tv [untitled] November 11, 2011 1:01am-1:31am EST
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in the russian gaggle you're watching r t r marina joshie welcome to the program italy is rushing through a painful austerity cuts set to avert the worst case scenario third largest economy a vote in the senate is expected on friday approval by both houses of parliament will finally and the air of silvio berlusconi who promised to resign as soon as new laws are passed but as our ports mannie in italy doubt the new government will bring relief to the struggling country. the italian brand has always seemed to be going strong. the best business press is. it's in fashion it's a country that economy wise it's thing is that food. recently it's least seen its economy stagnating has now become the latest country to be dragged into the center of the eurozone crisis. italy has a strong economy and. it is now
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italy could now face a similar fate these countries having to see convergence see parallels despite being one of the year isn't largest economy we're not greece we're not greece because we have a lot of savings we are not greece because we have been very prudent in this recession we haven't done big deficits in this recession might not be greece but with a mammoth that soaring borrowing costs just how did italy and in this situation right now nobody's spending nobody spending in all or all of europe consumers are not spending they are saving they're scared to death of what's going to happen meeting you is in tomorrow's to be. tough for forms it's been a large part of was made with getting growth in the country so you difficult hopes are now pinned on a new government being able to bring about positive change we have had too many
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years. that was not credible outside and very divisive inside i don't think it's only probably i mean there's quiet. for saying that mr berlusconi was not able to deliver what he promised. there might be a transfer somebody else. but that's not going to be enough we need support from europe otherwise everybody on its own and that's the scariest part with the situation in italy right now the u.s. is saying face its biggest challenge yet it's unclear whether they like details of a peaceful and culturally united europe can survive the failure to adapt and to find decisive leadership at this point and they say deals could be in ruins. and greece is already welcoming a new prime minister of the four a vice president of the european central bank lucas papademos will be sworn in on friday and bring stand and days of political wrangling in athens as main parties
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struggle to come to an agreement the new coalition government will have to vote for more austerity measures to release another portion of an e.u. bailout otherwise agrees warns it will go bankrupt within weeks political analyst peter ere believes the true nature of the deepening crisis is being hidden from public view. i think we have to turn the clock back to the original collapse of the world economy because this was no accident it was a very well planned exercise by the new world order who have the ability to close down any company or any country at will and as we know ireland became a victim portugal and now greece and apparently spain and italy are likely to follow it really doesn't matter who's in power there are people that are controlling this situation the banks are involved you sometimes get unsecured loans and of course the politicians themselves remember that they can take out any
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country financially or militarily that they want to take out they said this is a master plan of what i call the new world order their priorities are to secure the world's natural resources their second is to control the markets for those resources and thirdly to control the gateways to the sea lanes and the pipeline routes when you have control of this you've basically got the world in the palm of your hand controls the finances of the world controls the world and this is what we're looking at here and the debt burden is taking its toll and sport in the birthplace of the olympic games. well greece greece is in dire straits at the moment you see it's a worsening economy but sports are really helping the people cope despite the departure all five legs out and said to compete for other nations watch our special
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report from athens in the upcoming sports bulletin no a bit over half an hour from now. well with the debt crisis apparently here to stay world leaders have agreed they need to work faster to save the global economy so r.t. spoke to the director general of the world trade organization colony and he says russia's long awaited membership in w t o will help the revival well the economy is not in good shape but one of the ways to exit this situation which i recognize and we discussed the last week in the g twenty is not good one of the ways to move out of this crisis is to open more trade fight against protectionism and the fact that russia joins the visit very moment is also a symbol of the value of these true system of rules and in that it had its economy growing including. which all difficult like the
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ones we are in in the world economy europeans are also setting their eyes on china as a source of cash to bail them out and beijing's role in saving struggling western economies is something people avail debates with his guests on cross talk coming up next hour . thanks chinese have been very hesitant because they see that the europeans just can't get their house in order they've created such a utter mess of their economies are no where near is cutting them strategic as china does and we've got to be clear that funding our moral hazard in keeping us behaving badly either in europe or the united states is not in china's long term best interest it's only want to see the west continue to harm itself we really in the position given all the problems we have to talk top down to china and say what we decide this court and what we think is good and what you would do is.
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nato may have and its operations in the bia but the western presence is far from over with big companies replacing the warplanes the countries that bombed the oil rich country are now getting the lucrative contracts to rebuild it argues laura smith adds up the profits of war. first british bombs tourists apart now british companies will get paid to put it back together libya is open for business and to u.k. firms are being encouraged to join the gold rush relatively wealthy country with oil reserves and i expect that there will be opportunities for british. companies to get involved in the reconstruction of libya philip hammond is urging c.e.o.'s and sales directors to pack their suitcases and head to the north african country the u.k.'s bill for its part in the nato intervention in libya is estimated at just
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under five hundred million dollars but according to the u.k. department of trade and investment the value of contracts to rebuild libya in areas ranging from electricity and water supplies to health care and education could amount to put of three hundred billion dollars over the next ten years and the british government will make sure it takes a leading role in that just as it did in the war and that's raising more questions about the u.k.'s motives in playing such a big role in the recent conflict john hillery of war on want says it has shades of post-war iraq when companies from countries involved in the allied invasion were awarded all the best gigs. journalist john pilger says there was evidence of battering before nato even got involved transitional council told the french.
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they would give over thirty five. the u.k. department for trade and investment already has staff on the ground in libya ready to welcome british companies. awarded contracts wanting to get in on the action or oil firm shell and b.p. shares rose on the news they were talking to the transitional government engineering firms are up and mark macdonald also reportedly keen both the latter refused to put up a spokesman when asked preferring instead to send basic statements which critics say is a new tactic to avoid defending their ethics it's better for them. any form of public discussion of why that around the world. so far the
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conflict in libya looks like an excellent investment half a billion dollars to oust a dictator with a return of three hundred billion in business contracts when it's all over now that humanitarian goals no longer need to be touted wall suddenly makes great business sense nor a smith forty london. still to come for you this hour will a probe launch to a martian move reach its destination or it hits the ground it will gather the chances of saving rushes and vicious interplanetary mission after it was hit with serious technical problems. join our russian close up team as they explore how people on the black sea coast devoted their lives to saving animals from exploitation in the tourism business. some high level u.k. government officials believe israel could launch a strike against iran within two months according to reports in a british paper unnamed intelligence sources in london also claim the attack on
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iran's alleged nuclear facilities could be carried out with american logistical support in an apparent response to the allegations the u.n. had bunky moon called for a diplomatic solution to the iranian issue and the us defense chief warrant of a regional fallout from any possible strike instead of urging tougher sanctions russia and china have repeatedly rejected both options as counterproductive tension surrounding to iran's nuclear program was read not of by recent u.n. atomic watchdog reports suggesting iran might be working on a nuclear bomb r.t. spotlessly here is watching developments from tel aviv. according to british intelligence chiefs israel will launch a strike against iran to stop it from developing nuclear weapons as soon as christmas according to sources in the british government if not christmas then the beginning of mixed year with the sources saying that israeli military action is to be expected soon no water than later and that it will be action that will be
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supported in a just a clique by the united states not in recent weeks we did hear from the british defense ministry they confirmed that they have contingency plans in place should the u.k. decide to support military action against iran yemen is wrote prior to the publication on tuesday of the report by the international atomic energy agency the israeli defense minister ehud barak warned iran of a possible is ladies strike he said that all options are on the table we have had a response from iran's supreme leader before mommy who has warned both the united states and israel that if they strike iran they must expect a tough response from tehran the radian president mahmoud ahmadinejad's responding to that i am a reporter he slammed that report and he said that iran would not step back one iota from developing its nuclear program and he said that the report was a lying on basis u.s.
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claims that you rand is building a nuclear bomb. well for more analysis on the story visit our website or find out on the various social networks out there on the internet. russian space experts are battling to fix a technical failure on board an interplanetary station. the probe launched on wednesday was to get a better knowledge of how the universe evolved there are fears of the crash back to earth having never reached its goal. explores the potential dangers.
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at the moment the theories around which probably what problems caused the probe to be stuck in all that around the earth after its takeoff split into two camps whether it's a problem with the software of the probe or a problem with the hardware of the probe now it's a problem with the software that's something that potentially can be fixed now one theory that's been put forward is that it's a problem with the navigation system of the probe these type of probes when they're launched an issue we use the sun as their main focus point for nothing and then not navigation system switches over towards the stars now they some people believe that this probe has failed in switching from the sun to the stars and if they can send a software patch and upload that to the the probe it should be able to go about its mission just a few days late now the big problems come the rise if it turns out to be a problem with the hardware the focus probe contains seven tons of highly toxic
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fuel because this feel was intended on sending it from earth to the moon to mars and then back to earth one nasa expert is referred to the focus probe as the most toxic falling satellite ever so this is a problem that was caused most of the russian space agency are facing that they may have to come up with some kind of contingency plan to deal with a potentially toxic problem caused by the fuel that's on board this probe to make sure that it poses no threat to us here on earth. well don't forget you can always log on to our web site for more stories and here's what's a line break now. saved by skerries horror writer stephen king is raising money for the poor to pay their heating bills in winter also. gone down for grabs in pov diva's gras by russian designer it goes under the hammer in a lame find out what you have to pay to dress up god to style it or to dump.
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the rule of the orange coalition was a time of political fireworks any of grain protests and clashes on the streets were matched by brawls inside parliament so when last year a moderate centrist victory in a college was elected to power people were hoping for calm but as our g.'s likes here should have security for its legacy might not be easy to overcome. history appears to be repeating itself in ukraine on the left are the events of several years back on the right of just a few weeks ago but the two points in history united by people same belief that the government haven't been working in their favor. and for many it all started with
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this man viktor yushchenko fistfights in parliament street protests and destruction of gas supplies to europe were common in his era as president and it kept ukraine firmly in the headlines the world's media had been having many sleepless nights reporting on the rollercoaster events in the country back then writer and journalist meeting if we didn't publish a book poking fun at all the major political players. there is times are extremely fun for the media the regime used the media is a drug free society but if you do so you have to braise the do so every year it's fun to watch when the temperature rises in politics but for society it's managed there's a limit to all this wildness to which society goes mad to be with you should we surely reach this goal. many now say it was the message of you should get scared and see which helped which sweep to power and many felt his arrival would become a breath of fresh air centralizing the power instead of the economy were victims of
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its first priorities when he became president of ukraine for more than a year it had been relatively quiet here but the case of former prime minister units in fourteen months and which is presidency propelled ukraine back into the global headlines the culmination of her trial for exceeding her authority while prime minister shocked many hardly anyone expected to machine code to land such a big sentence seven years behind bars. i want to point out that stalinist time is where there oppressions returns to ukraine with this verdict i'm appealing to all the patriots of ukraine defend ukraine from an authoritarian regime. the so-called joint of arc of ukrainian politics was stein traveling inside the courtroom perceiving supporters clashed with police outside. days later veterans of the chernobyl clear up stormed the parliament demanding
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a raise to their ridiculous you know pensions they demolished everything in their prague attacking the police with blunt weapons growing social unrest scared the country's president when you look at it when you want to lure in agencies tell me that people are buying firearms and that they're planning attacks on state bodies nationwide people have completely lost their shine experts say ukraine may again quiet down for a while but with the euro twenty to twelve football championship and the crucial parliamentary election looming the temperature of scandal will most certainly be rising again come next year. odyssey reporting from kiev in ukraine. now take a look at some of the stories from around the world a u.s. army soldier convicted of slaughtering three afghan civilians for sports has been sentenced to life the jury asked however in the side of the staff sergeant calvin gibbs will be eligible for parole after serving ten years in prison. the twenty six
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year old was the highest ranking a five soldiers charged over the deaths of the an armed man during patrols in kandahar province early last year. security cameras in the turkish city of van have captured the dramatic moments when a five point seven magnitude earthquake struck on wednesday as a tremor hit you can see the lights go dark and people running from buildings as gigantic clouds of smoke overtake the street at the stampede were killed one two hotels collapse so far twenty people have been pulled from the rubble alive the same turkish province suffered through and now there are deadly earthquake last month that killed more than six hundred people. time now to delve deeper into the world's biggest country in our russia close up series.
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well today it's back to the black sea coast and the people there are doing their bit to protect the planet from the art of recycling to rescuing wildlife artist on barton discovered how the environment is being looked after. on here now have new need to find construction materials. now a bit of paint and they'll turn this bottle into something beautiful. some critics might cool mean is complete rubbish and they'd be true to me right everything you see in gallery is made from lists and emotions that we are covering over a living space litter need to have contributed to was good for me to use this week
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creatively. her friend alexei provide some creative accompaniment also using rubbish as instruments was up to where i started with just one barrel i was invited to a festival before i even had time to work on my instruments so i just experimented i just walk around listening to things and what sound they can make nina collects her rubbish from the coastline the winter and spring storms bring her greatest harvest there for her i come to the seashore every day no matter whether weather or the time of year it's all the same to me were gratian inspiration conservation but it's not just pieces of rubbish but got a second life one month old lee and the hair has just been rescued from captivity but she'll have to spend the rest of her life here recovering of a special center where as nina rescues pieces of rubbish the staff at this park rescue far more vulnerable things most of these animals were formally kept by
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street photographers who let people pose with them for money they're kept on drugs so they remain tranquil have their teeth pulled out so they can't hurt people and starved so they remain small this is a third go with me if we take circus bears who have finished their usual life it's not a secret that they could well be made into sausages many of the animals we receive we just can't save they've been treated as just a commodity. big cats like rameses lord arthur and homer here make up most of the parts residence there isn't the money to give them as much space as they would have in the wild but at least here they have some exercise a good diet and the veterinary care they so often need there is a lot in here the clerk workers try to do something to save the situation so do i will try to save the earth from the savagery of people so we are colleagues really . from plastic bottles to lion cubs saving the planet can come in many shapes and
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sizes here on the black sea coast they might be rubbish to some but not to everyone . tom bottom marty. they are irresistible well time now to take a look at what's happening in business karina's here. welcome to our business update this hour thanks for joining russia's economy is on a stable position compared to other g. twenty nations so it has present to me very speaking in the far eastern town of. supports the issues that on the economic situation in our country looks better than many european countries disappoint recent difficulties we have managed to achieve fairly rapid g.d.p. growth this year it will reach four to four hundred percent while in europe and the us g.d.p.
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growth will range through zero to one percent this year we will also have the lowest inflation in the last twenty years of around seven percent but i cannot say we are protected from danger we need to cut our dependence on fluctuations in commodity prices and develop the industrial sector should be able to continue school feeding and russia's long way to become a member of the world trade organization is nearly over barring a few technical issues that still need ironing out the world's largest economy outside the w.t.r. will finally be in the organization but what will this change across check i'll have that it. after almost two decades of trying many wonder if russia really needs a w t o you could even say it's managed quite well without it realistically though it will have many benefits for foreign manufacturers wanted to sell their goods in russia let's have a quick look now on average import tariffs will be at seven point eight percent that's compared with the current ten percent break that down and you'll see an
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import duty on agricultural goods dropped from thirteen point two percent to ten point eight percent now import tariffs for already many fractured goods will also drop by almost a quarter to seven point three percent now about a third of all judy's will be reduced to the moment russia and says the doubled c.e.o. another quarter of the cuts will come within three years with only poultry motorcars helicopters and civil aircraft requiring longer this means it will be easier and cheaper for foreign companies and goods to end to russia's one hundred forty million strong consumer market in addition to tear of cuts russia's also agree its removal limitations on foreign involvement in industries like telecommunications and insurance but most importantly accession to the double cio will ultimately give russia the much needed competition boost which could finally put an end to runaway inflation. a look at the markets now in asia markets are mostly higher following
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a rebound for u.s. stocks and some positive signals out of that stricken europe hong kong. adding nearly a percent of banking stocks believe japan's nikkei has reversed into the back of the trading morning session. and here in moscow markets rise at the opening of the r.t.s. is gaining nearly half a percent of the album i think it's one percent. that's all we have for you but i'll be back in about fifteen minutes with more updates and more figures on how the market's up for.
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look at the top stories it always sounds russia's to vote through honest charity plan to clear the way for a new government wants to leave berlusconi steps down but many say the death reduction measures are too late to keep one of the e.u.'s largest economies from following in the footsteps of greece and portugal. bombing for billions companies from countries that too. hard in the libyan campaign to cash in on the reconstruction of lucrative contracts in the pipeline to have new questions over the real motives for military strikes. russian space experts are struggling to fix technical problems on board a probe launched martian moon a few days ago the ambitious interplanetary mission.
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