tv [untitled] November 9, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EST
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ten pm wednesday night or a moscow welcome my name is kevin now in our top story on r t this a rad won't back down from its nuclear program in the face of any new sanctions so says the country's president to random night it was developing atomic weapons as suggested in the latest report by the international nuclear watchdog a few days ago israel spoke of potential military action against iran raising fears the findings could be a pretext to an attack arties going to cannes following developments as catch up with it and live a good evening the reporter said strong ripples in it across the international community. kevin it did the u.s. and friends called for a meeting of the u.n. security council to discuss the possibility of imposing a new round of sanctions on iran washington and european and some european leaders would ideally want to impose crippling economic sanctions that would further
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isolate iran but we know that two of the permanent members of the u.n. security council that is russia and china have made it clear that they don't want to cripple the uranium economy and that they say further isolating iran would be counterproductive for example russia so for a deputy foreign minister said eighty additional sanctions on iran would. would be perceived by the international community as an instrument for regime change in tehran the statement itself indicates how opposed russia is to tougher sanctions against iran instead russia put forward an offer which is still on the table and that is for iran to fully cooperate on inspections and to prove that what they say about the civilian purpose of their nuclear research is true and is not a cover up for war for a weapons program and in return the international community would be ready to consider lifting sanctions and that's the offer which is still standing iran's says they won't back off from developing nuclear technologies tensions are really high
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israel was hinting that they are gearing towards preemptive towards a preemptive strike washington say all options are on the table but despite tough rhetoric coming from both israel and the u.s. many that washington in tel aviv are most likely to use the report as political leverage to try and isolate iran and possibly to put a dent you know in flourishing economic relations with china. took us through this report let's try and pick across some of the details of what exactly is in there the deserves so much reaction bring us up to speed on. well kavin the new the u.n. nuclear watchdog report itself does not reveal a smoking gun but it sure hyped up fears that iran continues research on nuclear weapons the international atomic energy agency claims that iranians. have it they claim that they have iranian computer models of nuclear warheads which the
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watchdog use as a possible indication that you ran plans to build an atomic bomb among other evidence a satellite image of a steel container that might be used to secretly test the high explosives needed to needed to trigger a nuclear weapon the agency says its report is based on the intelligence gathered by a number of countries including the united states but the u.s. intelligence has a history of presenting false evidence back in two thousand and three to make a case for the war in iraq it presented evidence that seemed so very solid at the time but turned out to be a hoax it included satellite images of the base where saddam hussein was believed to train al qaeda terrorists evidence of labs for biological weapons aluminum tubes presented as components of centrifuges to enrich uranium with all this in mind analysts say the international community have to be careful as to how they interpret the evidence presented in the latest report on iran's nuclear program the
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question many are now ask is could the un's atomic watch doc report serve as a justification to start a war with iran but security experts say the consequences to such action would be catastrophic going to turn things for us have to learn from washington d.c. . more common now and talk about this report and its findings with some of the very heart of the growing tensions earlier today is the radio to the international atomic energy agency he's joining us now are producing the line from vienna. so much for coming on to our two international what's what's striking about this report is how strongly the qs is run your country of pursuing a nuclear weapons program considering measured the. normally is and has been in the past isn't that already a credible argument that it is changing its toe. well first of all this support is not professional and not balance and these with political motivation and under
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political pressure by us and couple of the western countries this report has an an excel fifteen pages of the allegations and the materials which were handed over only last week to us in a confidential manner and therefore least under this into probably is a game. of confidentiality and therefore that is the reason that is the reason is basser of russia and china made a marsh. to director john not to do this mistake which is against this we need a letter of a statute and yes said they did not allowing movement even it means more than one hundred countries also decide it and detroit and bastille of in and i movement met director general and in fact to warn him not to distribute but he totally ignored the call by all the one hundred countries of member states and he distribute it
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which is in fact creating these tension what whatever it is india in this material and extradition of poor has nothing in priests were new and i think that perhaps it is good that it is now all in the access of the people of the work to see that all these noises that they made it is nothing in it there is no evidence and i want to tell that no meant to document have been delivered to iran on the allegation for the last six years and that is what it was criticised by our brother he and mr brady could barely reported several times that there was no ascent to city about american legation ambassador ok this might be take it back to brass tacks what you want to get something straight before we continue with this interview are you saying you do not trust the i.a.e.a. . well no please make a distinction i am means member states and yet as secretary of the member states we are working closely for over eight years you have had over four thousand man day
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inspection in iran and over three hundred. visits and all of these agency has in fact reflected continuously even mr amano reported on mr brady that they found in no evidence of diversion even alone one gram of uranium to military purpose only one thing is about the allegations of course we don't trust director general approach is of right one he has violated the principle of confidentiality roy put in fact and that is why is question because in fact i approach what i'm boss of the information however it got there is out there the accusations are clandestine procurement of a quick desired information needed to make arms like this high explosives testing and detonate a development to sort of a nuclear charges allegedly a satellite picture of a. building at parchin need to run a metal building whether it's correct or not i don't know this is what's in the report computer modeling of a core of
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a nuclear warhead proprietary work for nuclear weapons test these are the allegations in that report they must concern you surely know i have had. in fact in the past all roughly four years ago we had about one hundred hours of meeting with these specters above these sort of allegations of course they didn't deliver that document because america has prevented agency to do it a short in a public one present ation and i was chairing that meeting in older the meetings and finally one hundred seventeen pages. we proved that all these allegations are baseless and fabricated and there is none of these material day short of us had any classification how can you can you ever imagine that you are giving the materials about company cations between different ministries about me size shoukry all these communications that make fabrication none of them had any class if occasion and this is what even the inspectors were shocked and now i'm telling you whatever is
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distributed by mr amano yesterday they have not had their live or any sort of document or evidence to prove it and i call through you they have to believe evidence will lie about evidence to the whole ward all these are allegations we are categorically rejecting this allegation we are all for peace would use of nuclear energy and that we are against nuclear weapon what we are his what purposes we are against nuclear weapon of course and last week there was a resolution in security united nation proposed by iran and all the united states israel and european voted against it it means that they do not have genuine call for war three were on nuclear weapon we are for nuclear energy for peaceful purposes of course so i know your point of view there are taken absolutely a point of view but could you also see that some of the technologies that are used for peaceful nuclear energy production could conceivably if you wanted to maybe
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be converted for more sinister means in the future and this is a worry. issue that memory warrior mr bradley once said they're very good point he said nobody could read the intention and age as it does not have any money toward two money toward the intention of the others of course many countries like japan or any other countries which have tons of apollo and tony on the high enriched uranium they could be accused of going to a nuclear weapon in fact all nuclear activities particularly in reach when are on their day continuous inspection and twenty four hours cameras and a fact the nuclear fission could be used for reactor and it could be for nuclear weapon it doesn't mean that any country has a reactor four hundred reactors all over the world are for the purposes the important thing is that we are party to n.p.t. all activities are on the i.a.e.a. safeguards and we have had even as of
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a snapshot short visit unannounced inspection this is great and we two months ago invited the pretty director general of i.a.e.a. to even visit the r. and d. of centrifuges in richmond can you give me any examples of any inspector being permitted to any sense in any other part of the war so to cut to the chase you're telling me tonight the i.a.e.a. is completely happy with the way your country is conducting its nuclear activities yes please read the temp pages of the report of director general which says that all activities including a reach went are continuously on there to safeguard inspection the only second part which is the annex is about the american allegation and of course mr amano is just repeating that we should in fact deal with this allegation without giving the documents because americans or are not permitting team to deliver to us ambassador and this is a situation of course this news lying today this piece of paper i'm holding this this report that's been leaked out though it's a gift for israel isn't it great p.r.
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for them to bang the drum it's a bold link them to say maybe maybe they want to make a preemptive strike. well of course nobody dared to attack iran because eight years of imposed. was supported by united states of others proved that iranian nation would protect the country at any price but the are the people with thousand years of civilization and we invite all over the war who are dialogue and discussion and civilized approach that is why in the our the invite all countries whoever have any question come and we remove ambiguity is within different world war i stop this childish allegations and sanctions none of these sanctions that affected our nuclear activities because we are continuing indigenously in fact making are also interviews parts and will continue without any interruption but the only thing is that western countries to learn a lesson that if they tell iranian nation you must dance it is no with the loud
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voice if the ask iranian nation please do something we will show maximum flexibility as we have done so and even sometimes we have gone beyond our legal obligation and we have cooperated with our year that is the key to do it solution the solution for all problems that western countries have it iran ok. and iranian ambassador to the original here watchdog the international atomic energy agency thank you for taking the time to be on r.t. my place. thousands of demonstrators have marched on central london venting their anger over education cuts a tripling of chile should freeze around twenty campaigners were arrested but there was no repeat of the violent scenes witnessed on the streets of a similar demo a year ago artie's i have a bet it was more. now in our the end point this is just on the edge of the city along in the financial history the jolie about one hundred fifty protesters left actually there hemmed in by police so no more can join them that is waiting for
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them to disperse they're playing music dancing i've still got some of their placards up there really celebrating what in the last call for them has been a successful protest odds say because that is he probably had an ear quite the ten thousand the organizer expect miss certainly over five thousand and they came from ole overbridge and from as far as field is stolen and they came here to campaign against tuition fee hikes which will see university fees. here nine thousand pounds next year as triple what they are the moment and also education costs and i spoke to some of them earlier today as well they have to say education cuts don't have a halo i mean this is something that we eat we really need the government to do because they're coming up our generation of working class students are going to get a bus because just want to. so that they have a listen now what i think the slightly more time we're doing whatever we have we're just asking you powerfully please just stop what you're doing the train they believe in the government things that make money on the people rather than
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themselves the payment and the whole reason why this is happening is not all and half rate they're just trying to make sure the government pays and they said yeah right that's all our have been a least twenty arrests made with us mon mainly for people who started throwing sticks and bricks at one point to police but that was quickly dealt with by the police who starts to use this procedure called kettling where they stop any protesters from from dispersing they gather them in one place and that actually. was offensive today some thought that might escalate tensions and violence is certainly after they threatened to use plastic bullets violence escalates which for the first time for a pre-planned protests in mainland u.k. there slowly i spoke to chris non and from the coalition for resistance on that matter the people have all sorts of political views and i. under the impression that i was allowed in this country. was the announcement that was my incredibly provocative announcement that was made that there's going to be rubber bullets in
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preparation for this demonstration he's absolutely outrageous i mean if anything is likely to increase the level of tension increase the level of distrust and the level of fear actually of the police he would have been that last year the student protests this time last year did flare up of course hence why the police have such a great presence these see here and there's a lot of violence r.c. but that hasn't been seen this year and the police are still out in force on the streets in spite most of the protesters evaporating here as police on the street were numbered four thousand say almost as many as the protests even that's how serious they were taking these protests and how they say the students certainly got their message across the police are still here wait to see if it does kick off again and we'll continue to keep you updated on twitter feed is r t london bureau. nato peacekeepers have used tear gas to take control of one of the barricades in northern kosovo built by local serbs several months ago in an ongoing border
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dispute but the success of the k. four troops was short lived after a new block was put up further down the road the crackdown comes just days after the head of the un drew attention to the increasing number of attacks on service living in northern kosovo but the political analyst xander pavitra told me believes there's a bigger picture behind nato as actions in serbia right now. they've been doing it for years now and they've broken their mandate actually they're doing the job of the albanian control government in prishtina and they're doing it openly in spite of their mandate from the un which is supposed to be a peacekeeping mandate as he said to keep to the warring sides separate this is an aggressive show of force and their acting like an occupier instead of peacekeepers they're behind the crisis in greece they're behind a crisis in iran we're seeing right now see sawing of the new world disorder and serbia as one of the flashpoints correspondent jeff skis visited the region to delve deeper into the causes behind the ongoing tension. that was
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perhaps not an obese venue for a wedding but this serbian couple living in northern ca civil decided to get married at the barricades and. to cool off we're going to be there here and does that we're doing. this to our barricades in northern kosovo have been standing for several months now for those who built them there just a part of everyday life not only have the kosovo serbs isolated themselves from the case for troops but also from their unwanted neighbors this is the famous bridge in the which splits the town into serbian and albanian parts it was called the bridge of friendship it was meant to symbolize that the two can easily live together but the size of the barricades on the serbian part tells the whole story of how serbs are unwilling to be part of the self-proclaimed state while the cemented barricades
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and it's a have become the town's main gathering spot tensions are still running high just a few killed. for every sound off the call the case for troops managed to demolish serbs built two piles there are times when the too close is taking place simultaneously. and. people like you see. the. serbs say they have no choice but to continue barricading themselves in they believe albanians would not hesitate to wipe them off their land forcefully help they believe by k. for troops despite constant clashes even making changes and political pressure from belgrade because civil servants have become accustomed to living this cage they have built for themselves. it was hard at first when we run out of food and petrol but we serbs are people who used to improvise. and finding
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a way out we've built alternative routes through the mountains so now we can again receive supplies we prevented a humanitarian catastrophe. the orthodox priest of the town's brand new temple sat he has never been busier with all the people flocking in lately to pray for the well being of their families. has seen different hard times even being at my bird turkey ones but stories we've stewed all tests of times and everyone and make sure of it so no use this land is the cradle of the serb culture and statehood or. another deadlock in this balkan melting pot continues belgrade is still unwilling to resume negotiations with pristina which could put great to this standoff but while politicians clash this sort of family has little trust in diplomacy their kids may be too young to realize what it's all about and why they are being shown the barriers but there is little doubt what views they will inherit
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once they grow up. r.t. reporting from. in kosovo. is the end of an era for italy as prime minister silvio berlusconi declares he's throwing in the towel after a scandal ridden decade in power his promise resignation comes with a brief precondition though the parliament passes a series of budget cuts to keep its sinking economy afloat our correspondent has more on what means that for the embattled country. we've seen a lot of concern today that it's least related to easing culchie to be sucked into a death spiral from which there might be neighbor turn now we saw today it's these borrowing costs past that seven percent threshold that's extremely significant because that was the trigger point which we saw countries searches ireland portugal and greece when they passed it have to then ask for emergency ballot systems from the usa and the i.m.f. now is to say significant because it's the point at which investors have their risk
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threshold and start to look at countries such as this really with a very large debt and ask with interest rates that sort of level whether or not the country is going to be able to pay back what it is and investors will then stop lending and that would be absolutely disastrous for a country such as italy with such an extortionate debt level at the moment we see the situation develop today extremely unprecedented rate really the year is a quite to spreading from one country to the next from the financial situation to a political situation of course it's really has been a different now we know prime minister berlusconi has said that he's going to step down once a budget reforms have been passed and he said today he has no plans to stand for elections that she said he called for elections in february and he also put the name forward angeleno al found that someone who is quite close to berlusconi in his government was the minister of justice now of course is uncertain exactly what is
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going to happen because the decision about when if elections are going to be held doesn't lie with prime minister berlusconi and lies to the italian president and he's yet to come out and say exactly what his plans are whether they'll be early elections or possibly some kind of interim government now of course we need to remember is that an interim government at this point early elections is that saloon a certainty that they're going to be able to push these necessary measures through that of course such. the problem in the first place and this is really what causes a much concern amongst the marketplace is is whether it's really has the political will to push through these measures and it was being very very clear today is a new government and how and when that will be formed is not going to be a quick fix solution to the very critical situation it's in now finds itself. we were watching very closely for you sir for the roma for us well let's check out the business owners check out indeed how those markets are reacting to the bad
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borrowing news that came out of italy today and also cause all of my headlines to bring us up to date is bad. i'm mad reza with your business bulletin and the big story that we start out with russia's accession to the w t o after eighteen years of trying russia finally clearing the last hurdle to join the world trade organization artie's laura smith has the details. the last of georgia's objections to russia joining the world trade organization has been dealt with the agreement signed taylor in geneva and allows the monitoring of old trades between russia and georgia including the russian south a set c. and by a private company next steps a working group oprah pac session documents which may be approved by friday bringing to an end an eighteen year process barring of course any last minute hitches the rush said w c a member say it will mean barriers to trade with other
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countries and smaller attractiveness to foreign investors it will also make it easier for russia to diversify its economy away from the oil and gas sector to the w.t. it provides access to trade in services including telecommunications and financial and business services analysts say any clear indication of a deal could be the russians don't market by five percent providing relief from that you raise date on sustenance say and the world bank says w c o entry could boost the size of the economy by more than three percent in the medium term. let's see how the markets are doing first to oil crude has turned higher after the us government supply reports showed an unexpected decline in crude inventories but concerns about euro zone debt crisis are still putting some pressure in light sweet currently trading around ninety five dollars a barrel brant holding at one thirteen. u.s. stock suffering have you off as italy's bond yields soared after
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a clearing house ways the margins required to trade the government bonds european stock markets closed in the red on. both the footsie on the dax down around two percent russian markets no exception to the downward trend the my six close more than three percent in the red the us lost more than four percent here's a quick look at some of the main movers on the bisects exchange of oil majors erased earlier games with rosneft losing more than two percent france's total considering the possibility of joining the russian company in developing a project in the black sea electricity producer iata russia also down the company revenues rose to twenty percent in the first nine months of the year russia's biggest lender spare bank also succumbing to the downward trend losing more than six percent years. from alpha capital to wrap up the trading day. today russia. was closer to live by. the market's. modest frew birds sound so safe.
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just like talks just slide docs s. and p. futures over two percent. of the european debt crisis but at the same time we'll see the. pattern is still in the market. was to be to. business news i'll be back with more next hour and you can find all the stories we're covering any time at r.t. dot com slash business.
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live from moscow this is our top stories here tonight to run says it will keep to its nuclear program denying claims in the u.n. nuclear watchdog leaks report that suggests it's building weapons experts so worried the study is just a pretext for a preemptive attack on iran. the high price of education draws thousands of students back to the streets of london at least twenty activists have been arrested though police abstain from using rubber bullets despite earlier warnings. peacekeepers have used tear gas to take over serbian barricade erected in northern kosovo it was a long lasting standoff in the region between kafeel forces and local serbs continue. on the leaning tower of debts collapses on its knees beer and butter scully has promised resignation sparking fresh market panic today and selling rome's.
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