tv [untitled] November 14, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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in defense of damascus last go blame syria's increasing international isolation on the west the plans for regime change. syria's arab neighbors to their box home president assad has the united states and its allies called the fall for actions bring about the downfall of the syrian leader. turning up the heat tough talks between the u.s. and china over trade and currency issues as the apec summit comes to a close in why. u.s. putting pressure as he called her up to park protests and tearing down tents and arresting activists as the crackdown the. escalates across the country top stories this hour.
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international news incoming live from moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day and the u.s. and its allies are more interested in regime change in syria than a peaceful solution to the unrest that's according to the kremlin russia's foreign minister says western countries are trying to stir up syria's opposition to topple president bashar assad but he's peter one of the has the details. circular for all of us said in a statement expressing russia's dismay at the decision to suspend syria from the arab league he said that's with russia's help and advice president assad has been implementing the reforms that were put forward by the arab league in a meeting on the second of november peace deal a deal to try to broker peace in the syrian conflict. for office said
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this the decision to suspend syria from the arab league is counterproductive to a peace deal saying this the this decision really sends a message to the syrian opposition to continue fighting against president assad on the pro government forces in syria not getting them to the table to discuss a peaceful resolution to this now russia has tried to mediate in the past and has offered it serves his members representatives from both the syrian leadership and the syrian opposition have been here in moscow for talks and in fact in the next couple of days a senior syrian opposition member will be here in the russian capital for further talks to try to bring about that peaceful solution on wednesday we're expecting to see that rubber stamp put on the decision to suspend syria from the arab league now the last nation to be suspended from the arab league libya instead of course nothing is altered in the outside military intervention something that russia again
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was opposed to and military intervention that went far beyond the parameters that were laid out in u.n. resolutions when it came to the chance of imposing a u.n. resolution on syria russia looking at sishen from going through we're also seeing the reaction from the syrian people tens of thousands out on the streets of damascus across syria protesting against this decision to suspend syria from the arab league they want to find a peaceful so. to put an end to this conflict it's gone on for eight months know the estimated three thousand five hundred people killed during it. peter oliver reporting there in beirut based political analyst kamel was me thinks that syria's neighbors are doing the bidding of the west by going against a mask. when we talk about the arab league we're talking about the burgeoning gulf country which actually meant pain basis for the american. power of the american in
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the region order came from the united states when the president of the united states and. the opposition. lay down their arms and continued. syrian army the gulf country they're not looking. because they don't have one and the united states cannot talk about democracy because there are crimes in iraq and the other part of the world the visible so here we look at the west is interesting in its interest and keep in the balance they lost iraq they want to compensate for it in syria and now it's actually bush and iraq could play their dirty. to nearby iran now where moscow says sanctions have outlived their usefulness and insists it won't support any additional measures against the islamic state a statement from russia's foreign minister follows the diplomatic fallout in the international community over eight u.n. report it suggested to iran could be developing
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a nuclear weapon and the policy director of the national iranian american council has told me earlier that the new sanctions would be counterproductive and could damage the world economy. there's two paths here either you do the military thing which has been presented as ok you called off strikes and then you know it's over but in reality and what the u.s. defense secretary recently said is that the best that that would do is set iran's program back by two or three years you would see them rapidly escalate the program they'd go into you know manhattan project sort of mentality and pursue a nuclear weapon out right and you know in a lot of respects be driven into that. for the military action is full scale war which nobody can afford right now iran has not been as cooperative as they need to be and that's actually that's the game here that's where we need to be working. in terms of you know those who want to see that iran does not at some point in the
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future develop a nuclear weapons capability with the new sanctions that are being talked about it's actually we're at a point where we've run out of things to sanction and we're actually looking at things that are going to sanction ourselves there is talk of sanctioning iran central bank which would effectively take iranian oil off the market. you know it could put the world into economic tailspin. you're with r.t. life here in moscow is to the head this is a divided europe. knowing the best interests of the german people going with this attack you know you you have behaved badly we're going to punish that's not a unit as new governments take over and it's really greece some question whether they'll have the interests of ordinary people. talk military style discipline will soon be introduced in some u.k. schools to straighten out the people's view from who conducted the debate with a warning it's a step too far. a number of breakthroughs to be made at
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this year's apec summit in hawaii with twenty one member nations present including australia canada and japan. all the countries pledged to work towards a pan pacific free trade zone something the u.s. and pushed for president's going to get even a bomb of metal the sidelines of the summit to talk about moscow's accession to the world trade organization next year and also discuss the cancellation of a cold war provision in u.s. law and is the jackson verdict and then they restrict trade relations with russia at the same time the u.s. has turned up the heat on its biggest economic rival china as our correspondent in the stars you're just going to discover smiles and handshakes for the cameras didn't tell the full story. there is a tradition at summits where leaders get together and where national costumes for a photo opportunity it's really a fun time for leaders to pat each other on the back and joke around but this year journalists are surprised to see that this older photo op in hawaiian shirts never
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happened and we were hearing that this is because china was refusing to put on the one shirt so it really looks like the united states had a hard time during these last two days at apac in honolulu convincing china not only when it comes to economic issues but really issues of their wardrobe as well and this is something that many analysts are not surprised to see because the u.s. currently doesn't have a lot of leverage when it comes to dealing with china as china of course is the largest foreign creditor for the united states holding over one trillion dollars in u.s. debt. the u.s. has long complained that china keeps its currency artificially weak to give an advantage to his exporters but china says that the u. one has to rise gradually to avoid harming its color me. explains the differences that have piled up between washington and beijing. if there is any us state where the occupy movement has little chance it's probably why despite the high concentration of politicians in wall street big week socializing at the apec summit
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the only place people are willing to occupy here on last of the beaches with one exception these protesters are against greed and social injustice they're against economic inequality and they are against china. i. was. the mood at the podium was similarly hostile i think we can benefit from fred with john and i want certainly to continue our thoughts of adding a. constructive relationship with the trial his government but we're going to continue to be firm in insisting that they operate by the same rules that. everybody else rules the rules and again rules as a country that's been ruling the roost for decades the united states has never been shy of policing others but this china's g.d.p. continues adding nine percent a year against the two and
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a half percent growth in the u.s. the reprimand seems to be internally driven comportment he's one of the top ballet you think they're trying to build a wall also reflected in the country's political and economic policy if that's not the china government play by the rules of the actually quite the opposite but the united states seems to have an issue really is that increasingly china rules and washington would prefer to keep it for hour as the u.s. president hailed his new free trade asia pacific pact as a win win to boost trade in the region some in china as a predator effort to change rules. free trade to be. in the eyes of the beholder. and true for you protection that's right it. precious. industries that. will. so it's always a good learner how. as the euro crisis continues metastasizing throughout the world
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and china is asked to shoulder the load many analysts say the west should keep in mind its old adage about he who pays the piper china is really in the driver's seat in many respects and this is coming at an awkward time for the united states because the united states is clearly a declining power at the same time and is having trouble adjusting to what their means many chinese proverbs are difficult to translate into english here those about money usually have exact equivalents one of them is money makes the world go round because south experience will be familiar to washington and progressively so to beijing kind of like there are a bit apec summit in honolulu. it's coming up to twelve minutes past the hour here in moscow if you're just joining us and happy with this us police are losing patience with the corporate occupy movement two months after it flared up and spread across america officers in riot gear raided to protest
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a camp in the city of oakland dismantling tense and arresting activists what is music of all of the latest. exceed crackdown after crackdown it seems like the crackdowns are definitely increasing beginning with right here in oakland just soon as we got there officers again fully dressed in riot gear moving in on the protesters but interestingly enough there wasn't the same type of clashes that we've sort of grown accustomed to and seeing in oakland it all went down rather smoothly end peacefully just a lot of nervous tension in fact that protesters gave my camera and i these mass that are soaked and it's quite a quite a stench to protect against tear gas none of that was used but those occupations. do seem like they'll continue not here in oakland for now that was that was raided the tents for removal of protesters were just first but i guess the most important thing to watch here in oakland is what happens in the aftermath because of course we saw just a few weeks ago that those tremendous photographs that made it look almost like
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a war zone somewhere abroad have a police we using tear gas flash bang grenades all kinds of non-lethal projectile weapons that end up injuring the iraq war veteran scott olsen and so we will be watching to see whether there's going to be a repeat of that kind of violence in the aftermath of the raid where it really counts is a if you ask the protesters just to stop this sort of corporate greed as some checks controlled by wall street over washington and that of course has not been stopped whatsoever but there are still some developments that sort of make it seem like this movement is spreading is having some sort of an impact for example in the mainstream media discourse you hear a lot more discussion about incremental inequality social injustice this sort of financial distinction between the rich top one percent income earners in this country and the rest of the people that don't seem to be making quite as much and it does seem like perhaps in the coming months hala titian's can no longer ignore this movement perhaps we'll see sort of like what happened with the tea party or
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politicians will be forced to take on some of these ideas and talk about sort of moving away from this wealth inequality that really is so significant. this century and so surprisingly so because again when you think of the united states you don't really think the world is there in world images and unfortunately in some of these cities and towns that's exactly where it's developed into where people can't afford their schools they can't afford their homes they can't afford to find a place to live there is what a lot of those people have told us in our travels covering this movement. italy's new prime minister mario monti has begun work on forming a new technocrat government to top of the country's towering debt an economist and former e.u. commissioner he now has to implement structural economic reforms to pull it out of its financial chaos of course one sort of first takes a look at whether a new man at the top can make a difference for the eurozone. it was never going to be easy to put it this sought to unite year at seventeen countries of which are now under one currency attracted fierce criticism we've witnessed the beginning of
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a dishonest and right wing french german president. to revive the constitution but to do it in such a way that you want to avoid referendum to achieve member states some might now be wishing they'd heeded the warnings one after another the member states begin to wobble it's least in the latest country to come under scrutiny we have been witnessing in less than. a growing pressure from europe and i'm talking in particular from france and germany partly to u.k. certainly the european parliament and the commission is going to start the crisis is say first the leaders of crete and italy replaced by people who were never elected to office he made their way around brussels here in italy with berlusconi now gone doesn't and they're paying for forms now need to be implemented to meet the demands for the first time since the quizes began talks have now begun to turn
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to the possibility of exit from the year or the creation of a cool europe because countries like germany seem to be leading the way but i think it's not in the restroom interest of the germans to keep on going with this particularly over here where you have been a valley we're going to punish that's not a union in the united states of america if us they behaved badly imagine pex is behaving badly and you think obama is going to we're going to kick you out of united states of america no they're not going to run the growing sense of a bad year agree pretty good you're a great has not gone on missed by struggling countries lost it's clear that those who ever spent less now face a painful stereotype measures the sense of being treated like a naughty school child then he added to the growing strain in. community. now starts to be paid well so the sea. was much more france and especially germany
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to the times they're up to us to say to to express a politically defeat not just for their own countries but for europe as a whole your attentions have not called on this by the financial markets you punish political leaders. in dealing with the crisis and struggling economies like italy now cool even for mistakes it's least being considered by many the test case for the entire a year you say it fails and it can take down the entire. the question now is whether or not those measures can fix the whether we'll see them going the same way as previous measures put forward by european leaders who say fails to come up with a convincing here. a. well woman constantly ruffling the feathers of the world's financial hauraki our very own max keiser says that the former by because now having european governments have their own agendas well in the euro zone what we're seeing is in place of elected officials put in place and
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elected bankers and of course they work together they work with the central banks to keep the keys keeping interest rates near zero percent because this allows them to fund their speculations of zero cost the main agenda is to create more debt in the euro zone they have an opportunity to bring all the balance sheets of all the countries together and create new lending facilities like the self which is a new five trillion euro lending facility and they want to build on that to create ten twenty trillion euro lending facilities because bankers get paid on how much debt they create never mind the fact that the pay for that that ultimately they have to impose more austerity measures so more austerity measures more debt more fees for bankers more financial terrorism. u.k. government plans to open new schools with army style but can't discipline to control destructive peoples the measure was proposed after several cities including london were rocked by riots in august supporters believe it will whip unruly teens
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into shape but others think it will just make them worse what is are the better as well. as the going gets tough the tough get going army boot camps are the places step out of line it's this culture of self control the government now wants to bring into schools so it's calling on the cavalry world former soldiers to swap the front line at the front of a classroom following the right the cross the u.k. government troops into teaching as a way it says to restore adults or authority wants to provide more male role models even giving teachers new powers to use physical force as a way to control disruptive pupils it's not bad thing for children to know where they stand. if they step aside of the lie they will be punished accordingly if they stay on the right side of a lie. in the confines of the law and they will not be polished it's a line few would dare cross with
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a teacher like this afghans are going to be headmaster of the new school where every teacher will be a former soldier uniform inspections and military style roll calls will be the polish of a strict routine when you can maintain discipline a future war which is the most high pressured situation you can maintain discipline in a classroom in oldham but with corporal punishment now a step closer many fear it will push an already alienated youth further away i think they would start building their own gang as they've gone through all the police now i think behave towards our kids is to gangs isn't it you can see the police are a gang it would be the army kids i think it would become more unruly it is generally takes in problem people's the state system chucks out and turns their lives around according to teachers here it's about finding the right kind of stimulation rather than just cracking the whip they become unruly because they're bored putting discipline in isn't the answer just on it's own discipline
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yes breathy making sure little something at their own level for this sixteen year old that happened to be art he was expelled from school after what he'll only refer to as an incident and is still too afraid to be identified back then he was on course to fail all his exams but after just a year passed fourteen a far cry from someone supposedly too disruptive to teach. more discipline in children's schools you think that would have worked for you. or only one sewing class of poor inquisitors and all talking and just shit works. so. focused on board an. individual attention was the only thing that turned this boy's education around but with a system that prides itself on conformity the battle could be only just beginning i've been it's r.t.
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. now to some other news making headlines around the world in our world update an israeli air strike in the neighbor base used by us in northern gaza has killed a palestinian policeman and indeed seven others israeli officials say the attack was in response to a rocket fired into southern israel several hours earlier this comes a day after an israeli commander was quoted as saying the military is prepared to topple the hamas regime. the norwegian man who confessed to killing seventy seven people has made his first public appearance in court previously carrying out the massacre but refused to plead guilty in july and his great rick right wing extremist attack central oslo with a cold one and then went on a deadly shooting rampage at a youth camp on the island of point the previous hearings have been held behind closed doors with the main trial expected to start in april. in afghanistan the taliban is a government documents and kabul papers include security arrangements for president hundred cars i and several cabinet ministers
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a group published the twenty seven pages on its website claiming the details would allow it to launch position attacks afghan officials originally papers were real but not confirmed they are authentic and the security arrangements have since changed. for the moment i'll be back with some of our main news stories about seven minutes from the time we discuss the possibility of israel attacking iran's nuclear facilities this is r.t. here in moscow. you know. what we now have we have nearly
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a long time israeli peace activist and a former member of the israeli parliament mr mary thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. what about the threat of further sanctions against iran are sanctions part of the solution or part of the problem i don't believe in thanks and frankly i think should may slow it down but if a country decides. to have a nuclear bomb. approach zero and fifty friends. it only provides them sanction for help and. i think sanctions are just a pretext for the united states and europe not to begin to think but they have to do something you cannot be an american president up for reelection because obviously seeming to do something. to frighten their own years of their for this they all talk about sanctions knowing that.
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but they're not coercion does israel have a military capability to fight a war with iran many people don't it is a very significant fact that the early security establishment not just me but also the religious community. are they against an attack on. iran the chief of the muslim. the former chief of the mossad said that the take it on is the absolute most stupid idea ever heard in. a war with iran is. by far the biggest war which is where there were four in comparable to any of the wars with each. other that will come place. it was with iran will mean one little israeli army will have to board dozen. of
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your claims to lation over and under guard. to do the job to do it is it has to fly over. turkish or syrian or jordanian so the arabian. if the question by itself. and it would risk. it reaction. the action there would be tens of clones of missile. raining down on us in. iran your research is in lebanon maybe from us miss from god there would come from all directions israel is. certainly not prepared. in civil defense to. prevent.
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us just the israeli public support for a strike on iran with the slight majority because one could expect. any public in any country of the word maybe except germany or supports the idea of making war is part of the incitement of half of the problem and talk about because of the growing isolation obvious role in the international community. if you will attacks and islamic country the whole islamic world will unite against them both shiites and sunnis is it make no difference the. connection with the arab spring a democratic revolution in other countries. we resort.
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the whole host country as we will be face a good deal for the next day. i think the more you think about it the more irresponsible and stupid the whole idea looks are you afraid for the future of israel. develop. there know of any age i think of the world is. reasonably secure and really really really being for. a long time if you don't make peace with the palestinians. will become. apartheid state. this is. this is this would mean the collapse of anything we had hoped for live oh yes mary thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. thank you. an
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