tv [untitled] November 10, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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oh and some are going to washington d.c. and here are three of the many things coming up tonight on the big picture first the g.o.p. presidential primary debates are back in full swing and there was no lack of entertainment last night's debate on c.n.n. we see a little substance was rather hard to come by and second new video of police brutality at another ninety nine percent protest in california stores sort of joined by a patriot who was caught in the middle of it and our third story tonight. see the camps as the third one i can't. hoops.
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you need to know this no one has been on television more today than texas governor rick perry why because he's desperately trying to do damage control after it's of a performance last night in which this. and i'll tell you. it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone commerce education and the what's the third one there let's see. all five ok commerce education and the. e.p.a. e.p.a. very. seriously. you see.
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that i know so we're talking about the. agencies of government the e.p.a. has to be rebuilt but you know how to value can't name the third one the third agency of government i would i would do away with education the. i'm right back to the commerce and let's see if i can add the third to our camp so i. opes fifteen minutes later he remembered that it was the department of energy that he would eliminate place with made bombs that's why i've offered to ship to rick perry a case of edison factory attritional supplement from all of the sponsors of my radio show can prove brain functioning and goes memory what about herman cain and heading into the debate dodging allegations of sexual harassment all eyes were on cain to see how he'd perform and if you thought he'd be careful how he talked about women think again as we cain said about former speaker of the house nancy pelosi. but legislation has already been written h.r.
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three thousand in the previous congresspeople states are third to four hundred and put beddoes has already been written we didn't hear about that in the previous contra the previous congress because prince is nancy said it's a committee and it stayed there in the but. later cain admitted he probably should have made that statement and then today he said that he was just fine with it but this gap shouldn't inter cain too much from his book tour that's masquerading as a bid for the presidency sides in the circus of rick perry and herman cain there was a lot of seriously troubling stuff to take away from last night's debate for one thing none of the candidates had any coherent answers to the biggest economic crisis facing the world right now european debt crisis. as president what will you do to make sure their problems do not take down the u.s. financial system. to start with two things first we must grow this economy so to be clear focus on the domestic economy and allow italy to fail focus on the domestic economy we will see so yes we have in iran and should we allow italy to
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fail should we have a stake in what's going on in the euro zone right now but my view is no no no we do not need to step in to bail out banks either in europe or banks here in the u.s. they may have to tell you that the right answer. tribute to the international monetary fund and the i.m.f. has given one hundred fifty billion dollars to the eurozone are you saying the u.s. should stop contributing to the i.m.f. sure you must recognize that this is a moment to moment situation for people with a single mind and you would just like just go away and take our banking system with you know you have to let it you have to let it liquidate just let. her round up on last night's republican debate highlights and lowlights i'm joined by my panel of three guests carl for a partner with both. strategies we know where this is going to generate let's take a columnist occasional in your host and sam sachs progressive strategist and our
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third let's see if i can the third one. and the way. welcome to both of you all of these rick perry jokes i mean they're so they're so easy they're they're going to become such a terrible cliche but there was some actually shocking stuff last night right off the bat the question about italy this genuinely horrified me it was clear that the moderators knew more about this issue then either of the guests here. so you know just this week this this big group of economists and i could almost professors came out and said that if they were grading the. republican candidates when it came to economics one hundred one they don't get enough and i think that's a good display of that i mean any time jim cramer from c m d c sounds more rational and levelheaded about these issues but any issue then somebody who wants to be president of the united states you should be scratching your head because you know that that that series of questions and answers about italy was more telling about
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this field in this debate than they we've probably gotten out of last several debates and yet sam isn't. sort of got what we asked for i mean in the setup of the debate they said you have sixty seconds so you know here we are complaining about lack of substance sixty seconds yeah well i mean i don't know how to solve it we are not an expert in crisis but i would expect they would know a little bit more than i would him for herman cain to say the way to fix this is a dollar is a dollar just like an hour is an hour and mitt romney said it only can handle their own problems the u.s. and. to say let's just liquidate it all it's insane i mean i think let's just liquidate it all is what andrew mellon told her hoover in one thousand nine hundred ninety it doesn't work but. the fact they weren't pressed on that is is a sign that the media and in these debates aren't doing their job to where herman cain can just give ninety nine is every answer that's that's probably actually do want to do what mellon told her to do i mean seriously do. that's what they were
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all say. they don't believe in evolution but they believe in economic darwinism and you know last night what we saw and the reason that you know they get the thirty seconds they get the sixty seconds is because we're also watching this reality show republican survivor where you've got the one or two people that might be the republican nominee and then eight other people who will never be president will never be the republican nominee in two years when it we're going to call them the two thousand and twelve also rans the best they can hope for is a contract with fox news when this is open and yet we're treated to over and over and over again and only benefits the front runner mitt romney because it keeps him from having to dig even past just a little bit on the surface on any issue because he's only going to talk about it for thirty seven and because they keep. basically heritage foundation cato institute todd never to be on those talking points and if it's only thirty seconds while it's benefiting the koch brothers to target that whole ideology herman cain
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sexual harassment allegation got the briefest of mentions last night just by bringing it up on the moderators was sort of. the american people want jobs but they also want leadership they want character in a president in recent days we have learned that four different women have accused you of inappropriate behavior. here we're focusing on character and on judgment is that a c.e.o. . you know that so why is asking the front runner in the field to run for president of the united states about whether or not he's you know about five women who claim that he's committed actual crimes against them to a potential respite and assault and assault and two of whom he's actually subtle. why why would that a listen i think you i think you have to change your expectations that republican debates whatever you would expect from
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a reasonable compassionate audience you have to expect the opposite from the audience that debates that cheer letting sick people die the chair the death penalty and everything like that i mean here's a very important issue that has been all over the news this is what people are talking about and here's a front runner that has serious crimes against him that someone once asked whether or not he has the character of the president and they were booed off the stage pretty much the moderator as well you know i i don't necessarily agree i'd like to think a little bit more of republicans i think that they were booing herman cain's behavior in relation to those four women i realize that the most ridiculous thing i've ever said in your program probability is what or where you are going with what but at the end of the day only one person has been able to discuss this subject openly and that's herman cain or pretend to talk about it openly you've got one woman who's come forward and had a press conference you've got another woman who's talked through her attorney but the two women who have settled with herman cain are still not allowed to talk
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because the n.r.a. the national restaurant association has these you know competence i agree confidentially confidentiality agreements with them if we're going to get to the bottom of this herman cain and the n.r.a. need to let these women talk and that's the smoking gun i mean there was a settlement something happened here and for herman cain and fox news and everybody else to say this is all smoke and this is all a democratic voice well that's that's not the case there's yet they they they play it up to a point where they say that sexual harassment isn't real it doesn't happen some people say these women asked for it by the way that they talk with their boss literally i mean it's another subtle ensued that had to do with his running a company where he was encouraging people to buy that stock company's stock for their retirement funds and it went down and there was a lawsuit but any questions about his campaign manager i mean who. yeah i mean for his lack of campaign staff he was the only one that's won in this entire sexual harassment scandal is blockhead his campaign manager because we're still not
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talking about his campaign finance violations we're going to secure a little story thousand dollars. in expenses away from the herman cain campaign so there are over three years college is getting more and more expensive outstanding loan debt over a trillion dollars at some point this year it's going to hit it it's going to seed or it has already exceeded credit card debt we've never ever in history united states had anything like this it's harder and harder to find a job here is with the republicans. and the student loan program began when lyndon johnson announced it i think with a fifteen million dollars program it's an absurdity what does it do it expands the ability of students to stay in college longer because they don't see the cost would you kill the federal student loan program i don't think the federal government should be in the business of paying for programs and building up huge debt out there is nothing more dramatically failing then in that program so no there is no authority in the constitution for the federal government be dealing with education
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we should get rid of the alone programs we should get rid of the department of education education pay for it how do they doubt pay for college if mary not the way you behave for cell phones and computers yeah you know that two hundred bucks on the cell phone and that four hundred on the computer that would probably a good education or a great education you know if you could get a payment plan something tells me harvard is not going to lower their prices to the levels of t.v. mobile or a.t.m. t.v. . this is this is what republicans do i mean. we talk about the elections this past week being you know an overreaching by the republicans that wasn't overreaching this is what republicans believe this is who they are and this is what they would do if there were a lot and that was on display when we're talking about student loans and the debt crisis that these you know twenty somethings and thirty somethings. many of them not being able to even many of the forty fifty and sixty somethings so we have who lost their jobs and are going back to college to try and get skills you know but
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here's the promise we made when we told them to get a college education because you get paid better in the workforce they did that then we said ok you actually need to get a master's degree and they did that and there's still no jobs and the republicans have no plans to either help these students or to create jobs for them. and they're comically tone deaf here we have a crisis a trillion dollars that's never happened before student loans outstanding student loan debt and they want to cut sort of loan debt just like we have unemployment jobs crisis and they want to cut unemployment benefits just like last year when b.p. had the had the spill and they wanted to raise the cap on how much b.p. has to pay out republican filibusters that big oil companies are making over hundred billion dollars and republicans don't want to cut subsidies i mean they're just completely tone deaf to everything that's going on in the end i think the fox news is and all these other conservative media outlets are kind of letting them get away with it in this fantasy world but it plays right into the into the g.o.p. t.v. narrative it's really quite remarkable call for same sex thank you both so you can
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see. coming up things are heating up again at the ninety nine percent movements in oakland and now in berkeley how many more people need to end up unconscious in a hospital ward where the police are held accountable for the way they're treating protesters. and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with lobel mission would see where we had a state controlled capitalism school sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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in the latest occupy wall street news more a video surfaced today of police brutality against peaceful patriots check out what happened when cops in riot gear confronted group of cal berkeley students were gathered to rally on behalf of the ninety nine percent will. thank you. thousands. thousands of the
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it was it was those are young men and women in a crowd who were having night sticks violently shoved into their stomachs meanwhile in oakland where police brutality was taken to another level two weeks ago when two time iraq war veteran scott olsen was critically injured and sustained brain damage and police fired a tear gas canister and was said there are fears that another violent police crackdown could be looming yesterday numbers the city council joined by the local chamber of commerce. briefing bashing the occupy oakland movement and calling for it to be broken up immediately and according to a police source oakland police have canceled all training exercises for next week which is a pretty good indication that the cops are making plans once again to clear out the occupy camp outside city hall so it could be only a matter of time before oakland police again turn the streets into
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a war zone but first let's get to what happened at cal berkeley yesterday for that i'm joined on the phone by you about the larkin participant in occupy cal berkeley a national organizer with the coalition to defend affirmative action gratian and immigration rights and fight for equality by any means necessary event welcome. here great to have you with us what happened yesterday what did you see. well first of all what i saw was the emergence of a new and very powerful determined young movement where there are students and protesters from the communities that are absolutely united unanimous together to stand up for the ninety nine percent against the one percent and against the whole system where profits have been part of human needs such as has to change and one for our main fund said we were protesting around was the fight for higher education and for funding for our schools in california and so we were protesting we had thousands of people who were out there who were united and then we had
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a general assembly meeting and voted almost to almost unanimously to stand up together and to set up an occupation and an encampment but very shortly after students started setting up the tents. the police moved in to try to snatch and steal out of town and so students just and the protesters we would not expect that because we have a right to protest we have a right to fight for our schools our universities and so we stood our ground we stood firm and we were united and despite the fact that the police were ridiculous and absolutely brutal on me on the people around me on so many especially young women as well as young men who were out there we wouldn't back down despite the fact that they said one graduate student to the hospital he was in i.c.u. as of last night and despite the fact that they really tried to hurt and scare people and go he people away from asserting our free speech rights to fight for
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education to backfire on them and i continued we just got stronger and stronger and despite the fact that the police cleared the tents twice and despite the fact that they beat us at least twice two rounds of it we were stronger than ever and by midnight we had three thousand people who were out occupying scout father and u.c. berkeley. and you have got fuck right you had thanks so much for the report. but it was now to my panel for the latest on what else is happening in the ninety nine percent movement around the country i'm joined by joshua holland senior writer editor with alter net and sarah seltzer journalist and associate it with all that welcome to both of. thanks thanks for joining us joshua so far as far as i can tell the score is thirty five hundred sixteen arrests of protesters occupiers i'm increasingly calling them patriots on my radio t.v. show i'd love it to be a meme that catches on i think people should start putting flights all around these
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things as well i mean you know granted but in any case and zero arrests a bank starts to have that right that is right that's the tally through last night that doesn't include deep thirty nine who were arrested at u.c. berkeley and it doesn't include a few others that were arrested today. and what what is the latest josh with what's going on in oakland is another police crackdown in minutes. it certainly looks that way as i mentioned in the opening the san francisco chronicle reported that police had cancelled a training exercise in the next stage would be to chance all vacation time and leaves and see request assistance from other departments if you'll remember the original crackdown there were as many as seventeen different local law enforcement agencies engaged in it and the the four council members who came out yesterday along with the chamber of commerce which one might expect to kind of decry the occupation and demand its ouster also threatened mayor gene and said that if she
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didn't forcibly remove them quickly rapidly they were perhaps no confidence vote against her so she's feeling pressure from. you know being buffeted from the left for the for the violence of these crackdowns and also for from the right for allowing the occupiers to retake the plaza in front of city hall from our sir there's been a lot of stories in the news about police infiltration is one fellow and open in particular got out of my park watch and then he came out. ninety nine or but i was looking for trouble makers or a word like that apparently he was on the clock when he was incarnate or what what what is the effect of police infiltration having on the movement and and and for what extent i mean a lot of these occupy movements are being heavily. loaded so we say with how most
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people to what extent might actually be a good idea if you please hang out with them. oh that's a very important and complicated question i think many of the occupiers i have been very welcoming towards the homeless because they often feel that these are the people they're fighting for these the people they represent so to that extent they they will they want to say that we're doing a better job in fact than the in the cities in taking care of people and on the other hand we have people with serious mental illness you know that is something that is beyond even i think the most dedicated members of these occupations to to handle and there was this report that just came out i was on my way here about the the suicide attempt at occupy burlington so there are you know there are situations that are beyond the scope of good citizens that such as we have at these occupations and i know that in new york in particular there has been a system with which the internal security people at occupy wall street have
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developed around still developing exact protocols for when you deal with things internally and when you go to law enforcement and there have been a few occasions when they have taken people. discarded them to the edge of the park because the cops are not coming into the park and handed them over to the cops so you know it's a very complicated question and i also think your point about police infiltration and that just adds to a general sense of paranoia and the idea that anyone who's being disruptive could be coming from the cops and that's it's quite an effective tactic if you're trying to you sit to so dissent within the movement and so paranoia joshua do you. is there more evidence of police infiltration. or infiltration in general actually there are probably not probably there are forces other than just the police who want to see this thing that was violent. both on the right angle is there more evidence of. provocative infiltration or just intelligence gathering
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information infiltration and and what in your sense of this what it what impact is this having on the on the movement itself both politically and probably ocean. well i certainly have no evidence of police infiltration in terms of trying to provoke conflicts and police that that's certainly something that it's talked about quite a bit around occupy oakland i think the problem with that with that concern with narrative is that you know occupy oakland is struggling to police itself and to isolate that very small minority of protesters that do you see conflict with the police and i think it provides a handy excuse to say well these are out lease provide provocative words when in fact it after and it is in fact protesters who need to be held accountable for their actions i can see that out on the streets in the evening that i've seen
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opened kind of devolved into bad luck a lot of them were a lot of the people who are responsible for that were very very young so that makes me doubt that they are police provocative or as a lot of them looked like they were you know eighteen seventeen eighteen kind of too young to be police officers and this is problematic. movements tend to go through stages we can look all the way back to the fountain in this country and see you know whom is going through stages where in your sense is the occupy movement that is. well you did that's a great question i think in new york it's there is a sort of regrouping and organizing stage what's happened in new york is they've moved from holding just general assemblies which are the traditional sort of totally open decision making bodies to having something called the spokes council
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which is now old school style this is a decision making where all these different groups elect spoke that it's like a spoke on a wheel it's rotating and they meet together and they're meeting together in the basement of a local high school and making logistical decisions so they're getting organized and they're trying to do it in a way that maintains that leaderless ness that horizontal is that commitment to having a constantly rotating core of voices speaking so it's never one person dominating and they're starting to you know plan bigger things you know they're planning in new york they're planning to go out to the different neighborhoods to harlem to the bronx to brooklyn and there's going to be a huge day of action on nov seventeenth which will be i think maybe the next big flashpoint in new york city and so they're sort of digging in they're not going anywhere and they're really starting to plan and get things done and get moving it's very exciting fascinating is a conversation that i wish we had a half hour for it's about but i we're out of time sir joshua thank you both so
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much for your contributions thanks to you and for the group or you're doing it all with all of iowa police action against american patriots who are exercising their first amendment rights around the nation sadly thomas jefferson must be rolling in his grave. crazy alert council voters or down for the count at ohio voter is recovering today after a poll worker attacked him on tuesday and nearly bit is nose off after an argument erupted between the unnamed poll worker and forty nine year old greg flanagan over a campaign sign and whether or not it was too close to the polling place things got way out of hand. the next thing i know. it's me and he's got his arm around me somehow i don't know how because i couldn't by that time i was in shock and didn't have but he was right my nose. and the guy the guy we're going to
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call the guy off and i'm hoping that i don't lose my nose honestly that what was going through my mind the election after the attack the poll worker immediately jumped in his car and drove home leaving flanagan busied bloodied and shocked at what i just happened when he just showed up to vote it's unclear which party the poll worker was siding with but it could be yet another voter suppression tactic tactic by the republican party first make it harder to register to vote then make it impossible to early vote then make it expensive to vote at all by requiring photo i.d.'s and finally if someone finally makes it to the voting station after all of that but off their face. when we come back there have been big shake ups at the top of italy and greece but is this changing of the guard enough to stop the eurozone from the all spending to keep it on the disaster. and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes
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