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tv   [untitled]    November 10, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EST

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breaking news on the commission in geneva fully clears the way for russia to finally enter the world trade organization it comes after almost two decades of trying also. student protesters in california unhappy with rising tuition fees i met with the riot police brutally wielding their batons. western powers push for fresh sanctions against iran following the latest report on his alleged nuclear ambitions but russia rejects the idea as counterproductive. and are to use a close up team travels to the black sea coast to discover how the local products
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are being made and why getting them onto the dinner table is proving so difficult. global news live from moscow city center this is r.t. with me. first to our breaking news for you this hour the commission in geneva has now cleared all the remaining hurdles for moscow's long awaited membership to the world trade organization laura smith has been following developments for us in geneva we will be crossing a life shortly here but. all right while i while some businesses are celebrating the accession others are preparing for a tough period of transition. has more on what will change in russia's economy once it finally joins the club. the only major market and g.
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twenty member still outside the world's largest economic club is russia and membership is eagerly anticipated not only by moscow but internationally for investors especially those in our case who come from the european union are used to working under. the person on the street w g a membership will not be just something bill read about in the news but it will mean lower prices removing trade barriers between states increases competition prices of unfortunate goods drop and the massive companies also grow quicker with foreign markets opening up. for workers of these metallurgical company it all looks like a win win situation their most recent project is the north stream pipeline should they enter international markets they'll face very little competition. and this is not so much the largest ones in russia's south producing harvest of russia it's what a book is good for months ahead and workers who conspire. but the hat of
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the company has a rather different outlook to that of the w t o cheerleaders. our oil and gas will be in demand even without entering the. well agricultural. agriculture will be among the hardest hit sectors but experts say that a mastic automotive industry will be the one to undergo most of he will. the troubled mortgage giant up the vase was rescued from the brink of death in the economic crisis of two thousand and eight i promise to put in more than one billion dollars in loans cash and guarantees. that is the government's favorite child but not all car makers in russia are cherished this used to be a driving once of musk reach open the nine hundred thirty s. most successful years what it is and six these are hundreds of thousands of must
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reach cars flooded the soviets and foreign markets after the collapse of the soviet union while screech was in desperate need of money but the government could not as was making copper and must reach your costs out. the only way to avoid the collapse of us and now the industrial giant experts say is to use the transition period after joining the w g a wisely closely entreats the w.t. doesn't mean you instantly drop all customs and comply straight away there's a transit so-called transition period roughly thirty years or so protectionist measures will apply for a number of sensitive industries which employ millions of people such as agriculture timber and car making but at a certain point the state's industrial dependence will have to let go of its hands and walk on their own two feet in the world outside it but that should also be
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a somewhat easier place to do business in lieu rejection of customs tariffs and trade barriers to a more level playing field across international markets exceeding the grandchildren aren't t. . of course we are always eager to know your take on the story so today we're asking you who will benefit the most once russia is finally a member of the world trade organization or let's have a look now and see how the numbers are stacking up by the majority almost half of you here think that nobody will win the situation as the organization only adds to the big financial mess the world is already in place equal now between those who believe that moscow's accession will play into the w t o o's hands and that the membership is actually good for russia as it will boost its role in the global economy finally here seventeen percent say that russia will suffer rather than benefit because it will be unable to cope with the competition if you have a chance please log on to r.t. dot com cast your vote. now as well as carry on with the story here
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that of a commission in geneva has now cleared the final obstacles for russia to enter the world trade organization artie's laura smith has been following the negotiations joins me live right now. laura good to see you it's been a long time coming going back all the way to the mid ninety's what's what's the next step. that's right this is been a fantastically long process eighteen years it's lasted but today's really been historic moments we've seen this big working group we've walked into the room earlier on today to watch the spinal negotiations taking place representatives from all hundred fifty three current members of the world trade organization and it resulted in them bringing down the gavel quite literally on the documents that were approved russia's accession to the world trade organization then chief russia's chief negotiator maxime made was actually quite entertaining speech about what a long process this is been he talked about the ups and downs the drummer's and
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even the comedies of this process and he said at the end actually russia is not fully satisfied with this deal but his main geneva lesson that he's learned is that if no one's really happy with the deal then it means that deal is fair as far as what happens next this has been the sort of the sort of documentaries approval if you like and then later on in the year in the middle of december based documents will be passed to the ministers of the world trade organization and they will then formally approved it and it's only at that moment that russia formally answers ceremonially exceeds to the world trade organization i was listening to your the results of the survey that you've been that you've been carrying out online it's very interesting i mean this sort of general feeling here i think is that russia will benefit from becoming a member of the world trade organization no matter how long it has taken in the end it will mean lower barriers to trade with other countries it will also mean that russia will become more attractive to foreign investors because there's that set of
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rules that will be in place and the understanding will be amongst foreign investors that russia is taking a serious approach to economic reform and to efficiency and also the world bank says that in the medium term russia's economy will grow by three percent in the long term by eleven percent i say that process will really begin formally in december when the ministers meet and give their final approval to those documents. indeed the good news there are to live in geneva many things what of course will be more opinion and used throughout the day right here is the working group session in geneva does continue to unfold plus. joining us here will open a new market for rustling goods but also boost the desired foreign investment it's only for our business because it is a pilot which congress it's good for us to cast said. ten minutes past the hour here in moscow prime minister silvio berlusconi is facing his last
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few days in office i simply moved closer to the financial brink the country is trying hard to restore investor confidence after its bond rates hit emergency levels close to the level which forced greece portugal and ireland to ask for an hour in turn sparked panic in global markets about fears that berlusconi's successor i won't be able to prevent the euro zone's third largest economy from sinking sarah further points. the scene this year easing crisis developing on precedented race and its least being the latest country that has been sucked into the debt spiral believes that might be maybe it's the theme is boring holes. in the sand mold that puts it in extremely dangerous territory now that's because most of that seven percent is the trigger point at which he still does he says his island force will increase cost to the people from the usa and the i and those who say the point to which investors looking at the countries with the big. think that perhaps
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there is a possibility of finding ways to be able to pay what it would be disastrous for a country with a big debt coming found that about one point eight trillion here has to be a major problem and that's what the rules are you going to be looking at whether the year is in has the resources to then lend says the in the eventuality that the other lenders know the name and that support is simply not in place that big fund they need is wanted to have that isn't ready because simply isn't there or not could really free a major problem prime minister berlusconi has said that he. is not putting himself that he actually felt quite relieved by that i was very very right now in the country. how when a new government is paying people is not going to provide a quick fix to the financial problems in the country. right that what i actually
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now seen as the greatest threat to the eurozone crisis greece is still inside more power sharing talks and now into the fourth day and it's still not clear who is poised to be the next prime minister or the new government will have to pass a new bailout plan which is necessary to get the latest eight billion euro learn the euro zone is demanding that the two main parties sign a letter backing. the debt deal with the opposition says there's no need for a written pledge amos mcrae the chief economics commentator at the independent newspaper says it's important to preserve the european union itself not just the euro. the big thing is to preserve the european union not to preserve the euro if the euro has to go and it's better that it should go and maybe when i say go that could be something called the euro which just applies to germany and its neighboring nations maybe france maybe three which. excludes italy and spain
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portugal and all the rest but. it's difficult to do that but the bigger game is keeping something called the european union together even if it has to be a two speed europe. with the e.u. is financial troubles are no closer to being resolved max keiser and stacy provide their latest take on the situation of course in the concert report coming away now here on r.t. in just about twenty minutes time. here's a fifty euro brawl toilet currency all of your fifty euro toilet paper currency will soon be about as valuable as this toilet paper except this is all of the nightly printed up in this beautiful display case that you can sew in your house and tell your kids all about what happened in europe. do stay with us forget coming as
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a reporter now as we continue want to hear about see u.s. police in riot gear and class with student protesters at the university of california berkeley after they refused to dismantle their camp but tents were erected following a march against tuition increases for students which was part of the broader occupy wall street movement several activists have been arrested and one protester told us here at our t.v. that some were indiscriminately beaten by police. police approached with full force with right here and tons we didn't want to move for it nor i guess through they use their tongues for it repeatedly jab us in the stomach and everything is what they are because they're going people to the floor and then remember that it required a night's sleep so there are times as they're on the floor. they were at their point you'll cross the line and then to rest in that people that weren't doing anything they hit they hit me repeatedly on the arms on the torso in the sonic and they arrested more students and they eat the students we repeatedly yelled that we
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were nonviolent peaceful protesters but they were extremely cruel in their attack it's with that with their sticks many people were injured i heard about one professor on the face who's our university was was protesting and she's in the hospital or out it's our school be paid tuition we paid for a mission that's rising every year for less services class sizes are being cut and we decided it was time to take back our school and carrying out the momentum from the other our movements we thought this would be a good time. well the occupy wall street campaign against economic inequality has been sweeping the u.s. for weeks but our correspondent in the united states or certainly one of them is a captain off following developments as you can see here on her twitter page right now she says she reports of violent arrests have also been made outside so auction building in new york where people were rallying to defend workers' rights so you can quite easily log on to her page on twitter for. a
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quarter past the hour here in moscow now the u.n. atomic watchdogs latest report on iran's alleged nuclear ambitions has split the international community the i.a.e.a. offers no definitive proof that iran is actually pursuing a bomb but its findings still prompted several countries to call for fresh sanctions but that idea has already been rejected by russia which says sanctions might be used to force regime change in iraq. to come takes a look. launching to an end european and some european leaders would ideally want to impose crippling economic sense sanctions that would further isolate iran but we know that two of the permanent members of the un security council that is russia and china have made it clear that they don't want to cripple the iranian economy and that they say further isolating iran would be counterproductive and he said russia put forward an offer which is still on the table and that is for iran to fully cooperate on inspections and to prove that what they say about the civilian purpose of their nuclear research is true and is not a cover up for what for
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a weapons program and in return the international community would be ready to consider lifting sanctions and that's the offer which is still standing iran says they won't back off from developing nuclear technologies tensions are really high israel was hinting that they're gearing towards preemptive towards a preemptive strike washington said all options are on the table but despite tough rhetoric coming from both israel and the u.s. many agree that lawsuit in tel aviv are most likely to use the word florida as political leverage to try and isolate iran and possibly to put a dent you know in florida economic relations with china the u.n. nuclear watchdog reported south does not review smoking gun but it sure hyped up fears that iran continues research on nuclear weapons the agency says its report is based on the intelligence gathered by a number of countries including the united states but the u.s. intelligence has a history of presenting solid that didn't back in two thousand and three to make
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a case for the war in iraq it presented evidence that in so very solid at the time but turned out to be a hoax the question many are now ask is could the un's atomic watchdog report serve as a justification to start a war with iran but security experts say the consequences to such action would be catastrophic. these are garnished kind of course you can always log onto our website a plenty more stories out including. the london eye the world's largest virus will be the moscow view is said to be built right here in the russian capital plus. the notorious group known as anonymous as its next target will be the muslim brotherhood web site find out a condom when and why they say they're going to attack. targets out of the water but here are some of the headlines for you now two japanese aid workers have been pulled from devry after an earthquake hit eastern
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turkey at least seven people have been killed in that latest disaster and scores are still trapped under rubble dozens of buildings collapsed in the city of van as the tremor measuring five point seven in magnitude struck only a fortnight ago another quake in the same region killed at least six hundred leaving many more homeless. israel's supremum court has rejected former president ma appeal against the rape conviction the ruling clears the way for him to serve a seven year term in prison who was convicted of two counts of rape and other charges last december but was allowed to remain free while he launched an appeal. some arab leaders are reportedly offering asylum to syrian president bashar al assad to ease his departure from power this according to a senior u.s. official although he did not identify the countries that had offered to take a side when it comes a day after activist groups claimed around ten people were killed across syria by
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security forces in the latest crackdown but seriously deputy foreign minister has told us here at r.t. truth trigger protests are terrorist organizations from outside the country it's an interview in full coming your way in about an hour and ten minutes from. those who are provoking these developments on syria to go through a civil war particularly when we could really define those forces i'll tell you the villagers extremists say leftists drug traffickers and smugglers they have been provided with how to do it you can already of communication. by the will north forces from outside syria billions of dollars were smuggled into syria to encourage people to. the peace in the country and not to mention the tens of thousands of weapons that have been also smuggled into the country from piercy from
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libya from iraq and all neighboring countries. are worse now i just taking over twenty minutes past the hour time now to explore i get another corner of the world's biggest country in russia close ups here. russia's a black seacoast isn't famed across the globe for its gourmet dining yet sung pioneers are trying to put the region on the world food map others talk about when they see the local farmers and witness their struggle to get back. on the russian as well as on the global market. treats from russia's coast but these luxury food producers are struggling to find a market this is the only muscle and least a farm in the area just of the black sea closed it's run by forex scientists like
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me to study the region's marine life back in the u.s.s.r. . that when you were thrown out that way when the country collapsed science collapsed we were fired from our jobs in america search center we were good at growing muscles and oysters so we approached a company and arrange for million rubles for a start up it's a risky business with a storm capable of ruining a year's work but without any major setbacks they can harvest twenty tons of mussels a year the problem then is trying to sell them. even on the black sea coast this is not ordinary food only the last two decades of russia started travelling abroad and seeing foreign menus so they started asking for more mussels mussels than oysters are currently very popular in russia in fact the efforts of these guys are unique here but hoping to grow markets without underwater brown thing not the only ones hoping for a place on russian dinner tables. but there's been yard and tourist center in land
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yanis and his family have been farming for decades he's of great descent and helped his father establish the farm recently he decided to try and make wine here kids believe we need three years to establish the vine then five years for a good product in a few years i think we can produce great russian wine your. the climate and weather a good for great grain here but ganesh is hesitant to try and make this into a proper business it's corruption it's putting him off and just not true i look a little less like an artist painting a picture if i wanted a serious business i'd be too scared of corrupt officials taking it from me with a creative approach i'm not scared of people in authority are the ones who should be kept from power they do not respect our citizens ganesh complains that a license to sell his wine costs one and a half million dollars far too much for
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a small producer like himself this also prevents a good wine industry from developing. but he still loves the region and hasn't given up hope of making production or nothing there are some good great growing areas in russia this is a favorable area so if we were thirty's don't interfere we can promote our brand improve ours is as good as any french wine. at the moment you have to look carefully to find local wine and mustn't produces on russia's black sea coast but who knows within a few years this region could become a center for gourmet russian dining tom boston party all right and that's our business up in here hearts here with erica. welcome to visit here how to good have you with me as a then reporting. the green light to the world trade organization is expected to
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open new markets for us and goods and also both the desire for investment into the country taken now from morgan stanley explains what companies will rush to pass impressed. i think it's going to be in business services it's going to be companies legal companies insurance banking but some sort of area that will benefit because they will feel more comfortable about entering the ocean it's north like turning a key in the engine start saying it takes several years for the tariff cuts to come through it takes a while to change minister to practices and so i think we're looking at three to five years before you have the full impact of each session but you can always to calculate it was a world bank study that people refer to a lot and it will add about four point three percent of g.d.p. to russia over the medium term most of it about three percent coming from this increase in investment in services and another one percent coming from increased in
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russian exports. are on that front burner capital says while not all russian companies will bad breath from things that lead c.e.o. in the beginning it will be a long time about the. new w g i was designed to bring down barriers for industries who want to invest in some other countries and you know russia just doesn't have that many industries which are ready to export to make goods outside of the natural resource sector and has very few varies internationally says a trainer and i think good goods coming in from the outside will put pressure on russian companies to become more efficient and his plane zero and you see the russian companies become more efficient and as a result of that you know goods coming in russia becoming more competitive investment coming into the country everybody benefits particularly consumers. and watches or gas sector which provides more than a half of the country's revenues also hopes to benefit from. that's his biggest private or produce
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a look or explains how. we are consumers we can excel and machine building devices and we are big consumers of why for example so we do believe that texas to get weak euro is likely to increase competition on our imports so i. mean steps will be sleek in the increase of competition through suppliers. from peak and they do think it widens the choice to make it to hopefully reduce costs. let's look at the markets now could oil is high on speculation that europe's economy may weather the region's debt crisis cranks is trading at one hundred twelve dollars now let's wait is over nine thousand six hundred dollars about european stock markets are mostly higher in the afternoon italian stocks are in the wrong stressed traders my prospects for a change of leadership role the footsies lower though pressured by losses for mining stocks with that from sources moving over four percent banks' balance back
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to five days shop losses and here in moscow markets are negative are mixed the solid rock ts is down over half a percent and m i six is just an off here's a look at some of the individual shambles and isaac's crossing after his flock the salisbury bankers losing a fourth of a percent and that have reported a more than a two fold increase in net profit for the first ten months of the year but that's all the russian account that's not much good news is also lower the company's earnings a truck almost eight percent in january september. i would suggest focusing on i could have poured follows on making a long term record report follows the current cloud also draws well ations smoke really attractive also i see some value in russian euro bonds especially when russia just crying from the world trade organization this may boost interest to
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russian assets and also. with the recent fastened to move on cars or style we can also expect some positive freight an actual song from russia when i was freshly transformed form simple be it to a single a category we might expect some really strong inflows from foreign and vast from some from russian assets. do join us and forty five minutes for more on the sons.
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of the. who. just simply. just say.


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