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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2011 10:01am-10:31am EST

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summit brings together the leaders of asian and pacific rim countries barack obama hosted the get together in a hawaii and met up with dmitri medvedev to churn over some pretty hot topics is. going to report. the apec summit of course as we know gathers twenty one economies that make up the asia pacific reserve region and this is where leaders take the opportunity to focus on all sorts of ways to boost trade between the countries they work out ways to make investments easier to improve the investment climate to make the economic ties more productive and this is certainly been the focus this time around as well but of course it's been hard this year for leaders to avoid the european financial crisis because this is something that's looming over the world economy something that's been very hard to avoid because it impacts all of the countries that are certainly not just europe there have been dozens of protesters here in honolulu gathering for your own anti. meeting if you will and you have been protesting everything from open and free trade to globalization the protesters have
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been see this sort of a continuation of protests going on in fact throughout the united states and the world the so-called occupy wall street movement and the similar issues were addressed at those rallies here in honolulu earlier today in terms of agreements one of the highlights of the day has been of course the bilateral meeting between the russian president dmitry medvedev and u.s. president barack obama during these talks they discussed very important issues that are not relevant just to russia in the united states but really most of the international community one of those issues of course of the missile defense plans of the united states as we know russia and nato agreed to work jointly on a european missile defense project in lisbon in two thousand and ten those talks however did come to sort of stalled because the united states was refusing to provide russia with legal guarantees that those projects would not cause a threat to security to russia and this is a fundamental issue for russia and at these talks the two presidents today did say again that those issues still exist but they're going to continue working on
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missile defense together and try to work those issues out now another important aspect of course of today's talks with russia's future of the world trade organization because as we. no russia has been interested in be part of the group since ninety three and it has plans and it looks like russia will be joining the dots becoming a full fledged member of the world trade organization by the summer of twenty twelve and a very important element to place today the us president barack obama said that he would start working with the u.s. congress to try to call off the jackson vatican amendment this is something that's been a major issue between russia and the us because this is a clause that was put in place by the u.s. congress back in one thousand seven hundred three and even though it has been under moratorium it's definitely been causing a little friction between russia and the u.s. when it comes to trade between the two countries now getting rid of this amendment is something that certainly could really improve trade relations not just for
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russia in the united states but the international community working with the countries. that was an associate you're going to reporting right still to come for you here on the program i think tensions on the rise as fierce resistance and for the vote the pressure resulted in death and injury. are you with us to live from moscow in italy the race is on to form a new caretaker government to pull the country back from a financial abyss of this follows the resignation of silvio berlusconi who stepped down on saturday having ruled the country as a prime minister for seventeen years now former e.u. commissioner mario monti use considered a top contender to replace. details on that still to come here on. but so not cross over live to crawl foot and get some more details on this mr joining us live from oxford thank you for coming on the program today italy's president you were.
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holding meetings now with senior politicians to form a caretaker government but is this really the solution that italy needs to avert financial crisis. well i think italy needs to do a lot of things to avoid the crisis the problem is that a lot of the factors affecting italy aren't really under italy's control anymore and that's because it's in the euro zone but one of the things they have to do i think is to satisfy certain so to speak objective targets namely finding a plan to pay back the money they owe to investors around the planet and the other thing they have to do is to come up with what you might call subjective factors namely to have people in charge of italy who are convincing incredible i think it's fair to say that mr berlusconi had stopped being convincing incredible mr monti looks like a good choice. as you say looks like a good choice for coming from the european central bank here ultimately some might say a hand picked by the elite groups in brussels where the democracy in that. well
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i think it's up to the italian parliament if the italian parliament approves in this quite a lot of democracy but the the substantial question isn't so much how he gets appointed it's whether or not he is convincing as far as the italian people are concerned it's one thing having a clever technocrat in charge of a government that happens in different countries the main thing is for that person to be able to persuade the italian people to make the difficult choices and really hard sacrifices they need to make to to get out of the hole they're in so it's not just an issue of italy though let's say let's turn our attention to another country or that of greece it has a new government and a new prime minister you know what that really change anything for greece now can you draw comparisons between italy and greece in possibly similar situations. well absolutely because all the countries in the eurozone which are getting into these debt difficulties have the same problem which is that because they're in the euro zone they cannot devalue their current season in effect use that route to get out
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of the problem so they're left with borrowing money from international markets or from other eurozone members they're left with reducing government spending which is sacking people basically which isn't popular with the people who are sacked and they're reduced to putting up taxes which isn't popular with everyone else so that once you've got into these very strong difficult debt situations the ways out are all very painful so in both greece and italy and perhaps some other you're eurozone countries the choices available to the leaders but ultimately to the populations of these countries concerned are very limited and that's why the euro zone is coming under stress because the. political pressures if you like the psychological pressures are coming up against the way the thing was set up in the first place where as you say the eurozone is coming out of stress or do you think the block can even continue its existence and survive survive this crisis two thousand and eleven has been a devastating year for a few members now of the euro zone. well the point about the eurozone is it's like a it's like impressive house where the foundations it turns out were not built very
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well and when you're in the house it's quite difficult to repair the foundations as it were without moving out somewhere else and the members of europe can't go somewhere else the eurozone is coming under stress you can you can see from the sort of questions you're asking this wouldn't have been happening two or three years ago it's going to be very difficult i don't think there are any easy options the option which most people seem to favor who understand the very high technical issues at stake is that the european central bank should prints a lot of money but there are no clear policy problems with doing that on the scale required so ultimately europe's got to find a way of becoming a lot more credible and maybe in the end the pain which is coming to europe and also right as your introduction said to the rest of the planet because it's not just europe which will suffer from this the pain which is coming to europe is a lesson from the global markets that it has to have a much more rational system and europe will then have to decide whether it wants to have the sort of rational system that a single euro zone for many big countries involves if i may just jump in just for
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a moment here we are running low on time i apologize for that but when it comes to you when it comes to bailing out euro zone members that are flailing certainly germany and france have shouldered quite a fair amount of the of the money hand out how much longer can they be expected to in some ways prop up a flailing members of the eurozone. well this is the issue is they can be expected to prop up the members of the euro zone for as long as they think they can afford to do it without affecting their own credit ratings that's the problem once any given country starts to take on another country's obligations people start saying well hang on a minute where you going to afford that form are you going to be a credible person for us to lend the money to basically all these countries are having to borrow money and the chinese the russians the americans the africans the brazilians and indeed other europeans are saying hang on a minute there's too much money being required here something has to give. a private consultant life from oxford many thanks indeed thank you. let's get some
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more details on this developing situation with the eurozone here specifically thought of italy let's cross over live now if you want to use earth who is certainly in rome and she can give us the latest on what's going on so hello to you it's been quite a week for of politics but let's go to his resignation on saturday after seventeen years manning the helm what's what's the latest where you are now. well the president is the sounding out politically here in the country about the possible nation if it can take up an office because he saw the resignation and still get berlusconi yesterday now the man here that a lot of people think can't be in line for that top spot is the only eat commission say. he's a very well respected economist here in the country he's also as he said commissioner year he knows the system inside and out and he's got the nickname here it's steeped in the area and certainly if he's going to be the man to get that talks about is
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going to be hated by many that he's going to be able to live up to that nickname because of the tasca that would face and it's still unseemly. of course we've seen the situation develop it very very quickly if that we can but nothing's yet certain the two it's all still going on in italian politics can certainly be unpredictable to give us a bit more clarity on the situation right now i'm joined by. political journalist now mary if he does take the top spot he's going to have to implement some extremely tough. is he going to have the political support sufficient. to brief answer is hopefully yes. i think so because first of all the president of the republic georgia nobody tano has been. building he's building around him sort of coalition. of the willing but i would say a collision that all people who represent a country who doesn't know. much of
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a choice right now so i would say probably yes he was left that don't support. the members of the party they're on to yes so the used to be berlusconi's party and officially stupid is going to party back at as a matter of fact is splitting now on the support on one team. most of them feel that if they don't support this government they going to go to an early elections that will be absolutely detrimental for the country but also for themselves because given their way but it's going to resign very likely they would lose those elections be a state that still is political divisions about whether the monkey should take that helpful yes absolutely there is division between the people of liberty which is going to party. because that there is a part of the party which is a minority actually basic white a bit one that doesn't want to support the government but there's also a split between the opposition parties we have to talk in plural here because actually there are many of them and some of them are children against it but the
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main party which is the democratic party is. in general is he they favor. part of the party doesn't because they don't want to be in a state government to. be what used to be so far the majority i mean because conan's party but as another fed they don't have a political choice so these makes it very lightly. support for months government's lead talking about choice i mean this is going to be an unelected government if there is a caretaker government put in place an unelected leader if it's not able to say there is a question of democratic legitimacy here is yet there is but it wouldn't be the first time we had this very situation more or less fifteen years ago in the run up to the euro currency where each was enough very dire situation right now. very very much similar to these and we had three known elected government in a row. oh in order to bring the country into the resume and in the circle first
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republican mean before ninety ninety two were all the seats in the former political system for the party following the fall of the u.s.s.r. we had many governments that were non elected but because we have a parliamentarian system even that reason a majority in the parliament we don't actually need new election in order to form a government so it wouldn't be the first time they receive the. legitimacy issue here but there is also a huge economic issue east italy doesn't manage to make ordinary n.z. its own house and the euro could fall apart and if the euro falls apart you could be a huge. setback for de recovery also of other parts of the world light united states so it is a matter of fact yes the reason legitimacy. issue but the results are a huge economic issue at this very moment shadows the on the other one and that is that so they think that they should do is absolutely what
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a lot of people are concerned about because of course this leads really being considered the test case but whether or not the year you can survive and certainly at this point today we've seen a lot of decisions being made there's still a lot of questions being thrown out no one thinks that the full nation of the can take it governmental that these decisions are going to be a quick fix to the very serious problems not only its lead but the entire year is a still faces. life for us and right many things. in london of the past week to russian billionaires have been going head to head xcel the tycoon boris berezovsky and chelsea football club put him over locked in what's said to be the most expensive private court case britain has ever seen a correspondent of about it has been monitoring the hearing. it's been dubbed the battle of the oligarchs in one corner is mr a estimated wealth fifteen billion assets for yachts chelsea football club and a french chateau in the other corner used to be estimated fortune five hundred
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million he had to sell his yacht but he does still have his trusty stretch my back which he never fails to show off. his rise to riches is a story precious few knew until now his turn in the witness stand lifted the need for the mike in the shadows he revealed how some of his company's employed primarily disabled staff lending lucrative thirty percent tax breaks and he came clean on the piles of cash he paid for protection and he dived into the infamous alimony and wars of the ninety's where we now know someone was murdered every three days not exactly the clean cut image and one of britain's most loved foreign imports he did once say to i think it was in the moment you know the only difference between a rat and the dumpster is p.r. and here his p.r. has been very good results of a bit annoying imagery that he doesn't really come across aggressively doesn't really say anything at all he wants to go respectable and suddenly we're all of the
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rather sort of see the origins of his wealth it's a third of that wealth but he claims he's he's still a wanted man in russia he's suing mr adam overage for six and a half billion dollars they set up the oil company sit next to gether in the ninety's to put as he claims he was blackmailed into selling his stake a fraction of it's true worth a mere one point two million dollars the money here is massive the case is expected to smash the record for the u.k.'s most expensive privately funded litigation is thought to be costing eighty dollars a second in here as for the legal fees mr abbott is rumored to be sixteen million dollars a barrel lawyers have their work cut out there on a no win no fee basis the pair used to be close mr. b. gave his protege the all important leg up into the world of the super rich and we now know he was paid for his troubles but mr a says that was just protection money knowing they were ever business partners it's not playing this case right so
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there's no concrete evidence after all this was ninety's russia none of their deals were written down five weeks in and i've counted the cost of nine billionaires five russian one kazakh one is becky paul israeli one british the crown prince of abu dhabi is suddenly involved for transferring one point three billion dollars from one to the other not to mention huge oil strange deals recordings of meetings that maybe never happened the whole thing's extraordinarily bizarre you try and piece the whole thing together which becomes another difficult task because you don't know how much of this is even anyway true according to mr pease lawyers mr a has hit his billions in a complex web of shore holdings so even if mr b. does win he'll have a difficult task it scratching any money with so much at stake it's painstaking progress the battles expected to go on into the new year after bennett r.t. london. now a twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow you're watching r.t.
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a reporter by the un's atomic watchdog has heightened fears this week that iran could be developing a nuclear weapon israel is now calling on the international community to act despite being an undeclared nuclear power itself but russia is stressing the need for caution over what appears to be an inconclusive report iran's brushing the allegations aside blaming the u.s. for putting pressure on the international atomic energy agency iranian lawmakers are now calling for a review of the country's cooperation with the agency western leaders have come down hard on toronto over the claims made in the report but london based political analyst chris bambery thinks they're looking in the wrong direction. i'm still waiting to hear the british threatening strong measures against israel who just the other week tested a boy stick. missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads israel has a week and then we go nuclear program which was kept secret we know that britain and france many years ago provided you really rich or really into for that for that
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program and see in secret meanwhile israel was also carried out. an operation using a need to be so. if you can go in there and come back in preparation for an attack on iran why need to as a worry israel's use its air base in sardinia for this purpose i don't know perhaps when he could explain but instead we have the power which has used weapons america britain which is currently replacing its nuclear weapons trident and israel with its illegal and the secret nuclear program and a country which is said it would use nuclear weapons if it was facing defeat in a war with one of its arab states ganging up against iran and i think the danger is that if that route is not creating nuclear weapons it may well do saw in response to the continuing war drums been breached in western capitals and tel aviv
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you're watching the weekly here on r.t. and to syria now where the head of russia's orthodox church is calling on syrians to end the bloodshed in their country patriarchate visit is the latest effort by moscow to try and mediate a peace deal the move comes as the arab league decided to suspend serious membership it sparked public fury in damascus let's not get some more perspective on this when i speak to political analyst dan glazebrook here. thank you for coming on the program today damascus has called on the arab league to bring any civilian and military observers to the country of course as i was saying in the wake of syria's suspension by the arab league do you think you can still salvage its membership with them. or let's remind ourselves the arab league or about the most the monic. in by the five so these people don't really represent anyone other than a small handful of flee or they. the area. both from
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the arab league really should be won by syria divided on or. before on the agent. in the arab world so what do you think if you find any credibility in some of the reports and some of the analysis we've been seeing here that the arab league are quite interested in regime change in syria for some sort of regional power grab yes well before the race in. america i like that but the structure iran syria the independent. i'm about. mostly about overthrowing the the monarchy that were imposed on them by the french and yeah they're an argument. like that on. syria and iran they were them independent of the region where i. want to eat your a view and so on they were and. its relation to syria signed us and you're now when
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you bring up you when you bring it bring in the u.s. and europe let's address the issue of western countries are they've been calling for regime change in syria all the while crying about human rights they have been backing the anti-government protests but they're not so enthusiastic when the thousands do rally in damascus in support of the president why do you think that is . well for the west and media have the same role in the war mongering of the arab league that they wait for the next round of war i'm so they do this by thinking i think both of you know he's a for profit movement that. pretty fried oh and i sat. there one month. now as you said this is not at all the right this protest movement bigots have not been massively exaggerate the media over the
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fields in profess i think that they recently demonstrated he yes make that final offer that ten thousand people on it was reported on the air you'd lie about not having five hundred so they're on the one hundred look at the. exaggerating the strength of the opposition movement that downplaying the fact that the new has within it. back to late in the war against. members and so forth. and on the other hand there was as you say completely neglecting the bigger demonstrations in support of science you know and these these demonstrations have to there's a reason for them which is that. one of the demands and changes proposed by some of the reformers is that they want to end subsidies for example and subsidies and fuel and food considered a lifeline for many working syrians so there's no there's no surprise that the
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opposition movement doesn't have the support that they claim them in the west mediately the house because it's going to cost ordinary people are not in terms of passing the things that. are right on life i had our political put on a scuse me a dime place for thank you for coming on the program today. now at where you are watching at the weekly here on the it's good to have your company today e.u. police are investigating ethnic clashes in northern cause of which resulted in a serbian man's death and at least two injuries late on wednesday fresh violence came as nato peacekeepers deployed in the area fired tear gas and ethnic peacekeepers say it was an attempt to seize one of their barricades set up months ago in an ongoing dispute on the cause of a border the u.n. secretary general says the tension has been caused by cause of those attempts to extend its control of a border crossings in the dominated area political analyst alexander believes there is a big picture behind nato is actions they've been doing it for years now and they've
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broken their mandate actually they're doing the job of the albanian control government to prishtina and they're doing it openly in spite of their mandate from the un which is supposed to be a peacekeeping mandate to keep to the warring sides separated this is an aggressive show of force they really are acting like an occupier he said of the peacekeepers they're behind the crisis in greece they're behind the crisis in iran we're seeing right now is the sowing of the new world disorder and serbia is one of the flashpoints. all right well it's now nearly seven thirty pm on sunday here in moscow you are watching on t.v. i'll be back with a recap of the headlines in just a few moments to stay with us. on
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. the move.
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twenty years ago are just country. disintegrates of. what had been trying. to teach began to jerk. where did it take.
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great. comfort. to. the latest news on the week's top stories on our t.v. this is the weekly and other key powers of asia and the pacific rim agreed to start
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working on a free trade zone in the could revitalize relations the russian and u.s. presidents also use the apec summit for a meeting on the sidelines to discuss missile defense son russia's membership to the world trade organization. new governments in the prime minister's out of debt ridden greece and italy both nations race to pull back from the financial abyss they'll have to approve new austerity measures to stay clear of bankruptcy and disaster in the eurozone. plus a u.n. report claims that iran that might be seeking to obtain a nuclear weapon but terror on slide. allegations as a u.s. smear campaign iranian lawmakers are now reconsidering their country's cooperation with the i.a.e.a. which they're calling a disappointment. for its oh my colleague bill dodd is here in half an hour's time but for now we take you to a land of natural wonders in russia's far east so don't miss our special report right here on out.


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