tv [untitled] November 7, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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tonights an r. t. a drive for diplomacy russia was an attack on iran could have disastrous regional repercussions as israel says military action is a real possibility. the i.m.f. dash for kremlin cash that of international monetary fund visits moscow in search of financial support to help prop up prices if economy. and russia is christine lagarde first stop on a mission to the world's then coming financial power. plus a mortgage that is off speed court for the a.b.c. of super rich russian is a legal loggerheads in london the spotlight turns on shady business dealings in the
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past with billions of dollars at stake. well could be watching r.t. from moscow with me kevin midnight here in our top story russia's foreign ministers warn that an attack on iran would be a grave mistake with unpredictable consequences sort of a lavrov statement comes after israel said possible military action against iran's nuclear facilities is becoming more likely it is an italian overcover report. precious and firmly on that decision has to be approached with diplomacy has to be done step by step through talking numbers or intervention is acceptable russia's reaction to this comes after israel has been pushing for military intervention saying look this ticking and iranian nuclear program has to be stopped right now
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russian foreign minister insists that it's going to have consequences for the entire region is already so unstable because it's not sure our view a list issue is well known and it would be a serious mistake with very grave consequences as we can see proof of that every day when we see how problems are being solved close to iran iraq afghanistan or other countries in the region military interference only leads to a multiple rise in gas. meanwhile international atomic energy agency's preparing i reports which is going to prove that iran's nuclear ambitions are not peaceful overall iran has been denying this ever since the beginning and mahmoud ahmadinejad has sad that if there's going to be a military intervention and iran is prepared for it. this was her specter of on the u.n. nuclear watchdog upcoming report now over the next couple of days and talk in washington to an penco threat for the discussion group the british american security information council and good to see on the program nuclear scare stories are behind
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us way to cry wolf they did it in two thousand and three over iraq are they doing it again no in iran do you think. well i think we'll have to wait until wednesday which is when the report comes out of the international atomic energy agency the i.a.e.a. and in my understanding is that this report aims to show that iran has been working on aspects which could only be related to a nuclear weapon however this information comes from intelligence sources from america from israel and from europe although it has been corroborated to some respect i understand by the. inspectors now of course because of the iraq precedent when we know that intelligence proved to be to be faulty i think the burden of proof in this case is going to be much higher and in fact my understanding is that the russians and the chinese they were actually trying to
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persuade the. general to postpone coming out with this reporter at this time why to get more information. yes i think that as a laugh or off was saying today. russia believes that diplomacy is the way to solve this crisis with iran and i think that russia fears that ratcheting things that ratcheting up the pressure like this risks leading down down a path to war as as we saw with with iraq in fact the israeli president said last week that action against a. real possibility could we really do think see some sort of military campaign against a run in the near future. well i know that the obama administration it isn't it is not where they are at this point the administration is presumably saying to the
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americans wait you know what we're looking at now would be another round of sanctions i mean and america is framing this as the world's problem and in fact until now that's also how how israel just described. the threat if you want from from iran so what's different now is i think that the israelis are kind of seeing that after. possibly a whole lot all the difficulties that the iranians were having with their program the seems to be a resume a mention and so that's why now the israeli cabinet has apparently being been discussing taking unilateral and preemptive measures what is really president was talking to this program talk to me on this program sort of a face of the never wants nuclear work. because the flip side of this is israel is
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very very cagey and it's been very vague about whether it has got a nuclear capacity in order. so i guess the argument could be the run deserves one as well if it feels threatened shouldn't have. well i mean if you look at the history of how israel got a nuclear weapon it's kind of. rather resembles. the past. has gone down in the sense that israel actually denied it was working on a weapon for years when in fact it was you know it kind of lied and cheated its way and has never actually declared as you say having having any clear arsenal it could be that iran is actually just what the israelis did which is why the israelis are so worried because they can see that that's what they did themselves good over the program playing back director of the british american security information council thank you. because we're interested to know what you think of this big story that's
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unfolding this week continues to unfold this week we're asking today what you think about it you think will be military action against a. head to our web site r.t. dot com to take part in the vote this is what you're telling us the majority of you all afternoon really have been saying that you think it's a certainty because the u.s. and israel quote need a war fifteen percent of you take the obvious of you think there's no chance of a conflict because no one has the stomach for another bloodbath in the middle east in the tenth of you believe it all depends on the submitting to inspections by the un's atomic watchdog the minority think war is unlikely would only happen if there's overwhelming evidence that. nuclear weapons we wait to see that report with interest over the coming days you go i'm going to vote of course with r.t. dot com. as more and more countries are turning to the international monetary fund for help it in turn is reaching out for support from some of the world's emerging financial power players christine lagarde preparing to head off to china on tuesday
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and is currently here in moscow for talks with the kremlin and he's a country which overs for when the president. during these financially turbulent times russia can all for the i am a fan the european union what it now needs most money russia paid the last portion of its stuff to the international monetary fund in two thousand and five and seems that it has been contributing to the organization providing financial support to countries which experienced serious financial and economic difficulties or even risk difficult as it is now the case with greatest response of all the months in this european country and the euro crisis in general. to come over at the g twenty summit in cannes last week where the leaders agreed to bolster the role of the imei fatah the financial institutions to save the euro and eurozone and one of the hopes for the euro is coming from the emerging economies from the so-called brics
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countries that is brazil russia india china now south africa added to the list russia in particular is ready to contribute at least time billion dollars for the european union but mission about it made it very clear from the very beginning that these support should be targeted comprehensible transparent it should be done in directly through this international financial institution not to the sort that a country of the european union directly and another must condition is that the brics countries are given a voice within the international monetary fund and other financial institutions the brics may not be directly affected by the euro crisis at the moment but we should not forget that russia for instance keeps up almost forty five percent of its international reserves in euros. well greece of course their heads the line of countries destabilize the euro zone and it's in athens that a new coalition unity government being formed to tackle the debt crisis comes after
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weeks of political chaos as put greece's membership in the euro in jeopardy promises george couple rose agreed to step down with his replacement due to be at any time soon the new interim government meantime will lead the country in tel elections they're expected to be held in february next year the government's main task will be to approve of one hundred thirty billion euro merge and see rescue package that was reached between european leaders and there are now concerns that italy is in its way to becoming the next victim of europe's debt crisis i suppose economics our list next practice he told me the e.u. needs drastic reform if it wants to survive. i think it's about time that the political system became a little bit more responsible and responsive mates of the country and greece itself i think a coalition should have been formed quite a while ago it seemed that a lot of the opposition parties were having their cake and eating it too in the sense that they were voting for the money but no before he was thirty i think italy
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and spain and probably still the two largest threats to the eurozone and certainly he believes very concerning the political situation there is more unstable than it is in greece and during rates the reaching very and sustainable levels i think there are many good reasons to worry for other countries and even cool countries like france he may well lose their aaa rating and some point in the future or what they do have to do of course other than just bailing out some countries and putting up some defenses in the short term we have a really good look at the trees and the infrastructure of the whole project and see if there is some reform they can make it more workable of course when you have seventeen different very different economies in very different countries setting one uniform monetary policy is always going to be haphazard and when the e.c.b. itself can't lend to countries then they miss can be very problematic feuding
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russian tycoon sort of man abramovich. taking their battle to the u.k. core that it's no small claim either with over six and a half billion dollars at stake. this point but it's off he claims after him over to rob him of the money by intimidating him into selling oil shares on the cheap something with chelsea football club knife ben it's been watching the billion dollar lawsuit play out. it's been dubbed the battle of the oligarchs in one corner is mr a estimated wealth a fifteen billion assets for your child's a football club and a french chateau in the other corner mr b. estimated fortune five hundred million he had to sell his yacht but he does still have his trusty stretch my bike which he never fails to show off from an album which is rise to riches is a story precious to you until now his turn in the witness stand has lifted and made a life in the shadows he revealed how some of his companies employ primarily disabled staff then they lucrative thirty percent tax breaks and he came clean on
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the piles of cash he paid for protection as he dived into the infamous salad million walls of the ninety's where we now know someone was murdered every three days not exactly the clean cut image and one of britain's most loved foreign imports he did want to i think it was the moment you know the only difference between a rattler people and here is because we've got a good preserve the very image of it he doesn't really come across aggressively that we say anything at all he wants to go respectable and you know suddenly we're all made aware of the rather sort of see the origins of his wealth it's a third of that wealth but he claims is he's still a wanted man in russia he's suing mr and promote it for six and a half billion dollars they set up the oil company significator in the ninety's. he claims he was blackmailed into selling his stake at a fraction of its true worth a mere one point two million dollars the money here is massive the case is expected
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to smash the record but the u.k.'s most expensive privately funded litigation is thought to be costing eighty dollars a second in here as well the legal fees mr every moment is a real it's a b. sixteen million dollars a barrel lawyers have their work cut out there on a no win no fee basis appear used to be close mr b. . he gave his protege the all important leg up into the world of the super rich and we now know he was paid for his troubles but mr a says that was just protection money denying they were ever business partners it's sacré in this case rides on but there's no concrete evidence after all this was ninety's russia none of their deals were written down by weeks in and i've counted the cost of nine billionaires five russian one has one is becky ball israeli one british the crown prince of abu dhabi is suddenly involved for transferring one point three billion dollars from one to
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the other not to mention future all strange deals records of meetings that maybe never happened the whole thing's extraordinarily bizarre you try to place the whole thing together which becomes another difficult task because you don't know how much of this is even anyway true according to mr pease lawyers mr a has hidden his billions in a complex web of offshore holdings so even if mr b. does win he'll have a difficult task extracting any money with so much at stake it's painstaking progress the battles expected to go on into the new year after bennett r.t. london. news a brief around the world in liberia the riots broke out of the headquarters of the country's main opposition party just a day before the presidential run off at least three people have been killed dozens of because of the thousands rallied in a capital is the candidate called for a boycott of the runoff of affairs afford favoring the incumbent president opposition candidate winston tubman played the first round of voting most prized against him but international election observers say last month's poll was free and
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fair. in yemen government forces have killed six militants during clashes in a southern city bringing to twelve the number of insurgents recently killed in the area the region of of yarn is reported to be partly taken over by al qaeda extremists some say the violent protests of help militants going control of the area over fifteen hundred people have died since demonstrations against president so they started in february. in syria heavy firefight said to be under way as government forces are trying to storm a residential block where a group of insurgents are hiding out dozens of been killed in anti-government rallies in homs since sunday damascus accused the u.s. of involvement in violence in the country and asked the arab league for support about you should the legal make a further attempt to tackle the crisis this week after brokering an earlier peace deal it's been widely ignored. next we'll talk with a british government minister who shares his views about the origins of europe's debt crisis he thinks the e.u. is suffocating its members.
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you've been a member of the tory party although i don't live why jump ship now well it's been a long process and i think the simple summation is there's. every government. that we have had with the exception of margaret souter has essentially allowed that sort of solves some of service into avoiding having a serious discussion with the europeans about sorting out the problem and i'm afraid that it's no happened with this government there's no point listening to a lot of people telling what they believe in when they failed carried out in government them for being the party which actually recognizes that you cannot deal with the europeans the europeans have no desire to negotiate europe all
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the is a new kind of religion. it is run by people who pay the fellow taxes than anyone else in europe and have their children educated child you know so pluggable fourteen private schools from brussels and a european parliament would most the members of paid about three or four times not for money as they would have run in any other problems you or i might have to do in life and the system is essentially corrupt and it is unchangeable therefore i drop the party which blinks into things one is telling people the truth. and sticking with it when we achieve office would eventually will because the public are upset absolutely fed up to the back teeth with mainstream politicians. tackiness hopes some promises and delivering absolutely nothing but the opposite david cameron has said that there will be a referendum on on principle this and in the e.u.
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he wants three patrick powers that britain cannot belief in the engine or think he treats his word well he's already lied once which was they were promising a referendum. election and then say oh well because those are the same in signed it doesn't make any sense that in fact the matter is i don't believe it and the second thing is the europeans were not real dangerous so any british politician have already stated that we will not have a power of veto over the so-called financial transaction tax which we will pay eighty percent of the entire european collection by forty billion out of the fifty because it will put hundreds of puts through our movie eighty regulations so. as always westminster talks a big game but is not capable of doing it why is it so important to have the referenda now do you not believe cameron when he says it's not the right time and we need to help thinking this is absolutely the time to help the way that you help
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leigh and it's been recognised see it for what it is which is an organization that has no interest in assisting this country whatsoever so if we're going to help them so exactly the same with selling a car sack the same as something a loaf of bread do you wait till the other side has the advantage over you or to actually we've got of them in a situation where they were a problem we've got a problem that is together get rid of both problems but for us to talk as if we will get any credit. from europe for actually helping them out of this crisis using the british taxpayers' money i mean come on really a compilation of the united states russia bailed out europe in world war two and i don't see many thanks being around around to either of those three partners so i have absolutely no confidence whatsoever that there is any alternative but to have
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a referendum as soon as possible but if we do that and we do live in the e.u. crisis continues from below and gets worse when our economy suffers well but that of course is one of the great lives that is given i mean the reality is this the figures for exports there is there are world eighty percent of british exports go to europe well actually that seems to imply that every rolls royce area engine really of which i for instance fit on teraflop aircraft. good to lose and remain within the european union that's complete nonsense and the wings on those aircraft are all made in the united kingdom and they all made in europe they go to russia they get at asia they go to south america or north america they go all over the place and so that number is solved as a sort of typical euros i the second it's you and it's more important one
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is that if the germans say well you know we don't care we're going to we're just going to squeeze through boards of the market and we're going to put on carrots they export fifty one billion per around them or to europe from europe into the u.k. then the other way around we have a very about the industry here we've got a fantastic car industry and if the toy truck saw through the roof people respond switching straight out a mercedes benz b.m.w. or whatever i'm buying jagger's discoveries range rovers and it sounds you name it toyotas. garbett so i think this is this is so that it's a sort of rather pathetic threat could children strictly manufactured by a combination of the liberal party with you see you on the grounds of neither of those two groups have any experience of the real world the bailout that has been a green with the extra firepower and the banks agreeing to have greece's debt is
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this really the shot that he needs or is it just another band-aid that's about it. and so abound because the real numbers so three trillion maybe four crewmen and secondly the markets are looking for detail and there is no detail there never has been any detail there was no detail in july there was no detail last year and there will be no detail this time and this deal will fall apart and the markets will make that happen because the markets like they lied to and as europe as usual they are being lied to let's just say what if it does work ok what if he recovers and britain's not part of it if they leave one of what we stand to lead and what we stand to lose unlike sponsors the rest of the european sense knows they run a huge trade surplus with us so they're going to be the losers there's no
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particular i mean it that the europeans are going to the german army let's take the german army problem until now we consume more beer in afghanistan than it does aviation fuel i mean you're there are some there are some pretty fundamental problems in europe. in terms of what they're actually capable of doing and delivering i mean today we have the last sort of great lies for numbers which is if we don't all agree to this magnificent settlement it's good to be wall so this is the beginning of the end when he saves the year i did do some going to the end of the tall a thing may be the beginning of a new beginning which will be based on facts rather than fiction because the problem the moment is the e.u. is based on fiction because it doesn't have political reality the whole problem with this crisis is it was created by the europeans themselves because who could not have a single currency without a political union they knew they couldn't get away with the political unit so they
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disappeared to the equivalent of las vegas and signed up for and made a proposition which is to have a unified currency with no unified policies result is you have a situation where you want to take forget trillions forget billions forget hundreds of millions for that reality you want to have a cup of coffee in central pay one of the most expensive places in the world because you the same as paying. increase but if we're going to get rid of unemployment in greece you're going to have to get the price down and it's almost everything is priced in europe is that will never be possible to happen therefore best thing if i was a green i would be down to go to ground. to get out of this because what happens there still in the euro zone so that french banks take a haircut. but they're still stuck with the euro and of course everyone prices you see to give you an example before the euros or in
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a car manufacturer in europe would have a different pricing structure for cars were sold in greece the cars sold in turkey or cars or sold in italy southern italy in northern italy the u.k. parts suddenly england northern england wales and wherever because the markets would take the what was the level of individual pricing now the moment a euro zone can't be in and the single market came in what then happened those who couldn't actually do that had it all so the result was that there was an automatic and slowed in of inflation particular country like greece which produces practically nothing domestically in the capital goods market so the result was that the costs went up on a progressively higher scale elsewhere in germany that's why northern european winner of the euro zone and the southern europe has been basically impoverished by
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from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand supermom is not enough inpatient beds not enough urgency department beds and not enough nurses to man those deaths to take care of all the people who are the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to be a mask i started out running just do firefighting it's about eighty two percent of what we do the for the problem this medical stuff out a rescue couple weeks away for hours for a bit i've waited sometimes three hours but i was it's a same frances and living with her for hours and fifty minutes getting us to all the cases and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away because six care and emergency room.
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