tv [untitled] November 8, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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it. was. resigning to his fate prime minister silvio berlusconi is stepping down so italy is the economic examine to pull out does this mean the euro is due and let down for the global economy. as you know who's watching your every move might be more than just your twitter followers like the supreme court listens to arguments about the government using g.p.s. surveillance is privacy just a fantasy these days and why are people still protective over their privacy when it comes to big brother but then there it all on the internet. and read between the lines a new i report is stirring up tensions of nuclear proportions between iran and western
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forces so who will benefit in a war with iraq. at this point is there any way to silence the drums of war. or want to arm one hand tied behind her back in rehearsals just recently we. will turn will you go who is paving the way for neo conservatism to take root in the u.s. and i'm not just talking about john you know but the foundation he represents the with the american military rap sheet that reads more like a psychological thriller is warmongering in our heritage. it's tuesday november eighth in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching artsy well a humiliating day for italian prime minister silvio berlusconi and a vote today in parliament made it clear that they no longer support him now the pressure is on for him to resign the italian leader facing
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a slew of problems from sex scandals to legal scandals to a loss of confidence by financial markets the league wants berlusconi who has dominated italian politics for seventeen years to step aside. and make way for a new leadership to tackle the grave economic crisis now like in the country well earlier i talked to joe wiesenthal deputy editor of business insider he told me why it's time for berlusconi to step down by telling and yields have been surging nobody trusts him he's abroad at all kinds of domestic scandals and the bottom line is that because of reforms in leadership and tell you need italy needs he was no longer capable of delivering so this was it was the writing was on the wall so they say it was over for him and you know even if he does step down which he says that he well what kind of a fact will that have a new well that really bring about real change in italy. yeah that's the funny
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thing i'm pretty skeptical is actually going to have much of an effect at all the problems facing italy are profound they have to do with the structure of the euro they have to do with demographic issues in italy. you know fairly deep seated cultural problems and i just you know these might be a nice temporary measure and might briefly give people confidence that italy can get back on track but it's going in the a lot more than this to move the needle it'll is there any guarantee. if he any of that he does step down that there will see any reforms of reforms that will really cut down the debt and countries that in boost growth there. yeah i don't think so i don't think the answer is in cutting spending unfortunately for italy it's just not that simple. you know there's the political will isn't it one that doesn't accomplish anything because as we've seen in greece cutting spending only weakens the economy and only makes deficits worse it actually the country
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needs reform or that promote growth the very hard to do that within the fiscal straitjacket that is the euro and i think people should be very skeptical that this is going to change very much and after the prime minister made the announcement that he is going to resign treasury it have fallen now but other consequences can we expect to see. well i think the really big story is just how you know the general discussed with leadership all across europe i mean you know this is the berlusconi news is coming simultaneous with the situation in greece leaders in the core of europe even merkel they're not very popular right now so i think you know there's obviously a v. sort of financial contagion angle as the crisis goes from one country to another but there's also just political contagion and the fact that no leader in europe on any level has really behaved in
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a bold or admirable way at all during this i mean the european the euro crisis has really been going on since mid to late two thousand and nine there's been no real progress there's been no real progress on solving anything so it's very reasonable to expect everyone is disgusted with their leaders for having failed so far to confront anything and they go down the economy if there are very tied together and you talk a little bit about what the situation and italy could mean for the rest of the euro zone and even the economy here in the u.s. . i mean is italy were to go the way of greece and really have a collapse it would have huge impacts on the rest of europe and probably the united states i think italy is simultaneously too big to fail and too big to rescue as people say so if it you know they can't let it fail because of it did it would just take down for. it would just be a complete crisis depression and on the other hand and it's so you know it's like
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the third or fourth biggest country in the world so no one really has the firepower to do anything with is very scary situation the best hope is that the e.c. be which you know technically does have an unlimited amounts of money things to the effect that it controls the printing press in europe could step in in a big way i think thing that has to be the end game and maybe there's a chance now that berlusconi is gone that the e.c.b. will do more prior to it with berlusconi still very i think nobody wanted to you know make things any easier for italy reward italy in any way if he leaves is he says he will perhaps. you know that italy will get the help it needs thanks so much for weighing in on this was deputy editor for the business insider joe why the. answer the united states now or apparently big brother kind of walk you if they want right now police can slap a g.p.s. system on your car and track your every move twenty four seven the supreme court
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today heard arguments on whether or not police can legally do this without a warrant the thumbs from the case of a d.c. united love owner who was nabbed by police back in two thousand and five police were able to track his activities for a month through a g.p.s. device they attached to his car and one jones was convicted and sentenced to life behind bars but the court of appeals overturn the verdict ruling that police indeed violated jones's privacy but there are all appeal courts have ruled that g.p.s. monitoring isn't legal without a warrant amid the conflicting role of the supreme court is now hearing likely case it's. being called one of the most important and then cases in a decade it could determine just how far police can go in tracking your every move so the rights of privacy are roading and america and as this case a violation of the fourth amendment earlier opposed this questions alex jones and he sure had a lot to say about the issue and feel if it. looked it shows how far we've come that just five years ago bush got up and said i promise we're not listening to
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american citizens phone calls without warrants and then it came out he was lying and basically everything is fed through n.s.a. built inside the phone company says times and the police put on your property without a warrant something to track everywhere you go clearly in all common law jurisprudence english common law our constitution it's on. debated in history that this is clearly a violation of the fourth amendment against unreasonable search and seizure but it's a violation of the tenth amendment to have federal t.s.a. people now on the highways of america running checkpoints not just at airports the f.b.i. can't randomly grope people's genitals but the t.s.a. does this is all part of a globalist homeland security revolution in america they are the revolutionaries overthrowing our republic and replacing it with the orwellian homeland and police
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now admit there without warrants not telling into on star systems that's on record and listen to people in their cars they admit that the smart meters on houses can pick up an algorithm and even know what you're watching on television or actually wireless snooping hubs i mean this is so off the charts homeland security came out on fox news and said the deputy director said that yes you're not going to know for listening to you but yes we're putting billions of dollars worth of streetlights that have hidden cameras and microphones to watch you directly out of one thousand and four this is incredible but they could argue well there's no perception of privacy there but now it's into people's homes it's people's cell phones it's it's inside their cars this is just in credible that we've gone this far and now they're announcing domestic hardened checkpoints and random checkpoints and i've actually
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pulled up to these now and they come up try to pull you out of your car with your children i am living in something out of a third world dictatorship and it's getting worse by the minute now they are announcing they want to censor internet freedom they're doing emergency media takeover drills tomorrow never before happened this employer is get ready to start world war three and it wants to clamp down like the nazis did on its domestic population we are in grave danger and so is the world found. the scary stuff alex one justification for using this kind of technology is that you know you're driving on public roads you know we kind of it's no you know you're you're driving on public roads and therefore you are or you're making result vulnerable to you're putting yourself out there you're in the public and so i mean you know the you think that's a valid argument i mean with more sophisticated technology is this just the new reality of the world that we live in today. sure i wasn't laughing at you you're right that's what they're saying i was just laughing and i ass and i misses. they
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they're now claiming the second amendment's a privilege nowhere is it a privilege in jurisprudence but they're just telling cops it is i see in court rulings where judges say don't bring the constitution in my courtroom that's america all of this is illegal this is your personal privacy thousands of rulings going back with automobiles and horse and buggies before that say that your conveyance is your home is your person papers or effects that's in the fourth amendment this is a direct assault on the core of this country all over the nation state police under federal grants pull you over grab your cell phone plug it into a system that hacks and instantly and downloads its contents homeland security does this inside the us at airports they take people's silver coins now listen to me or threaten to confiscate them this is me and i don't think north korea goes at this
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level i mean they may go get certain people and go after minutes carol but this is just everybody i mean this is prisoner total indoctrination and if you go look at the u.s. laws this is all the legal but it's illegal that the cia operating in hundreds of cities and threat fusion centers but they do it publicly so this is just the gauntlet thrown down authoritarianism it in our face but you have to keep here it were sold by sucker m n n face like over again and you got suckered by schmidt of google that hey don't do something online if you don't want the public to see it and hey our users are just coming any it's hot i think they can trust us that record of face but this is the type of stuff that they say and do it in just an attempt to overwhelm us and to get in our face it's not that i have something to hide. i have privacy throughout history corrupt institutions
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governments criminals you name it use not having any privacy as a way to assess their mark those they want to feed on and gather intelligence against the general public to bring in charities that's why the founding fathers set up systems against this and when you are against the bill of rights the constitution you are against this republic that had been a shining light of freedom to the world now the united states is exporting its mercenaries its corruption its t.s.a. style groping to europe now the united states has been turned into a giant engine of wickedness and i want my republic back i want the globalist banks hers who hijacked our nation out of here who think they can get right in our face then tell us there's no fourth amendment now listen i've got articles where the police are going to people's houses now without warrants and saying there's i mean it is unbelievable it's settling less. now as a radio host alex jones called lesser in power is now joining up support for
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a war with iran there's a report is expected to come out today by the un's nuclear watchdog leaked information from the report supposedly reveals fresh evidence from a country developing its nuclear weapons program armed with this new information d u k as propping its military for action and it's believed the u.s. is gearing up for the possibility of war against iran as well meanwhile israel test fires a ballistic missile believed to be able to take aim at a country that is america on the verge of another war in the middle east and are more on that i spoke to jamal aviv policy director of the national iranian american council to start things off i asked him a simple question how big a role do organizations such as the heritage foundation play in shaping policy policy and pushing a pro war agenda yes and say well look the report today. brings some concerning evidence about. iran's nuclear program but it's nothing that we don't already know and it also tells us that the way out of this is not the way
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that we've been going it's not saying it's not worth threats those types of options actually convince iran that they need to be pursuing this option of one day being able to develop nuclear weapons capability and so what we see though is that the plan to see is off the table and that's due in large part to the political situation that the president faces talking to iran is going to cost them it's going to hurt him with these groups that are going to attack him and potentially cost him votes so you see that his policy options are really constrained by that and you just said that diplomacy options are off the table the russian president or the russian prime minister excuse me and as a hoping that that's not the case let's take a listen to what he had to say today. we can see that the situation in the middle east is a fever pitch we understand that the least peace process is lost. that's despite
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the fact that all sides of the conflict are really trying to find a solution and the situation someone started threatening anyone with military action could trigger very grave problems the conflict was not one i think we need to take a breath and relax and continue constructive dialogue. problems including iran's nuclear issue does not threaten any kind of she will force that could lead to a fully fledged war which would result in a catastrophe on the middle east. you just heard from the russian leader yourself he's calling for a peaceful solution and a diplomatic resolution to this conflict. as we just saw from that report there are organizations that do you think to be pushing that's probably more again in your opinion who do you think sansa benefit from going to work another war i'm going to leave well i want to say i don't think that it's a matter of going to war at this point it really is wielding the military threat to
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push for increased sanctions against iran once you know once the playing field is either you do more sanctions at the u.n. or we go to war and we have world war three in the middle east then the station's option looks a lot more attractive that being said you know the president and supporters of same trends have said these sanctions are supposed to bring iran to the table to make a deal and that that hasn't been the case we haven't seen the same trends actually convince iran that they need to do that so i think by constraining the opportunities for diplomacy and pushing for sanctions we can get closer and closer to it never will situation where we have to decide ok iran is on the threshold of having this capability. this ages done and now is it time for the war option and right and in addition to the same share. but we are seeing the signs that the u.k. is preparing to go to war and the us also is preparing to go to war if that if it
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comes to that and with this report coming out today do you think that it could provide fresh justification to go to war with iran here's approach with the so-called military option there is no option to stop iran from developing nuclear weapons capability through war you can knowledge. any military operation against iran could be set the program that they have in place back a couple years you can't stop the program and what it can certainly do is convince iran to pursue a nuclear weapon right to throw out the eye and actually make that decision and with all this is brewing i mean do you expect another conflict where they run similar tire rack but i hope not i hope not we'll see what happens. at the u.n. we'll see what happens in terms of the united states and the p five plus one. trying to pivot away from putting iran into
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a corner that it can get out of into presenting diplomatic options to bring iran into the fold where there is actually a safeguards and transparency in place on its nuclear program and that was demobbed the policy director of the national iranian american council now with the relief today of the report detailing our arms nuclear capability is there are many ways in which conservative power houses such as the heritage foundation all that are already surrounding the alarm bells and laying the foundation for war are to correspondent christine for the outtakes the organizations it takes a look at the organizations history and how many hands and what's to come in the future. former u.s. justice department official john yoo is not quite the love it by everyone yet i know many do you know right. on where ground zero. here you are. but here at the heritage foundation he is welcomed with open arms as. does not
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represent. what he does represent ideals often adopted by conservative pundits and politicians including you who wrote the memo giving legal justification for the use of torture saying federal law doesn't apply to interrogations of enemy combatants we shouldn't have our one our one hand tied behind our back and we are still just seizing police and f.b.i. we might need to use a milter president george w. bush chose this sympathetic venue to defend his appointment of michael mukasey his nomination for attorney general in jeopardy after he refused to declare waterboarding illegal senate leaders must move this nomination out of committee. bring it to the senate floor floor. and confirm this good man founded in one thousand nine hundred seventy three a conservative think tank is said to promote free enterprise limited government and for this no american values of critics they decisions made in here have less to do
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with democracy more to do with corporate interests this is an organization that pushes a corporate agenda and a war profiteers agenda and have a right wing religious agenda there is war propaganda comment out of our ears in this town and it's those institutions like the heritage foundation that are that are the force behind it after an activist david swanson says those agendas are often fight for my powerful decision makers in washington we live in an increasingly dangerous world danger to our country remains very we're real and that the terrorists are still determined we were so uninformed about this threat from radical jihad us the power of the heritage foundation is its ability to shape the debate lead put out ideas that otherwise you might think were absolutely insane but because some mainstream corporate media television discussion and congressional
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discussion end up in which a solution ends up being passed into law during the one nine hundred eighty s. heritage pushed for a continued policy toward the soviet union so therefore you can fund the mujahideen you find the nicaraguan contras you back maoist groups. in angola. anything to weaken the soviet empire which was seen as the overwhelming threat posed by traditional right wing nationalists of the kind you find it heritage interventionist policies critics say still haunt america and yet continue to be pushed for time and time again in washington christine frees out our team. and from our knowledge as i spoke to david swanson author this right here when the world's out lot of war i asked him what impact inserted think tanks have and drumming up support for war here is his response. tremendous impact and they
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carry this agenda forward are an up plan that spans decades and they proceed with a similar agenda as presidents and congresses of the two parties come and go and they rotate their own staffers and think tankers in and out of official government positions and back to the think tank these are the people who lead the destruction of welfare as we knew it during the clinton years they are for small government meaning small nonmilitary government they lead the driving of the national debt and the military spending when reagan was president they don't have a problem with reckless spending and deficits they have a problem with spending our money on anything other than the military or wars and they completely. congress and why do they are you say why and why do they continue to push the janda and your opinion on it and who stands to benefit from them going
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to war. well going to war with nations with huge oil supplies has been the desire of the oil corporations for decades going to war with a privatized military and a very profitable military industrial complex is a money making machine for certain interests and there are those who think it's politically advantageous and strategically beneficial to be building more bases in more countries of the reasons that we go into these wars are often numerous they just don't include the ones we are told such as suspicions of nuclear programs and so forth and the report just came out today which supposedly have provide some justification for going to war with iran when he ran. the u.k. and now preparing to go to war in the us also preparing to go to war so let me extend you think that we're thing the same thing behind this report. that as far
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as this this point from these organizations. to go with the war. well i think that if you mean the same thing as around two thousand to two thousand and three i think it's very similar but i think the bar has been lowered their you know you're not required any longer to claim that they actually have nukes in or about to almost within forty five minutes you can now get away with just claiming that they're working on programs and they might get there some day and that means need to go in preemptively and if it's done in a way that risks few u.s. lives and relatively few u.s. dollars there may be little resistance certainly there is no congressional resistance to going to war without congress as we've seen with libya so there was no need to to go through the same routine of lying to congress that that bush and
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cheney public with. that was david swanson author of the book when the worlds out lot of war well shifting gears a bit despite the issue issuing of this year reporting the potential showdown that might come of it we have we here at hertz you have been a little confused as to how little airtime it's been getting in the mainstream news instead these are the stories catching the attention of those in the mainstream outlets. justin bieber justin bieber justin bieber. for michael jackson herman cain herman cain what you did you were inappropriate to people why did this woman decide to go public right now are. now come on doesn't america really need to watch the entire press conference of the latest woman to come out and accuse her of unwanted sexual advances because they really impact anyone's lives you know whether or not justin bieber is the father of a three month old baby and it was a completely necessary to cover the michael jackson trial twenty four seven
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meanwhile mainstream media ratings are going down unless n.b.c. lost five percent of its viewers in two thousand and ten fox news is down eleven percent and c.n.n. is down seventeen percent so what so americans really want to see the never ending sex scandals or the threat of nuclear war well we decided to find out what you think our own broadcast journalists are going to miss out on has more. of the stars letterman cain says he will respond to the latest allegation of sexual harassment clearly michael jackson was a drug addict most people probably believe he's going to be convicted of involuntary manslaughter you guys heard of something that's happened with a guy named herman cain yes. potentially yes i have heard of the latest news on herman cain have you also heard about the michael jackson trial yes i have yes i've heard the allegations about conrad murray and believes his name
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and the doctor that allegedly poisoned him have you guys heard another. recent i.e. report saying that a run it was sort of on the threshold sort of is on the threshold of nuclear capabilities and west is pretty worried about but here we go. you know i don't know yeah actually i have not heard the news about that and it's interesting that you would bring that up because that seems much more maybe significant would you rather hear about herman cain's exploits or would you rather hear about it's something pertaining to nuclear weapons i would like to hear something about pertaining to nuclear weapons i think i'd rather hear less about herman cain sexual allegations i think michael jackson is getting way too much coverage in my opinion i don't care about that case or anything else that's going on with it i don't think michael jackson's what's important to me that's for sure i think there's a lot of other things that i don't look for in the news tonight i would hope that
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you know they would give good coverage to the things that are going to be you know seriously affecting our country well there you have it it seems americans agree on one thing he'd like to see some news with thank you reporting from washington i'm not going to say to r.t. . well that does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to r.t. dot com slash usa and check out our youtube page it's youtube dot com slash artsy america you can also follow me on twitter as well have a great night and say ten for the thom hartmann show coming up at nine o'clock. was he did the police corruption it. was like what i post stuff though nobody seems to know.
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