tv [untitled] November 10, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EST
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to the world trade organization after nearly twenty years of thorny negotiations a commission in geneva has finally finalized overall terms for the long awaited membership which should happen now in december r.t. said laura smith now reports from switzerland. today's really been historic moment we've seen this big working group we walked into the room earlier on today to watch these final negotiations taking place there representatives from all hundred fifty three current members of the world trade organization and it resulted in them bringing down the gavel quite literally on the documents that were approved russia's accession to the world trade organization then chief russia's chief negotiator maxime made was actually quite entertaining speech about what's a long process this is being he talked about the ups and downs the dramas and even the comedies of this process and he said at the end actually russia is not fully satisfied with this deal but his main geneva lesson that he's learnt is that it's
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no one's really happy with a deal that it means that deal is fair as far as what happens next this is being the sort of the sort of documentary approval if you like and then later on in the year in the middle of december based documents will be passed to the ministers of the world trade organization and they will then formally approve it and it's only at that moment russia formally answers ceremonially exceeds to the world trade organization the world bank says that in the medium term russia's economy will grow by three percent in the long term by eleven percent as i say that process will really begin formally in december when the ministers meet and give their final approval to those documents in fact my colleague catarina groucho has been looking at the advantages and the disadvantages for russia's membership of the world trade organization let's take a look at her report now. for the person on the street w two members should not be just something bill read about in the news but it will mean prices removing trade
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barriers between states increases competition prices will. drop and domestic companies also grow weaker with foreign markets opening up. to. workers of these metallurgical company it all looks like a win win situation their most recent project is the north stream five line should they enter international markets will face very little competition. and this is ross saying much the largest plant in russia south producing harvested rushers is order book is full four months ahead and workers look inspired. but the head of the company has a rather different outlook to that of the w t o cheerleaders with our oil and gas will be in demand even without entering the well agriculture will tumble. and work culture will be among the hardest hit sectors but experts say the domestic
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automotive industry will be the one to undergo most step he will. the troubled mortgage giant up the vase was rescued from the brink of death in the economic crisis of two thousand and eight by prime minister putin with more than one billion dollars in loans cash and guarantees. i thought this is the government's favorite child but not all car makers in russia are cherished this used to be a thriving. open the 1930's most successful years what the fifty's and sixty's when hundreds of thousands of my screech cars flooded the soviet and foreign markets after the collapse of the soviet union my screech was in desperate need of money but the government could not afford to loss making copper juices and musk reach was crossed out. the only way to avoid the collapse of yet another
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industrial giant experts say is to use the transition period after joining the w t a wisely firstly entry to the w.t. doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs tires and comply straight away there's a transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or so protectionist measures will apply for a number of sensitive industries which employ millions of people such as every culture timber and come making but at a certain point the state's industrial dependence will have to let go of its terms and work on their own two feet in the world outside it but that should be a somewhat easier place to do business in live adoption of customs tariffs and trade barriers to a more level playing field across international markets exceeding the grand children aren't t. . i know we're always eager to know your take on the stories we're doing today we're asking you who will benefit most or now that russia is finally going to become a member of the world trade organization let's see how the numbers are stacking up
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right here at r.t. the majority think there will be no winners as the organization only adds to the big financial mess the world's already in just less than a quarter say w t o membership is actually good for russia as little boost its role in the global economy finally it's almost equal between those who believe moscow's accession i will play into the w t o's hands that russia. well actually because it will be unable to cope with the competition due to cost you vote at r.t. dot com. will be more news and opinion on that topic throughout the day. business team is also keeping a close eye on the story let's cross live now to you how yulia so what's the latest from your world have already has the business team is fully closely the story we managed to talk to some of the outskirts and most of them agree that russia's membership in the w t o will open new markets for russian goods and it will also boost the desired foreign investment into the country join me in this suit in about fifteen minutes to find out which western companies will bid to cash in are very
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good you're looking forward to it so you say. you would see now the italian government is verging on panic this after premier silvio berlusconi's promise to resign left the country's debt interest rates soaring through the roof the situation is being exacerbated by fears that berlusconi's successor won't be able to bring the country's deeply fractured political factions together our correspondent sara firth is in rome with more on the latest crisis. we've seen this year raising prices developed an unprecedented rate and it's least being the latest country that has been sucked into the debt spiral believes that might be. if the scene is pouring cold cause that's been. an extremely dangerous territory now that's because most of that seven percent is the trigger point at which he still countries such as ireland portugal in greece tough to see an emergency. and the i and then there's also the point at which investors start
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looking at the countries with the big does that to this lead think that perhaps there is a possibility that the country won't be able to pay what it would be disastrous for a country with a big. company found that about one point eight trillion here has to be a major problem the investors will say going to be looking whether the year is in has the resources to then lend says the in the eventuality of the other lenders i'm aimin that support is simply not in place the big bailout fund the usa needs wanted to have that isn't ready because simply isn't there enough to do any three a major problem prime minister berlusconi has said that he's going to be resigning he's not putting himself told that he actually felt quite relieved by that that was very very clear right now in the country is that how and when the new government is going to be pulled is not going to provide
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a quick fix to the financial problems in the country. despite the many measures taken to contain the eurozone crisis so it's no grown so far as to threaten the political itself. the chief economics commentator for the independent newspaper says that the main priority now must be to simply salvage the e.u. itself. you can sort of see your way through just with the new good technocratic competent government initially you can sort of see your way through just for them getting by but it's kind of cut clutching at straws the big thing is to preserve the european union not to preserve the euro if the euro has to go that it's better that it should go and maybe when i say go that could be something called the euro which just applies to germany and some neighboring nations maybe france maybe three. hundred and excludes italy and spain portugal and
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all the rest of them but it's difficult to do that but the bigger game is keeping something called the european union together even if it has to be a two speed europe it is not impossible that the the euro could be finished by easter. now greece has just announced its next prime minister with them or so the former vice president of the european central bank will now take over the reins of the embattled country it follows four days of hectic talks between the outgoing prime minister george papandreou and the main opposition leader on a new unity government and the incoming premier a staunch e.u. backer must now deal with the difficult task of organizing a new government and preventing a greek default but with a dawning realisation in the e.u. that greece may already be too far gone. and stacey her butt off their own uncensored take on the situation reports coming your way at three thirty g.m.t. but for now i prefer. here's
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a fifty euro for all toilet currency all of your fifty euro toilet paper currency will soon be about as valuable as the star of the paper except this is all available nightly printed up in this beautiful display case that you can show in your house and tell your kids all about what happened in europe. and you can see the cars report in two hours time here and i see from internet users have been left shocked after videos of police brutality against student protests at the university of california emerged on line they clearly show officers didn't hesitate to use their batons to beat young activists before arresting them after they refused to dismantle that make shift camp we spoke to one witness and here's what he had to say. police approached with full force with right here and
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baton we don't want to move nor us through they use their batons to repeat the jab was in the stomach and they were hitting us with their tongs they're going people to the floor and then hitting them with their nights next when there were times as they're on the floor. they were they were going to cross the line and then the rest in the people that were entering anything they hit they had me repeatedly on the arms on the torso in the stomach and they arrested more students and they eat the syrians repeatedly yell that we were nonviolent peaceful protesters but they were extremely cruel in their attack with that with their sticks many people were injured i heard that one professor one of the professors our university was was protesting and she's in the hospital and it's our school we pay tuition we pay tuition that's rising every year for less services class size. and we decided it was time to take back our school and carrying out the momentum from the other occupy movements we thought this would be a good time. and our twitter feed and r t underscore com is the best way to stay
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fully up to date with the latest news from the protest site or having a look right now you can follow our correspondents tweet us further links to the newest video as can be found a captain of the twitter stream including the full videos of police brutality and she's always there to share the latest. you with r.t. now russian space scientists are struggling to get the country's first interplanetary mission in fifteen years back on track they've been trying to reestablish a connection with the probe which was launched on wednesday it was due to head to the biggest martian moon that of phobos technical problems that meant it became stuck in orbit of more now we're joined by peter oliver who has been closely following this story. peter thanks for coming on the program today this really is quite a big story with a lot of angles to it what are the chances that they'll be able to actually get things back on track or is this possibly one hugely expensive error well if they
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also fix the problem with the crew and probe then they're going to have to find out what the problem is in order for them to do that now at the moment the theories around which probably what problem has caused the probe to be stuck in all this around the earth after its takeoff split into two camps whether it's a problem with the software of the probe or a problem with the hardware of the probe now it's a problem with the software that's something that potentially can be fixed now one theory that's been put forward is that it's a problem with the navigation system of the probe these type of probes when they're launched initially the sun is their main focus point for navigation and then navigation system switches over towards the stars now that some people believe that this probe has failed in switching from the sun to the stars and if they can send a software patch and upload that to the probe it should be able to go about its mission just a few days late now the big problem. the rise if it turns out to be
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a problem with the hardware now that pretty much spells curtains for the. ground pro system probation and that means that there's going to be another problem facing ross cosmo sound all the scientists behind this mission. fired up you know so as you're saying it could it could be a software problem that could be salvageable and then you also just mentioned just now if it's a hardware problem that could be that could be the end of the road for this phobos probe it really has all the makings of a hollywood movie you know send in some sort of rescue team to to salvage this the satellite did this this rocket and its and its probe that ultimately now is kind of floating dead in orbit from what i understand is it's a degrading orbit that is coming closer to earth is it any risks this could break up and i mean it does have a toxic payload on board or anything like that well it is currently floating in orbit around earth and if it does prove to be a hardware problem of course i said that spells the end of this mission and we then
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have to face the situation of the satellite returning to earth and yes indeed it does have toxic elements on board the focus probe is contained seven tons of highly toxic fuel of course this feel was intended on sending it from the earth to the moon to mars and then back to earth so there's a lot of fuel on board there one nasa expert is referred to the focus as the most toxic falling satellite ever so this is a problem that off course most of the russian space agency are facing that they may have to come up with some kind of contingency plan to deal with a potentially toxic. problem caused by the fuel that's on board this probe however they do have and they are saying they have around ten days to come up with some form of contingency plan should the worst come to the worst on the probe not be salvageable they have about ten days in order to come up with a system to make sure that it poses no threat to us here on earth putin so ten days
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and the clock is ticking on his correspondent i thank you. he with now iran's supreme leader the ayatollah khamenei has warned the u.s. and israel against any attack or threat of attack on the islamic republic he said tirant will respond in full force in a way that will demolish aggressive from within the ayatollahs harsh words came after the un atomic watchdogs latest report triggered calls for crippling sanctions and even possible military action the i.a.e.a. has no direct proof tehran is trying to make weapons but it was enough for the u.s. and israel to sound the alarm russia has voiced support for iran saying that any new sanctions would stall a possible diplomatic solution the hype that followed the nuclear watchdog report is a build up to washington's long planned military campaign against iran now that's the view of poles craig roberts who worked in the administration of president ronald
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reagan. we now have which doesn't really say anything there's no evidence and it is just some innuendo and washington we all know to spin this new endo to try to prepare the ground as they did with iraq. for a military attack based on nothing in fact the report said yes there's no evidence of any diversion again in your tutorial that there's some sort of hype about it working on a trigger for a nuclear bomb but everyone knows that ranch and not. enrich uranium to the extent necessary to make a bomb bayview and said they won't even enrich uranium to the stage to use for medical isotopes they're willing to have that done outside the country it's the americans who blocked that deal so so they're really doing nothing the rains have done nothing. and the americans are continuing to try i mean
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washington goal was to create a pretext for a military attack on iran is part of the neo conservative agenda it's been part of the region do it for what now what it does in yours. meanwhile russia's state atomic company is considering building new power generating units for iran's bushehr nuclear plant tom said the suggestion came from tehran and work on the necessary agreements between the two governments has already begun the unit already operating at the power plant was also built by russia time and is being supervised by the russian corp iran is as transparent as any country can be in terms of providing proof of the peaceful nature of its nuclear program says the country's ambassador to the international atomic energy agency. report he is not professional and not balanced and he's with political motivation and under political pressure by the u.s.
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and couple of the western countries this report has an excel fifteen pages of the allegations and the materials which were handed over only last week to us in the company should man there read the temp pages of the report of director general which says that all activities including a retirement are continuously under deceived by the inspection the only second part which is that is above the american allegation the important thing is that we are party to in p.t. all activities are on their. guard and even hundreds of shark short unannounced inspections this is great and we go invited depicted director general by e.a. to even visit the ata india of sent to richmond can you give me any example that any respect or have been permitted to any since you've been in any other part of the war. twenty one minutes past the hour here in the russian capital and for now we invite you to the black sea coast as our close up series continues to explore
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the most amazing corners of russia. and i are right now in this region is that one of the most popular resorts for russians but it's hoped that its appeal will soon stretch further afield with food at its heart a local producers are slowly taking steps towards putting the region's riches on the world's most exquisite tables. and talk to the pioneers of the industry and found out about the hurdles still to be overcome. yes gourmet treats from russia's coast but these luxury food producers are struggling to find a market this is the only muscle and least a farm in the area just off the black sea coast it's run by forex scientists need to study the region's marine life back in the u.s.s.r. . that when you were thrown out that way when the country collapsed science
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collapsed we were fired from our jobs in america research center but we were good at growing muscles and oysters and so we approached a company and arrange for a million rubles for a start up it's a risky business with a storm capable of ruining a year's work with animals but without any major setbacks they can harvest twenty tons of mussels a year the problem then is trying to sell them. even on the black sea coast this is not ordinary food only the last two decades of russian started travelling abroad and seeing foreign menus so they started asking for more mussels mussels an oyster as are currently very popular in russia in fact the efforts of these guys are unique here but they're hoping to grow markets for the underwater bounty but not the only ones hoping for a place on the russian dinner table. but this bin yard and tourist center inland yanis and his family have been farming for decades he's of greek descent and helped his father establish the farm recently he decided to try and make wine here curious
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that if we need three years to establish the vine in five years for a good product in a few years i hope we can produce great russian wines with your the climate and weather good for great grain here but yes it's hesitant to try and make this into a proper business it's corruption it's putting him off yes martin or a little less like an artist painting a picture that if i wanted a serious business i'd be too scared of corrupt officials taking it from me but with a creative approach i'm not scared the people in authority are the ones who should be. from power they do not respect our citizens janish complains that a license to sell his wine costs one and a half million dollars far too much for a small producer like himself this also prevents a good wine industry from developing. but he still loves the region and hasn't given up hope of making it up to almost three years to there are some good great
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growing areas in russia this is a favorable area so if the with ortiz don't interfere we can promote our brand improve ours is as good as any french wine but. at the moment you have to look carefully to find local wine and mustn't produces on russia's black sea coast but who knows within a few years this region could become a center for gourmet russian dining tom bottom party. up at i don't know the hard news stories for now though the business up there with you. have i will welcome to the business program as we've been reporting russia has been given the green light to join the world trade organization the move is expected to open new markets for russian goats it will also boost the desired foreign investment into the country taken nell from morgan stanley explains which western companies will rush to cash in fast. i think it's going to be in business
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services it's going to be companies legal companies insurance banking that's the sort of area that will benefit because they will feel more comfortable about entering the russian it's nor like turning a key in the engine starting it takes several years for the tariff cuts to come through it takes a while to change administrative practice is so i think we're looking at three to five years before you have the full impact of the accession but the economists of calculated there is a world bank study that people refer to a lot that will add about four point three percent of g.d.p. to russia over the medium term most of that about three percent coming from this increase in investment in services and another one percent coming from increased in russian exports and roland nash from varna capital says while not all russian companies will benefit from the w t o in the beginning there will be
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a long term advantages. biggio is designed to bring down barriers for industries who want to invest into other countries and you russia just doesn't have that many industries which are effective and exposing the goods outside of the measure resource sector and is very few berries and eventually says it's really worth it and i think the goods coming in from the outside will put pressure on russian companies to become more efficient and ms plame zero but you did see the russian companies become more efficient and as a result of that you know goods coming in russia becoming more competitive investment coming into the country everybody benefits particularly consumers. look at the markets now oil is high on speculation that europe's economy may weather that region's debt crisis brant is not trading at one hundred thirteen dollars a barrel while light sweet this whole ring of mine to seven dollars per barrel. european stock markets a high as comic is bunks and insurance companies gain to tallinn stocks in the front as traders i prospects for change of leadership in rome. and here in moscow
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the markets in the black arches is up a third of a cent while the my six is caught one percent higher here's a look at some of the individual share moves on the might set stross nafta's flat the sahwa there hong kong is up more than one percent the lender has reported a more than two fold increase in net for the first ten months over here bought that sound of russian accounting standards food retailer magnets is higher the company's earnings have jumped almost eight percent in january september. so from a phenomenal business stories in less than fifteen minutes time for you here on our cheese so do stay with us.
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the close up team has been to them and some region where technological breakthroughs save human lives. now are she goes to the sea. her unusual ways to protect new trucks for farming pioneers place local cuisine to the highest pitch. and for future developments depends on the way. russia's black sea coasts commercial close up on our. the.
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