tv [untitled] November 7, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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nobody seems to know. that never appropriate the face but hardly argument that they're being overly dramatic. if. it's time for you said it i read it or take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now first i will respond to a viewer who watched our interview with republican presidential candidate and former governor buddy roemer mr sascha three one three said on you to the only republican i vote for and he's not even on the radar really this guy was supported properly he'd blow all other candidates out of the water and i think of us we are really hit the nail on the head whether you agree with buddy roemer policies or not
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he deserves a spot on the main stage a chance a debate like everybody else and yet here we see a perfect example of how the media elevates people like herman cain while candidates like buddy roemer gary johnson that no love or attention from that and the thing is if you look at the republican candidates that are highlighted by the media they carry some pretty extreme positions which are now considered republican orthodoxy we've shown you clips on how attitudes towards immigration tax reform who moved very sharply to the right even the g.o.p. darling that ronald reagan wouldn't be extreme enough for today's republican party now my belief is that if what he wrote i were allowed to communicate and share his beliefs and positions with the people a lot of i would probably like what he has to say now i certainly don't agree with governor romer on everything his message of getting money out of politics resonates not only with me but would resonate with millions of americans if only they would be allowed to hear it and next how to respond to a viewer who watched my fire as i friday on the u.s. drone program joshua wilcox tweeted makes an excellent point cia drone program is
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secret and the only official info that leaks is what white house wants you to know and i truly is at the crux of the problem with the cia drone program which operates in several countries with little or no oversight because nobody knows anything about the program it's all kept secret now most americans have no clue. about the number of people killed by drones or even the countries that they operate in and the information we do have is the information that the government wants us to have the information that highlights the successes of the drone program we hear about the death of anwar and a perfect year of not killing any civilians as of may two thousand and ten not surprisingly i believe that the fact that the cia is killing large groups of people in drone strikes without knowing for sure who they are or that the bureau of investigative journalism in london reported at least forty five civilian deaths in the same time period and the cia claims the bottom line is that we only know what the government tells us and that's simply not enough and finally i want to respond to a viewer that watched our interview with immortal technique soldier for islam commented
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on you tube saying thank you for posting this up alona immortal technique is one of my greatest inspirations because he has the courage to expose the truth of course he's just a man but a man who has earned my respect salute so thank you for watching it really was a pleasure having immortal technique on the show it's nice to hear from an artist who's not afraid to cut through the b.s. in the political correctness and just say what he feels so look forward to having him back on the show in the future that's my ranting today but as usual back with more later in the week. now on last friday's show we spoke with environmental activist bill mckibben anticipation of a massive protest against the keystone x.l. pipeline sets take place at the white house this past weekend so yesterday about twelve thousand people showed up for the protest carrying signs and linking to form a chain and circling sixteen hundred pennsylvania avenue.
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i. mean climate environmental activists were joined by religious leaders i know bill peace prize winner since how the obama administration that they shouldn't go forward with a seven billion dollar trans canada oil project now as of now no decision has been made there are still a lot of questions about the state department's possibly an ethical review of the seven hundred mile pipeline over think progress report today at the state department's office of inspector general is now conducting its own investigation of that review process after several congressmen filed a request so in the meantime those in favor of the pipeline including several major labor unions are all gearing up their advertising blitz promising that it will create thousands of jobs and reduce our reliance on foreign oil and i'd like these have been popping up more frequently on t.v. and hopes of winning over the american people. produce or three point. seven. you can get with something really.
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arts now it's like the opposition to the pipeline but aren't activists been arguing for months that this above ground oil pipeline would create toxic gases linked to global warming and opponents are so upset that they threatened not to campaign in favor of obama in the upcoming presidential election which could be a really big problem for the president in two thousand and eight he had the backing of the environmentalists and if the upcoming election proves to be difficult to really hurt obama if he doesn't hold on to that support it looks like the president may have found a way to get him out of this tough position according to l a times team obama is now considering delaying the decision on the pipeline until after next year's election so the administration might call on sponsors to reduce the project's environmental risks before it gets presidential approval and these revisions could ultimately delay any construction until after two thousand and twelve that's a pretty slick and cynical move on the president's part proving a once again that he might care more about getting elected and protecting the environment but it doesn't change the fact that these demonstrations are growing
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getting twelve thousand people out of the white house that's no small feat and as word spreads about the pipeline or more people are getting involved so can obama put the issue on the back burner long enough to lose the public's attention i'd say that it's doubtful they'll forget this is one decision lies solely in his hands. now is this a few weeks ago that speaker of the house john boehner gave a speech at the heritage foundation warning of a neo soviet russia with the impending return of lattimer putin and telling the president he should rethink the reset as it's contrary to american interests and values so despite the reset since president obama came into office despite the signing of the new start treaty seems like republicans still want to hold on a cold war thinking or is it just anti obama thinking criticizing everything he does despite the value that his policies might bring out the rhetoric heating up over iran's nuclear aspirations here in washington how important will it be to keep up the reset keep the right wing war hawks if they join me to discuss this is graham allison director of the belfer center for science and international affairs
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at harvard's kennedy school and a former assistant secretary of defense in the clinton administration graham i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and let me first ask you what it is that you think is going on here we hear these comments coming from john boehner or other politicians on the right do they really think that the reset was a bad idea but it needs to be rethought or are they just trying to push on the everything that obama does is wrong i think the letter really. said commentary were silly season can be missed because. mostly it. was wrought now graham you recently wrote a piece entitled ten reasons why russia matters so we'll get to the specifics but first give us a broad overview. well ok he did actually hear your intro to the way point that the if you look again or speech which deserves to be looked at because he is
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after all speaker of the house he basically fundamentally misunderstands the fact that russia matters mujhe lee to american national interests that is russia's choice it wants you to do extra from guwahati big impacts on the security and well being of the u.s. so just who is. making the front so which nation over the last twenty years has done the most appropriate to the spread of nuclear weapons to other nations i think has been describing myriad ways in the republican party here and say ok i'll give you four questions and me to continue to have a terrible idea ok after the grandson is i don't know just to which nation is the most to prepare loose nukes falling in the hands of terrorists third question which nation is and more oil and gas to global energy markets well well and
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gas that actually impacts the price that americans pay at the pump for the gasoline for their cars and any other. and next which nation is actually providing the most vital kclub of supply to the hundred thousand american troops fighting in afghanistan which is not a surprise you would be interested russia russia russia and russia was a piece. polluter less mixer is. powerful we subscribe russia we had not because we care about russia but because you care about what's good for the us now i want to talk about what's good for the u.s. and what might be coming of course this week that i expected to release a report on iran's nuclear weapons program how far might be going some information is already being leaked to the press and we've definitely heard a lot of the rhetoric heating up here about russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov came out and said that this would be a huge mistake if there is a military strike this could have devastating consequences so and that case do you
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think that russia can be a balancing force to say we don't get ourselves involved into another military conflict. well it's an interesting case. there's no doubt a guy years from now with a report that says riyadh was working on what weaponization final stages of a nuclear or as well as this which molecularly they are you use been documenting ok when influencing and the russians have been saying lever off who i've talked about this says a strategy p. americans are following is not going to succeed in preventing a real reaching this nuclear goal on the option of a military on a military option on lever of believes might have been so also those of the most sought near descartes was just recently retired it's been very outspoken say he a military attack on iran's nuclear facilities would be catastrophic for israel
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that's what purpose it was signed since so many americans thinking about this case say a nuclear out of straight military option is likely to make the situation worse not better so we're going to be you know in a bit of a struggle because it's pretty clear that despite the best efforts of sanctions they are not successful in slowing sufficiently reims nuclear march down or there are only here for probably only a day in a military action there's a secret ok very good option either and so will be your struggle again i want to ask you to you are when it comes to the cooperation between russia and the u.s. in terms of intelligence are fighting international terrorism do you think about something that often gets downplayed especially in political circles here in washington. i think to martin in washington we take for granted whatever russia
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does and imagine that they do it either because virtue is its own reward or that they're doing it simply because it's in their own interest and not notice that they can turn that spanking you know to the right or to the left i think the intelligence cooperation that russia provided immediately after they were eleven president bush it was critical in the early stages of the war against al qaeda and attack the toppling of a taliban have a chemist it was obviously question a lot about it. i think the only no one can call corroborative efforts between the u.s. and russia in preventing nuclear weapons and materials falling in the hands of terrorists it's been a huge success it's been a joint effort it's an involved a reasonable amount of american money a lot of cooperative activity but a lot of professional like every other part of the russians so the no longer cooperative third reduction program i think has been a great success and i think on several hundred friends who can't for example
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supplying american troops who are fighting every day and in afghanistan as the relationship with pakistan has worsened it's now the case half of all the supply lines are coming to the northern route and that's a route that russia could turn on a control not i think it's not that russia is or always doing what the u.s. report for but certainly not right it's not that russia's understanding of its national interest or that it or agenda all to us that's not correct but it is that russia has really choices powerfully impact the ability of americans to secure in advance our own interests and so what this report that i was referring to close is tried it we did a fine arms and then asked what are the things that us can do to reduce russia to do the things we needed to do and to discourage him doing things we don't. want to thank you so much for joining us and you know we'll see if any of the rhetoric here
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changes or if any post now i'm responding travel actions will see suddenly republicans don't like this result thanks so much. thank you. that's not come tonight you don't work then you shouldn't eat those comments on a presidential candidate articles i'm award and happy hour you'll be happy to know the toilet is no longer a weapon plus you have focal e. vers are causing it to fall to the white house thank. god you don't believe the repetition of. what a protester nobody seems to know. that never ever sprayed the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic.
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mr. all right it's time for tonight's told i'm awarding tonight yes to michele bachmann now the g.o.p. presidential candidate spoke here in washington today the family research council a conservative right wing christian organization founded in one thousand nine hundred one so let the congresswoman talk about the need to cut funding to social safety net programs right here in the u.s.
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. our nation needs to stop doing for people what they can and should do for themselves that revives the principle of a national work ethic that we have sadly forgotten that means and honesty were days of work for honesty's pay self-reliance means if anyone will not work neither should he eat. so michelle thinks that if you don't work you showed me those are you know some of the things we come out of this woman's mouth are truly amazing but i think that it's very indicative of a right wing worldview which is that if people are poor and starving it's some how by fault of their own or because they're lazy because they're not willing to work but that's simply not the case period we clearly have over nine percent unemployment here in the us millions of people are struggling to get by they've lost their jobs who no fault of their own but in michelle's twisted logic let them start we have social safety nets in the united states to protect those in society that are the most vulnerable and right now that happens to be
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a lot of people millions of americans are getting by right now on food stamps on unemployment benefits and other social services and so richelle wants a couple of people off and they need help the most in the worst great recession since the great depression it's unbelievable but michelle's views on social programs kind of fall in line with most republicans they go after social services for the poor the disenfranchised rather all this cloak of personal accountability and they largely stay away from the social programs like medicare and social security the ones that benefit those who vote in the highest numbers the elderly so it's a clear the poor are much easier target you know made michel miss the new updated census data released today that shows that forty nine point one million americans are now living in poverty i know i know all those people are just lazy they simply can't find jobs and the current hundred twelve congress which michel is a member of but i haven't really shown any interest in creating those jobs republicans in the house and senate have blocked all attempts to pass president obama's jobs bill even when democrats brought the jobs bill down into smaller carts
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offering up money for bridges and roads are players the g.o.p. still said no they also blocked efforts to send more money to states to hire teachers cops and firefighters so michelle american supposed to find jobs when congress is doing nothing to help job creation even if americans are lucky enough to find work wages are stagnant and michelle apparently has a problem with the minimum wage. so you're saying that the minimum wage is one of those regulations you take a look at you try to eliminate it well what i'm saying is that i think that we need to look at all regulations whatever whatever was are inhibiting job growth that's what we need and the minimum wage is one of them. all regulations george i think every department we have just too much expansion of government and so what we need to do is tamp that down so that the american people can keep more of what they may. the fact is that until michelle and other lawmakers get serious about addressing income inequality rising unemployment here in the u.s. we're just going to continue to see more americans suffering so to say those people
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that are poor and suffering they're suffering because they don't want to work well that's really just an insult to those people so far saying those that are suffering should eat a less they work are giving congresswoman michele bachmann tonight still time work . our guys time for happy hour and joining me this evening is r.t. producer jenny churchill and alex sites all reporter and blogger for think progress dot org thanks for joining me guys. so a couple of months ago we reported that they were going to put all those really disgusting cigarette or labels on cigarette box is but it's about how companies are suing. america's largest tobacco companies are fighting back against federal drug administration regulations they're suing the f.d.a. over some extremely graphic warning labels that they want to put snack over the
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package of cigarettes the company's going to be forced to use by two thousand and twelve they say that the federal gov are it's their argument in this case was that it's inhibiting their freedom of speech and guess what the judge ruled in their favor so there aren't you have to focus on what you think yeah i coburn favor this i mean i'm as anti-smoking anti-cancer as anyone else but what about cancer of the eyes i don't want to go into a convenience store even if i'm sort of smoker and have to look at these horrible disgusting awful images. kind of agree with the it's about a couple of points they're not saying that you agree to the back of companies because they should be forced to try to sell a product they're automatically advertising how horrible and dangerous the product is on the packaging just because you don't have one have to look at it this is like secondhand smoke or ugly images. i mean i have to see if if the government really believes that you know this is that bad then they should make it a legal you know if they're going to go and be like oh you can't read for yourself
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and see that this is going to kill you we have to show you because you're not smart enough to be able to read and understand then ok well then maybe they need to take some other actions i'm by no means saying they should do that but it's just such a ridiculous premise or it's pretty interesting you know because i mean a lot of other countries especially verify every where they have these huge graphic warning labels but here are the freedom of speech without thinking. that until today chemical toilets were on the nation's west apparently nobody i can't quite figure out why i was on the list of really figure out why chemical to try to list. i don't know the official reason but i'm assuming that looks a lot like the toilets in an airplane and they are quite dangerous. thrown it out their prices of all things like there are you know like nuclear weapon in chemical weapons other kinds of firearms and toys yeah i mean you know the obvious joke to
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be made here is that some toilets are weapons of mass destruction after being used of course but i'm guessing they weren't exporting the used toilet so i think in this case the bureaucracy scores a victory for common sense and it was like a defense contractor wanted to export a certain toilet right that they made for the military ones that we put in the tanks and then turns out they were just on this horrible horrible deadly munitions . just interesting think about it i wonder i wonder how it got on there someday we'll find out. let's take a look at a new documentary that's coming out about anonymous calls that we are legion here's a clip. you could argue that the most powerful people on earth are a bunch of the most tasteless seventeen to thirty five year olds it's like that class straight one forced to start to cool voices for we don't store why we don't get more now. there's more all right so this is being produced by the l.a. outfit luminance media directed by documentarian brian knappenberger and it's going
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to be released next year. because it's about time right it's only it was only a matter of time till somebody tried to do a documentary with all the people wearing masks yeah i mean i think that the person making this documentary needs to be a little concerned this might be why we haven't seen one yet what if they don't like it yeah but i think the c.e.o. if you make it back you mannering about and on and they don't like the hackers will go after younger yeah it's sort of like i mean in all of this started we're going to get the whole history from the beginning of two thousand to the end of two thousand and eleven spanning three years you know like i feel like they're already winning a lot of them have been rounded up by the f.b.i. so they probably had to move quickly to get the documentary into theaters before they were totally destroyed so you know i think i don't really i don't think maybe like ten years from now we should have been like on the back you know well enough to yeah yeah you have to do it now but but the issue that you run into is that there's supposedly is no leader there's no spokesperson you know it's just
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a clunk loggerhead of like minded people so then how are we for sure when lunch actually manner and that's really representative. and also there's been a lot of divisions happening lately on and on there's been a lot of videos that have been put out saying that they were going to do something and then those things haven't happened or they've come on said no no no we're not doing that so i think there's a lot of confusion going around right now i repeat there it's very interesting to see how this actually works out in the under last story so the white house has the saying where if enough people sign a petition and they have to address the question obviously this always happens with the pot questions and now is having with everyone's favorite topic which is you have i mean five thousand people whole line efficient asking about u.f.o.'s and the white house responded today saying they have no evidence that any life exists outside our planet or than extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race and addition there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye. come on we have well first
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we have to be very clear this is the same government that we just told you was in the process of trying to be like oh we don't have to fill your freedom of information act requests. and so you they don't exist what about area fifty one everybody wants to know i think this is really cool like i believe them i don't see why they would like to go but they want to have to respond to the petition if they were trying to cover up something over just the easiest way to cover it up after a time there is fire when it's over five thousand people that if they could they could give some you know. some exactly what they put out there like it was actively searching like we sort of said to you we set up this is what i have to say when i was really upset because they're actively searching and that's not the right way you have to look for streetlights not knowing what might be the case like in some of the movies where even the president himself has no that's of the areas exhorting where it might be and i have to get ready thanks for joining me right back in for night so thanks for tuning in vicki come back tomorrow julian fantastic joining us to discuss the land our g.p.s.
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