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tv   [untitled]    November 10, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EST

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rush is almost two decades long odyssey into the world trade organization is close in and as moscow overcomes all last hurdle to accession by sealing a crucial agreement with georgia. who is borrowing costs hit a record high dragging global markets down and sparking fears that silvio berlusconi has promised resignation won't keep the euro zone's third largest economy from collapse also. student protesters in california unhappy with rising tuition fees are met with riot police brutally wielding bearable times. and artie's close up team travels to
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the black sea coast to discover how the local girl made products are being made and why getting them on to dinner tables is proving difficult. why b.m. in the russian capital you're watching r t on marina joshie now obviously out of all long journey for russia at mission in geneva is set to clear all the remaining hurdles from moscow's long awaited membership to the world trade organization artie's laura smith has more from geneva. this could be the end of an eighteen year process the last big hurdle to russia joining the world trade organization has been successfully negotiated on wednesday russia accepted a trade deal with georgia the agreement signed here in geneva allows the monitoring
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of all cross borders trade between the two countries including the russian backed south ossetia and abkhazia by a private company with that the last of george's objections to russia joining the w c o has been dealt with barring any last minute deal realm and swiss analysts say are always possible but unlikely the package of documents on russia's accession could be approved by a working group on thursday or friday with membership formalized in december russia's accession will be the biggest step towards liberalizing trade around the world since china joined the w t o around ten years ago the world bank says w c o entry could boost the size of russia's economy by more than three percent in the medium term and eleven percent in the long term. laura smith reporting there while sound businesses are celebrating the assassin others are preparing for a tough period of transition or does it have two hundred more and while it will change and russia's economy once
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a final he joins the club. the only major market and g. twenty member still outside the world's largest economic club is russia and membership is eagerly anticipated not only by moscow but internationally if this doesn't especially those in our case will come from the european union are you still working on the regime or the person on the street w t l membership will not be just something they'll read about in the news but it will mean lower prices removing trade barriers between states increases competition prices of informed of goods drop and domestic companies also grow quicker with foreign markets opening up. for workers of these metallurgical company it all looks like a win win situation their most recent project is the north stream pipeline should they enter international markets will face very little competition. and this is was so much the largest plant in russia south producing harvested rushers it's
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wanted to school for months ahead and workers who conspired. but the head of the company has a rather different outlook to that of the w t o cheerleader's. our oil and gas will be in demand even without entering the oil agriculture. and recall she will be among the hardest hit sectors but experts say the domestic automotive industry will be the one to undergo he will. the troubled motor giant up the vase was rescued from the brink of death in the economic crisis of two thousand and eight by prime minister putin with more than one billion dollars in loans cash and guarantees. i guess is the government's favorite child but not all car makers in russia are cherished this used to be a thriving launch of not screech open the nineteen thirty its most successful years
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what the fifty's and sixty's are hundreds of thousands of not screech cars flooded the soviet and foreign markets after the collapse of the soviet union must creature was in desperate need of money but the government could not is. making proper i must teach was out. the only way to avoid the collapse again and now the industrial gun experts say is to use the transition period of joining the w g a y z closely entreats the w.t. have doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs tires and comply straight away transit so-called transition. roughly seven years or so protectionist measures will apply for a number of sensitive industries which employ millions of people such as agriculture timber and come making but at a certain point the state's industrial dependence will have to let go of its hands and walk on their own two feet in the world outside it but that should be
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a somewhat easier place to live business in liver duction of customs tariffs and trade barriers to a more level playing field across international markets if you mcgrath aren't. you. we are always eager to know your take on the story and today we're asking who will benefit the most once russia is finally a member of the world trade organization stake a look at the site vote well this is how the opinions divided so far the majority of the respondents think nobody will win in the situation as the organization only adds to the big financial mass the world is already and twenty percent believe that moscow's excess should well play into the w t o's hands while eighteen percent are sure that russia will suffer rather than benefit because it will be unable to cope with the competition and finally almost three fifths of respondents say the w t o membership is actually good for russia as it will boost its role in the global
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economy so let us know what you thing by logging on to our team. well there will be more and news and opinion of course throughout the day here on our team as the working group session in geneva unfolds plus. in business here russia's accession to the world trade organization when new opportunities for business in the country will talk about the bandages and. for russian companies and. prime minister silvio berlusconi is facing his last few days in office as italy moves closer to the financial brink and bond rates hit emergency levels close to the level which forest agrees portugal and ireland asked for an e.u. bailout that sparked panic in global markets amid fears berlusconi successor won't be able to prevail on the euro zone's third largest economy from sinking further reports. the scene this year is saying crisis developed an unprecedented race and
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its least being the latest country that has been sucked into the debt spiral from which one might be neighbors it's nice being is boring polls because that's of interest and malta but it's an extremely dangerous territory now that's because most of that seven percent is the trigger point at which he saw countries such as ireland portugal and greece have to see an emergency from the usa and the i.m.f. there's also the point at which investors still looking at the countries that is with a big deficit in this league think that perhaps there is a possibility that the country going to be able to pay what it would be disastrous for a country with a big debt that is really coming in found that about one point eight trillion here has to be a major problem though investors will say going to be looking at whether the year is in has the resources to then lends its leak in the eventuality that the other lenders thought that at the moment that support is simply not in place
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a big. usa need is wanted to have that isn't ready because simply isn't there or not could really free a major problem prime minister berlusconi has said that he's certainly going to be resigning he's not putting himself told that he actually i felt quite relieved by that i was very very clear right now in the country if the how and when the new government is going to be pulled is not going to provide a quick fix to the financial problems in the country. the policies are mostly responsible for you know is economic problems an ass of you off policy and development specialist powerful one. in fix the problem of digitally ease of course that the major wall is no growth the absence of growth which is imposed by the polish ease at european the mostly with the position so then with the moment three union this is. in the context i think we
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edging towards a very dangerous area which is that some of the trades sprayed with german bones which of course will look. impossible to. the. effects of the sort of be the collapse of the system but this would create a culture in the country instead of a solution as we may now be seen as the greatest threat to the eurozone by crisis veteran greece is still in turmoil power sharing talks have and heard their fourth day and it's still not clear who will be the next prime minister the new government will have to pass a new bailout plan which is necessary to get away to a billion euro euro zone is demanding that the two main parties sign a letter backing the debt deal but the opposition says there is no need for a written pledge and with the news financial troubles now closer to be resolved max
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kaiser and stacy herbert provide their latest take on the situation and the kaiser report that's coming out later today. there's a fifty euro brawl toilet currency all of your fifty euro toilet paper currency will soon be about as valuable as this toilet paper so this is all available in knightly printed up in this beautiful display case that you can show in your house and tell your kids all about what happened in europe. you ask police in riot gear have clashed with student protesters at the university of california at berkeley after they refused to dismantle their camp towns where rectify a march against tuition fee increases for students which was part of the broader occupy wall street movement several activists were arrested and one protester told r.t. some were indiscriminately beaten by police with the times police approached with
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full force with right here and with tonnes we don't want to frighten or guess who they use their batons to jab was in the stomach in their opinions but they were tongs they're going to go through the floor and then hitting them with their nightsticks with their tongues as they're on the floor. they were if they were going to cross the line and then to rest in the people that weren't doing anything . make it they had me on the arms on the doorstep in the stone age and they arrested more students and they you the students you know that we were nonviolent peaceful protesters but they were extremely cruel in their attack with that with their sticks many people were injured i heard one professor festers that university was was protesting she's in the hospital it's our school pay tuition we pay tuition that's rising every year for less services. and we decided it was time to take back
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our school and turn up the momentum from the other i mean this would be a good time. the occupy wall street campaign against economic inequality has been sweeping the u.s. for weeks or spartans following developments from orange more tough responses from police in other cities as well log on to our web page on twitter for more. but you an atomic watchdogs latest report on iran's alleged nuclear ambitions has split the international community the i.a.e.a. offers no definitive proof tehran is actually personal bob by its findings still prompted several countries to call for fresh sanctions that idea has already been rejected by the russians as sanctions might be used to force regime change in iran . takes a look. washington and european and some european leaders would ideally want to impose crippling economic sense anxious that would further isolate iran but we know
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that two of the permanent members of the un security council that is russia and china have made it clear that they don't want to cripple the iranian economy and that they say further isolating iran would be counterproductive and said russia put forward an offer which is still on the table and that is for iran to fully cooperate on the inspections and to prove that what they say about the civilian purpose of their nuclear research is true and is not a cover up for or for a weapons program and in return the international community would be ready to consider lifting sanctions and that's the offer which is still pending iran's says they won't back off from developing nuclear technologies tensions are really high israel's words hinting that they're gearing towards preemptive towards a preemptive strike washington said all options are are on the table despite tough rhetoric coming from both israel and the u.s. many agree that washington in tel aviv are most likely to use the report as
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political leverage to try and isolate iran and possibly to put a dent you know in florida economic relations with china the u.n. uclear watch that report itself does not give you a smoking gun but it sure hyped up fears that iran continues research on nuclear weapons the agency says its report is based on intelligence gathered by a number of countries including the united states but the u.s. intelligence has a history of presenting false evidence back in two thousand and three to make a case for the war in iraq it presented evidence that seemed so very solid at the time but turned out to be a hoax the question many now ask is could the un's atomic watchdog report serve as a justification to start a war with iran but security experts say the consequences to such action would be catastrophic. reporting there all the reign of vassar to the international atomic energy agency has told r.t. iran as as transparent as any country can be calling the latest report and its nuclear program politicized this report is not professional and not
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balanced and is with political and with evasion and under political pressure by the us and couple of the western countries this report has and they excel fifteen pages of the allegations and the materials which were handed over only last week to us in a confirmation man there read the ten pages of the report of director general which says that all activities including a return are continuously under just about inspection the only second part which is the n.a.s. is about the american allegation the important thing is that we are particularly pretty all activities are on the. even of that shark short on analyses fiction this is great and we took months ago invited b.p. to director of i.a.e.a. to even visit the ata and the of centrifuges and reach them and can you give me any example that any respect or being permitted to any cynthia leachman in any other
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part of the war and paul craig roberts who worked in ronald reagan's administration believes the purpose of the i.a.e.a. report is superior the way for a long plain military strike against a rhyme. we now have and what which doesn't really say anything is no evidence and it is just some innuendo and washington will not spin this innuendo to try to prepare the ground as they did with the right time for a military attack based on nothing in fact the reports say yes there's no evidence of any diversion of it in your commentary that there's some sort of hype about they're working on a trigger for a nuclear bomb but everyone knows the ranch and lot. enrich uranium to the extent necessary to make a profit maybe even said they won't even enrich uranium to the stage to use for
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medical isotopes they're willing to have that done outside the country it's the americans to block that deal so so they've really done nothing to raise it and i think. and the americans are continuing to try i mean washington of course to create a pretext for a military attack on iran is part of the neo conservative agenda it's been part of the agenda for what now more important dozen years. log on to our website for plenty more stories including students taking to the streets of london mass to fly funding cuts and soaring tuition fees face i was of police also. an anonymous hacker group values its next started will be the muslim brotherhood web site find out. why they say they're going to a town. now let's take
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a look at some of the stories from around the world and an earthquake has hit eastern turkey killing at least seven people and leaving scores trapped under rubble about twenty people however have been pulled from that ability and early rescue efforts dozens of buildings collapsed in a studio tremor a measured five point seven magnitude struck comes only a fortnight after another quake in the same region killed at least six hundred leading man in more home was. israel's to corret has rejected former president moshe katsav appeal ganster rape conviction the ruling clears the way for him to serve a seven year term in prison itself was convicted of two counts of rape and other charges last samurai but was allowed to remain free while he launched an appeal your. time now to explore another corner of the world's biggest country and our russia close up series.
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russia's black sea coast isn't famed across the globe for its pure made dining yet some pioneers are trying to put the region on the world food map and when to see local farmers struggle to get a very delicate seize on the russian as well as the global market. gourmet treats from russia's coast but these luxuries food producers are struggling to find a market this is the only muscle and least a farm in the area just off the black sea coast it's run by forex scientists need to study the region's marine life back in the u.s.s.r. that when she was thrown out that way when the country collapsed science collapsed we were fired from our jobs in america research center we were good growing muscles
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and oysters so we approached the company and arranged the million roubles for a start up it's a risky business with a storm capable of brewing in a year's work record but without any major setbacks they can harvest twenty tons of mussels a year the problem then is trying to sell them. even on the black sea coast this is not ordinary food only the last two decades of russian started travelling abroad and see thora menus so we started asking for more mussels nozzles an oyster as our current very popular in russia in fact the efforts of these guys are unique here about hoping to grow markets without the water brown thing not the only one for a place in a table. but this has been yard and tourist center inland yanis and his family have been farming for decades he's a great descent and helps his father establish the farm recently he decided to try and make wine here kate is that if we need three years to establish the vine in
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five years for a good product in a few years i hope we can produce great russian wine with your. the climate and weather a good for a great brain here but janice is hesitant to try and make this into a proper business it's corruption that's putting him off yes mature a little less like an artist painting a picture if i wanted a serious business i'd be too scared of corrupt officials taking it from me where they were but with a creative approach are not scared the people in authority are the ones who should be kept from power they do not respect our citizens or good manners complains that a license to sell his wine costs one and a half million dollars far too much for a small producer like himself this also prevents a good wine industry from developing. but he still loves the region and hasn't given up hope of making up for nothing he has to there are some good great growing areas in russia this is a favorable area so if you're
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a tease don't interfere but we can from a top brand and prove ours is as good as any french wine. at the moment you have to look carefully to find local wine and mustn't produces on russia's black sea coast but who knows within a few years this region could become a center for gourmet russian dining dumbarton party. brings us up to date here on our c.e.o.'s how to collect what's happening in business with carrier. how atoms are business boys and the south thanks for joining me for a moment of truth truth is almost here for russia to join the world trade organization after eighteen year talks have come to an end and i'm joined by jacob mail from morgan stanley to tell us more about how business i see the excess and hello to you like really good thank you coming in for coming to the program so what will be exceptions to the question to mean particularly for foreign business come
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right on business and foreign companies that they want to do business and it's a very it's a very complex impacts on the economy but i think you can summarize by saying you should see a surge of foreign investment particularly in business services in sectors that have been protected or investors have felt uncertain about investing in the future it should help some russian exporters increase their market share and it should have an impact on some prices for the russian consumer which will benefit them so it's a broad base complex process unfolding over a number of years who should have pleased when official impacts from russia we're talking about eighteen years of struggle to get into this yes why do you take so long why does things along for russia to get it will i think i think russia obviously is mainly a commodity exports over sixty percent of exports of oil and gas and other needed twenty percent other commodities these commodities alt text are not subject to tariffs in other countries so it wasn't immediately obvious i think to russia but
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the benefit was from joining the w t o and. i mean it wasn't much push but after the crisis in two thousand and eight when all price collapsed and russia realized its vulnerability would it depend so heavily on commodity exports leadership decided that it wanted to push for further diversification of the economy and one way of doing that is to join the w t o which will help them to attract a wider range of investment and open up it's a. war for russian goods ok so which of the foreign companies you think would benefit first that for must well i think it's going to be in piece miss services it's going to be companies legal companies consultancy companies insurance and insurance banking but it's the sort of area that will benefit because they will feel more comfortable about entering the russian market and how soon will they see the benefits coming in snore like turning a key in the engine starting it takes several years for the tariff cuts to come
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through it takes a while to change administrative practices and so i think we're looking at three to five years before you have the full impact of the accession but economists' of calculated it was a world bank study that people refer to a lot but it will at about four point three percent of g.d.p. to russia over the medium term most of that about three percent coming from this increase in investment in services and another one percent coming from increased in russian exports perhaps in the chemicals i'm going to bring full circle i want to be at china's experience and turning couldn't you know it's not you know i mean i think it's really been a catalyst for the change in attitude in russia because china joined the w.t. you know in two thousand and one and then you have a certain if people in china in the years following that which helps to improve chinese productivity and growth i think russia is hoping to use the such as a catalyst for the same kind of process to mystically well we know that russia has
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business with european companies what about the u.s. we still have this tax and then a commandment that raleigh repealed what does it mean for u.s. companies and u.s. business that we're doing business in the us is a complicated connection between jackson vereker the gas you know basically u.s. companies don't benefit from the computer accession of russia from the lower tariffs and the improved administrative procedures until the u.s. congress repeals jokes about it so it creates a lot the interest for appealing jetson verdict in the u. . yes but it's a matter for congress not the administration so paul mccourt promised it but i think that too is very likely to see a repeal of jacksonville it following russia's deputy obsession but it has nothing to do with the excess and i can question accession to the obvious you know that russia will still exceed and it looks like with georgia's agreement with russia on this monitoring regime or the borders of south a city of course here that will last serious obstacle succession is going to head which is why we're expecting the ministerial the ministerial conference here in
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december to to accept those applications for obsession and just a short question do you think russian companies would like being a members of the w.c. oh well you know gains from trade or abstract thing and losers or was very aware that they're going to lose and they will not be against it so often the voices that cry loudest when you have trade negotiations are those who realize that they will lose out and those who claim to consumers the broader economy the companies of the future don't have a voice but i think in this case there is going to be a substantial positive benefits of russia as a whole and the leadership see the value of that for the diversification of the economy and who would lose who will lose your point of view well i think that's. inefficient industries in russia that compete against imports so people sometimes say food processing textiles sectors like that may construction materials may may face greater headwinds in future but russia needs more competition so actually on
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balance i think it's a good thing ok thank you jacob milton for economist morgan stanley thanks very much for coming to the program thank you that's it for now more and fifteen had.


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