tv [untitled] November 12, 2011 5:01am-5:31am EST
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on the west bank. you're watching with me. leaders from the asia pacific region. but the european financial thousands of miles away. the proceedings. focused on the pacific wide free trade zone but. its implications. reports. basically even though the primary primary goals of the apec summit are improving the trade relationship and economic relationship all the countries that make up the asia pacific because of the extent of the european
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financial crisis this is certainly a headache that's looming over leaders having gathered here and many are seeing this as sort of a continuation of the g twenty summit without the participation of the european states we are expecting the leaders gathered for the apec summit to send another push to send an extra message to the european countries to try to find to step up their attempts to improve the financial situation so this is an extra message important message that we're expecting to hear a lot of about here on the ground in the next few days to come even though the top of the topic and the substance of the effect summit is usually traditionally economic issues certainly political issues are surfacing we've been hearing because of the situation in syria where anti-government clashes have been really attracting so many headlines and we have heard from u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton saying that the united states believes that the syrian president should step down regarding syria we discuss the ongoing and escalating violence perpetrated by the assad government against its own people our
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position is clear we are supporting peaceful transition assad has lost his legitimacy to rule and he should step down russia on the other hand believes that it's important to take for negotiations to take place and it says that it intends to help and kick starting those talks inside syria the russian foreign minister has spoken and said that he believes that it's the only responsible thing to do so most decisions roots can see clearly those ways in turkey and the u.s. . just position can be me this is just we will continue to encourage field position constructive leads to show concern about this country and the syrian people of the state with russia believes its import. to avoid the libyan scenario when it comes to syria but this is certainly not the only political issue that is being touched upon here on the ground we are expecting a meeting between the russian and u.s.
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presidents to take place where they are very likely to discuss the u.s. plans for a european missile defense shield as well as russia's accession to the world trade organization as well as really a range of other political issues so definitely a lot on the agenda here in honolulu i was artie's an associate you're going to reporting right where the summit is held near one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world and it's on his office on a boyhood tweets from one of lulu aloha spirit is ruling the gathering she says she is a particularly impressed with the undercover special agents dressed in the floral hawaiian shirts and flipflops as they patrolled the beach sent to follow us abroad to underscore come from all first time impressions of the ongoing summit. china which is holding huge cash reserves may offer the best chance of help for debt stricken countries but the rise of the asian giant with its financial might is not being met with open arms by the us. explains.
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ways i'm not what you always were tell me a moment maybe we can see the cecil what. she eats i think. wants to come the boss a. delegate war and go. change the future you have to yanks ok let's just get right down to it shall we should we be afraid of china. well what other place in washington d.c. is chinatown to find out i don't think we have to be afraid of china but i do think that we should be concerned well i think concerned might be the right word for it and angelina isn't the only one a much twenty eleven b.b.c. poll shows that many in the west aren't exactly thrilled about china gaining more economic steam in the span of just five years negative attitudes towards china have
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skyrocketed with france germany italy the u.k. and the u.s. on unhappy at the thought of china nipping at their heels and for the us nowhere is that clear that in the race to the white house china is on almost every dimension cheating this is no longer a time for us to sit back and say we're going to let them steal our jobs what we need to do is stop enriching china with our money i want to beat china i want to go to war with china and make america the most attractive place in the world to do business woah woah whoa does it have to be us or them and is anybody buying it the world changing you know so like the fact the fact that like china's economy is modernizing. isn't there a reason why our economy is doing poorly right now. and so it's maybe just a straw man when. presidential candidates bring that up but they get him in
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a big. most countries do just as any other country so yeah i don't know where the comes from for us about china well there you have it it seems china is the new kid on the economic block and it's up to the us and the west to see how they deal with reporting from washington and montana said o c. meantime my daughter caroline hellman from the occidental college in l.a. says that china may become the new enemy for politicians in washington china becomes this very convenient target we need an enemy right the cold war is over terrorism doesn't provide a concrete enemy for the united states to confront someone we hear this republican competitors talking about china as an enemy i do think that that it fills that notion of having something to oppose in order to do the resilience of nationalism and again i find i take issue with that nationalism but at the same time i think it's good for the u.s.
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to have competitors it's never good for a global superpower to be the only one at the top of perceived because then they act with impunity and i believe at various points in u.s. history we have seen the evidence of that i think having china in the mix will be very positive for social political relations. russia's black sea. resort is attracting growing. water sports fans. crazy would be having to worry about. the people there are. past the hour here in moscow. welcome
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a new prime minister government as early as saturday after a final vote on austerity finally finishes of the exit of silvio berlusconi the most likely successor. the influence of brussels will be at the very center of national politics. reports from rome. the m.p.'s we've been speaking to here has said that italy is now absolutely desperate to send a very strong signal that they're able to get the situation under control now of the measures i get that a preview today that would then of course pave the way for the resignation of prime minister berlusconi as he promised. the man he's being paid to at the moment to take the top spot is. he now he's not only a respected economist here in the country but he's also the former commissioner and as we've seen in greece with the appointment to the top spot. be official. the system inside and out that appointment would certainly please brussels but
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there is concern about whether that would gain public support because there is a question mark over whether an unelected government is going to have credibility what you're seeing now is an extension of brussels in the sense that she will really that is what's happening again the m.p.'s that we're speaking to are saying that this technocrat government now is really good it is pushing through these harsh measures just getting them off the ground because they've been long promised and have failed to materialize and we've seen rioting in the past in the country over these measures now that public support as he said is absolutely vital because implementing these are starting measures having a new head coming up with a caretaker government is not going to be enough certainly if everything goes ahead this weekend without any glitches and it will have won a battle but they still have a war on their hands and it's a war that the entire eurozone now has to face and that's just how you bring long term sustainable solutions to kick start stagnating economies like italy.
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italy greece is to go to brussels and show that you used tendency towards dictatorship but that's the view of the director of studies at the paris institute of democracy and cooperation. these people who have taken power in greece and surely to take our initially have never been elected these are men who made their entire careers through garnering important appointments in places like the european commission or the european central bank they have no democratic mandate at all and precisely what is so frightening about what is happening now after as the european union and the euro enters its death agonies because that's what i think it is is the way in which the european union really is showing and i say this without any exaggeration it's true nature as a dictatorship after all it is europe which has effectively commanded these two prime ministers to leave office and really had to leave office the moment he
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suggested a referendum on the day package and follows skinny had to leave office the moment he said that italians had become poor under the euro so we're seeing really a very ugly development now in europe where people are being put in power because they serve the interests of the demands of the european union not because they have done it any and electoral support in their home countries and they only need bailouts from the european union because they don't have the option of devaluation they don't have the option of managing their own economic and monetary affairs it's precisely europe that has got them into this situation and as always our mascot on stating her put off of their rather unique take on all the latest twists and turns of that that crisis and the foreclosure report are coming your way a little bit later today. every time the eurozone creates a dollar or euro in stimulus they create a hundred euros in naked short sells they'll never going to win that war but the fact is that the tail is wagging the economic and financial dog around the world
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and we're totally powerless against it and transcript ocracy with unlimited credit zero percent interest rates with the central banks at their bidding and politicians just basically lying down and doing nothing about it so this is the new world order . nearly quarter past the hour now here in moscow it's really forces have clashed with palestinian activists protesting against the confiscation of land across the west bank protesters held rocks at israeli troops who then responded with tear gas and water cannons over a dozen demonstrators are reported to have been injured at this point the situation in the area has been even more tense certainly more tense than usual following the palestinian bid for statehood and full membership at the u.n. the latest round of debate at the security council ended in deadlock after members
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failed to reach an agreement the u.s. has been strongly opposed to the recognition of palestine and has been wielding its veto power it's leaving the palestinians to question washington's commitment to a two state solution in the middle east. the approach to the united nations is less about membership of palestine in the united nations and more of challenging the west in the ability to walk the walk of a two speed paradigm what we're seeing is forty four years of the west specifically the united states making a case for two states but in the first real test of bringing two states about has failed to move it forward i believe that the u.s. foreign policy as it relates to this issue has been hijacked by approved israeli lobby inside u.s. politics and i don't believe the united states is acting in its interests by ignoring this big which is exactly in line with what it has been calling for not
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only for forty four years but for twenty intense years of not bilateral negotiations the palestinians having given twenty years to negotiations with the israelis have come to the conclusion that they are not interested in allowing a state to emerge in palestine so we have tried negotiations israel has completely ignored its commitments so president bass basically is a first for his political survival he cannot continue to sell to his people. and collapse peace process and i think that's why he took at the united nations. i do remember you can always find more stories on our website including this one fighting the wall street bull new york police detained to clown. or attempted to attract attention. to dot com to see how this fight ended
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also. a dream destination a british. one hundred twenty percent safe trip to war ravaged iraq promising the journey will put a big smile on your face check out the price on our website. it's a common complaint all across the world political correctness has gone too far so we sent to central new york to ask people whether there's just too much that you can't talk about in public. a recent poll indicated that people are starting to feel like political correctness is having a negative effect on society how do you feel about it this week let's talk about that it's been carried overboard. people are getting a little crazy with being having to worry about every word they say whether it's actually politically correct or not if you live in this country you should be
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politically correct because this is your country what does that mean is that so you can have to censor what you say you should think about what you say you should you should take time to use the correct words before you say something that you don't mean and i mean we've got a thing in england where comedians have been pulled up on political correctness where i think you've just got to realize specially with comedy. just loosen up you know everyone is going to be offended by something and i just think there's always going to be someone who looks for something to complain about my generation we don't really we just laugh it's funny but it just depends if like generations accosting if you're talking to people then yeah you show some respect even if you know you don't completely think it's necessary it's different when you're young but when you start getting a bit older you realize that sometimes what comes out of your math is not a pearl. it's refreshing to see somebody like chris christie from new jersey because he speaks his mind regardless of what the consequences are versus always
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being worried that people are going to think what the poll numbers show so you'd rather be offended and at least have the truth yes very much so whether or not you feel like political correctness is having a negative effect on society the bottom line is it's probably just going to keep becoming more and more prevalent. and i will have the business news for you in just a few minutes here on our team but for now it's time for the world update in turkey the number of people killed in the earthquake that hit the eastern city of. it's now thirty two the bodies of two local journalists were among those found under the rubble dozens of others have been that pulled alive from ruined hotels that collapsed when the tremor struck on wednesday the quake is the second to have hit the area in a fortnight and over six hundred people killed in the first one. two lebanese people were wounded when a landmine exploded on the lebanon syria border opposition activists claim
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government troops laid mines in the area in order to prevent defectors and opponents of president bashar assad from fully how it all thirty say they're trying to stop illegal on the weapons smuggling which has soared in recent months. maybe forty people have been injured off the anti mining protests turned violent in peru by the kashyap and as the nations of mining and agriculture minister refused to sign a pledge to ban mining in the region eighty thousand protesters came out to complain that the rivers are being polluted and this is something the government strongly denies. well a little bit later in the program we take a deeper look inside health care in america and the potentially harmful products being used every day now that here's a quick preview of what's coming up today in our special report. in canada and the us today it is legal for you. and your baby it contains
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a known carcinogen something that causes cancer most of the most put in the person they are supposed to and i. and most of the. claims of conflict of interest today an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one thousand six hundred dollars a month. and nobody with cancer in my five therefore i predict. because ninety to ninety five percent of cancers for people with family history of cancer the pharmaceutical industry spends about fourteen percent of their budget on research and development and about thirty one percent for marketing and administration. in fact there are more pharmaceutical industry lobbyists in washington d.c. than members of congress. twenty past the hour now here in moscow well time now for our russia close up
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series or today we're hitting the beach. we are all in the black sea which as a long been a very popular holiday resort for russians however the region is now becoming a daring action watersports. discover it. slowly the old soviet resorts on russia's black sea coast are becoming centers for very modern water sports throughout the week hundreds of children and adults have been competing here in the black sea cup windsurfing trophy and it's hoped that with the right support this region could become a real center for water sports. it's the black sea cup in southern russia the waters full of jellyfish the sea full of waves and the wind whips the air with salty spray and that's just what everyone here has come for. children and adults
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have traveled from all over russia to show their skills and share in the growing water sports experience here and on is one of the best. when you ride in your board at top speed your feelings so you have control of two forces of nature in your hands when it is water. he's currently number two in russia the skim the waves in european competitions his sport isn't cheap and he's short of financial backing to match that of his european and american attitudes but he's hopeful for the black sea coast as a potential world class water sports center oh this is a wonderful place with a great wind the infrastructure is ok but with some investment it could be good we had a freestyle competition here not long ago and we have hopes of hosting a world championship he'll be trying to win that championship i was just getting the hang of standing up i'm surrounded by hundreds of wind of all ages bathing in
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the black sea cup it's evidence of the growing status of water sports but i won't be joining them any time soon. a neither would i be taking part in even more tricky kitesurfing here too they have been battling it out to prove their speed and agility surrogate has been crowned number one in russia think the. summer is a lot of a. that's what it's all about tricks and a lot of adrenalin now it's easier to master trick you have to fool a hundred times the black sea provides good conditions for the sport to. it's a difficult sport to master but many of these young riders taking years to reach this standard. we have a number of good spots for arriving this wonderful day and on the other side of the black sea here in russia the season is short so we don't have much practice time on the water but the advantage of russia is we can snow kites. again it's money the
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problem for most kites or another whether it's on the way to joining the list of the sports that raises the profile which is still a fledging seat. to sport needs young people in ten years i want to see hundreds of kids kiting here then we'll be in good hands we'll have a future. the feature that will be played out here in the surging blue of the black sea tom watson r.t. . the business news item eatery next. heller's here in a warm welcome to the special edition of a business the heads of the some the world's largest financial institutions are in moscow discussing the main challenges facing the global financial system this meeting is back to its burbank's one hundred seventy of anniversary of course one
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is not in the quarter as the details. the ex was here today couldn't help but address the financial turmoil in europe and how it might affect russia the head all sperm banks said that he has doubts over the adequacy of the policy of the pm regulators and saying that they're seriously affected in the financial sector by making european banks survival that's what increasing capital requirements and that's what we've spoken to the so-called dr doom all of the global economy to assume the role would be to set up the situation the eurozone could have a serious impact on russia if the situation over that we call a result of the early more euro zone countries both of them solve the faults all over the dads or even understand our children or the faults on the viking died in the spiritual or the companies or the other one or more of them or the eurozone especially the larger ones i guess of the eurozone that could be much larger than the result of the mobs of lehman brothers in the fall of gaza that made them all
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the prices would fall sharply mixed with the russian financial system and the european financial system so sweet so broadly to be in the eurozone with the fact that sooner always the girl all the way to russia on the line i know businesses move here are also the skies and how to use the latest technology to manage complex processes and the large enterprises and for the first time in russia as burbank is using crowdsourcing to generate ideas they're looking for new and innovative ideas from web users and they're asking them questions like what will the bank and russia look like in ten years and one million dollars has already been allocated supported cell will come out of that and some of them include a social network to help older citizens with financial matters and another one is offering a secure service for storing online data now sperm bank is now been rated that's one see its strongest bank in the world the only russian bank to make it into the rating so it's very important for the country to make sure it continues
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a growing. developing. of course promoting the course reporting that russia hopes to improve ties with its asian partners as it attends the nineteenth annual asian pacific economic cooperation summit presidential way that i do not always show lines the key issues for action. i would like to see the interest in the integrate integration projects in the. country. as customs union. is. a compliment to the efforts of the old and the taking these are for global economics to beach in the global economy girls also would like to put forth a cutting edge and for the next year expect meeting that. will give us till close. in to our interests the primary there is. trust but don't let your school
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system since the asian pacific region. liberalization investments in the region food security modernization. including issues city elites international property rights. coming up next on the headlines with do stay with us. from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand separate problem is not enough inpatient beds not enough urgency
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department beds and not enough nurses. to take care of all the people who are the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department in fact when i started my venture as a firefighter i didn't want to do so i started out. i want to just do firefighting it's about eighty two percent of what we do the florida problem is medical. school waited four hours for i've waited sometimes three hours i was it's a same francis in what for four hours and fifty minutes standing against a wall and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an emergency room. we have the most expensive health care system in the world and it's probably valued the least.
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leaders of the biggest pacific rim economies meeting in hawaii pledged to prevent the european debt crisis from spreading to the region among other issues to dominate the gathering are establishing a pacific wide free trade zone and tackling the ongoing syrian and iranian issue. concerns grow with the expanding influence of brussels of each new member states. look to choose prime ministers based on the support of europe but not the people so by this guy who is set to step down off of the final sturdy vote is likely to be replaced by a crowd. israeli forces clash with palestinian activists protesting the confiscation of land for jewish settlements across the west bank is the latest round of debate over palestinian statehood with deadlock at the un security council .
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