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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST

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today's top stories and their review of the week lobel powers come together in hawaii vowing to prevent europe's debt crisis from gulf think the pacific. the russian and american presidents hold talks on the sidelines of the apec summit in hawaii the focus missile defense and russia's future at the w. cio we bring you all the latest from honolulu just ahead of the program. both greece and italy watch their governments fall at the height of the debt crisis but mary are wary of the new we appointed on elected officials and their links to brussels. the un atomic watchdog zeroes in on iran's nuclear ambitions again claiming the country could be building
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a bomb but to iran says the allegations are advocating and politicize. police investigate fresh clashes in break with possible as we report on the nearest serb resistance to what they say are awaiting attempts to control their lives. what you know if you live from moscow ninety one here on marino josh the political and economic having waves of the pacific rim are meeting under hole by struggle song for the annual apac for the summit is touching on everything from establishing a pacific wide free trade zone to you perhaps you have it simply the eurozone crisis and it's given the presidents of russia and the united states a chance to hold talks or jesus if you're going to has more from honolulu. he apec summit of course as we know gathers twenty one economies that make up the asia pacific riza region and this is where leaders take the opportunity to focus on all
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sorts of ways to boost trade between the countries they work out ways to make investments easier to improve the investment climate to make the economic ties more productive and this is certainly been the focus this time around as well but of course it's been hard this year for leaders to avoid the european financial crisis because this is something that's looming over the world economy something that's been very hard to avoid because it impacts all of the countries that are certainly not just europe there have been dozens of protesters here in honolulu gathering for their own anti apec meeting if you will and have you have been protesting everything from open and free trade to globalization the protesters have been seen as sort of a continuation of protests going on throughout the united states of the world the so-called offered by wall street movements and the similar issues were addressed at those rallies here in honolulu earlier today in terms of agreements one of the highlights of the day has been of course the bilateral meeting between the russian president dmitry medvedev and u.s.
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president barack obama during these talks they discussed very important issues that are not relevant just to russia in the united states but really most of the international community one of those issues of course is the missile defense plans of the united states as we know russian leader will agree to work jointly on a european missile defense project in lisbon in two thousand and ten those talks however did come through sort of stalled because the united states was refusing to provide russia with legal guarantees that those projects would not cause a threat to security to russia and this is a fundamental issue for russia and at these talks the two presidents today did say again that those issues still exist but they're going to continue working on missile defense together and try to work those issues out now another important aspect of course of today's talks was russia's future of the world trade organization because of me. no russia has been interested then being part of the group since ninety three and it has plans and it looks like russia will be joining
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the becoming a full fledged member of the world trade organization by the summer of twenty twelve and a very important element took place today the us president barack obama said that he would start working with the u.s. congress to try to call off the jackson vatican amendment this is something that's going to major issue between russia and the u.s. because this is a clause that was put in place by the u.s. congress back in one nine hundred seventy three and even though it has been under moratorium it's definitely been causing a little correction between russia and the u.s. when it comes to trade between the two countries now getting rid of this amendment is something that certainly could really improve trade relations not just for russia in the united states but the international community working with the countries for securing a reporter never honolulu so russia's access to the deluge here was central to discussions on the last day of the day after almost twenty years of warning a journey of a commission to finalize terms for a long awaited membership or he's proud to be
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a troubled look at what will change and russia's economy once and finally joints. the person on the street members should not be just something bill in the news but it will mean prices removing trade barriers between states increases competition prices will be imported goods and domestic companies also grow weaker with foreign markets opening up. the workers so these smugglers you can company you know looks like you win win situation the most recent project is the north stream pipeline should then for international markets will face very little competition. and this last seen march launch was launched in russia would you see how distant russia is. for months ahead and workers who can sponsor. but the head of the company has a rather different outlook to that of the w t o cheerleaders. our oil and gas will
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be in demand even without entering the. every culture movie among the hardest hit sectors but experts say the domestic automotive industry will be the one to undergo most that he will. the troubled mortgage giant up the vase was rescued from the brink of death in the economic crisis of two thousand and eight by prime minister putin with more than one billion dollars in loans cash and guarantees. the government's favorite child but not all car makers in russia are cherished this used to be a thriving want of not screech open the 1930's most successful years were the fifty's and sixty's where hundreds of thousands of more screech cars flooded the soviet and foreign markets after the collapse of the soviet union my screech was in
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desperate need of money but the government could not afford to loss making copper juices and my screech was crossed out. the only way to avoid the collapse again and now the industrial giant experts say is to use the transition period adjoining the w.h.o. wisely closely entreats the w.t. doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs and comply straight away as a transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or so protectionist measures will apply for a number of sensitive industries which employ millions of people such as agriculture timber and car making but at a certain point the states and australia condon's will have to let go of its times and work on their own two feet in the world outside it but that should also be a somewhat easier place to do business in lieu adoption of customs tariffs and trade barriers to a more level playing field across international markets thanks to the gradual
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aren't. coming up later in the program heating up here up the north stream pipeline is turned starting to flow russian gas right into that new market. and battle of the billionaires to russian tycoon to take their who are all to london court and a veil some dark secrets from the past. it's a and of an era in italy as the country's controversial and charismatic prime minister silvio berlusconi steps down that's after a lower house of parliament gave its final approval to have vast new package which was a precondition for his resignation a pm c though won't remain vacant for along with former e.u. official mario monti looking set to take over the public reaction so far has been mixed with some celebrating girls coney's falwell others are wary of the future our correspondent in italy sarah for explains. that austerity lot finally sells
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silvio berlusconi's fate and he stepped down as prime minister of the country now for better or worse he was certainly a character and it's going to be a massive change now that he's resigned from the post optimism certainly for a future what the future will be right now remains uncertain it's thought that a caretaker government is going to be put in place and the man is in paid for the top spot is very well respected economists here in the country very muncy he said for me you commissioner he's a euro crowd he knows the system inside and a good ling's of brussels this certainly a question mark over whether he's going to have the democratic legitimacy that is needed to gain public support of course or an unelected government taking the reins does raise a lot of questions these are just the initial steps and was as a short term measure certainly they're going to be ok some way to stemming that panic that we saw at the beginning of the week and to calming somewhat the fear
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that if he was literally about to be sucked into that that spiral that we've seen a country like greece the certainty of course short term measures only last so long you're going to really now need to look at whether whatever government now follows is going to be able to put in place long term sustainable measures to get the country out of the crisis situation that it's found itself there now is in virally speaking to people in the town there who were holding protests one of the measures that they were protesting with government spending a waste of taxpayers' money and really what they were saying was very clear is that whatever happens now and whoever takes power is that they're really going to want to see their politicians and those people in charge leading by example and of course they simply haven't seen that under playlist any especially in the last couple of years really quite the opposite in the face of the quizes berlusconi has been perceived as just. partying his way very carelessly to be
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a very critical time for the country and really that's where the focus is turning to the country is and has been suffering is the economic social political stagnation and kickstarting that is going to be a major challenge and a big part of the regaining public trust and the credibility that's been lost in recent times because without the public support these reforms simply not going to. leo gravity of the university of reading in britain downstair just replacing one prime minister with another will help italy survive the deepening crisis it's very naive. i think account through school into a very difficult time and what is required is a say to the students political debate on what kind of measure. the truckle the
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cries of it's not much about little school and the people in caves should decide what the placements should be rather than being run through parliamentary gimmicks i think that should have stepped down at least one year ago or. been able to survive just because the corruption and bribery in parliament and saw the widespread these has been possible but honestly i think that's what is required is serious change and serious change just through going back to the people and asking them what's. scorning should be. western europeans can be more at ease this winter with an uninterrupted flow of russian gas to keep them warm the north stream pipeline will pump fuel longer baltic sea floor and straight to e.u. customers without relying on transit countries like ukraine and belarus are just an additional watched as president again of an european partners went with the flow in
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germany. wheel of fortune turns in europe's favor a year leaders hailed russia's first ever route that skirts tricky transit nations bill routes and ukraine where the gas rich middle east also unstable and egypt chief say the projects in several ways nothing nothing will bring additional good i think that's. a very important admission a security officer for with that and he's very fragile. he said eman tough security through every since this security comes with a hefty price tag the project cost some eight billion euro and north stream operates a guess from was told by many top high list that the world's longest subsidy just route was doomed to failure. this is a pipeline they said couldn't be built it's too long too expensive and taking it was that it was impossible that it happened think experts is the russian
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engineering brilliance yeah with the technical. design of the pipeline which is i think the best pipeline we have. forecast for what about nordstrom's first line has started successfully and the second goes operational in twenty twelve together they can he twenty six million homes a year but more is needed just use has jumped even through the current e.u. to crisis and supply call to keep up with predicted demand gazprom given the strongest ten so far the third line could also be built building and that if i will add all the capacity of existing and future by quality is still not enough expansion but they will be discussed but it is so slow moving call this project the first step that could take russia into the e.u. single market there are those who hold nord stream will make the tussauds friendlier. we are trying to bring russia closer to europe even integrates europe
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and russia into a common energy space and this space. be successful then we can think about creating a common economic space. as the first gas began to flow the optimistic leaders were all smiles the next few months will show if streams really basalts i mean you we're a between the e.u. and russia well just another point drink only bushel altie in germany. well you can get more on all of our stories at r.t. dot com that's our website here's a taste of what else can find there if you go there right now protests turns performance new york police detained two clowns at new york's occupy protest while nearby their complex dressed as a matter of door faces down the walls the ball well head online to see how this fight ended. also a huge task for polish police ahead of the upcoming euro two thousand and twelve
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championship as hundreds of football games run riot find out how the authorities called at our team dakar. the u.n. atomic watchdog has released satellite images of the letters this week that it says backs up its report suggesting iran is secretly developing nuclear weapons but u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has called on tehran to answer the questions that we poor poses claiming it has a long history of deception by iran's chief and which the i.a.e.a. dismissed the agency's finding saying the material was fabricated by the u.s. and its allies he told r.t. that his country is a strict parent and he can be dismissing the latest reports publicized politicise rather. these two parties are not professional. with political and with evasion and under political pressure by the u.s. and. western countries this report has fifteen pages of the
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allegations and the materials which would handle not only last week the company should read the ten pages of the report of the general which says that all i think is including the retirement are continuously under just make sure the only second part which is there is about the american allegation the important thing is that we are particularly pretty all activities. and even. that shot. short busy on analyses fiction this is great m b two months ago invited to a pretty director job i could even visit the r. and d. of centrifuge in richmond can you give me any example that any inspector being permitted to any certainty in any other part of the war. a new police are investigating ethnic clashes in northern caso after a serviceman died and two others were injured in
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a taps laden run state it comes as nato came for peacekeepers fired tear gas at ethnic serbs while trying to seize one of their barricades set up months ago and i'm going to stay on the search cost of war the u.n. secretary general says the tension has been caused by casillas attempts to expand its control over the border. area articulate here cesky delve deeper into the causes behind their existence. perhaps not an obvious venue for a wedding but this serbian couple living in northern course will decided to get married at the barricades a meeting of its people of were gathered together here and does not woodruff who invents. pieces we've just received. this sort of barricades in northern kosovo have been standing for several months now for those who built them there are just a part of everyday life not only have the coastal resorts isolated themselves from the case for teams but also from their unwanted neighbors this is the framus bridge
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in which splits the town and the serbian and albanian parts it was called the bridge of friendship it was meant to symbolize that the two can easily live together but the size of the barricades on the serbian part tells the whole story of how serbs are unwilling to be part of the self-proclaimed state while the cemented barricades and it's a have become the town's main gathering spot tensions are still running high just a few kilometers away. for every sound office that will decay for troops managed to demolish serbs built piles there are times when the too close is taking place similar to a city. in. like . serbs say they have no choice but to continue barricading themselves in they believe albanians would not hesitate to
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wipe them off their land forcefully help they believe by k. four troops despite constant clashes with a nato contingent and political pressure from belgrade because of the surge has become accustomed to living in this cage they have built for themselves. it was hard at first when we run out of food and petrol would we serbs are people who are used to improvise you know finding a way out we've built alternative routes through the mountains so now we can again receive supplies we've prevented a humanitarian catastrophe. the orthodox priest of the town's brendan temple sat he has never been busier with all the people flocking in lately to pray for the well being of their families. closer to his seem different hard times even being up at my dad's turkey ones but series with stude old heartiness of times and everyone in nature and it's so nice this land is the cradle of its culture and state. another
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deadlock in this balkan melting pot continues well great is still unwilling to resume negotiations with pristina which could put rates to the standoff but while politicians clash this sort of family has little trust in diplomacy their kids may be too young to realize what it's all about and why they are being shown the barriers but there is little doubt what views they will inherit once they grow up looksee russia ski reporting from causal school in kosovo. so i had for you this hour here in r.t.e. and unwelcome return a russian probe with tons of highly toxic fuel on board that crash back to earth scientists don't now it's truly being controlled get the details of. a british court is the setting for to russia's richest to battle it out and it's no small claims six i have billion dollars at stake. once the cash from rim on
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accusing the chelsea football club owner of robbing him as our panel reports it means britons are getting a rare glimpse into the life of a low profile billionaire. it's been dubbed the battle of the oligarchs in one corner is an easter egg estimated well fifteen billion assets for your chelsea football club and a french chateau in the other corner mr p. estimated fortune five hundred million he had to sell his yacht but he does still have his trusty stretch my bar which he never fails to show off a manner which is rise to riches is a story precious few knew until now his turn in the witness stand has lifted the need on a mike in the shadows he reveals how some of his companies employ primarily disabled staff and a lucrative thirty percent tax breaks and he came clean on the piles of cash he paid for protection as he dived into the infamous alan indian wars of the ninety's
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where we now know someone was murdered every three days not exactly the clean cut image and one of britain's most loved foreign imports it won't say who i think it was in the more you know the only difference between a rattler spiel and here is p.r. has been very good presents a very banal image and he doesn't really come across aggressively that we say anything at all he wants to be respectful and suddenly we're all made aware of the rather sort of see the origins of his wealth it's a third of that wealth but he claims is he's still a wanted man in russia he's suing mr and promote it for six and a half billion dollars they set up the oil company significator in the ninety's to put as also he claims he was blackmailed into selling his stake a fraction of it's true worth a mere one point two million dollars the money here is massive the case is expected to smash the record for the u.k.'s most expensive privately funded litigation is thought to be costing eighty dollars
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a second in here as for the legal fees mr every moment is a route to be sixteen million dollars but berezovsky is noise of their work cut out there on a no win no fee basis the pair used to be close mr. he gave his protege the all important leg up into the world of the super rich and we now know he was paid for his troubles but mr a says that was just protection money denying they were ever business partners and saqlain this case rides on there's no concrete evidence after all this was ninety's russia none of their deals were written down five weeks in and i've counted a cost of nine billion as five russian one kazakh one is becky paul israeli one british the crown prince of abu dhabi is suddenly involved for transferring one point three billion dollars from one to the other not to mention future strange deals records of meetings that maybe never happened the whole thing's extraordinarily bizarre and you try and place the whole thing together which
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becomes another difficult task because you don't know how much of this is even anyway true according to mr pease lawyers mr a his hidden his billions in a complex web of offshore holdings so even if mr b. does win he'll have a difficult task extracting any money with so much at stake it's painstaking progress the battles expected to go on into the new year after bennett's artsy london. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world iran has been rocked by a powerful explosion at and you nation west of the capital tehran at least seventeen people were killed and over a dozen wounded two consecutive blasts ripped through the side shattering windows nearby buildings relations facilities surprise the country's revolutionary guard explosions were said to be accidental but the exact cause remains unclear. quibbled fukushima nuclear plant in japan has opened its doors to journalists for
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the first time in eight months reporters had to wear a fully protective clothing before being allowed in the plant suffered a series of meltdowns and explosions after being to a devastating tsunami in march caused by an earthquake hundreds of square miles of the surrounding area were turned into a man's land. now russian space experts are battling to fix technical failure on boards an interplanetary station that was heading to the martian moon phobos aim of the probe was to get a better knowledge of how the universe evolved but there are fears the vehicle could crash back to earth having never reached its goal artist on board is at baikonur launch station for us. hopes were high when the phobos rocket was launched from the cosmodrome here in baikonur in kazakstan it was the first interplanetary mission russia hundred launched in fifteen years and there was great hopes that it would help to reveal secrets about the red planet and about how life
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evolved those hopes have since turned to fears of a potential catastrophe the bruce stage of the rocket went ok it went off into the orbits of earth but then the problem started the second stage was supposed to commence with the crew's rockets firing that would carry the spoke was spacecraft on a ten month voyage to the red planet they didn't fire what does this all mean now then it means that far from going to the red planet phobos is most likely heading right back down to earth it's likely that it will happen about the end of november the beginning of december the predicted date given at the moment is the twenty sixth of november as earth's gravitational field slowly pulled the spacecraft back into the atmosphere the upper atmosphere is very turbulence and that was going to throw the rocket around as it comes back but eventually it's going to have to land
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somewhere the hopes are that it will land somewhere in the sea the rocket is carrying about ten tons of very toxic and highly flammable fuel and there's also a small amount of radioactive material in the equipment on board the chances of it landing on a populated area of very small and and so are the chances that it will cause any harm but the chance is there and that's what experts at mission control are trying to avoid. so martin reporting there and we capped off the week's top stories coming your way.
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