tv [untitled] November 9, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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test yourself and become the free. nature can give you an oxy. live from moscow this is our tell you these are up top stories for you tonight to ram says it will keep to its nuclear program denying claims in the u.n. nuclear watchdog leaks report that suggests it's building weapons experts so the study is just a pretext for a preemptive attack on iran. the high price of education draws thousands of students back to the streets of london at least twenty activists have been arrested though police abstain from using rubber bullets despite earlier rulings. nato peacekeepers have used tear gas to take over serbian barricade erected in northern kosovo it was a long lasting standoff in the region between cultural forces and local serbs
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continue. on the leaning tower of debts collapses on its knees beer and butter scully is promised resignation sparking fresh market panic today in selling rome's borrowing costs story. next relations between the u.s. and the muslim world and focuses r.t. talks to a former cia officer turned the story of michael show it here on r.t. . we're sitting down with michael scheuer the man who had served in the cia for more than twenty years up until two thousand and four i want to time he was the chief of the cia bin laden unit then he went and exposed how counter of fact to the russians his methods were in the fight against terror it looked at the u.s. through its enemies eyes in fact it's the title of one of his books called through our enemies i am very pleased to have
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a chance to interview you think i'm sure i'm glad to be here bin laden is gone who is rushing can snuggle warning me now washington's enemy is an enemy that doesn't exist we're fighting and in the sonic enemy that washington believes is out to kill us because we have elections because we are free because we have women in the workplace is an enemy that doesn't exist the didn't exist when the law was alive it doesn't exist now america is being attacked because of its foreign policy in the muslim world because of its support for israel because of its support for the saudi police state because of its presence on the your opponents and until we accept that until americans can say to each other whether you support aid to israel or not our relationship with israel is causing this war we are not going to be able to defeat this enemy and israel itself as a country is not the problem the real problem urged is the leaders of the jewish american community in the united states who influenced and corrupt our congress to
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support israel when we have no interest there imply that these three lobby is dragging the united states into the war that's a little late they're absolutely dragging us in iraq was a war that was for proffered was called for mainly then let me ask you this the situation in the region in the wake of all these revolutions in the middle east and north africa if you can pretty much describe it as turmoil turmoil is no good for israel isn't there a contradiction to what you're saying the american clue. nicholas stablish when it's caught between two things they're extremely put pro israel and they're almost marxist in their belief that gum ocracy in the spread of democracy is inevitable in all places and all peoples at all times and so they need to protect the israelis but they can't say what is a reality for example there is not going to be a democracy in tunisia or or or or libya or egypt that in any way resembles
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democracy in the west and yet they what they've done is create anarchy they've created a situation where the only beneficiaries are the islamists the guns that have flown out of egypt out of tunisia out of libya to the islamists have been enormous in their volume and the prisons that were opened in egypt tunisia and libya have reinforced the islamist groups across the world so there are mindless their mindless pursuit of secular democracy at the end of the day and dangers the stability of the region and probably the whole world are you saying we're going to see further radicalization of the region always specially in africa yes ma'am the guns that are flowing out of the three places where there were arab spring revolts are going to cause problems in somalia across north africa and in nigeria let's talk about syria yes syria says the earth will start shaking if anyone intervenes in their internal affairs how badly has the u.s. is the u.s.
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trying to interfere oh i think we're interfering unconscionable. until they removed the u.s. ambassador he was running around the country trying to encourage groups to overthrow the syrian government that is not the role of any diplomat united states or russian or chinese or british we have really very cold blooded lee urge syrians to get out in the street knowing that they're going to get shot down by their government. again syria is a country where there is no u.s. interest since i was a little boy we've been afraid of the syrians and if you look at the map it's hard to imagine that little blot a country called syria could be a threat to the united states the cia has reportedly worked with the syrian opposition for years but i'm not sure we work with syrian opposition we certainly work with the syrian government pulls. yeah well then if that's if it's there it's there but our our relationship with the syrians is really a relatively unimportant one but again it's another very good example of the
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dichotomy in the thinking of american leaders because as we call for democracy in syria if assad goes israel security goes straight down if the region becomes a complete mess doesn't washington see any dangers to israel i mean with iran involved he won't be pretty i think that's exactly right now i don't know what the thinking is except that they have come down in on the belief that democracy is better for everybody and the truth is american and western foreign policy interests in the middle east have depended for fifty years on the maintenance of tyranny tyranny their pregame us access to oil tyranny that protected israel and in the last twenty years tyrannies that persecuted islamists to protect us all of that is going by the wayside and the israelis credit these railways are the only ones who have stood up and said democracy may not be very good for our security and they
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couldn't be more correct about iran what's washington's plan for iraq whatever israel's plan is for romney both. parties republicans and democrats are deathly afraid that the israelis will attack them off their own hook and it is written israel attacks iran the americans will get blamed for condoning it whether we did or not so i think what we're seeing is a slow almost inexorable ed vance toward some kind of a conflict with with iran what do you make of these recent accusations that the iranian government was trying to kill the saudi ambassador in washington. i am not in a position to know whether or not that the information was accurate when i was a young intelligence officer i worked against iran and lebanese hizbullah and i can tell you in the ninety's they were meticulous in covering their tracks in only using as agents of terrorism their own people the plot that was described by the attorney general of the united states is a comic opera. it was
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a mexican drug cartel yeah and for to believe that the iranians would risk war with the united states israel and much of nato to kill a saudi ambassador who is not even part of the royal family that's hard for me to believe let's talk about libya we bere is in ruins in the wake of nato bombings its brimming with weapons and al qaida flight was planted over a courthouse in benghazi yet how good of a playground is the league here for. people with radical agenda very strong islamist presence in libya. there. since the war against the soviets in afghanistan . libya has sent as many of its people to fight in those insurgencies the islamist insurgencies as any other country in north africa maybe outside of saudi arabia the libyan islamic fighting group. fought a long time against the soviets they fought against gadhafi
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a great number of libyans went to iraq into afghanistan to fight us and whatever strength the libyan resistance he had in terms of military capability there came from experienced islamist fighters so the idea that somehow there's democracy afoot that libya is just simply wrong to become a. i don't know if it could become a hotbed of terror but it can become a country that's decidedly anti american and nato. it can be probably less a hotbed of terror than a country that is best really unstable it seems the u.s. is almost creating grounds for terrorist to search and then goes out fighting that we see it in pakistan they've got the whole nation alienated because of the strikes a lot of people want revenge how proficiency is that we are very efficient in this day and age in the last twenty years in creating and if we're not very efficient in creating security for the united states we have the best educated population in the
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world and we have the people with a few little list amount of common sense. how many times have we heard mr clinton mr bush mr obama say this has nothing to do with religion this is not a religious war this is a bunch of people who are just mad men we are definitely fighting a religious war and i till we come to realize that we are never going to be able to defeat it in fact we're we're encouraging the growth of the next of a new generation of people who are going to fight us the you. yes it's pulling its troops out of iraq but at the same time it's boosting its military presence in the persian gulf and more ground troops are pledged to be deployed new bases are being built what do you make of such expansion there it just demonstrates again the ignorance of the united states government in terms of its political leadership about what what what our problem is in the muslim world but the key point of formation for al qaeda was the presence of u.s.
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military forces and the. fifteen years after they declared war on us we're now going to take people out of iraq and put them in kuwait and bahrain and saudi arabia reinforcing our presence on the arab peninsula only going to cause us more photos and more enemies in the islamic world it's it's it's it's a it's a contradiction it's an it's a let me ask you this if the u.s. pulls out out of everywhere yes it's going to be the end of terrorism it certainly would would deny the terrorists the glue of unity that keeps them focused on the united states if we weren't the main enemy they would be attacking israel they would be attacking the saudis they would be taxed attacking the moroccans the war would be they would you say let them in and let them go free listen to saudi let them go sometimes they say the chinese will come in i said let the chinese deal with these people for the next fifty years we've had enough of it but i think the
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point is the americans can't get out we're dependent on the saudis to maintain our interests in the world oil market and the saudis buy next to the chinese more of our debt than anyone else so as long as we're side by side with the with the saudis and with the israelis we're stuck in the middle east that america will continue to bleed back to shore thanks for the yes ma'am. in canada and the us that it is legal for you to use a bubble bath on your baby that contains a known carcinogen something that causes cancer most of the shine to the most cooking the present day i suppose and i think the spirit and most of this kind gravestone not claim it's a conflict of interest today an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one
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thousand six hundred dollars a month oh my god i'm a nobody with cancer from my five therefore i protect focus because ninety to ninety five percent of cancers her people with self funded history of just the pharmaceutical industry spends about fourteen percent of their budget on research and development and about thirty one percent for marketing and ministration. in fact there are more pharmaceutical industry lobbyists in washington d.c. than members of congress. to. close up teen husbands or the pentagon creature for technological breakthroughs say humanoids. now archie goes to see. the interesting ways to protect me. where for me pioneers
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place local cuisine to the highest pitch. but where future developments depend on the way. russia's black sea coast should close up on our tree. more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world seeing from the streets of canada. showing up for asians are the day. the official. joint phone called touch from the. child's life on the go. video on demand.
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she's mine. and her feet in the palm of your. comb. the stories tonight says it will keep to its nuclear program denying claims of a new a nuclear watchdog leaked report that suggests it's building weapons experts are warning the study is the study is just a pretext for a preemptive attack on. the high price of education drills thousands of students back to the streets of london at least twenty activists been arrested so police are staying for music rubber bullets by the. nato peacekeepers have used tear gas to take control of a serbian barricade retinol because the vote has a long lasting standoff in the region between kafeel forces a local search continues. and the leaning tower of debts collapses on italy's pm
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but the skull and he has promised resignation spad fresh market they consent broke borrowing costs soaring. it scored to eleven at night here in moscow is cut short legged sport now you can see if the next fifteen minutes. good to have you with us this is for today plenty ahead including these stories in bringing. along the mighty we profile kontinental hockey league newcomers led. the attention ruffle the feathers of europe's elite sports. one win away and a.t.p. world finals place made his ever closer for both jewel fred song. in paris. green fees we hear the views of some of the top contenders ahead of the battle for gold so named asian major. going on the ice on
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continue our profile on clubs from europe strongest hockey league the cape shell it's been about tism all fire for new boys and left the proud so far but is rather for italian reports the slovak side or is fired up as their team song is to prove they belong. such. a c. look like they're a club from the pride of hockey all rocking and rolling with the best in europe's strongest leagues the t.v. child plays in the small city of corporate germany became a citizen formally for mccool's the border and he moved to the molecules here
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at the chip ice will get a flu season wouldn't he do we teach him the lines haven't found the best of starts cleaning just the weeds wanted to be. one of the probable reasons school. being that not only there but the routine themselves and had to get used to. that hope or the rain on the smooth ice rink in the early lucas but although it's still more comfortable for us to play on big rinks like in russia just three of all plays used to the small rink we have here the others have to adapt to our home rain and as soon as they do we'll hopefully start winning more with a weekend or not there is no lack of support here as the stadium is always packed down with fans passionately supporting their new idols we have like almost sold out every game. straight for the fans you know they for. all the slovakia and people at last from for the czech people down because a lot of
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a lot of people from czech republic get that. they come and see them love these the nazis the players only see one price the slow expand chances in vienna chilled and play a couple of beers or similar stuff in the kitchen. to be much better life played like if it's against against russian style dad like a baseball player and they have somebody that i sell so you have to be say yes to skate skate skate they don't stay because they don't skate you take cocaine but all d.s.l. like that other starmen in dragon rule excludes include martin starbucks and captain paige hope both players knew exactly what it takes to compete at the top level or worse for yes we have a lot of young players like experience although it does not mean we're weak team we've lost a lot of points that we could have secured but i believe we still have what it
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takes to make the playoffs but take simon we have to build our club we have to get maybe a few couple new players you know at the level that they played before you know the cage challenge so they can you know add a little more experienced. and helped the young kids to this level and. like you said if you were going to see some good things coming out of the pope resigns me to one from the dome of the ball there is no you nine. hundred. winning by the. river jordan marquis cooper in slovakia. all right let's talk football where the last remaining places for euro two thousand and twelve will be filled within the next week the two legged play offs get going on friday and of the for much else turkey slash with korea ship looks the toughest to call the first leg jew to take place in istanbul where christian knowledge islam village chance to travel without the injured nico crunch are on the lot and
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petritsch but the likes of tottenham playmaker luke i'm not rich and i are in munich striker. are available being country is a repeat of the euro two thousand and eight quarterfinals which the turks won on penalties the crew are slow raring for a change. i'm also a bit impatient because i have had a long pools and i'm feeling so to speak a positive nervousness so the most important thing is that i'm feeling good and ready. but in part five places are taken three remain off for grabs at the end of season a.t.p. tennis world tour finals joe will fred just a much away from taking one of them following a straight sets victory over your mo garcia lopez at the parson asters the home favorite proving equally as lethal as he was a part of the court six three six four how it ended up song no need to beat the winner of the nicolas almagro three
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a second encounter to pick his ticket for this season ending finale in london which starts in less than a fortnight's time. through. the course. with. thomas burdick is also just one victory away from qualifying for the london tournaments after claiming a six three seven five win over from the brit just to win the second round which led to all murray federer and for the players have already put their spots. it's becoming an almost weekly occurrence now n.b.a. talks breaking dawn believe this the anti climatic installment occurring and choose day with players and officials once again on able to reach a compromise but according to l.a. lakers star derek fisher hope springs eternal. our orders are clear right now the
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current offer that is on the table from the n.b.a. is not one that we can accept. orders are also clear that we are willing to continue to negotiate. and we are willing to continue discussions on a potential compromise on our numbers or be our economics for some continued improvements in the system and without those improvements in the system we don't see a way of getting a deal with them between now and the business tomorrow evening. to wayne wade has been on his travels and made its n.b.a. lockout the twenty nine year old playing pick up pains down under after finishing runner up with his miami heat last year the seven time all star sharing his thoughts on the ongoing legal battle back home to. as players and i think they were trying to do what we can to make sure that we are game. you know futures and i love it. as much as possible so it was not ideal situation for nobody you know the players are the ones. who hopefully come to new ground and get back
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on the court. ok let's head ring inside where the man widely regarded as the world's best pun for a pine box or steps on the canvas this weekend's money key out taking on one market is once again on saturday with a w.b. a welterweight world championship belt at stake excitement growing in las vegas with plucky army of fans hoping to get a glimpse of the filipino was he rides into sin city for thirty two year old boxer record of fifty three victories two defeats he's also the only five titles in eight different categories. have met twice before their first bite in two thousand and four ending in a draw before earned a split decision victory three years ago. the world's current top heavy with. spoken about the late joe fraser who died on monday from liver cancer triple a big
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bell told her stating smoking joe and his legacy will never be for up. we have lost the legend joe frazier will remain a legend and he will keep on living very very early because his grandson all athletes and their memory generations i'm sure work really well because everything . olympic games cannot be taken away is dropped. from the highest paying golf tournament in asia is just around the corner phil mickelson toll among those aiming to capture a hefty slice of the six million dollar singapore open purse no world number one dollar in attendance though the englishman staying put in europe as he seeks to add the euro money crowd to his north american p.g.a. cash title. this one and probably the only two remaining large portions so i really have a look at the mathematics you know luke donald what he's achieving this season i mean for him to go when the way by to win both money lists i mean it's just an
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incredible testament the way to why i don't worry about the rankings i mean those who take care of yourself if you play well if you play well that you don't need to think about it or worry about points this or that it just happens if you play well and i'm excited about the upcoming season and i'm excited about these two tournaments right here because i feel like the work i've been doing the last couple weeks the last six weeks or so i get a little test to see you know how if i'm as far along as i as i think i am returning swimmer in thorpe is continuing to struggle in the pool the twenty nine year old on able to turn the tide on a string of performances during the one hundred meter butterfly world cup event in beijing but the strain well he isn't fretting too much. physically if you want to do something it's easy enough to get fit. and be you know in shape to be able to do it i think you know then post that and to get in that shape to get the feeling back is the next most difficult thing and then you know getting your head around this
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whole concept of of where i see also you know kind of the emotional attachment to what used to sort of you know all of those things combined. i'm not his oldest for fly world weather is next and i'll see a certain. culture is the same on the taxpayers' money i mean when i sit here in the real mystery the hero of crisis without and euro zone leaders and national governments continue to be at loggerheads on how to rescue a currency that. wealthy british science. sometimes. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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