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tv   [untitled]    November 11, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else other part of it and realize that everything in. charge is a big. mystery .
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to the police the rest in a. contest nobody seems to know. that never appropriate to face but hardly argument that they're being overly dramatic. are you guys it's time for tonight's top five award and tonight because of the new york post now since occupy wall street protests began seven weeks ago the post has tried to smear the movement every single chance to get their tax and reach zero eleven so the headline today reads and why. leak detectives to wall street protests
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while the headlines a bit much it's not totally absurd but it gets better if you dive into this story and says that the n.y.p.d. has moved three elite manhattan homicide detectives and a deputy chief of the rock is occupy wall street protests and response to a rash of sex attacks thefts and vandalism including graffiti scrawled on a nearby nine eleven memorial the post has learnt so in the first sentence the post-race occupy wall street protesters are being investigated for vandalizing the new nine eleven memorial site at ground zero i'm sure that would upset a lot of readers how can anybody place their feet on a site that honors those who were killed on september eleventh but you have to keep reading the story to get a little more perspective here and it wasn't until the eleventh paragraph that you found this little gem so the detectives who began working cases the part two weeks ago are also investigating two acts of vandalism on the nine eleven the warrior in the first a heart was near a name on the bronze and morial suspect the perpetrator may have been
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a family member a victim and last week a drawing of a skull was found on the memorial both marks were removed so just to point out the obvious here and the post's own words and i love the family member was maybe responsible for one case of graffiti the police have no clue on the second vandalism but there was an incident i do have a still tie it for occupy wall street that's a real hard hitting journalism from the new york post just an elliot over at salon dot com points out that it was a libel so congrats new york post you've taken slim reporting to it even lower level and i did not even think that was possible but i guess we should expect this type of reporting from the post after all they are owned by rupert murdoch the same one who brought us fox news for the last seven weeks his fair and balanced network has launched an all out assault on occupy wall street. it is a classic mob off arising it's utterly incoherent they're always left wing and completely destructive we all catch a crack down or we don't we're not there that soft drugs will say you can't make
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this stuff up they're passing out free condoms there's been open sex going on there drugs you disk or they are certainly unified they're certainly coordinated and they have the behind writing these kids and aging hippies out there they hate corporations they hate capitalism and in the end ultimately they want state isn't over for your kids so they really don't like freedom. so i guess the new york post also got the memo for murdoch to bash occupy wall street even if you have to just make stuff up and so that's why we're giving them tonight's time warner. now yesterday what the a.c.l.u. and the electronic frontier foundation are calling a loss for privacy a federal judge ruled that twitter will have to reveal information about three of its account holders and investigation pertaining to wiki leaks and we brought this case before many times to twitter itself moved to unseal the secret justice department request for it on information something that no other tech company out there is done and the three people involved are american security experts make an
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apple bomb or get a johns daughter and member of isis parliament and rock under a dutch businessman now all are considered wiki leaks associates either volunteered or somehow worked with whistleblowing website so in court the petitioners argue that their ip addresses should be considered private information that the demand was too broad and unrelated to wiki leaks but just like the judge to differ so what does this ruling mean for online privacy well joining me to discuss it is trevor tim activist of the electronic frontier foundation and he also curates the legal twitter feed reporting on legal and first amendment issues surrounding wiki leaks. trevor i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and. for my bank how you see this ruling it's been dragging on for for you know since the end of last year in this case and what did you think about the decision yesterday yes so this is an appeal of an original decision up by the judge back in april and it says two things which are both really damaging to the fourth amendment and for internet freedom one
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the fourth amendment doesn't protect these ip addresses or the recipients the names the recipients of direct messages on twitter which basically says that the government can can go after the information this information on pretty much a whim. which is what the ruling confirmed yesterday and then there's the second part of the ruling which states that these rulings normally will stay secret that means the users will never even know we got lucky in this situation because twitter actually challenge this order to begin with of twitter didn't do that go out of their way to spend their time and money to notify these users then we would even know that these these orders existed. so not only is this information going to be available to government all the time now but. a lot of times people won't even know that their information has been taken i want to get back to twitter in just
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a moment and first tell us exactly what it is that is going to be able to see when it comes to what letter has to hand over. are well intruders case. they're going to be able to see the ip addresses of each of these recipients so they can easily find somebody is location to these ip addresses and they're also going to be able to see who they were contacting in their private messages they won't actually get the content of the messages but it will be able to see what time this happened who they were talking to and perhaps where they were located when they were talking to them i'm so it while they don't have a concept to basically get everything else and can put together a picture of what these people were doing essentially in their private lives which we would assume is protected. by a reasonable expectation of privacy but the judge disagree but the judge also said that basically you sign away your reasonable expectation of privacy when you when you sign up for twitter because they have certain terms and conditions and so this
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is where i want to you know really ask this question are going to have twitter is being hailed as a hero of these tech giants because they're fighting back against the government they don't like the secrecy but twitter also has these policies twitter is also keeping this information for almost a year so can we also question their business practices. yes absolutely that's a great point i think that's where this argument going to go because while a challenge to it is a real problem with that they're holding on to this information for months or years at the time is actually a great example from this very same case about what should what these companies should be doing so i got that which is a small california was also given one of these court orders they fought in law we learned last month in the wall street journal but after they lost they decided to change their data retention policy and now they only keep eyes two dresses for two weeks and then to reap this basically solves the problem. by so with the government and up going to sonic net again they're not going to have this information at all
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so there's no way for them and their work and i think that's where these companies have to go if they want to keep our information private because it was ruling shows the government can basically get it whenever they want and use are any good bill and no so these these policies that everybody signed or signed gone to when they joined twitter you know they're very bad they're very long they're small print nobody realizes what information they're ending over and we need them to change their policy if we want our information protected status course we also know that these companies get a lot of pressure from the government that a telecommunications company may try to pass legislation to force them to keep this kind of information for a longer period fine i know that electronic frontier foundation has also been trying to convince other tech companies out there like google for example to to be open about it to let people know if they're being contacted so how do you think that efforts going to go then release some information recently. yeah we have
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a campaign called who's got your back which basically looks at all of the major tech companies and what they're doing to ensure that your information stays private and this is exactly one of the issues that we've been pushing first of these companies have to challenge these orders so their users know what's going on google had a transparency report that came out a few weeks ago and while the report itself is good because they actually lay out what happens we can see we can see from these reports that government requests are skyrocketing for this information just thousands and thousands of requests and over ninety percent of them just get handed over no questions asked so we're trying to keep track of what these companies policies are how long are storing data and we really want to shine light on what they're doing so that normal users who like i said they have no idea this is going on we want to shine
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a light on that and kind of try to force these companies to make better decisions now brings you to said something interesting in in response to the way the judge ruled and she basically said that she thinks that people are just going to start moving their data to other companies that are located outside of the united states where they can easily believe in their privacy and one would think well you know what you think about that do companies like twitter do they just have too much of a market share here why would anyone want to go away from them or just the average person probably not really care. well if the if these companies have offices in the u.s. then the u.s. is in the u.s. government's going to be a look at this information it's definitely a good idea to bring attention to where next to where your data is who has it how much of it they have. but that's the problem these tech companies are so pervasive that it's hard you know facebook google and twitter dominate this market so until there are until there are better standards by these companies which they should be
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falling star in fact that standard of just leaving this information this problem is going to continue and hopefully. we could try to push congress in the right direction to reform nice these e-mail privacy laws that were written actually before that you know even exist the forty million exist that electronic communications privacy act was written in one thousand nine hundred six and nobody knew e-mail was there so we want e-mails to be protected the same way phone calls are the same way letters are both for them and yet even though people use e-mails much more than they use letters now they don't have the same protections that's what we're working on. i thank you so much for joining us tonight and of course i guess it'll remain a secret as to you know what handing over this information is going to do you and i was in the grand jury and investigation for leaking leaks but maybe sometime we'll find out thanks so much thanks for having me. i saw the cons not my thigh side friday happy hour people get violent trying to get their hands on this call of duty
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video games last one thing full of interesting a russian t.v. ad for true. thank. you the police corruption in. protesting nobody seems to know. that never a pepper sprayed the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. think you understand it and then something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize that everything is a. hard worker the big picture.
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mr. you're. you know that we've been covering the entrepreneur wall street movement since its first day here on the show trying to highlight the need for americans to see what they have in common rather than what divides them bridge partisan lines to wake people up to within their common interest things like fairness equality opportunity some of the things that make this country what it is or what it's
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supposed to be in order to realize that this idea of the ninety nine percent has been born and i nine percent that can't relate to the one percent the lives on a different plane that's completely untouchable on this veteran's day i'd like for us to look at another one percent of the rest of the country has such a distance from i'd like to take a piece will be coming out in time later this month written by mark thompson and he looks at the number of troops that have fought in our wars since nine eleven and around afghanistan and iraq and that number is about two point four million that's exactly one percent of the two hundred forty million americans over the age of eighteen so it's the one percent by wars lose lives limbs family friends in some cases lose their sanity and their sense of humanity and they're doing this supposedly on our behalf that's what they've sworn to do is to protect this country its national interest and all of those who believe in it but they only make up one percent of us and the other ninety nine just can't relate they come back to
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a country that often forgets the world war two a national mentality that no longer sees war as the worst possible thing that could happen but this is a normal fact of life now we went to war in afghanistan for ten years it's officially the longest war in u.s. history and yet it's not a register of the top of concerns of americans in polls or questionnaires and sure the economy is in a horrible state people can't get can't get jobs they can't pay for their homes their lives are falling apart others are getting by why. reality t.v. reading about celebrity gods of. the troubles of the world but we have to remember that our immediate lives are no more important no more horrifying than those that are living and fighting daily through war and this isn't an issue of politics you know where i stand in our wars in iraq and afghanistan our shadow wars in pakistan yemen and somalia when war based on a lie the other was no chance of victory and yet our generals and politicians allow troops to continue dying because they don't like me to use the word fail so i
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remember the troops every day because i don't want them to be fighting and risking their lives on my behalf and wars that i don't believe it. but if you do think these words are worthwhile and justified in fact if you do then i believe that you have even more responsibility to remember those that are doing the fighting for you and not just push the daily atrocities that they lived through the tormenting years to follow in the back of your mind are politicians to be held the most accountable those that convince us of the decisions that make they make serve our national interest and protect our national security are the ones that sign the checks and pass legislation with the only consequence usually being losing their seat in office so we need to put pressure on them and tell them the we have not forgotten the one percent that's fighting the wars and defense contractors and war hawks crave they certainly won't forget so let's not let that one percent be separate from the other ninety nine of us.
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are you guys it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is andrew blake r t web writer and warren rojas heard on the hill columnist for roll call thank you for joining me gentlemen your letter now this first are you guys might have a little more experience than i do because i've never played by call of duty modern warfare three just came out they broke all the records biggest watching history unfold six point five million copies in twenty four hours and you know we got people pretty excited by getting some celebrities to be in the trailer to take a look. so they made it look so cool and exciting like you just had to have it in the trailer this happened. pretty neat picked up
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a copy shortly after it was released to the game stop by north it would in kansas city north and then drove home clark county prosecutors say eighteen year old david morel is followed behind the handgun he later told police that he'd recently purchased a mickey but didn't. keep it from someone for free. well video games do you people you know let me just mention really quickly there is another incident where a guy actually called best buy and after they told him that they were sold out he threatened to blow best buy for him. really there goes your video game please give him politically active you know he decided that you know customer service comes first he was promised a video game he did his part he reserved it and then the nervousness that's right and then they sell out the you know the old seinfeld episode i don't think you know what the reservation is for that sort of kept getting there but you know you played
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at least eighty of them but you know they have profit money to make i think kind of really i've never held a guy gun point for a fighting game but one string to big mario kart craze i robbed a guy for a car and using nothing but banana peels and turtle shells and i need you to say that all my time go back a little bit i don't have to hear you know what grade are you. sorry i missed you you know i well i mean i obviously didn't because now i'm repeating the story it just sounds totally just rehearsing what i came up with i'm going to go but you played more he lived so he said that's how. i mean it's i've never played really these games i play mario card ok that is advances i get when it comes to video games is like i can do a super mario and i can do that we can just push all the buttons like it's into that. i'm just not good at it. ok let's move on to our next story please so our political ads have been pretty epic in terms of campaign
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absolutely you know you've had all these like hollywood style really well produced ads but this one for united russia party in russia. just makes it look so much more exciting like. here's. a little slogan during that ad also says let's do it together what do you think if they made political ads here that told you to get laid if you went out and voted more people vote. you're going to see a lot more people at the polls in the polls around the polls. no problem with. the poll shows over his head to notice that voting booth i mean i think that was
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a stain resistant sheet that they had on there they were fully anticipated audience behind those so you know god bless them for getting people out there so what's actually causing a lot of the controversy already another party in russia because voting is private under the constitution so now they want to add investigated as being unconstitutional now. i don't i don't really want to comment on anything involving russia i mean i like to make sure i still get job when i come in a. very funny you don't want to get laid when you go voting i know you're crazy yeah voters are crazy wait i want american. democracy all right let's move on to we've done this nickel back story before but oh it just happened to you again and so to my audience really quick to go back is in case you've forgotten that they're the lamest band of all time let me just show you a little clip of the band. but
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i didn't see my head we were just saying unfortunately so the whole beep is that they're supposed to play at thanksgiving and detroit and there are like forty three thousand people that were petitioning for him to go back not to play because they suck and because they're a.t.n. and there's even this guy that put up a really angry video because it turns out as of today that nickelback is going to play. back completely sucks and that is why we don't represent the city of detroit. period blood and report. i should point out that he does have a brush poster in the background he's not only canadian but he best canadian band ever really need to figure out what he's talking about but this is definitely going to be the first time all year i'm actually going to watch football just in hopes that someone firebombs the studio nickel baskets obliterated so yeah it might be
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that you want to go modern warfare on nickelback and i got the call of duty because i read some of the signatories to the petition i think they're up to fifty two thousand nickelback is to music what hitler was to european jews end of story that's pretty absolute that's definitely damning damning so yeah if i was a little bit i would find something else to do that we can't so this is sad you know i did like that. to be able to petition and not have you play you know i'm sure that you know unfortunately go back and probably i have no idea realistically but they probably thought a lot of albums because you know if you look at that also sure that they're aware that they suck at this point they probably know that no one likes them and they're terrible so and that's what could have got anybody else i mean there are prominent musicians from detroit eminem still loves that smokey robinson is around somewhere i mean hell get kid roger now you know we had this conversation lines i mean we were like lifting up all the other possible people you could have chosen for i
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think ted nugent will probably be the one that loves that mob so possibly he would do it theatrically and fabulously so i mean let's let's go that route to nickelback it is they're sticking with ok so here's our last story since day is. levin eleven and you know a lot of people think that these kind of days where all the numbers add up are good luck but in egypt they actually had to close the. great pyramid is closed this morning because of the dates eleven eleven eleven the largest of the pyramids was temporarily shut down it comes after rumors that groups might try to hold spiritual ceremonies were near that site. spiritual ceremonies are really curious what those are i tell you but i've been sworn to secrecy oh you have some people who are planning on going there. may or may not allow you a cup of coffee i would like for him i am a mother in law to this story actually upset me because i really feel like the middle east meets the cool it now i mean it's kind of getting
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a little media they've had the arab spring it's kind of strong out in the arab summer you know and now we're in the fall clearly the time to give central america its due calendar dates is all malia twenty twelve still i don't know why egypt is trying to steal the spotlight now but what about those miners that's what i'm saying they were just a school they had some groups back there too so i mean egypt was just let it go a day in the spotlight right there like when we were going to start. that's right you guys were going to happen thanks for joining me during weekend i think that night so thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back on monday you saw many different things congress is going to be joining us for happy hour and meantime to get a fan to be honest on facebook and appalled if i missed any of the night's or anyone i see you guys from. nashville on a show and we just want to say a special goodbye to our life producer chris five and over there who is leaving the show and we're going to hear. are you guys coming up next.
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