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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2011 2:01pm-2:31pm EST

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away from the financial abyss it's been teetering on passing the tough cuts was a precondition under which prime minister silvio berlusconi agreed to step down the pm seat though won't remain vacant from the euro credit mario monti looking set to take the baton from berlusconi the public reaction so far has been mixed with some celebrating bonus coney's fall while others are aware of the future correspondent in italy sarah firth has the details. with this thirty bill now finalized in the lower house today it's expected that prime minister berlusconi is going to be meeting with president policy and handing in his resignation as he promised to do once those reforms had passed now moving on from that you're going to probably see the formation of some form of caretaker government and it's expected that the man at the moment being paid to take that top spot is a very respected economist here in italy cooled mario monti he's been nicknamed super mario but
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a huge task will be before him were he to take that top spot now he's the former commissioner he's a year he knows the system inside and there are good links with brussels so certainly they'd be pleased to see him but there is a question mark over whether a caretaker government is going to have the public support necessary to push through these reforms because of course it's one thing to pass these measures it's another thing to implement them and you know having a successful implementation of reforms is going to take years and for that you're going to need democratic legitimacy and there is a question mark over an elected government now taking the reins and i was in the virally today speaking to some people in the town there who were holding a protest there were a couple of thousand and one of the measures that they were protesting was government spending a waste of taxpayers' money and really what they were saying was very clear is that whatever happens now and whoever takes power is that they're really going to want
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to see their politicians and those people in charge leading by example and of course they simply haven't seen that under berlusconi especially in the last couple of years i mean quite the opposite in the face of the quizes berlusconi has been perceived as just partying his way very carelessly through a very critical time for the country and really now that's where the focus is turning to because why. prime minister berlusconi resigns he is expected to the question is what kind of country is he handing to his predecessor and the country is and has been suffering for years under economic social and political stagnation and kickstarting that is going to be a major challenge and a big part of that is going to be regaining public trust and credibility that's been lost in recent times because without the public support these reforms simply not going to work surface reporting there and peter mandelson the former british
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secretary of state says it's incredible that market pressure on greece and italy managed to oust their respective leaders where millions of protesters in those countries couldn't. but what we've seen recently in the years is some government not as strong as all those not taking the decisive action that they need to take frankly not getting on top of events now their elected government to trawl the difficult for democratic machinery to be used simply to take out. a government that's been democratically elected and actually what we've seen to be in the case i think of greece and italy we've seen the bond markets being able to achieve what normal democratic means have not been able to do and that is to put those countries to get the governments they need at this particular time no i don't attach any value judgement to that it's merely an observation that in these circumstances we've seen. rather more effectively than ordinary
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democracy. and as the euro crisis continues to chip away at confidence in the european union's leadership back to cast their eyes over why speculators are so eager to see the crisis rage on because the report coming away twenty one thirty g.m.t. here's a quick preview of what you can expect. every time the eurozone creates a dollar or a euro instead they create a hundred euros in naked short sells well never going to win that war but the fact is that the tail is wagging the economic and financial dog around the world and we're totally powerless against an entranced with unlimited credit zero percent interest rates with the central banks at their bidding and politicians just basically lying down and doing nothing about it so this is the new world order.
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the pro quality occupy movement is quickly gathering pace in germany with almost twenty thousand people protesting right now in both the capital bug. in the country's financial heartland of frankfurt protesters are waving placards and locking arms in solidarity seeking to draw attention to rampant corporate greed and the increasing poverty of the message german occupy movement has also made significant steps in legitimizing itself having the support of two major political factions one of the pro quality attacking germany group told me earlier that she believes berlin is partly responsible for europe's economic woes. it is needed to have protests and broader movements in all european countries and we know that tearing germany germany is one of the countries that courses quite a lot of the trouble we have and europe now because of the way international competition is organized to germany is a very often on the winning side but that means that we export also poverty and
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joblessness for people and to be learned during the last years there it's very very soon tex players are forced to help to save the banks we learned in two thousand and eight what happened in such a very short time when billions of euros were given to the bags if you ask people here on the streets they agree with the protests they agree with other people of the occupy movement that it is needed to go out because everybody learns that democracy is in danger that in our country too there is no perfect if how to go on if this crisis is going on further and it will. on our website r.t. dot com you can find out how the occupy wall street demonstration was turned into performance art new york police detained. by the accomplice dressed as a matter tempted to attract the beasts attention. and can
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head online to see this fight and. a huge test for police ahead of the upcoming. championships as hundreds of football hooligans run riot. coach at r.t. dot com. the world's political and economic heavyweights from the asia pacific nations descend upon a sunny hawaii this weekend storm clouds continue to build thousands of kilometers away over the eurozone forcing the apec leaders to find ways to protect their region from the economic trauma. takes a look at what's on the table in honolulu. basically even though the primary primary goals of the apec summit are improving the trade relationship an economic
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relationship all the countries that make up the asia pacific because of the extent of the european financial crisis this is certainly a headache that's looming over leaders having gathered here and many are seeing this as sort of a continuation of the g twenty summit without the participation of the european states we are expecting the leaders gathered for the apec summit to send another push to send an extra message to the european countries to try to find to step up their attempts to improve the financial situation so this is an extra message important message that we're expecting to hear a lot of about here on the ground in the next few days to come even though the top topic and the substance of the effect summit is usually traditionally economic issues certainly political issues are surfacing we've been hearing because of the situation in syria where anti-government clashes have been really attracting so many headlines that we have heard from u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton saying that the united states believes that the
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syrian president should step down regarding syria we discuss the ongoing escalating violence perpetrated by the assad government against its own people our position is clear we are supporting peaceful transition assad has lost his legitimacy to rule and he should step down well russia on the other hand believes that it's important to take. to take place and it says that it intends to help and kick starting those talks inside syria the russian foreign minister has spoken and said that he believes that. it's the only responsible thing to do so most particularly those with the u.s. . position can be me this is just we will continue to encourage field position. leads to and to show concern about this country and the syrian people. well russia believes it's important to avoid the libyan scenario when it comes to syria but this is certainly not the only political issue that is
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being touched upon here on the ground we are expecting a meeting between the russian and u.s. presidents to take place where they're very likely to discuss the u.s. plans for a european missile defense shield as well as russia's accession to the world trade organization as well as really a range of other political issues so definitely a lot on the agenda here in honolulu and we'll bring our viewers all the latest as events and arrival. well for instant updates from the asia pacific summit in honolulu you can head to twitter streams course on their side of tweets that the aloha spirit overwhelms the gathering at the moment even undercover agents are patrolling the beaches in florida shirts and flip flops there's also plenty more of these facebook and youtube pages. it's.
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the arab league's voted to suspend syria from the organization until a peace plan is implemented to stop the bloodshed member states have also been urged to withdraw their own passages from damascus and use economic and political sanctions the decision which has already received a useful backing was praised by u.s. president barack obama came at an emergency session in cairo an overwhelming majority of member states supported the move with only lebanon yemen and syria itself voting against the wall for analysis let's talk to dr he's professor of economics at the. jordan assad's administration is claiming it's already implementing the league brokered peace plan so why are they running out of patience why suspended from the organization now. i think the arab league expected syria to
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reject the sort of but instead syria accepted the arab in a sort of a and was expecting the day before yesterday so have the names of the arab delegation that was supposed to come to syria to oversee the implementation of the in the sort of instead the arab league how do you have this emergency meeting so the that the us or. regime has lost its legitimacy i think what's going on here as an attempt by nato to do a rerun of the libyan scenario and i think russia is pretty much on the spot as far as that goes it is very important for russia and china to use the veto in the security council because the arab league has said that the issue will go to the security council the international organizations namely the u.n. and the u.n. shortly what we have here is a plan to topple the syrian regime and clearly establish
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a nato friendly regime and its place so we have to look at this in geo strategic terms the arab league does not represent the arab people at represents nato at this point well syria says that the league is serving a western and american agenda but we are talking about eighteen arab countries turning against another arab country is that really certain then that there is a western and american influence behind this or all not the arab country generally concerned about what's happening in syria but there's very important to realize that these arab countries do not represent the arab people and those arab countries have been following the dictates of the u.s. government for decades now these are not really independent states their political decision making as is dictated from abroad and we have seen that in libya before and we have seen that and iraq during the period of sanctions so this is not the first time that the arab league has adopted the citizens or implement the decisions
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made outside the arab world the league is calling for member states to sanction syria but when sanctions actually hurt the people there more than the regime itself . actually even the united states policymakers and many papers and the liberations have said that the purpose of the sanctions is to turn the business community against the assad regime this is just like what happened then the point is to starve the people and to make the people poorer and poorer so they would come to embrace a friendly regime this is a scenario we have seen and lot in america where people and the people already campaigning all on their own when it is not is it not a generated. revolution as such from the people themselves i do not think that we can call it a revolution especially after the new revelations that there is an armed insurgency
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and now there are open the collaboration's by the people conducting these operations against the syrian army and against syrian security troops so now they are openly performing military operations all over the place against the syrian army and military about us so we have seen support from turkey from the g.c.c. and from the european union for. that encompasses economic military as well as economic political and diplomatic means the league has invited opposition leaders to a meeting has been speaking about setting up a kind of transitional period in effect this is quite reminiscent is it not of the libya style national transitional council. absolutely i think the point behind this decision as to pave the way for a rerun of what happened in libya first deal legitimize the regime that is opposing your interests and then install
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a regime that is friendly to your interests this is a rerun of the transitional council that was installed in libya so what what we are seeing here is a war this war is not being conducted openly of the way it was enough guns done or at this is being conducted through other means meaning through clan the stein and underground methods and through open the pla magic and economic pressure and unfortunately so unfortunately the arab league is being a tool in the spite or we have to finish it just briefly assad stays in number ten just very briefly your view of his future i'm sorry i didn't hear a question chad stays a number ten his future is looking very bleak now just very briefly. i could not hear that he was even very well but when they get there we have actually run out of time sorry about that thank you very much ok but i have a louche professor of economics a tuna university in jordan joining us life there. amid the financial worries of american europe investors i'm making
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a sharp turn to the east which china keeps on rising in the ranks on the global economic stage however is not being met with enthusiasm in the u.s. . assesses the attitudes that. we show what you always were tell me a moment. maybe we can see the six or nine years old she's waiting. to see how the boss a. shared sat mentality you want to go. into the future you have to yikes ok let's just get right down to it shall we should we be afraid of china. well what other place in washington d.c. is china town to find out i don't think we have to be afraid of china but i do think that we should be concerned well concerned might be the right word for it and
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angelina isn't the only one how much twenty levin b.b.c. poll shows that many in the west aren't exactly thrilled about china gaining more economic steam in the span of just five years negative attitudes towards china have skyrocketed with france germany italy the u.k. and the u.s. on unhappy at the thought of china nipping at their heels and for the us nowhere is that clear that in the race to the white house china is on almost every dimension cheating this is no longer a time for us to sit back and say we're going to let them steal our jobs what we need to do is stop enriching china with our mani i want to beat china i want to go to war with china and make america the most attractive place in the world to do business woah woah whoa does it have to be us or them and is anyone buying it the world is changing you know so like. the fact that like china's economy is modernizing. isn't the reason why our economy is doing poorly right now
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. and so maybe just the straw man. presidential candidates bring that up but. most countries do just as any other country so yeah i don't know where the comes from the us about china well there you have it it seems china is the new kid on the economic block and it's up to the u.s. and the west to see how they deal with reporting from washington i'm not trying to set out. to count on helping from occidental college in los angeles as washington feels the need to paint china as a new evil. china becomes this very convenient target we need an enemy right the cold war is over terrorism doesn't provide a concrete enemy for the united states to confront so when we hear these republican competitors talking about china as an enemy i do think that it fills that notion of having something to oppose in order to buoy the resilience of nationalism and again
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i find i take issue with that nationalism but at the same time i think it's good for the u.s. to have competitors it's never good for a global superpower to be the only one at the top are perceived because then they act with impunity and i believe at various points in u.s. history we have seen the evidence of that i think having china in the mix will be very positive for social political relations. political correctness many many stopping to think before opening their mouths these days but it's not going to fall and that's a question and it's been known as the president has been putting to people in new york. a recent poll indicated that people are starting to feel like political correctness is having a negative effect on society how do you feel about it this week let's talk about that it's been carried overboard. people were getting
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a little crazy with being having to worry about every word they say whether it's actually politically correct or not well if you live in this country you should be politically correct because this is your country what does that mean that is so you can have to censor what you say you should think about what you say you should you should take time to use the correct words before you say something that you don't mean us and i mean we've got a thing in england where comedians have been holed up in political correctness where i think you've just got to realize specially with comedy just loosen up you know everyone's going to be offended by something and i just think there's always going to be someone who looks for something to complain about my generation we don't really care we just laugh it's funny but i just depends if like generations accosting if you're talking smelly people then yeah the show some respect even if you know you don't completely think it's necessary it's different when you're younger but when you start getting a bit older you realize this but sometimes what comes out of your math is not a pearl. it's refreshing to see somebody like chris christie from new jersey cause
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he speaks his mind regardless of what the consequences are versus always being worried that people are going to think what the poll numbers show that you'd rather be offended in at least have the truth yes very much so whether or not you feel like political correctness is having a negative effect on society the bottom line is it's probably just going to keep becoming more and more prevalent. some more headline news from around the world very nearly twenty four minutes past the hour here in moscow iran has been rocked by a powerful explosion at an ammunition dump about forty kilometers outside. of tiran the least seventeen people reported killed and sixteen wounded two consecutive blast ripped through the site southwest of the capital shattering windows in the air by buildings the munitions facility supplies the country's revolutionary guard the blast were ruled accidental but the exact cause remains unclear. crippled
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fukushima nuclear plant in japan has opened its doors to journalists for the first time in eight months reporters had to wear fully protective clothing before being allowed in the plant suffered a series of meltdowns and explosions after being deluged by devastating tsunami in march it was the world's worst nuclear crisis since chernobyl. the turkish prime minister has visited the devastated region of which is just being struck by two earthquakes in a matter of weeks the latest on wednesday claimed the lives of more than thirty people the body of a japanese aid worker has been returned home he was rescued alive from the rubble but died later in hospital two journalists were also among those killed we've been reporting on the previous quake which left six hundred dead. now it's time for a close up series will put the spotlight on the many wonders of russia for. we're on the black sea coast in the self place bustling the tourists who come here
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to get their dose of relaxation under the sun but now this region is also attracting hundreds of thrill seekers. testing the waters. slowly the old soviet resorts on russia's black sea coast are becoming centers for very modern water sports throughout the week hundreds of children and adults have been competing here in the black sea cup windsurfing trophy and it's hoped that with the right support this region could become a real center for water sports. it's the black sea cup in southern russia the waters full of jellyfish the sea full of waves and the wind whips the air with salty spray and that's just what everyone here has come for. children and adults have traveled from all over russia to show their skills and share in the growing water sports experience here and on is one of the best. when you ride in your board
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at top speed your feelings saw you have control of two forces of nature in your hands wind in water. he's currently number two in russia and his skin the waves in european competitions the sport isn't cheap and he's short of financial backing to match that of his european and american competitors but he's hopeful for the black sea coast as a potential world class water sports center. this is a wonderful place with a great wind the infrastructure is ok but with some investment it could be good we had a freestyle competition here not long ago and we have hopes of hosting a world championship he'll be trying to win that championship i was just getting the hang of standing up i'm surrounded by hundreds of when service of all ages bathing in the black sea can. it's evidence of the growing status of water sports here but i feel i won't be joining them any time soon. but neither would i be taking part in the even more tricky kitesurfing here too they had been battling it
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out to prove their speed and agility surrogate has been crowned number one in russia. so there's a lot of adrenaline that's what it's all about tricks and a lot of adrenaline now it's easier but to master trick you have to full one hundred times the black sea you provide good conditions for the sport too. it's a difficult sport to master with many of these young riders taking years to reach this standard. we have a number of good spots for riding this wonderful day and on the other side of the black sea here in russia the season is short so we don't have much practice time on the water but the advantage of russia is we can snow kite. again it's money that's the problem for most kite surface now however it's on the way to joining the list of the lympics sports and that raises the profile of what is still a fledgling pursuit in russia. to sport needs young people in ten years i want to
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see hundreds of kids kiting here then we'll be in good hands we'll have a future. a future that will be played out here in the surging blue of the black sea to martin r.t. . coming up very soon spotlight her style going off talks to the deputy c.e.o. of russia's largest bank on the day of its one hundred and seventy fifth anniversary of the after i have a look at the headlines for you in just a few minutes from now stay with us life.
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moves. if you just. live here in moscow top stories now. for the dawn of
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a post. as its parliament approves a new austerity package intended as a defense against collapsing confidence in its economy. the protocol of the occupy movement blossoms in germany. testers flood the political and financial capitals of the country demanding the government rein in corporate banking greed. the arab league decides to suspend and sanction syria in an effort to force assad to stop bloodshed in the country but the move sparks fears of a western backed repeat of the libyan scenario. for travelers turns into a helpful high profile discussions of the heads of the asia pacific nations gather in why they point to isolate themselves from the spreading euro zone crisis. so that brings up to date for the moment i'll be back with more news for you in less than half an hour from now in the meantime the european debt crisis has shrunk revenues and force banks to cut jobs and beg for bailouts but russia.


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