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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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doesn't say iran is building a weapon but it says it's collecting all the information it would need to do so with fear mongering like that it's no wonder western forces are questioning iran's nuclear potential so with a fresh i.a.e.a. report as ammunition clipping the u.s. and israel gearing up for another war and the sound to anyone else like and i go of iran a la two thousand and three. and survey says a considerable amount of americans harbor anti jewish attitudes and the intolerance is only getting worse as the economy headed south so while countries all over the world remember the international day against anti-semitism well americans do the same. i think it's the reality of the world we live in
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a later post nine eleven the safety precautions that. you know we have to take welcome to the new american reality where washington d.c. buildings look more like fortresses and symbols of american freedom and prosperity so why is all of this in your face security actually necessary or just part of big brother's bureaucratic scare tactics. it's wednesday november ninth five pm in washington d.c. and christine freeze out watching our. well after much anticipation and speculation the international atomic energy agency has released its latest report on iran's nuclear capabilities and it information about the development of new technology relevant to the production of nuclear weapons that could suggest perhaps iran may
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be working on developing nuclear weapons as has been several years of gathering information and teligent from ten member states interviews and satellite imagery and suggests the activities associated with the nuclear weapons program was s'posed to stop in two thousand and three has continued including successful attempts to obtain nuclear military equipment and attempts to develop nuclear components for a nuclear device now officials in tehran continue to deny all of these charges echoing earlier claims it's only seeking for peaceful use of nuclear energy this was the most comprehensive and critical report yet and as artie's guy image as you can reports it's raising fears it could be a pretext for a future attack on iran. right now with the u.n. nuclear watchdog found no smoking gun but hyped up fears that you ran continue some research on nuclear weapons it doesn't say iran is building a weapon but it says it's collecting all the information it would need to to sell
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and has a lot of technology and the international atomic energy agency claims to have a rainy and computer models of nuclear warheads which the watchdog uses a possible indication that iran plans to build an atomic bomb among other evidence a satellite image of a steel container that might be used to secretly cast the high explosives needed to trigger and i would be very skeptical about this report that's coming out from the international atomic energy agency because the i.a.e.a. doesn't really have any intelligence capabilities of its own and if it's relying on reports that are coming from other people i would rather suspect those reports are coming from the united states and israel the president if u.s. intelligence presenting false evidence to build a case for the war in iraq raises alarm bells us to the accuracy of the atomic agency's latest report on it you ran you may have a piece of evidence of some kind but that piece of evidence is subject to your interpretation as to what it means when they saw aerial photographs in iraq showing
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certain things but he interpreted those photographs to mean something which which was it was not correct back in two thousand and three the u.s. was adamant its evidence on iraq's weapons of mass destruction and terrorist activity was as solid as could be satellite images of a base where saddam hussein was believed to train al qaida terrorists and it is of more laps copiah logical weapons aluminum tubes presented as components of centrifuges to enrich uranium all of the above proved to be a hoax. and yet it was enough to start a war that would last eight plus years and kill more than a hundred thousand civilians israel is considering military action to take out iran's nuclear facilities preemptively the question many now ask is could be you when's atomic launched serve as a justification to start a war with iran security experts say the consequences for such action would be
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catastrophic we would most likely see new kinds of attacks probably on israel from hezbollah or other groups we'd see attacks on american troops perhaps in iraq and afghanistan even more than what we've seen so far iran and could retaliate in conventional terms that could attack saudi arabian oil fields if you really want to see a crisis in the in your in the international economy despite tough rhetoric coming from both israel and the u.s. many agree that washington and tel aviv are most likely to use the recorder as political leverage to try and isolate iran and possibly to put a band in its flourishing economic relations with china no one in the international community wants iran to have nuclear weapons but what they fear is aggressed unilateral action by israel with the backing of the united states that we gen on fire at a time when it is as on stable as it gets millions of lives could be in danger if
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policymakers in washington or tell of the decide to jump the gun and start a war on grounds which are far from being transparent i'm going to check our reporting from washington our key. all right so with the release of the i.a.e.a. report there are some simple questions and also some more complicated ones first do the findings show that iran is in fact going forward with a plan to acquire nuclear weapons is there room for discussion for as g.o.p. presidential candidate ron paul says a chance to try to make friends with iran who are the people who gave the information about iran for the reports and finally who would benefit from increased evidence that iran is in fact developing a nuclear program. it is the national security reporter at think progress or hey there ali i know you've written about this you sort of dissected some of the supposed findings in the report what's your interpretation. well i mean i think that the report did have a lot of damning evidence in it that at the very least iran is working on. a dual
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use aspects of the nuclear program that could be put toward civilian use as well as military use weapons use and that's true of also some. components of a nuclear of a potential nuclear weapon weapons program that could be conventional military uses versus nuclear military uses and certainly a lot of these programs were be run are being run by iran and there's even a few items that were in that detailed report that were items which the agency said that it couldn't find viable non nuclear weapons uses for them so it was a pretty damning report but at the same time i think that one of the important conclusions to be drawn from it is that the report did not point to necessarily an iranian decision to produce a nuclear weapon which is sort of in line with what experts have been saying for
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years now that iran is on a program of ambiguity and perhaps working towards what's called a breakout capability which is kind of being a scrooge screwdriver turn away from a nuclear weapon without actually building a weapon or testing one where do you think there is that as much cause for concern certainly there is the new developments in there and reason some people may be able to say that iran is in fact sort of violating its commitments based on the nuclear nonproliferation act but do you think that there is as much cause for concern as a lot of the mainstream media and a lot of political leaders are making this out to me. no i mean i don't think that the report was sort of stunning in its detail but not stunning in its conclusions you know with the summary of paragraphs of the end of the main section of the report which which is separate from the technical and that's the discussed the actual parts of the program the main part of the report the conclusion upgraded the language from the last report which was four months ago and now instead of instead
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of increasingly concerned as i said that i had serious concerns which i guess is a step up in the way but i don't know that the report really other than the level of detail it didn't tell us in broad strokes anything that we didn't know before and didn't prove that there's a. cohesive iranian nuclear weapons program or drive that definitely get a weapon or that a decision has been made so no i don't i think that some of the media and certainly a lot of right wing politicians have been exploiting the. you know what the big headlines around the report to push for more aggressive actions and i think that that has been a bit of an overreaction. but no i don't i don't think i don't see it the way they do i know we just heard a news report and it's if you can put something together and it was in there and i've been hearing and quite a bit of other places that this comparison with iraq the case of weapons of mass destruction which laid out the case for war i wondering if you think that this you
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know we should believe what we're hearing and this report what we're reading what we're seeing or you know is there you know is there actual cause for concern based on his findings. well i think that there is cause for concern but i don't think there is a causus belli here and it is quite different than the iraq situation in the case of iraq a lot of the intelligence was being driven by the u.s. and as you pointed out in your package earlier it's possible that that's still happening a good report that it's getting information from a number of different member states as well as doing its own research and this is the conclusions that it's drawn and he has to remember that. it is the one driving these intelligence estimates rather than the u.s. now the u.s. has probably had a lot of this intelligence for longer than i had has and has probably had it longer but the one that's bringing the case out publicly is that. which is not the same as
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during the iraq war build up when it was the bush administration that was that was pushing the narrative into the headlines and using often flawed u.s. intelligence and exaggerating reports in order to build the case for war so they're different but at the same time i don't think that this new report. has created a cause for war that is going to get a lot of hopefully public approval you know we spoke about this issue yesterday also on our show with the policy director for the national iranian american council and real quick ali i just want to play a small part of that interview and then get your response sure there is no option to stop iran from developing nuclear nuclear weapons capability through war you can't knowledge. any military operation against iran could maybe set the program that they had in place back a couple years you can't stop a program and what it can certainly do is convince iran to pursue
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a nuclear weapon outright to throw out the guy and actually make that decision so what about this notion this is a little bit different side of the discussion here that you know whatever they have already is not going to go away. yeah that's right i mean i think that there are a lot of comparisons being made to israeli airstrikes on the syrian reactor a couple years ago and the rockier at reactor back in the eighty's but those were single site nuclear installations that israel was able to easily hit with with you know basically just one run of a lot of bombs that iran has spread its program across the country there and. it's a bunkered program there in protected installations and moreover as he was saying there there's not really a way that you can stop iran you can't bomb iran out of its nuclear program that's just not going to happen that's. an expert with the washington institute for near
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east policy which is opposed to a think tank in d.c. the summer gave a talk and issued a paper where he said that an israeli strike on iranian nuclear installations because their limited capabilities could the way the program about a year and an american strike because of increased military capabilities could delay it about three years so you have to start to ask yourself is this something really worth it to delay the program for three years and start a war that could easily expand into a regional war as in fact some israeli intelligence service heads have said recently certainly thin in working on the real quickly i want to just get to you know sort of the foreign policy side of this as well with china i know that there are some who assert that the u.s. wants to you know put a damper on iran's economic relations with china but not forget also china relies pretty heavily on iran for oil so i'm wondering what you think you know you look at what's going on in china they're building a majority of the rebuilding that want our port there they're certainly busy at
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business ventures what about this china iran relationship. yeah i mean i think that here in the u.s. that a lot of people that you see especially people from neo conservative courters in washington all have kind of a cold war hangover and they would love nothing more than to deprive communist china of some of its oil and deprive you run of some of its oil revenue and i think that's that's part and parcel of it but it just reinforces the point that i should put territorial energy sections that is sanctions where you want to where you want to sentient companies that are operating in third countries are really hard to enforce because it is a global oil market and when you start to do stuff like that it is going to drive up the price of oil across the globe. national security reporter with think progress dot org thank you very much well november ninth one thousand nine hundred thirty eight was the day the nazis began their program against the jews setting
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sitting synagogues on fire and vandalizing stores and businesses owned by jews many see this as the symbolic start of the holocaust so we wanted to take today to look deeper into a new study published by the anti-defamation league that examines american attitudes toward jews in this country there were many facets of this but one of the most significant things that found is that anti semitic attitudes have increased over the last couple years with about fifteen percent of americans falling in the most anti semitic cohort out of those people there are some interesting attitudes earlier i spoke to abraham foxman about this here's what he had to say. well i think first of all the fact that after many years of it coming down remember when we started doing the surveys in the sixty's. approximately thirty percent of the american people were infected with serious sampler severance ism and since then it's been coming down coming down and made
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a most. serious element is the fact that all of a sudden it's up again the last survey we did two years ago it was twelve percent now it's fifteen percent now percentage wise it's like a small bit of that means millions more americans are and to somebody today more amps the semitic than they were two or three years ago i want to put up some of the answer is to a few different cress questions in the survey regarding the power of jews in america and this bar graph shows that seventy eight percent of people think jews have too much power in business sixty seven percent then think they have too much power in the u.s. the overall and seventy one percent think jews have too much control over while st these are obviously tough economic times is this simply the idea that people are taking out their frustrations on the jewish community or is there something else here. well the answer is yes but i need to correct you know where you read the statistics. overall in the united states we're talking about fifteen seventeen
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nineteen percent and answered your questions what you're talking about is in that group which which is traveling out to submit it in bad group you get that that huge number on all of these issues where to get to your question yes i think every time there's economic instability social instability every time people are unhappy anxious about their present and future they look for scapegoats and jews have been a convenient scapegoat throughout the ages and money in jews is very convenient. stereotypes throughout the years and so when we see an ongoing instability when we see anxiety in terms of people's futures they look to blame somebody and jews throughout the ages i definitely appreciate that clarification i'm wondering though i really want to be careful here and make sure people our viewers know that
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for this survey which i believe was conducted a few weeks ago. seventeen hundred plus people were answered questions for the survey so despite the fact that you know that's how polling works we want to be really careful in saying that those answers automatically translate into the opinions of thirty five million americans i mean how do you deal with those kind of questions. well you know it's polling it's not an exact science but it does give you an accurate picture of people's attitudes how they feel again we have developed this index forty years ago the index has been pretty solid in terms not only in the u.s. we don't in europe hundred in russia as well and what basically is that if you answer six or seven out of the eleven questions. saying yes jews are too powerful jews kill prize shoes or only care about themselves you know if you like
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a dog act like a duck you're a guy i want to move on to this recent thing that happened this you could call it the my microphone was on and i didn't realize that moment from last week and france at the g. twenty and this was a conversation between president obama and the french president nicolas sarkozy sarkozy called the israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu a liar and president obama was overheard saying something like oh you know you're fed up with them i have to deal with him every day several g.o.p. candidates have come forward demanding that president obama apologize and i know you've written about this you said that the a.d.l. is extremely disappointed that this was unpresidential i get to expound on on this what do you think the president should do assuming that this is a true statement i'm not i assume he said it i think we would all be shocked if other conversations which are private i wonder how big feel about that i wonder how
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they feel about president putin. doesn't get us anywhere whether what the president does or doesn't do that's up to him i think it is however you know it's serious question that if those are the attitudes of those are the feelings to what extent it influences foreign policy i guess the same question can be asked about president putin what are their personal feelings about president obama or. or chancellor merkel or sarkozy to what extent do they impact that's a very serious question to which we don't have an answer but we certainly should be concerned we certainly should be concerned certainly i think you and i might both find it interesting to be a fly on the wall in the conversations of some of these world leaders i want to ask a quick question though about the a.d.l. i know that our producers here at r.t. had originally hoped to have a debate about this survey to sort of see the different sides of it but i know when our producers booked the interview with you with your media people they said that
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you come on the show but that you wouldn't be willing to debate the position of the age of eighty i just wanted to give you an opportunity to say why i mean isn't a bait a good way to forward the conversation. well i'm not sure debate what debate an anti-semite which was one of the original suggestions. but to defend anti-semitism so i don't understand what debate is we have a survey if you you know. the polling data procedures the techniques are not ours they're there they're what every polling institution does so i don't not sure what it is that we're going to debate if there are people who say that there is an anti semitism that's why you're you can type all you can have whoever you want i'm just not about to discuss it with somebody who's i don't think there's anybody seriously doesn't think there's anti-semitism now to what level have they done polls have they studied ardley scholars and the people you know there were floated by me i don't fit that category i have no problem sitting in discussing go
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through with people who disagree. you know before coming on the air with all due respect no i was not going to debate an anti-semite and some of the names that were brought forward were not in our treasure in serious people but you you have you can go on an hour later and put on whoever you want to question and challenge i appear on panels and forums and and debate but i think to get paid whether there is or there isn't anti-semitism i'm not sure has any value at all regardless we do think it's an important discussion to have abraham foxman national director of the anti-defamation league i thank so much for coming on and sharing kind of a take away from non-certified. may i just say something i think the very fact that our te focused on the university of seventy third seventy third anniversary of his style not to take the subject and to look at it and to examine it is something very
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much appreciated and just indicates a sense of history and perspective that you have and for that thank you very much. and we spoke a little earlier about. the i.a.e.a. report what is and isn't in that report and what it could mean for the future so i want to get back to this for just a moment and play for you part of an interview with former cia agent michael scheuer he says americans are in the crosshairs of terrorists worldwide because of washington's policy in the muslim world not because they're enemies hunting the u.s. washington's enemy is an enemy that doesn't exist we're fighting in an islam make enemy that washington believes is out to last because we have elections because we are free because we have women in the workplace is an enemy that doesn't exist that didn't exist when bin laden was alive it doesn't exist now america is being attacked because of its foreign policy in the muslim world because of its support for israel because of its support for the saudi police state because of its
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presence on the europeans and until we accept that until americans can say to each other whether you support aid to israel or not our relationship with israel is causing this war we are not going to be able to to to defeat this enemy and israel itself as a country is not the problem the real problem margin is the leaders of the jewish american community in the united states who influence and corrupt our congress to support israel when we have no interest there the american political establishment is caught between two things they're extremely put pro israel and they're almost marxist in their belief that the micro see in the spread of democracy is inevitable in all places in all peoples at all times and so they need to protect the israelis but they can't say what is a reality for example there is not going to be a democracy in tunisia or or or or libya or egypt that in any way resembles
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democracy in the west and yet they what they've done is create anarchy they've created a situation where the only beneficiaries are the islamists. the guns that have flown out of egypt out of tunisia out of libya to islamists have been enormous in their value and the prisons that were opened in egypt tunisia and libya have reinforced the islamist groups across the world so there are mindless their mindless pursuit of secular democracy at the end of the day and dangers the stability of the region and probably the whole world the truth is american and western foreign policy interests in the middle east have the candid for fifty years on the maintenance of tyranny tyranny they're pretty give us access to oil tyranny that protected israel and in the last twenty years tyrannies they persecuted islamists to protect us all of their is going by the wayside and the israelis credit these really are the only ones who have stood up and said the mark received
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may not be very good for our security and they couldn't be more correct and if it's written is real attacks around the americans will get blamed for condoning it whether we did or not so i think what we're seeing is a slow almost inexorable advance toward some kind of a conflict with with iran and that was former cia agent michael scheuer to see artie's entire exclusive interview with him going to our website r.t. dot com. well here in washington it seems that architecture is being shaped by post nine eleven fears from bombproof glass to constant surveillance to physical barriers it's obvious security is the top priority here but what are these measures really protect largely correspondent liz wahl takes a look at the changing landscape in washington and look at who is being protected and also who's not are these intensive security measures. it's important to remain
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vigilant in our efforts to defeat terrorists enemies and protect the american people. this average has changed the landscape of america's camp and this street leading to the white house was months open to motorists now let's block by barriers and dollars i guess it's sort of makes it seem more important you know a lot to run a car into. the supreme court a marble masterpiece polaroids now line it's andrus the same site around the capitol guarantee it's a crime bollards just like the surrounding just about every high profile government building one architect calls a bowler to envy where these stumps don't simply service protection but as a symbol of bureaucratic status what worries me is the law we are having certain buildings. would hold points out that nine eleven attack the
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twin towers and the american people not a federal building he questions the priority to protect a special few and sort of the public. under a terrorist threat which we know runs all of us you know. trains. it really doesn't make a lot of sense or a person to. order a building but some say they're willing to sacrifice is that expressed safety i think it's the reality of the world we live in a post nine eleven the safety precautions that. you know we have to take others say the structures are a reminder of that fateful day it reminds me of nine eleven and all the security structures that were up around the city that time would hold worries that the nation's iconic and historic buildings are turning into eyesores but it doesn't have to go down hill. new buildings built in the last. you know. i think you will
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be using. our security devices but the world lives. like these bullard like verrier is discards as flower pots. but for now these structures however unsightly will remain a permanent fixture any city fixated on security and bureaucratic status and washington and les paul. i have a different way to look at the landscape here that's going to do it for now but for more of the stories we covered at r.t. dot com slash usa or youtube dot com slash r t america you can follow me on twitter at christine for south africa after me. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who made the decision to break through get through to who can you trust no one. if you deal with the global machinery see where we.


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