tv [untitled] November 7, 2011 9:31pm-10:01pm EST
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thank you for coming to our program hello first of all let me congratulate you on a big event the note stream pipeline has finally been completed and officially launched. the leaders of russia and germany and the prime ministers of france and the netherlands have given the long ceremony does this mean and then to a period of hard work promotion and litigation for gas problem or does it mark the beginning of a new phase of struggles in this direction in. which of course this is a very significant event and an important landmark in gas problems operations in europe because today we have greatly improved reliability of supplies of russian gas to european consumers. we now have a third gas transportation channel that will not only help us to avoid crisis
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situations linked to gas transit through third countries. but it will also substantially improve our technological and technical capacity is and will make us more flexible in reacting to the needs russian gas consumers in europe but the. mystical prion of first far as i know. pipeline along the seabed is much more expensive than building a land pipeline transit gigi's which russia wouldn't pay or unlikely to compensate for the surprise difference in the near future does it mean that gas prices decision to pump gas son to the baltic sea is politically motivated. no it's not so. the tariffs for gas transportation under the sea and via land pipeline do not differ very much construction costs are different yes but there are so many other expenses that should be taken into account for example
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permission. to use land for building a ground based pipeline this is a substantial expanse seitan with a pipeline under the sea we won't need any transit countries and it means that we are going to pay viz money to ourselves. gazprom owns fifty percent of north stream shares and it means that we're paying half of transportation costs into our own pockets. thus compensating for the expenses we incurred at the construction stage. so this is a very profitable project that is one of the world's leading financial institutions and organisations which financed almost seventy percent of the project showed such an interest in it have you calculated long will it take to the project to pace way . it's not going to happen soon but anyway yes pipelines never pay off quickly that
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they're designed to operate for thirty forty or fifty years and the operation model of ventures like north stream is based upon this concept when i mentioned political motives i didn't mean that you were planning to define russia's relations with the european union i mean something different gazprom has recently taken a very tough stance in negotiations with transit countries in particular some even describe its position as uncompromising i would rather stick to the word soft and i think you're going to agree with me after opening an alternative route for transporting russian gas to europe will get negotiations get tougher. no i think it's going to be quite the opposite the transit countries will no longer be able to take such a tough stance against gazprom which as you and i can remember they've tried to do many times is going to be impossible for them to manipulate their unique position
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of being transit countries any longer. we consider it to be a normal and proper development of the situation. i don't think that anybody could expect transit countries to preserve an eighty percent monopoly on transit of russian gas to european countries i think that the north stream pipeline is an objective reality which everybody has accepted everybody understands that opposing it is unnecessary. and simply impossible. just a couple of weeks ago the number one political news which is on everybody's mouth there is certainly the rest of you. people in the streets. being thrown into jail to avoid this guy's agreement with russia as a guest room representative do you think about it we'll discuss agreement really be revised remain in force until it officially expires. i think we should separate
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these things as photo case it has nothing to do with ukraine's gas contracts with russia. believe these two things are insolent they consider them to be the links of one chain well that's what people in the streets say i believe but if we speak about our relations with enough to gossip craney the question has never been posed this way as for the guests agreements they are in force they were signed and the ukrainian side is implementing them. we have a common understanding that instead of revising the existing contracts we should work together towards broader agreements that will include the terms of delivery of russian gas where holding these negotiations but i don't want to go into details now on the whole the talks have been intensive and constructive but there are many serious and complicated issues that ought to be solved so today's very hard to
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predict whether these negotiations are going to end. you're prepared to improve your gas relations with the crane but there's no need to break revise the existing contracts. it's absolutely true the. north korean gas pipeline is meant to put an end to gas supply. spotlights reports. stream dates back to the ninety's it was not. until six years ago the russia begin to shift the project forward two thousand and five so the first in a series of so-called gas wars between moscow and kiev ukraine used to transit pipeline running through its territory from russia to europe to blackmail the russian government into given the gas at reduced prices ukraine was also caught illegally taking gas from the transit pipeline on more than one occasion unable to reach an agreement with key of russia was poor stupid all gas supplies passing
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through ukraine in two thousand and nine eighteen european countries will aft with either a shut off or reduced gas supplies from russia unwilling to depend on transit countries any longer russia prompted the development of alternative and they just supply routes it came up with north stream we trans under the baltic sea and has just begun pumping gas to europe and south stream we trance through the black sea and this point to be finished by twenty fifteen both the pipelines reach european consumers directly this year has seen new disputes between russia and ukraine over gas prices ukraine's ex prime minister yulia tymoshenko was found guilty of abusing a storage unit when cern in two thousand and nine gas contracts with russia the ukraine currently enjoys a thirty percent discount to the gas price but still insists it's being too much
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wherever the dispute ends up this year the sperm official say nordstrom being the operational mainstay european consumers have nothing to worry about this time around no russian ukrainian gas conflict can infect the european continent. we've said the lords of the north stream pipeline will help to ensure the security of supply and demand for more boats is a true energy security he's not going to be fooled until south stream is launched because north and south stream so the links of one change. of course it is true they are the links of one chain by having launched no stream we will be able to meet the needs of our consumers in the north of europe. and it's natural that consumers in southeastern europe will get additional opportunities to receive
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a russian gas only after a sell stream begins operation of. the construction of south stream is carried out according to plan. and well working haunch toward a fixed completion date that is the end of two thousand and fifteen is it a real figure that it will this is the schedule we have right now will this deadline be met yes of course says. gastrell the spokes spotlights will be back shortly will continue this interview council will take a break say we will go. from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand severe problem is not enough in patient beds not enough urgency department
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beds and not enough nurses commandoes that to take care of all the people who are the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to do so i started out running just do firefighting it's about eighty two percent of what we do the florida problem is medical i've had a rescue couple weeks ago waited four hours for bit i've waited sometimes three hours but i was it's a it's a francis in lynnwood for four hours and fifty minutes standing against a wall of patients and we have a federal law that mandates that if you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an emergency room. we have the most expensive health care system in the world and it's probably valued the least.
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politicians. at a higher price than anyone else no other country pays as much as ukraine the first question is the treaty true and the second. the price ok. early i send that any prize costs or changes to this thing contracts should be discussed as part of the efforts to expand or intensify our cooperation. if ukraine is willing to do that gazprom is ready to negotiate on the conditions of gas supplies. in terms of absolute figures you could bring it up and argue about it in the media as much as you want. but in reality the natural gas prize for ukraine is command sure eight with the prize paid
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by its european neighbors. then there's a discount equaling russia's gas exports fee which was agreed on in the c.t.o. of harkov. so the price appears to be quite appropriate and affordable for ukraine as we have seen in the past few years. of course all ukrainian parties are looking for yet cheaper price and that's why they come to moscow regularly school gas prices contract with belarus is due to expire soon but with that country you seem to have gone further in the negotiations agreeing on price cuts in exchange for a stake in beltran's girs the national gas company is that the kind of a bargain that ukraine has refused to accept let's leave the specific conditions of gas supplies to belarus now because. i would like to talk about a new contract on the supplies and transportation of natural gas through balor
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routes. we have seen much faster progress there. and we are confident that as early as november the papers required to close the contracts and intergovernmental agreement will be ready. i like to repeat my question ees gasper i'm ready to decrease the price at least if you are specific conditions are met. we are nearing a deal that would satisfy both the russian and the by the russian sides. progress in means than in kiev right right thawing move on to the next topic how will share on the european market change after the launch of north stream is a due to rise. in itself north stream is merely a channel for the transportation of a natural gas as for all market share it depends on the volume of the gas sold
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as you know gazprom sold an additional volume of twenty two billion cubic meters that will be pumped via this pipeline when it's fully up and running we do expect to rise from a quarter to some thirty percent twenty thirty but the share is not the most important thing and you can control the entire market by selling your gas for nothing but the question is do you really need that. so we're keeping an eye on our market share but boosting it is not. it's much more important to maintain reliable supplies to customers along with ensuring our corporate commercial interests. you said south stream will be completed by two thousand and fifteen i heard some reports that the provisions of the third energy package. could disrupt
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your plans. can you confirm that. well yes there are certain difficulties relating to nord stream two we have managed to get a kind of an exemption for the pipelines constructed on the territory of the european union by our partners specifically for supplies of natural gas via nord stream but to tell you the truth it's not a full exemption the same as for the norwegians not quite again it's not a full exemption so some issues still remain unsolved we have been in talks with the european commission we believe gazprom will be able to reach a mutually beneficial deal both on south stream and north stream we hope to sort it out please comment on the following report according to the new. gas from will have to give up its share in the year two is due us within two years time will gas
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proceed to disputes its comply with a new law. the final decision has not yet been made but without doubt gas promises or the right to file an application to the arbitration institute of the stockholm chamber of commerce this procedure is set forth by the agreement on investment encouragement which was signed when purchasing a stake in that enterprise. the european union antitrust authorities were reported to have raided gasper more officers in europe accusing them of violating the e.u. and to monopoly legislation what was your response to expect any court cases or will some clarifications be sufficient. well first of all no accusations have been brought against us or was it the reason. well the paper checks you mentioned were done on suspicions that there could have been some
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violations of the european anti monopoly laws anyway it will take the e.u. authorities at least several months to study the documents. in similar cases with other companies indicate that it could last as long as several years. the examination will result in an official statement which will either include requirements for a change in corporate practices by a guest brum or it's of cedar is. on contract changes or introduce sanctions certainly at this stage we fully cooperate with the authorities by providing all the documents we are now waiting for the statement after that gazprom will decide whether to comply with it or challenge it in court. for it. the other day a russian engine minister suggests must coast that's rushing tins to speed up the
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east for the expansion. meaning energy exports to china. will see rick. plans to develop its span truths the europeans are afraid of that shift because they realize that china is a behemoth of a market for your natural gas in russia they say it will take years before china becomes as reliable and big as europe has traditionally been what's your assessment does europe need to feel that china will replace it as the primary market of russian gas in the near future. talking of time. the assessment of the chinese government saying that demand for natural gas in china will total some three hundred billion cubic meters in twenty twenty. compared to. its half of the european market. by twenty thirty the chinese market could match that of europe but this is an unofficial assessment does europe need to fear anything
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maybe they just need to run the business in compliance with existing contracts and expect the same from gazprom gazprom will fully meet his obligations. indeed gazprom is now implementing a large scale east toward expansion program that will allow us to gain a foothold in the region not only in terms of supplies but also in terms of gas production and processing. the composition of gas extracted there is reacher which will require construction of a number of facilities gas processing plants and gas chemical facilities. so there is a great deal of work outstanding. talking of china we continue. as you know we've been holding the talks for a long time and have not reached an agreement so far but a chinese proverb that says you shouldn't count miles on your way so if we're going
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to set any strict deadlines for signing of the contracts and the schedule will not be matched by our chinese partners we will end up in an awkward situation at the negotiating table the talks are underway the size realize they need each other and sooner or later we will agree on conditions that will suit both parties for the chinese have been tough for the gas prom suit forty billion used in advance payment but they refused can you confirm that is it true that this was the reason why you don't have the funds now to begin the construction of the gas pipeline. it's not about getting the money we have a valid contract it won't be a problem. this option was brought on because it allowed for pricing flexibility but it does not contradict anything. does gas program run in your
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risks concerning its projects in libya that's a question that often comes up when talking about the events in the middle east. to continue its operations in libya were implementing a number of projects there. some of them are joint projects with our european partners in particular with germany's being gas and italy's any we know that the italians are returning there so we expect that our operations will resume to. think very much showing good luck thank you for being with us and just a reminder that my guest today will still be on the gas drums. and that's it for the hour for all of us here if you're still spotlight someone in my ear think i sincerely next time to do. that good more profound common fund was going on outside russia until then stay on target and take care.
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so how would they be sure to tell if the hotel hotel will show his the groom's return the show would have turned. over to her. evergreen the old photo. springs resort. hotel royal she couldn't come closer to the toe. the evergreen closer to. the. room the original guru goes how would. she ever heard.
10:00 pm
the alarm against israel planning to bomb iran's nuclear facility saying such action would have. bad of the international monetary fund looking for the kremlin's help in getting out of the financial quagmire. and russian oligarchs. slug it out in a multibillion dollar battle in london where evidence has turned the spotlight on the alleged shady business dealings of the past. we head to our washington studios now for the show and an in-depth report on how the fat cats on wall street have profited at the expense of the poor don't go away.
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