tv [untitled] November 7, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EST
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well i'm tom foreman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture michael jackson's doctor was found guilty just had to get it out so we can continue with things that might actually affect your life or the future of america that's the end of that and you to start with wall street wasn't the only thing that was being occupied over the weekend as tea party darlings and the g.o.p. high rollers gathered at the d.c. convention center to pay tribute to one of their heroes ninety nine percent managed to create a purge event believing outside the field and the citizens of ohio will be going to
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the polls tomorrow to determine the fate of that state's anti-union law some voters have already been barred from having their voices for have the latest as both sides here are cool surely be a hot button and you know what the motto our founders came up with for america is well if it god we trust sounds familiar and you might be surprised to learn that we may all have it all wrong. you need to know this the koch brothers got occupied over the weekend as the koch brothers holes hosted their annual americans for prosperity convention on friday night hundreds of occupy d.c. demonstrators marched to the event to join in as well so while the tea party crowd was wooed by the likes of herman cain. mitt romney and g.o.p. t.v.
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see fox news talking heads inside the washington d.c. convention center roughly five hundred american patriots peacefully assemble outside the convention to demonstrate against the koch brothers cage of the convention was interrupted by ninety nine percenters who managed to sneak in but as usual with the occupy movement it didn't take long before there was a violent backlash against the patriotic occupiers according to reports a sort of lexus drove right into a crowd of demonstrators running over two people and then running over a third as a tried to flee d.c. police excuse the trying to flee d.c. police officers stopped the vehicle but let the driver go shortly after but no criminal charges instead police ended up arresting members of occupy d.c. who took to the streets outraged that the hit and run driver was the runner was let free run a patriot over you're free to go protest hitting and hit run drivers. you're going to go to jail but aside from that incident there were other questions are raised
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regarding the tactics behind the occupy the koch's demonstration and just how nonviolent it really was for more on what happened friday night when the coax met the occupy wall street patriots i'm joined by adel stan russian bureau chief of alter net who was at the coke event friday night and ethan row executive director of health care for america now and a co-sponsor of occupy the coax welcome to both a lot going to be where have you with us ethan why occupy the koch's it's very important situations like this to expose from they are what they do there billionaires they use their money to corrupt their democracy to attack the american dream to hold back the middle class and this organization is one of their front groups and we want to make that clear what happened and how did it come about when we have a health care for america now and the other ninety eight percent came together and said this is a real opportunity for public education but let's do it where we have a little fun so that's where we decided to have the so-called drive in and to have . movies and popcorn and a festival and it atmosphere that's
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a little different than a typical protest and so that's what we did and that's how we came together and a lot of folks came out just off the grounds of the hotel or on the grounds of the hotel parking lot and l. and seventh street yeah and then from there it went to the surrounding the building folks marched and went outside and we projected some of the films that were part of the film festival to the side of the buildings and that was our we did that for a little bit before the vote came to a close and so that was your view yes and then adele you were inside. so you know tell us what happened so well inside was you know very interesting i mean you had this. folks do this every year and they expected it to go the way it goes every year which is that it's just sort of state dinner and often david it's a few remarks and they have a speaker well what happened was a young man stood up and started yelling and i couldn't quite hear what he had to
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say and the response to him was really quite intense i mean they all not only all of the sky there were police right in the home in the ballroom of the convention center hall the guy out but they kind of slammed him on the floor and went through his pockets and turned him over and went through the other side and it was it was quite something and then later on there was another disruption at the desert reception that i thought was quite effective it was a very i'm a young woman who her message was we are not democrats we're not republicans we are you but she got drowned out by a group of young. koch acolytes yelling you as a u.s.a. and of course she was a woman of middle eastern descent who looked a little bit different from the people where he shouted chance you to she was not a genuine american well that's how i read it and it's certainly right. we have.
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there's a headline on drudge tonight. ninety nine thugs ninety nine percent pogues beat up seventy or eight year old woman or whatever and it leads to us. to a youtube video of a woman who had fallen down the stairs that links to a story that it came from which links to an update which says that apparently she fell or was pushed by ecstatically by one of the people who is associate with a coke organization i don't think the whole story has come out yet but the headline that's on drudge is the ethan you and your friends basically shut down the stairs and it looks pretty bad you know and then there's and then there's another one that shows from the inside a woman in a wheelchair trying to get out let me just show it just a little twenty second clip of this one. you guys are you from a woman with a wheelchair from getting out. there's
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a woman with a wheelchair who can't speak the building because you're occupying this place here . why why why you are getting a woman in a wheelchair. why are you preventing a woman who we don't hear from getting out. i mean. i. am i. so what's happening is the seventy eight year old on the ground of this are just absolutely exploding by really on the right wing blogosphere right now. you are not let out of the building right and you're saying that this all happened after you're about so you know what actually was going on here well you know i mean the occupy movement is this big morpheus thing right you know you think it planned an event it has a beginning a middle and then but that. i mean that movement actions are going to happen. and
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so what i saw was about one hundred people who remained out of the i don't know how many you felt you get out of. you know surrounded the exit. the main exit from the convention center and i understand they were around other exits as well and form a human chain and so if you tried to get out i mean you were basically confronted with a choice of either not going anywhere and sort of being held hostage inside the building or breaking through the chain and you know i here's the thing that's so maddening about this is that most of the american people want exactly what the ninety nine percenters are demanding with the i people are demanding social security jobs i count ability for people who wrecked the economy. but the optics of this were what you just showed us was going to be a war so it's a and b. morally i just don't think that that's appropriate well and in fact ethan civil
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disobedience whether it was practiced by gandhi or martin luther king or jesus or i mean you pick your. is refusing to comply with unjust was. and letting people out of building out of a building is not just this doesn't qualify as civil disobedience in anything that i ever studied what are your thoughts on you know this basically holding people want to build in what is right i mean i don't we don't think that people should be trapped in a building under any circumstance we don't think that any protest or any tactic should put people in harms way it's unfortunate that after our and a small number of people engaged in the think tiffany we don't know if it was the so-called occupy k. street movement because it they may well have been radical folks and i think masks on their face yes i think what's important is that you know there was an unfortunate tactic that occurred and at the same time it's been used as
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a distraction what a shock it would be on the drudge report where we all go for facts i mean it's really it's so unfortunate it's origins killam like the assignment editor for most newspapers or magazines and television stations you enter here and it's you know dave weigel at slate he's a great reporter i mean. really contextualizes how this is playing in the right wing blogosphere and i'm sure drudge probably why because we're out and you know i think there's a conversation that needs to be had a battle playing into the hands up the very people you're trying to defeat and i think you are in fact got people inside you're going to zation who want to play those hands because there are those people and none of us know you know and there's there's a through z. as i'm there's there's a lack of political sophistication and there's some people who think that turning the whole thing down is the whole best way to start over again is a bunch of we're out of time here is a real important point you want to make is a really short just because it's very frustrating that they didn't direct the woman
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in the wheelchair with one of the fifteen other exits because i feel like that's how these things also get borne out of proportion when folks don't do what makes the most sense but you know that's that's a weak argument i mean any no exit i think should. no question in any case all in all the folks didn't exactly get the warm welcome in washington and thank you both for being here. in washington d.c. they're accustomed to a sign that americans are waking up to the way that they've been manipulating politics and media in this country for decades. crazy alert bring it down a bronze ronald reagan statue in newport beach was leaning to the left early sunday morning after an unidentified driver tried to tear it down like we did with the statues of saddam hussein according to witnesses around five thirty in the morning the man walked up to the statue put a rope around reagan's neck it was also tasha's pick up truck and then tried to
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drive off either the chair of the statue down or to take it with him and then may not have held a political grudge against reagan as police noted there has been an uptick in copper and bronze robberies as a result of work on me thanks to the economic damage ironically of thirty years of reaganomics ultimately the man was unsuccessful in his heist to tear down this reagan statue but he didn't flee the scene before police arrived so let me see the investigators some time here i was nowhere near newport beach at the time of the crime. coming up find out why everything you think you know about our national motto is wrong. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. who can you trust no one who is you view with the global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sasha's when nobody dares to ask
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her is brothers by a different mother the koch brothers are continuing their efforts to economically screw the american middle class but tomorrow are we going to see politicus in iraq lists with election set for tomorrow to determine the fate of the radical anti-union law known as s.b. five public and gov john k. sick and his buddies are doing anything they can to stop repeal of the law that he has lost it over so on friday ohio republicans prematurely ended early voting to keep people away from the polls you know i was secretary of state john huston who also has a cozy relationship with alec the american legislative exchange council one of the polling stations to be closed despite the fact that early voting in ohio has always been available to the public in previous elections but this election is different thanks to a new law passed by republicans in the state legislature it conveniently took effect last week and bars early voting three days before an election and as we all
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know this latest effort to cut off people from the polls is just the tip of right wing voter suppression efforts all around the country. so tomorrow there's a possible rejection of democracy in tomorrow's vote john casey may not get any satisfaction tomorrow there's really a larger issue here and that larger issue is the this whole thing of stopping the early vote and how basically what's going on is that occupy wall street it's a middle class revolution we're seeing it it's it and in some ways it may be either the last gasp of the middle class in the united states and i would say frankly the tea party falls in the same category at least at the ground roots or it's the rebirth you know frankly what history shows and what william f. buckley was writing about thirty and forty years ago is that
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a middle class is dangerous for the top one percent that a middle class is dangerous to to long term political stability middle classes are unpredictable buckley famously said a conservative is a man who stands it's a strong athwart is a strike is three with his arm out shouting stop so when people feel safe and they have decent jobs when they have health care when they have their in other families are provided for they can get into school when when basically you have a stable middle class what russell kirk predicted one hundred fifty runs but the conservative mind which was going to lose bible which was very cool waters bible which informed the modern conservative movement he predicted was that if a strong and steady and stable middle class made up mostly a blue collar workers emerged that they would be troubling years. that the middle class would revolt that they'd say hey wait a minute we want a little more and sure enough it happened in the sixty's just exactly as russell
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kirchen and william f. buckley and others predicted women or demanding there would be not just the right to vote but the right to have equality in the workplace the civil rights movement was exploding you had you had your cities on fire you had you know people people saying no we're not going to take me in particular you know with the city's on fire but he in particular is saying no i'm not going to put up with for example police violence every single one of the you know riots or the watts riots he tried all of them began with an incident of police brutality every single he had the anti-war movement so basically there had been this contract the social contract that started around the time of the great depression. franklin roosevelt's response to the great depression which was you know work hard. pay your taxes do you do your job right and do it well and you'll have a decent retirement with social security you can what you can raise your kids will
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have a good school system you'll be able to get good health care you can take a vacation every year and reagan broke that contract looking at this this whole conservative agenda that russell kirk laid out nine hundred fifty one fifty two looking at that and saying you know that's dangerous having that strong middle class thirty five percent of the workforce unionized seventy percent functionally unionized having that kind of a job so with the regulation of the north american free trade agreements and you gap and the tax cuts for the rich and a war on unions and cuts in the social security and all of this stuff and many more we're basically tearing apart this social contract that we have the united states the result of this is that the no the american dream is basically no longer available to everyone and the middle class has shrunk. so what these guys knew was that feudal society is historically feudal societies with the most stable.
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societies where you have a very very small very wealthy group you have a very small middle class that's the doctor and the lawyer and the you know the small business owner and a mercantile class basically in a very large class of the working. and that's how that's how futile societies work and they tend to be stable for thousands of years occupy wall street has created a fork in the road to feudalism either it's going to fizzle out and reagan's america is going to continue down the road to feudalism with the death of the middle class or we will take a different fork and there will be a weaver and it's going to require some change or a bit of glass is going to get broken it's going to it's going to be very interesting to see how this thing plays.
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sometimes you know you know and sometimes you know what you don't know and sometimes the fire thing in science theatre says everything you know is wrong and. you you're right. to make. sure. you're always right. you know is wrong everything you know is wrong my expert guests challenge the conventional wisdom on the very things that most of us just assume to be the truth even though we've never really stopped to think about the real story behind the accepted norm. last week republicans the house of representatives decided not to take up legislation to create jobs and instead take up legislation to reaffirm the motto of the united states as in god we trust but is in god we trust really the historic national motto of the united states the one that our founding fathers intended if you think that it is if that's the case then
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everything you know about our national motto might be wrong. here to tell us why is reverend barry lynn lawyer activist and executive director of americans united for separation of church and state also author of a number of brilliant books only one of my personal heroes reverend lynn thank you so much for being it's terrific to be here. how long has in god we trust. in god we trust was one of our official mottos only since the one nine hundred fifty six you know jefferson ben franklin they never thought about this because back in the seventeenth eighties through legislation we created something called the great seal you can still find it on the backs of money and there is the word in god we trust on our money everybody knows that but how about it pluribus unum out of many one that was the original idea of what made america you know bumper sticker way and of course in latin but that that was that was exactly what the
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country was about out of many kinds of people we would form one union one republic well members of congress of course last week decided that there was some kind of threat to in god we trust there are occasional lawsuits get in god we trust off the money they always fail i wish they didn't fail frankly but they do always fail so there was no effort serious effort to get rid of this model no member of congress said look we have a better motto but nevertheless john boehner and the republican leadership decided to bring this up last tuesday afternoon and to literally act as if if we did not reaffirm as a nation in god we trust probably religion would just disappear and as one gentleman said what we should do if we don't do this he said we might as well just admit that we're an atheist country and nothing but worm food which is the kind of quote that probably is not going to go into the history books that was trent franks
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from arizona the chairman ironically of the subcommittee on the constitution. of the house judiciary committee i mean this is this is the kind of vote the traditional gets called for with the idea of turning it into a campaign ad if you have you know you're down the road it's going to be joe blow voted against in god we trust is our national motto he can't be a lot of america what's even worse it's against god if you don't vote for this right you're literally against god and god presumably i don't think i am a bit of a theologian you know i don't think god in the heavenly hosts last tuesday night we're having a big celebration in heaven saying finally the congress has really recognized our significance and and in fact. this in god we trust this whole thing came out of the anti-communist into us a sort of hysteria of the godless communism all that stuff in the fifty's and you know following joe mccarthy i mean there was just this isn't around that time or is
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this in general hysteria i'm curious outside of patrick henry who you know i read a enough histories of the early found new republic to get it to klia jefferson's autobiography thought very poorly of patrick henry but i think he used the word that meant it or something close to that one point. because patrick henry was a real bible thumper and yes a god fearing and he was an advocate of things like in god we trust being actually the first words of the constitution that kind of thing but outside of him were there any real fundamentalists among our founders i mean we know jefferson he stripped all the miracles out of their testament and published it as the jefferson bible is still in print and i write a little and was a deist madison was a either a presbyterian or congregational of the bay sort of a strong advocate for religious real and. in franklin was jefferson so washington was argued with. were there any was there you know what's
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the pay you know you got david tell but running around making these claims quotes up oh i don't know i wasn't literally david barton does make you know as a consequence we have to call him on it every once in a while but no the framers of the constitution and you know you don't just have to stick with them you can look at andrew jackson not a guy that most people think of as a great constitutional scholar but when he was asked to do a national day of prayer during a cholera epidemic he refused to do so because he said the function of the president of the united states cannot be to become involved in religious matters while it was shocking as you were generations after the revolution can you imagine anybody saying that today you know even on the coins people think well in god we trust that least was on the coins forever not true also it was first put on a coin the two. cent piece which we don't have any more and probably don't need right about the time of the civil war and then you're right in the one nine hundred fifty s. we put under god in the pledge of allegiance which was of course a document written pledge written by
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a baptist minister specifically tool boy the controversy of including any religious language he didn't put it in under god was then added again in the mid fifty's to show that america was godly and that soviet union was atheistic and on godly right and that was that was the contras they were trying to draw in the minute we have left dr berry or. what. how do we reclaim even those of us who who might describe ourselves as religious or or spiritual how do we reclaim a secular government. i think it's very important people understand that secularism means many things to many people but essentially what it should mean as a government matter is that the government is absolutely neutral on matters of religion and it doesn't decide the interest on the basis of scripture you know going to fortunately as you know we're in a situation now where three of the political candidates for one major party in the
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republican party believe god has chosen them to be the next president which statistically i took a close and statistics statistically means at least two of them are wrong all three could be but that's the culture we're in town and that's what we've got to reject and we've got to get back to real history real constitution not this phony constitutionalism of guys who discovered a document in their sock drawer and mistake it for the real constitution absolutely and the founders that we rolling over their great state have acted very good to say so much for coming out and we do appreciate now everything you know about our nation's motto is right. coming up on the big picture we'll have a special edition of conversations of great minds of the cultural historian who says that the problems the united states are strike is struggling with today were inevitable find out why just.
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