in the country is done all the details in a few minutes. now as more and more countries are turning to the international monetary fund for help it in turn is reaching out for support from some of the world's rising financial power players i.m.f. chief christine lagarde preparing to head off to china on tuesday and is currently in moscow for talks with the kremlin. is following the visit. russia seems to be determined and willing to help the eurozone through i am up but mission with that of today reid said waited he wants these help to be to be targeted to be called for hand supposed to be to be direct and to be done through the
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international love financial institutions such as i am up for russia paid the last portion of its debt to the open eyes ation back in two thousand and five and since that it has been contributing to the i am up by providing money for countries which experience serious financial economic difficulties or even default as it is now the case with greece at the current euro crisis and recent developments in gray's so completely took over the g twenty summit in cannes last week where the leaders agreed to bolster the role of the i.m.f. and other financial institutions to save the euro and eurozone and one of the hopes for the euro is help coming from the emerging economies from the breaks including russia and although the current euro crisis doesn't directly affect the brics countries they did promise to come up with financial support for europe as far as russia is concerned here we're talking about a potential compensation which could exceed ten billion dollars however present
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that it made it's clear from the very beginning that there is a condition on russia and other partners within the brakes to provide this money to europe and that is that their voice needs to be heard within the i.m.f. and other financial institutions optional russia itself keeps almost forty five percent of its international reserves in euros over russia is likely to ask for a high price stepped up its for its offer of support a particular it's a chance is of adventuring the world trade organization by the end of this year finally after years and years of feeding look more than promising above all russia is likely to continue loving for the reforms. well the i.m.f. was nine hundred forty five and currently i'm of commitments amount almost three hundred billion dollars of funds and the major at this point are greece portugal and. well let's say greece is that heads the queue of countries
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destabilizing the euro zone and their new coalition unity government has been formed to tackle its debt crisis and this comes after weeks of political chaos and now the us that's put its euro membership in jeopardy now the greek prime minister george papandreou has agreed to step down and his replacement is due to be announced shortly the new interim government will leave the country until elections expected to be held in february next year the government's main task will be to approve a one hundred thirty billion here emergency rescue package that was reached between european leaders and demands for a new government came after puffing drew called and then ditched a bailout referendum for shock colleagues at home and abroad later on r.t.e. a former british minister tells us that the euro zone project has long needed a reality check. remember this to you is based on fiction because it doesn't have political reality the whole problem with this crisis is it was created by the
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europeans themselves because you could not have a single currency it was i was a political union they knew they couldn't get away with the political union and so they disappear because the equivalent of las vegas and signed up to and maybe proposition which is to have a unified current he would know unify policies are going to get rid of unemployment in greece you're going to have to get the price down and it's almost everything is prized in europe that would never be possible to have that. if i was a greek i would be. going to ground. to get out of this because what happens there still in the euro zone. so the french banks say to heck. but there's still stuck with the euro. well for more insight on the european debt crisis from don't miss our interview in just over an hour's time. now
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a week after wrapping up its intervention in post gadhafi libya the head of nato says it has no major role in the future of the country now that's the spite of widespread allegations of crimes against humanity under the new libyan regime and a shift towards radical islam are going to check on asks whether the west has made a habit of turning a blind eye to the shortcomings of its allies. cheer first question later not so long ago the us media presented libyan rebels as freedom loving folks yearning for democracy after could obvious killing the narrative changed you know you talk about this arab spring and many people do you do it here as a move towards democracy but really that is not exactly what's going on it seems the u.s. media just woke up to the young holding human rights disaster in the region libya's new rulers are at risk of being accused of the same kind of abuses before to overthrow an al qaida flag planted on a libyan courthouse steered quite some panic and not just that you have the interim
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leader coming out saying he hoped it would become an islamic state that polygamy was going to be illegal again consistent with sharia law sharia law to include punishments such as cutting off the hands of thieves beheading convicted murderers and rapists stoning to death adulterers sure real long which is about to be introduced in libya is considered to be for the most part incompatible with democratic values especially when it comes to women's rights but many experts believe that whatever the new libyan government's domestic policies it will not stop the u.s. from making nice with the saudi arabia for instance has the most extreme form of sharia law women are not allowed to drive cars are not allowed to vote the crime for adultery for women is the death penalty in saudi arabia and none of this seems to bother the powers that be in washington why because saudi arabia does the bidding of the united states in this oil rich region being a dictatorship but not
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a. just shows that we really don't care for. our interest in the region very another us. sleep and also. and as a questionable human rights records. those in power are their only things to nato and particularly the united states the media here had generally been supportive of the campaign. but now that he's gone. on about human rights maybe out of. the media. and. top priority. behind the current government.
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reporting from washington. come home but for many there's no home to come back to tens of thousands of american soldiers become homeless as soon as the military lets them go read more on our website www dot com. a british and. another government official under her spell. in germany. writes. they were quickly removed.
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the news today. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations through the day. feuding russian tycoon. have taken their battle to a u.k. court and it's no small claim with five and a half billion dollars at stake businessman but his claims robbed him of the money by intimidating him into selling oil shares on the cheap something the chelsea football club owner denies that has been watching the billion dollar lawsuit play. it's been dubbed the battle of the oligarchs in one corner is mr a estimated wealth fifteen billion assets for your a football club and a french chateau in the other corner mr p.
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estimated fortune five hundred million he had to sell his yacht but he does still have his trusty stretch my back which he never fails to show off her manner which is rise to riches is a story precious few knew until now his turn in the witness stand has lifted the need on a life in the shadows he revealed how some of his companies employed primarily disabled staff landing lucrative thirty percent tax breaks and he came clean on the piles of cash he paid for protection as he dived into the infamous alimony and wars of the ninety's where we now know someone was murdered every three days not exactly the clean cut image and one of britain's most loved foreign imports he did want to i think it was in the moment you know the only difference between a rotten p.r. and here is p.r. has been very good presents a very billowy an image that he doesn't really come across aggressively the resale nothing at all he wants to go respectable and suddenly we're all of the rather sort of see the origins of his wealth it's
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a third of that wealth but he claims he's he's still a wanted man in russia he's suing mr and promote it for five and a half billion dollars they set up the oil company sip left together in the ninety's just a bit as he claims he was blackmailed into selling his stake at a fraction of its true worth a mere one point two million dollars the money here is massive the case is expected to smash the record for the u.k.'s most expensive privately funded litigation is thought to be costing eighty dollars a second in here as for the legal fees mr abbott is rumored to be sixteen million dollars a barrel lawyers have their work cut out there on a no win no fee basis the pay used to be close miss to be. he gave his protege the all important leg up into the world of the super rich and we now know he was paid for his troubles but mr a says that was just protection money denying they were ever business partners it's not claim this case rides on but there's no concrete
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evidence after all this was ninety's russia none of their deals were written down five weeks in and i've counted a cost of nine billion is five russian one cause i want to speculate all israeli one british the crown prince of abu dhabi is suddenly involved for transferring one point three billion dollars from one to the other not to mention pujol strange deals records of meetings that maybe never happened the whole thing's extraordinarily bizarre you try and place the whole thing together which becomes another difficult task because you don't know how much of this is even anyway true according to mr pease lawyers mr a has hidden his billions in a complex web of shore holdings so even if mr b. does win he'll have a difficult task extracting any money with so much at stake it's painstaking progress the battles expected to go on into the new year after bennett's. london. well it's not over what else is happening around the world starting with yet our
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government forces have killed six militants clash in the southern city of jinja barre brought to eleven the number of insurgents killed in the area in two days the region reported to have been partly taken over by al qaeda extremists some say the bile and anti-government protests have helped militants to gain control of the area over one thousand five hundred people have died since demonstrations against president saleh started in february. and syria islamic extremists are said to be in a firefight with government forces trying to storm residential blocks where the insurgents are hiding out dozens have been killed in anti-government rallies in homs since sunday the country's opposition now in cairo called the city of disasters elf. we'll make another attempt at attacking the crisis this week after brokering an earlier peace deal that's been whitely. heavy floods are spreading in bangkok's commercial district as authorities warned that predatory reptiles are
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lurking in the water in some areas officials also say that the capital subway system is now at risk as the water level has reached one metre and monsoon has claimed over five hundred lives across thailand at the country's worst flooding in half a century the government says four billion dollars will be spent to restore the country . and up soon our special report on the los angeles fire department it handles all medical emergencies for the city and eighty two percent of the of its work is now medical rather than fire related but before that it's a business news with dimitri. thanks to us and welcome to business it's taken almost two decades of talks but now russia has its foot in the door of the world trade organization the countries in the final round of informal negotiations this moving up the remaining issues that decision on russia's membership is expected by the end of the week peter weston as investment
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bank tone says w.x. session would make russian companies more competitive. i think the major point to be to be made when it comes to the sort of increased competition from our players is that i have a feeling there's a lot of improvement cost cutting efficiency to be done in russian companies to actually cope with this so if you want to be really hard on this i mean i think i do think that these inflows doesn't actually provide a threat they provide an opportunity for companies to make themselves more efficient more transparent and to more effectively on the cost side this is a huge level of restructuring efforts that can be done the russian companies that could offset some of this total threats from four players and the major thing here is for the consumer increase competition is lower prices and i would really that's the most important thing but it would. european debt remains one of the dominating issues for the markets this week and to greece's embattled prime minister george
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papandreou is stepping down after his aborted plan for a referendum on the e.u. bailouts coupled with the fact that investors are worried about the state of italy's budget. this is also creating a lot of uncertainty investors are waiting to see who will be brave enough to step into the top on the issues the decision expected later on monday coalition's government's main task will be to pass the european rescue package the move considered crucial to shoring up the euro so you get the market's reaction well as move back into positive territory light sweet is gaining around thirty five cents at this hour brant is up more than one dollar at this hour in europe the stock markets are moving between the gains and losses now in the red the footsie down half a percent the dax just point zero four percent this is also one speculation unconfirmed market speculation that italy silvio berlusconi might be stepping down the russian markets are attempting to withstand this pressure successfully on the myself which
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is up a third of a percent the r.t.s. is down by pretty much the same out there was moving to my sex with well reversing back into calls to surgery support seen for energy stocks on the my sex roles now gaining almost three percent in the financial sectors burbank is up twenty seven percent of the t.v. is still slightly in the. one of the world's biggest gas fields will stay on ice until russia's promise tax breaks kick in the stockman field in the barren sea could satisfy the entire world's gas needs for a year but in the norwegian part then development says investors would not give cash until the government provides some incentives. to have it given to the economic potential we really also need the federal support and there are up to two elements and that is the mineral extraction tax and it is the gas exports your t. all that of gas those are the two other elements that we are presently we are in
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a dialogue with the government to discuss these things and these are also required on the internet to make the commercially interesting approachable. next up on us you had lines with stay with the spot. fixing bringing you the latest in science and technology from the ground floor should. we dump the future of coverage.
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in two thousand and ten especially economic zone for industrial production was established in russia somalia region with a total area of six hundred. it's investors are granted exclusive tax customs benefits which includes a five year exemption from property. taxes as well as an income tax reduction of fifteen point five percent. the special economic zone as a free customs zone which enables manufacturers to move. in russia in order to seize the some our region is currently witnessing the sewage infrastructure construction the region special economic zone promises exceptional. business in russia. to the smaller regions for more information. invest in some new.
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