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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2011 1:01am-1:31am EST

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i am here on marina joshie the political and economic carry weights of the pacific rim are meeting under hawaii's tropical sun for the annual apec forum the summit is touching on everything from establishing a pacific wide free trade zone to perhaps abbott's of leave the eurozone crisis and it's given the presidents of russia and the u.s. a chance to hold talks are going to has more from honolulu. the apec summit of course as we know gathers twenty one economies that make up the asia pacific riza region and this is where leaders take the opportunity to focus on all sorts of ways to boost trade between the countries they work out ways to make investments easier to improve the investment climate to make the economic ties more productive and this is certainly been the focus this time around as well but of course it's been hard this year for leaders to avoid the european financial crisis because this is something that's looming over the world's economy something that's been very hard to avoid because it impacts all of the countries that are certainly not just europe there have been dozens of protesters here in honolulu gathering for
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a. pack meeting if you will and they have been protesting everything from open and free trade to globalization the protesters have been seen as sort of a continuation of protests going on throughout the united states in the world the so-called occupy wall street movement and the similar issues were addressed at those rallies here in honolulu earlier today in terms of agreements one of the highlights of the day has been of course the bilateral meeting between the russian president dmitry medvedev and u.s. president barack obama during these talks they discussed very important issues that are not relevant just to russia in the united states but really most of the international community one of those issues of course is the missile defense plans of the united states as we know russia and nato agreed to work jointly on a european missile defense project in lisbon in two thousand and ten those talks however did come to sort of stalled because the united states was refusing to provide russia with legal guarantees that those projects would not cause
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a threat to security to russia and this is a fundamental issue for russia and at these talks the two presidents today did say again that those issues still exist but they're going to continue working on missile defense together and try to work those issues out now another important aspect of course of today's talks was russia's future of the world trade organization because as we. no russia has been interested then being part of the group since ninety three and it has plans and it looks like russia will be joining the becoming a full fledged member of the world trade organization by the summer of twenty twelve and a very important element took place today the us president barack obama said that he would start working with the u.s. congress to try to call off the jackson vatican amendment this is something that's been a major issue between russia and the u.s. because this is a clause that was put in place by the u.s. congress back in one nine hundred seventy three and even though it has been under moratorium it's definitely been causing
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a little friction between russia and the u.s. when it comes to trade between the two countries now getting rid of this amendment is something that certainly could really improve trade relations not just for russia in the united states the international community working with the countries . and the see it sure can our reporting there so russia's access to the w t o was central to discussions on the last day of the apec summit after almost twenty years of thorny negotiations and geneva commission finalized terms for a long awaited membership are discussing and the looks at what will change in russia's economy once it finally joins the club. for the person on the street w t a membership will not be just something we'll read about in the news but it will mean lower prices removing trade barriers between states increases competition prices of imported goods drop and domestic companies also broke quicker with foreign markets opening up. for workers of this much allure company it all looks
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like a win win situation their most recent project is the north stream pipeline should they enter international markets will face very little competition. and this is raw so much the largest plant in russia's south producing harvested rushers. is full for months ahead and workers who can spawn it. but the head of the company has a rather different outlook to that of the w t o cheerleader's. oil and gas will be in demand even without entering the. agriculture. and work culture will be among the hardest hit sectors but experts say the domestic automotive industry will be the one to undergo most up here with. the troubled mortgage giant up the vase was rescued from the brink of death in the economic crisis of two thousand and eight by prime minister putin with more than
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one billion dollars in loans cash and guarantees. that the us is the government's favorite child but not all car makers in russia are as cherished there is used to be a thriving. open the 1930's most successful years what the fifty's and sixty's when hundreds of thousands of my screech chorus flooded the soviet and foreign markets after the collapse of the soviet union my screech was in desperate need of money but the government could not afford tools making copper choices and must creature. crossed out. the only way to avoid the collapse of yet and now the industrial john expert say is to use the transition period of joining the w g a y z firstly entry to the w doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all systems and comply straight away the transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or
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so protectionist measures will apply for a number of sensitive industries which employ millions of people such as a group called timber and calm but at a certain point the state's industrial dependence will have to let go of its time and work on their own two feet in the world outside but that should be a somewhat easier place to do business with a reduction of customs tariffs and trade barriers to a more level playing field across international markets. aren't you and coming up later in the program here on r t heating up europe the north stream pipeline is turned starting the flow of russian gas straight to that market . and thousands of students march across several london furious over education cuts and a tripling of choice in fees. well it's the end of an era in a way as the country's controversial and charismatic prime minister silvio
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berlusconi steps down that's after the lower house of parliament gave its final approval to a vast new austerity package which was a precondition for his registration resignation the piano seats though won't remain vacant for along with former official mario monti looking set to take over the public reaction so far has been mixed with some celebrating berlusconi's fall while others are wary of the future of our correspondent in italy sarah ferguson explains . that as stairs he'll finally say those soviet ballots gagne's fate and he says that as prime minister of the country. now for better or worse he was certainly a character and it's going to be a massive change now that he's resigned from the post optimism certainly for the future but what the future will be right now remains uncertain is that a caretaker government is going to be put in place the man is being paid for the top spot is a very well respected economist here in the country mary months say he's the former
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commissioner he's a euro crowd he knows the system inside and out a good ling's of brussels there's certainly a question mark over whether he's going to have the democratic legitimacy that is needed to gain public support of course and an elected government taking the reins does raise a lot of questions these are just the initial steps and was as a short term measure certainly they're going to go some way to stemming that panic that we saw at the beginning of the week and to calming somewhat the fear that it's the was literally about to be sucked into that spiral that we see in a country like greece. but of course short term measures only last so long you're going to really now need to look at whether what has a government now follows is going to be able to put in place long term sustainable measures to get the country out of the crisis situation that it's done itself and nose into virally speaking to people in the town there who were holding protests one of the measures that they were protesting with government spending
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a waste of taxpayers' money and really what they were saying was very clear is that whatever happens now and whoever takes how is that they're really going to want to see their politicians and these people in charge leading by example and of course they simply haven't seen that under berlusconi especially in the last couple of years the country has been suffering under economic social and political stagnation and kickstarting that is going to be a major challenge and a big part of that is going to be regaining public trust and the credibility that's been lost in recent times because. that the public support these reforms i think not going to work so for us reporting there and zero or even very nice and new coalition cabinet and a new prime minister have been sworn in after the previous premier george was forced to quit over his handling of the debt crisis the new pm look as pub adamus has a former vice president of the european central bank says the priority will be to
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keep greece in the euro zone the new coalition government will have to vote for more sturdy measures to get another portion of any bailout otherwise asos warns and will go bankrupt within weeks some experts believe the government changes in green essent italy show and tendency towards dictatorship. these people who have taken power in greece and surely to take our initially have never been elected these are men who made their entire careers through garnering important appointments in places like the european commission or the european central bank and they have no democratic mandate at all and precisely what is so frightening about what is happening in the european union and the euro enters its death agonies because that's what i think it is is the way in which the european union really is showing and i say this without any exaggeration it's true nature as a dictatorship after all it is europe which has effectively commanded these two
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prime ministers to leave office and you have to leave office the moment it is just a referendum on the day and for those who need her to leave office the moment he said that to tell him to become poor under the euro so we're seeing really a very ugly development in europe where people are being put in power because they serve the interests of the demands of the european union not because they have gone at any and electoral support in their home countries they only need to bailouts from the european union because they don't have the option of devaluation they don't have the option of managing their own economic and military of the. it's precisely europe that has got them into this situation. western europeans can be more at ease this winter with an interrupted flow of russian gas to keep them warm the north stream pipeline will pump fuel along the baltic sea floor and straight to e.u. customers without relying on transit countries like ukraine and belarus artist in a bushel watched as president of an european partners went with the flow in germany
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. the wheel of fortune turns in europe's favor a year leaders hailed russia's first ever route that skirts tricky transit nations belarus and ukraine with the gas rich middle east also on stable energy chief say the project's a boon in several ways nothing to bring additional capacity that brings a very important additional security off the rifle with it and he's very traveling the world. he said in a tough secure way through very essential but this security comes with a hefty price tag the project cost some eight billion euro in fact nordstrom operate together was told by many top ten lists that the world's longest subsea gas route was doomed to failure this is a pipeline they said couldn't be built it's too long too expensive and take they
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said it was impossible that it's happened think experts is down to russian engineering brilliance. with technical. design off the pipeline which is i think the best pipeline we have. guessed from what about nordstrom's first line has started successfully and the second goes operational in twenty twelve together they can heat twenty six million homes a year but more is needed gas use has jumped even through the current e.u. debt crisis and supply can't keep up with predicted demand has promised given the strongest hint so far the third line could also be built mean that if i will add all the capacity of existing. by play it is still not enough expansion not that it will be discussed but is so thin some even call this project the first step that could take russia into the e.u. single market there are those who hold nordstrom will make the two sides friendly.
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we are. bring russia closer to europe. europe and russia into a common energy space for this space will be successful then we can think about creating. economic free trade zone as the first guest began to flow through. the next few months. really the still to renew euro between the e.u. woodrow show or just a little point dream. in germany. head to our dear camara website for more stories an eye catching video but here's a taste of what's on the line right now. the daily have blood chatted in a cashmere conflict ruled by india but claimed by neighboring pakistan is leaving the women as a silent sufferers in a male dominated society. russia's black sea coast is attracting thousands
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of thrill seekers to ride the waves with surfing becoming increasingly popular in the country for more it always have to a party that's our website. the un atomic watchdog has released satellite images and layers this week that it says backs up its report suggesting iran is secretly developing nuclear weapons the us secretary of state hillary clinton has called on to iran to answer the questions the report poses claiming it has a long history of deception but iran's chief and voice to the i.a.e.a. dismissed the agency's findings saying the material was fabricated by the u.s. and its allies it's all or t. that his country is as transparent as a any can be dismissing the latest report as politicized. with political motivation and political pressure by the u.s. and couple of the western countries this report has an excel fifteen pages of the
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allegations and. the materials which were handed over only last week to the company man read the temp pages of the report of the director general which says that all activities including a retirement are continuously. the only second part which is that is above the american allegation the important thing is that we are party to in beauty all activities are. even. short on and. this is great and we go invited depicted director general by to even visit the. richmond can you give me any example that any respect or being permitted to any. other part of the war. police are investigating ethnic clashes in northern ca so after a serb man died and two others were injured and attacks late on wednesday it comes
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as nato k. four peacekeepers fired tear gas at ethnic serbs while trying to seize one of their barricades set up months ago and i'm going dispute on the serb cost of the border the un secretary general says the chance has been caused by casillas attempts to expand its control over. the serb dominated area. delves deeper into the causes behind the resistance. perhaps not in the venue for a wedding but this serbian couple living in northern course will decided to get married at the barricades and. we're going to be able to hear and. receive. the sort of barricades in northern kosovo have been standing for several months now for those who built them there are just a part of everyday life but only have the kosovo sort of isolate themselves from
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the case. but also from their own wanted neighbors this is the. framus bridge in middle of it so which splits the town into serbian and albanian parts it was called the bridge of friendship and was meant to symbolize that the two can easily live together but the size of the barricades on the serbian part tells the whole story of how serbs are unwilling to be part of the self-proclaimed state while the cemented barricades in the middle of it so have become the town's main gathering spot tensions are still running high just a few kilometers. for every sand off the gold the k. four troops managed to demolish serbs built two piles there are times when the two pole sisters take place similar tenuously here and. i'll abide and. people like you see. the. serbs say they have no choice but to continue barricading themselves in they believe albanians would
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not hesitate to wipe them off their land forcefully help they believe by k. four troops despite constant clashes with the nato contingent and political pressure from belgrade the cost of the surge has become accustomed to living in this cage they have built for themselves. it was hard at first when we run out of food and petrol but we serbs are people who are used to improvising in finding a way out we've built alternative routes through the mountains so now we can again receive supplies we prevented a humanitarian catastrophe when you probably move toward the orthodox priest of the town's brand new temple sat he has never been busier with all the people flocking in lately to pray for the well being of their families it is thought is now more there with a closer look has seen different times it's even been ok my bad turkey ones but series with the stude old heart tests of times and everyone and make sure that so nice this land is the cradle of it's
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a culture and statehood. another deadlock in this. balkan melting pot continues belgrade is still unwilling to resume negotiations with pristina which could do this standoff but while politicians clash this serve family has little trust in diplomacy their kids may be too young to realize what it's all about and why they are being shown the barriers but there is little doubt what views they will inherit once they grow up. see reporting from course. in kosovo so i have for you this hour here on r.t. and welcome return the russian probe with tons of highly toxic fuel on board crash back to earth if scientists don't manage to regain control get the details in just a few moments. in town thousands of students marched across central london this week protesting at a dramatic increase in tuition fees and cuts to public spending furious
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demonstrators carried batterers and chanting slogans while some four thousand policemen were deployed along their route from the university of london to the city's financial district students had planned to link up with an anti-corporate occupy protest but were blocked by riot police officers had warned that anyone involved in criminal activity could be surrounded and even shot ass with rubber bullets almost a year ago similar protests in the heart of the british capital descended into violence but the protestors say people have the right to speak out. people have a sense of political views and i was under the impression that that was allowed in this country. the announcement that was my incredibly provocative announcement that was made that there's going to be rubber bullets in preparation for this demonstration is absolutely outrageous i mean if anything it's likely to increase the level of tension and increase the the level of distrust and the level of fear actually of the police it would have been and they have done that and that's
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a terrible terrible thing no one in their right mind that is about trying to keep the dike home the police the only role the police should be playing is to facilitate the rights to peaceful protests. the arab league's voted to suspend syria from the organization until a peace plan is implemented to stop the bloodshed there member states have also been urged to withdraw their ambassadors from damascus and music anomic and political sanctions the decision which. came at an emergency session in egypt has already received the e.u.'s full backing and was praised by u.s. president barack obama and our well being majority of member states supported the move with only lebanon yemen and syria itself voting against the director of the center for research on bubble is ation michel just asking believes it's an act of provocation orchestrated by washington. this is not a decision of the lee all the arab world is
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a decision of washington. and it is there to justify a war record at this against syria which already on the drawing board of the pentagon this is not a protest movement it is an armed insurrection it is not to say that the government . doesn't bear responsibility but we must understand that the very parties to this arab league decision also complicit in supporting an insurgency of insurgency with view to destabilizing syria as the nation states they tow the united states are preparing for a military campaign directed against syria on the humanitarian pretext while at the same time they have supported the all of its direction which has created this this
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process of instability. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world iran has been rocked by a powerful explosion at an ammunition depot west of the capital tehran at least seventeen people were killed and over a dozen wounded two consecutive blasts ripped through the site shattering windows in nearby buildings the munitions facility supplies the country's revolutionary guard explosions were said to be accidental but the exact cause remains unclear. the crippled fukushima nuclear plant in japan has opened its doors to journalists for the first time in eight months reporters had to wear for a protective clothing before being allowed in the plant suffered a series of meltdowns and explosions after being delusion by a devastating tsunami in march caused by an earthquake hundreds of square miles of the surrounding area were turned into a no man's land. russian space experts are battling to fix
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a technical failure on board and interplanetary station doubt was heading to the martian move the aim of the probe was to get a better knowledge of how the universe evolved but there are fears the vehicle could crash back to earth having never reached its goal or is at the baikonur launch station for us. hopes were high when the phobos rocket was launched from the cosmodrome here in baikonur in kazakstan it was the first interplanetary mission russia launched in fifteen years and there was great hopes that it would help to reveal secrets about the red planet and about how life evolved those hopes have since turned to fears of catastrophe the group stage of the rocket went ok it went off into the overt of earth but then problems started the second stage was supposed to commence with the cruise rockets firing
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that would carry the phobos spacecraft on a ten month voyage to the red planet they didn't fire what does this all mean now then it means that far from going to the red planet phobos is most likely heading right back down to earth it's likely that it will happen about the end of november the beginning of december the predicted date given at the moment is the twenty sixth of november as earth's gravitational field slowly pulls the spacecraft back into the atmosphere the upper atmosphere is very turbulent and that was going to throw the rocket around as it comes back but eventually it's going to have to land somewhere the hopes are that it will land somewhere in the sea the rocket is carrying about ten tons of very toxic and highly flammable fuel and there's also a small amount of radioactive material in the equipment on board the chances of it landing on a populated area of very small so what the chances that it will cause any harm but
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the chance is there was experts in mission control are trying to avoid. dumbarton morning there now recap of the week's top stories shortly.
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wealthy british style. is not on the tires. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. blog about here without here is a look at today's top stories and during the week political and economic carry weights on the pacific rim come together in why vowing to prevent europe's debt
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crisis from a golfing the pacific the presidents of russia and the u.s. meet on the sidelines. of the apec summit to discuss missile defense syria and russia's future in the w t o. two e.u. countries watch their governments fall at the height of the debt crisis with italy's prime minister silvio berlusconi resigning and greece swearing in and new head of cabinet critics now suspect brussels of pulling the strings of newly appointed and elected officials. you have atomic watchdog zeroes in on iran's nuclear ambitions by releasing satellite images and letters which allegedly prove the country could be building a bomb iran dismisses the findings saying the accusations are fabricated and politicized. and police investigate fresh clashes in northern caso after nato peacekeepers fired tear gas at after.


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