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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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rock and the lower show get the real headlines with none of the mercy for me live out of washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look back at the g.o.p. debate from this weekend and focus specifically on foreign policy and we learned a lot mostly if a majority of today's republican candidates are ok with torture and extrajudicial killings so only two candidates choose to up hold the rule of law what does that say about the direction this country is heading in but police cleared out the occupy oakland camp peacefully this weekend but the occupiers are valid to go back so we have to ask how much longer this can go on before the movement needs a new strategy artie's lucy counter-offers on the ground in oakland is going to fill us in with all the details and a number of organizations have fallen and because brief asking the supreme court to
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declare the f.c.c. as indecency regulations as unconstitutional so are the rules on bad words on t.v. a little bit outdated we're going to have all that and more free tonight including goodness of happy hour but first let's take a look where the mainstream media has decided to me. all right so on saturday night c.b.s. and the national journal hosted yet another g.o.p. debate unfortunately this little bait but probably not all that many people watched it was nestled away on a saturday night and i say on fortunately because when it comes to foreign policy which this debate focused on we can see exactly how clueless how inconsistent how outright crazy some of these candidates really are with the exception of ron paul and jon huntsman the other candidates all seem to support waterboarding which is a form of torture as an acceptable technique. i don't see this point you i see it as an interrogation technique if i were president i would be willing to use
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waterboarding and i think it was very effective for me to carry on three. so by today the president had fired back defending his position. controversial practice of waterboarding back in the spotlight at the g.o.p. presidential debate president obama is where we start using gauging his two thousand and twelve waddles he says herman cain of a shell bachmann are just plain wrong for saying that they'd be willing to use a controversial interrogation technique some candidate said that president obama was wrong to ban the cia interrogation method it doesn't set a good example to the rest of the world where the u.s. is involved in something since he told me when i asked the question in fact we said here's torture waterboarding is torture it's contrary to america's traditions it's contrary to our ideals that's not who we are that's not how we operate we don't need it. now is waterboarding and torture wrong and contrary to
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american ideals yes one hundred percent no question about it yes this is made by our officials post nine eleven put a very dark shadow over our actions as a country and the president's decision to ban torture was obviously the right one but here is where i start to get a little bit frustrated for the mainstream media is supposed to be the government watchdog once again just starts reporting on these stories as if it's just any old conversation is the usual to pretend i don't something that politicians can agree on the mainstream media should realize above all that we have certain laws and standards for a reason in this country and not treat torture as one of those areas where flexibility is suddenly kosher also drives me crazy is that they act like this is just a war of words worth reporting today and they forget about some of the darker practices that are still carry out the rest of the time and let me just remind you yesterday was ten years since the day that george w. bush signed an executive order for military commissions for terror suspects at
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guantanamo now ten years later on one obey is still open and the obama administration which criticize military commissions has now given into right wing fear mongering decided to keep using them for good. the obama administration is also signed a formal detention policy to hold certain detainees indefinitely i never let them see a day in court the obama administration has also decided not to prosecute anybody from the bush administration for the torture and other atrocities that were committed and to be honest we don't even really know if people aren't still being tortured it may not be americans that are doing it is jeremy scahill reported a few months ago we have proxy prisons set up in somalia where detainees are not treated so kindly all cia black sites in afghanistan were shut down we still have secret prisons across the country that are now just being run by the military and special units and instead of capturing and torturing as an overall strategy we now have been in ministration that has decided to focus on killing so the legal business never has to get their way. as you know that killing is extended to taking
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out an american citizen and we're all a lot without any due process so while president obama may have outlawed torture and stands by that decision he's got a lot of explaining to do on why his continued and even expanded upon other bush policies but our mainstream media they really like to bring that up to right leaning outlets will be like those policies to criticize the left leaning outlets they find a little too inconvenient when they're trying to make a point about how much better and more humane democrats are but it's still a very serious issue that needs to be discussed needs to be fixed needs to be highlighted so the politicians don't think that none of us are paying attention when our constitution and our values are completely trampled on but they'd like to pretend like it's just a simple tit for tat between obama and contenders trying to take his seat he said she said and that he's wrong he's wrong all of you need to step back from the post nine eleven world of fear and paranoia that allows for the strong laws to be stretched and bent and decimated and all of you need to come back to reality that's
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what the mainstream media has become part of that post nine eleven machine chooses to miss. now as i already mentioned this weekend's foreign policy debate was a little tough to watch and certain cases it was obvious the candidates knew very little about they were asked and other cases the pro torture pros as a nation pro-war arguments made it seem like those who want to be commander in chief care nothing for the pursuit of peace or the of law and perhaps the most disturbing part of the whole night was that despite trying very hard to criticize our democratic president's foreign policy agenda in too many ways his actions and their beliefs actually a lie and joining me to discuss this is lawrence korb senior fellow at the center for american progress and thanks so much for joining us here what you first started did you find this debate as cringeworthy it is difficult to watch as i did on
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saturday night it was pretty difficult to follow through with that one of these people could be the next president of the united states what did you find what was the most disturbing aspect or the worst part of it well i think the worst was when they said they're going to put forty to zero go to work who would give anybody for a date i mean what happened after that you had over secretaries of state including four republicans write a letter saying that's ridiculous foreign aid is one boy in which we protect our national interest it will go to our values because less likely will have to use military force are you bringing it back that is we have a series of clips here but just now showing the audience what some of the views were on torture unfortunately turned out to jon huntsman ron paul revealing stood up there and said it's immoral it's wrong and i don't either you could you have imagined that in this in a pretty nine eleven world where the majority of candidates for president are out there advocating for waterboarding well unfortunately i think with some of those people are you could. you know the great irony is john mccain who was the
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republican nominee in two problems with me was against waterboarding is torture. they have to this debate he came out again and said waterboarding is torture and the very fact that herman cain would say i'm against torture but i'm for waterboarding shows you don't know what he's talking about because waterboarding is torture and there's a lot of back and forth going on there but you know some people today have even said that perhaps part of this part of the reason why you have g.o.p. contenders speaking so openly advocating for torture is because president obama didn't actually do anything to fix it he outlawed torture but he didn't actually hold hold anybody accountable from the bush administration when he said well i mean there's no doubt about the. lord torture and try to close on top of all of that he wasn't able to prosecute the people of the cia because leon panetta who was under director tried to tell of that a lot of the people who did it board following waters from the bush administration the bush administration that said waterboarding was legal docs former vice
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president dick cheney still takes credit for waterboarding getting so i mean everybody had minute and study bush has openly admitted it and obama has fought hard you know it's been a very very big important distinction but they've openly admitted that on camera right i mean these are things that anybody can say were ordered by the highest rungs of officials from within the oval office so why not actually try to pursue it well i mean there is no big deal i mean the fact of the matter is that then cia director now secretary of defense panetta convince president obama that if you try to you wouldn't be able to convict them because they were following legal opinions given to them by the bush administration report with justice which were wrong but still they gave them through the lens that they added they suck out that that's what you do is you find the lawyers that you know well i was a breeze i did not mean the bush administration pushed on the on the cia i want to i want to get into some of the clips last night and kind of following out from
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a little treasure discussion or discussion here is that they actually brought out the assassination or the. killing u.s. citizen without any due process there is and can say. this is an individual who would align himself with the group. and if some of that is going to join with a group like the declares war in america and we're in a war with that entity that of course anyone who is bearing arms with it is fair game for the united states of america he's not a terrorist suspect he's a person who was found guilty under review of actively seeking the death of america if you engage in here against the united states you are an enemy combatant you have none of the civil liberties union. now if you take i find this disturbing a because people were cheering when they were talking about his death and you have you gingrich who say that he was found guilty but by what secret national security panel in the white house it's not something that makes me comfortable and yet again
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is something that this president started but although gingrich was weak and i'm sure he wasn't guilty it was the fact of the matter was i pray had evidence that he was promoting terrorism these types of four for example and sort of the other things that was the evidence that they had never show the evidence to anybody had never shown any courts they've never shown it to the american people and you know that's something they wish the moderator is would at least try to bring up is that if you have evidence you don't necessary and don't shield it from us well i mean basically i think the obama administration could have been more forthcoming what they did admit is you know they didn't try and cover it up and say you know he's not of american citizen or anything like for wardrobe ahead of time that's what they were going to do well i think that believed that they could do for doing that without due process but let's get back to this issue of foreign aid rick perry specifically was the one that started it and said built when i'm in office take a look. the foreign aid budget in mind ministration for every country is going to
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storage zero dollars. thank you i think it will have a conversation in this country about whether or not a penny of our taxpayer dollars needs to go into those kind obviously. israel is a special ally and my bet is that we would be funding limit at some substantial well but it makes sense for everyone to come into zero and make your case. here to how this was concerning to you because this is how you can talk to many of your foreign relations but it's again this immediately having to walk it back because of because of israel by israel is that scary well i mean i think the israel situation points out that some of the money we've given this foreign aid are true of people who are our allies and it's interesting later on they get into pakistan and one of the one to have relations the only one who made sense on that was former senator santorum said you've got health care you have the rick santorum was the n.r.a.
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i've always yes it is scary because he doesn't have a chance to get the nomination but the fact of the matter is the pakistani support supports the fuel that goes across their country that helps our troops in afghanistan and i think what is i mean unfortunately a lot of americans think we spend a lot more authority than we do if you say how much of the budget goes to foreign aid you know else you know twenty percent how much you think is right they'll say the least ten it's less than one percent it's not that we're giving away so much money because a lot of it goes to help countries who are dealing with health problems who are dealing with. terrorism so i mean it does an awful lot of good and the evidence is very clear that it improves the u.s. image around the world which is important for our foreign policy is great harney is always calling up on the republicans you know it's very very greatly exaggerated chunk of the budget they like to focus on now when they're talking that spending cuts lastly i think they are running out of time they just had
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a little because they did spend a lot of time on iran i want to show the audience of a sec. this is of course president obama's greatest failing of a foreign policy standpoint i would not detain military opposition i'm talking about to help the opposition in the country and then there's one other thing that we could do we could deploy out with a list of missile bits capable aegis was shipped strategically in that part of the world maximum corporate operations. to block in disrupt the iranian program including taking out their scientists including breaking up their systems all of it covertly all of a deniable second maximum maximum ordination with the israelis in a way which allows them to maximize their impact in a room look one thing you can know and that is if we reelect barack obama iran will have a nuclear weapon and if we elect mitt romney if you like me as the next president they will not have a nuclear weapon. pretty bold statement to make their bets and they have
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a staff couldn't you argue that perhaps the obama administration is already engaging in it we know that the u.s. and israel are working together who knows about the stock next stocks net by risk who knows why ronnie and scientists are dropping dead and rose know that if for example gingrich showed his immaturity by talking about covert operations you shouldn't say you got to do them those are things you do without telling people and they become more effective and you know romney saying they won't work with mice who president bush say we will not let north korea get a nuclear weapon well guess what they got it then what did you do you have to be careful you make promises and you can't fulfill about three hundred one your credibility and we can live with you know with no brand with a couple world thought nuclear weapons we have to roll through in the cold war we have the soviets thirty to forty thousand. the soviets were very concerned with china got their nuclear weapon what we live with i'll say tong and so i think it's
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really ridiculous this overreaction i learn thank you so much for joining us tonight and. thank you only if you and i always on the same page when it comes to not wanting any of these people to be the commander in chief thanks so much thank you. all sort of comes not from the take a closer look at the occupy movement underway across the country the locations got violent over the weekend the police removed from the campsites and or visit to see an outlet for the occupiers were also forced to leave their sight arjen for those who will seek out an office on the scene as will bring us all the latest english turned. into a little more. difficult work of the sort. i have a right to know what my government would you want to know why i pay taxes. well i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you
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know sometimes you see a story that seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you. are welcome was a big. blow to the counseling founded by more sinister.
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the only do you believe the world. what a protest nobody seems to know. but never appropriate to face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. all the occupy movement is on its fifty ninth day of protest and despite the best efforts of the media police and politicians it is still going strong this weekend represented yet another round of the vixens and mass arrests across the country with city politicians and police ordering protesters to leave their campsites and chapel hill north carolina about fifty protesters took over an abandoned chrysler
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building on saturday night making their new territory was signs and banners and a group which is an offshoot of occupy chapel hill was met with by twenty five heavily armed commandos twenty degrees or so who came in right ran in no warning at all. and had their their assault rifles. and then put a gun in my face and put guns in everybody's faces and screamed at us to get on the ground and what is going on at least eight people were arrested on charges of breaking and entering as they're trying to protect their new location and the mayor of chapel hill has released a statement saying that while he wants to protect free speech the public needs to recognize the property holders even if it's an event of building it's not clear as of yet if the property owners in this case actually asked for that eviction and salt lake city demonstrators were ordered to leave their campsite and pioneer park . nineteen people in total were arrested last night mostly trust failure to
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discursive after police told him to leave pioneer park by the curfew. so about nineteen people were arrested for resisting the eviction notice the police then used a bulldozer to clean up after the protesters were clear and the rest of us was occupiers a relocating to ogden hashing out a new plan to resume their demonstrations and in portland oregon those that have camped out in long's jail and chapman squares faced addiction from their local police on force that was following orders from portland's mayor who insisted the occupiers had to leave at twelve o one am sunday morning so the portland occupiers use this as an excuse to have a party thousands of people gathered in the square all the police watched for just a little bit at the police then move into the crowd swinging nightsticks and announcing to crowds over loudspeakers that they may also be subject to chemical agents and impact weapons take a look. now
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about fifty people were arrested during the eviction and by sunday evening the square had been mostly clear now since those parks have been cleared by police the protesters have moved to pioneer courthouse square and they plan there they plan to regroup and reorganize about to continue their movement so looks like the patience in cities across the country is beginning to wear thin which takes us to our latest survey action in oakland. occupy oakland had been anxiously awaiting a new crackdown all we get after the tragic death happened near the oakland occupy camp last week and the shooting was in no way related to the protesters but it didn't stop city officials from using that as an excuse to tell them that they need to tell the yesterday police cleared out the occupiers from franko got applause in what comparatively could be seen as a peaceful event unlike the original raid weeks ago or the ending of the general strike that shut down the port of oakland but tonight protesters occupy oakland are promising to gather at the downtown oakland library to figure out their next steps including how do we occupy the plaza so does this mean occupy oakland could be
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nearing an end and what does it say about the movement's developments nationwide joining me to discuss it is our t.v. producer lucy cavanagh lucy now i know that you got to oakland over the weekend so can you give us a few details as to what exactly happened when police cleared out. sure we had actually gone to bed not knowing whether there is going to be a raid or not and two minutes literally actually around our hotel room about two am there is a mass text alert that the occupiers had sent out saying that there's credible reports of police saving at a sporting event stadium here and leaving to come towards the faucet to finally begins this raid that everyone's been waiting for we got down to the area there is about several hundred protesters most of them were standing out on the street we saw the presence of helicopters and then several hundred police officers in full riot gear descended on the plaza sensually closing off different intersections moving in after protesters and blocking off the different streets now contrary to
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last time they didn't really use the tear gas we didn't see any use of flash bang grenades or any of the heavy mechanized non lethal weaponry so the it by those standards was relatively peaceful but they did surround the plaza they went in there was about thirty two people that were arrested and for the most part it was it was a peaceful takeover but very very tense when i think protesters were expecting a lot more of the cracks. and we did sort of see a more concerted effort by the police perhaps in light of the p.r. disasters over the past few weeks not really provoke the protesters as much but people are certainly carried out i mean we've got these little plastic baggies that folks are taken around that had gas masks and different masks actually calculated so convinced her the stench of it was really really strong in the air to protect against here guess they were expecting clashes but it did go down fairly peacefully now how are people there feeling about the fact that the city is typically the mayor jean klein is using that try to get in from last week or somebody was shot as
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an excuse or perhaps a reason to say that it's time for them to go. well i mean as expected if you know if you have a tea party where a man had a heart attack and officials said that all tea party events are hotbeds fatal heart attacks and artery disease obviously that would make much sense and that's sort of the perception here i mean that's an exception to the general mood of the camp there we haven't seen a mass shootings anywhere really in the country related to the occupy. movements except maybe in terms of non-lethal weapons shot by the police so i think people really felt like it was an excuse and they were being scapegoated for the actions of people that weren't exactly one hundred percent directly related to the movement so there's a lot of frustration there's not much love for the mayor for the police force and you have to remember that this is a city of oakland a city that has years and years and years of tense ties with police officers they've had numerous shootings of unarmed people here and so
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a lot of people feel like it was just the excuse a pretext to raid the camp for political reasons i think i said i know that today they're planning to march again to meet downtown at the library and bad happen yeah but is there a plan of action or do you think that there's some divisions emerging as to whether people want to stay or go back to the park and try to reoccupy or not. i think people are a little bit confused at the moment again they are going to meet a short. to decide this and there are there's a lot of talk of preoccupying applause and now the mayor has said that in a few hours and zaza will be open for them to peacefully gather there but they are not going to let people camp over this is a really strong really militant group of folks and i definitely think that we will see efforts. on some people's behalf to stay at the plaza how the city's going to be able to handle that remains to be seen because remember this is a cash strapped. to hold it over a chair to prevent these people from physically entering and. built other police
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departments are charging something like seven hundred thousand dollars a head for the use of these officers i mean how long is a city realistically going to continue even to continue to spend that much of this kind of protection but interestingly you know in stark contrast to what we saw for example in d.c. or even in new york city there are really strong to bishops in this camp like what we talked about a few weeks ago with some of these sort of more radical anarchist advocating the black bloc tactics the destruction of violence all those divisions so remain in fact they were arguing about that yesterday evening so i feel like there's a lot of sort of. the dissolution on the part of the protesters they're not using this time to sort of regroup and come up with a plan of action they're busy right now fighting each other and trying to figure out you know what kind of tactics to use and i don't think that that's a very good sign in terms of remaining strong to keep this movement going i don't know how that's going to play out perhaps to rate well you know but right now it does seem really fraught with your vision i think now you've been you know our person on the ground you were parked for weeks you've been in oakland so you've
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been covering this occupy movement since the very beginning and i'm just curious if you think that maybe it's reaching a bit of a standstill or maybe if it's even starting to regress a little bit because eventually i think you have to assume that since cities are going to start losing their patience and we saw the rains all across the u.s. this weekend now we see divisions within the movement do you think of a need a leader do you think they need a different strategy to try to really keep the momentum going. i mean i don't know if a leader per se is going to resolve that having a figurehead doesn't necessarily change the the conditions that are making it difficult for cities and sort of keep up with these occupations but i do think that perhaps a focus if if i were an occupy wall street protester focus on things like the general strike that we saw here in oakland shutting down certain large targets to get their point across would be a lot more effective than for example the slack. tactics that we see and i mean it's very difficult to sort of find a delicate balance between the protesters needs and the cities that are in fact
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trying to you know sort of keep the peace to some degree i mean yes it is absurd to hope you know seven hundred police officers at a cost of nearly one million dollars to keep a bunch of tents out of a public plaza that is ridiculous but at the same time you know the longer these occupations go on you do get sort of more people that aren't necessarily there for the goals of the movement and to be quite honest with you we have seen you know a small fraction of kids who are there to do drugs and you know homeless people who may not necessarily be there to to partake in the movement either just coming in for the free food for the shelters and then want this movement grows the harder it is for these these protesters to keep it organized and to keep it contained so it's a really really tell it don't really know how it's going to play out but we do know that the use of force of course will i think inspire more people to join in outrage and it will it will garner international condemnation so that's a really difficult situation for city officials to be in i think what is going to
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keep watching it this thursday in fact is going to be two months things that the movement began and as well to govern nearly thanks for honasan. thank you. right coming out in the restaurant to our viewers and you said it i read it and then are the f.c.c. is rules on indecency outdated and are you from stalling on the supreme court to change the current f.c.c. policy so his return. internet only mechanisms if you don't work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes just.


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