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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2011 3:01am-3:31am EST

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he's an associate you're going to reports the fact that next year a summit is taking place in russia could help solve some of the biggest sticking points it looks like a new cloudy chapter in the book of currency wars between the united states and china has certainly been opened here at the apec summit in honolulu as barack obama is seeing really mounting pressure at home to create more jobs and take a stop a tougher stance on china he has been saying here in honolulu that it's time for china to start playing by the rules of the u.s. currently doesn't have a lot of leverage when it comes to dealing with china as china of course is the largest foreign creditor for the united states holding over one trillion dollars in u.s. debt russia is pretty excited to host the apec summit next year in the far eastern city of lot of us basically russia is not only just geographically very well strategically placed for the asia pacific. gathering and this big economic group because of the where it is on the world map it's really convenient in terms of reaching the goals of the group in terms of boosting trade boosting investment so
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on and so forth but it's also traditionally been a big mediator when it comes to certain misunderstandings between world players so this is certainly a good role that russia can play when it comes to continuing to develop the goals of the gathering and of course last but not least you know russia's accession to the world trade organization is something that the russian federation has been ready for for quite some time for almost a decade so certainly it's been ready to go this entire time so what better time than now to really spearhead this gathering next year as a full fledged member of the w t o. reporting there but this year the u.s. and china continue to outline competing anomic programs hu jintao insisted on more influence for beijing as a growing power while obama zeroed in on china's trading decisions and avoid explains the differences that have filed up between the two. if there is any us state where the occupy movement has little chance it's probably why despite the
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high concentration of politicians and wall street big wigs socializing at the apec summit the only place people are willing to occupy here on mass of the beach is with one exception these protesters are against greed and social injustice they're against economic inequality and they are against china. sedan clearly the mood at the podium was soon a little hostile i think we can benefit from trade with china and i want certainly to continue cultivating a. a constructive relationship with the chinese government but we're going to continue to be firm in insisting that they operate by the same rules that. everybody else operates on his political opponents were even mobility here and i happen to think that the. communist chinese government will end up
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on the ash heap of history if they do not change their version we have to have china understand that like everybody else in the world stage there to play by the rules rules rules and again rules as a country that's been ruling the roost for decades the united states has never been shy of policing others but as china's g.d.p. continues adding nine percent a year against the g. and a half percent growth in the u.s. the reprimand seems to be internally driven conformant he's one of the top values in the chinese meal devolved also reflected in the country's political and economic policy if it's not that china doesn't play by their rules the factually quite the opposite what the united states seems to have an issue rip is that increasingly china rules and that's the approach washington would prefer to keep it. as the us president hailed his new free trade asia pacific pact as a win win to boost trade in the region some in china took it as a predator effort to change rules made game free trade tend to be. in the
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eyes of the beholder. it true for you but protectionist for me provided that i get to protect my precious. industries that well will of our own personal national interests so it's always a dilemma as to how free it is as the euro crisis continues metastasizing throughout the world and china is asked to shoulder the load many analysts say the west should keep in mind its old adage about he who pays the piper china is really in the driver's seat and. and he respects and this is coming out an awkward time for the united states because the united states is clearly a declining power at the same time and is having trouble adjusting to what that means many chinese proverbs are difficult to translate into english here those about money usually have exact equivalents one of them is money makes the world go round the concept experientially familiar to washington and progressively so to
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beijing it's not like the arts at the apec summit in honolulu. and earlier i spoke to professor john d. from the chinese university of hong kong and told me political reasons in the u.s. are driving washington's criticism of beijing it created the difficult days before the u.s. had to raise employment rates. the current the difficulties of the us government creating jobs lysine the fact that the us has lost the compared to its competitive advantage in most of the traditional manufacturing industry so you hear china reduced to its exports to the us by increasing its rates on the low wage emerging market countries to quit the stampede to repress china so these kind of debate i think the chinese leaders are quite clear minded and upholding the chinese increased the national interests of the us the presidential election is approaching
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and china and the chinese case the chinese economy and the chinese currency. are used to ask a. scapegoat for us the difficult economic difficulties again so recent thread that's why i'm in the us it's nearing its theory i cannot gain. asia pacific leaders in hawaii were also keen to shield themselves from the fallout in the euro zone and later we see whether government changes in the e.u. will provide protection. to presidents are taking over endeavor in greece and italy but critics say they will be better able to serve the interests of brussels. and here in the army now well almost a tough military like discipline looks set to be introduced in some u.k. schools but will it may be perfectly behaved we investigate. syria has called an emergency meeting of the arab league in an attempt to reverse
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the decision which saw it suspended from the organization the freeze on the country's membership and accompanying sanctions received wide support from the e.u. and the us an overwhelming majority of member states voted for the measure to urge president bashar asad to stop eight months of violence it triggered a new protest and attacks on the turkish french and saudi arabian embassies in damascus dozens more people were reportedly killed across the country on sunday in the latest wave of crackdowns on anti-government protests that had a russian orthodox churches paid a visit to the war torn country and another effort to bring an end to the blood ship but author and journalist afshin rattansi thinks the conflict in syria is being fueled from abroad and could drag on for some time. many syrian soldiers have died in the conflict they don't normally report here they just say it's civilians where are they getting the weapons from lockheed martin exhibiting in the dubai said the profits are up they said profits are very good in the middle east at the moment what i think i fear and what many analysts may be fearing at the moment is
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that a saudi backed proxy war will continue and there will be an insurgency that is fighting in syria against the assad government and will continue to cause instability in syria and beyond and this will be a sort of slow burn phenomena with the united states and europe taking a kind of backseat almost and also forget that turkey has been actively involved and even told its diplomatic staff and as i understand it is advising its own citizens to leave syria to turkey is playing a game here too and the media is playing a massive game qatar's television station al-jazeera very obviously wanting the four of us out of the moment and the western media to well it's all change for you are a technocrat government takeover in greece and italy in rome to form an e.u. commissioner mario monti starts talks to form a new cabinet to tackle the country's huge debt r.t. sarah further explore us whether the new unelected leader is skandia better job
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than the old group. it was never going to be easy to put it that suits unite year at seventeen countries of which are now under one currency from the very beginning attracted fierce criticism we've witnessed the beginning of a dishonest and downright dangerous german president. to revive the constitution but to do it in such a way that you want to avoid referendums in like a member states some might now be wishing they'd heeded the warnings of one after another the member states begin to wobble at least being the latest country to come under scrutiny we have been witnessing in the last at least one long. growing pressure from europe and i'm talking in particular from france and germany hardly the u.k. certainly the european parliament and the commission for what it's going to start but the crisis is safe our senior leaders of greece and italy were placed by people
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who had never elected to office he knew their way around brussels here it is totally with berlusconi now gone he doesn't and paying for reforms now need to be implemented to meet tough. for the first time since the crisis began talks have now begun to turn to the possibility of exit from the year or the creation of the cool europe because countries like germany seem to feel it in the way but i think it's not in the best interest of the germans to keep on going with this i think you know over here where you have behaved badly we're going to punish that's not a union in united states of america if a state behaves badly imagine taxes behaving badly when you think obama's going to we're going to kick you out of united states of america no they're not going to do that because things sense a bad year a group had a good year or great has not gone on missed by struggling countries lost it's clear that those who haven't spent less now face up to painful austerity measures the sense of being treated like
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a naughty school child any. added to the growing strain in the euro community it's only now sarsi because well so the say there will expose much more france and especially germany to the times there are the must be up to us to say to to express a politically defeat not just for their own countries but for europe as a whole your attentions have no gold on this by the financial markets punish political leaders situating the feet in dealing with the crisis the struggling economies like italy and now even the. mistakes it's least being considered by many the test case for the entire a year you say it fails and it could take down the entire fifth the the question now is whether or not those measures can fix the whether we'll see them going the same way as previous measures put forward by european leaders who say fall fails to come up with a convincing your rescue service. in. a three man crew bound for
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the international space station has successfully lifted off from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan it's the first manned flight after a similar so use rocket carrying in on manned supply vessel crashed back to earth shortly after take off three months ago tom martin was on the launch pad for us. launch time at the baikonur cosmodrome these three men have gone up to join their colleagues on the international space station but they're late and unhappy about why it is a risky business you can never eliminate risk altogether that that's the bargain that you make for the privilege of flying humans in space and accomplishing what they do up there on the twenty fourth of august a supply rockets engines failed on its way up to the i.s.a.'s and it plummeted back to worth with a bang it was a manned but all launches were put on hold and worries about the safety of soyuz rockets now the only link to the space station crew since the last u.s.
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shuttle flight in july said this crew of their launch date set back their relatives were especially nervous to talk to the progress crush what do you think about your husband's launch coming up so soon. it's too difficult it's better not to talk about it. the crew themselves though accept the dangers as part of the job there's no question we're upset about the accident of course but every big project has some room for failure unfortunately this is not completely avoidable but we shouldn't dramatize the situation. and so it was that rocket was lifted into place on its launch pad we can see the rocket taking off now and we'll watch it progress . walk back out with deep sighs of relief all watched as the rocket blasted successfully into orbit leaving the crew to experience what all the rest of us only dream about. you can
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actually get a good view of the earth during the flight and the spacecraft but surely will have time to enjoy it better while on the international space station for that view and from ams future in space they say the risk is worth it tom bottom. the u.k. plans to get tough on gang culture by opening schools with stringent army like discipline the measure was proposed in response to the riots that shook the u.k. in the summer and while the plans are there is believed discipline is key critics fear it could actually alienate problem use further have a bad explains. as the going gets tough the tough get going army boot camps are the places set out of line it's this culture of self control the government now wants to bring into schools so it's calling on the cavalry well former soldiers to swap the front line for the front of a classroom following the riots across the u.k.
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the government fast tracking troops into teaching as a way it says to restore adult or thora wants to provide more male role models even giving teachers new powers to use physical force as a way to control disruptive peoples it's not a bad thing for children to know where they stand. if they step this side of the lie they will be punished accordingly if they stay on the right side of the lie. in the confines of the law and they will not be punished it's a line few would dare cross with a teacher like this afghans going to be headmaster at the new school where every teacher will be a former soldier uniform inspections and military style roll calls will be the polish of a strict routine when you can maintain discipline in a future war which is the most high pressured situation you can maintain discipline in a classroom and older but with corporal punishment now a step closer many fear it will push an already alienated youth further away i
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think they would start building their own gang as they've done towards the police now i've seen the police behave towards our kids is to gangs isn't it if you could say the police are a gang it would be the army case kids i think they would become more unruly this charity takes in problem people's the state system chucks out and turns their lives around according to teachers here it's about finding the right kind of stimulation rather than just cracking the whip they become a ruler because they're bored but in discipline it isn't the answer and just on the tone this is yes but actually making sure to go something at their own level for this sixteen year old that happened to be art he was expelled from school after what he'll only refer to as an incident and is still too afraid to be identified back then he was on course to fail all his exams but after just a year here he passed fourteen a far cry from someone supposedly too disruptive to teach. more discipline to
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children in schools do you think that would have worked. really. so in a class of boring cause there's no talking it's just strict work. so. focused on the wouldn't really want to go to do list and individual attention was the only thing that turned this boy's education around but with a system that prides itself on conformant see the battle could be only just beginning august in its own. i can always find more stories on our website here's a quick look at what else is lined up for you at our dot com. even if colonel gadhafi had lived another one hundred years he could not have killed more people than nato did during its bombing of libya that's what once here in diplomat believes so watch his interview for at r.t. dot com. and in the caucuses there is no winner in the republic of south a city his first round of voting was none of the presidential candidates gaining
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the required number of votes by dowd was left to fight it out in the second round at. a crewmember is reported missing and another person is in a critical condition after a fire on a cruise ship in moscow around twenty people are reported to have been on board when the fire broke out in the early hours of monday morning most escaped unharmed with at least two reporting injuries faulty wiring or careless handling a fire is thought to have caused the blaze this is not the first incident on the water in russia this year in july nine died in a boat collision in moscow and in the same month one hundred twenty died when a pleasure cruiser on the volga river. in an attempt to slash its huge national debt the u.s. is looking to cut wherever it can even the might of the fans budget won't escape as the pentagon looks for four hundred fifty billion u.s. dollars in savings over the next ten years are these military contributor believes
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the pentagon chief should stand up for those who america's security depends on. today when they debate about the pentagon cuts in the full rage and especially when america and its allies celebrated the veterans day and the enter verse of the u.s. marine corps this provides a unique opportunity for the u.s. secretary of defense to tackle the question not what the u.s. marine corps can do for the pentagon but what he can do for the u.s. marines and here are a couple of suggestions first to exempt of them marines from the sequestration and that personnel cuts all across the military services and the reason apart from their marine corps anniversary and the vets day is u.s. marines can do anything and everything the u.s.
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army does but they do it much more effectively and efficiently. now some other stories from around the world an explosion has killed seven and injured over a dozen in the northwest of trial and the blast ripped through a commercial building in the suburb city and shattered windows four far away from the scene witnesses believe the explosion may have been caused by a gas leak in a restroom. three french aid workers held hostage in yemen for almost half a year have been free that they were kidnapped by suspected al qaeda militants at a restaurant east of the capital in may no details have been given about the terms of release kidnappings of foreigners are frequent in yemen but most of the hostages have been freed on harm. in portland police and riot gear have surrounded hundreds of occupy protesters in the central park after they
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ignored eviction orders officers used to tongs and threatened to arrest if the demonstrators failed to comply the protests are part of a larger movement against social and economic inequality and corporate greed in america and around the world. one palestinian has been killed and several others want to buy an israeli air strike on a compound in northern gaza strike targeted and naval base used by hamas the israeli military sad the attack came after a rocket was fired into southern israel hours earlier israeli commanders said the military is preparing to topple the hamas government. well that brings up to date here on our t.v. and we have our website r.t. dot com for war next though we take a look at what's happening in business with me. thanks marina it's only has no other choice but to exit the euro zone and bring back its
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national currency even if this means the collapse of the euro some says prominent economist nouriel roubini also known as dr do. six countries very silent portugal italy spain and cyprus that have different degrees of it all the fiscal and financial difficulties. one or more of them may need to restructure the useless private in public that one or more of them may have to take to the euro zone different off of them bags if they was on that day so it's likely implies a break up of the euro zone that's maybe swallowing up europe but here in russia the budget position is reassuringly strong however as burbank's senior vice president denise booed off believes there is no room for complacency the books may be balanced but the russian economy still has a number of problems that need addressing. in russia is obviously in a very different situation we as as a whole countries russia faces challenges but those challenges are different.
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and they're fairly good short term position from a fiscal standpoint there are plentiful reserves that being said pressure remains critically dependent on commodity prices and. there is some concern over the medium term fiscal how. it's moved to the markets now well is trading near the highest level in more than three months that's old news that italy has started building a new government and passes an austerity budget easing fears over europe's debt crisis line sweet is up but still over ninety nine dollars per barrel brant is up fifty four cents put back. in asia stocks up picking up from positive sentiment in the euro financials and real estate firms are gaining in hong kong tokyo listed stocks are getting a boost from news that japan's economy has grown in the first quarter that's after three quarters of contraction. russia has indeed begun the week on
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a positive note with both the obvious and my six ers shooting up more than one percent in the first minutes of trading they're still there financials in the lead to burbank. one half percent higher gas probe and other energy blue chips are also positive but support is gold continues its last week's decline as the precious metal is losing. russian equities tracked negative global sentiment last week over the deepening euro zone debt crisis doug rose a total substantial investors should keep an eye on the rubles value and the strength of the oil price. ruble could continue to strengthen a bit wouldn't be afraid of of holding rubles i think that the the euro should strengthen as well now that the issues over on you know greece and italy seem to be resolving themselves and expect that the other euro would strengthen a bit against the other dollar on the back of a strengthening the oil you know which tends to you know strengthen in line with
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a stronger euro weaker dollar that i would look again at russian oil companies principally in a circuit have to gas and attack left would be ones that would benefit from this in a strengthening oh well price i would look at those as well qatar's in talks to take a stake in the uk technical five natural gas project led by russia's gas producer nova tek the project is expected to produce five million tonnes of l.n.g. per year when production begins in twenty sixteen cats as energy minister mohammed saeed there says that the country is keen to take. up on his very much interest in the investment. generally and we can you can see your money is an important point to extend we are. interested in. being.
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part participant in the. project and we are. going to. discussions and negotiations i want. more business coming your way in fifty five minutes time i'll be here with an update to join if you can.
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right to clean those. squandered morning. about. what is now. more than sixty square kilometers of the station and those who are still surprising new lives i'm finding are just. it's getting bad out here. not saying hardly any birds squirrels you know. know what's going on here. concrete monarchy. commission free could you take should be free transport charges free. range
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month three. three stooges free. the old free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media. welcome back you're watching r t let's take a look at the top stories the latest summit of pacific powers in hawaii opens
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a financial can of worms between the world's two biggest economies the u.s. has criticized china forge trade and currency practices and all of that to play by the rules. syria seeks to reverse the arab league's decision to span of the organization by wednesday i mean a growing entire regime protests which some believe are sponsored from abroad the phrase on the country's membership received wide support from the e.u. and the u.s. . at a blasting off for orbit a crew of three had to the international space station in russia so use rocket it's the first launch since a similar rocket carrying an unmanned supply craft crashed back to earth three months ago. next we we are the chances of israel launching a strike on iran's nuclear facilities and they are. with now have only have nearly a long time israeli.


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