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tv   [untitled]    November 10, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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signed sealed and delivered it's russets access into the world trade organization is finally agreed to eighteen years in the making for me in geneva in just a moment. also the athens announces the veteran vice president of the european central bank as its new premier sparking indignation on greek streets over the perceived loss of yet more sovereignty to the e.u. . israel may strike iran by the end of the summer that's according to reports citing british intelligence sources off of the findings of the un's atomic watchdog stalk fresh concern over to ron's nuclear program our top stories this hour.
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international news and comment line from moscow this is r.t. with you twenty four hours a day good to have you with us this so russia has been finally granted access to the world trade organization after almost twenty years of thought in a go she asians and commission in geneva has finalized overall terms for the long awaited membership which will happen now in december lottie's norse myths in. there's a document in circulation which is all the terms and conditions it weighs three and a half kilos and it amounts to some seven hundred pages now i haven't had time to read the whole thing and i doubt that i'm in the minority there but you can only imagine that it is full chockablock painstakingly negotiated compromises which have taken place over all that amount of time but in fact what the significance is is a question that the chief russian negotiator maksim says that he has been asked
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repeatedly over the last eighteen years what just what is the point of this and he pointed out during a media conference that took place of the gaveling of the documents as they call it here he said that it is true that russia first applied for membership back in one nine hundred ninety three when its economy was in pieces and over that period of time russia has rebuilt its economy without the help of the world trade organization so that it is now the sixth largest in the world but he said that despite that we russia now does ninety percent of its trade with members so membership of that organization is sort of level playing field in terms of doing business it was still very important he talked also about the ups and downs of of the negotiation process the draw comedy and he said that the most difficult moment moments had come when they were negotiating the natural gas tariffs and also the
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terrorists for the agricultural sector in russia but he says that now they've come to this agreement he's not fully satisfied with the deal but he says that it's an important geneva lesson to learn but if no one's really satisfied with the deal and probably means that it's fair for everybody he said he's also negotiated a reasonable period for making adjustments to tariffs between three and four years they will have to bring their tarps in line with the rest of the world trade organization and the organization itself says that now one hundred fifty million russian consumers will be. have access to cheaper prices for a whole range of goods but of course there are also disadvantages in this and by calling your catarina gretsch over has taken a look for us at the pros and cons of membership for russia of the world's largest trading organization let's take a look here of course for the person on the street w. general membership will not be just something bill read about in the news but it will mean lower prices removing trade barriers between states increases competition
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prices or when ford goods drop and domestic companies also grow quicker with foreign markets opening up. for workers of these metallurgical company it all looks like a win win situation their most recent project is the north stream pipeline should they enter international markets will face very little competition. and this is lost so much the largest plant in russia's south producing harvested rushers it's not a book is full for months ahead and workers who conspired. but the head of the company has a rather different outlook to that of the w t o cheerleaders. our oil and gas will be in demand even without entering the. well agriculture. agriculture will be among the hardest hit sectors but experts say the domestic
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automotive industry will be the one to undergo most of he will. the troubled water giant the vast was rescued from the brink of death in the economic crisis of two thousand and eight i promise to put in more than one billion dollars in loans cash and guarantees. other half of the government's favorite child but not all car makers in russia are cherished this used to be a bing once of must reach open the 1930's most successful years were the fifty's and sixty's when hundreds of thousands of my screech cars flooded the soviet and foreign markets after the collapse of the soviet union last creature was in best need of money but the government could not afford to loss making car produces and reach worse costs out. the only way to avoid the collapse of yet another industrial giant experts say is to use the transition period after joining the w chair wisely
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closely entry to the w t o doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs and comply straight away because transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or so protectionist measures will apply for a number of sensitive industries which employ millions of people such as every culture timber and car making but at a certain point the states industrial dependence will have to let go of its hands and walk on their own feet in the world outside it but that should also be a somewhat easier place to do business in the reduction of customs tariffs and trade barriers to a more level playing field across international markets if you will grow chill for r t. the director general of the world trade organization has told me it's very significant progression has joined the club at the time the global economy is experiencing such difficulties well the economy is not in good shape but one of
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the ways to exit. this situation which i recognize and we discussed about the last week in the g twenty he's not good one of the ways to move out of this crisis is to open more trade fight against protectionism and the fact that russia joined but i visit very moment is also a symbol of the value of these monkey that rule system of rules in that it had its economy growing including the tide which are difficult like the ones we are in in the world economy joining the euro creates a hundred percent guarantee for business that the rule of roll that no corruption will be there i mean how it is he cleaned up our rule. the world trade organization he's a rules to a system good not cover each and every part of business all trade life but the main
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pillars are. what can be called a transparent jew process legal basis to all their pulp through the countries and these are current russia to move it so that each joins the level of safety and security transparency which all the market economy status have joined when. they got into the world trade organization. well we're always eager to know your view of the story and today we're asking who will benefit most now that russia is to become a member of the world trade organization let's have a look and see on screen how the numbers are stacking up at the moment while the majority we can see there still think they'll be no winners as the organization only adds to the big financial miss the world's already en route of. membership is actually good for russia as it will boost its role in the global economy almost the same amount believe that moscow's accession will play into
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a b w t o's hands while the remainder think that russia will suffer because it will be unable to cope with competition cast your vote at r.t. dot com good to hear from. greece. next prime minister lucas papademos the former vice president of the european central bank will now take over the reins of the embattled country it follows four days of talks between the outgoing. and the main opposition leaders on the new unity government the incoming premier a staunch e.u. backer and his new administration are set to be sworn in on friday with the immediate tricky task of introducing more austerity in return for continued. political analyst peter as told me that he believes much of what the crisis is about is hidden from public view. we have to turn the clock back to the original collapse of the world economy because this was no accident it was a very well planned exercise and as we know ireland became
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a victim portugal and now greece and apparently spain and italy are likely to follow it really doesn't matter who's in power there are people that are controlling this situation and we also have to understand that there's massive. could we say massive corruption fraud taking place and tax evasion in most countries actually creating this problems remember that they can take out any country financially or militarily that they want to take out. their priorities are one to secure the world's natural resources the second one is to control the markets for those resources and thirdly to control the gateways to seal lanes and the pipeline routes when you have control of this you basically of the world in the palm of your hand whoever controls the finances of the world controls the world and this is what we're looking at here israel may be preparing to strike iran as early
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as the end of december that's the warning reportedly voiced by someone in the british intelligence services this comes out of the un's atomic watchdogs latest report tension over iran's nuclear program by saying it can't exclude to iran is working on nuclear weapons and artie's paulus lair is watching developments. according to british intelligence chiefs israel would want to strike against iran to stop it from developing nuclear weapons as soon as christmas according to sources in the british government if not christmas then the beginning of next year with these sources saying that israeli military action is to be expected sooner rather than later and that it will be action that will be supported just repeat by the united states not in recent weeks we did hear from the british defense ministry they confirmed that they have contingency plans in place should be u.k. decide to support military action against iran here in israel prior to the publication on tuesday of the report by the international atomic energy agency the
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israeli defense minister ehud barak warned iran of a possible is radie strike he said that all options are on the table and when israeli officials use that phrase all options on the table it really does mean military action israeli president shimon peres has also gone on record saying that an israeli military strike is more likely than any kind of diplomatic solution and we have had a response in rand's supreme leader the ayatollah i mean for mani who has warned both the united states and israel that if they strike iran they must expect a tough response from tehran he said and i'm quoting that we are not a nation to sit back i don't and watch materialistic corrupted and rotten power was written he ran we will respond with a strong slap and an iron fist he spoke about a graceless and invade is being snatched from within the arabian president mahmoud ahmadinejad's responding to that i am a report he slammed the report and he said that iran would not step back one iota
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from developing its nuclear program he said that the report was relying on baseless claims that you rand is building a nuclear bomb. russia's state atomic company sat on is considering building new power generating units for iran's pushchair nuclear plant this comes just after the i.a.e.a. the latest report said it couldn't disprove that iran is attempting to build atomic weapons we spoke to the operations spokesperson said again no because he said if the project does go ahead it would on full display for the agency to observe the first union show nuclear power plant is a unique informational project because so lots of countries including western countries are involved in the women piece in all this project and all the job which was done by russian special use was done under the full control of i saw. the forcible implementation of the possible construction of flex units will be as
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well implemented under the full international control off united nations watchdog experts it will be absolutely transparent for its mission and society we have created bismarck and is an all through clear fuel supply where you say that we are ready to provide the iranian nuclear power plant to have nuclear fuel for the lifetime of the subject and then the fuel of russian origin the spent fuel taken back so it means that the national society can be absolutely sure that all the russian fissile material will be controlled by russian federation. internet users have been left shocked after videos of alleged police brutality and student protests at the university of california emerged online they clearly show officers didn't hesitate to use their batons to beat the young activists before arresting them after they refused to dismantle their makeshift camp or to talk to one witness here's what he had to say. police approached with full force with great here
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and the towns we don't want to move nor us to move they use their response to it repeatedly jab was in the stomach and they were in us but there were times when people to the floor and then remember with their nightsticks when there were times as there on the four. they were they were point you'll cross the line and then the rest in the people that weren't doing anything they hit play here and be on the arms on the torso in the stomach and they rest in more students and they pay you the syrians we repeal he yelled that we were nonviolent peaceful protesters but they were extremely real and there was happy with that with their sticks many people were injured i heard that one professor first was our university was was protesting and she's in the hospital and our entire school pay tuition we pay tuition that's rising every year for less services. and we decided it was time to
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take back our score and tearing up the momentum from the other as prime movements we thought this would be a good time. russian space scientists are struggling to get the country's first interplanetary mission in fifteen years back on track they've been trying to reestablish connection with a probe which was launched wednesday and you to head to the biggest martian moon phobos technical problems mean it has become stuck in all that already people all of us as the details. at the moment the theories around which probably what problem has caused the probe to be stuck in all of it around the earth after it's take off split into two camps whether it's a problem with the software of the probe or a problem with the hardware of the probe now it's a problem with the software but it's something that potentially can be fixed now one theory that's been put forward is that it's a problem with the navigation system of the probe these type of probes when they're launched an issue even the sun is their main focus point for navigation and then navigation system switches over towards the stars now that some people believe that
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this probe has failed in switching from the sun to the stars and if they can send a software patch and upload that patch to the probate should be able to go about its mission just a few days late now the big problems come and arise if it turns out to be a problem with the hardware the food was prob or contains seven tons of highly toxic fuel cause this fear was intended on sending it from earth to the moon and mars and then back to earth so these are a lot of fuel on board their one nasa experts referred to the focus group rovers the most toxic falling satellite ever so this is a problem that of course most of the russian space agency are facing that they may have to come up with some kind of contingency plan to deal with a potentially toxic. problem caused by the fuel that's on pause this probe. reporting there you know we invite you to the next ecosystem close up series
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continues to explore the most amazing corners of russia. right now the southern coast has a popular choice for russians and acceptance of people will soon stretch further afield with food at its heart local produce as a slowly taking steps towards putting the region's riches on the world's poorest exquisite tables that is tom blanton talked to the pioneers of the industry and found out about the hurdles still to be overcome. gourmet treats from russia's coast but these luxury food producers are struggling to find a market this is the only muscle and least a farm in the area just off the black sea coast it's run by forex scientists need to study the region's marine life back in the u.s.s.r. that what you were thrown out that way when the country collapsed science collapsed
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we were fired from our jobs in america search center but we were good at growing muscles and oysters so we approached a company and arrange for a million rubles for a start up it's a risky business with a storm capable of ruining a year's work but without any major setbacks they can harvest twenty tons of mussels a year the problem then is trying to sell them. even on the black sea coast this is not ordinary food only the last two decades of russian started travelling abroad and seeing foreign menus so they started asking for more mussels not all that oysters are currently very popular in russia in fact the efforts of these guys are unique here but hoping to grow markets for the underwater bounty not the only ones hoping for a place on the russian dinner table. but there's been yard and tourist center inland yanis and his family have been farming for decades he's of greek descent and
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helped his father establish the farm recently he decided to try and make wine here kids believe we need three years to establish the vine then five years for a good product in a few years i hope we can produce great russian wine. climate and weather a good for great britain here but younis is hesitant to try and make this into a proper business and corruption is putting him off yes mature i look at a list like an artist painting a picture if i wanted a serious business i'd be too scared of corrupt officials taking it from me where you were but with a creative approach are not scared people in authority are the ones who should be kept from power if you do not respect our citizens the honest complains that a license to sell his wine costs one and a half million dollars far too much for a small producer like himself this also prevents a good wine industry from developing here but he still loves the region and hasn't given up hope of making it productive or north there are some good great growing
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areas in russia this is a favorable area so if your thirty's don't interfere we can promote our brand improve ours is as good as any french wine but. at the moment you have to look carefully to find local wine and muscle producers on russia's black sea coast but who knows within a few years this region could become a center for gourmet russian dining tom bottom r.t. . well this is the where the news looks at the moment when the headlines when about ten minutes from now meanwhile the u.n. human rights chief says syria is facing a libya style scenario and the uprising against incumbent president bashar assad has turned into a civil war well out next hour he will be speaking to the country's deputy foreign minister about the ongoing crisis stay with us for that interview coming up shortly .
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facts about nick that serious topic the foreign minister thank you very much for being with us. hope it will be with you now according to him u.n. human rights reports over three thousand people have been killed in syria addresses a protest started in march for how long we'll see reaction from losing its people. i think the question should be the opposite of course from should be what's
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happening in syria. of course the credibility of some international non-governmental organizations have been lost because they don't take into consideration what's really happening no one of these organizations has said that syria has lost more than one thousand one hundred fifty multi-use from the army and the sick little crisis do you think i mean this is the correct approach absolutely not. yes many civilians were killed assess a native but people have to us but was shouldn't who killed them and why they were killed because our security forces were able to detain. themselves admitted that they were killed in or three tours in syria to keep the pace of the most asians goban on not only that but some of those criminals said they were
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killing people to keep for example the illegal building of houses in certain areas because they cannot violate the law if the demo stations were not there so these are the cases however we believe the killing of a single person is too much he believes that the life of one person is already crucial and this question is they still keep taking place around could you say that syria is at a state of the civil war you know. i mean those who are provoking these developments want syria to go through a civil war and you know the complexity of the syrian population. is so deep because this is the history of syria we have something from everything. we have the three monotheistic religions within the each religion we have all the denominations so those who are behind these developments want really to lead the
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country into a civil war particularly when we correctly define those forces behind the developments that are going on i'll tell you those are religious extremists celestial states drug traffickers. smugglers they have been provided with up to date technology of communication. by the will nor the forces from outside syria and financing of terrorism and terrorist action has taken place so much billions of dollars were smuggled in from syria to encourage people to disturb the peace in the country and not to mention the tens of thousands of weapons that have been also smuggled into the country from here from labor known from iraq and all neighboring countries can you really say that the whole opposition is made of pure islamists
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and there are no civilians who are just fighting for a better life absolutely not this is my answer because we have a position from inside the country syria the syrian leadership as of nihilist. there is a position and we have to take into account the views of the opposition and to work together with this opposition to build the new syria from what it seems from the outside also. events are taking place in your country are affected by outside players for instance turkey turkey wants to be a leading power in for the sunnis in the region and we know that sunnis from the core of the opposition in syria also know that turkey provides support for the opposition or syrian national council are we seeing double standards here can turkey use this holding it to its advantage and taking your question i'm not taking
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very little. if the turkish government would pursue its policies in the imperial way according to the ottoman systems then to commit a big mystic force to a plea for the position of therapy in the entire region who told them they are i mean the audience of some news and the entire work nobody has the right to interfere and that what they were so pretext including tip if they want to interfere and the disguise because this is a big mistake it's not just turkey the syrian clearly has aired an interview with the capture terrorists who admitted receiving aid from saudi arabia and jordan why would these countries want cameras in the region here you have touch of the very sensitive issue the financing of terrorism. but until now at least we don't say officially that i mean the saudi government or the
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jordanian government or the lebanese government or the government are financing these groups tourist of the us but we believe money is coming from the sponsors from a number of fisher circles our appeal to our brothers and sisters in all these countries is not to allow that because end of the united nations this is called financing of terrorism they are sending money to conceal years and i believe this should be stopped since the clashes are still taking place and the protests are still going on what do you percy for the near future in syria what's going to happen of course you are right when you said there are still some clashes between those terrorist elements and the police and security forces we hope they stop because as i said the killing of a single syrian is a bigger tragedy. now you would ask me ok what's the way out the we are
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out thirty four but isn't that us that has put on the table a comprehensive plan. reforms so the whole process is a matter of three four months and then the new c.e.o. will emerge thank you very much for excellence in this and thank you.


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