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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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freebird live video for your media drug free media gun tard dot com. waiting on their parade across the us police are even occupy protesters but day after day those occupiers just keep coming back so quick the scene in oakland changing r t is there and we'll have a live report from california. china is really in the driver's seat in many respects and this is coming at an offer time for the united states because the united states is clearly explaining power at the same time president obama isn't helping read that notion this as he tells china to behave like a grownup so as the u.s. falls behind and china speeds ahead is this mentality something the u.s. will later regret down the road. and
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a dead dominoes continue to fall in europe as greece and italy switch on their leadership putting non elected officials in power so kind of ocracy the dying and the land and sit in the first place. i turn to close guantanamo and i will follow through on. promises promises candidate obama was all about president obama is all a different story so was the u.s. marks in the ten year anniversary that's most expensive prison in history will take a look back and also discussed by president obama still has not shouted down. his monday nov fourteenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine friends out there watching our team. let's begin tonight in oakland where protesters with the occupy wall street movement are gearing up to retake the park they were evicted last night early this morning in what seemed for the most
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part to be a peaceful protest though thirty two people who refused to leave were arrested while in just about an hour from now that park will reopen and protesters say they plan to take it back and the mayor of oakland jean quan had told police to back off protesters since changed her tune and that's what really will advisor dan siegel has just resigned i want to put up a tweet he posted just about an hour ago he says quote no longer mayor kwan's legal advisor resigned at two am support occupy oakland not to the one percent and its government facilitators now we have a crew on the ground ready and standing by to see what happens in the next hour or so but our team was the governor has been there for the last couple days and i want to show you first the scene in oakland last night. again a somas donovan the moon is still out the helicopters are roaming around across us say it's been several hours wait to try to figure out and see exactly how this
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would go down a surprisingly low number of arrests again we just saw a small group of people over there who were peacefully resist the centrally expressing their right to protest who were taken away a lot of the campers had left we saw a lot of campers packing up their materials leaving earlier in the day and as you can see these pieces of structure remain there's helmets a lot of these are bike home and a lot of these are also actually used in protests to protect against various non-lethal weapons that are often used by the riot police officer so here we did not see any of those used today again this whole confrontation while tens went down so far fairly peacefully what we're coming to here this used to be the media tent where the occupy wall street protesters a sort of helped journalists figure out what to do whom to talk to and i guess that's about to be taken down as we as we speak and we just witnessed an elderly
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gentleman being handcuffed and led away there's a little bit of a fatigue with the confrontations with the police that have happened almost every week here in oakland now and it does look like a lot of people decided you know what it's not worth it right now but as for the broader movement i don't think based on talking to the protesters here that this is going to dampen things they cannot afford. to rain every day we will break. all the cities across the globe to try to stop occupied. before they break us well again what we've witnessed today was the final takedown of the occupy wall street camp the encampment here that's been dumped by the protesters oscar grant's plaza where i'm standing right now we just heard from the police officer has now been deemed a quote crime scene survivors of the media are not allowed to walk through here anymore and we have to keep in mind that on october twenty fifth that infamous night that the iraq war veteran scott olsen injured in a head with
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a non-lethal tear gas canister projectile. time as you can see we're being asked to leave and. that was the night that was the that was a day that followed the raid and that was when the situation really got out of hands or remains to be seen whether the protesters will come back how they're going to react to the camp getting shut down again fairly nonviolent fairly peaceful a smooth operation this morning but how it's all going to play out in the coming days remains to be seen and according to our t. in oakland i'm lucy half an hour well that was early this morning but what's in store for occupy oakland protesters tonight well earlier i have to say on the show to give us a look at how things are changing and what we can expect in the next few hours. well and it's an expensive business because it costs a lot of money for the city of things to do this they don't have the manpower they're out of which is behind us as we speak right now as you can see not many protesters but it is forces gathered here and there the basic situation is that the
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mayor feels like this happens not now although the city is leaving cert nicely that instances like for example the bird one young man last week last week are saying yes. he's absolutely not that island so that's sort of equivalent of saying that you know nature got an s.t.d. at all summer camps are somehow sexually transmitted diseases and doesn't really make sense folks here feel like it's a text on your hand and things like this time around at least over the weekend protesters in oakland seems a little more compliant so you're saying they're expected to be kicked out once again tonight well the monitor as you see behind me is closed right now but the process going to open again at six pm around letting the protesters come back there but they're going to try to shut it out of ten am and what i expect probably happen is we'll see a smaller group or ability to evolve and even though it's a just camera for disturbance again here to protest cuts try to hold their ground
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and how to use force will react and that remains to be seen one thing that we have to keep in mind is tomorrow is a state by the students here in california and so we see the same kind of heavy handed tactics by the east in oakland there's a really strong chance that the students will descend down here and it's going to turn into an all out war so to speak for several days because again the protesters are frustrated with these kind of heavy handed tactics that you know step back from the comments at the situation it took in might have been a nice full reign of that here it's a seven hundred aesop's cost one million dollars to clear a small plot that had a tax on it i mean aren't there bigger crime issues that that's that these cities to be focusing the resources on the budget protesters in. protests these argument a lot of these votes mean certainly we've been keeping an eye also on university of california berkeley not too far from where you are but sort of been the center of the action the student aspect of this movement students very fed up increased fees
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funding cuts for state and city universities i'm wondering though there are people who have said who've looked out what happened i mean you made a really good point but it took all those police officers at a cost of one million dollars but there are people who say you know what winter is coming perhaps this is a sign that the movement is dying down the fact that protesters are being a little more compliant when these police come what do people on the ground think about this i don't think. it was dying down i think of some sort. by. it's quite difficult to hold your ground when your eyes are saying. that was hard to produce for lucie county joining me from oakland california and for the very latest information about what's going on in oakland you should follow on twitter at. well oakland has been the most in your face example of one issue
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this movement has brought a lot of attention to that is the police brutality after many police and many cities used tear gas rubber bullets and batons and riot here to deal with these protesters badly injuring a few of them oakland saw the worst of those injuries as lucy mentioned but over the weekend several other cities saw police action as well and i want to give you a quick look at how it looked in a few of those cities let's go to portland oregon where police encircled a camp were off members have been saying they arrested fifty people who did not comply with the order in st louis missouri twenty seven people spent the night in jail after refusing to leave the park they have been staying in since october first . and in salt lake city utah nineteen people were taken into custody after police issued in a victualling notice and cleared the park and please be sure to tune in tomorrow we will bring you the very latest from the occupy wall street movement as we have since day one and as we get very close to the two month mark that happened this
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thursday. going to take a look now at the global economy and focus for a moment on the relationship between the united states and china it seems there's a little bit of a tug of war going on over who should write the next chapters in the global economic rulebook over the weekend at the asia pacific economic cooperation summit both president obama and chinese president hu jintao sat at the table together but they certainly had some different ideas about how to move forward but u.s. has been highly critical about china's trade policies and currency practices and what it views as a too slow appreciation of the won chinese president hu jintao responded saying first of all the u.s. trade deficit and unemployment rates are not caused by the you want to exchange rate also he insisted on more influence for beijing as a growing power well r.t. course on oksana boyko spend the weekend in honolulu for the conference she lays out some of these differences that have been piling up between the two countries. if there is any us state where the occupy movement has little chance it's probably
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why despite the high concentration of petitions and wall street betwixt socializing at the apec summit the only place people are willing to occupy here on the last of the beaches is one exception these pictures tourists are against greed and social injustice they're against economic inequality and they're against china. i. couldn't sit down clearly the mood of the podium was soon a little hostile i think we can benefit from trade with china and i want certainly to continue cultivating a. constructive relationship with the trial his government. but we're going to continue to be firm in insisting that. operate by the same rules rules rules and again rules as a country that's been ruling the roost for decades the united states has never been
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shy of policing authors but as china's g.d.p. continues adding nine percent a year against it and a half percent growth in the u.s. the reprimand seems to be internally driven comportment he's one of the top ballet you think that trying to build a wall also reflected in the country's political and economic policies it's not that china doesn't play by the rules the factory by the opposite but do you not have big things to have an issue is that increasingly china rule that they pretty much washington would prefer to keep it for. as the us president hailed his new free trade asia pacific pact as a win win to boost trade in the region some in china took it as a predator effort to change rules. free trade and to be. in the eyes of the beholder. tree for uber protection provided that. precious industries that well.
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so it's always get lerma. as the euro crisis continues metastasizing throughout the world and china is asked to shoulder the load many analysts say the west should keep in mind its old adage about he who pays the piper china is really in the driver's seat in many respects and this is coming at an awkward time for the united states because the united states is clearly a declining power at the same time and is having trouble adjusting to what that means many chinese proverbs are difficult to translate into english if those about money usually have exact equivalents one of them is money makes the world go round a concept that's korea familiar to washington and progressively so to beijing it's one of my guards i've been able to summit in honolulu. so eventually president obama telling chinese president hu jintao to stop at gaming the system to make the
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playing field more love tuck in front of a packed leaders opec countries by the way account for more than half of the world's economic output so what will come out of this past weekend's meetings was answer that and more i spoke just a little while ago to asia times correspondent pepe escobar i asked him what was most concerning for him about this u.s. china exchange here's his response it's like watching a b. gene or you know i'm a big fan of chinese opera to be odd but you know one of those emperors from six. hundred watching your. only. trip from or you know the middle of nowhere they're going to respect the rules if to play to be absurd because first of all china is right the rules are set up later west nelda china eve heard. becoming american to
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list dollar and conquering the world by many factual cheap products exported all over the world and the united states instead decided to wage war for all across the world you know in africa as well. what kind of rules are in their right you second their currency you're not going to develop their currency because old burma or biden or u.s. congress wants it they have a mechanism inside the bank of china which is coordinating the gradual devaluation of cuba this is going to happen within the next four to five years in a to reach a maximum worth ten percent us once twenty five percent now it's not going to happen the chinese will be take when and how in the volume of devaluation of their currency so let obama's doing splay these equally to the galleries inside the u.s. and also to the republicans who are practically declaring war on iraq and then on china if you're watching that you have certainly what about this national i'm talking about president obama's comment china allow its currency to rise faster in
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value i mean it seems that the president believes that by being can't artificially allow this is hurting american companies and jobs and showing the president as the leader of this country if you really believe that try to fight for these dogs and try to make up for something as an amount of problem it's not hurting american corporations because americans japanese and european corporations they are going to china because there are many factory some of their best products in china and selling all over the world keeping their profits in a hole spain toward israel organization of the capitalist system dorothy classes and the middle classes in the atlanticist nourse not only in the u.s. we're in europe as well so in terms of their bacon they don't care what china is doing fekete one china's money in china say no so what's the put your house in order in your opinion with think about lend you some. in corporations western
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corporations question the law of the effect that it legal to china if you look allies like greece in keep their profits so there's only one loser segment you know all this transition and all those looking glasses in the lot and you know are you just not in a and we also sun our sun is reported g.o.p. presidential candidates taking a dig at china there is sort of a fear mongering that seems to be going on on one side but we also saw michele bachmann comparing the two countries saying in a sense you know let's get rid of american programs like when johnson's great society bachmann says that this has made the us into a welfare state she says if only we were more like china they don't have food stamps they don't they save for their own retirement so badly i guess i get an idea from you about some of these different views from potential future leaders of this country and the way they view china. look at everything imo watch the republicans you beat my cat runs out of the rules absolutely chair and there are
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a lot of debates greater why is it occurring people travel to have no idea of other cultures they can honor this this should read a little bit of live you strollers for instance when he talks about the other these guys they cannot understand each other the other for them is a trap be it a chinese a lost limb an african american you need it so it got the point though what the cristobal saying is in terms of the problems of the us that the more goes there will be only a one week source part of which will be in terms of. the budget of the pentagon it's not going to be reduced any time soon because what you've heard ministration me want is not what the generals what's so we're going to have full spectrum dominance war authority all over and now they are conceptualizing how they're going to each war against china you know asia as well in the indian ocean and in the
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south china sea so we should make the connection of what the pentagon what's the long term agenda of what republicans want which is all sort of the long war the pentagon's long war in logical administration would like to achieve at least a as a palliative compared to the problems faced by the middle class in the us this is a total clash and i'm not sure a blunder will have enough time to explain to an american voters how to get a good global economy liquid more parity as as we speak it now or this works. will gradually have better than what the republicans or the pentagon wants if you i'm not sure you can do that in one year and that's what i was going to ask i mean if what you say is there is in fact happening out there that this isn't a works and how does one really think u.s. leaders can confirm a things like enough is enough to china. look at obama's strength like what once again his splinter the kellers because obviously he does what
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a little it's him self in he's probably terrorized that's how i'm going to counteract. this k. this kind of rhetoric coming from all the republican candidates he's trying to pause as the harvard professor it's not going to war because generic electorate the are in reach the are surely three to all sorts of populists there look like call people. these republican candidates and that we're going to see the rhetoric. within the next few words is going to reach absolutely color all welfare then you're seeing a very narrow view of this planet and there are there are playing to their base as well is right now. we're out of time have been for sorry as a times correspondent had to ask our china bashing. and certainly another hot topic at apec the crisis in the eurozone so far we've seen greece and italy come close to collapse and in response the leaders of both countries stepped down your pup and
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rail insoluble or county were both replaced with these new leaders the restructuring of government is in the works though people have not voted on these changes the question now is whether or not those measures can succeed r.t. sarah for takes a deeper look into this question. it was never going to be easy to put it this year at seventeen countries of which you know on the one currency attracted fierce criticism we've witnessed the beginning of a dishonest and downright dangerous german president. to revive the constitution but to do it in such a way that you want to avoid referendum to keep the member states some might now be wishing they'd heeded the warnings one after another of the states begin to wobble it's least the latest country to come under scrutiny we have been witnessing in the last hour. a growing pressure from europe and i'm talking in particular from
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france and germany hardly the u.k. certainly the european parliament and the commission is going to start quite a safe on the leaders of greece and italy good place by people who were never elected to office their way around brussels here it is really with berlusconi now gone doesn't that paying for forms now need to be implemented to meet elite yvonne for the first time since began talks have now begun to turn to the possibility of exits from. the creation of the cool europe countries like germany seem to be leading the way but i think it's not in the best interest of the germans to keep on going with this i think you know you're right you have behaved badly we're going to punish that's not a union in the united states of america. behaved badly martin as behaving badly or you think obama is going to we're going to keep you out of united states of america no they're not going to. play good you're
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a green has not gone unnoticed by struggling countries is clear that those who are spent less now face up to painful austerity measures are being treated like a naughty school child only added to the growing strain. community is its only source of the world so the sea there will expose much more france and especially germany to the times there must be up to the sea to to express a political leader for you not just from your own countries but for europe as a whole your attentions have built this by the. political leaders the key to dealing with the crisis the struggling economies like italy even the for the stakes it's least being considered by many the test case for the entire year if it fails and it could take down the entire fifth the big question now is whether or not those measures can fix the whether we'll see them going to say with previous
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measures put forward by european leaders who so far failed to come up with a convincing rescue service the right. has now been ten years since president george w. bush signed an executive order setting up military commissions to try terrorism suspects at guantanamo bay this was to the bush administration an easy fix place to keep suspects detained as part of the quote war on terror but too much of the rest of the world get no was a free pass and place where the u.s. could avoid playing by its own rules rules like the right to a fair trial innocent until proven guilty it is also the place where the harsh interrogation practices and torture came to light angering friends and foes alike and because of this candidate barack obama promised to make some changes take a listen. what a lot of old betsy easy calls about what global restore habeas corpus the poor
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little league was shouting god wants a lot of all that was storing her b.s. i intend to close guantanamo and i will follow through on our legitimacy is reduced when we've got it want to animal that is open. represent. and that's where we're going to. refer. and just a few weeks after coming into office in january two thousand and nine the president did sign an executive order mandating the closure of guantanamo bay within the year but it's now november two thousand and eleven going to mowbray is open for business with plans for renovations and nearly two hundred detainees are still in custody in miami herald's carol rosenberg has no doubt spend more time than any other journalists there and writes it is the most expensive present on earth she says the pentagon detention center that started out into january two thousand and two as a collection of crude open air cells guarded by marines in a muddy tent city is today arguably the most expensive prison on earth costing
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taxpayers eight hundred thousand dollars annually for each of the one hundred seventy one captives by obama administration reckoning that's more than thirty times the cost of keeping a captive on u.s. soil but this is more than just about money there are other costs the u.s. incurs as well and there's talk more about this i spoke to deputy managing editor of truth found out or jason leopold to start off i asked him in addition to the money what's the high price the u.s. pays to keep those doors of guantanamo bay open here's his response. well basically it comes down to the fact that where you played the clip of obama stating that you know we're going to restore he is corpus. we're were hypocrites for you this is ministration has actually fought every p.b.s. corpus case that has appeared in a d.c. courtroom so you know we're we're very good at preaching but not practicing
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what we're preaching so it's integrity it's credibility credibility is is the number one issue right now you know i got to bring this out because this is another argument that the administration brings up and something that i think is worth looking at president obama arguably learned a lot more once he came into office about you know just get i think back to the christmas day underwear bomber trained in yemen from what i understand there are quite a few protesters at get well from yemen and that's just one of many examples i mean is it possible that the president didn't have all the information he needed when he made these promises or do you think something else changed oh i think it's clearly it's political i think the you know first of all when when obama issued the executive order he halted the military commissions he had a team review of all of these cases and they put together a comprehensive file report for the president saying who could be released and and
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who should be detained indefinitely which is in and of itself another question. we should be asking as to why but it's political but what about this notion that president obama you know when he made some of these promises did not have access to some of the intelligence did not have you know all the knowledge that he has now i mean could that have been more of a catalyst for changing my or you think it's all politics. i think it's all politics i don't think that the you know the intelligence first of all is suspect at least with you know some of the detainees we've seen some of these detainees assessment produce these are the documents that were released by wiki leaks earlier this year on all of the guantanamo detainees and that makes it very clear that we were holding hundreds of prisoners of detainees. who were were innocent were basically sold to the u.s. for a bounty and they've been released we have
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a number of detainees that have since been cleared for release but as you mentioned the incident that took place last christmas with the underwear bomber. pretty much put a. you know put a wrench if you will in opening up any doors to detainees out and the administration is continuing to fight the release. of detainees who. say or should be released because the evidence is suspect and that was deputy managing editor of truth found out or casing leopold's and that is going to do it for now to see my full interview with jason or for more on any of the stories we covered tonight at r.t. dot com slash usa i also spoke to author and journalist david de graw a little earlier about the future of the occupy wall street movement definitely check it out on our youtube page youtube dot com slash r t america.


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