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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EST

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you know it's time for a look at the headlines now arundhati russia the arab league for deciding to expel syria and imposing sanctions and mass rallies in the troubled country as the pressure piles on the regime syrian opposition leaders are coming to moscow to secure support for greenpeace at home. unelected bankers and economists take the reins in greece and italy to tackle the ever rising debt levels italian it premiers president doesn't see his job as a temporary fix wants to stay in charge until twenty. greece's new need is practicing and securing the bailout. thousands of american
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protesters well they won't be defeated by arrests and raids demonstrators in oakland california marching back to their camp after police try to dismantle it and move it treated clashes. the battle for votes for a place in russia's parliament is underway and this time it's tougher than ever see here it is and this is the chances. well look. it's a technology innovation all the moves the elements from around russia we've got the future covered.
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hello again a waltz into the spotlight video for the shout on the arctic albury while they there were talking about russia and politics there were two thousand pain i was officially kicked off in russia seven parties will be frightening for seats in the state duma the lower chambre of the russian politics the general election will take place under several folks and this time it may be quite different the m.p.'s will serve for five years instead of four and the first shelf the candidates have to overcome has been raised making the struggle tense and more intriguing over the course of the campaign spotlight will give you a unique opportunity to hear from the leaders of all the parties first up today is unbelievably naive believe it or how they lie because. russia's most famous shopping mall symbol the cliff faces the kremlin money and power have always
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gone hand in hand the soviet regime however some of the to grow were plods now the business is back its claim in the chair of the decision making these days the right schools political party describe in itself as pro-business is fighting for the seats in the state duma the right political party was born three years ago as he was not really a group parties none who each managed to cross the seven percent threshold to gain a seat in the. thousand and seven state duma election almost immediately after the party emerged it was in ruled in a scandal as they anticipated hoddle its most diligent branch give guinea churkin phone of a major move while fooling tailing russia full of the country off to criminal charges were brought against him the first major political test for the right cause in moscow c. to do my election in two thousand and nine the party failed to get any seats it was
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not until the some of the party became the focus of media attention it was when one of russia's richest businessman and owner of the new jersey nets basketball team broker a became the party's leader however in september right was party members voted to oust the tycoon live in a time show voters possible go over a decision taken just three months before the election the party's leader now is under a deny of who had been hot of the executive committee of the right because since the first days of a body's existence. hello mr deny and thank you for joining us today first of all could you explain to our viewers does the word rights and the right course title mean opposite to the left's . isn't the right thing to do. he stands for both the right thing to do and the
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right wing politically. according to you i quote stagnation is very likely to happen in the country you said yourself that you were willing to leave the country that you were reluctant to send your children to a russian school what is the reason behind this hopelessness. no hopelessness on the contrary i'm leaving now all right cause party into the state duma to ensure that people like me would not feel hopeless but would rather leave a more confident and stable life in this country what i would want to see in russia is not the new to stability something that often used as a euphemism for the word stagnation rather want to see a developing country russia should be a developing country should you believe that your presence in this the duma would trust you change the situation. this would give us a platform to influence the situation and this doesn't mean we would be able to bring about a complete overhaul we don't expect to win the majority in the state do more form a faction that will seriously compete with that of the ruling party for instance
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but we would have the platform and deride to put forward our legislative initiatives so if there is a feature of the russian spirit. i think it is the seat of the stay do mother parliaments of the kremlin so that we have the opportunity to implement our creative ideas or we will move abroad can the people do it on their own without a platform like that. wait a minute where are the kind of a political party that unites people who are willing to change things party and i don't just mean myself is the only group that consists of absolutely new people otherwise none of the political leaders present in these states. duma have been able to make a difference over the past twenty two years. i don't mean their record has been that. there were a lot of things done but now the time has come for new blood because we've seen the same faces for twenty five years. it's well this means stability what's wrong with
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that stability is great but people get older and all kinds of things can happen to them so what comes next will their apologies be disbanded because they've always been one leader. that's not right by the way out a party doesn't have a single leader it's all about a team sharing the same political views even. going to stem from your election campaign and the one that had been on before you think the helm of the party. people that's right because you know it's one to second place holding the party in power or else they will leave a country. sounds like a bad ideology according to the official statistics one point five thousand people have been moving abroad from our country daily literally trains packed with people leave daily there's only one way to stop this process that is to ensure these people are in demand here mainly is the most successful and self-sufficient
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individuals that i don't mean the wealthiest i mean those who don't have the opportunity to apply their skills and talents here and you just some obstacles we can certainly stick to a policy of just letting them google the development of every society depends on the most active part of the population. i'm part of the generation i'm one of the class of these self-sufficient people. i emphasize again it's not the wealthy but rather self-sufficient people who basically have everything they need. we can probably afford wine a new car every three years and sending children to private schools here in russia and doing other things. people like me cannot leave without an opportunity to climb the. social ladder in a situation where you can gain access to power through one party only. this situation is not acceptable for us of the within the party carries springboard for you personally no it's not as you know i became
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a member with sleeper ship as soon as i joined it once again for me this party is an association of like minded people who help me and all of us to do what we think is necessary in russia people don't like the region so well known facts and even foreigners are aware of that's what groups do expect to support you. as a senator even you mention them it's exactly those who sit at homes and often talk of leaving the country along with their families. for those who stand firm on their feet and do not discuss possible migration but you don't see any prospects or a chance for any further prospects for themselves as well as for the children this group of citizens should come and vote for us so i would i think those who seriously intend to leave the country will not vote at all is they're not interested in it but those among you who are willing to state i would rather vote for the ruling party. you know let's give them the right to make their own choice so i think the main point is to get people to vote a tool i agree with you on this one eventually it's less important party they vote
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for but they should always have the right to say that they have voted on not filtered for one party or another. and the expect in the december election i think sixty to seventy percent of the most sixty to seventy percent is that what your analysis shows yes another quote of yours on the situation is policy earlier this year we wanted a leader for our policy our ideas and views ahead of the stadium or election campaign game going to guarantee the accuracy of these quotes and that's what i have here while you're the party essentially hand the rights of the leaders choice over to someone else on that song by their presidential news right and so to speak . first of all the party didn't actually hand this ride to the presidential administration it's just the job of the latter to contact all registered parties and perhaps even a non-registered once to see if there are only seven registered parties today any of them draws the attention of the country's leaders rather than the presidential
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administration i want to stress this fact it is obviously the president gives certain tasks to be administration and the administration's officials are obliged to fulfill them. secondly breve background information says that the party has been operating for three years only it's made up of three parties has the point of its foundation there was a tree in the rate of political leaders who had to make all political and management decisions unanimously. but in terms of their personality as they were absolutely different certainly they all shared liberal views which meant there were no ideological contradictions between them about their personalities are quite different and it was very difficult for virtually impossible to make any management decisions at this situation was good when the party was just founded on all three parties were equal in the integration process. but once they were united definitely the pattern had to change and we were expecting to see just one person heading the
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. i stress it wasn't meant to be a single leader but rather a formal leader because. we expected for it to take place in the summer of twenty ten however it didn't happen then for various reasons or. is it true that they were discussing the candidacy of mr could ring the then finance minister i believe so i didn't participate in those talks though but i believe it was so according to media reports and my own guessing and implicit comments by certain individuals mr baez discussed this matter with the president but it's quite possible that mr candidacy was not supported by his superior of the time the prime minister. who. proposed to make mr prosser of the party's leader. as if he were about to start the election campaign and we realize that our triumvirate would not be helpful if not harmful for us mr prothero made
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his proposal and we responded immediately and certainly his candidacy was recommended if not approved by the president as well as prime minister but at our first meeting and we did a standard mistake we didn't ask him where they hear really supported liberal views or right wing views. we just assumed that since he had achieved that much in the country he would want to keep all his achievements and lead the party so that's the cause than your model unfortunately that was a mistake. it was the proper for the mistake yes we'll talk about that in the minutes just to remind you the. leader of the right political party is my guest michel. today spotlight will be back in a minute or so after a break so stay with us. a
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very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on the polls seem to play at. least intensely a good chance to try to get the status of the human experiments good splitting up with. the weakest you approximates rap music because it goes to the absolutely trysts sensibly economy and it's on changelings us financial to the research clamoring to maintain our confidence in markets in particular wants to be seen
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trade imbalances recession look even the nation's close to collapsing the subprime loans close. to fail so we played the game feel it will make things us crash and imminent smashed ceiling team feels like because it finishes in athens greece the i.m.f. spokesman just programs increase the total economy. the libs. just said.
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welcome back the spotlight i'll do you know of in just a reminder that my guest there is very good and i have the leader of the right political party let's bring mr the knife the last thing you sent before the break was that choosing me co-processor of the party's leader was a mistake i think that was both his and your mistake imo slight it was also the mistake of the presidential restraint as this whole affair was called united with this many people tend to believe the game saw a procrit intrigue both these emergencies removal was part of a plan masterminded by the kremlin what we get of cleanly devilish plan yes they
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thing that we can service was deliberately staged from beginning to end do you believe that no i don't believe it indeed there had been consultations between mr crocker of and myself and the presidential administration but the concern routine issues and never went outside the scope of general information just as you see each one of the tasks all the ministration to be updated on where the various political parties stand and what their election genders are. it is a no win then to impose any opinions in this case mr prosser of the nomination was you knew vocally embraced by the administration but i thought that as for the developments that ensued the administration had no c. played no role in ousting prothro from party leadership there is in people that had almost unanimously elected as the party leader in june voted him out in september also next unanimously. obviously the administration could never have influenced the vote of so many delegates but they got to you have surprisingly discipline part of
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members they voted to proffer one toll so then they voted seamounts when they would still choose a bad guy the same general get still so what if you don't wrong a magic. he could have fallen out of the kremlin people but how could he says an entire posse ok when i discuss mr prosser of right now of course if you find that interesting we're discussing your politics members so what is a really high level of party discipline. in the situation was a very simple instead of continuing to position the right course as a liberal or at least a right wing party is a broker of decided to position himself rather than the party as a politician with different views which definitely weren't liberal or whether that was made explicit by his staffing choices which by the way we were often hestia and grounded thus he dismissed a thousand three hundred members from the party in petersburg with a single stroke of pen. closer to the end of his chairmanship he single handedly
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dissolved the regional party branch involved formally it was dissolved by the party's federal political council but in fact the council never issued such a resolution it was falsified there is one more thing that i have to tell you although i don't mean to accuse prohibiting self control of the people he had appointed they started extorting money from prospective nominees for the election you can say they offered the party ballot for sale naturally all the party members didn't like that so the message was if you want to be you a member of parliament with our party just put up the money absolutely right going the way programs himself invested heavily in the policy as far as i know you've returned almost all that money so how we going to raise money now we are definitely very short on money now besides the parties now in a tighter spot in terms of organization the regional branches the proper of has dissolved our reluctantly returning to the party and far from all of them are
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willing to come back we have less money now but we still have don't need it and i'd like to emphasize that they support the party's ideology rather than a particular only ork however their contributions are certainly a long shot from brokers and best. if is a billionaire you're also a very rich person do you also get your personal money i'm not a rich person i'm rather dependent but not for the rich so you doing tonight your own money you know i can put up my own money but there's no point in discussing that by the way my company had also invested in the party long before mr prothero joined them but at the end of the day if that is not the money that can provide for an election campaign. how much can i muster at one hundred two hundred or five hundred thousand rubles at most so. as far as i know when you graduated from the university or a ten years ago and i first university the first one you went to working for the physically did working for the f.s.b. appealed to you back then i want maisie's stones and you can read later on. this is
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. my first university because i love the profession is the age of fourteen i constantly tinkered with my father's car i was fond of mathematics mechanics and automobiles i like that. i also had another sacred dream i had always wanted to be in the military my father was a serviceman this is so happened that after the university i was offered a contract with the federal security service at the time i actually went in for martial arts so which was a sports related occupation my wife subsequently took another turn to. finish my f.s.b. career being a senior criminal investigator tenuously i was starting to get a law degree to gauging various trials was a unique experience for a young man like me i still consider myself young now but back then it was all the more an insightful experience what made me quit the f.s.b. i think it was the realisation by the time that i had a family to support i didn't want to take bribes or get an additional job i simply
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wanted to make enough to sustain a family and as the salaries at the time did not provide for now does it as we work allowed to simply be. i don't know how it's now they say there is no such thing as a former f.b.i. agent is that an exaggeration my service record testifies that i'm a reservist all right you're just like mr putin you're graduated from university did not allow to join the f.s.b. now you're in politics your major milestones are somewhat similar to his own play that's a confusing comparison and putin is also one of cause if you notice especially soviet vintage vehicles like the projects of all the well this is not intended similarity was it your love of sport that prompted you to make tennis player returns a number three in your party list she's not the most successful tennis player in russia or the georgian last name to boot. actually her last name is a perfect illustration of our party's stance on the issue with misty among others in essence we may have the various ethnic groups in russia but we don't really have
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an issue with this a take it has been falsely inflated and the fact that ownership it does is on our list. proves that we don't care about ethnic origin. i would nothing against dani i know her personally she's a very nice girl that she will this is not a politician why do you need her as number three just to have a face on your complaint costas that's definitely how i am prone to criticize myself for being entrenched because i've already been in politics for three years but arnie's new to politics where positioning ourselves as a party of new people in politics and is not just p.r. most of us are indeed freshman to really think that's how it would work as an m.p. if you get elected i think so what choice has she got your members in the previous election many celebrities with campaign for a certain party would confess they wouldn't actually work in parliament once elected. that all parties strongly against using celebrities as campaign mascots that's why we don't do business with thought is that resort to such practices i
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won't name the party everybody knows what i mean. but you do your shame don't as far as i know in your election commercial you should offer a prison. cvs of all the parties which is the communists i know i'm wrong we as you put bill is against them this is the right image. but anyway we don't welcome the so-called locomotives everybody we have on our party list will work in the state duma if they win the seat. and he's ready to work your share of the votes you expect so when i do hold that we will manage the seven percent threshold we're trying our best so you're running on the conditions of yes it's another restaurant until or a full fledged action and how much is this drop in seeing is it from percent yes so it was previously used to be a vote threshold is now struck and if you supply a seven percent barrier you will have a fraction all right in the beginning if you interview you clearly define your
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position to the general good words about the need to create conditions for people to stay in the country nope not in your opinion is for them what is the beauty they like about producing inventive and they seem we don't like illusions that are being imposed on society what's the main illusion which the travelling is imposing on me and its stability very thing in society because there's no stability in the absence of stability is one thing moreover it's a period of stagnation in the country and there is a possibility of a total economic standstill on the worst sense of this word we're going to have problems with translation because new stagnation also means standstill. control sorry i'm think about. the budget i was strong in your opinion people in russia like stability it's good. there is an illusion of stability in russia. illusions we have a jury parliament which is not a defacto place for discussions we have a jury public chamber of which we don't need to have to because it's superseding the parliament we should have decent representatives of our society we have an
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illusion that there is an army this is one hundred percent illusion because inflatable tanks are the only thing that has left all that army they have some a bit exaggerating. we probably have some kind of armed forces now but they are in a desperate state many people accuse me and all the democrats of ruining the russian armed forces but it's not us who did that the armed forces were destroyed in the early nineties by people who discredit the liberal ideas in russia. as for me i consider myself a liberal but i also feel sorry for russia that it has lost all its naval bases abroad. mistaken couldn't used to be the greatest liberal in the government and he was the one who opposed various plans to spend more money on defense this is a kind of a vicious circles i'm going to go getters and you go out i'm not even talking about increasing defense spending they need to steal less corruption in the government defense all amounts to seventy percent is just horrible corruption levels are
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higher than in road construction in fact what we need to do is to increase control list money so far we've only heard empty talk we're also talking about that because we don't have an opportunity to organize parliamentary control over how this money is being spent we're fighting for it we need to optimize military spending rather than cutting it and that was called and said i'm not saying that we should increase defense spending and simply raise the sellers of servicemen on the ones where word no that wouldn't be right we simply need to take an optimized and balanced approach thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that right guest on the show today was and they do that if the leader of the right calls for party and they're safer now for all of us here if you want to have yourselves part right just get out there like the spotlight will be back with more first and comment on what's going on outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take it as if.
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