tv [untitled] November 9, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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go to the capital in kalak i'm laurin that's for. the police corruption of. what. nobody seems to know. that never break the face quite hard the argument that they're being overly dramatic. i gae this time for it you said it i read it time to respond to my brilliance engaging the work on. from facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got
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something to say i listen now first i'll respond with you who watched our show yesterday about the bank of america settlement which ward four hundred and ten million dollars to customers for excessive overdraft fees extracted by the bank in the last decade yet he commented yesterday on you tube and said i left be away in one thousand nine hundred two for that very reason my credit union thanks me thanks ben now i definitely feel the pain i think everybody's been charging overdraft fees before and it hurts every time especially when you know the big banks are charging you just because they can't so good for our viewer for taking a stand taking his business over to a credit union forty thousand other people did this very same weekend for bank transfer day so you got to wonder if banks don't get a clue actually start treating their customers with some respect instead of squeezing every penny they can out of them for more people just might do the same thing and next on respond to viewer the washer tool time starring michele bachmann's comment that if you don't work you don't eat or you shouldn't eat
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thought of that comment on you tube and said the hypocrisy of the right wing it's painful to watch she wants government to stay out of our lives regulate less yada yada and of course there are things that they want to regulate who you love how you love what you put into your body who you marry what a woman does with her womb she really would love to regulate what god you worship and how they venerate jesus and his message then bomb innocent third world peasants tell the poor to work or starve and help the rich it makes me sick. and the hypocrisy of the right wing it really makes me sick to five to hear one more politician preach about the virtues of small government and less regulation more freedom all working to take away my freedom to choose what to do with my body the freedom of anyone else being able to vary whoever they want to love i think of my hair out and of course they only believe in small government when it comes to dismantling the welfare state or cutting off government aid to the war of course michelle and other right wing politicians that rail on the evil of government hope their war against the war in some sort of moral idea of self-sufficiency but that
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doesn't change the fact that they want less government when it suits their political goals and a lot more of it and if it's their day job their daily agenda now our last comment tonight comes from a viewer that watched our happy hour where we spoke about the white house answering a petition saying if there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life and flint commented on facebook and said well of course they don't exist we know the white house would never lie to the american people cough cough and those are my thoughts exactly the kind of just getting though those are my thoughts all right that's of my writing this week and i'll be more with more but more as usual next week. now that impression the super committee was formed it was designed to find areas that could survive the biggest cuts and i doubt only the pentagon has one of the most bloated budgets which made it the target of two rounds of cuts first the military is going to have to cut three hundred fifty billion dollars from the budget but if the super committee can't find one point two to one point five trillion dollars to slash from other parts of the federal budget by thanksgiving
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and the cuts will come back to the g.o.p. and as part the trigger mechanism the pentagon is going to have to give up another six hundred billion dollars however since this plan came out warhawks even members of the g.o.p. of been working tirelessly to keep that second round of cuts from happening even if the super committee fails several members of congress well they've all fearmonger and using terms like doomsday americanism they warn of a possible draft in the future they even said that the military would be unsustainable if it paste this money budget cuts but get a load of just how far some people are willing to go to prevent that as usual john mccain and his merry gang of neo cons take the cake on this issue and mccain's been outspoken against defense cuts ever since the idea was proposed and he doesn't know how to take no for an answer and in fact he even made a statement to the cable saying the secretary of defense and all the service chiefs say that it would do irreparable damage to our national security so obviously we need to do something about it my intent is that sequestration on national defense will not take place and i became also made
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a statement about the cuts. which gratian is not engraved on gold and. it is notional aspiration and goes to work and i think we'd have sufficient support to prevent those kinds of cuts being an actor because of the impact it would have. now while mccain is right that the trigger mechanism isn't written in stone it is the law but mccain and graham are simply not satisfied with a little old law senator mccain told the cable he would introduce and support a law to undo the budget control act of two thousand and eleven lindsey graham said he would present a substitute to the traders quote something where the whole country shares in the failure of the super committee not just the department of defense and medicare providers so i'm going to say that if these two men get away with this that would be a truly low point but i wasn't even sure that congress could reach it simply overturning laws they don't look so they don't like the laws they don't like excuse me instead
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of making the tough choices that's pathetic and sadly it's something that i guess we have just come to expect from our politicians but newsflash guys the debt deal was signed in august it's done b.c. really endless threats and people like john mccain lindsey graham are becoming ridiculous so stop the fear margaret america will survive if the military takes a few cuts. and yesterday arizona state senator russell pearce at this point best known for authoring the states as the ten seventy papers please immigration bill was recalled by voters it was a historic event for the state the first such recall and a son assigned the anti immigrant rhetoric and legislation has gone too far and won't be tolerated but it's still a far cry from the comprehensive immigration reform that his country needs and the recognition that this is a human issue one that divides families in fact we reported to you before that under the obama administration four hundred thousand people a year are now being deported but what happens to those that are left on your report by the applied research center is found that at least five thousand one
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hundred children whose parents are detained or deported are currently in foster care about the u.s. they're a freedom of information act request they found that almost one in four people to pour in the last year was the mother or father of a u.s. citizen and unfortunately reunification of the family is often not a success so let's find out more about how and why this is happening joining me from our studio in new york is seven. investigative reporter for color lines that i want to thank you so much for joining us and i. tell me when we look at this figure and say that five thousand one hundred children now live in possible care the parents of been deported is that a conservative estimate. yeah the applied researchers research center found that there are at least five thousand children right now who are stuck in foster care because their parents have been detained and deported and that number could be significantly higher we our estimate is as conservative as it could be if all
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remains the same in the coming years at least fifteen thousand kids are likely to be stuck in a similar situation and this is fundamentally a result of deportation system that's deporting historic levels of people four hundred thousand people in the last year it is a massive number of people and that the collateral effects of that are just starting to be seen and one of those which we've explored in some depth at the applied research center and color lines magazine is that children are separated from their families for extended periods of time and sometimes permanently sometimes these children never see their parents again because they're stuck in foster care and they're moved towards adoption and let's talk about how it is that you know that even goes that far that these kids do end up in foster care when you know a parent is detained and has to wait for deportation hearing isn't it also isn't the government trying to reunite the family isn't that part of their responsibility
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. when parents are detained in ices immigration detention centers which are jails staggered around the country often in areas very far away from people's homes the average detainee is moved three hundred seventy miles from the place that they're initially detained when people are in these detention centers they're entirely cut off from the vital line of communication that's necessary but tween families and the child welfare system so when kids are in foster care and parents are locked up in these jails scattered around the country these immigration detention centers they can do nothing to be involved with the vital decisions about the care and custody of their children even though i say is that if they're going to deport a parent they will let that parent make the decision about what happens to their child but what we've found is that that claim on ice is part is simply not
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happening all the time and some families are being shattered permanently and these children are simply being worth it becoming foster children sometimes being adopted i met parents in detention centers around the country who had no idea where their children were and could do nothing about it they were facing the loss of their families and it's really heartbreaking to think about i'm just wondering what are the attitudes that come from the ice agents you know immigration. do they think that it's better off if the children stay in america and go into foster care than sending and outside of the country i mean i understand a lot of them happen to be u.s. citizens and were born here but they think that it's better to leave them here. i mean what's really clear is that ice is operating under the working assumption that the people it detains don't have real robust lives and
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networks communities and families in the united states you know people who are deported have lived here often for a long time have deep ties here and have children and so there's a there's really a distinct disregard for that fact and children are suffering the consequences you know these children everybody in the who works in the child welfare system agrees that children are better off with their families no matter what then stuck in the foster care system these kids are stuck there i met i met a woman in detention in arizona who had called the local police to report domestic violence and instead of helping her the police arrested her and her abuser as too often happens her children were placed in foster care and she was moved to immigration detention now faces deportation her children remain in fausto care that
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families facing the prospect of being permanently separated and then if she's deported policies and child welfare departments are really all over the map in terms of reunifying families when mothers and fathers have been deported so the barriers to reunification start to rise dramatically and sometimes insurmountable now is that really. this is unfortunately just one element of. the sad saga what ends up happening because of our immigration laws on the books yesterday paris was recall the recall that he now is famous for the one for being the one that wrote that family line arizona do you think that that's at least a good sign i mean i know it's not comprehensive immigration reform but is that a sign in the right direction. i think there's no doubt that people in arizona at least are beginning to see that
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a policy of so draconian show me your papers law that targets anybody who might be an immigrant with deportation is simply not something that should be happening in our states unfortunately those laws are spreading to other states and and they need to be stopped but what's very clear to me is that as long as the obama administration the federal government continues to deport four hundred thousand people a year or so many of which are almost a quarter of which are of whom are our parents the collateral effects are going to be brutal and more and more children are going to be left stranded in foster care without their parents. something that needs to be highlighted more people need to talk about it to really get to the point where we start solving the issues that thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me on. lawmaker goes i ran screaming at voters and it's just great all the big thank you for my
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full time here and in happy hour pedro a love story the story of a penny for this case a couple plus a local news report that is truly amazing. to me that the police reckon it. was just that nobody seems to know. that never ever sprayed the face but the argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else here's
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mr. hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award this night because the congressman joe walsh now since arriving in washington this year they will annoy republican has made quite a name for himself he accused president obama of a lying during the national debt ceiling debate and the same time his ex-wife sued him saying that he owed more than one hundred thousand dollars in unpaid child support and of course he says those charges are untrue but the tea party candidate made voters a promise when running for office that he would come to the sea and rein in the
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government now over the weekend joe was back in illinois doing one of his cup of joe meetings and during the discussion several people began questioning him about the need for more bank regulations and that just set joe right off. the marketplace this mess created this mess for government which is still. for years everybody you know we made it easy as possible for. the marketplace those. who want the government to go to sets the rules. for you in the marketplace for the mess we're in right now i'm tired of your. it's so nice to see yet another republican standing up for the big banks according to joe they are completely blameless in this whole wrecking the world economy thing it was only the government never mind about the banks the last three to prove mortgages for just about anybody who applied for a loan and the bankers bond sold those toxic mortgages to investors like candy wall
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knowing that they were worth nothing but of course big day for wall street didn't have to worry because the u.s. taxpayers would have to bail them out now back to congressman joe walsh real quick if you haven't done defending the banks he bristled at the notion that more government regulations are needed to stop the bad mortgage practices. this is me off too many people don't listen. these are the place to do that already do your job well what do you want to do you want to. look for more. hey joe maybe you should listen to the woman they were screaming at three years after the collapse of the us and world economy most of the same practices are still happening today congress passed the dot frank reform bill but thanks to wall street lobbying it was watered down a lot of the same practices because of the financial collapse are still going on more importantly it bailed out and the too big to fail era but according to congressman joe walsh that's ok because private industry is still good and government is so bad at last but i want to play for you i think proves my point
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about joe's temper listening as he scolds another constituent. you know and so quiet for me he was from what i see. for us to believe that you need this for us to believe. i don't know joe maybe instead of getting cocky how about an anger management class or two after being questioned about his behavior joe said that he's just really passionate about the issue of hating government and i was working on an empty stomach which made him have a quicker fuse the old empty stomach excuse diving we all know that both the government and the banks are to blame for the collapse of the financial system so for refusing to see any faults of private industry for the collapse of we're giving illinois congressman joe walsh tonight's tools have a word. ok
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guys time for happy hour and joining me this evening is archy correspondent christine present and jade brewer chief strategy officer at vision strategy thanks for joining me guys. so we've seen you know a lot of reporters go out there and try to do stories on the occupy movement across the country we've seen erin burnett is be you know the total not nice lady about it . but this one i think really takes the cake for like just being happy that you never had to do this story this comes from eureka california take a look. they. didn't do you know they all someone from this camp sprayed feces and on us do you put them in the rain now if someone puts me on the bank are you saying that don't you you're building on the role of the.
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president of the do that on your local news days you know what i was just going to say this is a perfect local story i would have a lot of just story like this i want to loves if he does this story that had to do with the controversy and have the people that could be involved in the controversy right there at my disposal for me to stick their my microphone into their faces into their tents i mean this is a great local story people in eureka california and for any in any small town for that matter if they want to put their a.t.m. card. the a.t.m. machine to get cash out and there was poop all over it and i think they want to know what this wasn't about so i think it's a great local story out of i think i think two big rules are broken here right and one is that as a journalist you do want to become part of the story and one way to absolute become a story say poop and pee it like one hundred times over and over again number two don't say poop in peta bunch of occupy protesters who will immediately turn it into a chant is that group did and or repeating it over and over for the whole city to hear so i don't know i think i think they could have handled probably a little more delicately is ripe and juicy no pun intended as the story and at the
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end of the day we never found out. he'd. tell of mystery. ok now here's the present reason you keep coming up with all these stories you've got a lot of reporting on fracking you know this is the certain process that they used to drill for natural gas and polluting a lot of water supplies for local populations or we've seen them be able to you know put their water on fire lightly water on fire so listen to what the natural gas companies are apparently up to this is a woman who was caught on video or audio. it's so. close. so much. here. in
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pennsylvania to convince people that fracking is good it's just so well i'll tell you i spent a lot of time in dimock pennsylvania which is a very very small city there where the entire city has been taken over by a company called capital and gas wanting to frack in everyone's yard and i don't know if they used. to drive fracturing to get natural gas out of the ground. they are regular people a lot of them came to demit to retire many of them bought their homes hoping they would be able to sell those homes at a profit or at least the same their homes are at zero dollar value right now because the fracking water got into their water system and they don't have a water system that they can use that safe so i don't know if psyops was used but i can tell you that these everyday people living in this rural town in pennsylvania do feel that they were told some lives by the oil and gas company they were told
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that they would make tons of money every time that their back yards were frocked were drilled in and that's in health and so and now we see commercials you know on t.v. trying to tell the whole world how wonderful. it happened although i by the way i do always feel bad for battlestar galactica fans you see these headlines about how fracking is good or you know and that kind of what's i'm going to find out it's really about drilling for oil but i do think you know look this is the kind of thing that actually does happen all the time and the story here is that they got caught and this is something that a lot of the oil and gas from is are doing all over the world but when we hear that military operations are used technically against our own. the pyramid of clothes that we're being the insurgents that's right i mean it and i think surgeons now throw this one yeah this is the dresser here we just move on to the how do you sort of we are ok so you remember this story from yesterday people again. barack obama and nicolas sarkozy are now being quoted from
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a conversation they had about israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the exchange was overheard at the g. twenty summit sarkozy reportedly said of netanyahu quote i can't stand him anymore he's a liar president obama then responded you may be sick of him but me i have to deal with him every day journalist ok so that was a little trash talking to god that shouldn't have but of course mitt romney has used this to criticize obama's overall israel policy with this statement he said i don't know i want a jewish state is isolated and under threat we cannot have an american president who has this dame full of our special relationship with israel we have here yet another reason why we need new leadership in the white house be the same thing as if mitt romney had said you know i just i just can't stand to watch oprah every day and obama came along so well clearly romney hates black america this is not committed to helping them right i mean republicans with anything they can put a stake in of any kind i think it's a good analogy i think i mean if you look at the most recent thing that happened president obama made very clear that the u.s.
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government those in washington do not support the palestinian bid for statehood for recognition that doesn't sound totally phony assertion when you're trying to say that he has this date ok we have to get to this next story really quickly if that. they are never of card and they even asked to gather at night but zookeepers are about to break up this pair so that they can break with females as the species is on the brink of extinction. are the story of their cute gay penguins they're in love they sleep together they hang out together they're twenty one in ten years old and they're being separated so they can breed into the normal real wall being broken turning twenty one that is some kind of statutory something going on no no now bless their hearts they do they are there they just want to be together and you know have the last set of gay penguins which is that the bronx zoo in new york they let them have they let them go to an abandoned egg and raised a little penguin. and the little area going there are a little hard for me i got to wrap it up as i play in canada thanks to pictures are
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awaiting me tonight at their production things if you get a free kick back tomorrow and why you law professor of public health will be on the show disguised particularly at cia time to get to the span of your show on facebook followers on twitter if you miss anything about you can dot com flatulent still and coming up next. it is believed to be. if you believe.
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