tv [untitled] November 8, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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it will be sure marco results will be sold at the sochi olympics numa cold and local to the resorts much rules as any closer to home with riviera atone with. her children. well do you know who is watching your every move it might just might be more than just your twitter followers allows the supreme court listens to arguments about the government using g.p.s. surveillance and privacy just a fantasy these days and why are people so protective over their privacy when it comes to big brother but then barrett all our audience are not. want to arm one. yourself just recently beyond the point you use the term so you know who is paving the way for a neo conservative ism to take root in the us and i'm not just talking about john you but the foundation he represents sort of the american military rap sheet that
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reads more like a psychological thriller as warmongering in our heritage. and read between the lines a new i.a.e.a. report is stirring up tensions of nuclear proportions between iran and western forces so who will benefit and a war with iran and at this point is there any way to silence the drums of war. it's tuesday november eighth four pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl in you're watching art's eve well is big brother watching you apparently he can if he wants right now police can slap a g.p.s. system on your car and track your every move twenty four seven the supreme court today heard arguments on whether or not police can legally do this without a warrant this stems from the case of a d.c. nightclub owner who was nabbed by police back in two thousand. five police were
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able to track his i've activities for a month or a g.p.s. device they attach to this car and one jones was convicted and sentenced to life behind bars but the court of appeals overturned a verdict ruling that police indeed violated jones's privacy but the rebuttal appeal courts have ruled that g.p.s. monitoring isn't legal without a warrant and in the conflicting ruling the supreme court is now hearing the case it's being called one of the most important for the announcement cases in a decade it could determine just how far police can go in tracking your every move and apparently it's not a rare practice today from police to the f.b.i. authorities are reportedly buying these devices by the thousands and the justice department says law enforcement now uses g.p.s. as a crime fighting tool with quote great frequency so with the right to privacy eroding and america i have a feeling radio host alex alex goen has a lot to say about this alex what are the greater implications of this do you think that police being able to use this kind of technology as an attack on our fourth
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amendment rights well it is listen thanks for having me here look it shows how far we've come that just five years ago bush got up and said i promise we're not listening to american citizens phone calls without warrants and then it came out he was lying and basically everything straight through n.s.a. built inside the phone company systems and the police put on your property without a warrant something to track everywhere you go clearly of all common law jurisprudence english common law our constitution its own. debated in history that this is clearly a violation of the fourth amendment against unreasonable search and seizure but it's a violation of the tenth amendment to have federal t.s.a. people now on the highways of america running checkpoints contest at airports the f.b.i. can't randomly grope people's genitals but the p.s.a.
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does this is all part of a globalist homeland security revolution in america they're the revolutionaries overthrowing our republic and replacing it with the orwellian homeland and. police now admit they're without warrants dialing in on star systems that's on record and listen to people in their cars they admit that smart meters on houses can pick up an algorithm and even know what you're watching on television or actually wireless snooping. i mean this is so off the charts homeland security came out on thoughts news and said the deputy director said that yes you're not going to know for listening to you but yes we're putting billions of dollars worth of streetlights that have hidden cameras and microphones to watch you and directly out of ninety four this is incredible but they could argue well there's no perception of privacy there but now it's into people's homes it's people cell phones it's it's inside
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their cars this is just in credible that we've gone this far and now they're announcing ganesha to harden checkpoints and random checkpoints and i've actually pulled up to these now and they come out try to pull you out of your car with your children i am living in something of a third world dictatorship and it's getting worse by the minute now they're announcing they want to censor internet freedom they're doing emergency media takeover drills tomorrow never before happened this employer is get ready to start world war three and it wants to clamp down like that nazis did on its domestic population we're in grave danger and so is the world sounds like pretty scary stuff alex or one justification for using this kind of technology is that you know you're driving on public roads you know we find out it's now you know you're you're driving on public roads and therefore you are you're making us all the owner of all to you're putting a thought out there in the public and so i mean how do you think that's
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a valid argument i mean what more sophisticated technology is this just the new reality of the world that we live in today. sure i was a laughing at you you're right that's what they're saying i was just laughing and i asked and i misses. they they're not claiming the second amendment's a privilege nowhere is it a privilege in jurisprudence but they're just telling cops it is i see court rulings where judges say don't bring the constitution in my courtroom that's america all of this is illegal this is your personal privacy thousands of rulings going back with on the beales in horse and buggies before that say that your conveyance is your home is your person papers or effects that's in the fourth amendment this is a direct assault on the core of this country all over the nation state police under federal grants pull you over grab your cell phone plug it into a system that hacks and instantly and downloads its contents homeland security does
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this inside the u.s. airports they take people's silver coins now this to me or threaten to confiscate them this is me and i don't think north korea goes at this level when they may go get certain people and go after him it's terrible but this is just everybody i mean this is prisoner total indoctrination and if you go look at the u.s. laws this is all illegal but it's a legal that the cia operating in hundreds of cities in threat fusion centers but they do it publicly so this is just the gauntlet thrown down authoritarianism but you know in our faces you have to keep here if it were sold by sucker i'm an end face upper hand and has got suckered by schmidt of google that hey don't do something online if you don't like the public to see it and hey our users are just dumb is he it's hot i think they can trust us. facebook this is the type of stuff
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that they say and do it in just an attempt to overwhelm us and to get in our face it's not that i have something to hide. i have privacy throughout history corrupt institutions governments criminals you name it use not having any privacy as a way to assess their mark those they want to feed on and gather intelligence against the general public to bring in karen that's why the founding fathers set up systems against this and when you are against the bill of rights and constitution you are against this republic that had been a shining light of freedom for the world now to get out of states exporting its mercenaries its corruption its t.s.a. style groping to europe now the united states has been turned into a giant engine of likud innes and i want my republic back i want the globalist banks hers who hijack our nation out of here who think they can get right now or face then tell us there's no fourth amendment now that listen i've got articles with the police are going to the polls house now without warrants and saying
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there's i mean it is unbelievable it's happening less and alex you know i just mentioned pay to fuck social media you know the government it's corporations in addition to the government i mean how far do you think if can go and how much privacy if you americans really have the advantage well thomas jefferson said the level of care and any that you will live under is what you put up with if we put up with corruption if we put up with out of control behavior classical tyranny where the high tech overlay the worst combination then it's the sky's the limit if you only have mobli corrupt people in government more corrupt will come in with special interest and push them out and then even more corrupt until you get the most wicked the most sadistic the most manipulative the world has ever seen in power and the good news is people don't know what they've lost to let's gone finally the population is waking up and going wow this is really creepy what's happening wow
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this is something you know out of a science fiction nightmare movie or or out of a movie about. east germany or before that nazi germany or or cuba this is something right out of right out of nightmares and it's moving at such a breakneck speed because the big six mega banks that run our country run greece run europe but the oligarchy they now admit they take houses that are one hundred percent paid for they never had a deed for they put this on seeing it in an act like it's normal the bank of america and others do this this is an idea of how ruthless they are they've already stolen all the pension funds that morning bankrupt the country but if they don't put a police state in that people will take the government back and they'll all go to jail or they'll have to run to england like they did out of russia and out of other countries and so they're going up we're not going to do that we're going to bring in a hard core federal in america and i mean a lot of people are finally listening to me because i studied history i studied
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bloodlust documents up into the training of incident law enforcement semi secret documents that is made national news they openly in their internal documents say none of this is for al qaeda and it is one hundred percent for returning veterans gun owners land owners libertarians to keep using the russian analogy things on my own show basically if you're a white russian it's over in america if you're for freedom basic liberty private property you are the enemy homeland security is for you just like in china we're like chain kai-shek or something with the american people who are red blooded and pro liberty are to be hunted down we're already on list they already have their shop of forces set up i'm not trying to scare people just five years ago they denied all this was being set up now they flaunt it in our face i mean now just packs the police are on the streets it checkpoint staring at people with wild eyes like you're scum and trash they are letting us know we are filth and i've been to third world countries where there are police state but the police are at least
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polite this is a open attempt to dominate and intimidate the american people alethea figure not trying to scare people and getting pretty fair listening for you it's pretty scary stuff what do you say to those that might say maybe you're a little paranoid maybe you board a line forget the credit what do you what would you say to your critics out there that but think that this is being hyped up a little too much. well i believe in people's courage i believe it is better henry said i want to the whole truth and make preparations for whatever it may be and so i believe that when people are faced with the truth that they will wake up and take action against it i understand some cowards will rationalize and make excuses but they're openly announcing world corporate government run the private banks that bankrupt the planet with evidence the vatican's calling for world government this stuff is all out in the open i mean i've got stacks of news here were google admits the u.s. government's telling him to take down videos critical of government. i've been
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approached by the globalist a decade ago and about eight years ago and you know offered to join i mean i know how real this is i've had family who work for the cia and got out of it because they wouldn't commit assassinations until narcotics inside the united states i grew up in dallas texas and watched the police deal with drugs i'm not naive ok i i understand the real threat and i will defend the republic i mean again i was called schizophrenia for saying on stars will sing to you ten years ago it was in documents i told people tivo was tracking everything they did five six years ago now it's a minute i told people all of this was happening and i've warned them over and over again i told you to mystic checkpoints were coming now it's happening now it's in the news they're announcing all fifty states are going to be at the highway checkpoints they're going to grope your children there because i read homeland security documents i watch them on c.-span this is a total of four tarion takeover by the criminal banks that hijacked the u.s.
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they've got to do this or they're all going to go to jail like bernie madoff and ken lay. alex thank you so much for your thoughts on all this that was radio host alex jones thank you let's take a look now at an organization with enough money and power to shape the debate and washington and beyond that how policy implemented and changes that policy implemented that changes the role of the united states around the world i'm talking about the heritage foundation and with the upcoming release of the report detailing iran's nuclear capability as there are many ways in which the conservative think tank is already sounding the alarm and laying the foundation for war are the correspondent christine for south takes a look at its past and how it may may hands and what's to come in the future thanks for more u.s. justice department official john yoo is not quite so loved by everyone yet it was you what are you doing on here. nor to be here if you are
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wrong but here at the heritage foundation is welcomed with open arms speak and just being who does not represent the herd so. what it does represent ideals often adopted by conservative pundits and politicians including you who wrote the memo giving legal justification for the use of torture saying that are a law doesn't apply to interrogations of enemy combatants we. want to arm one hand tied behind our back and we are still just using police and f.b.i. we might use the military president george w. bush chose this sympathetic venue to defend his appointment of michael mukasey his nomination for attorney general in jeopardy after he refused to declare waterboarding illegal senate leaders must move this nomination out of committee. bring it to the senate for floor. and confirm this good man founded in one nine hundred seventy three a conservative think tank is said to promote free enterprise and limited government
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and traditional american values to critics they decisions made in here have less to do with democracy more to do with the already corporate interests this is an organization that pushes a corporate agenda and a war profiteers agenda ever had a right wing religious agenda there is war propaganda coming out of our ears in this town and it's those institutions like the heritage foundation that are that are the force behind it author and activist david swanson says those agendas are often fought for by powerful decision makers in washington we live and in an increasingly dangerous world danger to our country remains very we're real and that the terrorists are still determined that we were so uninformed about this threat from radical jihad us the power of the heritage foundation is its ability to shape the debate and we put out ideas that otherwise you might think were absolutely insane it become mainstream corporate media television discussion and congressional
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discussion and end up in in which a solution and end up being passed into law during the one nine hundred eighty s. heritage pushed for a containment policy toward the soviet union so therefore you can fund them and. you find the nicaraguan contras you back maoist groups. in angola. anything to weaken the soviet empire which was seen as the overwhelming threat posed by traditional right wing nationalists of the kind you find heritage interventionist policies critics say still haunt america and yet continue to be pushed for time and time again in washington pristine free zone. and while organizations like the heritage foundation can help lay the foundation for war lester power is now drumming up support for war with iran this after
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a report came out today by the un's nuclear watchdog leaked information from the report supposedly reveals fresh evidence of the country developing its nuclear weapons program armed with is new information the e.u. is prepping for military action and it's believed the u.s. is gearing up for the possibility of war against iran as well meanwhile israel test fires a ballistic missile believed to be able to take aim at the country so is america on the verge of another war in the middle east the always outspoken pepe escobar is here to talk more about this that day we just listened to a report about the heritage foundation the conservative think tank it's playing a role in drumming up support for the war how big of a par do you think such organizations play in shaping policy and pushing this pro-war agenda. well this is how it works. maddest dog the israel government to be in it. is a formidable don't put pouncer turn foreign minister lieberman they tell
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a pack specially in wash what to do. heritage foundation other state banks think thanks that deal with the middle east that you know they they give you the lucas translations up there so already find an existence see how do you see everywhere and they tell the us congress what to do this is how it works use really american politics so all these the heritage foundation and everybody else will be drumming up support for work even if they are they were minimally real. they know that if there is an israeli strike or if there is a meanie us shock and awe against iran the first thing iran will do is to close the strait of horribles anybody that knows a little bit about the persian gulf knows that straight a little more says more than forty percent of global oil transits so artistry so instantly would have more than six million barrels of oil out of global markets
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this means well the global economy comes to a standstill in less than a week who's going to be responsible for that certainly not the ago of ministration mad dog israel is a completely different story and poppy what do you think this report just came out today providing supposedly provides evidence. that iran and iran is there still is that and reckoning there are nuclear nuclear weapons do you think that this report could provide a fresh justification for going to war wrap iraq on course it is saying if you dream of anybody remembers the fast and if you use plots roughly a month ago you know the drunken guy from texas the mexican drug cartels the i r g c. guy to run is the key connection it's true because this was an f.b.i. sting operation no nobody even talks about a this was a probable causes barely
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a war now they get the i.a.e.a. report most of what it it's there it's visitor had a rehash of an operation that four years ago was known as the laptop off death i.p.s. by the way they did very good stories on the laptop of theft and everybody get on the net and find the story it was a hoax basically and only top of it he and yates claims that they have fresh evidence from more than ten countries you know one thousand pages of documents mohamed el baradei was the previous head of the i.e.e.e. he said many times on the record that they can never trust iran that it is because basically just was diplomatic leaks and said to like images that you could they you could not corroborate anywhere so if this looks like a rehash of the remember two thousand and two early two thousand and three build up towards the war in iraq with all of those leaks there were in the open
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a front page of the new york times well this is actually the same thing and there is no fresh evidence so in the report they say well they were experimenting but they ended up going back to thousand and three and then another section assessed they were experimenting and they need have a covert program and program but it ended in two thousand and ten so there is no evidence and russia looking russia today was saying that they don't trust this report because they know this is no evidence otherwise they will be convinced the chinese that they talk about and if they go to the next step which would be harsher sanctions at the u.n. they're ready for rounds of sanctions against iran at the u.n. and this is it for russia and china this is the red line the next round of sanctions will be to close down urine exports of oil and gas this. school bleachery up sir can you leave there to all of these people in europe a resolution or insects or action since that show is going to the u.n.
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security council in full yes itself but yes and be instantly deprived of six hundred and fifty thousand barrels of oil imports from europe. basically that's probably a medley of rising tensions we hear from the russian president let's take a moment to listen to what he had to say can we do with them and we can see that the situation in the middle east is a fever pitch we understand that the middle east peace process is locked in stalemate him last week that's despite the fact that all sides of the conflict are really trying to find a solution and it's now the situation we someone started threatening anyone with military action those but could trigger very grave problems that can escalate into the conflict usually once when i think we need to take aggressive with some remarks and continue constructive dialogue on all needle eastern problems including iran's nuclear issue is not threatening any kind of show of force that could lead to
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a fully fledged war which would result in a catastrophe of the middle east slowly if well you have a you just heard and heard him yourself a russian president calling for a peaceful resolution for constructive dialogue but i mean and as a bit it seems that there's. this push for war is happening right now who do you say status to benefit from going from another complex and the middle east. well it's the speed usual suspects remember obama in the beginning early two thousand and nine where he was talking about resets and policy towards iran that he would approach me run with no traction us he was leader of high tech quite a scene the usual suspects these are a lot of people like the heritage foundation even at the council of foreign relations even more civilized places like the groupings the institution the extreme
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right wing of the republican party which is practically everybody and the factions very powerful factions of the personal military complex and also corporate interests don't forget your rant is not part of the global economy you run we need two million people very loaded the population. that nichole know how intellectual capabilities would be an excellent legal field for a disaster capitalism or for even a predatory capitalism and it's there and it's not totally integrated these interests tend to benefit but the only possibility is what's a president meant that it just said it would be sitting down at a party school cern's including regional parties like turkey or and all the see a dispassionate the major players in asia russia and china with the west end defies a solution for the program which when turkey presume wanted to
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facilitate the running rich meant for poor iraq they were to repeat good by obama administration especially by hillary clinton in her factions so you know it's a no waiting situation it's this goes back to the same wall of mistrust between us and you run for the best thirty years and now with this absolutely mad government in israel they're trying to fabricate an existential threat when there is not iranians are not crazy to make a nuclear plant they'll be called. well you know there are the rule if there is a possibility of an israeli strike all arches restaurant or of the shocking or less the light we have to do this would be just building. nuclear warheads. very very stressed we could do it because it would be the best. i hate to interrupt you but we are running out of time unfortunately it's
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a pleasure to have you on the show as always i was a times correspondent pepe escobar. well stay tuned for the capital accounts that's going to do for an hour for more of the stories we covered go to artsy dot com slash usa but before that we're going to go over to lauren lesser who's going to give us a preview of her show laura what can we live today has been a huge day as you probably know italian prime minister silvio berlusconi after a lot of rumors and speculation has announced that he will resign and this news came today as we saw bond yields for italian debt spike they went up big ben going up that they hit that near seven percent which is really the threshold that financial markets consider unsustainable so we will tell you what all of this means and of course in the united states occupy wall street is continuing well look at this from the frame of view of social unrest and income inequality which is one way
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that economists measure it will bring to you lucy has been covering it so what she thinks this is a sign of well stick around because the capital account with the laura lesser is coming next well that does it for now for more of the stories we covered go to our t. dot com slash usa i'll see you back here at. wealthy british style. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser reports
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