tv [untitled] November 8, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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stating the police corruption and. stuff that nobody seems to know. that never break a face but harvey argument that they're being overly dramatic. it is time for show and sound on tonight's program last week we discussed the general strike that shut down the port of oakland very often times in the city but we ask you at home if shutting down everything is an effective tool for the demonstrators and if not what would you recommend the protesters do you to make their voices heard so let's go to producer trees in
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a sense to find out what you have to say last week protesters at occupy oakland called for a general strike shutting down the port of oakland the nation's fifth largest port so occupy oakland stated that they were marching on the porch to stand in solidarity with long shore workers a union spokesperson came out saying we are definitely not calling for a strike but some working people complained that they couldn't afford to lose money and i tough economy and the shutdown came with its fair share of controversy with reports of vandalism plaguing a largely peaceful protest so was the general strike an effective tool for the movement to any viewers have any better ideas to get their voices heard all domini said let's be honest make yourself heard but don't stop others from conducting business or getting home to their kids you can put your brights ahead of others you can see in told us not only should this have been done sooner but it should spread through every odd prime braley into the whole country comes to a standstill so those found one agrees saying general strikes are great way to get
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attention now as for other ideas i expend said they need to inform people there are ways to fix problems in the existing system saying this is them is broken does not spread hope and bill told us he would like to see a political party for the ninety nine percent labor party that rejects corporate money so was the shutdown of the oakland harbor a good strategy for the movement while the mayor of oakland thought so calling it a good day for the ninety nine percent even though police arrested him period as does it is the end of the day the protesters did manage to shut down the nation's busiest port it based on your comments that's only a small part of what needs to be done in a much bigger strategy. now as always thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we spoke about the growing wealth divide between the young and old but some people say those numbers are misleading so we think is there a real divide between generations to be concerned about or something trumped up to create an intergenerational warfare you can respond to us on facebook twitter and
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you tube and who knows response just might. now like trends are underway in mississippi today and the truly insane personhood amendments is being voted on as we speak now it's called initiative twenty six i believe legislation defines a fertilized egg as a person so legally it's totally incoherent the most terrifying part of it all is that there is a fifty fifty chance that it will pass with the support of both gubernatorial candidates democrat and republican some people like current governor haley barbour have expressed their doubts about this measure. the ramification gold in vitro fertilisation. pregnancy sure craig. should have fallopian. right. after your show you. but at the end of the day even barber with his doubts admitted to voting in favor of the initiative in absentee ballots pretty pathetic so what
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does bill actually mean for the state and for our country as a whole but it's an obvious attack on women's reproductive rights a laboring eggs a human with rights carries a lot more legal issues with the title for starters initiative twenty six would make any form of contraception illegal but also make o.b. g.y.n. z. even mothers more susceptible to civil and criminal lawsuits so should anything happen to the fetus say before the woman even know she's pregnant a woman could be a radically be charged with murder now with actual legislation is only two lines long there are several problems with labeling eggs a person as the huffington post today where the personhood amendment affects voter destructing after all that many more people will be added to a voting district if you have to count unborn babies what about tax forms should a woman be able to label her fetus as a dependent even before it's born and how will this affect current social programs or government assistance like welfare or frankly nobody knows because a no laws like this have been made before and the worst part is the people who are backing this initiative are aware of the legal mess that it's going to carry with
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it but they say go ahead and they'll wait and see how the state government figures out how to ruin each problem that might that arise in the personhood amendment i'm going to take a moment to pause and ask what the hell is going on with this country month after month we hear about social issues that become legally dubious ballot measures all pushed by fringe right wing organizations and now mississippi the religious wing nuts are working so hard at this pro-life bill that they don't even care about the impact of the current wording of the personhood amendment would have a doctor's women the government even taxpayers in general throw all common sense out the window there's a moral war to be waged give me a break. now you could say that it's a big day for privacy at the supreme court after a spate of different rulings across the country on whether or not the feds going to attach g.p.s. tracking devices to a person's vehicle without a warrant one case is finally making it to the supreme court cases of anton jones a former club owner in washington d.c. who police suspected of running a drug ring and police actually did obtain
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a warrant in that case but they place a tracker on it jones's car after the board expired and then monitor his activities for a month now question here is the fourth amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure the justice department argues that you have no expectation of privacy in a public space and g.p.s. trackers much like beeper is attached to cars which the supreme court has already ruled on or police physically tailing a suspect they think that only monitors your movements and public g.p.s. technology just makes it much easier to do but some justices today already seem to signal they're on ease of the idea just as briar for example said that if the government wins the case there is nothing to prevent the police or government from monitoring twenty four hours a day every citizen of the united states and followed up with sounds like one nine hundred eighty four so could this case be a game changer or is it just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the constant surveillance by both private and public actors who discuss this with me julian sanchez a research fellow at the cato institute joined thanks so much for being here
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tonight i was going to be so i'm curious as to what is it you think of some of these arguments in terms of well if you're driving in your car than you're in a public space and you know you don't have any reasonable right to privacy and it's just like the cops tailing you do you buy that i mean no i don't think that's a fair analogy to all the asli but this is very different this is a technology the monitoring on a scale as the appeals court that originally ruled this did what you've gone through for the search and it really wouldn't be feasible i mean it's expensive to have numerous cars telling someone over time and you have to keep swapping cars in and out to make sure you don't lose them to make sure it's not obvious to the same cars following a person and it's certainly not. and for any police department anywhere in the world to follow hundreds or thousands of people at the same time when you talk about the advanced methods of acknowledging that are used to track people now which is not just g.p.s. tracking devices but methods like cell phone tracking or other kinds of satellite tracking or even you know aerial drones these are methods they can basically used
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to track the entire population so isn't part of the problem in this case because there is maybe some chance that they're not actually going to rule on whether they actually need the warrants or not i think the justice alito threw that out there today but isn't part of the reason why it's so important because we want to be able to know whether the authorities are using these g.p.s. tracking devices too often whether they're abusing the right because there is no record at this point yeah that's a huge problem with huge problem that actually a lot of matters for judges that raise which is that because there are new reporting requirements for these kinds of surveillance we actually have no we don't have any wiretaps there are going to be year we have no idea how often the police use this technology to follow someone on their cell phone or follow a thousand people on their cell phone or ask the phone company to tell them everyone who is at a particular place at a particular time it's a total black box now one of the things that i find interesting to you which i guess you could really expand upon it here is so that the government is arguing that this is something that is public and so just because you have
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a new technology that's arise you can make something that was once public or private as if you think that's an issue that we're going through as we rely on certain technologies we start depending on our cell phone our smart phone our car for everything that we want more privacy where we once didn't have it so it is worth noting that right does it only does make a difference you're right the fact that someone is moving around in public as observed visually is something that's already public g.p.s. signals emitted by you know a secret device implanted in your car is actually not something that's public the argument is well ok that's not public we don't voluntarily admit g.p.s. signals that we think anyone can intercept but it's the same as being. view it is worth noting that they're observing actually a very nonpublic thing here i'm just trying to make an analogy to a public event but it doesn't quite fit right there's wanted things we do in public that we expect to be private we walk down a crowded street having a quiet whispered conversation you know it might be that anyone passing might hear a meaningless second of the conversation but we also understand that we have good
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reason to expect that our whole conversation as we walk if we don't see someone you know walking up close behind us isn't going to be overheard so if someone uses for example a long distance mike and pick up that conversation they're violating our expectation of privacy even though we happen to be in a public space and there's you know lots of ways you can move around in public in places that you know it's a public space but you don't think you're being observed you don't think your pattern of behavior over time certainly is being observed in a way that reveals who you associate with you know what church you go to whether you would lend a yeah you're driving in a public street but normal people you know who are followed physically on the street by the same person for a month twenty four hours a day call the police because that's a stock or. i guess you know that there's two that's right technology change they're going to be walking out the street so he's behind you tweeting everything that you're saying to your friend you know never know about it until it's too late it's worth noting a lot of states have already passed legislation basically to make it illegal for a private citizen to do this kind of thing you know to have someone you're
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interested in decide to have little bug on their vehicle and i think that's a pretty good catch right if this is just like being watched in public how come so many states are passing laws that say no it's actually not on like that and we don't think private citizens should be able to do it and if we think it's creepy and you know wrong and private citizens do it then it's probably something at least you get a warrant for all right i want to compare this to. we're talking about when you're driving on the street you're locking on the street what about when you're on the internet right because you can't carry it this is this sounds like nine hundred eighty four and they realize the fact that well you know yes my actions are being tracked probably by the government or by law enforcement at some point but they're also being tracked by a lot of these types of sites and mark zuckerberg gave an interview to charlie rose where he. they said if you look at companies whether it's google yahoo or microsoft search engines and ad networks they also have a huge amount of information about you it's just that they're collecting that about you behind your back they're collecting this huge amount of information about who you are but you never know that so he's trying to obviously defend facebook because they get a lot of flack for it but do you think that relates here in terms of our expectations
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of privacy at all in terms of the workmen i don't think it was i mean it might you might be saying to used to make a piece of an argument about the kind of bribes you will expect me to look for the management regulates the government not private parties and you know congress is sort of perfectly politically and regulating private parties more you know i think the issues there are typically better dealt with by you know people themselves trying to find their own ways to keep themselves as private or as public as they want right we need a whole range of technological methods you can use i use to make it difficult for third party sites to observe me if i don't want to be observed and there's not a whole lot you can do you know i mean there's new browser plug in that will stop the police from putting a secret bug on your car or making the phone company give you all your cell records you know there's a lot of things i can do to stop google from tracking me right now lastly unfortunately i have to wait a while until the supreme court actually rules on this in the meantime people are
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still getting tracked wired reported today the guy in california just found two devices on his truck but if you have to take a guess i mean isn't this an issue to both conservatives and liberal justices could kind of agree on the most amazing thing about this case is if you look at the list of amicus briefs it is like i mean it is a bizarre cats and dogs living together who's who of groups that you would never expect to be together the cato institute filed an amicus brief the a.c.l.u. trying frontier foundation gun owners of america i mean left right everyone basically is is on the side i think of privacy in this case it's a it's a it's a funny moment given the supreme court rules that way to you and thanks so much for joining us tonight was a pleasure. now service on their immigration status should be checked before you get any medical care that prominent congressmen are full time towards night and also have a happy hour for obama and psychos eating a little trash talking on t.v. was the obsession of ron paul now includes
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a half calendar five percent. i . was. there to believe the wreckage was. was like what a protest nobody seems to know. but never a pepper sprayed the face but hardly argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else hears you some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm charging is a big issue.
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in this or. are you guys it's time for tonight's tools not awarded tonight because the iowa congressman steve king other republican has a long history of bigoted comments directed towards undocumented immigrants living here in the u.s. back in two thousand and six while speaking on the house floor about a border fence between the u.s. and mexico he said he thought it should be electric saying we do this to livestock all the time now passport a couple. years and representative king is still as hateful as ever this week congressman king is touring i will with a value voters bus and he was asked a few questions by our friends over big progress and answers were frankly pretty unbelievable the reporter asked about obama's tough new immigration law has gone
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too far or require schools to check the status of all children and forces you to lety companies to shut off water to homes the don't provide proper immigration papers and this was his response. forty terrorists to this would be. the leader in the united states that the labor would be in. the use of service she's. seeing why are you here what are you doing for you. know we get to the point where the a.c.l.u. that take a position on force make it your. first land little confused about where exactly steve king grew up down to me like he was in a police state i have news for steve just because some of locking down the street police officers who have the right to ask you twenty questions is not law enforcement's job to know who you are what you're doing at all times practice the opposite of a nation based on laws that protect our civil liberties laws that limit search and search and she's caesar's excuse me for reason but nobody in the u.s.
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has to carry their immigration papers with them at all times no matter what the color of their skin is and i think progress then followed up to find out what representative king thought would be too far and terms of asking people questions about their immigration status. so you can get all of the. vote that. i don't like that would get you far and you can ask. so congressman king doesn't understand why i would be too far to ask for somebody's status at a hospital before they receive treatment well let's think about that for just one second what that would actually look like how many people would die in the e.r. waiting on treatment wasn't garlic fries and find out if they're here illegally how many people would die because they didn't feel safe getting treatment for fear of being turned into immigration opportunities you have amazes me how hateful the g.o.p. ideology has become when it comes to immigration issues specifically yes we need comprehensive immigration reform here in the u.s. but the fact is that there are people that are currently undocumented living in the
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united states it's a humane issue but steve king world those people be made to live in more fear they already do left to die in hospital waiting rooms or too fearful to even go to the hospital to begin with and that's not a country that i think most americans want to live it so for congressman steve king a wanting to cause people about their immigration status at hospitals before treatment he gets night strolls on the ward. i guys come for happy hour and joining me this evening is lauren lyster host of capital account on r.t.e. and conservative journalist kevin glass thanks for joining me guys thank you for having our first story here i am assuming there is consensus but if there is one band that could be called the latest band of all time it's this one.
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all right so for anybody who isn't aware sorry that i had to force you to listen to that but that's nickelback and so they're supposed to be playing the halftime show for the detroit lions on thanksgiving day one of us anticipated home games of the season but already there's a petition out there was for him three thousand signatures asking producers to reconsider and it says detroit is home to so many great musicians and they chose nickelback does anyone even like nickelback is this is sort of ploy to get people to leave their seas during halftime to spend money on alcoholic beverages and concessions it's completely unfair to those of us who purchased tickets they gave at least the people watching at home can get their teeth oh my god i love this story because when i saw it on twitter this morning i thought oh maybe nickelback like did something that people protest to like they played in a country that they didn't approve of or whatever i didn't realize that there was
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a widespread loading of nickelback because they i always hated nickelback i felt that solidarity that was really what people were protesting just that they aren't good now they were right they often take this out of our have to let's be honest here detroit is motown you know it's the home of a great musical tradition and having nickelback a canadian band come down into detroit to play this you know it just doesn't make any sense you know they've produced stevie wonder they have a reason franklin and even if you want to go modern live i mean and kid rock for example i drove off of no i went to a great meal i didn't kid rock with the you know a welcome addition and he have time and he's really friendly now even mitt romney usually if you're out there and we hear entrance music he's going to. his ways but nickelback sorry. that's just the thoughts are so good too because they weren't like you know on anything really you know fundamental they were just like what is it it's not even rock n roll it's not michael warrigal mix those are you know just kind of around the initial turn iraq that's it. home on the radio and my dad likes
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to you know it just doesn't belong there you got to tell us about. we want to our next story right there is the really cheap airline that you can you know fly around europe now i believe they're making you charge for toilets that we kind of you know they differ in terms of what they offer to the people of the cheap seats and for those that want to pay more here's an older clip of their c.e.o. actually talking about some of his differences. with your business and an economy. and the economy going to be very cheap i mean you said ten you reach across the atlantic because jazz should be very expensive so economy to be very cheap say cheney's any business that he bids and be a jobs. jobs well going down part but kind of close what he wants to offer is a pay per view service so there's an app of people that they can watch porn on the plane. some people were very. disturbed by this in our early morning meeting i
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don't really see the big deal as what you guys think i mean the man is an innovator ryanair is an incredibly low cost airline in order to spend time in europe knows that you know it's five pounds for a ticket to go from london to italy and you know he said that he wants to take out all but one toilet on the plane and then as you mentioned charge people to use it he's trying to survive in the i guess a very competitive airline economy i didn't even know this technology existed i don't know you know how they're coming up with it you can already have poor and downloaded on your i pad no one's going to stop you so if you're able to buy it on the plane as long as you have your phones and keep your hands on your pants and if you can't keep your cancer cells what's the big deal the bottom line is that it's working for them they've been profitable are doing well during a time when airlines are totally suffering so these tactics are working they also offered berlusconi exit route they were he was he was if they found their ad for the ninety nine fares for him to be able to get out of italy now with you going to take him up on it now he's resigning i've flown ryanair it was a pretty miserable experience that maybe it will be next to an order of the day
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because. we brought this up earlier in the show but there you know there is audio of this at reporters heard a little something between president obama and it was sarkozy and baracoa obama and nicolas sarkozy are now being quoted from a conversation they had about israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the exchange was overheard of the g. twenty summit sarkozy reportedly said of netanyahu quote i can't stand him anymore he's a liar president obama then responded you may be sick of him but me i have to deal with him every day journalists who overheard the remarks at first agreed not to repeat the comments were published in israeli newspapers. you know. i always kind of like to know that politicians actually might have a little bit of sense of humor that they this isn't that you want obviously to be recorded and for the public to know but just like joe biden same. deal i like to
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see a little bit of human you know humanity and at least this is a little bit more highbrow they're talking about world leaders and world policy as opposed to what we hear in u.s. congress where they're bantering back off it's a little bit of a kind of high school gossipy thing it's kind of you know when your coworker comes to you at the water cooler and says i don't like working with ben he's kind of a jerk you know and in politics are taught to treat every mike as if it's a hot mike because you don't know what's going to be turned on you don't know who's going to be listening and i don't i thought that obama's was just trying to use our cozy so that you could walk away from the situation just say you know oh yeah i have to deal with it with netanyahu as well you know but i'm not obviously agreeing an apology i'm not on the causeway i think i'm going all the time to be honest kind of it. but you know yeah the first rule in politics here is we just assume your mikes are hot and that's obviously no one listens to it provides great fodder for us to talk about. ok very little lastly so obama had
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a really hot obamacare i think this. ron paul now has a calendar of his fans and they say in this battle for the hearts minds and souls of men and women i feel our best weapon may in fact be persuasions i think we have photos of eleanor do you think have everything by those based on your man i mean let's be honest libertarians are known for having a little bit more of a fun loving vibe in the average republican and so these women obviously want to be raising money for ron paul raising his campaign profile and you know they're going for it they're going to have some fun so money were gabe's or not answer the question i mean record their base all right laura i'm so sorry i don't read out of time for joining you tonight that's a good night so thanks for tuning in thanks for the come back tomorrow let me out
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of the gore associate editor of the nation is going to be on the show discuss this week's developments in the hank skinner case it's a fan of you want to show follow ups on facebook on twitter watch everything in fact a lot of fail and coming up thank you. more news today violence has once again flared up the phone these are the images the
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world seeing from the streets of canada. showing hope for asians are the day. the sun. downplayed the official t.m.t. cation jong phone called touch for me i'll choose ops to. shall see light on the. video among all keys minefields comes an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the. wealthy british. times the tireless. markets.
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