tv [untitled] November 10, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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it's a u.c. berkeley beat down protests go from peaceful to problematic in zero to sixty so as police use the baton surprise physical harm to students will speak to one protester who has the bruises to show it and you know where it's you questions more so we want to know where is the mainstream media when all this is happening. so joe. it's. easy to. please say it isn't so penn state football riots really this while students at u.c.
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berkeley are being beaten down by police what gives. and as the world economy flat lines in europe becomes a sick war the doctors had. writing prescriptions for everyone else's problems but well our leaders find a cure. but there's one group that seems to be doing just fine the wealthy right here in the u.s. this is the rich get richer while the ninety nine percent struggle to survive what exactly is the definition of rich well it's a big. it's thursday november tenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our t.v. old a rich now getting richer the poor getting poorer right now we are seeing record poverty numbers unemployment stuck at over nine percent in the wake of the occupy wall street protests we're hearing more dialogue over the rising income inequality gap
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and with that a shift in mindset toward the rich being out the window and obtaining financial success was once admired in the united states now not so much we're hearing loud calls of an end to corporate greed corruption and. and so what what is behind the changing perception of the rich these days they answer all this i talk to the always outspoken founder and president of the government say in mali and max ratable senior analyst that green grass green grass capital and very different takes as if they had to say. most of you i think occupy wall street probably represents the tip of the iceberg and as that we'll iceberg the majority is sort of below the surface where you can't see them but i think we've seen thirty to thirty five years of median upward wealth redistribution in the united states and we've seen the last three years really the last three years be a kind of top of boom in that process we saw the average only asset that most americans have their house lose approximately thirty to thirty five percent of its value in the same time since the march two thousand and nine lows the stock market
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we've seen equity prices across mainly double so thirty five years into an upward wealth redistribution we have a sort of top up boom in that were occurring with a continued depression in the housing market very weak labor markets and a relatively much better situation in the world and i think in some kind of ironic symbolic sense the death of steve jobs also kind of marks the death of one of the last sort of innovators who is it mired despite his enormous salaries so we have both the literal and the figurative shift in moods of partially i think made very clear by the occupy wall street movement and its astonishing early success and what do you think in the wake of these occupy wall street protests as there are that read to losing their appeal now the occupy wall street is the short of a fringe of the american populace they're too busy occupying public parks to go look for work there is work out there this is salt on the rich is patently absurd the top one percent of earners pay forty percent of the taxes that is an
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unconstitutional tax rate you are guaranteed equal protection before the law and it is unconstitutional to charge different people different rates based upon their income these people need to stop fixating on other people and what they are. because it's nobody's business but the person writing the check and the person cashing it and get to work on improving their own lives rather than trying to tear down someone else but seeing one of the grievances that we are hearing from the occupy wall street movement is that the rich they don't they don't pay their fair share of attack one percent as one percent pay forty that's not their fair share that's a big if they were to pay their fair share there do a dramatic tax cut well i want to bring your attention. that depends on what you think their share is see the and that's actually a legitimate philosophical debate should they pay their population way which case one percent of people should pay one percent of the taxes yes or should they pay a tax rate indexed to the progress in federal it's against it's again it's unconstitutional to do that well it's unconstitutional to do that it's
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a memory card it is the i don't understand your opinion it was a plane but i want this new study courts of law and the result. if we have that graphic there take a look at the findings of a new report from citizens for tax justice of the two hundred eighty companies looked in syria and they're all fortune five hundred companies raking in of billions most don't pay their fair share of taxes many pay only made don't pay a corporate income tax at all but are all income tax. usually they're required to pay the big corporations are required to pay thirty five percent of the corporate income tax rate on average the corporations only paid half of that even more seventy eight percent of them at some point paid no federal income tax at all so see it how could you you know with this information how can you go ahead with a second are paying their fair share will grow to let me not even take it slow you just change the discussion about that individuals know we're talking about
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corporations two entirely different scopes and second of all we have the second highest corporate tax rate on planet earth so of course these companies move out of the country you're driving job producers out of the country with the second highest corporate tax rate on the planet they're going to go somewhere else we're not. used and beaten about the shoulders with tax and regulatory policy so of course we're going to they're not going to pay their fair share to. use your language they're not going to pay the corporate tax rate because it's too high and we go another country words lower more reasonable and they get the money rather than weaker than us max what do you think we can we just show you that information their corporate tax rate are they paying their fair share. well in large corporations the united states have a very convoluted tax code i think we all could agree we have a very convoluted extensive long full of loophole tax code that has compared conspired to create a situation where folks trying to divest corporate citizens aren't doing right by their shareholders and everybody works to try to make their corporate effective tax
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rate lower the average effective tax rates less than half the official thirty five percent rate and so on some level we know that corporations are paying far less than the legally mandated thirty five percent on their enormous incomes on the other hand we know that our tax structure is so convoluted and so full of holes that it's basically designed not to deliver the revenue that the society needs and that puts us on the cusp of a real budgetary disaster because we've been spending way beyond our income from the federal and as well the state and local levels which we see with jefferson county bankruptcy in alabama for a long time so we need to figure out a way to increase our revenue and decrease our spending otherwise we're on a patently unsustainable path with a high official rate in the low actual payments which is what your numbers refer to your you know you're exactly right the tax codes a joke and there's only one democrat that's. consistently said they want to reform the tax code and senator ron wyden wyden from oregon other than that the democrats love the loophole ridden tax code with thousands and thousands and thousands of
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pages because it makes him more than all due respect i think our problem is this large because we've had bipartisan agreement on a dysfunctional tax collector but there's one democrat way way way way there's been one democrat and republicans have been calling for tax reform for years and there's one democrat that's agreed to democrats and stymied it over the last decade or more republicans have consistently called for tax reform for simplifying the code we want to single rate for individuals we want to single rate for corporations we want to abolish the death code that has a cost more or that's one of many possible reform packages so i think we've seen both dead. right and republican majorities and house senate and presidency in the last twenty years we haven't seen either of them substantively remake the tax code in ways that every other consider that he wasn't but we do a lot of side with two thousand and one i see it all for a while we do we what we do know that despite the fact that no one has done the tax code that you're not no one the republicans you know that were about things if you
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want to talk yourself you don't need to go about your security warnings are in fact . i don't think i have that particular problem but you can wait for your turn and you can make that as your. views as you get upset. i'm not sure you can. see any good argument that you made earlier on is that that we're hearing it from conservatives as that we're hearing this over and over again is that the corporate one person or is that they are the job creators but the way it's i mean for ad unemployment is at a record high where these so-called jobs are the uncreated when government becomes more active the gap between rich and poor grows because when you're taxing at a higher rate if you took every penny bill gates made this year he'd still be rich but at that tax rate you're destroying job creation and wealth acceleration for everyone for the ninety nine percent when you have the government being as active with regulations as the government has been the last four years with the power grab
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that isn't it interesting with the power grab that is obamacare with the inaction of the cap and trade bill even though it never passed congress like net neutrality didn't as congress when you had the n.l.r.b. attacking businesses for making free market decisions all of that regulatory action all that government action all about higher taxation higher regulation creates a schism creates uncertainty in the marketplace people will not hire they'll sit on their money and as they sit on their money their wealth increases they're not expanding their businesses they're not hiring and the gap between rich and poor grows when you reduce the activity of government when you reduce the size koeppen sphere of influence when you reduce regulations when you reduce spending when you reduce taxes at the federal level the gap between rich and poor narrows because the other ninety nine percent are actually engaged in the economy and can rise up would you like to respond to that. yeah there are plenty of examples of regulations that
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push an onerous burden that are bad for job employment the problem is not all regulations are bad some rules wired for a market to function perhaps some are required for a market to function in one edition to make one believe seen and they know i think you're giving up i think this is a case study in your slight etiquette problem and am regulation health name regulation and i don't believe i don't believe being interviewed by you i believe you're having something of a public had a hip problem there but that now is going to identify with us i'll give you that our regulatory history is full of following examples we have had periods of falling regulation with taking jobs we've had period of rising regulations rising jobs at some point we all have to grow up here and the government isn't just good or just bad kinds of what the government actually does that's where the rubber meets the road if a government trains people gives them education builds infrastructure and builds the kind of environment required for business to thrive and businesses thrive and jobs do better if they don't then the vironment becomes toxic and we see declining
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wages what we've seen over the last twenty years however is people who are very nervous about the future in part because there's inadequate adequate demand in the marketplace we have high unemployment we have stagnant wages and that's led businesses to see their future as disproportionately overseas which is why we see transnational corporate employment growth growing more outside the u.s. than inside the u.s. and that does have something to do with our job situation and addition to which for the last twenty consecutive months we saw a public sector employment decline and we haven't seen the private sector pick up the slack by enough to fully offset which is why we've had some months of positive job growth which is good it's highly inadequate and we're still stuck at an unemployment rate of around nine percent but the real you six inclusive unemployment rate at around sixteen percent and so we have to consider political stability as well as what the long term history lessons are from different various forms of government regulation some of which are supportive and whether they're you if you're going to get rid of the obama administration that. because they are the kings of uncertainty to the kings of all regulation and the kings of illegal
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regardless are bigger than a single single president i think they've got dramatically worse in italy they've gotten dramatically worse in the last three years under the obama administration we have unleashed i don't recall the worst the last three years but i don't know if it's all told was there is there is a nominee will bomb was unleashed a regulatory tsunami's averaging about three thousand new regulations a year. congress also is the actual body with the legal right to do regulations lived when exactly obama's bypassing congress he came out and said we can't wait for congress to act so we're going to do with illegal what he's been going to legally all along he's been acting cap and trade without congressional authority he's just an act of net neutrality without congressional authority he's an acting card check with congressional authority where is he going to rush to the border checked the n o r d's and act like. you know already there are already decisions busy it is other l.r.b. versus boeing that's not a car check decision though that was done all the national labor and over there in
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acting large swaths of carjackers that had passed even though it did not. and i want to switch the conversation of you might be a little bit more on this next topic somebody on the line for a sad is not having a very good day today. let's take a look at this video of rick perry it's been getting a lot of airtime lately. it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone commerce education and the what's the third one there let's see. oh ok commerce education and the. e.p.a. . seriously. it would be better if you were talking about the. agencies of government e.p.a. he can be rebuilt but you know what about the you can't name the third one the
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third agency of government i would i would do away with the education the. commerce and let's see i can't the third reich and so. right now we can't even remember an entire government agency that he wants now he's being attacked this is turning into the whole highlight of the debate and survey that was supposed to be focused on the economy what do you make of the coverage. perry the obama without his teleprompter. so you know this has never forgotten anything that's and yes he has got to go sort of a flake on you tube that's not a million views i made the video i have many examples of obama off the teleprompter from one for words so yes a lot of his happens in public speaking not to me personally but you know this is human foibles he's a lot you know i feel used to live in texas he's not his worst setting is the
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debate he's much better than most others i think what do you think max. but i think we could all agree that it was not a high point for his campus and doesn't seem like the debates are particularly his cup of tea i think it is a little bit surprising and some level distressing that the agency forgot the department of energy is particularly active battled in his home state of texas and energy last time i checked was a leading business sector in texas but i mean in fairness to the fellow it doesn't seem like debate or public speaking particularly his failure with that was a kind of almost shocking and truly horrifying display last night in the debate but you know what one is left wondering to what extent he does a successful fund raising going forward because it's going to be a little harder for him that it would have been absent what was a sort of long drawn out painful and this is unfortunately was either watched or more likely replayed for millions of like these voters over the last twenty four hours gentlemen thank you so much for weighing in on these issues that was see in
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mali founder and president of less government and max bradwell senior analyst at green cross capital. so as the rich get richer and those in the ninety nine percent protest against a system they say tips in favor of the. what exactly does it mean to be rich these days anyway is the president not that so to the streets of new york to find out. the general public had been vilifying the very rich lately so why don't republicans that are too much money this week let's talk about that more than a million image many yeah if someone has more than a million should they pay more in taxes yes they absolutely said yes i want so much money. when the women one million pronounced i would say if people made more than
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a million dollars and they have that in their bank account should they be forced to give back amoral. a mile and an ounce in general interestingly i saw once the to answer the question do you have enough money the curve goes like this as your wealth increases so people who don't have a lot feel that they don't have enough as they as people get wealthier a higher percentage of them think they have enough until they pass certain point whereas as you get even wealthier you want even more i think it's to make sure they when they can't. understand how a normal people are leaving so if you made ten million dollars which you i would get from it in a way too much money are people that don't give it away and have that much in the rom i guess it's a personal decision i just think that if you make that much money you could share it with someone that doesn't have so much should they be forced to through taxes
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like you do in scandinavia and maybe sell sometimes if you don't force someone to do something and are going to do it if you pay twenty or forty percent of your things out investments on taxes i don't think it's something to whine about when you're talking about large sums of money but why do they complain and why do they try to find loopholes and ways around it i don't know i mean people of every you bet someone who has a lot of money and they get caught up on weird small things that you don't think would matter to a rich person can i share some wisdom from the talmud says who is rich he was happy with what he has. and that's how we should all live right. now what's wrong with those people with ten million dollars in the bank that are still trying to get more and don't want to give anything that people less fortunate know my place to judge. i almost got it and they all got it will go no matter how much wealth you consider to be obscene the bottom line is when it comes to money it's hard for anyone to not want just a little bit more. hell
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still have an r t student that u.c. berkeley are learning the hard way that california police officers need business especially when it comes to protesting education cuts so why the penn state football riots intercepting all of the mainstream media's attention instead that story next. is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. you know sometimes you see a story. and then. you
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realize there. is a. new website which twenty four seven live stream what to do about the ongoing financial hardship. the videos are down. and. never mind the name removed. from the. question more aren't. just saying. well police continue to violently crack down on occupy wall street protesters the latest clashes and california last night.
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take a look at this video of a showdown between police and students at the u.c. berkeley campus fully clad and riot gear police carried down the encampment and a rather dozens shocking images of police beating and jabbing students with the time thousands of protesters in california demonstrating against jewish and increases and public education funding cuts the protest for education tapping into the energy of the occupy wall street movements we're seeing across the nation earlier i spoke to eric woody by a student who was in the middle of all the chaos last night and i have the scars to prove it i asked him to give me a rundown of what exactly happened take a listen. student body i mean last night during the evening i mean afternoon. about the revolution thought you. know what we get. in there after we try to step on campus in the main look at it on a wednesday with
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a student and he says and there are about six. hundred kids with or but we were informed that the chance they would. stay with their friends for a night so in preparation for that we formed a human kindness and walk around them i mean or just going. and dream. in there after maybe ten fifteen minutes. a full force of policing right here with the tongan element. for students we try to hold our ground as they approached. with. force in order to back. they can break through the line and that's the great they broke their tents and that was one of few times where they broke our tents and erick you know while all this violence is happening over there in california i want to take
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a moment to bring attention to another protests happening on a college campus it's better than getting much more media coverage this one is that penn state let's take a look. now students there very passionate so riled up at these topples over us rock why is it that we are seeing so much media coverage about this ousted football coach and seen so much outrage over at the cost of education and you know it affects so many more people and has a greater implications for students across the country eric the you think that the media cares more about football than these other greater issues yes i agree that the media is going to stray away from covering stories like. they're not and. you know the thing that. overall you guys.
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just a more equal society and i'm fortunate. this is well. and we appreciate your coverage of things like this well how does it feel to see so much more coverage of this out this fall called coach meanwhile scores of students are dozens of students are being are being cracked down to be and by police i mean what's your response to that. sort of. i think. between thirty and thirty five people arrested for things that seem more relevant than just. sex. or coach. i mean i think we have to readjust their priorities and look at what was relevant especially in. social activism seems to me and you know. i think it's very important i think he struggles with that overall by watching. i was
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stationed. at university and erica we saw your your bruises there from. from the police beatings and retrospect would you do it again no love there worth of beating is a cause that you're yourself passion about that you would you would do it again i would i do it again i think that many struggles kind of people are willing to believe lay down their body. and if it's worth it i'd rather. my body don't even if the results aren't so sure what's going to happen i think sometimes you have to start this is. very well you know. kind of question what's going on and what's just being priority on. our priority very. family worthy cause ok eric and ultimately what would you like to
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accomplish in protesting. the kind of heart there are many voices and people are going to. that very minimum we want you to link the ideas that are going on with the i.o.c. with the same struggle that we've been fighting foreign policy makers. for years so many things it can just change conversation in two thousand and twelve with the election coming up to hold our elected leaders more accountable to the needs of. people eric thank you so much for sharing your story with us that was u.c. berkeley's he wouldn't protest or eric would even and from cal from california it's a crisis and the euro zone italy has become the latest country to be sucked and so the debt spiral the unpopular at sally and time as minister silvio berlusconi is wrapping up his final days in office meanwhile bond rates hit emergency levels this has sparked panic in global markets and fears that whoever replaces berlusconi will
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not be able to stop the euro zone's third largest economy from sinking our three correspondent sara firth is in italy. we've seen this year raising prices develop an unprecedented rate and it's least the latest country that has been sucked into the debt spiral which then might be neighbors could be seen as boring holes that serve in the sand market but it's an extremely dangerous territory now that's because the market that seven percent is the true the point at which we saw country such as ireland's portugal and greece have to see an emergency from the usa and the i.m.f. those who say the point at which investors start looking at the countries with a big hazard to the sleaze i think that perhaps there is a possibility that the country won't be able to pay what it would be disastrous for a country with a big debt is how we found that about one point eight trillion here right has to be
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a major problem and this is the rule so you're going to be looking at whether the euro is and has the resources to bend lenz's the in the eventuality that of other lenders stop at the moment that support is simply not in place a big. usa leaders wanted to have that isn't ready because simply isn't there and that could really free a major problem prime minister berlusconi has said that he wasn't going to be resigning he's not telling himself that he actually felt quite relieved by that i was very very clear right now in the country is that how and when the new government is going to be formed is not going to provide a quick fix to the financial problems in the country well that's our show for more of the stories we covered go to r.t. dot com slash usa intricate or you to page at youtube dot com slash our to america you can also follow me on twitter at was well have a great.
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