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tv   [untitled]    November 8, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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already there calling at the cemetery where it is too damn high party expecting a low voter turnout. coming up i'll tell you who the real freeloaders in our economy are and what we everyone needs to see to understand the heist that has screwed arca. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through to people made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery to see where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour today corporate america is the biggest welfare recipient in our country that wasn't always the case i'll tell you how organized money has been able to pull off the biggest ice the american dream and his bunga bunga sex party days may be over silvio berlusconi is back in the headlines today but this latest development is not up to his usual colorful standards and later infamous feely take i'll tell you
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otherwise of a new global empire maybe the best thing that's ever happened in the united states at least in generations. if republicans such as sarah palin and paul ryan really hate crony capitalism and welfare and they should join the occupy wall street according to a new report by citizens for tax justice not only are massive highly profitable corporations not paying their fair share in taxes but they're collecting great big welfare checks as well and no industry is collecting more corporate welfare for you and me the taxpayer than a wall street bank stories rake in seventeen percent of all the taxpayer subsidies that our government dishes out utility companies come in second telecommunications third and the oil barons are in fourth place when it comes to collecting taxpayer
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subsidies. and over the last three years the largest single recipient of federal subsidies was not other than mega bank wells fargo i guess now we really know who the takers are and who the makers are but it wasn't always this way the government wasn't always in the business of padding the pockets of big business used to be in the business of protecting the middle class and then something happens that something is the subject of a new film little soon be hitting theaters and could serve as the historical and intellectual backdrop for the entire occupy wall street movement that movie is called heist who stole the american dream joining me now this time for use would be for the richest people delete them from nobody else. this is been the greatest wellspring term in history at least of the american kind if not maybe kind this is a place where the folks who are in charge of running the economy. red light red
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light and red light and caused car wreck after a car wreck after car maker and don't want something which hasn't even been a conversation. for thirty years we've been turning up the heat on average americans slowly and it's been turned up at such a slow pace that if you say this is a crisis people look at you as if you we're going to make sure any of the american public can no longer feed their families where they have a crisis and that's where we're headed. joining me now from los angeles of the filmmakers behind a heist journalist and former c.n.n. news editor frances causey and veteran social issues filmmaker donald goldwater welcome to you both. thank you tom thanks for joining us it will certainly donald what provoked you to get involved in making this movie. well it
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began with francis actually starting out in the southern part of arizona making a film about undocumented workers who were being picked up. by us were telling of the desert and then we have crossed paths in the spring of two thousand and six and she brought the film to my attention it's it's remarkable francis when did this shift happen when did our governments stop promoting the middle class and start basically promoting big business. well it really all begins in the early seventy's with a secret memo called the power memo and from that organized business in the form of the business roundtable in the u.s. chamber of commerce begin this massive lobbying effort and so by nine hundred seventy eight jimmy carter has already begun the deregulation of industry
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and really probably the seminal moment came with the defeat of a major labor reform bill as a result of lobbying by big business outspent labor three to one and then it was it was a beginning of reaping the spoils is there anything in him in american history of that's analogous to what's going on right now. france was sort of well there you know i think what is happening now is pretty much on precedented even though if you look at laissez faire capitalism in the united states in the nineteenth century and of course leading up to the great depression with the crush of the stock market in one thousand twenty nine you could say big business certainly had its way then. and ordinary people didn't have before but what's happened here is you've had
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a major reversal of fifty years of progressive legislation i thought a real level beginning with the new deal that has systematically been eroded and with an amazing rise of the right wing heavily funded by. a number of corporate millionaires and billionaires that starts in the one nine hundred seventy s. so you see the emergence of heritage foundation cato and cetera et cetera et cetera and these are or as the film for itself through david cay johnston these are ideological marketing organizations they are not nonpartizan think tanks as you would find them on campuses francis is pretty unprecedented. francis on this program and in many of our conversations and debates we've pointed out that when a conservative buys a politician basically or you know ransom or. that they're making an investment
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if because they're going to get back in tax cuts or tax breaks or benefits to their corporation whereas when a liberal fly and philanthropist donates to to a progressive politician they're actually going to see their own taxes go up there's there's arguably not a good business deal in that for them so given how how circular this is how deeply entrenched the crux of force of money is and how successful that money is that actually succeeding the corruption back you know the cycle how do we break it out how do we how do we extract ourselves. well i think you know you have to have public funding of elections i mean senator sanders is wonderful in the movie talking about that and robert crandall the former chairman of american airlines is in the movie saying you know people don't want to hear this but lobbyists are buying votes and so you've got to take money you've got to take money out of
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politics as best you can one of the things that i've it's not in the film but you know i'd love to put it out there is you know make broadcast stations give free airtime to politicians you know i think they've got to be some way it's got to be some way where we can instantly take money a huge amounts of money that it takes to become you know to get elected you've just got to take it out of the cycle and donal how does how does the movie play with this the wrong way to phrase the question but the extraordinary coincidence of your movie coming along and the occupy wall street movement coming along with very very similar messages i'm curious your thoughts on that resonance or coincidence. well we premier the film on october thirteenth in the valley california the novelli film festival and the audiences were just staggered by. the
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coincidence as you put it of the movie coming out along with occupy wall street coming out in september seventeenth a few weeks before and that is in the consistent message from everybody who's had a chance to see the film thoughts for which really numbers in the hundreds of this film has not yet been broadly released but everybody is stunned by how the movie totally overwhelmed with this occupy wall street movement you know we didn't time to release in connection with the merchants of occupy wall street but what we did know when we started out making this film was there was going to be an economic collapse. we didn't know exactly when it was going to happen but we didn't know what was going to happen in fact robert kuttner in his book the squandering of america released in august two thousand and seven predicted it would happen as did
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a number of other. progressive economists who are prone to the right wing messaging machine if you will about how wonderful our economy was and ironically we were on wall street we were in new york the week that wall street collapsed we can september fifteenth two thousand and eight so so we've had two amazing coincidences of this film that's just the morals and the film is brilliant and disclosure i'm i'm the narrator and so i just know it was the anybody. but but even if i was i would just want to say i think it's an absolutely brilliant film francis thank you both so much for being with us tonight and for making this movie thank you thanks for joining us and you can learn more about it by the way by going to heists dash movie dot com.
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just. the good the bad of a very very supine you know violently ugly good. farrago woolen mills little factory in minnesota has been a community stable since the eighteen hundreds employing local workers and shipping american made world blankets and other products all over the world that was until two thousand and nine when the factory went under and the company and all its machinery was slated to be sold in offshore. ice when two cars struck and called stepped up at the last minute what the company and reopened again in fair bobus minnesota putting many of the men and women in the right back to work the fact currently the company has thirty five employees but expects to be up to fifty but yet here in the new owners hope that others will follow their lead. people are a little tired of hearing me. going overseas paul moody went on to say we're going
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to do it here and i think that message can hopefully carry over to other industries and get back to manufacturing here in the united states well set time to bring back american manufacturing the bat suffolk county new jersey new york jumping on the austerity bandwagon suffolk county is making some tough budget cuts in particular one budget cuts the surely children and one old war veteran in suffolk county disappointing county has decided to save six hundred bucks by doing away with santa claus this year at means eighty three year old world war two veteran david mackell was gob to say have a suit and suffolk county over the last ten years is out of a job so g.o.p. t.v. also known as fox of old news is looking for ground zero in the war on christmas this year send a satellite truck to suffolk county a.s.a.p. but we have a second good tonight. as an update to this story steve bologna who is running for
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suffolk county executive at the polls today has announced that he will pay said his expenses with his own money to make sure the local kids don't miss out on the annual tradition of visiting santa after county run st james' general store the oldest continuously running general store in the county campaign guinevere not mr blown asked to be given credit for saving christmas in suffolk county and the very very ugly greg got feel the rising star over a g.p. g.o.p. t.v. explained news viewers what the difference is between the tea party and occupy wall street. but you're so in a sense maker's occupy wall street are takers but here we go again with fox so-called news is makers versus takers argument pitting americans against americans and considering the tea party takes their orders from millionaires takes free bus rides to tea party rallies takes all the free swag and tea party convention sponsored by corporations and billionaires and takes all the free public city from five so-called news a well occupy wall street has had two from the beginning and
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continues to make everything themselves from campsites to media attention even general consensus i think i feel has is makers versus takers distintion upside down and that's a very. religious crony alerts what do you do when you're a small time crook and former cruise ship lounge singer who went into business with a partner now in prison and bought a radio station and a t.v. station in a newspaper that another radio station then another t.v. station then another newspaper then a radio network going to t.v. network and you end up owning about ninety five percent of the media scene in italy . what silvio berlusconi did was created his own political party and he did all that stuff too that i just described a moment ago and once he created his own political party ran for prime minister with his billions and the full support of his own only own versions of fox news fox radio and parks newspaper and surprise he won three times and through scandal after
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scandal each one more blush inducing than the last and accusations of corruption and conflicts of interest it would have brought most powerhouses down in one news cycle perilous gone he has managed to keep his office and his bill it's now apparently at something as arcane as the economy it's doing him in earlier today berlusconi offered to resign after the italian parliament passes a key economic reform bill as the country teeters on the brink of a full. crisis in a highly anticipated parliamentarian showdown berlusconi won a budget vote on tuesday but only after the opposition abstain this showed the political defections among his own supporters that left him roughly eight votes short of a majority in parliament leaving him vulnerable to a no confidence vote that could be forced on him by the opposition assumes wednesday so berlusconi who has miraculously won more than fifty no confidence
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votes over nearly two decades in power is about to become or maybe about to become the highest profile political victim of europe's roiling debt crisis because this truly is a case of the end justifies the means. after the break china is set to become the next economic superpower in the world so why is that a good thing i'll explain in tonight's daily to. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to create through get through if you can maybe who can you trust no one who is in view with the lobel machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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your take my take is the same of the show when we answer your questions comments criticisms and opinions for your own picture jack called the viewer rant line recently to bring to my attention a video that has gone viral in the blogosphere the police were dressing up in you know in civilian clothes and becoming part of the protest and there is definitive proof with the police there were dressed protesters showing the
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protesters and men in uniform at a later date so that might be something to look at because it seems pretty clear. that there was violence instigated. by somebody very likely could have been these. law enforcement infiltrators. and here's a look at the video that jack was just talking. her. her. her her.
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maybe even the wreck. that we have not been able to independently verify if the individuals in the video are in fact members of the oakland police department none of the officials we contacted comment on the story but the video is quite compelling point here is that the patriots who are out there in oakland and new york city and here in washington d.c. and hundreds of other occupy wall street protests around the country are most mostly out there peacefully protesting the corporate greed and conservative
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economic policies that landed us in the middle of a national tragedy with massive unemployment in over twenty million people now living in severe poverty confrontations with the police and violence of any kind only detract from that message in fact organizers of occupy oakland as well as organizers of most of the other ninety nine percent protests across the country have all disavow the violence and vandalism that unfolded in open last week we have to be very wary of fringe groups whether they be undercover police or anybody else to try to manipulate what can often be frustrating and tense situations to push their own agendas. and this is the message that filmmaker and activist michael moore reiterated during his impromptu visit to occupy denver last week. truck or third story while i have
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a watch or something thank you kareen for trial we have got. her purpose trying to. generalize. that first one. so get out there and occupy something just do your part to keep it feet peaceful that's it for my take your take tonight if you'd like your questions and comments heard on this segment a big picture listen we want to know your take send us your comments what is in the tom harkin facebook page by twitter and underscore her or in the chat room on the message boards or the blog at thom hartmann doug you can also leave a message on our rant line at two to buy three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all along to remember that your comments may be used on the year.
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poured into the international monetary fund china will overtake the united states as the world's top economy in just five years come twenty sixteen it will be the end of the american empire as we know it and it will be the best news our nation has received in a very very long time from our military misadventures abroad to our crumbling infrastructure and a woefully slow start on adopting alternative energy here at home to our reliance on banks in their boom bust cycles to the loss of made in america manufacturing the corruption of our media and the disintegration of accountability in our government . there were numerous troubling sign posts along our nation's road to ruin but many of these dangers are lurking just below the surface they're not generally a top of mind for most americans but in two thousand and sixteen when china becomes the new top power player in the world economy then will no longer be able to ignore
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america's fall from grace and on that day we'll have to look ourselves in the mirror and say you know maybe this whole empire thing was a bad idea from the get go empire is cancer every single nation that has decided to extend beyond its borders to pursue empire has also succumbs to it that happen to the greeks it happened the romans it happened to the vikings it happened of the spanish the french the british the germans the soviets the vatican the ottoman empire no empire that has ever existed still exists today aside from the united states and our clock is taking as because empire depends on three things bread and circus and war war is
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a critical component of all empires since it employs the young citizens of the empire and brings back home critical resources to keep the empire expanding the romans for example were brought wood and slaves for the spanish war broader role and slaves for us war brings oil and thanks to these natural resources from abroad the bread to feed citizens at home and the circus to keep everyone entertained it can all keep the holders of empire in power all across the empire. but like a cancer this continuous growth and parasitic existence of empire of the idea and the reality of it is unsustainable eventually the places they can easily be ward upon are vanquished or they begin to fight back as was the case of
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the british empire when the american colonies revolted and then the colonies in india revolted against the british as well and without war without a steady influx of more gold or more wood or more slaves or more oil than the empire runs out of the ability to produce bread and circuses. and the empire begins to unravel that's where we are today here in the united states in the middle of the great unraveling where early on these collapse these classes painless they often lead to great depressions civil wars military takeovers but we may be able to avoid the traumatic collapse if we begin planning for the transition right now first we must realize that our nation was never intended to be a great empire thomas jefferson dreamed of america as a self-sufficient peaceful agrarian nation he debated the future of america at
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length with one of his chief political rivals alexander hamilton who envisioned the united states as a global empire that would soon supplant the british empire ultimately hamilton's vision won out and the united states did replace britain as a great empire and bus caught the cancer that has claimed the life of every other empire in history it's not too late to return to jefferson's vision not only is it not too late it may well be our only hope as we stand on the precipice of collapse. if if china wants to be the next empire if they want to carry the cancerous burden of being a superpower then let them make the same mistakes we've made because when it comes to empire we have been there done that wrote the book and it's time to move on
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just like every other nation that has been an empire has eventually moved on from britain to the vikings norway to germany and experienced a rebirth in an overall better quality of life today than they had when they were emperor it's time to dust off the old jefferson books and figure out how to be a respected self-sufficient and exceptional nation and not the police officers of the era of american dominance may be ending but out of it and american renaissance people as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website at thom hartmann dot com for speech dot org. you can also check out our two you tube channel or links to thom hartmann dot com this entire show is also available for free video podcast and i tunes and we have a free time when i phone i pad app yes it's honest feedback on twitter
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a tom underscore arbonne on facebook it's all of the scrubbing and it's all the time until forget democracy begins when you get out there and get active ok your it occupies a seat.


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