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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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you know some judges see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then islam something else you hear see some other part of it and realize everything is off you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big fish. the to the capital an alibi more or less for.
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the police corruption of. nobody seems to know. that never break the face quite hard the argument that they're being overly dramatic. hi guys it's time for you said it i read it take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because we've got something to say i listen now first responder of your that watched our interview
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with trevor tim over the theft of the government's victory in court which will force twitter to hand over the information of wiki leaks volunteer its red finger said this is not twitter's fault twitter has been one of the few websites to contest the secrets of pina's that are being issued out all over the place and in addition they're one of the few that actually informed their users about the gracchus as the commentator mentions they actually inform the users that were having their id taken in accordance with a court order which was obviously legally binding to twitter and they took the issue to court which means they did the best they could now i think that our viewer is definitely right the twitter has been one of the only tech companies to actually fight the government's attempts to gain access to user information and for that they should be commended but there is a little bone that i have to pick with them that they chose to store their users ip information for eighteen months in the first place and they continue to do so as only makes it easier for the government asked for more personal information about more users so twitter might save itself and its users more privacy battles in court if it changes its own policies the next one responded dave the fov who watched an
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interview about the defeat of several republican measures in elections across the country last wednesday he said corporate personhood is one of the top major problems in the u.s. it perverts the entire system even with offered by wall street it isn't being debated or talked about enough yet now i definitely think the influence of money in politics in the corruption that it breeds isn't talked about enough i've spoken extensively about the citizens united decision is decision on the show and other media personalities people like dylan ratigan jane huger they try to raise awareness about getting money out of politics too but it's five thousand times or per person. it still remains and we need to see more concrete steps to changing that reality and i for one think that it's time that americans stand up and get serious about tackling that issue starting with a constitutional amendment overturning the citizens united decision now finally i want to respond to a viewer who tweeted out this government flew to we did thank you very much alone of the ilona show for your comments about us veterans out here felt more real than
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those of m.s.m. reporters just like to say thank you so much for watching there really isn't nearly enough coverage out there in my opinion about the issues the veterans face as consequences of our politicians constantly wanting more war so please continue to watch and i'll continue to bring my best efforts at covering what matters to the veterans and that's it for my ranting tonight but i'll be back with more later in the week as usual. i think it's fairly clear at this point that the banks will do just about anything to take your money and if this last month the news doesn't prove that than i don't know what does and perhaps the lowest of the low we brought you the news earlier this month j.p. morgan wells fargo and bank of america are making billions in fees off of those who receive government assistance and partake in social programs like food stamps through their exclusive deals with the governments who don't know how to aid on debit cards debit cards which they then charge excessive fees on but that was just the tip of the iceberg last week we reported on the landmark settlement where bank of america was ordered to pay stemming from
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a class action lawsuit after it became clear the bank was manipulating the processing of purchases to get more and overdraft fees on the settlement while a step in the right direction was only about ten percent of the money at the bank actually made off of their shady practices so then we thought that perhaps there was another win for consumers and bank of america and others out there scrapped their plans to charge a five dollars debit fee after a lot of public outrage that somehow we knew they were going to stop there they had billions in revenue to make of course and now it looks like several banks of just scrap the whole idea of publicly announcing their fees all together some estimate of the banks have about eight to twelve billion dollars in annual gap that they usually get through those hidden fees from customers financial consulting firm all of our linemen says that now bates need to get about fifteen to twenty dollars per month from each customer to keep their earnings in an expected level so what are they keeping secrets that you should know for example bank of america is charging five dollars if you need to replace your last debit card and want to posit
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a check in to your account from your mobile device let it carry a fifty cent feed per check at u.s. bank or now if you belong to t.d. bank and you're getting money wired to your account that's going to cost you fifteen dollars some are banks also raise the fees for their regular checking accounts chase is now charging twelve dollars a month citigroup went from eight to ten dollars a month and bank of america. by three dollars a month earlier this year now other banks say it goes for user on necessary insist with their very transparent about their charges two democratic senators are making it know that they're fed up with the practices durbin and jack reed have called on the consumer financial protection bureau to adopt a format that would disclose hidden fees in a consumer friendly format and a statement they say simply put consumers have had enough of banks that try to sneak these past them that are hidden in fine print or imposed with no notice at all and we should also know that those who consider themselves good customers can get screwed by the banks to thank so lowering the rates to get paid out to customers that keep the money in their accounts market rate inside financial market
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research firm says the average interest rate for deposit accounts of fall into seven four point seven four percent that's a decrease in the point eight percent held earlier this year that might seem like a small pain for consumers but it turns out that's going to save the banks one point five billion dollars a month so just let this be a lesson to customers out there always read the fine print and might protect you from those hidden fees until the government might come up with another round of regulations to protect consumers money. now the f.c.c. the indecency regulations out of touch in unconstitutional and our changing world and so the cato institute the center for democracy and technology public knowledge freedom and electronic frontier foundation are asking the supreme court to say five groups filed an amicus brief last week asking the high court to extend full first amendment protection to broadcast media and overturned the one nine hundred seventy decision that sievers pacifica and the original case is famously known because comedian george carlin's monologue about the seven words you can never say on
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television was broadcast on the radio and the supreme court use the fine against pacifica because broadcast media was quote uniquely pervasive and uniquely accessible to children but today more and more people turning to the internet streaming satellite you name it and a new case going back to the supreme court f.c.c. versus box does that argument still stand or discuss what it means to and sanchez research fellow at the cato institute telling thanks so much for being here tonight was a pleasure all right so i give a little backstory here in terms of the original supreme court ruling here with the george carlin case but let's talk about this new case one authority in the supreme court in the case of fox and why it's coming back that he's going to detail so the second circuit basically in value to the f.c.c. regulations on first grounds for a vagueness after the supreme court you kicked it back to them on a technicality and the idea here is that the rules don't really give broadcasters a clear sense of what's allowed and what's not and it's true this is had a chilling effect on for example news gathering of cases of local news stations
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deciding they can't do a live event coverage or in one case cover the funeral of slain soldier pat tillman because they weren't they weren't confident that they could avoid a really punitive f.c.c. fine if you know if they slipped and let you know afterwards that on the air ironically the second circuit decision could not be read on the air on broadcast television because it contains in the opinion a word that rhymes with duck. so the question now though i mean if it isn't part of the problem because it wasn't just these seven words that were outlined but they ended up expanding it right because otherwise it doesn't seem all that baggage you have seven exact words to follow or to avoid the problem is that there's any any form of indecency that you know we're going to a person would find shocking and it's this is the problem is that it's it's very difficult to know in advance you know exactly what's behind it it makes it very difficult again to do live television even if you have you know a sense of clearly what's prohibited some things are presumptively but it does
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create a burden on station as they're trying to air live events and so the vagueness issue is is what the second circuit decided they decided not to overturn that george carlin decision but what a lot of groups including kate or urging the court to do here is what the supreme the second circuit wasn't willing to do because they felt that by that decision but he was time at this point i think when ninety percent of households that have a t.v. are getting it their content through satellite or. cable and through things like program as well to ask what does it really make sense to have this totally different regime for governing broadcast as though it were you know the fifty's or the sixty's when yeah you know that was the only way you're going to get video content to your own it's pretty clear at this point that if we tried to impose these kinds of regulations on cable or on the internet that would plainly get constitutional so the question is does it make sense and twenty eleven for broadcast t.v. to be carved out of progress for you because it is this sort of special
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constitution free zone ok so. knowing our supreme court here actually that we'll get back to that question but first here's saying to you basically just wanted to be a free for all right anything can be said well anything can be said in terms of the law on cable but it doesn't mean you're going to turn on the disney channel you hear people you know swearing like. tell you the reason most channels and most programs don't just turn into. broadcasting is that most people don't want to hear that they really want to know what kind of content they're going to get and they have a huge number of options now to regulate that i mean parents who read about their kids can you know program their t.v.'s or program needs their t.v. ours to only out allow access without a password to you know the disney channel nickelodeon and p.b.s. if that's what they want their kids to so the idea that you know that that either there's no way to limit kids' access to stuff that's friendly for kids or that
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somehow you know without the law every station is just going to sound like an episode of the wire doesn't make sense we're going to do you think if you look at trends right because you're saying now not everybody just sits down and watching t.v. in their living room you have so many other options out there you have the internet but are those areas that we're going to see continue to be these free zones and broadcast media is going to stand out on its own if this decision is no rules or are those areas where slowly we're going to see certain. similar encroachments make it this is an area where really every time it's come up the court has been pretty good about slapping down restrictions of saying basically look you can take a general speech zone and say well needs to protecting kids you know when we speak in a way that is there's only acceptable to it there's not a couple that a lot of that is up to the private companies right to say you tube or somebody like that they want to put that information there if they want to if they want to bring a video down it's because they have their own personal policy about what they can sure and then i think make sense you know decide what a particular website or
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a particular channel as a policy that matches what you think is appropriate for your kids and then you you know you look at what is ok for them and you don't look at the things that you know you don't think are appropriate ok so looking at the supreme court the type of decisions that it's made thus far do you think it's going to say go ahead because on t.v. all you want because that's your first amendment right i think is actually a decent chance even looking at the decision where they kicked it back down to the . here to the circuit court there are the appeals court there was a strong sense that they were sort of saying well does it mean does it make sense anymore to have this special asymmetry even i actually we're seeing it at an event . for actually see here and how well that was part of this crackdown on fleeting expletives at an event once he was no longer chairman basically admitted that as a constitutional matter this different treatment just didn't make sense anymore all right well i'm i'm on your side here i'm with kato as i like trying to find your foundation and i would like to see the supreme court rule in the way because i
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agree i think it will outdated and there are many ways to protect your children if you don't want washington certain things here. thanks for joining us tonight. all eyes are on the super committee to find out who's going to be facing the worst of the budget cuts but it looks like we're not going to know what's on the chopping block for quite a while but i have details on that and i told them segment and then happy hour obama stops in a population and calls on yet another political daughter to join. him to. do the work to bring justice for. all you have the right to do what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. well we characterize the bottom line as the charismata. of american exceptionalism.
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you know sometimes you see the story so you think you understand it and then you know here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry it was a big. i'm
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lauren lester. to believe the option to. test the o.t. seems to know. never break the base but more of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. sorry guys it's time for tonight's tool time award tonight because of the super committee members in congress now just about a week and a half the supercommittee must announce their plan to get a one point two trillion dollars minimum from the deficit and it appears that they
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are far from an agreement and if no deal is reached the automatic triggers are going to take triggers are going to kick in social programs the democrats level face cuts while the republican sacred defense spending will also be slashed now even though at the thought of these kinds of levels and truly pathetic maneuvering from both sides about the debt deal each side is feeding the media their talking points claiming that they are really really trying to reach a compromise but republicans saying that they have given so by getting the revenue to the table bringing in the money to the government by getting rid of some deductions but they also want to see catch rates be lowered for all americans democrats are saying is that a painful process for them. in total less. all right so while the media is reporting on the negotiations the kind of missing the real story here the first we knew that some members of congress like john mccain were trying to scrap the trigger so there would be no punishment for not coming to a deal but now they've even fly near
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a plant to see some lawmakers on capitol hill are now suggesting if the issue can be resolved by using a budget give me a favorite of washington politicians in fact washington has a very rich history of using fake math to make it look like congress actually did their job the democrats think the supercommittee should count the money of the u.s. will not be spending on the wars in iraq and afghanistan as savings south carolina congressman james clyburn said over the weekend we believe and the cvo believes that there is around nine hundred and seventeen billion to be saved over the next ten years from the overseas contingency account and we ought to count that i mean really i'm calling of b.s. on calling that savings how can money of us never actually planned to spend be considered savings the u.s. is pulling troops out of iraq by the end of the year president obama is planning to bring troops home from afghanistan over the next couple of years as was always planned so how is that by any means considered savings this is just so typical of lawmakers here in washington is that of solving the problem they use
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a gimmick to kick the can down the road and let somebody else solve the issue i think you'll remember that president obama did this exact same thing use the exact same trillion dollars in september when he released his deficit plan harry reid also did the same thing back in july and republican congressman paul ryan's budget in april also included those exact same war savings so it's truly amazing on some days to me of this country actually functions we have when think congress and simply you live in tricks that they can lead and make any decisions that are going to affect us all last month in new york times poll found that congress had a nine percent approval rating personally i think that might be too high and so now the supercommittee wants to use a gimmick to avoid budget cuts because they can't agree on what to cut. so that's why we're giving them this totally pathetic super committee tonight's tool time award.
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ok guys it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is our g producer jenny churchill and tanya sama native reporter and blogger for think progress dot org hello ladies thank you for joining me coming monday. first of all bill o'reilly has a new book that's come out it's about how america changed after the assassination of abraham lincoln and here i'll let him pivot and self for you. though i have to say this book surprised me it's a lot different from your other books it's a terrific read thank you and you're really go into your roots as a history teacher i am i taught history for a couple years in the cover off neighborhood in miami florida and you know i was always fascinated by a very unlikely i think but sort of way used the gold standard. all right so bill o'reilly used to be a history teacher going turns out unfortunately there's a little book of his contains a lot of factual errors and misrepresentations and so basically what's happened is
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that the fourth peter said that we're not going to sell it because it's actually an accurate and we he actually responded right before the show which is pretty good he told politico the attack on his book is a concerted effort by people who don't like me to diminish the book he said we will understand our enemies are full of rage at our success when we think. i mean that you know kind of gives you that clue right when you're reading around chapter three it says colonel mustard picked up the candlestick and there are a lincoln kind of like what are the facts but he's really missing or well ok to be fair there are a few a few things there's really only four error that have been identified which actually isn't that much for a book i mean if you've ever read a first edition book there's they're always riddled with at least grammatical errors which he claims two of the four are. and then on top of that it is read but he can remember when the lincoln theater yeah he had a couple of dates wrong you have the date wrong i believe pewter burned down have
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that run and then he had the oval office thing wrong because you know he was doing his yeah right there is every you know there are but i'm blanking on it right now the other thing is i love that this is such an outrage it's not being sold at ford theatre but it is being sold it for theater because it's being sold on the first floor of the theater just not in the basement for a theater gift shop which apparently is run by someone else. called mind it's being played and doing well but for some reason they just get a little bit of joy of thinking that bill o'reilly's smug face wrote history books that as factual or historical errors and it will be going right. to me and i really want to get that. high standard you know they have a bottle and a coloring books that apparently are more accurate than his books so you know. our lives a lot of his next. back which was going on in hawaii and they was a little tradition and usually all the leaders we had
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a couple pictures would dress in a national outfit and so obama had joked i think you can see there's one from sydney australia there's the vietnam and it's always a great picture moment more vietnam what else do we have we have shanghai so everybody was looking forward to this year obama had said before when they first announced it would be. why they're going to hawaii in t. shirts and they just don't use nick stick he basically said i told them if they wanted to they could wear but we're not doing that picture anymore that's no fun. oh i don't know why and shirts were more representative florida than it was of hawaii so i thought maybe because this is an annex that was right and the retirement costume can be something i was actually really shocked that this morning when i turned on fox and friends that i didn't see you know obama's war on costumes the war on aloha i mean i just i was really disappointed they really dropped the ball there because he's clearly waging a jihad against the war on a lie and like that one i actually heard that they could take
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a picture in kenya but they refused to really explain i kind of. long form. i'm just lives in point you know i thought it was a little more fun than that i expected a little more out of obama all right so we've spent a good part of the beginning of the show basically bragging on the g.o.p. presidential contenders and how much they suck and how silly and ridiculous and scary they sound when it comes to foreign policy and herman cain i think probably by far it takes the cake when it comes to the guy that clearly just doesn't know anything and so. they can stand close a million times here's a new one where he was being questioned about libya take a look. president obama supported. the uprising correct. i do not agree with you.
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know that's a different one. you are going to see. or maybe when you flashcards. is my absolute favorite. sound bite ever because it is literally that moment when you're you're taking a test in high school and you have no idea what the answer is and you go to your teacher and you're like i'm going to see the question like three different times in different tones and see if i get anywhere near like you just waiting for them to give them the answer or at least a little ahead but i know there's like we did there only does differently now is a different way to play come online i just daughter's you really want to be the president libya it's not that hard these are clearly gotcha questions like what is your position and where is would be what's today's date these are all incredibly difficult i mean herman cain bar but none well i think what this proved to me
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actually off the bat was that he clearly doesn't watch the show because if you did oh yes he did he would definitely know herman cain would be much better informed on foreign policy if you watch the show. ok lastly. chelsea clinton is now going to be joining and the theater board on it making a difference to look. chelsea clinton is trending on news that the former first daughter has been hired by n.b.c. as a correspondent for the nightly news with brian williams clinton will contribute to the making of different series drawing on her background and nonprofit work still stories about people and institutions that are helping others. all right so obviously a lot of people are annoyed today because you just work for the former president's daughter the why can't you know you just call up a network executive and be like you know going on t.v. and calling myself a journalist today is not cool with you i mean maybe your fallback was t m z d c you know now you could have been off with one thing i feel like we're under another
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when they're treating you like your reporter because megan mccain goes on but she's she's a pundit and she's our holy or even now just hire her kind of our reporter recently i'm getting off he was right all the pain is god i'm thinking i don't know this is the issue i have with this so we're at a time where people are so frustrated and feel like government and corporations don't understand them so what do we do you know we hire someone that has absolutely no clue how to be a normal person you have not been a normal person any during your entire life chelsea clinton or paul greengrass you know to write i mean it's just ridiculous it's absolutely ridiculous the pair of shoes to be the president's daughter but she chose to never speak to press ever and to be totally unrelated bowl to every person in america she was did work for hedge fund and now she's going to be a reporter and if she becomes a politician i mean she really rounds out ok david margaret i got to wrap it up
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sorry unfortunately thanks for joining me tonight out there for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure they come back tomorrow rafferty's three axes getting back on the program saying as he saw about occupy wall street we time followers on twitter facebook you tube dot com slash a lot of show and coming up next is the news.
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let's. see. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images of.


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