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tv   [untitled]    November 10, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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it's a u.c. berkeley beat down protests go from hold a problematic and zero to sixty plus police he was there for toxic hospitable harm to students we'll speak to one protester who has the bruises to show it and you know are two questions more so we want to know where is the mainstream media when all this is how pretty. they ain't so joe. because you know this is. the second. oh please say it isn't so penn state football riots a really nasty little students at u.c.
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berkeley are being beat down by police what gives. and as the world economy flat lines and europe becomes a sick ward the doctors had to paradise writing prescriptions for everyone else's problems all our leaders find a cure. it's thursday november tenth four pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching artsy well police continue to violently crack down on occupy wall street protesters the latest clashes in california last night. take a look at this video of a showdown between police and students at u.c. berkeley campus police in riot gear police tear down the encampment and arrest dozens shocking images of police beating and jabbing students with the times
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thousands of protesters in california demonstrating against jewish in increases and public education funding cuts the university of california could soon face one hundred million dollars in cuts that's in addition to the six hundred fifty million already slashed meanwhile to wish and continues to skyrocket the protest for education tapping into the energy of the occupy wall street movement we're seeing across the nation right now eric your rebate joins us he was in the middle of the chaos last night he says he was a victim of police brutality and how the scars to prove it. eric we're seeing it we just saw that violent video explain to us of what happens when and how police decide it's a violent crackdown. on the student body had a million last night during the evening i mean afternoon. to pass resolutions occupy cactuses what we do is we turn it into great though we passed
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a resolution soon thereafter we try to set up tents on campus in the middle campus on when's a great day for students so we said of the towns there are about six or seven tenths. of or but we were informed that the chance there were not let's say with our tents or a night so in preparation for that we formed a human kind of fence wall around the tents in order to prevent the police from entering grazing downtown soon thereafter maybe ten fifteen minutes the full force of police in riot gear with tongs and helmets. came of her students trying to hold our ground as they approached us and you know baton. but they were using respond with. force in order. to move us through i'm sleeping very few lines and actually very liberal parent tense and i was one of the few times this year with really great parents tense and eric you know while all this violence is happening
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over there in california i want to take a moment to bring attention to another protests happening on a college campus in static been getting much more media coverage this one is that penn state let's take a lock. now students there very passionate so riled up that they toppled over a truck why is it that we are seeing so much media coverage about this ousted football coach and seen so much outrage over at the cost of education you know it affects so many more people and has a greater implications for students across the country erica do you think that the media cares more about football than these other greater issues yeah i agree that the media is going to straight away from stories like ours because they're not in favor of those things that we stand for in a more universal education equal access to education just overall human rights and
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. just a more equal society and it's kind of unfortunate. that this is what they choose to highlight. and your coverage of things like this well how does it feel to see so much more coverage of the south to football coach meanwhile scores of students are dozens of students are being are being cracked down and b. and by police i mean what's your response to that it's going to very disheartening to be honest we have i think thirty between thirty and thirty five people arrested for things that seem more relevant than just a football game and maybe a sex scandal that's going on with the famous football coach but. i mean i think we have to readjust our priorities and look at what what's relevant especially in this time where social activism seems to be kind of you know greater momentum we're
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talking and i think it's very important for us to link the struggles with the overall occupy wall street. which is a. public university and erica we saw your your bruises there from. from the police beatings. back to would you do it again and that was it worth the beating is this a cause like your passion about that you would you would do it again i wouldn't find you again i think that you struggle kind and you people are willing to lay down their bodies and third body into a machine smarter so i said. and if it's worth it i'd rather. my body don't you know if the results aren't so sure what's going to happen i think sometimes you just have to stop the system and. kind of question what's going on and what's just and where we should be prioritizing our farms and our approach on our priorities and energy. so it's certainly worthy cause
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ok eric and i also met lee what would you like to accomplish and protesting. that's kind of hard there are many voices and people have different ideas on that very minimum what we want to do is link the out years that are going on with our eye wall street with the same struggles that we've been fighting for in public university system hate speech or using group b. for years so if anything if you can just change the conversation especially in two thousand and twelve with the election coming up to hold our elected leaders more accountable to the needs of students and working class people eric thank you so much for sharing your story with us that was u.c. berkeley student protester eric would be back. and from chaos in california it's a crisis in the euro zone italy has become the latest country to be sucked into the death spiral the unpopular it's only in prime minister silvio berlusconi is
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wrapping up his final days in office meanwhile bond rates hit emergency levels this has sparked panic in global markets amid a fear that whoever replaces berlusconi will not be able to stop the euro zone's third largest economy from sinking are the correspondent sara firth is in italy. we've seen this year easing crisis develop an unprecedented race and its least being the latest country that has been sucked into the spiral which then might be david goodstein is boring holes cause that stuff in the sun that this is an extremely dangerous territory that's because most of that seven percent is the trigger point at which he saw countries such as ireland course will increase cost to see an emergency from the usa and the those who say the point at which investors start looking at the countries that with the big deserts of the sleaze think that perhaps there's a possibility that because you're going to be able to pay what it would be
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disastrous for a country with big debt is usually how many times about one point eight trillion a year has to be a major problem though this is the rule so you're going to be looking at whether the year is in has the resources to then lenses the in the eventuality that of the other lens is still open at the moment that support is simply not in place that big . usa leaders wanted to have isn't ready the cost simply isn't there or not could really free a major problem prime minister berlusconi has said that he's going to be resigning he's not fitting in so for that he actually i thought was relieved by that it was very very clear right now in the country is the how and when the new government is going to pull is not going to provide a quick fix to the financial problems in the country and that was r t correspondent sara firth on the grounds in italy well government leaders from twenty one countries and hawaii today for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit the
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pacific rim nations are able to promote free trade and economic team work in the asia pacific region while the summit doesn't kick off until saturday there is already a lot of excitement on the ground as senior officials are rive r. t. is honest isn't hawaii right now to bring us the latest on a stasi a what is happening there right now. well there is you know i have to see there's really a big disconnect in pace between the tourists that have gathered here and why and all the apec delegates and media members that have gathered here for work it's definitely a bit of a frenzy going on on the ground even though the main events the leaders start gathering really tomorrow and the biggest events will be helped throughout the weekend now really this is the biggest welcome that how why he has really ever thrown out slopes here say they've been preparing for this for two years it's estimated that as much as one hundred thirty seven million dollars were spent on
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putting the saw whole operation together but they are hoping that they'll be able to make one hundred twenty million because one group has estimated that people here on the ground in the next couple of days will be making will be spending roughly three hundred fifty dollars more to be able to really sustain being part of this apec summit madness we do know of course that security is very high already restricted access has been put in police to roles parts of beaches and even some of the ocean tourists were surprised to see you know barricades being put on the d.h. and special agents walking around and it's really hard to get around here so unless you have a pos it's really hard to get anywhere with some of the tourists are really not happy about this right now and then who exactly i know president obama is he's either there arriving there very soon who is attending and what are the big issues that they plan to tackle. well you know liz we're going to see leaders from twenty countries gather here in the next couple of days starting tomorrow for the
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apec summit it's important at the apec summit is really the biggest economic group in the world it consists of countries that are in the asia pacific region and really the goals of apac is to be able to boost trade between these countries to be able to lift some of the cost and duties and the main final goal is to be able to create an open trade zone by the year two thousand and twenty and this of course is a difficult task because of the difference in pace of some of these economies so everybody's taking their own sort of speed to get there but this is something that the apec members hope to achieve and so we'll be seeing as many as twenty thousand delegates gathering here in the next couple of days to get together and really tackle all of these issues and then the stasi and this comes as we're seeing all this turmoil in the eurozone you know this comes as western economies are sinking and asia comparatively is doing better could we talk a little bit about the importance of the timing of this event. well
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you know there's you're absolutely right many experts are seeing the apec summit as really a continuation of what we saw at the g. twenty but of course the difference between the two are groups is that a pact group doesn't include countries that are in europe so this gives an extra really opportunity for countries in the asia pacific to tackle their own issues to be able to put in place their own sort of rules and steps to be able to make treat easier investments create a healthier and really more fast paced moving economic climate so this is definitely something that's important for the countries that make up a pact because of course we've been seeing a global economic crisis take place so this is just another way for leaders to be able to tackle some of the issues that they've been faced with over the last several years and i also hear that protests are brewing over there isn't gaining momentum and what is the message that you protesters are trying to send.
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well that is definitely something that we're hearing and we're expecting some protests to gather namely an anti apac march here on saturday is going to be really interesting to see how many people are actually going to show up for this because hawaii is in such a remote location we have been hearing some from some of the organizers that there are are some large following in the footsteps of occupy wall street how many people they're going to be able to bring here is a big question because you know they are protesting sort of wealth inequality and it does cost quite a big to actually be able to get here so we will see how that unravels we're not seeing any protests on the ground as of yet and i'm pretty sure they're not going to be able to get too close to the leaders because of so many security researchers put in place and you know some people are skeptical about these forums really accomplishing anything president obama recently returned from the g. twenty summit in cannes and some say very little was actually accomplished. here
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you getting the same sense that there is this skeptic attitude towards apec and really being able to accomplish real change. well you know liz the skeptic out of two traditionally comes from people assuming that it's a lot of all lip service so many leaders so little time so many important issues to be tackled but we have to keep in mind that gathering such as this really offer an opportunity for a lot of bilateral meetings where leaders get together on the sidelines to discuss a lot of the issues that are important for countries we know that in the next couple of days obama and the russian president dmitry medvedev will be holding a bilateral and they're going to be discussing issues such as. the u.s. plans for european missile defense shield this is something that's important because there's been somewhat of a stall because the u.s. of has been refusing to provide legal guarantees that this is not going to be a threat to russia's security this is certainly something that's at the top of russia's agenda they will also be talking about the boot and garfunkel cases the
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two russian citizens that have been that are being held in jail on u.s. territory and issues such as for russia i mean we it's important to go ahead with the negotiations with the middle east and the situation in north africa and we're also hearing that they might touch upon the russia's future out the world trade organization so certainly to the people who are saying that so not much gets achieved as this gatherings like this is a big if because a lot of issues a lot of meetings and we're know the leaders are certainly not going to be you know relaxing on the beaches but really will be taking their time to tackle the more important issues that they have to deal with at this point. and a saucy thank you for keeping us updated look forward to hearing more updates from you that was our own honest. and it's now just and it's not just europe dealing with an ailing economy americans have made it clear that they are not up to their for as the rich get richer and those in the ninety nine percent struggle to
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survive but what exactly makes a person gretsch lori harvest of the resident dot net through the streets of new york to find out. the general public has been vilifying the very rich lately so why doesn't the public consider too much money this week let's talk about that more than a million too much money yeah if someone has more than a million should they pay more in taxes yes they absolutely said yes i want too much money is on a. million too much to me when one of the women one million for enough to have would say if people make more than a million dollars and they have that in their bank account should they be forced to give back a moral or a moral and sound in general interestingly i saw once that the answer the question do you have enough money to curve goes like this as your wealth increases so people
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who don't have a lot feel that they don't have enough as they as people get wealthier a higher percentage of them think they have enough until they pass a certain point whereas as you get even wealthier you want even more i think it's too much when they when they can't. understand. normal people living so if you made ten million dollars which you i would give some of it away it's too much money people that don't give it away and have that much in the wrong i guess it's a personal decision i just think that if you make that much money you could share with someone who doesn't have so much should they be forced to through taxes like you do in scandinavia maybe so sometimes if you don't force someone to do something and are going to do it if you pay twenty or forty percent of your earnings on investments on taxes i don't think that's something to whine about when you're talking about large sums of money so why do they complain and why do they find
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loopholes and ways around it. i mean people of. i mean you've met someone who has a lot of money and they get like caught up on weird small things that you don't think would matter to a rich person can i share some wisdom from the talmud says who is rich he was happy with what he has. and that's how we should all live right one would. know what's wrong with those people with ten million dollars in the bank that are still trying to get more and don't want to give anything for people less fortunate no my place to judge that. i almost died and i almost forgot it was going to be no matter how much wealth you consider to be obscene the bottom line is when it comes to money it's hard for anyone to not want just a little bit more. well still ahead here on our team for better or worse russia is jumping over the final hurdles to join the world trade organization and right now with the shape of the
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global economy it looks like the honeymoon is over so what's this a match made in heaven we'll take a look at the pros and cons of this new friendship. with the phillies. but what a contest nobody seems to know. but never appropriate the pace but hardly an argument that they're being overly dramatic.
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looking to calculate how to climb or in mr. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's very unlikely a mate who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery to see
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where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called sections when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. into it only it would. do the work pretty much just the sort. i have the care of me right north my government would get annoyed i think. i would characterize the bottom line as a charismatic. guy with american exceptionalism. rush on its way to join the world trade organization well some are welcoming the nation with open arms others are preparing for a period of transition are. takes
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a look into how the country's economy may change once it finally joins the club. the only major market and g. twenty member still outside the world's largest economic club is russia and membership is eagerly anticipated not only by moscow and internationally this is an especially those in all cases come from the european union are used to working on the regime the person on the street w g a membership will not be just something bill read about in the news but it will mean lower prices removing trade barriers between states increases competition prices over the fortitude drop and the massive companies also grow weaker with foreign markets opening up. for workers of these metallurgical company it only looks like a win win situation their most recent project is the north stream pipeline should enter international markets will face very little competition. and this is
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last seen much the largest loss in russia's south producing harvested russia is what a book is good for months ahead and workers who conspire. but the hat of the company has a rather different alchemy to that of the w t o cheerleaders. our oil and gas will be in demand even without entering the. well agriculture. and work culture will be among the hardest hit sectors but experts say the domestic automotive industry will be the one time to go most up here with. the troubled mortgage on top of us was rescued from the brink of death in the economic crisis of two thousand and eight i promise to put in more than one billion dollars in loans cash and guarantees. that is the government's favorite child but not all car makers in russia are cherished this used to be a riving wants
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a musket each opened a nine hundred thirty most successful years what if it's two years and six days or hundreds of thousands of my speech cars flooded the soviet and foreign markets after the collapse of the soviet union my speech was in desperate need of money but the government could not as was true last made. and must reach was. the only way to avoid the collapse again and now the industrial giant its would say is to use the transition period after joining the w two wisely firstly entry to the w t o doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs tires and comply straight away transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or so protectionist measures will apply for a number of sensitive industries which employ millions of people such as every culture timber and car making but at
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a certain point the state's industrial dependence have to let go of its sons and work on their own two feet in the world outside but that should be a somewhat easier place to do business in lieu rejection of customs tariffs and trade barriers to a more level playing field across international markets exceeding the great show over our t.v. . and be sure to stay tuned to right here on artsy up next as the capital account lauren listener she joins me now laurin what can we expect on your show today liz we have a very exciting show today because we have a really fantastic guest who came all the way from australia from down under to be in studio on our show he wrote the book debunking economics he's got a lot of the economic issues that we're seeing play out right now you don't write any gotten right years in advance and he's here to tell us why so many economists including the one that are advising policy and governments have gone it so wrong and why they continue to make sure to stay tuned for the capital account that does
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it for now for more on the stories we covered but r.p. dot com slash usa and check out our you tube page at youtube dot com slash arts in america you can also follow me on twitter at liz wall and once again be sure to say right here capital account that lauren lister is up next for now and liz wall. stuff.
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