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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EST

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test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you see. i wonder lander for travellers turns into a hub for high profile discussions as the heads of asia pacific nations gather in hawaii pledging to prevent the european debt crisis from spreading to that region. italy prepares for the dawn of a poster bosko any era as its parliament sits down to vote on a new austerity package intended as a last line of defense against collapsing confidence in the economy. and china's a booming economy isn't always met with open arms of the united states or sometimes painting be emerging superpower as a dangerous prospect. worldwide
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news live from the heart of moscow this is r.t. with me a recent showing now the world's political and economic heavyweights from the asia pacific nations to stand upon a sunny hole-y. this weekend storm clouds continue to build thousands of kilometers away over the euro zone forcing the apec leaders to find ways to protect their region from economic trauma. takes a look at what's on the table and one of the. basically even though the primary primary goals of the apec summit are improving the trade relationship and economic relationship all the countries that make up the asia pacific because of the extent of the european financial crisis this is certainly a headache that's looming over leaders having gathered here and many are seeing this as sort of a continuation of the g twenty summit without the participation of the european
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speech we are expecting the leaders gathered for the apec summit to send another push to send an extra message to the european countries to try to find to step up their attempts to improve the financial situation so this is an extra message important message that we're expecting to hear a lot of about here on the ground in the next few days to come even though the top of the topic and the substance of the effect summit is usually traditionally economic issues certainly political issues are surfacing we've been hearing because of the situation in syria where anti-government clashes have been really attracting so many headlines we have heard from u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton saying that the united states believes that the syrian president should step down regarding syria we discuss the ongoing and escalating violence perpetrated by the assad government against its own people our position is clear we are supporting peaceful transition assad has lost his legitimacy to rule and he should step down russia on the other hand believes that
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it's important to take for negotiations to take place and it says that it intends to help and kick starting those talks inside syria the russian foreign minister has spoken and said that he believes that it's it's the only responsible thing to do some opposition groups can see clearly these meetings in turkey and the u.s. . calls for dialogue which will just position can be me this is just we will continue to encourage field positions of small constructions leads to and to show concern and all these countries and the syrian people and russia believes its import. to avoid the libyan scenario when it comes to syria but this is certainly not the only political issue that is being touched upon here on the ground we are expecting a meeting between the russian and u.s. presidents to take place where they're very likely to discuss the u.s. plans for a european missile defense shield as well as russia's accession to the world trade organization those really a range of other political issues so there's not only a lot on the agenda here in honolulu. i think i see
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a chuckle reporting right that i want to keep your finger on the pulse of the asia pacific summit in honolulu just head over to twitter streams our correspondents are . tweets that aloha spirit overwhelms the gathering even undercover agents are patrolling the beaches in flowery shorts and flip flops and there's also plenty more assays facebook pages. it's. five minutes past the hour here in moscow are still ahead for you here on the program the return of our new york resident where this week to find out if passers
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by a fed up with political correctness. we've go thing in england where comedians have been pulled out of political correctness it's been carried overboard people were getting a little crazy with being here having to worry about every word they say should resign every word that comes out of our mouth is more of what the people of the big apple have to say in just a few minutes plus. throughout the week hundreds of children and adults be competing here in the black sea come windsurfing trophic and it's hoped that with the right support this region could become a real sense of the of the school's policies a russia close of series invites you to dip your toes in the warm waters of the black sea that's where lovers of herring water sports action come from their hosts of address. you're watching our prime minister silvio berlusconi's decade long grip on power now could come to an end. within just
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a few hours if lower house of parliament approves a vast new austerity package the promise to see though won't remain vacant for a long with a veteran a euro crack looking to take a baton from berlusconi our correspondent is in rome for more on the build up to the vote. the m.p.'s we've been speaking to here italy is now absolutely desperate to send a very strong signal that they're able to get the situation under control now the measures i get that a preview today that would then of course pave the way for the resignation of prime minister berlusconi as he promised. the man he's been paid to the moment to take the top spot is. he now he's not only a respected economist here in the country but he's also the former commissioner and as we've seen increases the appointments the top spot for me e.c.b. official you know mario monti's a year ago in a system inside out at that appointment would certainly these processes but there
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is concern about whether that would gain public school because there is a question mark williams whether an unelected government is going to have credibility or what you're saying now is an extension of brussels in this issue really that is what's happening it can be m.p.'s that we're speaking to was saying that this technocratic government now is really good it is pushing through these harsh measures just getting them off the ground because they've been long promised and have failed to materialize we've seen rioting in the past in the country over these measures now that public support as you said is absolutely vital because implementing these are starting measures having in you had coming up with a caretaker government is not going to be enough certainly if everything goes ahead this weekend without any glitches and italy will have won a battle but they still have a war in their hands and it's a war that the entire usa now has to face and that's just how you bring long term sustainable solutions to kick start stagnating economies like italy. sorry for
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porting right. equality movement is gathering quickly gathering place in germany with fresh protests are now starting in the capital but in and of the country's financial heartland of frankfurt thousands of joined these demonstrations seeking to draw attention to rampant to corporate greed in the increasing poverty of the masses the german occupy movement has also made significant steps in legitimizing itself having earned the support of two major political factions and to discuss what the protesters hope to achieve today and their chances of doing so well and join life by one of the key organizers. spanker a spokesperson for the equality attack germany group mr blank thank you for coming on the program today just to start with can you just tell us what exactly are you protesting against today and do you believe that your voice will be. we have today here in frankfurt. the government quarter and banking court in
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order to make it clear. democratic societies can no longer tolerate systemically relevant. now is your movement though really representing the popular voice germany is one of the few countries that's done ok for itself or even through the two thousand and eight crisis and the latest euro crisis. even though the german economy is still running the main problem is that we have systemically relevant. who can suppress our societies with the bailouts that may be necessary and which increase to make democratic institutions no longer. and we've certainly seen the occupy movements in wall street or in new york with many they're calling for for basically a re structuring of wall street but is it possible though is it just possible that
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you could be exaggerating the corporate greed in germany just this august a german group of millionaires and billionaires of the wealthy for a capital levy they volunteered to pay additional taxes to deal with the euro crisis i mean anywhere else that would be unheard of the thing is i don't see corporate greed we have a. problem in the financial sector which is absolutely directly related to the relation in order to make. sake. compatible. societies otherwise we always see such measures the enlargement. we saw a couple of weeks ago here in the german parliament pushed through days and this cannot be compared to a democratic society which wants to think about it or you bring up the ideals of
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democracy here and there are certainly many people around the world that say that many governments are in bed with the big bankers and the big the big industry the big corporations but if i may germany's been shouldering quite a lot of the bailouts for struggling members of the year as and what do you what do you make of. bailout policies. well. i think very large policy necessary in two thousand and eight and truth. but they were without conditions and we need clear conditions for those bearings. so and that hasn't happened in germany that's what we criticize basically. but now if i if i may for a moment hasn't your government though effectively kept merkel's ability to hand out cash to whoever ever she wants because of the bundestag i must now give its approval does not mean the people now do you have a say. sorry i couldn't get it i was just saying that now we're also
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between the blunder star must give its approval to any handout that anglo merkel wishes to deliver doesn't that mean though if the bundesliga is involved that the people do actually have a say sorry i was having having some technical difficulties here can can you still hear me yes now i hear you once again ok what do you really believe that the government will take up your calls and toughen banking regulations at such a sensitive time here when the fate of europe ultimately hangs on bank survival. story and listen we're having trouble there with the connection is very very very noisy where you are a spokesperson for the pro quality germany group many thanks for coming on the program today thank you. now is the euro crisis continues to chip away at confidence in the european union's leadership stacie a back to cast their eyes over white speculators are so eager to see the crisis
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rage on report coming your way in an hour's time here's what you can expect. every time the eurozone creates a dollar or euro instead they create a hundred euros and naked short sells they'll never going to win that war but the fact is that the tail is wagging the economic and financial dog around the world and we're totally powerless against an entrenched called takhar see with unlimited credit and zero percent interest rates with the central banks at their bidding and politicians just basically lying down and doing nothing about it so this is the new world order. watching on t.v. now i mean europe and america's financial woes investors are making a shop turn to the east where china keeps on rising in the ranks of the global economic stage beijing's night however is not being met with enthusiasm in the
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united states. such as the chance. we strung up with weeds which. maybe we can see the season. begins on keep you safe. she and sad comment on if you want to go. change the future you have to yikes ok let's just get right down to it shall we should we be afraid of china. well what other place in washington d.c. is chinatown to find out i don't think we have to be a parade of china but i do think that we should be concerned well concerned might be the right word for it and angelina isn't the only one a march twenty seventh b.b.c. poll shows that many in the west aren't exactly thrilled about china gaining more
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economic steam in the span of just five years negative attitudes towards china have skyrocketed with france germany italy the u.k. and the us on happy at the thought of china nipping at their heels and for the us nowhere is that clear that in the race to the white house china is on almost every dimension she this is no longer a time for us to sit back and say we're going to let them steal our jobs we need to do is start in rich saying china with our money i want to beat china i want to go to war with china and make america the most attractive place in the world to do business. does it have to be us or them and isn't buying it the world changing those who like the fact the fact that like china's economy is modernizing . isn't the reason why our economy is doing poorly right now. and so it's maybe
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just a straw man when. presidential candidates bring i don't think even in a business sense that it can all make sense was countries to just work with china or as any other country so yeah i don't know where he comes from from the u.s. about china well there you have it it seems china is the new kid on the economic block and it's up to the u.s. and go west to see how they deal with reporting from washington and i promise i don't see. meantime i thought i caroline helpmann from the occidental college in los angeles says the washington feels the need to paint china as a new evil empire china becomes this very convenient target we need an enemy right the cold war is over terrorism doesn't provide a concrete enemy for the united states to confide so when we hear this republican from harbors talking about china as an enemy i do think that it fills that notion of having something to oppose in order to the resilience of nationalism and again i
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find i take issue with that nationalism but at the same time i think it's good for the u.s. to have competitors it's never good for a global superpower to be only one of the top or perceived because then they act with impunity and i believe at various points in u.s. history we have seen the evidence of that i think having china in the mix will be very positive for social political relations now seventeen minutes past the hour here in moscow. correctness that may have been may have many are starting to think rather before opening their mouths these days but has it gone too far that's the question laurie half finished better known as the resident has been putting people in u. . a recent poll indicated that people are starting to feel like political correctness is having a negative effect them for society how do you feel about it this week let's talk about that it's been carried overboard. people were getting
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a little crazy with being having to worry about every word they say whether it's actually politically correct or not well if you live in this country you should be politically correct because this is your country what does that mean that say you can't have to censor what you say you should think about what you say you should you should take time to use the correct words before you say something that you don't mean and i mean we've got thing in england where comedians have been holed up in political correctness so i think you just got to realize specially the comedy. you know everyone's going to be offended by something and i just think there's always be someone who looks for something to complain about my generation we don't really cat we just laugh it's funny it just depends if like generations of. people . even if you know you don't completely think it's necessary it's different when you're younger but when you start getting a bit older you realize sometimes what comes out of your. it's refreshing to
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see somebody like. speak his mind regardless of what the consequences are versus always being worried that people are going to think what the poll numbers show the you'd rather be at least have the truth yes very much so but they're not you feel like political correctness is having a negative effect on society the bottom line is it's probably just going to keep becoming more and more prevalent. watching r t it's good to have. some other headlines from around the world for you this hour iran has been rocked by a powerful explosion. about forty kilometers outside of tehran this point unconfirmed reports of casualties. last reported being ripped through the site in the capital southwest chattering windows in nearby buildings. supplies the country's a revolutionary guard corps for now of the blast is unclear.
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number of victims from this week's earthquake in eastern turkey has now reached more than thirty rating for the thousands still missing who are believed to be trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings some journalists are more about those who they were working in the region reporting on the devastation of a stronger quake that occurred last month that left six hundred. mexico's interior secretary francisco blakemore has died in a helicopter crash along with seven other passengers bad weather is being blamed although the investigation does continue the helicopter left a military base in the mexican capital will report will be disappearing from the radar ten minutes later a more is the second in mexico an interior minister dying in an aviation accident in just the last three years. all right now it's time for our close up series here on r t as we put the spotlight on the many wonders of russia for you.
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this time around we're at the black sea coast in the south it's a place bustling with tourists who come here to get relaxation under the sun but now this region is also attracting hundreds of thrill seekers as aussies tom barton found out. slowly the old soviet resorts on russia's black sea coast are becoming centers for very modern water sports throughout the week hundreds of children and adults of be competing here in the black sea cup windsurfing trophy and it's hoped that with the right support this region could become a real center for water sports. it's the black sea cup in southern russia a waters full of jellyfish the sea full of waves and the wind whips the air with salty spray and that's just what everyone here has come for. children and adults
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have traveled from all over russia to show their skills sharing the growing water sports experience here amazon is one of the best like that because when you write in your top speed your feelings so you have control of two forces of nature in your hands when his lordship. he's currently number two in russia and has skim the waves in european competitions. it isn't cheap and he's short of financial backing to match that of his european american letters but he's hopeful for the black sea coast as a potential world class with sports center. this is a wonderful place with great when the infrastructure is ok but with some investment it could be good we had a three star competition here not long ago and we have a purpose of hosting a world championship he'll be trying to win the championship i was just getting the hang of standing up i'm surrounded by hundreds of of all ages behaving in the black
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thought of the growing status of water sports. i would be joining them many times. a neither would i be taking part in even more tricky kitesurfing here too they have been battling it out to prove their speed and agility syria has been crowned number one in russia. a lot of adrenaline as well as all those doubts tricks and a lot of adrenaline now it's easier to master trick you have to fool a hundred times the black sea we're going to good conditions for this war too. it's a difficult sport to master with many of these young writers taking years to reach this standard yes we have a number of good spots arriving is wonderful and on the other side of the black sea here in russia the season is short so we don't have much practice time in the water the advantage of russia is we can snow kite. again it's money is the problem for
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months. now whether it's on the way to joining the list of the new sports and that raises the profile which he still affliction pursuit much. sport needs young people in ten years i want to see hundreds of kids kiting here then we'll be in good hands we'll have a future. the feature that will be played out in the surging gloom of the black sea to moxon take. the all the best with computer. closure and welcome to a special saturday edition of business saying the heads of some the world's largest financial institutions are an oscar mayer discussing the main challenges facing the global financial system i mean is pegged to banks one hundred seventieth anniversary the customer has all the details. the x.
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was here today i couldn't help but trust the financial turmoil in europe and how it might effect the loss of the head all sperm banks and thank you the stance over the adequacy of the policy of the regulators saying that there is seriously affect in the financial sector by making european banks survival that's what increasing capital requirements and that's what it's called into the so-called dr doom old lead local economy masoud rule would be nice i've got the situation that you know someone could have a serious impact on russia if the situation were that we call the result of the early in more eurozone countries both of them solve the faults on top of the dads or even restructuring or the faults of banking that disappears with the companies or there were one or more vendors of the year with all the special the large ones i guess of the eurozone that trial could be much larger than day because all the lots of the brothers in their fall of the cause of it made them all the prices would fall sharply linked with the russian federation says that the euro give up just as
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the source was all right they need to be in the euro zone with the fact that sooner obviously you're up all the way to russia on a lighter note businesses were here are also discussing how to use the latest technology to manage complex processes and the large enterprises and for the first time in russia's burbank is using crowdsourcing to generate ideas they're looking for new and innovative ideas from web users and they're asking them questions like what will the bank and russia look like in ten years and one million dollars has already been allocated supported so we'll come out of that and some of them include a social network to help older citizens with financial matters and other one is offering a secure service was storing online paid out now score a bank is now being rated that's one seat strongest bank in the world the only russian bank to make it into the rating so it's very important for the country to make sure it continues growing and developing. russia hopes to improve ties with
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its asian partners as it turns the nineteen venue asian pacific economic cooperation summit to present to a time countries like korea childline sticky issues for russia. i would like to see the interest in our in three integration projects in the. area. countries so prospering more actively in this customs union. just consider for. a good compliment to the efforts of all on the taking the freezer for global economics the beats and world economy grows are also directed at fourth our accounting for the next year effect waiting for it in with the rest or cook into our interests will be primarily there in the farm transport plant which is school systems and asian pacific region. liberalization of investments
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in the region food security and more than is asian of. technologists including issues that relate thanks rachel property rights. up next on elsie rory with the headlines. it's
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