tv [untitled] November 14, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary zeal where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. for.
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour beginning next year the supreme court will hear arguments in the case of president obama's affordable care act also known as obamacare so what's a stake it will the roberts court once again ignore precedent and hand a victory to health care billionaires also what's the connection between strict christian fundamentalist homes and child abuse the answer in tonight's everything you know is wrong and finally what's a reasonable price to pay to ensure that the banks are one percent doesn't destroy our economy again in my daily take i'll tell you why whatever occupy wall street costs it's well worth it.
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several lower courts have had their turn now it's the supreme court's turn to rule on obamacare the affordable care act today the high court announced that it will hear five hours of oral argument really next year most likely around march to determine the constitutionality of president obama's affordable care act normally the court here is one hour of world arguments in each case of the fact that it's agreed to hear five hours in this case shows apparently just as seriously the supreme court is taking. about the centerpiece of the challenge to obamacare is the individual mandate and whether or not the federal government can force someone to buy health insurance just last week a prominent conservative judge brett kavanaugh ruled that the government can force people to buy insurance and up hold the affordable care act but how might five conservatives and four openly partisan republicans on the high court weigh in and then to be able joins me know she's a reporter a blogger with think progress and welcome back i think good to be here good to have you here so the supreme court is a lot of five hours for oral arguments are going to happen i think i would have in
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fact that is the other. normal amount so much time. the issues that got to handle that they're looking at three different parts of this and if you can if you go back to it this is such a divisive issue out there debating it but at the same time a major conservative judge and judges have upheld this in the lower courts you mentioned judge cavanagh but out d.c. circuit as well there is judge. i'm going to start so one of the judges who is in the other true conservative who worked in the nixon administration the president george w. bush in the presidential medal of freedom he wrote in his opinion uploading the constitutionality of the floatable care act and that the people arguing that. it was unconstitutional that they had no standing in the constitution so out of the twelve. appeals court judges that have heard this before only three of them have said that it's unconstitutional and they are far outliers on the side that it's
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going to be one of those issues that disappearing court hopefully is not going to listen to the outliers hopefully they'll listen to the judges like the over conservative judge on the d.c. circuit has already said that it is constitutional. to what extent might the fact that there's not really a mandate here for the end of my understanding of the way the was constructed is that if you don't buy insurance you're supposed to pay extra to. axis but there's not really an unfortunate record as if you don't pay that tax or the iris can't come after you they can't pressure on the pigs like it so it's sort of like a mandate without a it without as you know without a stick i think if you don't or i'm disappointed if you don't buy insurance then you have to pay a little more in your income taxes and sort of well you don't really have to but you know yeah it's the same thing with any tax that's you don't pay the taxes then it's even a tax and they'll come after you for that not that you did but there is a force there isn't force ok i you know so the supreme court always back and
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a lot of this has to do with the congress calls yes the commerce clause the constitution basically gives the federal government the right to regulate commerce among between various states it's the language of repair. and back in twenty four and givens versus our. judge john marshall marshall was put on the court eighteen hundred by john adams he was arguably the first conservative member of the supreme court he's the one who grabbed it for review in eighty three and more reverses may have something john marshall is a lot to answer for but in this case in this. in eight hundred twenty four he basically said the federal government has the right to regulate interstate commerce it's in the constitution so that's a little unsettled two hundred years ago but so what's the argument that these people are making basically how i'm understanding is that people are saying that the federal government cannot regulate it if they are they can't force you to buy
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something they can only regulate it if you are buying something but if you look at the commerce clause let's congress regulate commerce the part of the economy that you're talking about health care is months that from our economy what other important part of life out there is there that congress can't really big congress needs to regulate you know dealing with something that is an enormous part of our economy and it's incredibly costly and costs are only going to continue rising so it's having this law people are being told ok you need to buy health insurance now rather than wait until when you need it because otherwise if everybody can just wait until they need health insurance it's going to be so costly for our system that we're all going bankrupt anyway how are the arguments that are being made similar or dissimilar from arguments made about civil rights. i'm not sure about a civil rights argument so i think it's one of those things that nobody ever wants to be forced to accept change that's probably about the closest you can get so people people don't want to accept it they don't want to think that oh we have to have health insurance just as people thought it will we don't have to allow blacks
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to you know white counters and. i think at the time that those kinds of decisions were made america was white america and we started to change their opinions. to revisit the thought of the time. with regard to obamacare we're seen now. pieces of it have gone into effect you know twenty six year olds and some price controls and things. more than fifty percent of americans are now in support of obamacare i think it's great to talk about things in the abstract as far as that oh well there's this thing out there that's going to really hurt you once it's in place but once it's in place and people figure out that it's not hurting them so much public opinion is kind of starting to be on the side of obama's health care reform law in this case in the court very often. follows public opinion sometimes of thought it was a generation. you know going back to the entry to today they very often do. a ruling is expected in late june what do you think in the minute we have left here
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what do you think the political consequences of that ruling will be in either direction it's definitely to dominate the last stand of the presidential election i think it all depends on what the ruling is that either way it's either the supreme court goes the opposite direction this number leave a way inside this unconstitutional and we have to back up from there but most likely i think the supreme court will decide it's constitutional and then president obama can spend the last part of his month campaigning for reelection explaining even more as to why this law is so great for people and i think it's going to highlight for people the stakes in the presidential election because you know as it decides on the supreme court it's probably going to be a few openings coming up in the next four or five years given the age and health of everybody who's only when you stack the supreme court all the things people care about this remarkable man thanks so much really think you. who know so the supreme court will rule but one thing is for sure our nation can't make it much longer without true health care reform and by that i personally mean a single payer system state of vermont is on its way to an act in such a system as also is montana so if other states follow suit every once and has
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access to medicare part d. for everyone. it's time for the good the bad and the very very emotionally ugly or good. makana the hawaiian guitars led to gig playing at the asian pacific economic cooperation forum in honolulu over the weekend and realizing he was in a room full of leaders including president obama and the business interests in qana didn't let the opportunity go to waste and down the shirt reading occupied with a little and played a song he wrote called we are the many for forty five minutes as the world will be with them afterward years so strike you that. so i just came from
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playing the world leaders' dinner at apec here in honolulu for the obama's and i guess nineteen or twenty other world leaders so i showed up and did my gig and i started to look around and talk. about the song i just wrote called where the menu . and it was an incredible experience to sing the words those words to that room people. great job the bad the schole are you hypnotized bachmann and this weekend's republican debate bachmann urged the united states to be more like china though it really should it take a look. at what i would want to do is be able to go back and take a look at lyndon baines johnson was the great society the great society has now worth and it's put us into the fire and welfare state if you look at china they don't have food stamps if you look at china they're in a very different such
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a base save for their own retirement security they don't have a f e c they don't have the modern welfare state and china's. somehow i don't think that'll fly too well with the wife. and the very very ugly very voice clear voice clear is running against democratic congressman keith ellison of minnesota congressman ellison is a muslim so boyce cleric a campaign ad drenched in so much islamophobia and eight even you tube won't play it saying that a volatile violates their policy on shocking and disgusting. take a look. congressman ellison swore an oath to uphold the constitution on a qur'an the qur'an says christians and jews are infidels the koran says christians are blessed beamers who should have their hands and be cut off and that they should be crucified and killed do you really want someone representing you who swears an
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oath on a koran a book that undermines our constitution and says you should be killed i'm very boy clear and i approve this message. bizarre i was jefferson's five all around by the way clearly voiced claire knows nothing about islam and that's a very. crazy alert the next evolution pigeons and stockholm sweden are now frequent travelers on the underground metro corridor metro officials the pigeons stand calmly at the platform and wait for the subway train to arrive but it does they get on travel one stop jump off and then head for their favorite haunts pigeons travel one stop from their homes to a stock on district known for its cafes and shops where the pigeons know there's going to be plenty of food at the end of the day the pigeons get back on the
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underground metro and ride it back to their homes and after officials are trying to shoot the pigeons away from the trains but as one man said they'd behave well while on board and don't seem to be making much of a mouse they also choose to live travel later in the day cleverly avoiding rush hour. perhaps that's because they don't want to be stepped on and reveal their true robotic nature of computer wires and chips that's right the robotic pigeons from planet zero have now started using our public transportation the takeover of the world could be just around the corner. next rupert murdoch's new york post accuses occupy wall street of hurting local businesses what's hurt local business even more answer in tonight's guilty. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through to be made who can you trust no one who is in view with
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a global missionary see where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called nationals when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. so than those you know what you know and sometimes you know what you don't know and sometimes as the fires and theatres as everything you know is wrong and i don't
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think you're wrong if you are you're right. i'll just make. sure. you're always wrong. in everything you know is wrong my expert guests challenge the conventional wisdom on the very things that most of us just assumed to be the truth even though we've never really stopped to think about the real story behind the separate norms and i would take a look at child rearing we were in raising joe there's a disturbing connection between child abuse and son sects within christian fundamentalism you might think that a home that abides by strict religious morals may be a suitable place for a child to grow up everything you know is wrong frank schaefer joins me now he's a writer and author of the book crazy for god how i grew up as one of the elect helped found the religious right and would take most of all of it back to frank welcome it's nice to be with you again thank you for joining us what's the
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rationale behind beating children when jesus speaking of. i would assume something like this but the punishment for child abuse was worse than having a millstone hung around your neck or being thrown into the sea. yeah well you know it goes back to that passage that spare the rod spoil the child and they kind of strict interpretation of the bible the fundamentalists have got to understand this is the same group that has fringe elements that talk about the bible calling for the execution of gay people that women should submit to men xander xander a so this is not an isolated incident of talent he aimed at children instead of worldview which is hierarchical strict and at times brutal and has come to the fore with a couple of books recently one by michael and patty pearl it calls for beating children starting at six months of age with a stick and sometimes shoving them outside into the cold
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a couple of kids have died in their criminal complaints now from people who have been reading their book and obviously taken things probably further than the authors intended but when you couple it with the teachings of bill gothard who has following of millions and even jellicoe mainstream and then dr dobson started focus on the family who in one of his books in the ninety's talked about how he beat a dog. and and taught him to submit to him and then transfer a bad idea to child psychology it isn't just a couple of isolated incidents or a couple of cult figures you know there's a large homeschool movement in america most people in our movement would be saying decent parents but there are places in america where we have kids who are growing up in circumstances that are probably more akin to what some child is experiencing in a brutal taliban controlled village in afghanistan than anything people would consider to be the american way so this isn't left right democrat republican this is just an
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interest either into a local slash fundamentalist christianity of a certain type and again i say not by any means all evangelicals but there is a swath and i think the scary thing is how many know. eons of car built our third books have sold almost a million copies of this book by the pearls has sold and of course dr dobson has a worldwide following on focus on the family and he's a huge advocate of spanking says we are to spank very own children until they collapse sobbing into loving arms but that's a weird definition of loving arms and as a father of three kids and be proud grandfather of four little wonderful grandchildren. you know something like that just makes my blood run cold and it also brings up a really ironic point you know the evangelicals are leading the charge against gay marriage responsible gay men and women marrying each other to raise often children who would have no parents whatsoever because they're adopted from agencies that
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have trouble placing kids foster kids to put you know these responsible parents are called illegitimate by you and joe it wasn't here you don't hear the more mainstream evangelicals who might not agree with its teaching denouncing it so it's just it's telling to me that it's even exist in christian bookstores carry these books that pastors teach from them the result is a lot of little kids crying themselves to sleep at night with welts on their back or locked in a cold dark cellar wrapped in called cloth as one of these books advocates all in the name of jesus so it boggles the mind and it's horrific frank in in mormonism the mormon sect. is openly polygamous f l f l l l the whatever it is. you know is a is a clearly defined a fringe group that has a specific identity in a specific location. this seems to cut right across the evangelical movement in
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different churches that may identify themselves even with different denominations one line bad just another i mean you know church of god in their mind is do i have that right. absolutely i mean if you look at somebody like bill kaffir he's what's called a eric church leader in other words he doesn't have a denomination but millions of followers back in the eighty's he was conducting summer i was with him then you can see to twenty thousand and pack them out and it would be thirty hours of instruction and some on discipline for instance one of the things he taught related to this was that you can get married to your parents your father chose a spouse for you you have to live at home a single. has homes he has fifteen fourteen homes that often state agencies put quote troubled youth and i'm talking about ten year old little girls now not eighteen year old juvenile delinquents but look at it and in a number of states this is well documented in the media and by the way i have a piece on both alternate and huffington post if people want to go to the links and
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and look at. where they're being investigated for absolute incredible child particularly kids me made sudden puddles of their own urine beaten with a paddle fourteen times by older teenagers put in isolation for days at a time this has actually been going on and has been alleged to be going on and is being investigated right thirty is not built i think is not a fringe figure buildout it is mainstream it time even jellicoe era church organization and there are other figures like it might be pearls who printed books and then you know bill gothard and they all basically reacted against what they called secularism and wanted to bring back discipline against. you know the background of dr spock coming out of the sixty's and what they regarded was license. started saying well we've got to start spanking again and now this is gone to a level where. it's almost a kind of a political statement that we're not liberals you know we're not going to stand to
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you hold our kids won't be gay you know we're going to spank you go out and that's the attitude and then it goes a step further like with pearls for instance in their book you train a child advocates using a plumbing to leave and tells you where to buy it at lowe's or home depot used kind of a plumbing implement it's made out of plastic now entering metal and so it really get their attention frank time but. i've read your article and often and it's truly remarkable thanks so much for being here with us tonight you're welcome thanks for having me. now everything you know about christian fundamentalism and child raising is right but there's more that you should know ever heard of dr daniel gottlieb morris which. showed up in eight hundred fifty eight seems like a long time ago one hundred fifty years ago there was a series of books that the sky wrote they were the bestselling books in the german language they were in virtually every german home most people had several copies of
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several different of his books and what he advocated was that children must never cry that you should spank them when you do this was an eight hundred fifty eight these books were still in fact not just still being sold in the one nine hundred thirty s. but when the nazis came to power hitler was pushing these books and this is this was you know don't huddle cuddle your kids don't hold your kids don't coddle them if they cry spank them when they do in fact he wrote master the crying baby through frightening it and you will be master the child forever from then on a glance a word a single threatening gesture will be sufficient to control the child and the consequence of this is several generations of compliant damaged order following orders following germans came out of this and some would argue let us in the world wars wanted too. so the opposite end of that spectrum is what sweden did nine hundred seventy eight and one hundred seventy eight sweden banned to spanking and the time
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seventy percent of swedes oppose the law needed through the parliament anyway and when the law a generation later the children who were raised in a spanking less society only ten percent oppose the war in one thousand nine hundred seven and sweden has now become famous for being a peaceful society in the united states there are no federal laws against corporal punishment in spanking and only nineteen states ban it in my opinion it's time to ban corporal punishment right across the board states. according to rupert murdoch's paper the new york post occupy wall street has cost businesses around zuccotti park nearly half a million dollars so far right wing newspaper reports the business owners are
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complaining at the sight of the patriots organizing nearby deters customers from shopping or dining inside you know like most things that come out of rupert murdoch's media empire from the wall street journal the g.o.p. t.v. you know auctions to the new york post you have to question whether or not this report is true and true or not it certainly nors the millions of dollars coming into manhattan because of zuccotti park what's going on there but let's ignore that part and pretend for a moment that the murdoch report in the new york post actually is true that occupy wall street actually is costing some nearby businesses a few hundred thousand dollars raises the question. find that not be a small price to pay to fix a corrupt economic system run by banks toure's who cost our economy. really i'm
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not hundreds not thousands not billions not millions but trillions of dollars consider these numbers today only fifty eight percent of americans have a job thanks to the bankers economic meltdown and george w. bush's republican great recession today only fifty three million people actually not only fully fifty three million people are without health insurance thanks to a health care system that only benefits the one percent today thanks to the one percent economy forty nine million americans live in poverty including one out of every five children today forty four million americans are on food stamps nearly half of them children today thanks to the one percent economy that has sent nearly all of the new wealth created in our nation since one nine hundred eighty to just the top one percent the average annual income for americans is
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a measly twenty six thousand two hundred sixty one dollars that's because the typical hourly wage is going up just over a dollar twenty three over the last thirty six years so since people don't have enough money to pay for rising food energy health care and education costs in this new one percent economy and people have to my credit cards to compensate and sink deeper and deeper into debt today the average american household is burden with over seventy five thousand dollars in debt and consider this while the new york post is reporting that occupy wall street is costing businesses a few hundred thousand dollars american families today are seven point seven trillion dollars poorer than they were in two thousand and seven before the banks toure's who surround was a great part crashed our economy so isn't that what the new york post should really be focusing on. after wall street isn't free but maybe business is losing out on some customers and maybe a local government pain police officers overtime to crack down on occupy wall street even though they probably don't have to think of those lost money as an
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investment occupy wall street is an investment today so that our economy doesn't get swindled by the top one percent for the next thirty years ago has for the last three years and whatever lost revenue some of the shots there's a college park maybe missing out on imagine what kind of damage would be done with out occupy wall street and with banks toure's running around the wild again like they did back in two thousand that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website so tom harkin dot com please speech that we're going to. also check out our two you tube channels there are links to tom harkin dot com it's our show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free time when i phones and i had happened yesterday he said his feedback on twitter and tom underscore harben on facebook a time underscore arbonne blogs message boards and so on and. and don't forget democracy begins with you you show off it would actually get out there and get
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